chapter03   [plain text]

.sp 1
.ce 3
\s+1\fBChapter 3\fP\s-1

\s+1\fBLookup Tables\fP\s-1
.sp 2
.nr H1 3
.nr H2 0
.nr H3 0
.nr H4 0
.nr H5 0
Chapter 3: Lookup Tables
.IN "lookup tables"
A lookup table is a PEX resource that allows clients
to create tables of values for various purposes.  Lookup
tables are used to support bundling of
output primitive attributes as well as for storing view information,
light source descriptions, depth-cue information, etc.
Most attributes are normally obtained directly from the current state
values of the rendering pipeline.  Certain output primitive attributes (e.g.,
line color, marker type, surface interpolation method) have a related
attribute, an aspect source flag, that indicates whether to obtain the
attribute's value from the current pipeline state or from a specific entry
in a lookup (bundle) table resource.  Other attributes (e.g., viewing,
depth-cueing parameters) are not stored as rendering pipeline state.
Rather, these attributes are always obtained from a lookup table,
and an index is stored as part of the rendering pipeline state to indicate
the lookup table entry that is to be used.
Tables may be sparse (i.e. table indices need not be contiguous), therefore
tables consist of index/entry pairs.
The index is the numeric value that is used to access the data stored
in an entry.  The range of allowable indices for each type of
table is given in the description of each table type.
An entry is the collection of information (or the data record) that
is defined for each type of table.  The table descriptions in this section
include the definition of an entry for each type of table.
A table entry may contain one or more values, depending on the table
type.  For instance, in the
.PN PEXLUTMarkerBundle
table type, each entry
in the table consists of a marker type value, a marker scale
value and a marker color value.
A lookup table may have predefined entries.  These are entries that
are filled in automatically by the server when the table is created.
Predefined table entries may be overwritten.  Each table also has
a table index that is designated as the default index.
If a specified table index is not defined, the contents
of the default table index will be used instead.  If the contents of the entry
for the
default table index are not defined, then the default attribute values
will be used.  The default index for all tables
is index one, except for the view, depth cue, and color approximation
tables, whose default index is index zero.
PEX lookup tables also support set versus realized semantics.  A lookup table
entry may be set to a value that is not exactly representable during rendering.
This does not mean that a lookup table entry may be set to a value that is not
supported by the implementation, such as enumerated types.  Supported
enumerated types are inquirable via
.PN PEXGetEnumTypeInfo .
However, some supported enumerated types may not be realizable,
and so may have to be approximated during rendering.  This
approximation is called the realized value.  Such values will be silently
mapped to an approximation during rendering.  When retrieving entry values
from a lookup table, applications may request the value as originally
specified (the set value) or the value that is actually used when rendering
(the realized value).  In many cases, the set and realized values will be the
same, but in some cases, they may not.  All predefined entries are, by
definition, realizable.
Types of Lookup Tables
The types of lookup tables defined are:
color approximation table
color table
depth cue table
edge bundle table
interior bundle table
light table
line bundle table
marker bundle table
pattern table
text bundle table
text font table
view table
Each of these types of lookup tables is described in detail 
in the following sections.
.NH 2
Color Approximation Lookup Tables
\*(SN Color Approximation Lookup Tables
.IN "color approximation table"
A color approximation table defines how a renderer will transform 
rendering pipeline color values into pixel values.
An entry in a color approximation table may be defined using
.PN PEXColorApproxEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
type - 
.PN PEXColorSpace
.PN PEXColorRange
model - 
.PN PEXColorApproxRGB ,
.PN PEXColorApproxCIE ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXColorApproxHSV ,
.PN PEXColorApproxHLS ,
.PN PEXColorApproxYIQ
.in -.5i
max1 - maximum value for first component of converted color
max2 - maximum value for second component of converted color
max3 - maximum value for third component of converted color
mult1 - multiplier for positioning first component within computed pixel value
mult2 - multiplier for positioning second component within computed pixel value
mult3 - multiplier for positioning third component within computed pixel value
weight1 - weight value for first component for
.PN PEXColorRange
weight2 - weight value for second component for
.PN PEXColorRange
weight3 - weight value for third component for
.PN PEXColorRange
base_pixel - value to add to computed pixel value
dither - hint as to whether to perform dithering
After a renderer has performed illumination, depth-cueing and clipping
operations, it is left with a rendering pipeline color that must be converted
to a displayable pixel value.  The renderer's current color approximation index
determines which entry in the color approximation table is used to perform the
conversion.  The rendering pipeline color value is first converted, only if
necessary, to a color in the color space specified by the color model.  The
type of color approximation is then applied.
