QtViewportInteractionEngine.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 2011 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
 * Copyright (C) 2011 Benjamin Poulain <benjamin@webkit.org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this program; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "QtViewportInteractionEngine.h"

#include "qquickwebpage_p.h"
#include "qquickwebview_p.h"
#include <QPointF>
#include <QTransform>
#include <QWheelEvent>
#include <QtQuick/qquickitem.h>
#include <wtf/PassOwnPtr.h>

namespace WebKit {

static const int kScaleAnimationDurationMillis = 250;

// =================================
// When interaction with the content, either by animating or by the hand of the user,
// it is important to ensure smooth animations of at least 60fps in order to give a
// good user experience.
// In order to do this we need to get rid of unknown factors. These include device
// sensors (geolocation, orientation updates etc), CSS3 animations, JavaScript
// exectution, sub resource loads etc. We do this by emitting suspend and resume
// signals, which are then handled by the viewport and propagates to the right place.
// For this reason the ViewportUpdateDeferrer guard must be used when we interact
// or animate the content.
// It should be noted that when we update content properties, we might receive notify
// signals send my the content item itself, and care should be taken to not act on
// these unconditionally. An example of this is the pinch zoom, which changes the
// position and will thus result in a QQuickWebPage::geometryChanged() signal getting
// emitted.
// If something should only be executed during update deferring, it is possible to
// check for that using ASSERT(m_suspendCount).

class ViewportUpdateDeferrer {
    enum SuspendContentFlag { DeferUpdate, DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent };
    ViewportUpdateDeferrer(QtViewportInteractionEngine* engine, SuspendContentFlag suspendContentFlag = DeferUpdate)
        : engine(engine)

        // There is no need to suspend content for immediate updates
        // only during animations or longer gestures.
        if (suspendContentFlag == DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent && !engine->m_hasSuspendedContent) {
            engine->m_hasSuspendedContent = true;
            emit engine->contentSuspendRequested();

        if (--(engine->m_suspendCount))

        if (engine->m_hasSuspendedContent) {
            engine->m_hasSuspendedContent = false;
            emit engine->contentResumeRequested();

        // Make sure that tiles all around the viewport will be requested.
        emit engine->contentViewportChanged(QPointF());

    QtViewportInteractionEngine* const engine;

// A floating point compare with absolute error.
static inline bool fuzzyCompare(qreal a, qreal b, qreal epsilon)
    return qAbs(a - b) < epsilon;

inline qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::cssScaleFromItem(qreal itemScale)
    return itemScale / m_devicePixelRatio;

inline qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::itemScaleFromCSS(qreal cssScale)
    return cssScale * m_devicePixelRatio;

inline qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::itemCoordFromCSS(qreal value)
    return value * m_devicePixelRatio;

inline QRectF QtViewportInteractionEngine::itemRectFromCSS(const QRectF& cssRect)
    QRectF itemRect;


    return itemRect;

QtViewportInteractionEngine::QtViewportInteractionEngine(QQuickWebView* viewport, QQuickWebPage* content)
    : m_viewport(viewport)
    , m_content(content)
    , m_suspendCount(0)
    , m_hasSuspendedContent(false)
    , m_hadUserInteraction(false)
    , m_scaleAnimation(new ScaleAnimation(this))
    , m_pinchStartScale(-1)
    , m_zoomOutScale(0.0)

    connect(m_content, SIGNAL(widthChanged()), SLOT(itemSizeChanged()), Qt::DirectConnection);
    connect(m_content, SIGNAL(heightChanged()), SLOT(itemSizeChanged()), Qt::DirectConnection);
    connect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(movementStarted()), SLOT(flickableMoveStarted()), Qt::DirectConnection);
    connect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(movementEnded()), SLOT(flickableMoveEnded()), Qt::DirectConnection);

