ChangeLog   [plain text]

2016-06-17  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r202174.

    2016-06-17  John Wilander  <>

            Ignore case in the check for security origin inheritance

            Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

            Darin Adler commented in
            "Are these comparisons intentionally case sensitive? Shouldn’t they ignore ASCII 
            case? We could use equalIgnoringASCIICase and equalLettersIgnoringASCIICase for 
            those two lines instead of using ==. URL::parse normalizes letters in the scheme 
            and host by using toASCIILower, but does not normalize letters elsewhere in the 
            URL, such as in the "blank" or "srcdoc" in the above URLs."

            Test: http/tests/dom/window-open-about-uppercase-blank-and-access-document.html

            * platform/URL.cpp:

2016-06-17  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r202151.

    2016-06-16  John Wilander  <>

            Restrict security origin inheritance to empty, about:blank, and about:srcdoc URLs

            Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

            Tests: http/tests/dom/window-open-about-blank-and-access-document.html

            Document.cpp previously checked whether a document should inherit its owner's 
            security origin by checking if the URL is either empty or blank. URL.cpp in 
            turn only checks if the protocol is "about:" in the isBlankURL() function. 
            Thus all about:* URLs inherited security origin. This patch restricts 
            security origin inheritance to empty, about:blank, and about:srcdoc URLs.

            Quotes and links from the WHATWG spec regarding about:srcdoc:

            7.1 Browsing contexts
            A browsing context can have a creator browsing context, the browsing context 
            that was responsible for its creation. If a browsing context has a parent 
            browsing context, then that is its creator browsing context. Otherwise, if the 
            browsing context has an opener browsing context, then that is its creator 
            browsing context. Otherwise, the browsing context has no creator browsing 

            7.1.1 Nested browsing contexts
            Certain elements (for example, iframe elements) can instantiate further 
            browsing contexts. These are called nested browsing contexts. If a browsing 
            context P has a Document D with an element E that nests another browsing 
            context C inside it, then C is said to be nested through D, and E is said to 
            be the browsing context container of C. If the browsing context container 
            element E is in the Document D, then P is said to be the parent browsing 
            context of C and C is said to be a child browsing context of P. Otherwise, 
            the nested browsing context C has no parent browsing context.

            4.8.5 The iframe element
            The iframe element represents a nested browsing context.
            If the srcdoc attribute is specified
                Navigate the element's child browsing context to a new response whose 
                url list consists of about:srcdoc ...

            * dom/Document.cpp:
                Now uses the URL::shouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner() function instead.
                Now uses the URL::shouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner() function instead.
            (WebCore::shouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner): Deleted.
                Moved to URL::shouldInheritSecurityOriginFromOwner() and restricted the check.
            * platform/URL.cpp:
            * platform/URL.h:
                Moved the function from Document and restricted the check to only allow
                security origin inheritance for empty, about:blank, and about:srcdoc URLs.

2016-06-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r201561.

    2016-06-01  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            SVGImage should report its memory cost to JS garbage collector

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Like what we do in HTMLImageLoader::notifyFinished() by reporting the memory
            cost of the BitmapImage, we need to do something similar for the SVGImage. In
            SVGImage::dataChange() and when allDataReceived is true, we can calculate
            the size of all DOM nodes and their renderers. The size of the encoded data
            has to be added as well to the total memory cost. An approximation for the
            memory cost has to be used since it is costly to get an accurate number.

            * bindings/js/JSDocumentCustom.cpp: 
            (WebCore::reportMemoryForDocumentIfFrameless): Use Node::approximateMemoryCost()
            instead of sizeof(Node). A Node's descendant can override this function and
            return a more accurate memory cost.

            * dom/Node.h:
            (WebCore::Node::approximateMemoryCost): Define this new virtual function in the
            Node class. Its default value is sizeof(Node) but any descendant can return a
            more accurate number.

            * platform/graphics/Image.h:
            (WebCore::Image::data): Define a const version of data() so it can be called
            the const function SVGImage::reportApproximateMemoryCost().

            * svg/SVGGraphicsElement.h: Override approximateMemoryCost() to return 

            * svg/SVGPathElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::SVGPathElement::approximateMemoryCost): Override this function to return
            the memory cost of the points and the m_path of the renderer.
            * svg/SVGPathElement.h:

            * svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::SVGPolyElement::approximateMemoryCost): Override this function to return
            the memory cost of the points and the m_path of the renderer.
            * svg/SVGPolyElement.h:

            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp:
            (WebCore::SVGImage::reportApproximateMemoryCost): Calculate the memory cost of the 
            nodes in the SVGDocument of an SVGImage. Then report this number to the JS garbage 

            (WebCore::SVGImage::dataChanged): After loading all the SVG encoded data and building
            its DOM tree and the render tree, report the total memory cost to the JS garbage collector.
            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.h:

2016-05-16  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r200986.

    2016-05-16  Brent Fulgham  <>

            heap use-after-free at WebCore::TimerBase::heapPopMin()

            Reviewed by David Kilzer.

            Tested by fast/frames/resources/crash-during-iframe-load-stop.html.

            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::stopForUserCancel): Protect m_frame from destruction while it is still
            being used by the current stack frame.
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::frameDetached): Ditto.
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::continueFragmentScrollAfterNavigationPolicy): Ditto.

2016-05-12  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r200466.

    2016-05-05  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] Media information is sometimes not shown in Control Center

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::updateNowPlayingInfo): Store values passed to MPNowPlayingInfoCenter
              individually instead of in a dictionary.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199351. rdar://problem/26228860

    2016-04-12  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] media title sometimes remain in Control Center after tab is closed

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            * Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h: Implement characteristics.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailed): Call mediaSession->clientCharacteristicsChanged.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::setReadyState): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::clearMediaPlayer): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::stop): Call mediaSession->stopSession.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::characteristics): New, return current characteristics.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::stopSession): Suspend playback, and remove the session
              from the manager, it will never play again.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::characteristics): Return client characteristics.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h:

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::stopAllMediaPlaybackForProcess): Call stopSession
              instead of pauseSession to signal that playback will never start again.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:

            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::sessionWillBeginPlayback): Add logging.
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::removeSession): Update NowPlaying.
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::sessionWillEndPlayback): Add logging.
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::clientCharacteristicsChanged): Update NowPlaying.
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::nowPlayingEligibleSession): New, return the first session
              that is an audio or video element with playable audio. WebAudio is not currently controllable
              so it isn't appropriate to show it in the NowPlaying info center.
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::updateNowPlayingInfo): Remember the last state passed to
              NowPlaying so we can call it only when something has changed.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r200375. rdar://problem/26064990

    2016-05-03  Pranjal Jumde  <>

            WorkerGlobalScope's self, location and navigator attributes should not be replaceable

            Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

            Tests: http/tests/workers/location-readonly.html

            * workers/WorkerGlobalScope.idl:
            The 'self', 'location', and 'navigator' properties of the WorkerGlobalScope must be immutable.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r200091. rdar://problem/26228870

    2016-04-26  Brent Fulgham  <>

            GuardMalloc crash in WebCore::HTMLFrameElementBase::marginHeight()

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Calls to setIntegralAttribute triggers event handling code, which can cause
            the underlying m_frameOwnerElement member to be deleted. We could clone this
            object, but since we only want the width and height we should just read them
            while we know the object is in a good state, then execute the potentially
            mutating methods.

            Tested by imported/blink/fast/dom/HTMLBodyElement/body-inserting-iframe-crash.html.

            * html/HTMLBodyElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLBodyElement::insertedInto): Read margin width and height before
            calling setIntegralAttribute.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199243. rdar://problem/26228921

    2016-04-08  Said Abou-Hallawa  <sabouhallawa@apple,com>

            Timing attack on SVG feComposite filter circumvents same-origin policy

            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.

            Ensure the FEComposite arithmetic filter is clamping the resulted color
            components in a constant time.

            * platform/graphics/filters/FEComposite.cpp:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199101. rdar://problem/26228884

    2016-04-06  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            ASSERTION FAILED: !floatingObject->originatingLine() in WebCore::RenderBlockFlow::linkToEndLineIfNeeded

            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

            1. Float boxes are always attached to the line where we see them first.
            2. Float box can only be attached to one line.
            3. RenderBlockFlow can perform partial layout on dirty lines only.

            In certain cases, the last dirty line can "pull up" float boxes from the first clean line.
            It simply means that due to some layout changes on previous lines now we see those floats on this last dirty line first.
            If after placing the float we still find it on the same position, the line below is still considered clean.

            Remove the float box from its original line if the line above already placed it.

            Test: fast/block/float/float-moves-between-lines.html

            * rendering/RenderBlockFlow.h:
            * rendering/RenderBlockLineLayout.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderBlockFlow::layoutRunsAndFloatsInRange): Deleted.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198780. rdar://problem/26228892

    2016-03-29  Eric Carlson  <>

            media/track/track-remove-track.html is flaky, crashing and failing

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            Prevent HTMLMediaElement from being collected while it is creating media controls.
            These changes prevent the test from crashing but they do not fix the flakiness,
            which is caused by another bug. Fixing that is tracked by

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::actionName): New, debugging-only helper function.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::HTMLMediaElement): Initialize new variables.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::scheduleDelayedAction): Log the flag names to make debugging easier.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::scheduleNextSourceChild): Add logging.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::updateActiveTextTrackCues): Update logging.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::configureTextTrackGroup): Drive-by optimization: don't call
              updateCaptionContainer here, call it before exiting configureTextTracks so we only call
              it once instead of once per track group.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::ensureMediaControlsShadowRoot): New, wrapper around calling
              ensureUserAgentShadowRoot so m_creatingControls can be set and cleared appropriately.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::updateCaptionContainer): ensureUserAgentShadowRoot ->
              ensureMediaControlsShadowRoot. Drive by optimization: set/test m_haveSetupCaptionContainer
              so we only do this setup once.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::configureTextTracks): Call updateCaptionContainer.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::clearMediaPlayer): Log flag names.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::hasPendingActivity): Return true when creating controls so GC
              won't happen during controls setup.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::updateTextTrackDisplay): ensureUserAgentShadowRoot ->
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::createMediaControls): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::configureMediaControls): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::configureTextTrackDisplay): Ditto.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r200738. rdar://problem/26228887

    2016-05-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge r198701. rdar://problem/26228577

        2016-03-25  Zalan Bujtas  <>

                RenderImage::repaintOrMarkForLayout fails when the renderer is detached.

                Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

                Making containingBlockFor* functions standalone ensures that we don't
                call them on an invalid object.

                Covered by existing tests.

                * dom/Element.cpp:
                * rendering/LogicalSelectionOffsetCaches.h:
                * rendering/RenderElement.cpp:
                (WebCore::RenderElement::containingBlockForFixedPosition): Deleted.
                (WebCore::RenderElement::containingBlockForAbsolutePosition): Deleted.
                (WebCore::isNonRenderBlockInline): Deleted.
                (WebCore::RenderElement::containingBlockForObjectInFlow): Deleted.
                * rendering/RenderElement.h:
                * rendering/RenderInline.cpp:
                * rendering/RenderObject.cpp:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r200735. rdar://problem/26228904

    2016-05-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge r198143. rdar://problem/26228593

        2016-03-14  Chris Vienneau  <>

                PingHandle delete's itself but pointer is still used by handleDataURL

                Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

                When a PingHandle is destroyed, we should tell its client so that the client can clear the pointer it
                holds to the element to avoid accidentally attempting to use deallocated memory.

                The ResourceHandle's client member may be null after "didReceiveResponse" is called. We should confirm
                the client is still valid after these calls.

                * platform/network/DataURL.cpp:
                (WebCore::handleDataURL): Check the client pointer before using it.
                * platform/network/PingHandle.h:
                (WebCore::PingHandle::~PingHandle): Notify the client we are being destroyed.
                * platform/platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198050. rdar://problem/26228899

    2016-03-11  Jiewen Tan  <>

            WebKit should not be redirected to an invalid URL

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Test: http/tests/navigation/redirect-to-invalid-url.html

            * loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195724. rdar://problem/26228915

    2016-01-27  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            Garbage is displayed when root svg element has mix-blend-mode set

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            This bug happens when compositing on a CALayer and drawing on a transparent
            layer, so it happens with WK2 with <svg style="mix-blend-mode...">. And it
            can happen with WK1 also with <svg style="opacity=...;mix-blend-mode...">.
            But in both cases, the SVG root renderer should be the root of the render
            tree. So it happens only with the stand alone SVG documents.

            SVGRenderContext::prepareToRenderSVGContent() ignores the opacity of
            the SVG root but it creates a transparent layer for the blend-mode.

            But RenderLayer::beginTransparencyLayers() creates a transparent layer
            for opacity and it sets the blend-mode also.

            The fix is to begin two transparent layers for the SVG root renderer: one
            for the opacity and the second for the blend-mode. The opacity transparent
            layer will be still managed by RenderLayer::beginTransparencyLayers(). While
            the blend-mode transparent layer will be managed by SVGRenderContext

            Tests: svg/css/mix-blend-mode-background-root.svg

            * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195004. rdar://problem/26228875

    2016-01-13  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Cross-protocol, cross-site scripting (XPSS) using HTML forms

            Reviewed by David Kilzer.

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::responseReceived): If response HTTP version is 0.9,
            sandbox against script execution and plugins.
            * loader/ResourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::ResourceLoader::didReceiveResponse): Ditto.
            * loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse): Ditto.
            * platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.cpp:
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::adopt): Update for HTTP version.
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::copyData): Ditto.
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::httpVersion): Added.
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::setHTTPVersion): Ditto.
            * platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.h:
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::encode): Update for HTTP version.
            (WebCore::ResourceResponseBase::decode): Ditto.
            * platform/network/cf/ResourceResponseCFNet.cpp:
            (WebCore::ResourceResponse::platformLazyInit): Capture HTTP version.
            * platform/network/cocoa/
            (WebCore::ResourceResponse::platformLazyInit): Ditto.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194399. rdar://problem/26228911

    2015-12-23  Pranjal Jumde  <>

            Avoids stack recursion when indexed propertyNames defined using Object.defineProperty are deleted.

            Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

            * runtime/JSObject.cpp:
            (JSStorage::deletePropertyByIndex was invoking Base::deleteProperty for indexed propertyNames instead of Base::deletePropertyByIndex leading to a stack recursion)

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194290. rdar://problem/26228866

    2015-12-18  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Place an upper bound on canvas pixel count

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser (Relanded by Brent Fulgham)

            Malformed JavaScript can attempt to create lots of canvas contexts. Limit the amount of memory
            we will use for this purpose to some percentage of system RAM.

            * html/HTMLCanvasElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::removeFromActivePixelMemory): Added helper function
            (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::~HTMLCanvasElement): Call new 'releaseImageBufferAndContext' method
            to ensure ImageBuffer and graphics context state are properly cleaned up.
            (WebCore::maxActivePixels): Use one quarter of the system RAM, or 2 GB (whichever is more) as
            an upper bound on active pixel memory.
            (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::getContext): If we are attempting to create a context that will cause
            us to exceed the allowed active pixel count, fail.
            (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::releaseImageBufferAndContext): Added helper function
            (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::setSurfaceSize): Use the new 'releaseImageBufferAndContext' method
            to handle active pixel memory counts.
            (WebCore::HTMLCanvasElement::createImageBuffer): Refuse to create a backing buffer if it will
            exceed our available pixel memory.

2016-05-12  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190820. rdar://problem/26228881

    2015-10-09  Simon Fraser  <>

            Garbage texture data with composited table row

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            Don't pretend to know if the layer for a table header, section or cell is
            opaque, since table painting is special.

            Test: compositing/contents-opaque/table-parts.html

            * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:

2016-04-22  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199881. rdar://problem/25879593

    2016-04-22  Antti Koivisto  <>

            REGRESSION (r194898): Multi download of external SVG defs file by <use> xlinks:href (caching)

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            We would load svg resources with fragment identifier again because the encoding never matched.

            Test: http/tests/svg/svg-use-external.html

            * loader/TextResourceDecoder.cpp:

                Encoding can depend on mime type. Add a comparison function that takes this into account.

            * loader/TextResourceDecoder.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedResource.h:

                Add a way to get the TextResourceDecoder from a cached resource.

            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.cpp:

                Use the new comparison function.

            * loader/cache/CachedSVGDocument.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedScript.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedXSLStyleSheet.h:

2016-04-15  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r199598.

    2016-04-15  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            Calling SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff::animationEnded() will crash if the SVG property is not animating

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            A speculative fix for a crash which may happen when calling animationEnded()
            of any SVGAnimatedProperty while it is not animating.

            * svg/SVGAnimatedTypeAnimator.h:

2016-04-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r199253.

    2016-04-08  Jer Noble  <>

            Unreviewed 32-bit build fix; make type of std::min<> explicit.

            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:

2016-04-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r199252.

    2016-04-08  Jer Noble  <>

            CRASH in AudioDestinationNode::render()

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Yet another math error in AudioDestinationIOS::render(). It is possible for the difference between
            m_startSpareFrame and m_endSpareFrame to be greater than the numberOfFrames to be rendered. Protect
            against this case by taking the min() of those two values and only advancing m_startSpareFrame by
            that amount.  This guarantees that framesThisTime will never underflow, and that data will not be
            written past the end of the ioData parameter.

            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:

2016-04-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199116. rdar://problem/25468815

    2016-04-06  Jer Noble  <>

            CRASH in AudioDestinationNode::render()

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            AudioDestinationNode::render() will crash when passed in a zero-length frame count. Rather than get into
            this bad state, ASSERT() and bail out early in this case.

            Also, address the situation in AudioDestinationIOS::render which can cause this 0-frame count to occur.

            * Modules/webaudio/AudioDestinationNode.cpp:
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:

2016-04-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r199042. rdar://problem/25533763

    2016-04-04  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Crash when playing <video> after playing Web Audio

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Off-by-one error in AudioDestinationIOS::render. The ivars m_firstSpareFrame and m_lastSpareFrame imply that
            the sample range is inclusive, i.e. [m_firstSpareFrame .. m_lastSpareFrame], but the length of the range was
            being calculated as if m_lastSpareFrame was exclusive; when the two were equal, the length was calculated as
            0, rather than 1. This was caught by an ASSERT (and would have been caught by a downstream ASSERT had that one
            not been present).

            Fix the off-by-one by treating them as inclusive/exclusive--similar to C++ iterators--and renaming them to reflect
            this: [m_startSpareFrame .. m_endSpareFrame). This corrects the "length" math which caused the crash.

            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.h:

2016-04-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198035. rdar://problem/25467558

    2016-03-10  Jer Noble  <>

            Web Audio becomes distorted after sample rate changes

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            When the underlying audio hardware sample rate changes, the AudioUnit render callback will begin asking
            for fewer or more frames. For example, when the sample rate goes from 44.1kHz to 48kHz, it will ask for
            118 samples instead of 128. (And vice-versa, 140 samples instead of 128.) But the Web Audio engine can only
            really handle requests in multiples of 128 samples. In the case where there are requests for < 128 samples,
            actually render 128, but save off the unrequested samples in a separate bus. Then fill that bus during the
            next request.

            * platform/audio/AudioBus.cpp:
            (WebCore::AudioBus::copyFromRange): Added utility method.
            * platform/audio/AudioBus.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:
            (WebCore::AudioDestinationIOS::AudioDestinationIOS): Create a "spare" bus.
            (WebCore::assignAudioBuffersToBus): Moved from inside render.
            (WebCore::AudioDestinationIOS::render): Save off extra samples to the "spare" bus.
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.h:

2016-04-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r198903. rdar://problem/25467558

2016-03-31  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Roll out r191180. rdar://problem/25449273

        Landed on behalf of Chris Dumez.

        * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp:
        (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::tagIdFor): Deleted.
        (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::initiatorFor): Deleted.
        (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::processAttribute): Deleted.
        (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::resourceType): Deleted.
        * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.h:

2016-03-31  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198035. rdar://problem/25467558

    2016-03-10  Jer Noble  <>

            Web Audio becomes distorted after sample rate changes

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            When the underlying audio hardware sample rate changes, the AudioUnit render callback will begin asking
            for fewer or more frames. For example, when the sample rate goes from 44.1kHz to 48kHz, it will ask for
            118 samples instead of 128. (And vice-versa, 140 samples instead of 128.) But the Web Audio engine can only
            really handle requests in multiples of 128 samples. In the case where there are requests for < 128 samples,
            actually render 128, but save off the unrequested samples in a separate bus. Then fill that bus during the
            next request.

            * platform/audio/AudioBus.cpp:
            (WebCore::AudioBus::copyFromRange): Added utility method.
            * platform/audio/AudioBus.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.cpp:
            (WebCore::AudioDestinationIOS::AudioDestinationIOS): Create a "spare" bus.
            (WebCore::assignAudioBuffersToBus): Moved from inside render.
            (WebCore::AudioDestinationIOS::render): Save off extra samples to the "spare" bus.
            * platform/audio/ios/AudioDestinationIOS.h:

2016-03-25  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r197856. rdar://problem/25152411

    2016-03-09  Andreas Kling  <>

            ImageDocuments leak their world.

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            ImageDocument uses a special code path in ImageLoader in order to manually
            control how the image is loaded. It has to do this because the ImageDocument
            is really just a synthetic wrapper around a main resource that's an image.

            This custom loading code had a bug where it would create a new CachedImage
            and neglect to set its CachedResource::m_state flag to Pending (which is
            normally set by CachedResource::load(), but we don't call that for these.)

            This meant that when ImageDocument called CachedImage::finishLoading() to
            trigger the notifyFinished() callback path, the image would look at its
            loading state and see that it was Unknown (not Pending), and conclude that
            it hadn't loaded yet. So we never got the notifyFinished() signal.

            The world leaks here because ImageLoader slaps a ref on its <img> element
            while it waits for the loading operation to complete. Once finished, whether
            successfully or with an error, it derefs the <img>.

            Since we never fired notifyFinished(), we ended up with an extra ref on
            these <img> forever, and then the element kept its document alive too.

            Test: fast/dom/ImageDocument-world-leak.html

            * loader/ImageLoader.cpp:

2016-03-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge custom patch. rdar://problem/25152415.

        * rendering/OrderIterator.cpp:

2016-03-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r198157. rdar://problem/25271134

    2016-03-14  Simon Fraser  <>

            Fix crash when reloading a page using requestAnimationFrame on iOS

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            On iOS, it's possible for all clients for a DisplayRefreshMonitor
            to be unregistered, but still get a subsequent displayDidRefresh() for that monitor.
            In this case, we would remove(notFound) which release-asserts.

            Fix by just checking for notFound.

            Unable to test because requestAnimationFrame doesn't work in the simulator.

            * platform/graphics/DisplayRefreshMonitorManager.cpp:

2016-03-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195614. rdar://problem/24850429

    2016-01-26  Philip Rogers  <>

            Let SVG images not taint canvases except when containing foreignObjects

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            r153876 caused SVG images to not taint canvases but the patch allowed
            for subimage resources. This can be a problem if a subimage (e.g., data
            uri image) contains a foreignObject which can violate security (e.g.,
            visited links).

            This patch updates SVGImage::hasSingleSecurityOrigin to check if the
            image contains any foreignObjects or images that themselves contain
            foreignObjects. SVG images without foreignObjects are allowed to not
            taint canvases.

            Canvas patterns are problematic because an animated SVG image can switch
            between tainting and not tainting the canvas. A FIXME has been added to
            solve this, and in the meantime we cause SVG images to taint patterns.

            Tests: svg/as-image/svg-canvas-pattern-with-link-tainted.html

            * html/canvas/CanvasPattern.cpp:
            * svg/SVGFEImageElement.cpp:
            * svg/SVGFEImageElement.h:
            * svg/SVGImageElement.cpp:
            * svg/SVGImageElement.h:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp:

2016-03-21  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r197967. rdar://problem/25271137

    2016-03-10  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            REGRESSION: GuardMallloc crash in SVGListPropertyTearOff<SVGPointList>::processIncomingListItemWrapper

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            The life cycle of the SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff::m_baseVal and m_animVal
            was not correct. Like what was done in SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff,
            m_baseVal and m_animVal have to be raw RefCounted pointers. When requested
            through, SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff::baseVal() and animVal() they are
            encapsulated in a RefPtr to ensure they existence as long as they are
            referenced. When the animated property object (which is stored in either
            m_baseVal or m_animVal) is not referenced by anyone, it is going to be
            deleted. In the destructor of their class, SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff
            will be notified of this deletion through propertyWillBeDeleted() to clean
            its member m_baseVal or m_animVal.

            * bindings/scripts/
            (NativeToJSValue): Now all the SVG animated property return RefPtrs. In
            addition to that, SVGViewSpec.transform also returns

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff.h:
            Change propertyWillBeDeleted() to be virtual and make it takes an SVGProperty*.
            Rename m_animatingAnimVal to be m_animatedProperty. Add isAnimating() which
            returns true if m_animatedProperty is not null. Use isAnimating() instead of
            m_isAnimating because it's deleted from the base class.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedProperty.cpp:
            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedProperty.h:
            Delete m_isAnimating since its value can be deduced from the value of
            m_animatedProperty in the derived class. Add propertyWillBeDeleted() and
            isAnimating() as virtual functions with the default behavior.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff.h:
            Like SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff::baseVal() and animVal() create the
            value if it does not exist. Keep a raw RefCounted pointer but return a

            Override virtual functions.

            Replace m_isAnimating with isAnimating(). Ensure that we get a new animated
            property through animVal() and store it in a RefPtr to ensure it will not
            go away while animating.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedStaticPropertyTearOff.h:
            Add isAnimating() and replace all the instances of m_isAnimating with calls
            to isAnimating().

            * svg/properties/SVGPropertyTearOff.h:
            SVGPropertyTearOff is what SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff creates for its
            baseVal() and animVal() values. These values can be null anytime once
            they are not referenced. The SVGAnimatedPropertyTearOff holds only raw
            RefCounted pointer for them. So (1) SVGPropertyTearOff needs to hold a
            RefPtr for its SVGAnimatedProperty and (2) it needs to notify its
            SVGAnimatedProperty when it's deleted by calling propertyWillBeDeleted()
            from the destructor. Also there is no need to get the contextElement()
            and save it in class member, m_contextElement since it can be always be
            retrieved from SVGAnimatedProperty::contextElement().

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192285.

        * dom/ContainerNode.cpp:
        (WebCore::ContainerNode::ensurePreInsertionValidity): Added.
        * dom/ContainerNode.h:

    2015-11-10  Pranjal Jumde  <>

            Fixed crash loading Mozilla layout test editor/libeditor/crashtests/431086-1.xhtml.

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            * Source/WebCore/editing/ios/
            * Source/WebCore/editing/mac/
              In Editor::fontForSelection moved the node removal code, so that the
              node is only removed if style is not NULL.
            * Source/WebCore/editing/cocoa/
              In Editor::styleForSelectionStart checking if the parentNode can 
              accept the styleElement node.

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r198377.

