WebPageClient.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 Research In Motion Limited. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA

#ifndef WebPageClient_h
#define WebPageClient_h

#include "BlackBerryGlobal.h"
#include "WebString.h"

#include <BlackBerryPlatformCursor.h>
#include <BlackBerryPlatformInputEvents.h>
#include <BlackBerryPlatformNavigationType.h>
#include <BlackBerryPlatformPrimitives.h>
#include <interaction/ScrollViewBase.h>
#include <vector>

template<typename T> class ScopeArray;
template<typename T> class SharedArray;

typedef void* WebFrame;

namespace BlackBerry {

namespace Platform {
class FilterStream;
class GeoTrackerListener;
class IntRectRegion;
class NetworkRequest;
class NetworkStreamFactory;

namespace Graphics {
class Window;

namespace WebKit {
class WebPage;

class BLACKBERRY_EXPORT WebPageClient {
    virtual ~WebPageClient() { }
    enum WindowStyleFlag {
        FlagWindowHasMenuBar = 0x00000001,
        FlagWindowHasToolBar = 0x00000002,
        FlagWindowHasLocationBar = 0x00000004,
        FlagWindowHasStatusBar = 0x00000008,
        FlagWindowHasScrollBar = 0x00000010,
        FlagWindowIsResizable = 0x00000020,
        FlagWindowIsFullScreen = 0x00000040,
        FlagWindowIsDialog = 0x00000080,
        FlagWindowDefault = 0xFFFFFFFF,

    enum AlertType {
        MediaOK = 0,

    enum SaveCredentialType {
        SaveCredentialNeverForThisSite = 0,

    virtual int getInstanceId() const = 0;

    virtual void notifyLoadStarted() = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadCommitted(const unsigned short* originalUrl, unsigned int originalUrlLength, const unsigned short* finalUrl, unsigned int finalUrlLength, const unsigned short* networkToken, unsigned int networkTokenLength) = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadFailedBeforeCommit(const unsigned short* originalUrl, unsigned int originalUrlLength, const unsigned short* finalUrl, unsigned int finalUrlLength, const unsigned short* networkToken, unsigned int networkTokenLength) = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadToAnchor(const unsigned short* url, unsigned int urlLength, const unsigned short* networkToken, unsigned int networkTokenLength) = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadProgress(int percentage) = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadReadyToRender(bool pageIsVisuallyNonEmpty) = 0;
    virtual void notifyFirstVisuallyNonEmptyLayout() = 0;
    virtual void notifyLoadFinished(int status) = 0;
    virtual void notifyClientRedirect(const unsigned short* originalUrl, unsigned int originalUrlLength, const unsigned short* finalUrl, unsigned int finalUrlLength) = 0;

    virtual void notifyFrameDetached(const WebFrame) = 0;

    virtual void notifyRunLayoutTestsFinished() = 0;

    virtual void notifyInRegionScrollingStartingPointChanged(std::vector<Platform::ScrollViewBase>) = 0;

    virtual void notifyDocumentOnLoad() = 0;

    virtual void notifyWindowObjectCleared() = 0;
    virtual WebString invokeClientJavaScriptCallback(const char* const* args, unsigned numArgs) = 0;

    virtual void addMessageToConsole(const unsigned short* message, unsigned messageLength, const unsigned short* source, unsigned sourceLength, unsigned lineNumber) = 0;
    virtual int showAlertDialog(AlertType) = 0;

    virtual void runJavaScriptAlert(const unsigned short* message, unsigned messageLength, const char* origin, unsigned originLength) = 0;
    virtual bool runJavaScriptConfirm(const unsigned short* message, unsigned messageLength, const char* origin, unsigned originLength) = 0;
    virtual bool runJavaScriptPrompt(const unsigned short* message, unsigned messageLength, const unsigned short* defaultValue, unsigned defaultValueLength, const char* origin, unsigned originLength, WebString& result) = 0;

    virtual bool shouldInterruptJavaScript() = 0;

    virtual void javascriptSourceParsed(const unsigned short* url, unsigned urlLength, const unsigned short* script, unsigned scriptLength) = 0;
    virtual void javascriptParsingFailed(const unsigned short* url, unsigned urlLength, const unsigned short* error, unsigned errorLength, int lineNumber) = 0;
    virtual void javascriptPaused(const unsigned short* stack, unsigned stackLength) = 0;
    virtual void javascriptContinued() = 0;