    connect(m_scaleAnimation, SIGNAL(valueChanged(QVariant)),
            SLOT(scaleAnimationValueChanged(QVariant)), Qt::DirectConnection);
    connect(m_scaleAnimation, SIGNAL(stateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)),
            SLOT(scaleAnimationStateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State, QAbstractAnimation::State)), Qt::DirectConnection);


qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::innerBoundedCSSScale(qreal cssScale)
    return qBound(m_minimumScale, cssScale, m_maximumScale);

qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::outerBoundedCSSScale(qreal cssScale)
    if (m_allowsUserScaling) {
        // Bounded by [0.1, 10.0] like the viewport meta code in WebCore.
        qreal hardMin = qMax<qreal>(0.1, qreal(0.5) * m_minimumScale);
        qreal hardMax = qMin<qreal>(10, qreal(2.0) * m_maximumScale);
        return qBound(hardMin, cssScale, hardMax);
    return innerBoundedCSSScale(cssScale);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::setItemRectVisible(const QRectF& itemRect)
    if (itemRect.isEmpty())

    ViewportUpdateDeferrer guard(this);

    qreal itemScale = m_viewport->width() / itemRect.width();


    // To animate the position together with the scale we multiply the position with the current scale
    // and add it to the page position (displacement on the flickable contentItem because of additional items).
    QPointF newPosition(m_content->pos() + (itemRect.topLeft() * itemScale));


bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::animateItemRectVisible(const QRectF& itemRect)
    QRectF currentItemRectVisible = m_viewport->mapRectToWebContent(m_viewport->boundingRect());
    if (itemRect == currentItemRectVisible)
        return false;



    return true;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::flickableMoveStarted()
    m_scrollUpdateDeferrer = adoptPtr(new ViewportUpdateDeferrer(this, ViewportUpdateDeferrer::DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent));

    m_lastScrollPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();
    connect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(contentXChanged()), SLOT(flickableMovingPositionUpdate()));
    connect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(contentYChanged()), SLOT(flickableMovingPositionUpdate()));

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::flickableMoveEnded()
    // This method is called on the end of the pan or pan kinetic animation.

    m_lastScrollPosition = QPointF();
    disconnect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(contentXChanged()), this, SLOT(flickableMovingPositionUpdate()));
    disconnect(m_viewport, SIGNAL(contentYChanged()), this, SLOT(flickableMovingPositionUpdate()));

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::flickableMovingPositionUpdate()
    QPointF newPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();

    emit contentViewportChanged(m_lastScrollPosition - newPosition);

    m_lastScrollPosition = newPosition;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::scaleAnimationStateChanged(QAbstractAnimation::State newState, QAbstractAnimation::State /*oldState*/)
    switch (newState) {
    case QAbstractAnimation::Running:
        if (!m_scaleUpdateDeferrer)
            m_scaleUpdateDeferrer = adoptPtr(new ViewportUpdateDeferrer(this, ViewportUpdateDeferrer::DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent));
    case QAbstractAnimation::Stopped:

static inline QPointF boundPosition(const QPointF minPosition, const QPointF& position, const QPointF& maxPosition)
    return QPointF(qBound(minPosition.x(), position.x(), maxPosition.x()),
                   qBound(minPosition.y(), position.y(), maxPosition.y()));

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::wheelEvent(QWheelEvent* ev)
    if (scrollAnimationActive() || scaleAnimationActive() || pinchGestureActive())
        return; // Ignore.

    // A normal scroll-tick should have a delta of 120 (1/8) degrees. Convert this to
    // local standard scroll step of 3 lines of 20 pixels.
    static const int cDefaultQtScrollStep = 20;
    static const int wheelScrollLines = 3;
    const int wheelTick = wheelScrollLines * cDefaultQtScrollStep;

    int pixelDelta = ev->delta() * (wheelTick / 120.f);

    QPointF newPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();

    if (ev->orientation() == Qt::Horizontal)
        newPosition.rx() -= pixelDelta;
        newPosition.ry() -= pixelDelta;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(m_content->contentsScale());

    QPointF currentPosition = m_viewport->contentPos();
    newPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), newPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    emit contentViewportChanged(currentPosition - newPosition);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::pagePositionRequest(const QPoint& pagePosition)
    // Ignore the request if suspended. Can only happen due to delay in event delivery.
    if (m_suspendCount)

    qreal endItemScale = m_content->contentsScale(); // Stay at same scale.

