# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2014 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. # Copyright (C) 2006 Samuel Weinig # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the # documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # 3. Neither the name of Apple Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of # its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE AND ITS CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE # DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE OR ITS CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY # DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; # LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND # ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT # (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF # THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Migration of WebKit Legacy headers to WebKit. PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PRIVATE_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH) PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR = $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/$(PUBLIC_HEADERS_FOLDER_PATH) ifeq ($(PLATFORM_NAME), macosx) WEBKIT_PUBLIC_HEADERS = \ CarbonUtils.h \ DOM.h \ DOMAbstractView.h \ DOMAttr.h \ DOMBlob.h \ DOMCDATASection.h \ DOMCSS.h \ DOMCSSCharsetRule.h \ DOMCSSFontFaceRule.h \ DOMCSSImportRule.h \ DOMCSSMediaRule.h \ DOMCSSPageRule.h \ DOMCSSPrimitiveValue.h \ DOMCSSRule.h \ DOMCSSRuleList.h \ DOMCSSStyleDeclaration.h \ DOMCSSStyleRule.h \ DOMCSSStyleSheet.h \ DOMCSSUnknownRule.h \ DOMCSSValue.h \ DOMCSSValueList.h \ DOMCharacterData.h \ DOMComment.h \ DOMCore.h \ DOMCounter.h \ DOMDocument.h \ DOMDocumentFragment.h \ DOMDocumentType.h \ DOMElement.h \ DOMEntity.h \ DOMEntityReference.h \ DOMEvent.h \ DOMEventException.h \ DOMEventListener.h \ DOMEventTarget.h \ DOMEvents.h \ DOMException.h \ DOMExtensions.h \ DOMFile.h \ DOMFileList.h \ DOMHTML.h \ DOMHTMLAnchorElement.h \ DOMHTMLAppletElement.h \ DOMHTMLAreaElement.h \ DOMHTMLBRElement.h \ DOMHTMLBaseElement.h \ DOMHTMLBaseFontElement.h \ DOMHTMLBodyElement.h \ DOMHTMLButtonElement.h \ DOMHTMLCollection.h \ DOMHTMLDListElement.h \ DOMHTMLDirectoryElement.h \ DOMHTMLDivElement.h \ DOMHTMLDocument.h \ DOMHTMLElement.h \ DOMHTMLEmbedElement.h \ DOMHTMLFieldSetElement.h \ DOMHTMLFontElement.h \ DOMHTMLFormElement.h \ DOMHTMLFrameElement.h \ DOMHTMLFrameSetElement.h \ DOMHTMLHRElement.h \ DOMHTMLHeadElement.h \ DOMHTMLHeadingElement.h \ DOMHTMLHtmlElement.h \ DOMHTMLIFrameElement.h \ DOMHTMLImageElement.h \ DOMHTMLInputElement.h \ DOMHTMLLIElement.h \ DOMHTMLLabelElement.h \ DOMHTMLLegendElement.h \ DOMHTMLLinkElement.h \ DOMHTMLMapElement.h \ DOMHTMLMarqueeElement.h \ DOMHTMLMenuElement.h \ DOMHTMLMetaElement.h \ DOMHTMLModElement.h \ DOMHTMLOListElement.h \ DOMHTMLObjectElement.h \ DOMHTMLOptGroupElement.h \ DOMHTMLOptionElement.h \ DOMHTMLOptionsCollection.h \ DOMHTMLParagraphElement.h \ DOMHTMLParamElement.h \ DOMHTMLPreElement.h \ DOMHTMLQuoteElement.h \ DOMHTMLScriptElement.h \ DOMHTMLSelectElement.h \ DOMHTMLStyleElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableCaptionElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableCellElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableColElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableRowElement.h \ DOMHTMLTableSectionElement.h \ DOMHTMLTextAreaElement.h \ DOMHTMLTitleElement.h \ DOMHTMLUListElement.h \ DOMImplementation.h \ DOMKeyboardEvent.h \ DOMMediaList.h \ DOMMouseEvent.h \ DOMMutationEvent.h \ DOMNamedNodeMap.h \ DOMNode.h \ DOMNodeFilter.h \ DOMNodeIterator.h \ DOMNodeList.h \ DOMObject.h \ DOMOverflowEvent.h \ DOMProcessingInstruction.h \ DOMProgressEvent.h \ DOMRGBColor.h \ DOMRange.h \ DOMRangeException.h \ DOMRanges.h \ DOMRect.h \ DOMStyleSheet.h \ DOMStyleSheetList.h \ DOMStylesheets.h \ DOMText.h \ DOMTraversal.h \ DOMTreeWalker.h \ DOMUIEvent.h \ DOMViews.h \ DOMWheelEvent.h \ DOMXPath.h \ DOMXPathException.h \ DOMXPathExpression.h \ DOMXPathNSResolver.h \ DOMXPathResult.h \ HIWebView.h \ WebArchive.h \ WebBackForwardList.h \ WebDOMOperations.h \ WebDataSource.h \ WebDocument.h \ WebDownload.h \ WebEditingDelegate.h \ WebFrame.h \ WebFrameLoadDelegate.h \ WebFrameView.h \ WebHistory.h \ WebHistoryItem.h \ WebKitAvailability.h \ WebKitErrors.h \ WebPlugin.h \ WebPluginContainer.h \ WebPluginViewFactory.h \ WebPolicyDelegate.h \ WebPreferences.h \ WebResource.h \ WebResourceLoadDelegate.h \ WebScriptObject.h \ WebUIDelegate.h \ WebView.h \ npapi.h \ npfunctions.h \ npruntime.h \ nptypes.h \ # WEBKIT_LEGACY_PUBLIC_HEADERS = $(addprefix $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR)/, $(filter $(WEBKIT_PUBLIC_HEADERS), $(notdir $(wildcard $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/*.h))) WebKitLegacy.h) WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS = $(addprefix $(PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/, $(filter-out $(WEBKIT_PUBLIC_HEADERS) WebKit.h, $(notdir $(wildcard $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/*.h)))) WEBKIT_LEGACY_HEADER_REPLACE_RULES = -e s/\ $@ PUBLIC_HEADER_CHECK_CMD = @if grep -q "AVAILABLE.*9876_5" "$<"; then line=$$(awk "/AVAILABLE.*9876_5/ { print FNR; exit }" "$<" ); echo "$<:$$line: error: A class within a public header has unspecified availability."; false; fi $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR)/% : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/% MigrateHeadersFromWebKitLegacy.make $(PUBLIC_HEADER_CHECK_CMD) $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_HEADER_MIGRATE_CMD) $(PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/% : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/% MigrateHeadersFromWebKitLegacy.make $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_HEADER_MIGRATE_CMD) all : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PUBLIC_HEADERS) $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS) $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR)/WebKitLegacy.h : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/WebKit.h MigrateHeadersFromWebKitLegacy.make $(PUBLIC_HEADER_CHECK_CMD) $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_HEADER_MIGRATE_CMD) else WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS = $(addprefix $(PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/, $(filter-out WebKit.h, $(notdir $(wildcard $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/*.h)))) all : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS) $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR)/WebKitLegacy.h WEBKIT_HEADER_MIGRATE_CMD = echo "\#import " > $@ $(PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/% : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/% MigrateHeadersFromWebKitLegacy.make $(WEBKIT_HEADER_MIGRATE_CMD) $(PUBLIC_HEADERS_DIR)/WebKitLegacy.h : $(WEBKIT_LEGACY_PRIVATE_HEADERS_DIR)/WebKit.h MigrateHeadersFromWebKitLegacy.make echo "#if defined(__has_include) && __has_include()" > $@ echo "#import " >> $@ echo "#endif" >> $@ endif