Frame.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <>
 *                     1999-2001 Lars Knoll <>
 *                     1999-2001 Antti Koivisto <>
 *                     2000-2001 Simon Hausmann <>
 *                     2000-2001 Dirk Mueller <>
 *                     2000 Stefan Schimanski <>
 * Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies)
 * Copyright (C) 2008 Eric Seidel <>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef Frame_h
#define Frame_h

#include "AdjustViewSizeOrNot.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "FrameTree.h"
#include "IntRect.h"
#include "NavigationScheduler.h"
#include "ScrollTypes.h"
#include "UserScriptTypes.h"
#include <memory>
#include <wtf/ThreadSafeRefCounted.h>

#include "ViewportArguments.h"
#include "VisibleSelection.h"

#include "FrameWin.h"

OBJC_CLASS DOMCSSStyleDeclaration;

typedef struct HBITMAP__* HBITMAP;

namespace JSC { namespace Yarr {
class RegularExpression;
} }

namespace WebCore {

    class AnimationController;
    class Color;
    class Document;
    class Editor;
    class Element;
    class EventHandler;
    class FloatSize;
    class FrameDestructionObserver;
    class FrameSelection;
    class FrameView;
    class HTMLFrameOwnerElement;
    class HTMLTableCellElement;
    class HitTestResult;
    class ImageBuffer;
    class IntRect;
    class MainFrame;
    class Node;
    class Range;
    class RenderLayer;
    class RenderView;
    class RenderWidget;
    class ScriptController;
    class Settings;
    class VisiblePosition;
    class Widget;

    enum {
        OverflowScrollNone = 0,
        OverflowScrollLeft = 1 << 0,
        OverflowScrollRight = 1 << 1,
        OverflowScrollUp = 1 << 2,
        OverflowScrollDown = 1 << 3

    enum OverflowScrollAction { DoNotPerformOverflowScroll, PerformOverflowScroll };
    typedef Node* (*NodeQualifier)(const HitTestResult&, Node* terminationNode, IntRect* nodeBounds);

    enum {
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludeDebugInfo = 1 << 0,
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludeVisibleRects = 1 << 1,
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludeTileCaches = 1 << 2,
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludeRepaintRects = 1 << 3,
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludePaintingPhases = 1 << 4,
        LayerTreeFlagsIncludeContentLayers = 1 << 5
    typedef unsigned LayerTreeFlags;

    class Frame : public ThreadSafeRefCounted<Frame> {
        WEBCORE_EXPORT static Ref<Frame> create(Page*, HTMLFrameOwnerElement*, FrameLoaderClient*);

        void init();
        // Creates <html><body style="..."></body></html> doing minimal amount of work.
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void initWithSimpleHTMLDocument(const String& style, const URL&);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setView(RefPtr<FrameView>&&);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void createView(const IntSize&, const Color&, bool,
            const IntSize& fixedLayoutSize = IntSize(), const IntRect& fixedVisibleContentRect = IntRect(),
            bool useFixedLayout = false, ScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAuto, bool horizontalLock = false,
            ScrollbarMode = ScrollbarAuto, bool verticalLock = false);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT virtual ~Frame();

        void addDestructionObserver(FrameDestructionObserver*);
        void removeDestructionObserver(FrameDestructionObserver*);

        void willDetachPage();
        void detachFromPage();
        void disconnectOwnerElement();

        MainFrame& mainFrame() const;
        bool isMainFrame() const;

        Page* page() const;
        HTMLFrameOwnerElement* ownerElement() const;

        Document* document() const;
        FrameView* view() const;

        Editor& editor() const;
        EventHandler& eventHandler() const;
        FrameLoader& loader() const;
        NavigationScheduler& navigationScheduler() const;
        FrameSelection& selection() const;
        FrameTree& tree() const;
        AnimationController& animation() const;
        ScriptController& script();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderView* contentRenderer() const; // Root of the render tree for the document contained in this frame.
        WEBCORE_EXPORT RenderWidget* ownerRenderer() const; // Renderer for the element that contains this frame.

