[plain text]

XCOMM platform:  $XFree86: xc/config/cf/,v 3.49 2002/12/31 19:48:42 alanh Exp $

#ifndef OSName
# define OSName                 Cygwin
#ifndef OSVendor
# define OSVendor               Red Hat Inc.
#ifndef OSMajorVersion
# define OSMajorVersion		DefaultOSMajorVersion
#ifndef OSMinorVersion
# define OSMinorVersion		DefaultOSMinorVersion
#ifndef OSTeenyVersion
# define OSTeenyVersion		DefaultOSTeenyVersion

#define ProjectRoot 		/usr/X11R6

#define BuildServer		YES

#ifndef UnixCpp
#define UnixCpp

#if !CrossCompiling
#define HasGcc2			YES
#endif /* !CrossCompiling */
#define HasGcc2ForCplusplus     YES
#define GccUsesGas              YES
#define UseGas                  YES
#define GnuCpp                  YES

#define ExtraLoadFlags		-Wl,--enable-auto-import

#define HasShadowPasswd         NO
#define HasLibCrypt             YES
#define HasPutenv               YES
#define HasPoll			NO
#ifndef UseCygIPC
#define UseCygIPC		NO
#if UseCygIPC
# define HasShm			YES
# define ServerExtraSysLibs	-lcygipc
# define HasShm                 NO
# define ServerExtraSysLibs	/**/
#define HasSnprintf		YES

 * Cygwin has Tcl/Tk, but you need to keep the version numbers
 * of the libs in sync.  These version numbers may change
 * occassionally.
#define Hastcl                  YES
#define Hastk                   YES
#define TclLibName              tcl80
#define TkLibName               tk80

#define HasSockets              YES
#define GzipFontCompression	YES
#define HasZlib			YES
#define GzipLibrary             -lz.dll

/* We don't need -lm */
#define MathLibrary             /**/

 * /lib/libtermcap.a doesn't have tgetent, which is needed for
 * xc/programs/xterm/resize.exe
#define TermcapLibrary		-lncurses.dll

#define AvoidNullMakeCommand    YES
#define StripInstalledPrograms  YES
#define CompressAllFonts        YES
#define Malloc0ReturnsNull      NO
#define NeedConstPrototypes     YES
#define NeedFunctionPrototypes  YES
#define NeedNestedPrototypes    YES
#define NeedVarargsPrototypes   YES
#define NeedWidePrototypes      NO
#define SetTtyGroup             YES
#define ExpandManNames          YES
#define HasDlopen	        NO
#define HasGnuMake		YES
#define UseGccMakeDepend	NO
#define ThreadedX               YES
#define HasThreadSafeAPI        YES
#define CaseSensitiveFileSystem NO

#define LnCmd                   ln -s
#ifndef CcCmd
#define CcCmd                   gcc
#endif /* CcCmd */
#ifndef CplusplusCmd
#define CplusplusCmd		g++
#endif /* CplusplusCmd */
#ifndef AsCmd
#define AsCmd                   as
#endif /* AsCmd */
#define GccGasOption	        -DGCCUSESGAS
#define AsmDefines	        -DUSE_GAS -DGCCUSESGAS
#ifndef LdCmd
#define LdCmd                   gcc -lautomode
#endif /* LdCmd */
#define MkdirHierCmd            mkdir -p
#ifndef CppCmd
#define CppCmd                  cpp
#endif /* CppCmd */
#ifndef YaccCmd
#define YaccCmd                 byacc
#endif /* YaccCmd */
#define LexCmd                  flex -l
#define LexLib                  -lfl
#define HasFlex			YES

 * Cygwin-specific Windows resource compiler command

#ifdef CrossCompileDir
# ifndef WindresCmd
#  define WindresCmd		Concat3(CrossCompileDir,/,windres)
# endif
# ifndef WindresCmd
#  define WindresCmd		windres
# endif

#define PreProcessCmd           CcCmd -E

#ifndef PostIncDir
#define PostIncDir              `CcCmd --print-libgcc-file-name | sed 's,\\\\,/,g' | sed 's,libgcc.a,include,'`
#ifndef ExtraIncDir
#define ExtraIncDir		/usr/include/w32api

#define LdCombineFlags          -r

 * We do not define -ansi yet as newlib (which is Cygwin's library) does not
 * define some needed prototypes when -ansi is set, when that is fixed
 * we can remove these lines and use the default XFree86 options.
#ifndef DefaultCCOptions
# define DefaultCCOptions	/* -ansi -pedantic */ GccWarningOptions

# ifndef OptimizedCDebugFlags
#  define OptimizedCDebugFlags	DefaultGcc2i386Opt
# endif

#define StandardDefines         -D__i386__ -DWIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN -DX_LOCALE \
				-D_X86_ -D__CYGWIN__ -D_XOPEN_SOURCE \

#define XawI18nDefines          -DUSE_XWCHAR_STRING -DUSE_XMBTOWC
#define HasWChar32              YES
#define StandardCppOptions	-traditional

 * Cygwin only has shared memory support when using the cygipc package,
 * or the newer cygserver package.
#if UseCygIPC
# if ThreadedX
#  define StandardCppDefines      -DHAS_THREADS -DHAS_SHM StandardDefines
# else
#  define StandardCppDefines      -DHAS_SHM StandardDefines
# endif
# if ThreadedX
#  define StandardCppDefines      -DHAS_THREADS StandardDefines
# else
#  define StandardCppDefines      StandardDefines
# endif

