{ "instructions": [ "CSS Properties", "", "Some properties are used internally, but are not part of CSS. They are used to get", "HTML4 compatibility in the rendering engine.", "", "Microsoft extensions are documented here:", "http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/author/css/reference/attributes.asp", "", "1. Possible Keys", "", "Keys that control CSS behavior:", "", "* inherited:", "Whether the property is inherited.", "", "* animatable:", "Indicates that this CSS property is an animation / transition property.", "It must have corresponding methods on the Animation class.", "", "Keys that control code generation:", "", "* initial:", "Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to get the initial value for", "the property. By default, \"initial\" + PropertyId is used (e.g.", "initialBorderCollapse()).", "", "* getter:", "Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to get the current value for", "the property. By default, the PropertyId with first letter lowercased", "is used (e.g. borderCollapse()).", "", "* setter:", "Overrides the method name on RenderStyle to set the current value for", "the property. By default, \"set\" + PropertyId is used (e.g.", "setBorderCollapse()).", "", "* name-for-methods:", "Overrides the getter / setter / initial method names on RenderStyle.", "For example, '\"name-for-methods\": \"OverflowWrap\"' will use", "\"overflowWrap() / setOverflowWrap() / initialOverflowWrap()\".", "", "* converter:", "The name of the converter helper function in css/StyleBuilderConverter.h", "to use. The converter helper function takes ", "If converting the input CSSValue into the setter method argument type", "is not trivial (i.e. the CSSPrimitiveValue cannot be implicitly converted", "to the expected type), then you can indicate that a converter helper", "function in css/StyleBuilderConverter.h should be used.", "", "* conditional-converter:", "Similar to property converter, but the converter function returns a", "WTF::Optional<> to indicate if the property setter should be called", "or not.", "", "* custom:", "A string that is \"All\", \"Initial\", \"Inherit\", or \"Value\" or some combination", "of the latter three separated by '|' (e.g. \"Inherit|Value\"). These options", "are described as follows:", "", "All - the CSS property requires special handling to set its initial value,", "inherit value, and its value. Prefer this option over listing the individual", "options.", "", "Initial - the CSS property requires special handling to set its initial value.", "", "Inherit - the CSS property requires special handling to set its inherit value.", "", "Value - the CSS property requires special handling to set its value, and a", "regular converter helper cannot be used.", "", "The custom code for the property should be located in css/StyleBuilderCustom.h", "and named applyValue[CSSPropertyName]().", "", "* svg:", "Indicates that this is an SVG CSS property and that the corresponding", "methods are on SVGRenderStyle instead of RenderStyle.", "", "* auto-functions:", "Indicates that this CSS property requires handling of \"auto\" and has", "corresponding hasAutoXXX() / setHasAutoXXX() methods on RenderStyle.", "", "* visited-link-color-support:", "Indicates that this CSS property is a color property with a", "\"setVisitedLinkXXX()\" setter on RenderStyle to be called when", "StyleResolver::applyPropertyToVisitedLinkStyle() return true.", "The regular setter on RenderStyle will only be called if", "StyleResolver::applyPropertyToRegularStyle() returns true.", "", "* no-default-color:", "Should only with used with \"VisitedLinkColorSupport\". It indicates that for", "setting the inherited value, it will not fallback to using the parent's", "\"color\" property if the inherited color is invalid.", "", "* fone-property:", "Indicates that this CSS property is font-related. It must have corresponding", "methods on the FontDescription class.", "", "* fill-layer-property:", "Indicates that this CSS property is a FillLayer property. It must have", "corresponding methods on the FillLayer class.", "", "* skip-builder:", "Ignore this property in the StyleBuilder.", "", "* longhands:", "Indicated the array longhand property names associated with this shorthand", "property. Shorthand properties should not use the StyleBuilder. An", "ASSERT_NOT_REACHED() will be generated for this property in the StyleBuilder.", "property1, property2, ... are the longhands for this shorthand property. A", "corresponding \"StylePropertyShorthand propertyIdShorthand()\" function will be", "generated in StylePropertyShorthandFunctions.h header.", "", "* high-priority:", "Whether the property needs to be applied before non-high-priority properties", "in CSS cascading order.", "", "* aliases:", "An array of the alternative names for this property.", "", "* enable-if:", "Indicates that code should only be generated for this property/value if the", "specified macro define is enabled. Prefix the macro define with '!' to", "generate code when the macro define is not enabled.", "", "2. Lesser known capabilities of this file format", "", "Conditional CSS keyword value:", "", "Typically the value of key \"values\" is an array of strings that represent the", "CSS keyword values that are recognized by a CSS property. This array may also", "contain objects of the form:", "", " {", " \"value\": \"awesome\",", " \"enable-if\": \"ENABLE_AWESOME_FEATURE\"", " }", "", "The key \"value\" is the name of the conditional keyword and key \"enable-if\"", "describes the code generation criterion. See the documentation for \"enable-if\"", "above for more details.", "", "Conditonal CSS property definition:", "", "A CSS property can have more than one definition so long as the key \"enable-if\"", "differs in each definition. For example, ", "", " \"awesome-property\": [", " {", " \"inherited\": true,", " ...,", " \"codegen-properties\": {", " ...", " \"enable-if\": \"ENABLE_AWESOME_FEATURE\"", " }", " },", " {", " \"inherited\": false,", " ...,", " \"codegen-properties\": {", " ...", " \"enable-if\": \"!ENABLE_AWESOME_FEATURE\"", " }", " },", " ...", " ],", "", "The first definition in parse order whose \"enable-if\" criterion evaluates", "to true is chosen for code generation." ], "properties": { "color": { "inherited": true, "codegen-properties": { "visited-link-color-support": true, "no-default-color": true, "high-priority": true } }, "direction": { "inherited": true, "values": [ "ltr", "rtl" ], "codegen-properties": { "custom": "Value", "high-priority": true } }, "display": { "values": [ "inline", "block", "list-item", "compact", "inline-block", "table", "inline-table", "table-row-group", "table-header-group", "table-footer-group", "table-row", "table-column-group", "table-column", "table-cell", 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