    2016-03-17  Brent Fulgham  <>

            [XSS Auditor] Off by one in XSSAuditor::canonicalizedSnippetForJavaScript()

            Unreviewed merge from Blink (patch by Tom Sepez <>):

            Test: http/tests/security/xssAuditor/script-tag-with-trailing-script-and-urlencode.html

            * html/parser/XSSAuditor.cpp:
            (WebCore::XSSAuditor::canonicalizedSnippetForJavaScript): Correct off-by-one error.

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r198372.

    2016-03-17  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Don't initiate a style recall while drawing text 

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            This patch ensures that we don't initiate a style recalc while in the middle of text drawing.

            Test: fast/canvas/crash-while-resizing-canvas.html

            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp:

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r198370.

    2016-03-17  Eric Carlson  <>

            Improve some metadata tests

            Reviewed by Saam Barati.

            * html/track/DataCue.cpp:

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r198361.

    2016-03-17  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Some media tests are flaky.

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            * html/track/TextTrack.cpp:

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192770.

    2015-11-25  Pranjal Jumde  <>

            Checks for buffer-overflows when reading characters from textRun

            Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.

            Prevents an off by one error when adding the last font data to the GlyphBuffer.

            * Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/WidthIterator.cpp:
            * Source/WebCore/platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192499.

    2015-11-16  Pranjal Jumde  <>

            Fixes the buffer-overflow when reading characters from textRun

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192252.

    2015-11-10  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Force display: block on ::-webkit-media-controls.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            This patch ensures that we always have a block level container for media controls
            so that continuation never needs to split RenderMedia into multiple subtrees.

            Current inline continuation logic assumes that only inline elements with RenderInline
            type of renderers participate in continuation. This is mostly the case since other inline renderers
            such as RenderReplaced, RenderImage, RenderEmbeddedObject etc can't have (accessible) children.
            (Unlike video::-webkit-media-controls)

            Test: media/webkit-media-controls-display.html

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.css:
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
            * css/mediaControls.css:

2016-03-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192853.

    2015-11-30  Simon Fraser  <>

            Fix possible crash with animated layers in reflections

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Reflections create additional PlatformCALayers whose owner is set to the GraphicsLayerCA.
            Those PlatformCALayers need their owner pointer cleared out when the GraphicsLayerCA
            is destroyed.

            Tested by compositing/reflections/nested-reflection-transition.html

            * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.h:

2016-03-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r197125. rdar://problem/24860685

    2016-02-25  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            REGRESSION (r196268): Many assertion failures and crashes on SVG path animation tests when JS garbage collection happens quickly

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            This is not an actual regression. The bug did exist before r196268 but
            the whole document was leaking once an SVGAnimatedProperty was created
            so there was no way to produce this bug. After fixing the leak, one crash
            and one assert got uncovered. Both of them happen because of the fact:
            "if an SVGAnimatedProperty is not referenced it will be deleted."

            * svg/SVGPathElement.cpp:
            The code in this function was assuming that the wrapper will be created
            only once which happens when SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupOrCreateWrapper()
            is called. Before making this single call, lookupOrCreateDWrapper() was
            building an initial SVGPathSegList from byte stream. But now
            SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper() can return false even after creating
            the SVGAnimatedProperty because it was deleted later. Calling
            buildSVGPathSegListFromByteStream() more than once was causing
            SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff::animationStarted() to fire the assertion
            ASSERT(m_values.size() == m_wrappers.size()) because the path segments were
            appended twice to m_values which is in fact SVGPathElement::m_pathSegList.value.
            The fix is to build the initial SVGPathSegList only once which should happen
            when m_pathSegList.value.isEmpty().

            * svg/SVGPathElement.h:
            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedPathSegListPropertyTearOff.h:
            SVGPathElement is assuming the following equivalence relation:
            m_pathSegList.shouldSynchronize ~ SVGAnimatedProperty_is_created_and_not_null.
            SVGPathElement::animatedPathSegList() and animatedNormalizedPathSegList()
            set m_pathSegList.shouldSynchronize to true when SVGAnimatedProperty is
            created but nothing sets m_pathSegList.shouldSynchronize back to false.
            This was not a problem when the SVGAnimatedProperty was leaking but after
            ensuring it is deleted when it is not referenced this equivalence relation
            becomes untrue sometimes. This caused SVGPathElement::svgAttributeChanged()
            to crash when we check m_pathSegList.shouldSynchronize and if it is true we
            assume that SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper() will return a non-null pointer
            and therefore we deference this pointer and call SVGAnimatedProperty::isAnimating().
            To fix this crash we need to set m_pathSegList.shouldSynchronize back to false
            when the associated SVGAnimatedProperty is deleted.

2016-03-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196670. rdar://problem/24860681

    2016-02-16  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            REGRESSION(r196268): WTFCrashWithSecurityImplication on SVG path animation tests

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            In r196268, a destructor was added to SVGListPropertyTearOff that notifies
            its wrapper (the SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearoff) about its deletion. This
            allows the wrapper to nullify any references to the wrapped content.

            We needed to do the same thing for SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff. Both
            SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff and SVGListPropertyTearOff inherit from
            SVGListProperty and both hold pointers to SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff
            which needs to be notified.

            Tests: exiting svg path animation tests should not crash.

            * svg/properties/SVGPathSegListPropertyTearOff.h:

2016-03-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196268. rdar://problem/24748259

    2016-02-08  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            REGRESSION(r181345): SVG polyline and polygon leak page

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            The leak happens because of cyclic reference between SVGListPropertyTearOff
            and SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff which is derived from SVGAnimatedProperty.
            There is also cyclic reference between SVGAnimatedProperty and SVGElement
            and this causes the whole document to be leaked. So if the JS requests, for
            example, an instance of SVGPolylineElement.points, the whole document will be

            The fix depends on having the cyclic reference as is since the owning and the
            owned classes have to live together if any of them is referenced. But the owning
            class caches a raw 'ref-counted' pointer of the owned class. If it is requested
            for an instance of the owned class it returned a RefPtr<> of it. Once the owned
            class is not used, it can delete itself. The only thing needed here is to notify
            the owner class of the deletion so it cleans its caches and be able to create a
            new pointer if it is requested for an instance of the owned class later.

            Revert the change of r181345 in SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupOrCreateWrapper()
            to break the cyclic reference between SVGElement and SVGAnimatedProperty.

            Also apply the same approach in SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff::baseVal() and
            animVal() to break cyclic reference between SVGListPropertyTearOff and

            Test: svg/animations/smil-leak-list-property-instances.svg

            * bindings/scripts/
            (NativeToJSValue): The SVG non-string list tear-off properties became of
            type RefPtr<>. So we need to use get() with the casting expressions.

            * svg/SVGMarkerElement.cpp:
            Use 'auto' type for the return of SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper().

            * svg/SVGPathElement.cpp:
            Since SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrappe() returns a RefPtr<> we need to
            use get() for the casting expressions.

            * svg/SVGPathElement.h:
            Change the return value from raw pointer to RefPtr<>.

            * svg/SVGPathSegWithContext.h:
            Change the return type to be RefPtr<> to preserve the value from being deleted.

            * svg/SVGPolyElement.cpp:
            Since SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper() returns a RefPtr<> we need to
            use get() for the casting expressions.

            * svg/SVGPolyElement.h:
            Change the return value from raw pointer to RefPtr<>.

            * svg/SVGViewSpec.cpp:
            Since SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper() returns a RefPtr<> we need to
            use get() for the casting expressions.

            * svg/SVGViewSpec.h:
            Change the return value from raw pointer to RefPtr<>.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff.h:
            Change the return value from raw pointer to RefPtr<> and change the cached
            value from RefPtr<> to raw pointer. If the property is null, it will be
            created, its raw pointer will be cached and the only ref-counted RefPtr<>
            will be returned. This will guarantee, the RefPtr<> will be deleted once
            it is not used anymore.

            Clean the raw pointer caches m_baseVal and m_animVal upon deleting the
            actual pointer. This function will be called from the destructor of

            We have to ensure the baseVal() is created before using it.

            For animation, a separate RefPtr<> 'm_animatingAnimVal' will be assigned
            to the animVal(). This will prevent deleting m_animVal while animation.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedPathSegListPropertyTearOff.h:
            Same as what is done in SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff.

            Same as what is done in SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedProperty.h:
            Change the return value from raw reference to Ref<> and change the
            cached value from Ref<> to raw pointer. This reverts the change of
            r181345 in this function.

            Change the return value from raw pointer to RefPtr<>.

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedPropertyMacros.h:
            Use 'auto' type for the return of SVGAnimatedProperty::lookupWrapper().

            * svg/properties/SVGAnimatedTransformListPropertyTearOff.h:
            Same as what is done in SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff.

            * svg/properties/SVGListPropertyTearOff.h:
            Call the SVGAnimatedListPropertyTearOff::propertyWillBeDeleted() to clean
            its raw pointers when the RefPtr<> deletes itself.

2016-02-12  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r196401.

    2016-02-10  Eric Carlson  <>

            Update "manual" caption track logic

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            No new tests, media/track/track-manual-mode.html was updated.

            * English.lproj/Localizable.strings: Add new string.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::addTextTrack): track.setManualSelectionMode is no more.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::configureTextTrackGroup): Never enable a track automatically when
              in manual selection mode.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::captionPreferencesChanged):  track.setManualSelectionMode is no more.

            * html/track/TextTrack.cpp:
            (WebCore::TextTrack::containsOnlyForcedSubtitles): Return true for forced tracks.
            (WebCore::TextTrack::kind): Deleted.
            * html/track/TextTrack.h:

            * html/track/TrackBase.h:
            (WebCore::TrackBase::kind): De-virtualize, nobody overrides it.

            * page/CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF.cpp:
            (WebCore::trackDisplayName): Include "forced" in the name of forced tracks.

            * platform/LocalizedStrings.cpp:
            (WebCore::forcedTrackMenuItemText): New.
            * platform/LocalizedStrings.h:

2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195837. rdar://problem/24001782

    2016-01-29  Brent Fulgham  <>

            [WebGL] Check vertex array bounds before permitting a glDrawArrays to execute

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Tested by fast/canvas/webgl/webgl-drawarrays-crash.html.

            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.cpp:
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateDrawArrays): Make sure that we have at
            least one buffer bound to a program if a drawArray call with a non-zero range of
            requested data is being made.
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateDrawElements): Drive-by formatting fix.

2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196096. rdar://problem/24416768

    2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge r196010. rdar://problem/24417428

        2016-02-02  Eric Carlson  <>

                Allow ports to disable automatic text track selection

                Reviewed by Darin Adler.

                Test: media/track/track-manual-mode.html

                * Modules/mediacontrols/MediaControlsHost.cpp:
                (WebCore::MediaControlsHost::manualKeyword): New.
                (WebCore::MediaControlsHost::captionDisplayMode): Support 'manual' mode.
                * Modules/mediacontrols/MediaControlsHost.h:

                * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:
                (Controller.prototype.buildCaptionMenu): Check the 'off' item when in manual mode.

                * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::addTextTrack): Update m_captionDisplayMode when called for the first
                  time so it is always correct. Set the track's manual selection mode as appropriate.
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::captionPreferencesChanged): Set each track's manual selection
                  mode as appropriate.

                * html/track/TextTrack.cpp:
                (WebCore::TextTrack::kind): Return 'subtitles' for forced tracks when in manual mode.
                * html/track/TextTrack.h:

                * html/track/TrackBase.h:
                (WebCore::TrackBase::kind): Make virtual.

                * page/CaptionUserPreferences.cpp:
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferences::beginBlockingNotifications): New.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferences::endBlockingNotifications): Ditto.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferences::notify): Don't notify when blocked.
                * page/CaptionUserPreferences.h:

                * page/CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF.cpp:
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF): Set manual mode
                  when appropriate.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::captionDisplayMode): Check manual mode.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::setCaptionDisplayMode): Ditto.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::setPreferredLanguage): Ditto.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::textTrackSelectionScore): Return zero when in manual mode.
                (WebCore::CaptionUserPreferencesMediaAF::sortedTrackListForMenu): Consider manual mode. Fix
                  typos in logging.

                * platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/
                (WebCore::mediaDescriptionForKind): Return 'auxiliary' when in manual mode.

                * testing/Internals.cpp:
                (WebCore::Internals::setCaptionDisplayMode): Support manual mode.

2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196095. rdar://problem/24416768

    2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge r195912. rdar://problem/24417428

        2016-01-30  Eric Carlson  <>

                More than one audio and/or text track sometimes selected in media controls menu

                Use an <img> element for the track menu item checkmark instead of a background image and
                the ::before selector.

                Reviewed by Jer Noble.

                Test: media/controls/track-menu.html

                * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.css:
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li:hover):
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li .checkmark-container):
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li.selected .checkmark-container):
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li.selected:hover .checkmark-container):
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li.selected::before): Deleted.
                (audio::-webkit-media-controls-closed-captions-container li.selected:hover::before): Deleted.
                * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:

2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r196094. rdar://problem/24416768

    2016-02-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge r192570. rdar://problem/24417428

        2015-11-18  Aaron Chu  <>

                AX: Shadow DOM video player controls menus need aria-owns on the trigger buttons

                Reviewed by Darin Adler.

                Test: media/accessibility-closed-captions-has-aria-owns.html

                * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:
                * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsBase.js:

2016-01-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195932. 

2016-01-28  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195751 and r195761.

2016-01-28  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195607.

    2016-01-27  Dean Jackson  <>

            [iOS] Documents without an explicit width should not get fast tapping

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser (and Wenson Hseih).

            As the title says, documents that do not set a viewport should
            not get the fast click behaviour. There were complaints that we broke
            double-tap to scroll in ImageDocuments where the image was narrow and long.