If the type is
.PN PEXColorSpace ,
each component of the converted color is
scaled by the corresponding maximum value (max1, max2, max3).  These
are used by the client to indicate the number of entries in the
colormap for each color axis, minus 1.  For example, to compute a pixel value
for a 3-3-2 RGB colormap allocation, the maximum values would be 7, 7, and 3.
The resulting color components are packed into
a single pixel value by multiplying the first component by mult1, the second
by mult2, the third by mult3, and then adding those three values together
with the base pixel value.
The weight1, weight2 and weight3 values are not used for
.PN PEXColorSpace .
If the type is
.PN PEXColorRange ,
each component of the converted color from the
rendering pipeline is multiplied by its corresponding weight value, after the
weights have been normalized, and then the terms are added together to form
a single value.   The weight values can be adjusted to allow equal weighting
of the components (weights are all equal) or to minimize or eliminate one or
more of the components (one or more weights equal to 0).  For instance, the
weight values of 0.30, 0.59, 0.11 would convert an RGB value to a single-valued
intensity according to the NTSC color standard.
Next, the computed value is multiplied by max1,
which should be set to represent the number of color map entries in
the range, minus 1.  Max2 and max3 are not used.
The value is then replicated for each of
the three color components, which are then multiplied by mult1, mult2 and
mult3 respectively, and then added together with the base pixel to form the
final pixel value.
For instance, if an application desires to display its computed image on a
pseudo-color display using
gray scale, it could allocate 100 contiguous color cells in the color map, and
set max1 to the value 99, so that intensity values would be mapped into
the range [0,99].
For visuals that use a single component to create a pixel
value (e.g., PseudoColor), the application must specify the appropriate
multipliers to select the appropriate channel (e.g. multipliers of 1.0, 0.0,
and 0.0 could be used for a visual type of PseudoColor).
The use of addition rather than logical OR for composing pixel values permits
allocations where the primary components are not allocated into distinct
bit-planes.  Since some hardware allows a performance improvement if the
multiplication values are powers of two,
.PN PEXGetImpDepConstants
can be
called to get an indication of whether powers of two are preferred.
.IN "dithering"
Dither is a hint as to whether 
some attempt at dithering should be performed.  Whether dithering 
is supported (and the dithering algorithm that is used) are 
implementation-dependent.  See
.PN PEXGetImpDepConstants .
The default index for color approximation tables is index zero, and index
values may be in the range [0,65534], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Color Lookup Tables
\*(SN Color Lookup Tables
.IN "color table"
Color lookup tables (not to be confused with X color map resources)
are used when dereferencing indexed color values.
All color values in a color lookup 
table must therefore be specified as direct colors by using the
.PN PEXColorEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
type - 
.PN PEXColorTypeRGB ,
.PN PEXColorTypeCIE ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXColorTypeHSV ,
.PN PEXColorTypeHLS ,
.PN PEXColorTypeRGB8 ,
.PN PEXColorTypeRGB16
.in -.5i
value - direct color value to be used for this index
The default index for color tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [0,65534], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Depth Cue Lookup Tables
\*(SN Depth Cue Lookup Tables
.IN "depth cue table"
Depth cue tables maintain depth-cueing information.