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(endItemScale);
    QPointF endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), pagePosition * endItemScale, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition / endItemScale, m_viewport->boundingRect().size() / endItemScale);


void QtViewportInteractionEngine::touchBegin()
    // Prevents resuming the page between the user's flicks of the page while the animation is running.
    if (scrollAnimationActive())
        m_touchUpdateDeferrer = adoptPtr(new ViewportUpdateDeferrer(this, ViewportUpdateDeferrer::DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent));

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::touchEnd()

QRectF QtViewportInteractionEngine::computePosRangeForItemAtScale(qreal itemScale) const
    const QSizeF contentItemSize = m_content->contentsSize() * itemScale;
    const QSizeF viewportItemSize = m_viewport->boundingRect().size();

    const qreal horizontalRange = contentItemSize.width() - viewportItemSize.width();
    const qreal verticalRange = contentItemSize.height() - viewportItemSize.height();

    return QRectF(QPointF(0, 0), QSizeF(horizontalRange, verticalRange));

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::focusEditableArea(const QRectF& caretArea, const QRectF& targetArea)
    QRectF endArea = itemRectFromCSS(targetArea);

    qreal endItemScale = itemScaleFromCSS(innerBoundedCSSScale(2.0));
    const QRectF viewportRect = m_viewport->boundingRect();

    qreal x;
    const qreal borderOffset = 10;
    if ((endArea.width() + borderOffset) * endItemScale <= viewportRect.width()) {
        // Center the input field in the middle of the view, if it is smaller than
        // the view at the scale target.
        x = viewportRect.center().x() - endArea.width() * endItemScale / 2.0;
    } else {
        // Ensure that the caret always has borderOffset contents pixels to the right
        // of it, and secondarily (if possible), that the area has borderOffset
        // contents pixels to the left of it.
        qreal caretOffset = itemCoordFromCSS(caretArea.x()) - endArea.x();
        x = qMin(viewportRect.width() - (caretOffset + borderOffset) * endItemScale, borderOffset * endItemScale);

    const QPointF hotspot = QPointF(endArea.x(), endArea.center().y());
    const QPointF viewportHotspot = QPointF(x, /* FIXME: visibleCenter */ viewportRect.center().y());

    QPointF endPosition = hotspot * endItemScale - viewportHotspot;
    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(endItemScale);

    endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);


void QtViewportInteractionEngine::zoomToAreaGestureEnded(const QPointF& touchPoint, const QRectF& targetArea)
    if (!targetArea.isValid())

    if (scrollAnimationActive() || scaleAnimationActive())

    const int margin = 10; // We want at least a little bit of margin.
    QRectF endArea = itemRectFromCSS(targetArea.adjusted(-margin, -margin, margin, margin));

    const QRectF viewportRect = m_viewport->boundingRect();

    qreal targetCSSScale = cssScaleFromItem(viewportRect.size().width() / endArea.size().width());
    qreal endItemScale = itemScaleFromCSS(innerBoundedCSSScale(qMin(targetCSSScale, qreal(2.5))));
    qreal currentScale = m_content->contentsScale();

    // We want to end up with the target area filling the whole width of the viewport (if possible),
    // and centralized vertically where the user requested zoom. Thus our hotspot is the center of
    // the targetArea x-wise and the requested zoom position, y-wise.
    const QPointF hotspot = QPointF(endArea.center().x(), touchPoint.y() * m_devicePixelRatio);
    const QPointF viewportHotspot = viewportRect.center();