            The fix is to just keep a flag that tells the UI process if the
            width was explicit. However, it turns out that those ImageDocuments
            are given an explicit device-width, which is fine for scaling but
            really should behave as auto for fast tapping. So we also need
            to tell the UIProcess if the viewport arguments came from an

            Test: fast/events/ios/viewport-no-width-value-allows-double-tap.html

            * dom/ViewportArguments.cpp:
            (WebCore::findSizeValue): Add a parameter that toggles a flag
            if the size was explicitly set.
            (WebCore::setViewportFeature): Remember if the width was
            * dom/ViewportArguments.h: Add a widthWasExplicit flag.

2016-01-28  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Follow-up fix for r195625.

2016-01-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195625.

    2016-01-26  Brady Eidson  <>

            History.pushState causes intense memory pressure.

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig, Oliver Hunt, and Geoff Garen.

            Tests: fast/loader/stateobjects/pushstate-frequency-iframe.html

            Add restrictions on how frequently push/replaceState can be called,
            as well as how much of a cumulative payload they can deliver.

            * bindings/js/JSHistoryCustom.cpp:

            * page/History.cpp:
            * page/History.h:

2016-01-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195671.

    2016-01-26  Jer Noble  <>

            Calling video.controls=true during a scrub operation cancels scrub.

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Test: media/media-controls-drag-timeline-set-controls-property.html

            Verify that the video.controls attribute actually changed before tearing down and
            re-adding the media controls to the Shadow DOM.

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:

2016-01-26  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195606. rdar://problem/24243317

    2016-01-25  Dave Hyatt  <>

            Speculative fixes for crashing in viewportChangeAffectedPicture

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Don't attach any conditions to the removal of a picture element from
            the document's HashSet. This ensures that if the condition is ever
            wrong for any reason, we'll still remove the picture element on

            Fix the media query evaluation to match the other evaluations (used by
            the preload scanner and HTMLImageElement). This includes using the
            document element's computed style instead of our own and also null
            checking the document element first. This is the likely cause of the

            * html/HTMLPictureElement.cpp:

2016-01-20  Andy Estes  <>

        Re-enable synchronous popstate event for safari-601-branch

        Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

        r192369 made the popstate event dispatch asynchronously, which matches what the HTML5 spec says to do.
        However, due to compatibility regressions, we do not want to include this behavior change in
        safari-601-branch. This change reverts r192369's changes to Document.cpp, but retains the new tests.
        This change is intended only for safari-601-branch and its copies. The popstate event should remain
        asynchronous in trunk.

        Firing popstate synchronously makes both fast/loader/remove-iframe-during-history-navigation-different.
        Html and fast/loader/remove-iframe-during-history-navigation-same.html crash, because their onpopstate
        handlers remove frames from the document that will later be accessed by

        To prevent the crashes, this change does two things:
        1. Keep a reference to the current frame inside FrameLoader::loadSameDocumentItem(), since calling
           loadInSameDocument() might otherwise delete it.
        2. Handle a null frame when iterating a HistoryItem's child frames in
           HistoryController::recursiveGoToItem(), since calling goToItem() on one frame might cause another
           frame to be deleted.

        Covered by existing tests. fast/loader/stateobjects/popstate-is-asynchronous-expected.txt was updated
        to expect popstate to be synchronous.

        * dom/Document.cpp:
        * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
        * loader/HistoryController.cpp:

2016-01-25  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195477. rdar://problem/24001780

    2016-01-21  Sam Weinig  <>

            Treat non-https actions on secure pages as mixed content

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            Tests:  http/tests/security/mixedContent/insecure-form-in-iframe.html

            * html/HTMLFormElement.cpp:
            Check form actions for mixed content.

            * loader/MixedContentChecker.cpp:
            * loader/MixedContentChecker.h:
            Add new function to check and warn if a form's action is mixed content.

2016-01-25  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195393. rdar://problem/24042909

    2016-01-20  David Kilzer  <>

            ResourceHandleCFURLConnectionDelegateWithOperationQueue delegate methods don't NULL-check m_handle->client()

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            * platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFURLConnectionDelegateWithOperationQueue.cpp:
            - Add NULL check for m_handle->client() as is done in the
              WebCoreResourceHandleAsOperationQueueDelegate class in
      (The NULL
              check for -connection:didReceiveResponse: is currently
              missing, but there are crashes there, too, that are covered by
              Bug 152673.)

2016-01-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195150. rdar://problem/24208162

    2016-01-15  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] Font features are not applied to the system font

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            We simply need to call preparePlatformFont() on it.

            Test: fast/text/system-font-features.html

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:

2016-01-20  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195132.

    2016-01-15  Dave Hyatt  <>

            Avoid downloading the wrong image for <picture> elements.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            No tests, since they are always flaky.

            * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLImageElement.h:
            * html/HTMLPictureElement.h:
            * html/parser/HTMLConstructionSite.cpp:
            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp:

            Images that are built underneath a <picture> element are now connected
            to that picture element via a setPictureNode call from the parser. This
            ensures that the correct <source> elements are examined before checking the image.

            This connection between images and their picture owners is handled using a static
            HashMap in HTMLImageElement. This connection is made both from the parser and from
            DOM insertions, and the map is queried now instead of looking directly at the
            image's parentNode().

2016-01-20  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195075.

    2016-01-14  Daniel Bates  <>

            Disallow use of Geolocation service from unique origins

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            Tests: fast/dom/Geolocation/dataURL-getCurrentPosition.html

            * Modules/geolocation/Geolocation.cpp:
            (WebCore::Geolocation::securityOrigin): Convenience function to get the SecurityOrigin object
            associated with this script execution context.
            (WebCore::Geolocation::startRequest): Notify requester POSITION_UNAVAILABLE when requested
            from a document with a unique origin.
            * Modules/geolocation/Geolocation.h:
            * page/SecurityOrigin.h:
            (WebCore::SecurityOrigin::canRequestGeolocation): Added.

2016-01-20  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r195162.

    2016-01-15  Jiewen Tan  <>

            FrameLoaderClient::didReceiveServerRedirectForProvisionalLoadForFrame() is never called when loading a main resource from the memory cache

            Reviewed by Andy Estes.

            Test: http/tests/loading/server-redirect-for-provisional-load-caching.html

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            Dispatch message to notify client that a cached resource was redirected. So,
            client can make proper actions to treat server side redirection.
            * loader/cache/CachedRawResource.h:
            Add a method to tell whether the cached resource was redirected.

2016-01-20  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        <rdar://problem/24242600> CrashTracer: at …pector::CSSFrontendDispatcher::mediaQueryResultChanged + 316

        Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

        * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
        (WebCore::InspectorCSSAgent::willDestroyFrontendAndBackend): Call disable().
        (WebCore::InspectorCSSAgent::mediaQueryResultChanged): Add null check.

2016-01-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195088. rdar://problem/24101168

    2016-01-14  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Mixing Content Blocking of fonts and display:none rules causes battery drain

            Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

            If we have applied a rule before and we are not applying it again, don't
            resolve the style again.

            Test: http/tests/contentextensions/font-display-none-repeated-layout.html

            * contentextensions/ContentExtensionStyleSheet.cpp:
            * contentextensions/ContentExtensionStyleSheet.h:
            * dom/ExtensionStyleSheets.cpp:

2016-01-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r195082. rdar://problem/23633319

    2016-01-14  Simon Fraser  <>

            Remove workaround for rdar://problem/23623670

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Remove the code that uses IOSurfaceAcceleratorTransformSurface() when copying from
            back-to-front buffer, now that CGIOSurfaceContextCreate()-code path works correctly.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            (IOSurface::copyToSurface): Deleted.

2016-01-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188377. rdar://problem/24208161

    2015-08-12  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] [CJK-configured device] System font has vertical punctuation

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            GlyphPage::fill() has multiple code paths to accomplish its goal. It uses the shouldUseCoreText() helper
            function to determine which one of the paths should be taken. However, not all of the code paths in
            GlyphPage::fill() are able of handling all situations. Indeed, the CoreText code paths in GlyphPage::fill()
            are only able to handle the situations which shouldUseCoreText() returns true for. This happens in the
            following cases:

            1. If the font is a composite font
            2. If the font is used for text-combine
            3. If the font has vertical glyphs

            In r187693, I added one more case to this list: If the font is the system font. However, I failed to add
            the necessary support to GlyphPage::fill() for this case. Becasue of this, we just happened to fall into
            the case of vertical fonts (just by coincidence), which causes us to use
            CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters() instead of CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters().

            The solution is to adopt the same behavior we were using before r187693. Back then, we were using
            CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(), which always returned horizontal glyphs. We should simply adopt this same
            behavior, except in the Core Text case. Therefore, this patch is just a simple check to see if we are
            using the system font when determining which Core Text function to use.

            Test: fast/text/system-font-punctuation.html

            * platform/graphics/FontDescription.h:
            * platform/graphics/FontPlatformData.h:
            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2016-01-19  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188263. rdar://problem/24208161

    2015-08-11  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [iOS] Arabic letter Yeh is drawn in LastResort

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            In order to perform font fallback, we must know which fonts support which characters. We
            perform this check by asking each font to map a sequence of codepoints to glyphs, and
            any glyphs which end up with a 0 value are unsupported by the font.

            One of the mechanisms that we use to do this is to combine the code points into a string,
            and tell Core Text to lay out the string. However, this is fundamentally a different
            operation than the one we are trying to perform. Strings combine adjacent codepoints into
            grapheme clusters, and CoreText operates on these. However, we are trying to gain
            information regarding codepoints, not grapheme clusters.

            Instead of taking this string-based approach, we should try harder to use Core Text
            functions which operate on ordered collections of characters, rather than strings. In
            particular, CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters() and CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters()
            have the behavior we want where any unmapped characters end up with a 0 value glyph.

            Previously, we were only using the result of those functions if they were successfully
            able to map their entire input. However, given the fact that we can degrade gracefully
            in the case of a partial mapping, we shouldn't need to bail completely to the
            string-based approach should a partial mapping occur.

            At some point we should delete the string-based approach entirely. However, this path
            is still explicitly used for composite fonts. Fixing that use case is out of scope
            for this patch.

            Test: fast/text/arabic-glyph-cache-fill-combine.html

            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:

2016-01-19  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187693. rdar://problem/24208161

    2015-07-31  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] Latin quotes are used with the system font on Chinese devices

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            The system font has some fancy logic regarding character selection which requires
            using Core Text for glyph selection.

            No new tests because tests can't change the system language of the device.

            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194950. rdar://problem/23270886

    2016-01-08  Andy Estes  <>

            [Content Filtering] Lazily load platform frameworks

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            On Cocoa platforms, ContentFilter soft-links two frameworks that perform the underlying filtering operations.
            There is a one-time cost associated with the soft-linking, and the current design requires all clients to pay
            this cost whether or not they ever load a resource that is subject to filtering.

            Addressed this by deferring the loading of frameworks until it is known that a resource will require filtering.
            It is rather simple to defer the soft-linking at the PlatformContentFilter level, but doing this alone would
            mean that every CachedRawResourceClient callback would be routed through ContentFilter, even in the very common
            case where both platform content filters are disabled. This is because checking if a platform content filter is
            enabled involves loading its framework, so creating a ContentFilter (which DocumentLoader will add as the
            CachedRawResource client in place of itself) cannot be avoided by checking that all its platform content filters
            are disabled.

            Resolved this by inverting the relationship between ContentFilter and DocumentLoader. Instead of ContentFilter
            being the CachedRawResource's client and forwarding callbacks to DocumentLoader when one or more platform
            filters are enabled, DocumentLoader is now always the client and it forwards callbacks to ContentFilter.
            ContentFilter then returns a boolean value indicating whether or not DocumentLoader should proceed with each

