# This file is part of the FreeType project # # This builds the Watcom library with Watcom's wcc386 under DOS # # You'll need Watcom's wmake # # # Invoke by "wmake -f arch\msdos\Makefile.wat" while in the "lib" directory # # This will build "freetype\lib\libttf.lib" # ARCH = arch\msdos FT_MAKEFILE = $(ARCH)\Makefile.wat FT_MAKE = wmake -h .EXTENSIONS: .EXTENSIONS: .lib .obj .c .h .obj:.;.\extend;.\$(ARCH) .c:.;.\extend;.\$(ARCH) .h:.;.\extend;.\$(ARCH) CC = wcc386 CCFLAGS = /otexanl+ /s /w4 /zq /d3 -I$(ARCH) -I. -Iextend # FIXME: should use something like OBJ = $(SRC:.c=.obj) SRC_X = ftxgasp.c ftxkern.c ftxpost.c & ftxcmap.c ftxwidth.c ftxsbit.c ftxerr18.c & ftxgsub.c ftxgpos.c ftxopen.c ftxgdef.c OBJS_X = ftxgasp.obj ftxkern.obj ftxpost.obj & ftxcmap.obj ftxwidth.obj ftxsbit.obj ftxerr18.obj & ftxgsub.obj ftxgpos.obj ftxopen.obj ftxgdef.obj SRC_M = ttapi.c ttcache.c ttcalc.c ttcmap.c ttdebug.c & ttfile.c ttgload.c ttinterp.c & ttload.c ttmemory.c ttmutex.c ttobjs.c ttraster.c & ttextend.c OBJS_M = ttapi.obj ttcache.obj ttcalc.obj ttcmap.obj ttdebug.obj & ttfile.obj ttgload.obj ttinterp.obj & ttload.obj ttmemory.obj ttmutex.obj ttobjs.obj ttraster.obj & ttextend.obj $(OBJS_X) SRC_S = freetype.c OBJ_S = freetype.obj OBJS_S = $(OBJ_S) $(OBJ_X) .c.obj: $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $[* /fo=$[*.obj libname = libttf libfile = $(libname).lib cmdfile = $(libname).lst all: .symbolic $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES=OBJS_S $(libfile) debug: .symbolic $(FT_MAKE) -f $(FT_MAKEFILE) LIB_FILES=OBJS_M $(libfile) $(libfile): $($(LIB_FILES)) wlib -q -n $(libfile) @$(cmdfile) # is this correct? Know nothing about wmake and the Watcom compiler... $(OBJ_S): $(SRC_S) $(SRC_M) $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(SRC_S) /fo=$(OBJ_S) $(cmdfile): $($(LIB_FILES)) @for %i in ($($(LIB_FILES))) do @%append $(cmdfile) +-%i clean: .symbolic @-erase $(OBJ_S) @-erase $(OBJS_M) @-erase $(cmdfile) distclean: .symbolic clean @-erase $(libfile) new: .symbolic @-wtouch *.c # end of Makefile.wat