NinePieceImage.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (
 *           (C) 2000 Antti Koivisto (
 *           (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013, 2015 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#pragma once

#include "DataRef.h"
#include "LayoutRect.h"
#include "LayoutSize.h"
#include "LayoutUnit.h"
#include "LengthBox.h"
#include "StyleImage.h"
#include <wtf/Vector.h>

namespace WebCore {

enum ENinePieceImageRule {
    StretchImageRule, RoundImageRule, SpaceImageRule, RepeatImageRule

enum ImagePiece {
    MinPiece = 0,
    TopLeftPiece = MinPiece,

inline ImagePiece& operator++(ImagePiece& piece)
    piece = static_cast<ImagePiece>(static_cast<int>(piece) + 1);
    return piece;

inline bool isCornerPiece(ImagePiece piece)
    return piece == TopLeftPiece || piece == TopRightPiece || piece == BottomLeftPiece || piece == BottomRightPiece;

inline bool isMiddlePiece(ImagePiece piece)
    return piece == MiddlePiece;

inline bool isHorizontalPiece(ImagePiece piece)
    return piece == TopPiece || piece == BottomPiece || piece == MiddlePiece;

inline bool isVerticalPiece(ImagePiece piece)
    return piece == LeftPiece || piece == RightPiece || piece == MiddlePiece;

inline PhysicalBoxSide imagePieceHorizontalSide(ImagePiece piece)
    if (piece == TopLeftPiece || piece == TopPiece || piece == TopRightPiece)
        return TopSide;

    if (piece == BottomLeftPiece || piece == BottomPiece || piece == BottomRightPiece)
        return BottomSide;

    return NilSide;

inline PhysicalBoxSide imagePieceVerticalSide(ImagePiece piece)
    if (piece == TopLeftPiece || piece == LeftPiece || piece == BottomLeftPiece)
        return LeftSide;

    if (piece == TopRightPiece || piece == RightPiece || piece == BottomRightPiece)
        return RightSide;

    return NilSide;

class RenderStyle;

class NinePieceImageData : public RefCounted<NinePieceImageData> {
    static Ref<NinePieceImageData> create() { return adoptRef(*new NinePieceImageData); }
    Ref<NinePieceImageData> copy() const;

    bool operator==(const NinePieceImageData&) const;
    bool operator!=(const NinePieceImageData& o) const { return !(*this == o); }

    bool fill : 1;
    unsigned horizontalRule : 2; // ENinePieceImageRule
    unsigned verticalRule : 2; // ENinePieceImageRule
    RefPtr<StyleImage> image;
    LengthBox imageSlices;
    LengthBox borderSlices;
    LengthBox outset;

    NinePieceImageData(const NinePieceImageData&);

class NinePieceImage {
    NinePieceImage(PassRefPtr<StyleImage>, LengthBox imageSlices, bool fill, LengthBox borderSlices, LengthBox outset, ENinePieceImageRule horizontalRule, ENinePieceImageRule verticalRule);

    bool operator==(const NinePieceImage& other) const { return m_data == other.m_data; }
    bool operator!=(const NinePieceImage& other) const { return m_data != other.m_data; }

    bool hasImage() const { return m_data->image; }
    StyleImage* image() const { return m_data->image.get(); }
    void setImage(PassRefPtr<StyleImage> image) { m_data.access()->image = image; }
    const LengthBox& imageSlices() const { return m_data->imageSlices; }
    void setImageSlices(LengthBox slices) { m_data.access()->imageSlices = WTFMove(slices); }

    bool fill() const { return m_data->fill; }
    void setFill(bool fill) { m_data.access()->fill = fill; }

    const LengthBox& borderSlices() const { return m_data->borderSlices; }
    void setBorderSlices(LengthBox slices) { m_data.access()->borderSlices = WTFMove(slices); }

    const LengthBox& outset() const { return m_data->outset; }
    void setOutset(LengthBox outset) { m_data.access()->outset = WTFMove(outset); }

    ENinePieceImageRule horizontalRule() const { return static_cast<ENinePieceImageRule>(m_data->horizontalRule); }
    void setHorizontalRule(ENinePieceImageRule rule) { m_data.access()->horizontalRule = rule; }
    ENinePieceImageRule verticalRule() const { return static_cast<ENinePieceImageRule>(m_data->verticalRule); }
    void setVerticalRule(ENinePieceImageRule rule) { m_data.access()->verticalRule = rule; }

    void copyImageSlicesFrom(const NinePieceImage& other)
        m_data.access()->imageSlices = other.m_data->imageSlices;
        m_data.access()->fill = other.m_data->fill;

    void copyBorderSlicesFrom(const NinePieceImage& other)
        m_data.access()->borderSlices = other.m_data->borderSlices;
    void copyOutsetFrom(const NinePieceImage& other)
        m_data.access()->outset = other.m_data->outset;

    void copyRepeatFrom(const NinePieceImage& other)
        m_data.access()->horizontalRule = other.m_data->horizontalRule;
        m_data.access()->verticalRule = other.m_data->verticalRule;

    void setMaskDefaults()
        m_data.access()->imageSlices = LengthBox(0);
        m_data.access()->fill = true;
        m_data.access()->borderSlices = LengthBox();

    static LayoutUnit computeOutset(const Length& outsetSide, LayoutUnit borderSide)
        if (outsetSide.isRelative())
            return outsetSide.value() * borderSide;
        return outsetSide.value();

    static LayoutUnit computeSlice(Length, LayoutUnit width, LayoutUnit slice, LayoutUnit extent);
    static LayoutBoxExtent computeSlices(const LayoutSize&, const LengthBox& lengths, int scaleFactor);
    static LayoutBoxExtent computeSlices(const LayoutSize&, const LengthBox& lengths, const FloatBoxExtent& widths, const LayoutBoxExtent& slices);

    static bool isEmptyPieceRect(ImagePiece, const LayoutBoxExtent& slices);
    static bool isEmptyPieceRect(ImagePiece, const Vector<FloatRect>& destinationRects, const Vector<FloatRect>& sourceRects);

    static Vector<FloatRect> computeNineRects(const FloatRect& outer, const LayoutBoxExtent& slices, float deviceScaleFactor);

    static void scaleSlicesIfNeeded(const LayoutSize&, LayoutBoxExtent& slices, float deviceScaleFactor);

    static FloatSize computeSideTileScale(ImagePiece, const Vector<FloatRect>& destinationRects, const Vector<FloatRect>& sourceRects);
    static FloatSize computeMiddleTileScale(const Vector<FloatSize>& scales, const Vector<FloatRect>& destinationRects, const Vector<FloatRect>& sourceRects, ENinePieceImageRule hRule, ENinePieceImageRule vRule);
    static Vector<FloatSize> computeTileScales(const Vector<FloatRect>& destinationRects, const Vector<FloatRect>& sourceRects, ENinePieceImageRule hRule, ENinePieceImageRule vRule);

    void paint(GraphicsContext&, RenderElement*, const RenderStyle&, const LayoutRect& destination, const LayoutSize& source, float deviceScaleFactor, CompositeOperator) const;

    DataRef<NinePieceImageData> m_data;

TextStream& operator<<(TextStream&, const NinePieceImage&);

} // namespace WebCore