/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Canon Inc. * Copyright (C) 2015 Igalia. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY APPLE INC. ``AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE INC. OR * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, * EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR * PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY * OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ // @conditional=ENABLE(STREAMS_API) function initializeReadableStream(underlyingSource, strategy) { "use strict"; if (underlyingSource === @undefined) underlyingSource = { }; if (strategy === @undefined) strategy = { }; if (!@isObject(underlyingSource)) @throwTypeError("ReadableStream constructor takes an object as first argument"); if (strategy !== @undefined && !@isObject(strategy)) @throwTypeError("ReadableStream constructor takes an object as second argument, if any"); @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "state", @streamReadable); @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "reader", @undefined); @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "storedError", @undefined); @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "disturbed", false); // Initialized with null value to enable distinction with undefined case. @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "readableStreamController", null); const type = underlyingSource.type; const typeString = @toString(type); if (typeString === "bytes") { if (!@readableByteStreamAPIEnabled()) @throwTypeError("ReadableByteStreamController is not implemented"); if (strategy.highWaterMark === @undefined) strategy.highWaterMark = 0; if (strategy.size !== @undefined) @throwRangeError("Strategy for a ReadableByteStreamController cannot have a size"); let readableByteStreamControllerConstructor = @ReadableByteStreamController; @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "readableStreamController", new @ReadableByteStreamController(this, underlyingSource, strategy.highWaterMark, @isReadableStream)); } else if (type === @undefined) { if (strategy.highWaterMark === @undefined) strategy.highWaterMark = 1; @putByIdDirectPrivate(this, "readableStreamController", new @ReadableStreamDefaultController(this, underlyingSource, strategy.size, strategy.highWaterMark, @isReadableStream)); } else @throwRangeError("Invalid type for underlying source"); return this; } function cancel(reason) { "use strict"; if (!@isReadableStream(this)) return @Promise.@reject(@makeThisTypeError("ReadableStream", "cancel")); if (@isReadableStreamLocked(this)) return @Promise.@reject(new @TypeError("ReadableStream is locked")); return @readableStreamCancel(this, reason); } function getReader(options) { "use strict"; if (!@isReadableStream(this)) throw @makeThisTypeError("ReadableStream", "getReader"); if (options === @undefined) options = { }; if (options.mode === @undefined) return new @ReadableStreamDefaultReader(this); // String conversion is required by spec, hence double equals. if (options.mode == 'byob') return new @ReadableStreamBYOBReader(this); @throwRangeError("Invalid mode is specified"); } function pipeThrough(streams, options) { "use strict"; const writable = streams.writable; const readable = streams.readable; const promise = this.pipeTo(writable, options); if (@isPromise(promise)) @putByIdDirectPrivate(promise, "promiseIsHandled", true); return readable; } function pipeTo(destination) { "use strict"; // FIXME: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=159869. // Built-in generator should be able to parse function signature to compute the function length correctly. const options = arguments[1]; // FIXME: rewrite pipeTo so as to require to have 'this' as a ReadableStream and destination be a WritableStream. // See https://github.com/whatwg/streams/issues/407. // We should shield the pipeTo implementation at the same time. const preventClose = @isObject(options) && !!options.preventClose; const preventAbort = @isObject(options) && !!options.preventAbort; const preventCancel = @isObject(options) && !!options.preventCancel; const source = this; let reader; let lastRead; let lastWrite; let closedPurposefully = false; let promiseCapability; function doPipe() { lastRead = reader.read(); @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(@Promise.all([lastRead, destination.ready]), function([{ value, done }]) { if (done) closeDestination(); else if (destination.state === "writable") { lastWrite = destination.write(value); doPipe(); } }, function(e) { throw e; }); } function cancelSource(reason) { if (!preventCancel) { reader.cancel(reason); reader.releaseLock(); promiseCapability.@reject.@call(@undefined, reason); } else { @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(lastRead, function() { reader.releaseLock(); promiseCapability.@reject.@call(@undefined, reason); }); } } function closeDestination() { reader.releaseLock(); const destinationState = destination.state; if (!preventClose && (destinationState === "waiting" || destinationState === "writable")) { closedPurposefully = true; @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(destination.close(), promiseCapability.@resolve, promiseCapability.@reject); } else if (lastWrite !== @undefined) @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(lastWrite, promiseCapability.@resolve, promiseCapability.@reject); else promiseCapability.@resolve.@call(); } function abortDestination(reason) { reader.releaseLock(); if (!preventAbort) destination.abort(reason); promiseCapability.@reject.@call(@undefined, reason); } promiseCapability = @newPromiseCapability(@Promise); reader = source.getReader(); @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(reader.closed, @undefined, abortDestination); @Promise.prototype.@then.@call(destination.closed, function() { if (!closedPurposefully) cancelSource(new @TypeError('destination is closing or closed and cannot be piped to anymore')); }, cancelSource ); doPipe(); return promiseCapability.@promise; } function tee() { "use strict"; if (!@isReadableStream(this)) throw @makeThisTypeError("ReadableStream", "tee"); return @readableStreamTee(this, false); } @getter function locked() { "use strict"; if (!@isReadableStream(this)) throw @makeGetterTypeError("ReadableStream", "locked"); return @isReadableStreamLocked(this); }