FontPlatformDataFreeType.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 2006 Apple Inc.
 * Copyright (C) 2006 Michael Emmel
 * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008 Alp Toker <>
 * Copyright (C) 2007 Holger Hans Peter Freyther
 * Copyright (C) 2009, 2010 Igalia S.L.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "config.h"
#include "FontPlatformData.h"

#include "CairoUniquePtr.h"
#include "CairoUtilities.h"
#include "FontCache.h"
#include "FontDescription.h"
#include "SharedBuffer.h"
#include <cairo-ft.h>
#include <fontconfig/fcfreetype.h>
#include <ft2build.h>
#include <wtf/MathExtras.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>

namespace WebCore {

static cairo_subpixel_order_t convertFontConfigSubpixelOrder(int fontConfigOrder)
    switch (fontConfigOrder) {
    case FC_RGBA_RGB:
    case FC_RGBA_BGR:
    case FC_RGBA_VRGB:
    case FC_RGBA_VBGR:
    case FC_RGBA_NONE:

static cairo_hint_style_t convertFontConfigHintStyle(int fontConfigStyle)
    switch (fontConfigStyle) {
    case FC_HINT_NONE:
        return CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE;
    case FC_HINT_SLIGHT:
    case FC_HINT_MEDIUM:
    case FC_HINT_FULL:
        return CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_FULL;

static void setCairoFontOptionsFromFontConfigPattern(cairo_font_options_t* options, FcPattern* pattern)
    FcBool booleanResult;
    int integerResult;

    if (FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_RGBA, 0, &integerResult) == FcResultMatch) {
        cairo_font_options_set_subpixel_order(options, convertFontConfigSubpixelOrder(integerResult));

        // Based on the logic in cairo-ft-font.c in the cairo source, a font with
        // a subpixel order implies that is uses subpixel antialiasing.
        if (integerResult != FC_RGBA_NONE)
            cairo_font_options_set_antialias(options, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_SUBPIXEL);

    if (FcPatternGetBool(pattern, FC_ANTIALIAS, 0, &booleanResult) == FcResultMatch) {
        // Only override the anti-aliasing setting if was previously turned off. Otherwise
        // we'll override the preference which decides between gray anti-aliasing and
        // subpixel anti-aliasing.
        if (!booleanResult)
            cairo_font_options_set_antialias(options, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE);
        else if (cairo_font_options_get_antialias(options) == CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_NONE)
            cairo_font_options_set_antialias(options, CAIRO_ANTIALIAS_GRAY);

    if (FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_HINT_STYLE, 0, &integerResult) == FcResultMatch)
        cairo_font_options_set_hint_style(options, convertFontConfigHintStyle(integerResult));
    if (FcPatternGetBool(pattern, FC_HINTING, 0, &booleanResult) == FcResultMatch && !booleanResult)
        cairo_font_options_set_hint_style(options, CAIRO_HINT_STYLE_NONE);

static FcPattern* getDefaultFontconfigOptions()
    // Get some generic default settings from fontconfig for web fonts. Strategy
    // from Behdad Esfahbod in
    // For web fonts, the hint style is overridden in FontCustomPlatformData::FontCustomPlatformData
    // so Fontconfig will not affect the hint style, but it may disable hinting completely.
    static FcPattern* pattern = nullptr;
    static std::once_flag flag;
    std::call_once(flag, [](FcPattern*) {
        pattern = FcPatternCreate();
        FcConfigSubstitute(nullptr, pattern, FcMatchPattern);
        cairo_ft_font_options_substitute(getDefaultCairoFontOptions(), pattern);
        FcPatternDel(pattern, FC_FAMILY);
        FcConfigSubstitute(nullptr, pattern, FcMatchFont);
    }, pattern);
    return pattern;

FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(FcPattern* pattern, const FontDescription& fontDescription)
    : m_pattern(pattern)
    , m_size(fontDescription.computedPixelSize())
    , m_orientation(fontDescription.orientation())
    RefPtr<cairo_font_face_t> fontFace = adoptRef(cairo_ft_font_face_create_for_pattern(m_pattern.get()));

    int spacing;
    if (FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_SPACING, 0, &spacing) == FcResultMatch && spacing == FC_MONO)
        m_fixedWidth = true;

    bool descriptionAllowsSyntheticBold = fontDescription.fontSynthesis() & FontSynthesisWeight;
    if (descriptionAllowsSyntheticBold && isFontWeightBold(fontDescription.weight())) {
        // The FC_EMBOLDEN property instructs us to fake the boldness of the font.
        FcBool fontConfigEmbolden = FcFalse;
        if (FcPatternGetBool(pattern, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &fontConfigEmbolden) == FcResultMatch)
            m_syntheticBold = fontConfigEmbolden;