            New API test: ContentFiltering.LazilyLoadPlatformFrameworks

            * loader/ContentFilter.cpp:
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::create): Renamed from createIfEnabled(). Since the enabled check causes frameworks to
            be loaded, the check is skipped here and all types are always created.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::continueAfterWillSendRequest): Renamed from willSendRequest(). Renamed requestCopy to
            originalRequest, and only created it for logging purposes. Since the copy was only used for logging purposes,
            request is now modified directly. Returned false if request is null.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::continueAfterResponseReceived): Renamed from responseReceived(). Stopped asserting that
            resource is non-null, since it will be null in the case of substitute data loads. Stopped asserting that m_state
            is not Initialized, since that state was removed and the function can now be called in all states. Only logged
            if m_state is Filtering. Returned false if m_state is Blocked.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::continueAfterDataReceived): Renamed from dataReceived(). Stopped asserting that
            resource is non-null and that m_state is Initialized, and moved the logging, for the same reasons as above.
            Returned false if m_state is Filtering or Blocked.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::continueAfterNotifyFinished): Renamed from notifyFinished(). Stopped asserting that
            resource is non-null and that m_state is not Initialized, and moved the logging, for the same reasons as above.
            If m_state is not Blocked at this point, set m_state to Allowed in order for deliverResourceData() to not get
            caught in continueAfterDataReceived(). Returned false if m_state is Blocked or Stopped after delivering data.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::createIfEnabled): Renamed to create().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::~ContentFilter): Stopped removing ourself as m_mainResource's client.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::willSendRequest): Renamed to continueAfterWillSendRequest().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::startFilteringMainResource): Stopped adding ourself as m_mainResource's client. Stopped
            asserting that m_state is not Initialized and instead returned early if m_state is not Stopped.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::stopFilteringMainResource): Stopped removing ourself as m_mainResource's client.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::responseReceived): Renamed to continueAfterResponseReceived().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::dataReceived): Renamed to continueAfterDataReceived().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::redirectReceived): Removed. DocumentLoader now calls continueAfterWillSendRequest()
            directly on redirects.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::notifyFinished): Renamed to continueAfterNotifyFinished().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::didDecide): Instead of calling DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidDecide(), called
            DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidBlock() when m_state is Blocked.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::deliverResourceData): Asserted that m_state is Allowed.
            * loader/ContentFilter.h: Stopped inheriting from CachedRawResourceClient. Redeclared the
            CachedRawResourceClient virtual functions as the continue* functions mentioned above. Made State enum private
            and removed Initialized. Initialized m_state to Stopped and removed its getter.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::type): Returned a ContentFilter::Type that does not include an enabled function.
            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::notifyFinished): Returned early if ContentFilter::continueAfterNotifyFinished()
            returned false.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Called ContentFilter::continueAfterWillSendRequest() even for
            redirects, since ContentFilter is no longer a CachedRawResourceClient and so will no longer receive
            redirectReceived(). Returned early if continueAfterWillSendRequest() returns false.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::responseReceived): Returned early if ContentFilter::continueAfterResponseReceived()
            returned false.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::dataReceived): Ditto for ContentFilter::continueAfterDataReceived().
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource): Called ContentFilter::create(), not createIfEnabled().
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::becomeMainResourceClient): Called ContentFilter::startFilteringMainResource() even if
            m_state is not Initialized. Added ourself as a client of m_mainResource unconditionally.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidBlock): Renamed from contentFilterDidDecide. Removed assertions and
            the early return when m_state is Allowed, since the state is guaranteed to be Blocked.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidDecide): Renamed to contentFilterDidBlock.
            * platform/cocoa/NetworkExtensionContentFilter.h: Moved definition of HAVE_NETWORK_EXTENSION to Platform.h so
            that this file doesn't need to become a Private header. Made enabled() private, and declared initialize().
            * platform/cocoa/
            (WebCore::NetworkExtensionContentFilter::initialize): Added a function to lazily initialize the object.
            (WebCore::NetworkExtensionContentFilter::willSendRequest): For the modern NEFilterSource, checked if it is
            enabled only after checking if the request is HTTP(S). If both checks pass, then called initialize().
            (WebCore::NetworkExtensionContentFilter::responseReceived): Ditto for the legacy NEFilterSource.
            * platform/cocoa/ParentalControlsContentFilter.h: Made enabled() private.
            * platform/cocoa/
            (WebCore::ParentalControlsContentFilter::responseReceived): Checked if WebFilterEvaluator is enabled only after
            checking if the response is from a protocol that can be handled.
            * testing/MockContentFilter.cpp:
            (WebCore::MockContentFilter::willSendRequest): Immediately set m_status to Status::Allowed if !enabled().
            * testing/MockContentFilter.h: Made enabled() private.

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194927. rdar://problem/24101173

    2016-01-12  Daniel Bates  <>

            XSS Auditor should navigate to empty substitute data on full page block

            Reviewed by David Kilzer and Andy Estes.

            Derived from Blink patch (by Tom Sepez <>):

            Test: http/tests/security/xssAuditor/block-does-not-leak-that-page-was-blocked-using-empty-data-url.html

            * html/parser/XSSAuditorDelegate.cpp:
            (WebCore::XSSAuditorDelegate::didBlockScript): Modified to call NavigationScheduler::schedulePageBlock().
            * loader/NavigationScheduler.cpp:
            (WebCore::ScheduledPageBlock::ScheduledPageBlock): Added.
            (WebCore::NavigationScheduler::schedulePageBlock): Navigate to empty substitute data with
            the same URL as the originating document.
            * loader/NavigationScheduler.h:

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194898. rdar://problem/24154420

    2016-01-12  Antti Koivisto  <>

            Don't reuse memory cache entries with different charset

            Reviewed by Andreas Kling.

            Test: fast/loader/cache-encoding.html

            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.cpp:

                Pass full CachedResourceRequest to the function.
                If charset differs don't reuse the cache entry.

            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.h:

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194865. rdar://problem/24154421

    2016-01-11  Dave Hyatt  <>

            Picture element needs to work with the preload scanner and select the correct
            source element instead of loading the image.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Added new tests in http/tests/loading.

            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp:
            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.h:

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191180. rdar://problem/24154421

    2015-10-16  Chris Dumez  <>

            HTMLPreloadScanner should preload iframes

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            HTMLPreloadScanner should preload iframes to decrease page load time.

            - fast/preloader/frame-src.html
            - http/tests/loading/preload-no-store-frame-src.html

            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp:
            (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::setUrlToLoad): Deleted.
            (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::charset): Deleted.
            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.h:

2016-01-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190641. rdar://problem/24154421

    2015-10-06  Chris Dumez  <>

            Refactor TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::processAttribute()

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Refactor TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::processAttribute() to only
            process attributes that make sense given the current tagId. In particular,
            - We only process the charset parameter if the tag is a link or a script.
            - We only process the sizes / srcset attributes if the tag is an img.

            * html/parser/HTMLPreloadScanner.cpp:
            (WebCore::TokenPreloadScanner::StartTagScanner::setUrlToLoad): Deleted.

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194751. rdar://problem/24042915

    2016-01-07  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Correct missing EXT_sRGB Format Handling

            Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

            Tested by WebGL 1.0.4 suite.

            * platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3D.cpp:
            (getDataFormat): Handle missing SRGB and SRGB_ALPHA cases.
            * platform/graphics/GraphicsContext3D.h: Add missing SRGB_ALPHA value from the Khronos standard.
            * platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContext3DOpenGL.cpp:
            (WebCore::GraphicsContext3D::texImage2D): Add an assertion that we are not being handed
            an internal format to a method that works with normal formats.

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194750. rdar://problem/24074335

    2016-01-07  Simon Fraser  <>

            Use an appropriate buffer format for swipe snapshots

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Choose an appropriate buffer format for swipe snapshots, and avoid converting
            them to YUV422.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194667. rdar://problem/24074334

    2016-01-06  Simon Fraser  <>

            [iOS] Revert overflow:hidden on the body affecting viewport scale (r186786)

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            You can't assume that if an author uses overflow:hidden on the body, they have no
            content outside the body that is important. Sites like Google Translate put
            abspos elements outside the body.

            So revert the change.

            * page/FrameView.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameView::contentsSizeRespectingOverflow): Deleted.
            * page/FrameView.h:

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194666. rdar://problem/24101185

    2016-01-06  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Port blocking bypass issue using 307 redirect

            Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.

            Tested by http/tests/security/blocked-on-redirect.html.

            Make sure that 307 redirects check the requested URL via 'portAllowed'.

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Confirm that the requested port
            is valid, and block load if it is not.
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::reportBlockedPortFailed): Added.
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::blockedError): Added.
            * loader/FrameLoader.h:

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194038. rdar://problem/24101170

    2015-12-14  Daniel Bates  <>

            [iOS] DOM click event may not be dispatched when page has :active style and <input type="search">

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Fixes an issue where a DOM click event is not dispatched to an element in a subframe on a page
            that has a <input type="search"> and defines a CSS :active pseudo-class for the HTML body element.

            On iOS we only dispatch a DOM click event if the content of the page does not change as part of
            dispatching a DOM mousemove event at the tapped element as a means of providing a good user
            experience on web pages that reveal or hide content based on mouse hover. Currently we consider
            the content of the page to have changed if the visibility of any element on the page changes.
            In particular we consider the content of the page to have changed if the visibility of a user
            agent shadow DOM element changes (e.g. the search field cancel button). Instead we should only
            consider visibility changes to the actual web page content and ignore visibility changes to
            user agent shadow DOM elements.

            Tests: fast/events/can-click-element-on-page-with-active-pseudo-class-and-search-field.html

            * style/StyleResolveTree.cpp:
            Ignore visibility changes to user agent shadow DOM elements.

2016-01-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192186. rdar://problem/24101174

    2015-11-09  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: $0 stops working after navigating to a different domain

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Test: http/tests/inspector/console/cross-domain-inspected-node-access.html

            The inspector backend injects the CommandLineAPI Source with a
            corresponding CommandLineAPIHost into each execution context
            created by the page (main frame, sub frames, etc).

            When creating the JSValue wrapper for the CommandLineAPIHost using
            the generated toJS(...) DOM bindings, we were using the cached
            CommandLineAPIHost wrapper values in the single DOMWrapperWorld shared
            across all frames. This meant that the first time the wrapper was
            needed it was created in context A. But when needed for context B
            it was using the wrapper created in context A. Using this wrapper
            in context B was producing unexpected cross-origin warnings.

            The solution taken here, is to create a new JSValue wrapper for
            the CommandLineAPIHost per execution context. This way each time
            the CommandLineAPIHost wrapper is used in a frame, it is using
            the one created for that frame.

            The C++ host object being wrapped has a lifetime equivalent to
            the Page. It does not change in this patch. The wrapper values
            are cleared on page navigation or when the page is closed, and
            will be garbage collected.

            * WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj:
            * WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj.filters:
            * ForwardingHeaders/inspector/PerGlobalObjectWrapperWorld.h: Added.
            New forwarding header.

            * inspector/CommandLineAPIHost.h:
            * inspector/CommandLineAPIHost.cpp:
            Cached JSValue wrappers per GlobalObject.

            Clear any wrappers we have, including the $0 value itself
            which we weren't explicitly clearing previously.

            * inspector/CommandLineAPIModule.cpp:
            Simplify creating the wrapper.

            * inspector/WebInjectedScriptManager.h:
            * inspector/WebInjectedScriptManager.cpp:
            When the main frame window object clears, also clear the
            CommandLineAPI wrappers we may have created. Also take this
            opportunity to clear any $0 value that may have pointed
            to a value in the previous page.

2016-01-08  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        <rdar://problem/24094651> REGRESSION (193350): CrashTracer: [USER] at …: Inspector::CSSFrontendDispatcher::styleSheetRemoved + 768

        Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

        * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
        Add null check before using m_frontendDispatcher.

2016-01-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194485. rdar://problem/23978916

    2015-12-22  Brent Fulgham  <>

            [WebGL] Blacklisted OpenGL contexts are not safe to use

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            When the GPU has blacklisted an OpenGL context, it is not safe to use -- even to
            attempt to release GL resources. Instead, our only correct behavior is to terminate
            the WebProcess.

            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (WebCore::GraphicsContext3D::checkGPUStatusIfNecessary): If the context was lost
            because the GPU blacklisted it, terminate the process.

2016-01-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194662. rdar://problem/24043055

    2016-01-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

            Merge for rdar://problem/24043055.

            * dom/EventDispatcher.cpp:
            Set the isMouseOrFocusEvent boolean flag to True if the event is a wheelEvent.

2015-12-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r194114.

    2015-12-15  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Font Features] TrueType fonts trigger real features even when synthesis is applied

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            When using a font feature that is synthesizable, and synthesis is triggered,
            we should make sure to turn off the original font feature. Otherwise, the
            feature will be applied twice on top of itself.

            This worked for OpenType fonts, but not for TrueType fonts.

            Tests: css3/font-variant-petite-caps-synthesis.html

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-12-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188802.

    2015-08-21  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [OS X] Remove dead code from FontCache::systemFallbackForCharacters()

            Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

            lookupCTFont() in will always return the best font (because
            CTFontCreateForCharactersWithLanguage() does so). Also, all fonts that will
            be created on WebKit's behalf are already printer fonts.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change.

            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (WebCore::FontCache::systemFallbackForCharacters): Deleted.

2015-12-18  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194206. rdar://problem/23824469

    2015-12-16  Simon Fraser  <>

            ViewportConfiguration functions should return a bool to say if anything changed

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Rather than callers all checking whether setting ViewportConfiguration values
            changes state, have its functions return a bool if the values change.

            * page/ViewportConfiguration.cpp:
            * page/ViewportConfiguration.h:
            (WebCore::ViewportConfiguration::setCanIgnoreScalingConstraints): Deleted.

2015-12-18  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192582.

    2015-11-18  Chris Dumez  <>

            Null dereference in Performance::Performance(WebCore::Frame*)

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            Based on the stack trace, it appears the DocumentLoader can be null
            when constructing the Performance object. This patch thus adds a null
            check before trying to dereference it.

            No new tests, was not able to reproduce.

            * page/DOMWindow.cpp:
            * page/Performance.cpp:
            * page/Performance.h:

2015-12-17  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191076. rdar://problem/23941411

    2015-10-14  Andy Estes  <>

            [iOS] QuickLook documents loaded over https do not load their subresources

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            When QuickLook generates an HTML preview of a document, subresources are referenced using the x-apple-ql-id scheme,
            for which QuickLook installs an NSURLProtocol. If a document is loaded over https, then this scheme needs to be
            considered secure in order to avoid mixed content errors.

            Test: http/tests/quicklook/secure-document-with-subresources.html

            * platform/SchemeRegistry.cpp:
            (WebCore::secureSchemes): Registered QLPreviewProtocol() as a secure scheme.

2015-12-17  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193932. rdar://problem/23903295

    2015-12-10  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Font Features] r193894 introduces leaks

            Reviewed by Joe Pecoraro.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-12-17  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193894. rdar://problem/23769696

    2015-12-10  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            font-variant-caps does not work if the font does not support font features

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            This test implements synthesis for small-caps and all-small-caps. It does so by
            moving font variant selection into a higher level (ComplexTextController).
            In general, the approach is to use the pure font feature until we encounter
            a character which needs to be uppercased, and which the font feature does not
            support uppercasing. In this situation, we try again with synthesis. In this
            case, synthesis means artificially uppercasing letters and rendering them with
            a smaller font.

            We require system support to know which glyphs a particular font feature supports.
            Therefore, on operating systems which do not include this support, we will simply
            say that the font feature does not support any glyphs.