An entry in a depth-cue table may be defined using
.PN PEXDepthCueEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
mode - 
front_plane - the Z coordinate of the front reference plane
back_plane - the Z coordinate of the back reference plane
front_scaling - scaling factor to use at front reference plane
back_scaling - scaling factor to use at back reference plane
color - type and value of color to which others attenuate
The depth-cueing computation modifies colors according to the distance from
the viewing position.  The depth-cue color indicates the color to which objects
will tend when going from the front plane to the back plane.  The front and
back scaling specify the values by which the colors will be scaled at the front
and back depth-cueing planes.  The depth-cueing computation is performed in
NPC space -- the front plane is specified as the distance to the front
depth-cueing plane in NPC coordinates and the back plane is specified as the
distance to the back depth-cuing plane in NPC coordinates.
The default index for depth cue tables is zero, and index
values may be in the range [0,65534], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Edge Bundle Lookup Tables
\*(SN Edge Bundle Lookup Tables
.IN "edge bundle lookup table"
The edge bundle lookup table maintains attributes for 
drawing edges of surface primitives.  If the attribute source flag 
has been appropriately set, surface edge attributes may be 
obtained from the edge bundle table.
An entry in an edge bundle table may be defined using
.PN PEXEdgeBundleEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
edge_flag - 
type - 
.PN PEXSurfaceEdgeSolid ,
.PN PEXSurfaceEdgeDashed ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXSurfaceEdgeDotted ,
.PN PEXSurfaceEdgeDashDot
.in -.5i
width - scale factor applied to the nominal width of surface edges
color - type and value of color to be used when drawing surface edges
The attributes stored in the edge bundle table are defined 
and used in the same fashion as the pipeline context 
attributes of the same name.
The default index for edge bundle tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Interior Bundle Lookup Tables
\*(SN Interior Bundle Lookup Tables
.IN "interior bundle lookup table"
The interior bundle table maintains attributes for 
drawing surface primitives.  If the attribute source flag has been 
appropriately set, surface attributes may be obtained from the 
interior bundle table.
An entry in an interior bundle table may be defined using
.PN PEXInteriorBundleEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
style - 
.PN PEXInteriorStyleHollow ,
.PN PEXInteriorStyleSolid ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXInteriorStylePattern ,
.PN PEXInteriorStyleHatch ,
.PN PEXInteriorStyleEmpty
.in -.5i
style_index - index to pattern or hatch style
reflection_model - 
.PN PEXReflectionNone ,
.PN PEXReflectionAmbient ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXReflectionDiffuse ,
.PN PEXReflectionSpecular
.in -.5i
interp_method - 
.PN PEXSurfaceInterpNone ,
.PN PEXSurfaceInterpColor ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXSurfaceInterpDotProduct ,
.PN PEXSurfaceInterpNormal
.in -.5i
bf_style - same as style, but for back-facing surfaces
bf_style_index - same as style_index, but for back-facing surfaces
bf_reflection_model - same as reflection_model, but for back-facing surfaces
bf_interp_method - same as interp_method, but for back-facing surfaces
surface_approx - method and tolerances used to approximate surface primitives
color - type and value of color to be used when drawing surface primitives
reflection_attr - attributes to be used when computing reflection from surface primitives
bf_color - same as color, but for back-facing surfaces
bf_reflection_attr - same as reflection_attr, but for back-facing surfaces
The attributes stored in the interior bundle table are 
defined and used in the same fashion as the pipeline context 
attributes of the same name.
The default index for interior bundle tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Light Lookup Tables
\*(SN Light Lookup Tables
.IN "light lookup table'
A light table maintains light source definitions for use in 
reflectance calculations.
An entry in a light table may be defined using
.PN PEXLightEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
type - 
.PN PEXLightAmbient ,
.PN PEXLightWCVector ,
.PN PEXLightWCPoint ,
.PN PEXLightWCSpot
direction - direction of light source (a unit length vector which points away from the light)
point - position of light source
concentration - concentration exponent
spread_angle - half-angle 
attenuation1 - light attenuation factor 1
attenuation2 - light attenuation factor 2
color - type and value of color of light source
Light type must be one of the constants
.PN PEXLightAmbient ,
.PN PEXLightWCVector ,
.PN PEXLightWCPoint ,
.PN PEXLightWCSpot .
A server implementation
may not support all light types, and may define some new ones.  (See
.PN PEXGetEnumTypeInfo .)