    // All of these methods use transformed coordinates.
    virtual void contentsSizeChanged(const Platform::IntSize&) const = 0;
    virtual void scrollChanged(const Platform::IntPoint&) const = 0;
    virtual void zoomChanged(bool isMinZoomed, bool isMaxZoomed, bool isAtInitialZoom, double newZoom) const = 0;

    virtual void setPageTitle(const unsigned short* title, unsigned titleLength) = 0;

    virtual Platform::Graphics::Window* window() const = 0;

    virtual void notifyContentRendered(const Platform::IntRect&) = 0;
    virtual void notifyScreenRotated() = 0;

    virtual void drawTapHighlight(const Platform::IntRectRegion&, int red, int green, int blue, int alpha, bool hideAfterScroll) = 0;
    virtual void hideTapHighlight() = 0;

    virtual void inputFocusGained(Platform::BlackBerryInputType, int inputStyle) = 0;
    virtual void inputFocusLost() = 0;
    virtual void inputTextChanged() = 0;
    virtual void inputSelectionChanged(unsigned selectionStart, unsigned selectionEnd) = 0;
    virtual void inputLearnText(wchar_t* text, int length) = 0;

    virtual void showVirtualKeyboard(bool) = 0;

    virtual void checkSpellingOfString(const unsigned short* text, int length, int& misspellingLocation, int& misspellingLength) = 0;
    virtual void requestSpellingSuggestionsForString(unsigned start, unsigned end) = 0;

    virtual void notifySelectionDetailsChanged(const Platform::IntRect& start, const Platform::IntRect& end, const Platform::IntRectRegion&, bool overrideTouchHandling = false) = 0;
    virtual void cancelSelectionVisuals() = 0;
    virtual void notifySelectionHandlesReversed() = 0;
    virtual void notifyCaretChanged(const Platform::IntRect& caret, bool userTouchTriggered, bool singleLineInput = false, const Platform::IntRect& singleLineBoundingBox = Platform::IntRect()) = 0;

    virtual void cursorChanged(Platform::CursorType, const char* url, int x, int y) = 0;

    virtual void requestGeolocationPermission(Platform::GeoTrackerListener*, void* context, const char* origin, unsigned originLength) = 0;
    virtual void cancelGeolocationPermission(Platform::GeoTrackerListener*, void* context) = 0;
    virtual Platform::NetworkStreamFactory* networkStreamFactory() = 0;

    virtual void handleStringPattern(const unsigned short* pattern, unsigned length) = 0;
    virtual void handleExternalLink(const Platform::NetworkRequest&, const unsigned short* context, unsigned contextLength, bool isClientRedirect) = 0;

    virtual void resetBackForwardList(unsigned listSize, unsigned currentIndex) = 0;

    virtual void openPopupList(bool multiple, int size, const ScopeArray<WebString>& labels, bool* enableds, const int* itemType, bool* selecteds) = 0;
    virtual void openDateTimePopup(int type, const WebString& value, const WebString& min, const WebString& max, double step) = 0;
    virtual void openColorPopup(const WebString& value) = 0;

    virtual bool chooseFilenames(bool allowMultiple, const WebString& acceptTypes, const SharedArray<WebString>& initialFiles, unsigned initialFileSize, SharedArray<WebString>& chosenFiles, unsigned& chosenFileSize) = 0;

    virtual void loadPluginForMimetype(int, int width, int height, const SharedArray<WebString>& paramNames, const SharedArray<WebString>& paramValues, int size, const char* url) = 0;
    virtual void notifyPluginRectChanged(int, Platform::IntRect rectChanged) = 0;
    virtual void destroyPlugin(int) = 0;
    virtual void playMedia(int) = 0;
    virtual void pauseMedia(int) = 0;
    virtual float getTime(int) = 0;
    virtual void setTime(int, float) = 0;
    virtual void setVolume(int, float) = 0;
    virtual void setMuted(int, bool) = 0;

    virtual WebPage* createWindow(int x, int y, int width, int height, unsigned flags, const WebString& url, const WebString& windowName) = 0;

    virtual void scheduleCloseWindow() = 0;