            Test: css3/font-variant-small-caps-synthesis.html

            * platform/graphics/Font.cpp:
            (WebCore::Font::noSmallCapsFont): Return the same font, but without smcp or c2sc.
            This function utilizes a cache.
            * platform/graphics/Font.h:
            (WebCore::Font::variantFont): Small caps should never go through this function
            * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h: Because we're moving variant selection into
            a higher level, we remove the FontVariant argument from the lower-level call.
            * platform/graphics/FontCascadeFonts.cpp:
            (WebCore::FontCascadeFonts::glyphDataForVariant): Use early-return style.
            (WebCore::FontCascadeFonts::glyphDataForNormalVariant): Ditto.
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            (WebCore::FontCascade::fontForCombiningCharacterSequence): Because we're moving
            variant selection into a higher level, we remove the FontVariant argument from
            the lower-level call.
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            (WebCore::smallCapsOpenTypeDictionary): Helper function for
            (WebCore::smallCapsTrueTypeDictionary): Ditto.
            (WebCore::Font::glyphsSupportedBySmallCaps): Compute a bit vector of supported
            (WebCore::Font::glyphsSupportedByAllSmallCaps): Ditto.
            (WebCore::createDerivativeFont): Moving common code into its own helper function.
            (WebCore::Font::platformCreateScaledFont): Use the common code.
            * platform/graphics/mac/ComplexTextController.cpp:
            (WebCore::capitalized): What is the capitalized form of a character?
            (WebCore::ComplexTextController::collectComplexTextRuns): Implement the core
            logic of this patch. This includes the retry when we encounter a character which
            is not supported by the font feature.
            * platform/spi/cocoa/CoreTextSPI.h:

2015-12-17  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r194209.

    2015-12-16  Andy Estes  <>

            [iOS] Block loading external stylesheets in the Content-Disposition: attachment sandbox

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Tests: http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/at-import-stylesheets-disabled.html

            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedResourceLoader::canRequest): Moved handling of CachedResource::MainResource to canRequestInContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox().
            (WebCore::CachedResourceLoader::canRequestInContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox): In addition to handling CachedResource::MainResource,
            added handling for CachedResource::CSSStyleSheet. Added a FIXME asking whether we should handle other types of resources, too.
            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.h:

2015-12-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r194001. rdar://problem/23814327

    2015-12-11  Jiewen Tan  <>

            Strip out Referer header when requesting subresources or following links for documents with "Content-Disposition: attachment"

            Reviewed by Andy Estes.

            Keep the ReferrerPolicy for a document as ReferrerPolicyNever if the document is loaded with
            "Content-Disposition: attachment".

            Test: http/tests/contentdispositionattachmentsandbox/subresource-request-not-include-referer-header.html

            * dom/Document.cpp:

2015-12-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193885. rdar://problem/23860425

    2015-12-09  Daniel Bates  <>

            [iOS] Suspend and resume device motion and device orientation updates when page is hidden and visible, respectively

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            (WebCore::Document::suspendDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates): Added.
            (WebCore::Document::resumeDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates): Added.
            (WebCore::Document::platformSuspendOrStopActiveDOMObjects): Moved logic to suspend device motion and
            orientation updates from here to Document::suspendDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates().
            (WebCore::Document::suspendActiveDOMObjects): Modified to call Document::suspendDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates().
            (WebCore::Document::resumeActiveDOMObjects): Modified to call Document::resumeDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates().
            * dom/Document.h:
            * page/Page.cpp:
            (WebCore::Page::setIsVisibleInternal): Suspend device motion and orientation updates when the page is hidden and
            resume updates when the page is visible.
            (WebCore::Page::suspendDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates): Added.
            (WebCore::Page::resumeDeviceMotionAndOrientationUpdates): Added.
            * page/Page.h:

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193876. rdar://problem/23305376

    2015-12-09  Simon Fraser  <>

            Adjust layer backing store format

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Call setBackingStoreFormat() on UIWebView tile grid layers, and on compositing
            layers which can allocate backing store.

            * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/
            * platform/ios/

2015-12-09  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192712. rdar://problem/23814340

    2015-11-20  Simon Fraser  <>

            More deviceRGB color cleanup

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Replace calls to deviceRGBColorSpaceRef() with sRGBColorSpaceRef(), and use
            sRGBColorSpaceRef() in a few places that were manually creating the colorspace.

            Also use cachedCGColor() in a more places that were manually constructing CGColorRefs
            from Colors.

            * platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/
            * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/
            * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/
            * platform/graphics/ca/cocoa/
            (-[WebLightSystemBackdropLayer init]):
            (-[WebDarkSystemBackdropLayer init]):
            * platform/graphics/cg/GradientCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContext3DCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (-[WebGLLayer copyImageSnapshotWithColorSpace:]):
            * platform/mediastream/mac/
            * rendering/
            * rendering/

2015-12-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193859. rdar://problem/23814345

    2015-12-09  David Hyatt  <>

            Picture element needs to respond to dynamic viewport changes.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Added new tests in fast/picture.

            * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.cpp:
            Add new evaluation method that adds viewport dependent results to a vector. A follow-up patch
            will refactor the style resolver code to use this function instead of the special style resolver one, in order to
            get rid of the code duplication. Tracked by

            * css/MediaQueryEvaluator.h:
            * css/StyleResolver.h:
            (WebCore::MediaQueryResult::MediaQueryResult): Deleted.
            Move MediaQueryResult into a header since it is used in multiple places now and not just by the style

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            * dom/Document.h:
            The document now maintains a HashSet of viewport-dependent pictures, and it checks them whenever the
            viewport changes. If their media queries stay the same, then nothing happens. If they change, then
            the <picture> will go back and re-check all its <source> elements to see what the new best candidate is.

            * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp:
            Revised to check for viewport dependencies and to cache viewport-dependent results on the <picture> elements.
            When a <picture> is found to be viewport-dependent (or not) it is also added to or removed from the document's
            set of tracked pictures.

            * html/HTMLPictureElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLPictureElement.h:
            New caching of results and updating of the document HashSet when the picture gets destroyed or moves to
            a different document.

            * html/HTMLSourceElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLSourceElement.h:
            Cache the media attribute in a parsed form. A follow-up patch will improve the <video>/<audio>
            code to make use of this parsed result. Tracked by

2015-12-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193922. rdar://problem/23716993

    2015-12-10  Enrica Casucci  <>

            Change skin tone support for two emoji.

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Horse race emoji (1F3C7) should no longer have skin tone variation.
            Sleuth/Spy emoji (!F575) should instead have skin tone variation.

            * platform/text/TextBreakIterator.cpp:

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193760. rdar://problem/23727535

    2015-12-08  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Adopt WebFullScreenVideoRootViewController.

            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

            Adopt WebFullScreenVideoRootViewController from WebKitAdditions. If it is not available, create and use
            a generic UIViewController subclass.

            * platform/ios/

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190911. rdar://problem/23432368

    2015-10-12  Simon Fraser  <>

            Fix iOS and Efl builds.

            * platform/graphics/NamedImageGeneratedImage.cpp:

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193382. rdar://problem/23814344

    2015-12-03  Simon Fraser  <>

            Have layer memory use consult the backing store format

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            When computing the backing store memory size, take the pixel format into account,
            rather than assuming 4 bytes per pixel.

            * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/ca/PlatformCALayer.h:

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193286. rdar://problem/23814343

    2015-12-02  Sam Weinig  <>

            Promise callbacks should be called at microtask checkpoints

            Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

            - Re-names MicroTaskQueue and MicroTask to MicrotaskQueue and Microtask to match the spec language.
            - Re-implements MicrotaskQueue and Microtask support suspended Microtasks (via the new KeepInQueue
              result value a Microtask can have when running) and correct behavior when Microtasks are added to
              the queue during a Microtask checkpoint.
            - MicrotaskQueue now has a mainThreadQueue() static function, replacing the old singleton() function,
              which can be used for the Document (non-Worker) Microtasks. For Workers, the a MicrotaskQueue
              can be separately allocated for each WorkerGlobalScope (though this was not done in this change).
            - Adds a helper subclass of Microtask, ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask, for Microtasks that are
              per-ScriptExecutationContext, and need to act as ActiveDOMCallbacks.
            - Re-implement Document (non-Worker) Promises on top of ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask.
            - Re-implement MutationObserver delivery on top of Microtask.

            Layout Test:

            * CMakeLists.txt:
            * WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            * dom/DOMAllInOne.cpp:
            Add new files.

            * bindings/js/JSDOMWindowBase.cpp:
            Switch to using ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask/MicrotaskQueue rather than ScriptExecutionContext's Task mechanism
            for JavaScriptCore tasks.

            * bindings/js/JSMainThreadExecState.cpp:
            Perform a microtask checkpoint rather than calling MutationObserver code explicitly now that mutation observers
            use microtasks.

            * dom/ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask.cpp: Added.
            * dom/ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask.h: Added.
            Add a helper subclass of Microtask which behaves like a ActiveDOMCallback (e.g. supports suspension
            and context destruction).

            * dom/MicroTask.cpp: Renamed to Microtasks.cpp.
            * dom/MicroTask.h: Renamed to Microtasks.h.
            * dom/Microtasks.cpp: Renamed from Source/WebCore/dom/MicroTask.cpp.
            (WebCore::MicroTaskQueue::singleton): Deleted.
            (WebCore::MicroTaskQueue::queueMicroTask): Deleted.
            (WebCore::MicroTaskQueue::runMicroTasks): Deleted.
            * dom/Microtasks.h: Renamed from Source/WebCore/dom/MicroTask.h.
            (WebCore::MicroTask::~MicroTask): Deleted.
            (WebCore::MicroTaskQueue::~MicroTaskQueue): Deleted.
            (WebCore::MicroTaskQueue::MicroTaskQueue): Deleted.
            Re-implement MicrotaskQueue and Microtask to support Microtask suspension (via the KeepInQueue result
            value) and correct behavior when Microtasks are queued during checkpoints.

            * dom/MutationObserver.cpp:
            * dom/MutationObserver.h:
            Re-implement MutationObserver delivery on top of Microtasks.

            * dom/ScriptRunner.cpp:
            Remove unnecessary call to runMicroTasks().

            * html/parser/HTMLScriptRunner.cpp:
            Remove calls to MutationObserver::deliverAllMutations() now that the MicrotaskQueue will take care of it.

            Remove unnecessary call to runMicroTasks().

            * testing/Internals.cpp:
            Use ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask rather than a custom test subclass.

            * testing/MicroTaskTest.cpp: Removed.
            * testing/MicroTaskTest.h: Removed.
            Remove custom test subclass of Microtask, just use ActiveDOMCallbackMicrotask directly.

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192772. rdar://problem/23797213

    2015-11-18  Andy Estes  <>

            [Content Filtering] Crash in DocumentLoader::notifyFinished() when allowing a media document to load

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            When the main resource of a media document commits, WebKit cancels its load since the plug-in or media engine
            will do its own loading. If content filtering is enabled, and the filter waits allow the load until the entire
            resource is downloaded, then ContentFilter will attempt to call DocumentLoader::notifyFinished() immediately
            after delivering the buffered resource data to DocumentLoader. However, delivering the data will have nulled out
            DocumentLoader's m_mainResource when the load was cancelled, leading to a crash in notifyFinished().

            To resolve this, add a new Stopped state to ContentFilter. Set this state if DocumentLoader clears its main
            resource or detaches from its frame. If ContentFilter is in the Stopped state after calling
            DocumentLoader::dataReceived(), do not proceed to call DocumentLoader::notifyFinished().

            Test: contentfiltering/allow-media-document.html

            * loader/ContentFilter.cpp:
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::stopFilteringMainResource): Set m_state to Stopped. If m_mainResource is non-null,
            removed ContentFilter as a client and set m_mainResource to null.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::notifyFinished): Stopped calling DocumentLoader::notifyFinished() if m_state is Stopped
            after calling DocumentLoader::dataReceived().
            * loader/ContentFilter.h:
            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::detachFromFrame): Called ContentFilter::stopFilteringMainResource() instead of setting
            m_contentFilter to null.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::clearMainResource): Ditto.

2015-12-10  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192758. rdar://problem/23814314

    2015-11-23  David Kilzer  <>

            Hardening against CSSSelector double frees

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Add some security assertions to catch this issue if it ever
            happens in Debug builds, and make changes in
            CSSSelector::~CSSSelector() and
            CSSSelectorList::deleteSelectors() to prevent obvious issues if
            they're ever called twice in Release builds.

            No new tests because we don't know how to reproduce this.

            * css/CSSSelector.cpp:
            (WebCore::CSSSelector::CSSSelector): Initialize
            * css/CSSSelector.h:
            (WebCore::CSSSelector::m_destructorHasBeenCalled): Add bitfield.
            (WebCore::CSSSelector::CSSSelector): Initialize
            (WebCore::CSSSelector::~CSSSelector): Add security assertion
            that this is never called twice.  Clear out any fields that
            would have caused us to dereference an object twice.

            * css/CSSSelectorList.cpp:
            (WebCore::CSSSelectorList::deleteSelectors): Clear
            m_selectorArray when freeing the memory to which it was
            pointing.  This prevents re-entrancy issues or calling this
            method twice on the same thread.  Also restructure the for()
            loop to prevent calling CSSSelector::isLastInSelectorList()
            after CSSSelector::~CSSSelector() has been called (via CRBug

2015-12-09  Simon Fraser  <>

        Merge r191590. rdar://problem/23432368

    2015-10-26  Simon Fraser  <>

            Implement 'round' and 'space' values for border-image

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.
            Add support for "round" and "space" values for border-image-repeat.
            Following "stretch" and "repeat", the code is added to Image::drawTiled().
            For "round", we compute an integral number of copies of the image that fit,
            and then adjust the tile scale.
            For "space", we also compute an integral number N of copies that will fit,
            and then divide the remaining space amongst N+1 gaps, adjusting the tiling
            phase so that with an even number of images, a gap is centered.