Depending upon the type of light, some of the values 
in a light table entry may be ignored.
An ambient light source is defined by color.  It is a non-directional light
that affects the color of all surfaces regardless of their orientation.  Each
ambient light causes a constant amount of intensity to be added to each point
in the scene.
A world coordinate vector light source (or directional light source) is defined
by direction and color.  This type of light is located at
infinity so all light rays which emanate from it are parallel when they strike
an object's surface.
A world coordinate point light source (or positional light source) is defined
by color, a position in world coordinates, and attenuation.  Positional lights
illuminate equally in all directions.  The attenuation indicates how the
intensity of the point light source drops off as a function of distance.
A world coordinate spot light source simulates the behavior
of a spotlight and is defined by direction, position, concentration, a spread
angle, attenuation and color.  The direction and spread angle specify a cone of
influence.  The direction vector is relative to the specified position, and the
spread angle is the half-angle of the cone.  The contribution of the spotlight
is zero if the point in question lies outside the cone of influence.
There may be a limit to the number of non-ambient lights that can be enabled
at one time.  See
.PN PEXGetImpDepConstants.
The default index for light tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Line Bundle Lookup Tables
\*(SN Line Bundle Lookup Tables
.IN "line bundle lookup table"
Line bundle tables maintain attributes for drawing polyline 
and curve primitives.  If the attribute source flag has been 
appropriately set, polyline and curve attributes may be obtained from 
a line bundle table.  An entry in a line bundle table may be defined using
.PN PEXLineBundleEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
type - 
.PN PEXLineTypeSolid ,
.PN PEXLineTypeDashed ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXLineTypeDotted ,
.PN PEXLineTypeDashDot
.in -.5i
interp_method - 
.PN PEXPolylineInterpNone
.PN PEXPolylineInterpColor
curve_approx - approximation method and tolerance to be used to draw curve primitives
width - scale factor applied to the nominal width of lines and curves
color - type and value of color to be used when drawing lines and curves
The attributes stored in a line bundle table are defined and used 
in the same way as the pipeline context attributes of the same name.
The default index for line bundle tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Marker Bundle Lookup Tables
\*(SN Marker Bundle Lookup Tables
.IN "marker bundle lookup table"
Marker bundle tables maintain attributes for 
drawing marker primitives.  If the attribute source flag has been 
appropriately set, marker attributes may be obtained from a 
marker bundle table.
An entry in a marker bundle table may be defined using
.PN PEXMarkerBundleEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
type - 
.PN PEXMarkerDot ,
.PN PEXMarkerCross ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXMarkerAsterisk ,
.PN PEXMarkerCircle ,
.PN PEXMarkerX
.in -.5i
scale - scale factor to be applied to marker
color - type and value of color to be used to draw markers
The attributes stored in a marker bundle table are defined and used 
in the same way as the pipeline context attributes of the same name.
The default index for marker bundle tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Pattern Lookup Tables
\*(SN Pattern Lookup Tables
.IN "pattern lookup table"
An entry in a pattern table may be defined using the
.PN PEXPatternEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
color_type - type of color values
row_count - number of rows in the colors array
col_count - number of columns in the colors array
colors - an array of colors defining the pattern
The pattern table defines the available patterns for use when the pipeline
interior style or back-facing interior style attribute is
.PN PEXInteriorStylePattern .  The interior style index and back-facing
interior style index attributes specify the table index to be used.
The colors are stored row-major with the upper-left hand cell being the first
in the list of colors followed by the remaining cells in the first row, then
the second row, and so on.
The default index for pattern tables is one, and index values may be in
the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Text Bundle Lookup Tables
\*(SN Text Bundle Lookup Tables
.IN "text bundle lookup table"
The text bundle lookup table maintains attributes for 
drawing text and annotation text primitives.  If the attribute source 
flag has been appropriately set, text and annotation text attributes 
may be obtained from a text bundle lookup table.