 * Do not use XFree86ServerDefines here because it always defines
 * XFree86Server.  Defining XFree86Server causes fb to not expose its
 * fbSetVisualTypesAndMasks.  Instead, we create a local
 * XWinServerDefines, which has everything that XFree86ServerDefines
 * has in it, but it allows us to easily remove the XFree86Server
 * define for experimental development purposes.
				XFree86DGADefines XFree86XvDefines \
				XFree86LoaderDefines -DXFree86Server \
				VidModeExtensionDefines \
				XFree86XvMCDefines \
				ServerSnprintfDefines \
				SmartScheduleDefines \
				DebugDefines XFree86XResDefines \
#define ServerOSDefines         XWinServerDefines \
#define XkbServerDefines        -DXKB_ALWAYS_USES_SOFT_REPEAT
#define ServerExtraDefines      -DGCCUSESGAS XWinServerDefines
#define ConnectionFlags         -DTCPCONN -DUNIXCONN
#define ExtraLibraries          
#define InstUidFlags            -m 4711
#define UseRgbTxt               YES
#define ExtraFilesToClean	*.obj *.orig *.rej junk.c *.exe *.dll *.lib *~

 * You'll probably want BuildDebug to be YES if you are debugging :)
#define BuildDebug		NO
#define XFree86Devel		NO

 * Xinerama is multiple monitor support and will require special code,
 * if it even makes sense to enable such a beast in Cygwin/XFree86.
#define BuildXinerama		NO

 * PEX and XIE were deprecated on 2001-05-29, as Keith Packard says,
 * "they are so broken as to be unusable in real applications," furthermore,
 * "neither PEX nor XIE have seen any development for almost a decade".
 * XIE is the X Image Extension Protocol, not to be confused with
 * XInputExt, which is the X Input Extension.
#define BuildPexExt		NO
#define BuildXIE		NO

 * Rush is a non standard extension for cooperation between the glide
 * library and the X server.  Cygwin/XFree86 will never need Rush,
 * as all graphics requests are processed through GDI or DirectDraw.
#define BuildXF86RushExt	NO

 * DPMS is the Display Power Management System.  Cygwin/XFree86 doesn't
 * own the display hardware, Windows does, so it doesn't make sense
 * for Cygwin/XFree86 to try to provide power management.
#define BuildDPMS		NO
#define BuildDPMSExt		NO
#define DPMSDefines		/**/

#define BuildGlxExt             YES
#define BuildXInputExt		YES
#define BuildXF86VidModeExt     NO
#define BuildXF86DGA		NO	/* No direct access to hardware */
#define BuildXvExt		YES
#define BuildXF86MiscExt	NO
#define BuildRender		YES
#define BuildRandR		NO
#define BuildXF86DRI		NO	/* No direct access to hardware */
#define BuildXF86DRM		NO	/* No direct access to hardware */
#define BuildXKB		YES
#define BuildXCMiscExt		YES
#define BuildTestExt		YES
#define BuildMITMiscExt		YES
#define BuildSyncExt		YES
#define BuildBigReqsExt		YES
#define BuildEVI		YES
#define BuildXF86BigfontExt	YES
#define BuildRECORD		YES
#define BuildDBE		YES
#define BuildFontCache		YES
#define BuildLBX		YES
#define BuildCup		YES
#define BuildXCSecurity		YES
#define BuildAppgroup		YES
#define BuildShapeExt		YES
#define BuildScanpci		NO	/* No direct access to hardware */

#define BuildScreenSaverExt	NO

 * What is Plugin?
#define BuildPlugin		NO

 * DPS is the Adobe Display Postscript (r) library.
 * It seems that we do not yet have a postscript client library
 * to work in conjunction with DPS; the remedy to this may be
 * as simple as flipping a build switch or instaling Ghostscript.
 * In any case, some work needs to be done before DPS will work. 
#define BuildDPS		NO

 * Doing a loadable server would probably take some extra work.
#define DoLoadableServer	NO

 * Don't build the XFree86 server
#define XF86Server		NO

 * Try to avoid building anything related to graphics cards
#define XFShadowFB		NO
#define XF24_32Bpp		NO
#define XF8_16Bpp		NO
#define XF8_32Bpp		NO
#define XF4Bpp			NO
#define XF1Bpp			NO
#define XF86VgaHw		NO
#define XF86FBDevHw		NO
#define XF86XAA			NO
#define XF86Ramdac		NO
#define XF86I2C			NO
#define XF86DDC			NO
#define XF86RAC			NO
#define XF86Int10		NO

#define XF86AFB			NO

#define XF86CardDrivers		/**/

/* Server build rules */
#ifndef XnestServer
#define XnestServer			YES
#ifndef BuildXprint
#define BuildXprint			YES
#ifndef XprtServer
#define XprtServer			YES
#ifndef XVirtualFramebufferServer
#define XVirtualFramebufferServer	YES

#define XWinServer			YES

 * 2001-06-19 - SmartScheduler is terribly slow on Cygwin.  It causes
 * visible delays in updating of windows, cursor position, etc.
#define UseSmartScheduler		NO

 * --unix option of Cygwin make fools the standard MakeFlagsToShellFlags macro
#define MakeFlagsToShellFlags(makeflags,shellcmd) \
	for flag in ${MAKEFLAGS} ''; do \				@@\
	  case "$$flag" in *=*) ;;--*) ;; *[makeflags]*) shellcmd;; esac; done

#include <cygwin.rules>
#include <>