            Tests: fast/borders/border-image-round.html

            * platform/graphics/Image.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp:

2015-12-09  Simon Fraser  <>

        Merge r190914. rdar://problem/23432368

    2015-10-12  Simon Fraser  <>

            Speculative Cairo build fixes after r190910.

            * platform/graphics/cairo/ImageBufferCairo.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cairo/ImageCairo.cpp:

2015-12-09  Simon Fraser  <>

        Merge r190910. rdar://problem/23432368

    2015-10-12  Simon Fraser  <>

            Remove Image::spaceSize() and ImageBuffer::spaceSize()

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Image spacing when tiled should not be a property of the image; but a description
            of how it's drawn, like tile size. So remove spacing from Image and ImageBuffer,
            and pass it in as an argument.

            * platform/graphics/BitmapImage.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/BitmapImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/CrossfadeGeneratedImage.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/CrossfadeGeneratedImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/GeneratedImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/GradientImage.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/GradientImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.h:
            * platform/graphics/Image.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/Image.h:
            (WebCore::Image::spaceSize): Deleted.
            (WebCore::Image::setSpaceSize): Deleted.
            * platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.h:
            (WebCore::ImageBuffer::spaceSize): Deleted.
            (WebCore::ImageBuffer::setSpaceSize): Deleted.
            * platform/graphics/NamedImageGeneratedImage.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/NamedImageGeneratedImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/ImageCG.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.cpp:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.h:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImageForContainer.cpp:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImageForContainer.h:

2015-12-09  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192639. rdar://problem/23814338

    2015-11-19  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Tatechuyoko in ruby sits too high

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            When combining text, we ask what the text's width is in order to determine if it fits in the
            column. However, when we do that, we were not setting the font's orientation to horizontal.
            This means that, for CJK text, the "width" which was returned was actually the height of the
            glyph, and the GlyphOverflow data was similarly garbled.

            We actually already were creating a corrected FontDescription, and using it in two places.
            However, we weren't using it in the last place, which was causing this bug.

            Test: fast/text/text-combine-placement.html

            * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2015-12-09  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192388. rdar://problem/23814336

    2015-11-12  David Hyatt  <>

            Tatechuyoko shrink-to-fit breaks after changing color, background-color or text-decoration

            Reviewed by Myles Maxfield.

            Added fast/text/text-combine-shrink-on-color-change.html

            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2015-12-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190505.

    2015-10-02  Antoine Quint  <>

            popstate is fired at the wrong time on load

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Don't fire popstate event on initial document load

            According to the specification [1], a popstate event should only be fired
            when the document has a "last entry" and the entry being navigated to isn't
            it.  A document is created without a "last entry" and gets one just after
            this check when it is first navigated to, so a popstate should be fired any
            time a document is navigated to except for the first time after it has been

            Patch adapted from work by on Blink [2].

            [1] (step 12-14 in particular)

            * dom/Document.cpp:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191748.

    2015-10-29  Csaba Osztrogonác  <>

            One more URTBF after r191731.

            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191746.

    2015-10-29  Csaba Osztrogonác  <>

            URTBF after r191731.

            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191731.

    2015-10-29  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            Exploitable crash happens when an SVG contains an indirect resource inheritance cycle

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Detecting cycles in SVG resource references happens in two places.
            1. In SVGResourcesCycleSolver::resolveCycles() which it is called from 
               SVGResourcesCache::addResourcesFromRenderer(). When a cycle is deleted,
               SVGResourcesCycleSolver::breakCycle() is called to break the link. In
               the case of a cyclic resource inheritance, SVGResources::resetLinkedResource()
               is called to break this cycle.
            2. SVGPatternElement::collectPatternAttributes() which is called from
               RenderSVGResourcePattern::buildPattern(). The purpose is to resolve
               the pattern attributes and to build a tile image which can be used to
               fill the SVG element renderer. Detecting the cyclic resource reference
               in this function is not sufficient and can detect simple cycles like
                <pattern id="a" xlink:href="#b"/>
                <pattern id="b" xlink:href="#a"/>.
               But it does not detect cycles like:
                <pattern id="a">
                    <rect fill="url(#b)"/>
                <pattern id="b" xlink:href="#a"/>.

            The fix is to get rid of SVGPatternElement::collectPatternAttributes() which
            uses SVGURIReference::targetElementFromIRIString() to navigates through the
            referenced resource elements and tries to detect cycles. Instead we can
            implement RenderSVGResourcePattern::collectPatternAttributes() which calls
            SVGResourcesCache::cachedResourcesForRenderer() to get the SVGResources
            of the pattern. Then we use SVGResources::linkedResource() to navigate the
            resource inheritance tree. The cached SVGResources is guaranteed to be free
            of cycles.

            Tests: svg/custom/pattern-content-inheritance-cycle.svg

            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp:
            Collect the pattern attributes through the cachedResourcesForRenderer().

            Direct the call to the renderer function.

            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.h:

            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGRoot.cpp:
            RenderSVGRoot needs to call SVGResourcesCache::clientStyleChanged() for all
            the invalidated resources. If an attribute of an SVG resource was updated
            dynamically, the cached SVGResources associated with the renderer of this
            resource was stale.

            * rendering/svg/SVGRenderTreeAsText.cpp:
            Direct the call to the renderer function.        

            * svg/SVGPatternElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::setPatternAttributes): Deleted.
            collectPatternAttributes() is a replacement of setPatternAttributes().

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192604.

    2015-11-18  Jiewen Tan  <>

            [WK1] Crash loading Blink layout test fast/dom/Window/property-access-on-cached-window-after-frame-removed.html

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Test: fast/dom/Window/property-access-on-cached-window-after-frame-removed.html

            Properties of a contentWindow could be accessed even if the frame who owns the window is
            detached. Therefore, check whether the document loader is still alive before using it.

            * page/PerformanceTiming.cpp:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192433.

    2015-11-13  Jiewen Tan  <>

            Element::focus() should acquire the ownership of Frame.

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            The FrameSelection::setSelection method sometimes releases the last reference to a frame.
            When this happens, the Element::updateFocusAppearance would attempt to use dereferenced memory.
            Instead, we should ensure that the Frame lifetime is guaranteed to extend through the duration
            of the method call.

            Test: editing/selection/focus-iframe-removal-crash.html

            * dom/Element.cpp:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192389.

    2015-11-12  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Ignore visited background color when deciding if the input renderer needs to be painted natively.

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Test: fast/css/pseudo-visited-background-color-on-input.html

            * rendering/RenderTheme.cpp:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192369.

    2015-11-11  Jon Honeycutt  <>

            popstate event should be dispatched asynchronously

            Based on an original patch by Mihai Parparita <>.

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Tests: fast/loader/remove-iframe-during-history-navigation-different.html

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            Use enqueueWindowEvent().

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192316.

    2015-11-10  Jon Honeycutt  <>

            Crash loading Blink layout test fast/parser/strip-script-attrs-on-input.html

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Test: fast/parser/strip-script-attrs-on-input.html

            * html/parser/HTMLTreeBuilder.cpp:
            Get the attribute after calling
            HTMLConstructionSite::insertSelfClosingHTMLElement(), as this may
            mutate the token's attributes.

2015-12-08  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192281.

    2015-11-10  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Crash running webaudio/panner-loop.html

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Test: webaudio/panner-loop.html

            This is based on the changes in Blink r164822:

            Avoid infinitely recursing on audio nodes by keeping track of which nodes we've already

            * Modules/webaudio/PannerNode.cpp:
            (WebCore::PannerNode::pullInputs): Pass set of visited nodes so we don't revisit
            nodes we've already serviced.
            (WebCore::PannerNode::notifyAudioSourcesConnectedToNode): Accept visitedNodes argument
            so we can avoid revisiting nodes. Check if the current node has already been visited
            before processing it.
            * Modules/webaudio/PannerNode.h:

2015-12-02  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Unify font-variant-* with font-variant shorthand

        Reviewed by Darin Adler.

        This patch makes font-variant a shorthand for the following properties:

        This is consistent with the CSS Fonts Level 3 spec.

        This patch also migrates the "font" longhand to use the font-variant-caps

        Test: fast/text/font-variant-shorthand.html

        * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
        (WebCore::fontVariantEastAsianPropertyValue): Rename FontVariantEastAsian values.
        (WebCore::fontVariantFromStyle): We must consult with the longhand properties to determine
        font-variant computed style.
        (WebCore::ComputedStyleExtractor::propertyValue): Don't put any-old font-variant-caps inside
        the font shorthand.
        * css/CSSFontSelector.cpp:
        (WebCore::CSSFontSelector::addFontFaceRule): Guard against incorrect downcasts (due to inherit
        of the new shorthand property).
        * css/CSSParser.cpp: Parse font-variant as a shorthand. Also implement its "normal" and "none" values.
        (WebCore::isValidKeywordPropertyAndValue): Deleted.
        (WebCore::isKeywordPropertyID): Deleted.
        * css/CSSParser.h:
        * css/ Turn font-variant into a shorthand property.
        * css/FontVariantBuilder.h: Guard against incorrect downcasts. Also update for renamed
        FontVariantEastAsian type.
        * css/StyleProperties.cpp: Update to use the more specific property.
        * css/StyleResolver.cpp: Ditto.
        * editing/EditingStyle.cpp: Ditto.
        * editing/cocoa/ Ditto.
        * editing/ios/ Ditto.
        * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp: Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/FontCache.h: Removing duplicate cache key value.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp: Migrate to the new font-variant-caps from the old member variable.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h: Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp: Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.h: Ditto.
        (WebCore::FontDescription::smallCaps): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontDescription::setSmallCaps): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontDescription::setIsSmallCaps): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontDescription::operator==): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp: Rename FontVariantEastAsianWidth.
        * platform/text/TextFlags.h: Ditto.
        * rendering/RenderText.cpp: Migrage to the new font-variant-caps from the old member variable.

2015-11-22  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Font selection should not consult font-variant property

        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

        In section 4.7 of the CSS Fonts Level 3 spec, it says "[The font-variant and
        font-feature-settings] do not affect font selection."

        All the other browsers (Chrome, Firefox, and Edge) all obey the spec here. We
        are the only one who misbehaves. This patch aligns our behavior with the other

        Test: fast/text/font-selection-font-variant.html

        * css/CSSFontSelector.cpp:
        (WebCore::computeTraitsMask): Deleted.
        (WebCore::compareFontFaces): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSFontSelector::getFontFace): Deleted.
        * css/CSSParser.cpp:
        (WebCore::CSSParser::CSSParser): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseDeclaration): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::clearProperties): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::parseFontVariant): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::createStyleRule): Deleted.
        (WebCore::CSSParser::deleteFontFaceOnlyValues): Deleted.
        * css/CSSParser.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontDescription::traitsMask): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/win/FontCacheWin.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:
        * platform/text/TextFlags.h:

2015-10-18  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Stop honoring the user default "WebKitKerningAndLigaturesEnabledByDefault"

        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

        This user default is currently on by default. Therefore, by setting the user default,
        users can only disable kerning / ligatures (rather than enable it).

        There are a few reasons why we should stop honoring it:

        1. In the brave new world of font-feature-settings and font-variant-ligatures, there
        are many different kinds of ligatures which may be enabled at will. The simplistic
        statement of "turn on ligatures" no longer has any meaning.

        2. If a user wants to disable kerning / ligatures, he/she can do it with a user

        3. The default isn't able to be tested with DumpRenderTree or WebKitTestRunner.

        4. I have never heard of anyone actually using this user default.

        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::setDefaultKerning): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascade::setDefaultLigatures): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:

2015-10-17  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Delete FontPlatformData::allowsLigatures()

        Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

        This function is only used to force ligatures on for complex fonts (where "complex"
        means "does not support the letter 'a'"). However, ligatures are turned on for all
        fonts by default, which means that this function is unnecessary.

        Required ligatures, such as those which make these complex scripts legible, are always
        enabled, no matter what.

        Test: fast/text/required-ligatures.html

        * platform/graphics/FontPlatformData.h:
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/
        (WebCore::FontPlatformData::allowsLigatures): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/mac/SimpleFontDataCoreText.cpp:

2015-10-12  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Test font-variant-* and font-feature-settings on Yosemite and Mavericks

        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

        We can simply call the function which enables features on Yosemite and Mavericks.

        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:

2015-11-12  Csaba Osztrogonác  <>

        Fix build failure due to missing forward declaration of FontVariantSettings after r191968

        Reviewed by Myles C. Maxfield.

        * css/CSSFontFaceSource.h:

2015-11-03  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        font-variant-* properties in @font-face declarations should be honored

        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

        According to the CSS Fonts Level 3 spec, web authors are allowed to put
        font-feature-settings / font-variant-* inside @font-face blocks. These
        properties are supposed to be applied at a specific time during the
        font selection algorithm.