    QPointF endPosition = hotspot * endItemScale - viewportHotspot;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(endItemScale);
    endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);

    enum { ZoomIn, ZoomBack, ZoomOut, NoZoom } zoomAction = ZoomIn;

    if (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty()) {
        // Zoom back out if attempting to scale to the same current scale, or
        // attempting to continue scaling out from the inner most level.
        // Use fuzzy compare with a fixed error to be able to deal with largish differences due to pixel rounding.
        if (fuzzyCompare(endItemScale, currentScale, 0.01)) {
            // If moving the viewport would expose more of the targetRect and move at least 40 pixels, update position but do not scale out.
            QRectF currentContentRect(m_viewport->contentPos() / currentScale, viewportRect.size() / currentScale);
            QRectF targetIntersection = endVisibleContentRect.intersected(targetArea);
            if (!currentContentRect.contains(targetIntersection) && (qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.top() - currentContentRect.top()) >= 40 || qAbs(endVisibleContentRect.left() - currentContentRect.left()) >= 40))
                zoomAction = NoZoom;
                zoomAction = ZoomBack;
        } else if (fuzzyCompare(endItemScale, m_zoomOutScale, 0.01))
            zoomAction = ZoomBack;
        else if (endItemScale < currentScale)
            zoomAction = ZoomOut;

    switch (zoomAction) {
    case ZoomIn:
        m_scaleStack.append(ScaleStackItem(currentScale, m_viewport->contentPos().x()));
        m_zoomOutScale = endItemScale;
    case ZoomBack: {
        ScaleStackItem lastScale = m_scaleStack.takeLast();
        endItemScale = lastScale.scale;
        // Recalculate endPosition and bound it according to new scale.
        endPosition.setY(hotspot.y() * endItemScale - viewportHotspot.y());
        endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(endItemScale);
        endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());
        endVisibleContentRect = QRectF(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);
    case ZoomOut:
        // Unstack all scale-levels deeper than the new level, so a zoom-back won't end up zooming in.
        while (!m_scaleStack.isEmpty() && m_scaleStack.last().scale >= endItemScale)
        m_zoomOutScale = endItemScale;
    case NoZoom:


bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::ensureContentWithinViewportBoundary(bool immediate)
    if (scrollAnimationActive() || scaleAnimationActive())
        return false;

    qreal endItemScale = itemScaleFromCSS(innerBoundedCSSScale(currentCSSScale()));

    const QRectF viewportRect = m_viewport->boundingRect();
    QPointF viewportHotspot = viewportRect.center();

    QPointF endPosition = m_viewport->mapToWebContent(viewportHotspot) * endItemScale - viewportHotspot;

    QRectF endPosRange = computePosRangeForItemAtScale(endItemScale);
    endPosition = boundPosition(endPosRange.topLeft(), endPosition, endPosRange.bottomRight());

    QRectF endVisibleContentRect(endPosition / endItemScale, viewportRect.size() / endItemScale);

    if (immediate) {
        return true;
    return !animateItemRectVisible(endVisibleContentRect);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::reset()

    m_hadUserInteraction = false;

    m_allowsUserScaling = false;
    m_minimumScale = 1;
    m_maximumScale = 1;
    m_devicePixelRatio = 1;
    m_pinchStartScale = -1;
    m_zoomOutScale = 0.0;


void QtViewportInteractionEngine::setCSSScaleBounds(qreal minimum, qreal maximum)
    m_minimumScale = minimum;
    m_maximumScale = maximum;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::setCSSScale(qreal scale)
    ViewportUpdateDeferrer guard(this);

    qreal newScale = innerBoundedCSSScale(scale);

qreal QtViewportInteractionEngine::currentCSSScale()
    return cssScaleFromItem(m_content->contentsScale());

bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::scrollAnimationActive() const
    return m_viewport->isFlicking();

bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::panGestureActive() const
    return m_viewport->isDragging();