An entry in a text bundle table may be defined using
.PN PEXTextBundleEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
font_index - index of text font to be used
precision - 
.PN PEXStringPrecision ,
.PN PEXCharPrecision ,
.PN PEXStrokePrecision
char_expansion - horizontal character scaling factor
char_spacing - spacing to be used between characters
color - type and value of color to be used to draw text
The attributes stored in a text bundle table are defined and used 
in the same way as the pipeline context attributes of the same name.
The default index for text bundle tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
Text Font Lookup Tables
\*(SN Text Font Lookup Tables
.IN "text font lookup table"
Text font tables maintain a list of PEX and X11 font groups.
Font groups are selected using the text font index.
Inside a font group a specific font is selected by the character set attribute
of a mono encoding. (A mono encoding is a portion of a text string.)
An entry in a text font lookup table may be defined using a
.PN PEXTextFontEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
count - the number of PEX fonts in the fonts array
fonts - a pointer to the array of font identifiers
The default index for text font tables is one, and index
values may be in the range [1,65535], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
.NH 2
View Lookup Tables
\*(SN View Lookup Tables
.IN "view lookup table"
A view table maintains viewing information.  
"Views" are specified as indices, which are used to identify
the appropriate information in a view table.
An entry in the view table may be defined using the
.PN PEXViewEntry
data type which consists of the following fields:
clip_flags - a mask made up of
.PN PEXClipBack ,
'in +.5i
.PN PEXClipFront ,
.PN PEXClippingAll
.in -.5i
clip_limits - endpoints of diagonal that defines clipping volume
orientation - view orientation transformation matrix
mapping - view mapping transformation matrix
The clip limits specify the minimum and maximum values of a 
rectangular volume in normalized projection coordinates.  
Clip flags contains three flags 
that indicate whether to clip against the side, back, and front 
planes of the volume specified by clip limits.
Use the
.PN PEXClipBack ,
.PN PEXClipFront ,
.PN PEXClippingAll
(which sets all three clipping flags) for use in constructing the value for
clip flags.
The actual clipping volume for each view is a rectangular parallelpiped that is
computed by taking the intersection of the view clipping volume (determined by
the clip limits and the clip flags) and the NPC subvolume.
Orientation is a transformation matrix that maps geometry in world 
coordinates to viewing reference coordinates (also known as viewing
Mapping is a transformation matrix that maps geometry in view 
reference coordinates to normalized projection coordinates.  The mapping
transformation is typically a parallel or perspective projection.
Both of these matrices are 4-by-4 row-major matrices.  All coordinate systems
in PEX are right-handed coordinate systems.
The default index for view tables is zero, and index
values may be in the range [0,65534], of which there are n definable entries
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to obtain the value of n).
Function Descriptions
PEXCopyLookupTable - Copy Lookup Table
.IN "PEXCopyLookupTable" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
void PEXCopyLookupTable\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fIsrc_table\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fIdst_table\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fIsrc_table\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the source lookup table.
.IP \fIdst_table\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the destination lookup table.
This function copies entries from the source lookup table to
destination lookup table, after first deleting all entries in the destination
lookup table.  Both tables must already exist as valid
lookup table resources.  Both must have been created for
the same class of drawables, and both must be the same
table type.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadMatch\fP 1i
The specified lookup tables were not created with compatible drawables.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
A specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable
PEXCreateLookupTable - Create Lookup Table
.IN "PEXCreateLookupTable" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
PEXLookupTable PEXCreateLookupTable\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP\^, int \fItable_type\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fIdrawable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of a drawable.
.IP \fItable_type\fP 1i
The type of lookup table to be created (see the Description).
The resource identifier of the newly-created lookup table.
This function creates a lookup table resource of the specified type and
returns the resource identifier of the
new lookup table.  The returned identifier is used to
refer to the created lookup table.  The type of
lookup table to be created must be one of the following:
.PN PEXLUTColorApprox
.PN PEXLUTEdgeBundle
.PN PEXLUTInteriorBundle
.PN PEXLUTLineBundle
.PN PEXLUTMarkerBundle
.PN PEXLUTTextBundle
The newly-created lookup table can
only be used with drawables having the same depth and root as
the specified drawable.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadAlloc\fP 1i
The server failed to allocate the resource.