    // ======== All public functions below this point are candidates to move out of Frame into another class. ========

        void injectUserScripts(UserScriptInjectionTime);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT String layerTreeAsText(LayerTreeFlags = 0) const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT String trackedRepaintRectsAsText() const;

        WEBCORE_EXPORT static Frame* frameForWidget(const Widget*);

        Settings& settings() const { return *m_settings; }

        void setPrinting(bool printing, const FloatSize& pageSize, const FloatSize& originalPageSize, float maximumShrinkRatio, AdjustViewSizeOrNot);
        bool shouldUsePrintingLayout() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT FloatSize resizePageRectsKeepingRatio(const FloatSize& originalSize, const FloatSize& expectedSize);

        void setDocument(RefPtr<Document>&&);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setPageZoomFactor(float);
        float pageZoomFactor() const { return m_pageZoomFactor; }
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setTextZoomFactor(float);
        float textZoomFactor() const { return m_textZoomFactor; }
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setPageAndTextZoomFactors(float pageZoomFactor, float textZoomFactor);

        // Scale factor of this frame with respect to the container.
        WEBCORE_EXPORT float frameScaleFactor() const;

        void deviceOrPageScaleFactorChanged();

        const ViewportArguments& viewportArguments() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setViewportArguments(const ViewportArguments&);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT Node* deepestNodeAtLocation(const FloatPoint& viewportLocation);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT Node* nodeRespondingToClickEvents(const FloatPoint& viewportLocation, FloatPoint& adjustedViewportLocation);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT Node* nodeRespondingToScrollWheelEvents(const FloatPoint& viewportLocation);

        int indexCountOfWordPrecedingSelection(NSString* word) const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT NSArray* wordsInCurrentParagraph() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT CGRect renderRectForPoint(CGPoint, bool* isReplaced, float* fontSize) const;

        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setSelectionChangeCallbacksDisabled(bool = true);
        bool selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled() const;

        enum ViewportOffsetChangeType { IncrementalScrollOffset, CompletedScrollOffset };
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void viewportOffsetChanged(ViewportOffsetChangeType);
        bool containsTiledBackingLayers() const;

        WEBCORE_EXPORT void overflowScrollPositionChangedForNode(const IntPoint&, Node*, bool isUserScroll);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT void resetAllGeolocationPermission();

        // Orientation is the interface orientation in degrees. Some examples are:
        //  0 is straight up; -90 is when the device is rotated 90 clockwise;
        //  90 is when rotated counter clockwise.
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void orientationChanged();
        int orientation() const;

        void clearTimers();
        static void clearTimers(FrameView*, Document*);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT String displayStringModifiedByEncoding(const String&) const;

        WEBCORE_EXPORT VisiblePosition visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint) const;
        Document* documentAtPoint(const IntPoint& windowPoint);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT RefPtr<Range> rangeForPoint(const IntPoint& framePoint);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT String searchForLabelsAboveCell(const JSC::Yarr::RegularExpression&, HTMLTableCellElement*, size_t* resultDistanceFromStartOfCell);
        String searchForLabelsBeforeElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element*, size_t* resultDistance, bool* resultIsInCellAbove);
        String matchLabelsAgainstElement(const Vector<String>& labels, Element*);

        // Scroll the selection in an overflow layer on iOS.
        void scrollOverflowLayer(RenderLayer* , const IntRect& visibleRect, const IntRect& exposeRect);