        // Fallback fonts may not have FC_EMBOLDEN activated even though it's necessary.
        int weight = 0;
        if (!m_syntheticBold && FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, 0, &weight) == FcResultMatch)
            m_syntheticBold = m_syntheticBold || weight < FC_WEIGHT_DEMIBOLD;

    // We requested an italic font, but Fontconfig gave us one that was neither oblique nor italic.
    int actualFontSlant;
    bool descriptionAllowsSyntheticOblique = fontDescription.fontSynthesis() & FontSynthesisStyle;
    if (descriptionAllowsSyntheticOblique && fontDescription.italic()
        && FcPatternGetInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, 0, &actualFontSlant) == FcResultMatch) {
        m_syntheticOblique = actualFontSlant == FC_SLANT_ROMAN;


FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(cairo_font_face_t* fontFace, const FontDescription& description, bool bold, bool italic)
    : m_size(description.computedPixelSize())
    , m_orientation(description.orientation())
    , m_syntheticBold(bold)
    , m_syntheticOblique(italic)

    CairoFtFaceLocker cairoFtFaceLocker(m_scaledFont.get());
    if (FT_Face fontConfigFace = cairoFtFaceLocker.ftFace())
        m_fixedWidth = fontConfigFace->face_flags & FT_FACE_FLAG_FIXED_WIDTH;

FontPlatformData::FontPlatformData(const FontPlatformData& other)
    *this = other;

FontPlatformData& FontPlatformData::operator=(const FontPlatformData& other)
    // Check for self-assignment.
    if (this == &other)
        return *this;

    m_size = other.m_size;
    m_orientation = other.m_orientation;
    m_widthVariant = other.m_widthVariant;
    m_textRenderingMode = other.m_textRenderingMode;

    m_syntheticBold = other.m_syntheticBold;
    m_syntheticOblique = other.m_syntheticOblique;
    m_isColorBitmapFont = other.m_isColorBitmapFont;
    m_isHashTableDeletedValue = other.m_isHashTableDeletedValue;
    m_isSystemFont = other.m_isSystemFont;

    m_fixedWidth = other.m_fixedWidth;
    m_pattern = other.m_pattern;

    // This will be re-created on demand.
    m_fallbacks = nullptr;

    m_scaledFont = other.m_scaledFont;
    m_harfBuzzFace = other.m_harfBuzzFace;

    return *this;

FontPlatformData::~FontPlatformData() = default;

FontPlatformData FontPlatformData::cloneWithOrientation(const FontPlatformData& source, FontOrientation orientation)
    FontPlatformData copy(source);
    if (copy.m_scaledFont && copy.m_orientation != orientation) {
        copy.m_orientation = orientation;
    return copy;

FontPlatformData FontPlatformData::cloneWithSyntheticOblique(const FontPlatformData& source, bool syntheticOblique)
    FontPlatformData copy(source);
    if (copy.m_syntheticOblique != syntheticOblique) {
        copy.m_syntheticOblique = syntheticOblique;
    return copy;

FontPlatformData FontPlatformData::cloneWithSize(const FontPlatformData& source, float size)
    FontPlatformData copy(source);
    copy.m_size = size;
    // We need to reinitialize the instance, because the difference in size
    // necessitates a new scaled font instance.
    return copy;

HarfBuzzFace* FontPlatformData::harfBuzzFace() const
    if (!m_harfBuzzFace)
        m_harfBuzzFace = HarfBuzzFace::create(const_cast<FontPlatformData*>(this), hash());

    return m_harfBuzzFace.get();

FcFontSet* FontPlatformData::fallbacks() const
    if (m_fallbacks)
        return m_fallbacks.get();

    if (m_pattern) {
        FcResult fontConfigResult;
        FcUniquePtr<FcFontSet> unpreparedFallbacks(FcFontSort(nullptr, m_pattern.get(), FcTrue, nullptr, &fontConfigResult));
        for (int i = 0; i < unpreparedFallbacks.get()->nfont; i++)
            FcFontSetAdd(m_fallbacks.get(), FcFontRenderPrepare(nullptr, m_pattern.get(), unpreparedFallbacks.get()->fonts[i]));
    return m_fallbacks.get();

bool FontPlatformData::isFixedPitch() const
    return m_fixedWidth;

unsigned FontPlatformData::hash() const
    return PtrHash<cairo_scaled_font_t*>::hash(m_scaledFont.get());

bool FontPlatformData::platformIsEqual(const FontPlatformData& other) const
    // FcPatternEqual does not support null pointers as arguments.
    if ((m_pattern && !other.m_pattern)
        || (!m_pattern && other.m_pattern)
        || (m_pattern != other.m_pattern && !FcPatternEqual(m_pattern.get(), other.m_pattern.get())))
        return false;

    return m_scaledFont == other.m_scaledFont;

