appendix   [plain text]

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\s+1\fBAppendix A\fP\s-1

\s+1\fBPEXlib Programming for both 5.0 and 5.1\fP\s-1
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.nr H5 0
Appendix A:  PEXlib Programming for both 5.0 and 5.1
A PEXlib program written to use only functionality specified
in PEX 5.0 will work with a PEX server that supports either
PEX 5.0 or PEX 5.1 protocol.  However, if a PEXlib program
uses functionality present only in PEX 5.1, the program will
likely fail on a PEX 5.0 server.
This addendum gathers the differences between PEX 5.0 and PEX
5.1 in one place so the programmer can understand and account
for the changes.  The programmer may wish to take advantage
of PEX 5.1 functions, if present, and perform some alternate
action if not.
Determining the Protocol Version
	Determining the Protocol Version
The first task is for the programmer to determine the protocol
version that the server supports, so the program may behave
accordingly.  This is accomplished with the
.PN PEXGetExtensionInfo
int                     status;
PEXExtensionInfo        *pexinfo;
char                    errstr[PEXErrorStringLength];
status = PEXInitialize( display, PEXErrorStringLength, errstr );
if (status != 0) {
    fprintf( stderr, "%s\n", errstr );
pexinfo = PEXGetExtensionInfo( display );

/* The server is a PEX 5.1 server if (pexinfo->major_version == 5) */
/* and (pexinfo->minor_version == 1). */
.ft P
PEX 5.1 defines a new X Event,
.PN PEXMaxHitsReached .
Some 5.1
programs that use
.PN PEXPickAll
may wish to watch for this event to decide
if additional pick passes are necessary.  This event will
not be sent by a PEX 5.0 server.
Enumerated Type Information
	Enumerated Type Information
- PEX 5.1 defines the new registered value
.PN PEXETPickOneMethod
- New enum type for 5.1.
.PN PEXETPickAllMethod
- New enum type for 5.1.
- New enum type for 5.1
Applications should not expect to find the
value when querying the HLHSR mode enum type from a 5.0 server
and should therefore not attempt to use it.
Applications should not attempt to query the other three types
from a PEX 5.0 server.
Implementation Dependent Constants
	Implementation Dependent Constants
.PN PEXIDMaxHitsEventSupported
- New for PEX 5.1
Applications should not attempt to query this value using the
.PN PEXGetImpDepConstants
function from a PEX 5.0 server.
General Functions
	General Functions
The following PEXlib functions are new for PEX 5.1 and should
not be sent to a PEX 5.0 server.
.PN PEXMatchRenderingTargets
.PN PEXEscape
.PN PEXEscapeWithReply
.PN PEXSetEchoColor
Output Commands
	Output Commands
output command function must not be sent to a PEX 5.0 server
or stored in a structure network that will be rendered by a
PEX 5.0 server.
Renderer Functions
	Renderer Functions
The following PEXlib functions are new for PEX 5.1 and should
not be sent to a PEX 5.0 server.
.PN PEXRenderElements
.PN PEXAccumulateState
Renderer Dynamics
	Renderer Dynamics
The following dynamics bits cannot be queried from a PEX 5.0
.PN PEXRDNPickNameSetContents
Renderer Attributes
	Renderer Attributes
The following renderer attributes should not be used with a PEX
5.0 server.
.PN PEXRAPickStartPath
.PN PEXRABackgroundColor
.PN PEXRAClearImage
Renderer Picking Functions
	Renderer Picking Functions
The following PEXlib functions are new for PEX 5.1 and should
not be sent to a PEX 5.0 server.
.PN PEXPickOne
.PN PEXBeginPickOne
.PN PEXEndPickOne
.PN PEXPickAll
.PN PEXBeginPickAll
.PN PEXEndPickAll