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::panGestureStarted(const QPointF& position, qint64 eventTimestampMillis)
    m_hadUserInteraction = true;
    m_viewport->handleFlickableMousePress(position, eventTimestampMillis);
    m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates = position;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::panGestureRequestUpdate(const QPointF& position, qint64 eventTimestampMillis)
    m_viewport->handleFlickableMouseMove(position, eventTimestampMillis);
    m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates = position;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::panGestureEnded(const QPointF& position, qint64 eventTimestampMillis)
    m_viewport->handleFlickableMouseRelease(position, eventTimestampMillis);
    m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates = position;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::panGestureCancelled()
    // Reset the velocity samples of the flickable.
    // This should only be called by the recognizer if we have a recognized
    // pan gesture and receive a touch event with multiple touch points
    // (ie. transition to a pinch gesture) as it does not move the content
    // back inside valid bounds.
    // When the pinch gesture ends, the content is positioned and scaled
    // back to valid boundaries.

bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::scaleAnimationActive() const
    return m_scaleAnimation->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Running;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::cancelScrollAnimation()
    ViewportUpdateDeferrer guard(this);

    // If the pan gesture recognizer receives a touch begin event
    // during an ongoing kinetic scroll animation of a previous
    // pan gesture, the animation is stopped and the content is
    // immediately positioned back to valid boundaries.

    ensureContentWithinViewportBoundary(/*immediate*/ true);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::interruptScaleAnimation()
    // This interrupts the scale animation exactly where it is, even if it is out of bounds.

bool QtViewportInteractionEngine::pinchGestureActive() const
    return m_pinchStartScale > 0;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::pinchGestureStarted(const QPointF& pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates)
    if (!m_allowsUserScaling)

    m_hadUserInteraction = true;
    m_zoomOutScale = 0.0;

    m_scaleUpdateDeferrer = adoptPtr(new ViewportUpdateDeferrer(this, ViewportUpdateDeferrer::DeferUpdateAndSuspendContent));

    m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates = pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates;
    m_pinchStartScale = m_content->contentsScale();

    // Reset the tiling look-ahead vector so that tiles all around the viewport will be requested on pinch-end.
    emit contentViewportChanged(QPointF());

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::pinchGestureRequestUpdate(const QPointF& pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates, qreal totalScaleFactor)

    if (!m_allowsUserScaling)

    //  Changes of the center position should move the page even if the zoom factor
    //  does not change.
    const qreal cssScale = cssScaleFromItem(m_pinchStartScale * totalScaleFactor);

    // Allow zooming out beyond mimimum scale on pages that do not explicitly disallow it.
    const qreal targetCSSScale = outerBoundedCSSScale(cssScale);

    scaleContent(m_viewport->mapToWebContent(pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates), targetCSSScale);

    const QPointF positionDiff = pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates - m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates;
    m_lastPinchCenterInViewportCoordinates = pinchCenterInViewportCoordinates;

    m_viewport->setContentPos(m_viewport->contentPos() - positionDiff);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::pinchGestureEnded()

    if (!m_allowsUserScaling)

    m_pinchStartScale = -1;
    // Clear the update deferrer now if we're in our final position and there won't be any animation to clear it later.
    if (ensureContentWithinViewportBoundary())

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::pinchGestureCancelled()
    m_pinchStartScale = -1;

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::itemSizeChanged()
    // FIXME: This needs to be done smarter. What happens if it resizes when we were interacting?
    if (m_suspendCount)

    ViewportUpdateDeferrer guard(this);

void QtViewportInteractionEngine::scaleContent(const QPointF& centerInCSSCoordinates, qreal cssScale)
    QPointF oldPinchCenterOnViewport = m_viewport->mapFromWebContent(centerInCSSCoordinates);
    QPointF newPinchCenterOnViewport = m_viewport->mapFromWebContent(centerInCSSCoordinates);

    m_viewport->setContentPos(m_viewport->contentPos() + (newPinchCenterOnViewport - oldPinchCenterOnViewport));

} // namespace WebKit

#include "moc_QtViewportInteractionEngine.cpp"