        WEBCORE_EXPORT int preferredHeight() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT int innerLineHeight(DOMNode*) const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void updateLayout() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT NSRect caretRect() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT NSRect rectForScrollToVisible() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT DOMCSSStyleDeclaration* styleAtSelectionStart() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT unsigned formElementsCharacterCount() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setTimersPaused(bool);
        bool timersPaused() const { return m_timersPausedCount; }
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void dispatchPageHideEventBeforePause();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void dispatchPageShowEventBeforeResume();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setRangedSelectionBaseToCurrentSelection();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setRangedSelectionBaseToCurrentSelectionStart();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setRangedSelectionBaseToCurrentSelectionEnd();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void clearRangedSelectionInitialExtent();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setRangedSelectionInitialExtentToCurrentSelectionStart();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void setRangedSelectionInitialExtentToCurrentSelectionEnd();
        WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection rangedSelectionBase() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT VisibleSelection rangedSelectionInitialExtent() const;
        WEBCORE_EXPORT void recursiveSetUpdateAppearanceEnabled(bool);
        WEBCORE_EXPORT NSArray* interpretationsForCurrentRoot() const;
        void suspendActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations();
        void resumeActiveDOMObjectsAndAnimations();
        bool activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspended() const { return m_activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspendedCount > 0; }

        bool isURLAllowed(const URL&) const;

    // ========

        Frame(Page&, HTMLFrameOwnerElement*, FrameLoaderClient&);

        void injectUserScriptsForWorld(DOMWrapperWorld&, const UserScriptVector&, UserScriptInjectionTime);

        HashSet<FrameDestructionObserver*> m_destructionObservers;

        MainFrame& m_mainFrame;
        Page* m_page;
        const RefPtr<Settings> m_settings;
        mutable FrameTree m_treeNode;
        mutable FrameLoader m_loader;
        mutable NavigationScheduler m_navigationScheduler;

        HTMLFrameOwnerElement* m_ownerElement;
        RefPtr<FrameView> m_view;
        RefPtr<Document> m_doc;

        const std::unique_ptr<ScriptController> m_script;
        const std::unique_ptr<Editor> m_editor;
        const std::unique_ptr<FrameSelection> m_selection;
        const std::unique_ptr<EventHandler> m_eventHandler;
        const std::unique_ptr<AnimationController> m_animationController;

        void betterApproximateNode(const IntPoint& testPoint, NodeQualifier, Node*& best, Node* failedNode, IntPoint& bestPoint, IntRect& bestRect, const IntRect& testRect);
        bool hitTestResultAtViewportLocation(const FloatPoint& viewportLocation, HitTestResult&, IntPoint& center);
        Node* qualifyingNodeAtViewportLocation(const FloatPoint& viewportLocation, FloatPoint& adjustedViewportLocation, NodeQualifier, bool shouldApproximate);

        void overflowAutoScrollTimerFired();
        void startOverflowAutoScroll(const IntPoint&);
        int checkOverflowScroll(OverflowScrollAction);

        void setTimersPausedInternal(bool);

        Timer m_overflowAutoScrollTimer;
        float m_overflowAutoScrollDelta;
        IntPoint m_overflowAutoScrollPos;
        ViewportArguments m_viewportArguments;
        bool m_selectionChangeCallbacksDisabled;
        int m_timersPausedCount;
        VisibleSelection m_rangedSelectionBase;
        VisibleSelection m_rangedSelectionInitialExtent;

        float m_pageZoomFactor;
        float m_textZoomFactor;

        int m_activeDOMObjectsAndAnimationsSuspendedCount;

    inline void Frame::init()

    inline FrameLoader& Frame::loader() const
        return m_loader;

    inline NavigationScheduler& Frame::navigationScheduler() const
        return m_navigationScheduler;

    inline FrameView* Frame::view() const
        return m_view.get();

    inline ScriptController& Frame::script()
        return *m_script;

    inline Document* Frame::document() const
        return m_doc.get();

    inline FrameSelection& Frame::selection() const
        return *m_selection;

    inline Editor& Frame::editor() const
        return *m_editor;

    inline AnimationController& Frame::animation() const
        return *m_animationController;

    inline HTMLFrameOwnerElement* Frame::ownerElement() const
        return m_ownerElement;

    inline FrameTree& Frame::tree() const
        return m_treeNode;

    inline Page* Frame::page() const
        return m_page;

    inline void Frame::detachFromPage()
        m_page = nullptr;

    inline EventHandler& Frame::eventHandler() const
        return *m_eventHandler;

    inline MainFrame& Frame::mainFrame() const
        return m_mainFrame;

} // namespace WebCore

#endif // Frame_h