.IP \fIBadDrawable\fP 1i
The specified drawable resource identifier is invalid.
.IP \fIBadMatch\fP 1i
The specified drawable is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The specified table type is invalid.
See Also
.PN PEXFreeLookupTable
PEXDeleteTableEntries - Delete Lookup Table Entries
.IN "PEXDeleteTableEntries" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
void PEXDeleteTableEntries\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^, unsigned int \fIstart\fP\^, unsigned int \fIcount\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table.
.IP \fIstart\fP 1i
The initial table entry to be deleted.
.IP \fIcount\fP 1i
The number of entries to be deleted.
This function deletes lookup table entries from the specified lookup table,
starting at the specified entry.
Entries with index values between the start and
(start + count-1), inclusive, are deleted.  Attempts to delete
undefined entries are ignored.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The sum of start and count is too large, or index 0 is invalid for the specified table type.
See Also
.PN PEXGetTableInfo ,
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetDefinedIndices
PEXFreeLookupTable - Free Lookup Table
.IN "PEXFreeLookupTable" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
void PEXFreeLookupTable\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table.
This function deletes the association between the lookup table
resource identifier
and the lookup table.  The lookup table is freed
when no other resource references it.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable
PEXFreeTableEntries - Free Storage associated with Tables Entries Return Parameters
.IN "PEXFreeTableEntries" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
void PEXFreeTableEntries\^(\^int \fItable_type\fP\^, unsigned int \fIcount\fP\^, PEXPointer \fIentries\fP\^)
.IP \fItable_type\fP 1i
The type of table entries in the array.
.IP \fIcount\fP 1i
The number of entries in the array.
.IP \fIentries\fP 1i
An array of table entries.
This function deallocates memory returned by
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntries ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntry
.IP None 1i
See Also
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntries ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntry
PEXGetDefinedIndices - Get Lookup Table Defined Indices
.IN "PEXGetDefinedIndices" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
Status PEXGetDefinedIndices\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^, unsigned long *\fIcount_return\fP\^, PEXTableIndex **\fIindices_return\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table.
.IP \fIcount_return\fP 1i
Returns the number of returned indices.
.IP \fIindices_return\fP 1i
Returns an array of indices to defined table entries.
Zero if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.
This function returns the defined indices for the specified lookup table.
The index
of each defined table entry is returned in a list.
PEXlib allocates memory for the returned indices.
.PN XFree
should be called to deallocate the memory.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
typedef unsigned short  PEXTableIndex;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable ,
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
PEXGetPredefinedEntries - Get Lookup Table Predefined Indices
.IN "PEXGetPredefinedEntries" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
Status PEXGetPredefinedEntries\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP\^, int \fItable_type\fP\^, unsigned int \fIstart\fP\^, unsigned int \fIcount\fP\^, PEXPointer *\fIentries_return\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fIdrawable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of a drawable.
.IP \fItable_type\fP 1i
The type of lookup table (see the Description).
.IP \fIstart\fP 1i
The index of the first predefined entry to be returned.
.IP \fIcount\fP 1i
The number of predefined entries requested.
.IP \fIentries_return\fP 1i
Returns an array of predefined table entries.
Zero if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.
This function returns the predefined entries for the specified lookup
The type must be one of the following:
.PN PEXLUTColorApprox
.PN PEXLUTEdgeBundle
.PN PEXLUTInteriorBundle
.PN PEXLUTLineBundle
.PN PEXLUTMarkerBundle
.PN PEXLUTTextBundle
Predefined entries are those automatically filled with valid data
when a lookup table is created.
The query is conducted based on the assumption that the
lookup table would be used on drawables with the same root and depth as
the specified drawable.  The function returns at most the specified number of
entries, starting with the specified entry index.
The number of entries requested can not be larger than the number of predefined
entries.  Call
.PN PEXGetTableInfo
to determine the number of predefined entries.
Entries in the returned list depend on the type specified.
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
for the structure types.
PEXlib allocates the memory for the returned table entries.
.PN PEXFreeTableEntries
should be called to deallocate the memory.