#ifndef NDEBUG
String FontPlatformData::description() const
    return String();

void FontPlatformData::buildScaledFont(cairo_font_face_t* fontFace)
    CairoUniquePtr<cairo_font_options_t> options(cairo_font_options_copy(getDefaultCairoFontOptions()));
    FcPattern* optionsPattern = m_pattern ? m_pattern.get() : getDefaultFontconfigOptions();
    setCairoFontOptionsFromFontConfigPattern(options.get(), optionsPattern);

    cairo_matrix_t ctm;

    // FontConfig may return a list of transformation matrices with the pattern, for instance,
    // for fonts that are oblique. We use that to initialize the cairo font matrix.
    cairo_matrix_t fontMatrix;
    FcMatrix fontConfigMatrix, *tempFontConfigMatrix;

    // These matrices may be stacked in the pattern, so it's our job to get them all and multiply them.
    for (int i = 0; FcPatternGetMatrix(optionsPattern, FC_MATRIX, i, &tempFontConfigMatrix) == FcResultMatch; i++)
        FcMatrixMultiply(&fontConfigMatrix, &fontConfigMatrix, tempFontConfigMatrix);
    cairo_matrix_init(&fontMatrix, fontConfigMatrix.xx, -fontConfigMatrix.yx,
        -fontConfigMatrix.xy, fontConfigMatrix.yy, 0, 0);

    // The matrix from FontConfig does not include the scale. Scaling a font with width zero size leads
    // to a failed cairo_scaled_font_t instantiations. Instead we scale we scale the font to a very tiny
    // size and just abort rendering later on.
    float realSize = m_size ? m_size : 1;
    cairo_matrix_scale(&fontMatrix, realSize, realSize);

    if (syntheticOblique()) {
        static const float syntheticObliqueSkew = -tanf(14 * acosf(0) / 90);
        static const cairo_matrix_t skew = {1, 0, syntheticObliqueSkew, 1, 0, 0};
        static const cairo_matrix_t verticalSkew = {1, -syntheticObliqueSkew, 0, 1, 0, 0};
        cairo_matrix_multiply(&fontMatrix, m_orientation == Vertical ? &verticalSkew : &skew, &fontMatrix);

    if (m_orientation == Vertical) {
        // The resulting transformation matrix for vertical glyphs (V) is a
        // combination of rotation (R) and translation (T) applied on the
        // horizontal matrix (H). V = H . R . T, where R rotates by -90 degrees
        // and T translates by font size towards y axis.
        cairo_matrix_rotate(&fontMatrix, -piOverTwoDouble);
        cairo_matrix_translate(&fontMatrix, 0.0, 1.0);

    m_scaledFont = adoptRef(cairo_scaled_font_create(fontFace, &fontMatrix, &ctm, options.get()));

bool FontPlatformData::hasCompatibleCharmap() const
    CairoFtFaceLocker cairoFtFaceLocker(m_scaledFont.get());
    FT_Face freeTypeFace = cairoFtFaceLocker.ftFace();
    if (!freeTypeFace)
        return false;
    return !(FT_Select_Charmap(freeTypeFace, ft_encoding_unicode)
        && FT_Select_Charmap(freeTypeFace, ft_encoding_symbol)
        && FT_Select_Charmap(freeTypeFace, ft_encoding_apple_roman));

RefPtr<SharedBuffer> FontPlatformData::openTypeTable(uint32_t table) const
    CairoFtFaceLocker cairoFtFaceLocker(m_scaledFont.get());
    FT_Face freeTypeFace = cairoFtFaceLocker.ftFace();
    if (!freeTypeFace)
        return nullptr;

    FT_ULong tableSize = 0;
    // Tag bytes need to be reversed because OT_MAKE_TAG uses big-endian order.
    uint32_t tag = FT_MAKE_TAG((table & 0xff), (table & 0xff00) >> 8, (table & 0xff0000) >> 16, table >> 24);
    if (FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(freeTypeFace, tag, 0, 0, &tableSize))
        return nullptr;

    Vector<char> data(tableSize);
    FT_ULong expectedTableSize = tableSize;
    FT_Error error = FT_Load_Sfnt_Table(freeTypeFace, tag, 0, reinterpret_cast<FT_Byte*>(, &tableSize);
    if (error || tableSize != expectedTableSize)
        return nullptr;

    return SharedBuffer::create(WTFMove(data));

} // namespace WebCore