FreeType.icc   [plain text]

#       Makefile for FTIFI using IBM VisualAge C++
# Explanation of compiler switches used:
#  -C        compile only, do not link
#  -Sp1      pack structures on byte boundaries (quite important)
#  -Ss       accept double slash (//) comments
#  -Ge-      build a DLL
#  -Rn       build a subsystem DLL; means that a special C library is
#            linked and some calls cannot be used
#  -Fo<name> create object file <name>
#  -O+       optimizations on
#  -G4       optimize for 486 (should be better for my 6x86MX, produces smaller
#            code than Pentium optimization)
# Linker switches used:
#  /DE       include debug info in executable
#  /NOE      no extended dictionary search
#  /E:2      exepack (for Warp 3 and higher)
#  /A:32     align pages of code on 32-byte boundaries (makes smaller file)
#  /DBGPACK  pack debug info

# uncomment ICCR and LNKR to build a release version
ICCR=-O+ -G4
# uncomment ICCD and LNKD to build a debug version. Note that debug and
# release version is not mutually exclusive in this case.

FreeType.dll:       $*.obj $*.def ..\lib\libttf.lib
   ilink /NOE $(LNKD) $(LNKR) $*.obj ..\lib\libttf.lib libconv.lib $*.def

FreeType.obj:       ftifi.c ftifi.h FreeType.icc
   icc $(ICCD) $(ICCR) -C -Sp1 -Ss -Ge- -Rn -FoFreeType -I..\lib -I..\lib\extend -I..\lib\arch\os2 ftifi.c