Data Structures
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
typedef void *PEXPointer;
typedef char *PEXPointer;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadDrawable\fP 1i
The specified drawable resource identifier is invalid.
.IP \fIBadMatch\fP 1i
The specified drawable is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The specified table type is invalid or unsupported, start is less than the
minimum predefined entry, the sum of start and count is greater than the
maximum predefined entry, or index 0 is not valid for the specified table type.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified table type is unsupported.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable ,
.PN PEXGetTableInfo ,
.PN PEXGetDefinedIndices ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntry ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntries ,
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
PEXGetTableEntries - Get Lookup Table Entries
.IN "PEXGetTableEntries" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
Status PEXGetTableEntries\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^, unsigned int \fIstart\fP\^, unsigned int \fIcount\fP\^, int \fIvalue_type\fP\^, int *\fItable_type_return\fP\^, PEXPointer *\fIentries_return\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table from which
the table entries are to be obtained.
.IP \fIstart\fP 1i
The index of the first lookup table entry to be returned.
.IP \fIcount\fP 1i
The number of entries requested.
.IP \fIvalue_type\fP 1i
The type of values to return
.Pn ( PEXSetValue
.PN PEXRealizedValue ).
.IP \fItable_type_return\fP 1i
Returns the type of table.
.IP \fIentries_return\fP 1i
Returns an array of table entries.
Zero if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.
This function returns the values associated with a range of contiguous table
indices, starting at the specified entry index.
If a table entry in the requested range is
not defined, the default entry for a table of this type is returned.
The type of entries in the returned list depend on the returned table type.
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
for the structure types.
If the requested value type is 
.PN PEXSetValue ,
the values returned will be those originally set in the table entry.
If the requested value type is 
.PN PEXRealizedValue ,
the values returned will be those actually used during rendering (i.e. the
values used if the specified entry value can not be exactly matched).
PEXlib allocates the memory for the returned entries.
.PN PEXFreeTableEntries
should be called to deallocate the memory.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
typedef void *PEXPointer;
typedef char *PEXPointer;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The sum of start and count is too large, or index 0 is invalid for the specified table type.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable ,
.PN PEXGetTableInfo ,
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetDefinedIndices ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntry ,
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
PEXGetTableEntry - Get Lookup Table Entry
.IN "PEXGetTableEntry" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
PEXPointer PEXGetTableEntry\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^, unsigned int \fIindex\fP\^, int \fIvalue_type\fP\^, int *\fIstatus_return\fP\^, int *\fItable_type_return\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table.
.IP \fIindex\fP 1i
The index of the entry to be returned from the lookup table.
.IP \fIvalue_type\fP 1i
The type of values to return
.Pn ( PEXSetValue
.PN PEXRealizedValue ).
.IP \fIstatus_return\fP 1i
Returns the entry status, either
.PN PEXDefinedEntry
if the specified lookup table entry is defined or
.PN PEXDefaultEntry
if it is undefined.
.IP \fItable_type_return\fP 1i
Returns the type of table.
A pointer to the lookup table entry; a null pointer if unsuccessful.
This function returns a single entry from the specified lookup table.
If the specified lookup table entry is defined, the defined
entry is returned.  If the specified lookup table entry is not
defined, the default entry for that type
of table is returned.
The type of structure returned depends on the specified type.
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
for the structure types.
If the requested value type is 
.PN PEXSetValue ,
the values returned will be those originally set in the table entry.
If the requested value type is 
.PN PEXRealizedValue ,
the values returned will be those actually used during rendering (i.e. the
values used if the specified entry value can not be exactly matched).
PEXlib allocates memory for the returned entry.
.PN PEXFreeTableEntries
should be called to deallocate the memory.
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
typedef void *PEXPointer;
typedef char *PEXPointer;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
Index 0 is invalid for the specified table type.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable ,
.PN PEXGetTableInfo ,
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetDefinedIndices ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntries ,
.PN PEXSetTableEntries
PEXGetTableInfo - Get Lookup Table Information
.IN "PEXGetTableInfo" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
Status PEXGetTableInfo\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, Drawable \fIdrawable\fP\^, int \fItable_type\fP\^, PEXTableInfo *\fIinfo_return\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fIdrawable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of a drawable.