    // Database interface.
    virtual unsigned long long databaseQuota(const unsigned short* origin, unsigned originLength, const unsigned short* databaseName, unsigned databaseNameLength, unsigned long long totalUsage, unsigned long long originUsage, unsigned long long estimatedSize) = 0;

    virtual void setIconForUrl(const char* originalPageUrl, const char* finalPageUrl, const char* iconUrl) = 0;
    virtual void setFavicon(int width, int height, unsigned char* iconData, const char* url) = 0;
    virtual void setLargeIcon(const char* iconUrl) = 0;
    virtual void setWebAppCapable() = 0;
    virtual void setSearchProviderDetails(const char* title, const char* documentUrl) = 0;
    virtual void setAlternateFeedDetails(const char* title, const char* feedUrl) = 0;

    virtual WebString getErrorPage(int errorCode, const char* errorMessage, const char* url) = 0;

    virtual void willDeferLoading() = 0;
    virtual void didResumeLoading() = 0;

    // Headers is a list of alternating key and value.
    virtual void setMetaHeaders(const ScopeArray<WebString>& headers, unsigned int headersSize) = 0;

    virtual void needMoreData() = 0;
    virtual void handleWebInspectorMessageToFrontend(int id, const char* message, int length) = 0;

    virtual bool hasPendingScrollOrZoomEvent() const = 0;
    virtual Platform::IntRect userInterfaceBlittedDestinationRect() const = 0;
    virtual Platform::IntRect userInterfaceBlittedVisibleContentsRect() const = 0;

    virtual void resetBitmapZoomScale(double scale) = 0;
    virtual void animateBlockZoom(const Platform::FloatPoint& finalPoint, double finalScale) = 0;

    virtual void setPreventsScreenIdleDimming(bool noDimming) = 0;
    virtual void authenticationChallenge(const unsigned short* realm, unsigned int realmLength, WebString& username, WebString& password) = 0;
    virtual SaveCredentialType notifyShouldSaveCredential(bool isNew) = 0;

    virtual bool shouldPluginEnterFullScreen() = 0;
    virtual void didPluginEnterFullScreen() = 0;
    virtual void didPluginExitFullScreen() = 0;
    virtual void onPluginStartBackgroundPlay() = 0;
    virtual void onPluginStopBackgroundPlay() = 0;
    virtual bool lockOrientation(bool landscape) = 0;
    virtual void unlockOrientation() = 0;
    virtual bool isActive() const = 0;
    virtual bool isVisible() const = 0;
    virtual void requestWebGLPermission(const WebString&) = 0;

    virtual void setToolTip(WebString) = 0;
    virtual void setStatus(WebString) = 0;
    virtual bool acceptNavigationRequest(const Platform::NetworkRequest&, Platform::NavigationType) = 0;
    virtual void cursorEventModeChanged(Platform::CursorEventMode) = 0;
    virtual void touchEventModeChanged(Platform::TouchEventMode) = 0;

    virtual bool downloadAllowed(const char* url) = 0;
    virtual void downloadRequested(Platform::FilterStream*, const WebString& suggestedFilename) = 0;

    virtual int fullscreenStart(const char* contextName, Platform::Graphics::Window*, unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height) = 0;

    virtual int fullscreenStop() = 0;

    virtual int fullscreenWindowSet(unsigned x, unsigned y, unsigned width, unsigned height) = 0;

    virtual void drawVerticalScrollbar() = 0;
    virtual void drawHorizontalScrollbar() = 0;
    virtual void populateCustomHeaders(Platform::NetworkRequest&) = 0;

    virtual void notifyWillUpdateApplicationCache() = 0;
    virtual void notifyDidLoadFromApplicationCache() = 0;

    virtual void clearCookies() = 0;
    virtual void clearCache() = 0;

    virtual bool hasKeyboardFocus() = 0;
} // namespace WebKit
} // namespace BlackBerry

#endif // WebPageClient_h