.IP \fItable_type\fP 1i
The type of lookup table (see the Description).
.IP \fIinfo_return\fP 1i
Returns the lookup table information.
Zero if unsuccessful, non-zero otherwise.
This function returns information about the specified type of
lookup table.
The type of lookup table must be one of the following:
.PN PEXLUTColorApprox
.PN PEXLUTEdgeBundle
.PN PEXLUTInteriorBundle
.PN PEXLUTLineBundle
.PN PEXLUTMarkerBundle
.PN PEXLUTTextBundle
The returned information is based on the assumption that
the lookup table would be used on drawables with the same root
and depth as specified drawable.  The returned information includes the
number of predefined table entries, the number of definable table
entries, and the indices of the predefined minimum and maximum entries.
Predefined entries are contiguous.  The number of definable table entries
includes the number of predefined entries since predefined table entries can
be redefined by the application.  All entries between the predefined minimum
and maximum values are guaranteed to be defined initially (i.e. predefined
entries have contiguous indices).
Data Structures
typedef struct {
    unsigned short      definable_entries;
    unsigned short      predefined_count;
    unsigned short      predefined_min;
    unsigned short      predefined_max;
} PEXTableInfo;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadDrawable\fP 1i
The specified drawable resource identifier is invalid.
.IP \fIBadMatch\fP 1i
The specified drawable is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The specified table type is invalid.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable
PEXSetTableEntries - Set Lookup Table Entries
.IN "PEXSetTableEntries" "" "@DEF@"
.FD 0
void PEXSetTableEntries\^(\^Display *\fIdisplay\fP\^, PEXLookupTable \fItable\fP\^, unsigned int \fIstart\fP\^, unsigned int \fIcount\fP\^, int \fItable_type\fP\^, PEXPointer \fIentries\fP\^)
.IP \fIdisplay\fP 1i
A pointer to a display structure returned by a successful \fBXOpenDisplay\fP call.
.IP \fItable\fP 1i
The resource identifier of the lookup table.
.IP \fIstart\fP 1i
The index of the first table entry to be set.
.IP \fIcount\fP 1i
The number of table entries to be set.
.IP \fItype\fP 1i
The type of lookup table entries to be set (see the Description).
.IP \fIentries\fP 1i
An array of table entries.
This function sets lookup table entries in the specified lookup table,
starting at the specified entry index.
The entries must point to an array of structures having one of the
following types:
.PN PEXTextFontEntry
if type is
.PN PEXViewEntry
if type is
.PN PEXColorApproxEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTColorApprox
.PN PEXLineBundleEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTLineBundle
.PN PEXMarkerBundleEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTMarkerBundle
.PN PEXTextBundleEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTTextBundle
.PN PEXInteriorBundleEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTInteriorBundle
.PN PEXEdgeBundleEntry
if type is
.PN PEXLUTEdgeBundle
.PN PEXLightEntry
if type is
.PN PEXDepthCueEntry
if type is
.PN PEXColorEntry
if type is
.PN PEXPatternEntry
if type is
Data Structures
typedef XID             PEXLookupTable;
#if NeedFunctionPrototypes
typedef void *PEXPointer;
typedef char *PEXPointer;
.ft P
.IP \fIBadAlloc\fP 1i
The server failed to allocate the resource.
.IP \fIBadPEXColorType\fP 1i
The specified color type is invalid or unsupported.
.IP \fIBadPEXLookupTable\fP 1i
The specified lookup table resource identifier is invalid, or the table type is unsupported.
.IP \fIBadValue\fP 1i
The sum of start plus count is too large, a table entry field contains an
invalid value, or index 0 is invalid for the specified table type.
See Also
.PN PEXCreateLookupTable ,
.PN PEXGetTableInfo ,
.PN PEXGetPredefinedEntries ,
.PN PEXGetDefinedIndices ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntry ,
.PN PEXGetTableEntries