        This patch gives a FontFeatureSettings object and a FontVariantSettings
        object to CSSFontFace, and moves common parsing logic from
        StyleBuilderCustom to a shared location. Then, once the two properties
        are parsed from the @font-face block, the relevant data structures are
        passed down into the font selection algorithm. This algorithm then
        consults with these values at the correct time (inside

        Tests: css3/font-feature-settings-font-face-rendering.html

        * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Add a header for the common
        location of parsing font-variant-ligatures, font-variant-numeric,
        and font-variant-east-asian.
        * css/CSSFontFace.cpp:
        (WebCore::CSSFontFace::font): Pass the relevant data structures
        into the font selection algorithm.
        * css/CSSFontFace.h: Add FontFeatureSettings and FontVariantSettings
        member variables.
        * css/CSSFontFaceSource.cpp:
        (WebCore::CSSFontFaceSource::font): Pass the relevant data
        structures into the font selection algorithm.
        * css/CSSFontFaceSource.h: Ditto.
        * css/CSSFontSelector.cpp:
        (WebCore::CSSFontSelector::addFontFaceRule): Call the shared
        parsing logic to populate the FontFeatureSettings and
        FontVariantSettings members.
        * css/FontVariantBuilder.h: Added. Destination for shared parsing
        * css/StyleBuilderCustom.h: Source for shared parsing logic.
        * loader/cache/CachedFont.cpp: Pass the relevant data structures
        into the font selection algorithm.
        * loader/cache/CachedFont.h: Ditto.
        * loader/cache/CachedSVGFont.cpp: Ditto.
        * loader/cache/CachedSVGFont.h: Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/FontCache.h: Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::codePath): Adjust comment.
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:
        (WebCore::preparePlatformFont): Consult with the newly parsed values.
        (WebCore::fontWithFamily): Pass the relevant data structures into the
        font selection algorithm.
        (WebCore::FontCache::systemFallbackForCharacters): Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData): Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.h: Ditto.

2015-10-19  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        FontCascade::typesettingFeatures() is not privy to font-variant-* nor font-feature-settings

        Reviewed by Darin Adler.

        This patch has two pieces:

        We used to have a boolean, enableLigatures, which affected how we perform shaping in both our
        simple and complex text codepaths. However, in this brave new world of font-feature-settings
        and font-variant-*, there are many properties which may affect shaping (and multiple kinds
        of ligatures). This patch renames this boolean to requiresShaping, and teaches it about all
        the various properties which affect text shaping.

        Similarly, one of the places which used this enableLigatures boolean was to tell CoreText
        if it should disable ligatures. However, we now have much finer-grained control over
        ligatures during font creation. This patch moves the responsibility of dictating which
        font features should be enabled entirely to the Font. Therefore, getCFStringAttributes()
        doesn't know anything about ligatures anymore; the logic inside font creation is used

        An added benefit of moving all the font feature logic to one place is that we can implement
        the feature resolution algorithm described in the CSS3 fonts spec. This patch adds a test to
        makes sure that text-rendering, font-feature-settings, and font-variant-* play together

        Test: fast/text/multiple-feature-properties.html

        * platform/graphics/Font.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/Font.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::enableLigatures): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascade::computeEnableLigatures): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/WidthIterator.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/WidthIterator.h:
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/
        * platform/graphics/mac/
        * platform/graphics/mac/SimpleFontDataCoreText.cpp:
        * svg/SVGFontData.h:

2015-10-13  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Split TypesettingFeatures into kerning and ligatures bools

        Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

        Our TypesettingFeatures type represents whether kerning or ligatures are enabled
        when laying out text. However, now that I have implemented font-feature-settings
        and font-variant-*, this type is wildly inadequate. There are now multiple kinds
        of ligatures, and many other features which are neither kerning nor ligatures.
        Adding tons of information to this type doesn't make sense because 1) We already
        have a FontVariantSettings struct which contains this information, and 2) None
        of the users of TypesettingFeatures care about most of these new features.

        In this new world of font features, the font-kerning property isn't changing.
        Therefore, all the code which relies only on the Kerning value in
        TypesettingFeatures doesn't need to change. The places which rely on Ligatures,
        however, need to be updated to understand that there are many different kinds
        of ligatures.

        Indeed, after inspection, all of the places which inspect ligatures are more
        interested in a high-level concept of whether or not we can trust some simple
        computation. Therefore, we really have two things we care about: Kerning, and
        this high-level concept.

        This patch is the second step to update our view of the world to include
        font-feature-settings and font-variant-*. In particular, this patch simply
        splits TypesettingFeatures into two Booleans, one for Kerning, and one for
        Ligatures (which has no behavior change). Then, once they are separated, I can
        migrate the Ligatures Boolean to take on its new meaning.

        This change is purely mechanical.

        No new tests because there is no behavior change.

        * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
        * css/CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h:
        (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator FontCascadeDescription::Kerning):
        * platform/graphics/Font.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/Font.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::setDefaultTypesettingFeatures): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascade::defaultTypesettingFeatures): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::typesettingFeatures): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascade::computeTypesettingFeatures): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.h:
        * platform/graphics/TypesettingFeatures.h: Removed.
        * platform/graphics/WidthIterator.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/WidthIterator.h:
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/
        * platform/graphics/mac/
        * platform/graphics/mac/SimpleFontDataCoreText.cpp:
        * rendering/RenderBlockLineLayout.cpp:
        * rendering/line/BreakingContext.h:
        * svg/SVGFontData.h:

2015-12-07  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Build fix.

        * platform/graphics/ios/
        Pass two nullptrs to match function signature.

2015-12-07  David Kilzer  <>

        Merge r193635. rdar://problem/23785592

    2015-12-07  Chris Dumez  <>

        Crash in MemoryCache::pruneDeadResourcesToSize()

        Reviewed by David Kilzer.

        MemoryCache::pruneDeadResourcesToSize() is iterating over m_allResources
        (which is a vector of LRUList). It first destroys decoded data for each
        resource in the LRUList. Then, if it does not suffice to reach the
        target size, and starts actually removing resources from the cache.

        The issue is that this code alters m_allResources (and its LRULists) as
        it is iterating over it. We tried to deal with this in various ways:
        1. Increment the iterator before removing the resource pointed by the
        2. Protect the next resource in the LRUList and abort early if it is no
          longer in the cache.

        This adds code complexity and apparently does not correctly handle all
        the edge cases as we still see crashes in this code. In particular, I
        suspect that 2. may not be sufficient if it is possible for the next
        resource to be moved to another LRUList (in which case, next->inCache()
        would still return true but the iterator would however become invalid).

        To make the code simpler and more robust, this patch copies the LRUList
        (and refs the CachedResources) before iterating over it. This is a lot
        safer and should hopefully fix the crashes we see in this function.

        No new tests, no reproduction case.

        * loader/cache/MemoryCache.cpp:

2015-12-06  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r193599.

    2015-12-06  David Kilzer  <>

            REGRESSION (r193575): variantSettings is unused when PLATFORM_FONT_LOOKUP is disabled

            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (WebCore::fontWithFamily): Mark variantSettings as ununsed when
            PLATFORM_FONT_LOOKUP is disabled.

2015-12-06  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188114.  rdar://problem/23221171

    2015-08-06  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            CSSSegmentedFontFace::fontRanges() does not handle duplicate fonts correctly

            Reviewed by Filip Pizlo.

            CSSSegmentedFontFace::fontRanges() was trying to hash on FontDescriptors by
            picking a few specific pieces of data out of the FontDescriptor, computing
            a hash on it, and using that unsigned as a key in a HashMap. This has two
            problems: it doesn't handle equality correctly, as hash collisions cannot
            depend on an equality operator to dedup, and it doesn't hash on all the
            members of a FontDescription.

            Instead, this HashMap should use FontDescriptionKey, which represents a
            FontDescription, and is designed exactly for the purpose of being used as a
            key in a HashMap.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change (because a problem occurs
            when two different FontDescriptions hash to the same value, which is rare).

            * css/CSSSegmentedFontFace.cpp:
            * css/CSSSegmentedFontFace.h:
            * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:

2015-12-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190895. rdar://problem/23769765

    2015-10-12  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Font Features] Tiny cleanup regarding FontCascade::typesettingFeatures()

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            There are no typesetting features which aren't kerning nor ligatures.

            No new tests because there is no behavior difference.

            * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/WidthIterator.h:
            (WebCore::WidthIterator::supportsTypesettingFeatures): Deleted.

2015-12-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190999. rdar://problem/23770070

    2015-10-13  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Unprefix font-kerning

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            This is the last property in CSS3 Fonts which is prefixed.

            Test: fast/text/font-kerning.html

            * css/

2015-12-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190402. rdar://problem/23769689

    2015-10-01  Csaba Osztrogonác  <>

            Fix the ARM build after r190192

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.h:

2015-12-06  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r193575. rdar://problem/23769689

    2015-09-23  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        [Cocoa] [Font Features] Implement font-variant-*

        Reviewed by Darin Adler.

        This patch is the first pass of implementing of the font-variant-* properties. Specifically,
        these properties are:

        These new properties are held inside FontDescription as bit fields. At font creation time,
        we consult with the FontDescription to figure out which variants are specified. We then
        convert those variants to font features, and resolve these font features with the additional
        features specified by font-feature-settings (as the spec requires). This patch also makes
        our caches sensitive to these new properties of FontDescription so we don't look up cached,
        stale fonts.

        The implementation has some caveats, however. They are listed here:
        1. These new properties need to interact correctly with @font-face declarations. In
        particular, only certain properties of the FontDescription should be considered when
        detecting if a @font-face declaration applies to a particular element. This discrimination
        does not happen correctly. In addition, any feature-specific CSS properties inside the
        @font-face declaration need to be consulted at a particular point during the feature
        resolve. This does not currently occur.
        2. One of the properties, font-variant-alternates, has a few values which require custom
        CSS functions, which makes modeling the properties as bit fields tricky. These extra values
        need to be implemented. This patch implements all the values which do not require extra CSS
        3. These new properties have a shorthand, font-variant, which is designed to be backward-
        compatible with CSS 2.1's concept of font-variant. In particular, CSS 2.1 allows you to use
        "normal" and "small-caps" with font-variant. Both of these values are values of the new
        property font-variant-caps. However, our existing implementation of small-caps does not
        use font features when they exist; instead, it simply draws text at a smaller font size and
        uses (effectively) text-transform to force capital letters. This implementation needs to be
        unified with the new font-variant-caps property so that we can expand font-variant to be
        a shorthand for the new properties.
        4. font-variant-position and font-variant-caps should provide appropriate synthesis if no
        matching font-feature exists.
        5. FontCascade::typesettingFeatures() is now no-longer accurate. Fixing this would be large
        enough to warrant its own patch.
        6. These properties are not tested with TrueType fonts.

        Tests: css3/font-variant-all-webfont.html

        * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: Reconstruct StyleProperties from a RenderStyle.
        * css/CSSFontFeatureValue.cpp: Update to FontFeatureTag instead of WTF::String.
        * css/CSSFontFeatureValue.h: Ditto.
        * css/CSSParser.cpp: Parse the new properties according to the CSS3 fonts spec.
        * css/CSSParser.h:
        * css/CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h: For the three properties which are simple keyword value
        properties, implement casting operators to automatically convert between RenderStyle
        objects and CSS property objects.
        (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator FontVariantPosition):
        (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator FontVariantCaps):
        (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator FontVariantAlternates):
        * css/ New properties.
        * css/ New values.
        * css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:
        (WebCore::StyleBuilderConverter::convertFontFeatureSettings): Update to not use
        * css/StyleBuilderCustom.h: Properties which are not simple keyword value properties are
        decomposed into multiple members of FontDescription. These properties exist to convert
        between these aggregate members and the CSS properties.
        (WebCore::StyleBuilderCustom::applyInitialWebkitFontVariantLigatures): Deleted.
        (WebCore::StyleBuilderCustom::applyInheritWebkitFontVariantLigatures): Deleted.
        (WebCore::StyleBuilderCustom::applyValueWebkitFontVariantLigatures): Deleted.
        * editing/cocoa/
        (HTMLConverter::computedAttributesForElement): Unprefix font-variant-ligatures.
        * platform/graphics/FontCache.h: Update cache to be sensitive to new state in
        (WebCore::FontDescriptionKey::makeFlagKey): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::codePath): These new variants should trigger the complex text
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.h:
        (WebCore::FontCascade::computeTypesettingFeatures): Update to use new state enum.
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.cpp: Add state to hold new property values.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::FontCascadeDescription): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontDescription.h: Add state to hold new property values.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::commonLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::discretionaryLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::historicalLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::setCommonLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::setDiscretionaryLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::setHistoricalLigaturesState): Deleted.
        (WebCore::FontCascadeDescription::operator==): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.cpp: Update to use FontFeatureTag instead of
        (WebCore::FontFeatureSettings::create): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.h: Update to use FontFeatureTag instead of
        (WebCore::FontFeatureSettings::FontFeatureSettings): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp: Ditto. Also, when computing font
        features, consult with the state inside FontDescription.
        * platform/graphics/harfbuzz/HarfBuzzShaper.cpp: Update to use references instead of
        * platform/graphics/mac/
        (WebCore::platformFontWithFamily): Ditto.
        * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData): Be sensitive to new state inside FontDescription.
        * platform/text/TextFlags.h:
        (WebCore::FontVariantSettings::isAllNormal): New state enums.
        * rendering/
        (WebCore::RenderThemeIOS::updateCachedSystemFontDescription): Be sensitive to new state inside
        * rendering/line/BreakingContext.h:

    2015-07-30  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Clean up makeFontCascadeCacheKey()

        Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

        FontDescriptionKey is designed to encapsulate all the cacheable properties of a FontDescription.
        However, a higher-level cache, FontCascadeCacheKey, was taking some values from FontDescriptions.
        The fact that there wasn't a bug before is just a happy coincidence. This patch moves those bits
        from the higher-level cache and puts them into FontDescriptionKey where they belong.

        No new tests because there is no behavior change.

        * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
        (WebCore::makeFontSelectorFlags): Deleted.
        (WebCore::makeFontCascadeCacheKey): Deleted.
        (WebCore::computeFontCascadeCacheHash): Deleted.

    2015-08-06  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Make FontDescriptionKey sensitive to FontFeatureSettings

        Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.

        Just like how FontDescription hashes should be sensitive to locale, they should
        also be sensitive to font features.

        This patch also fixes operator== for FontDescriptionKey, which was previously
        comparing hashes for equality instead of the underlying data. Comparing hashes
        for equality is useless inside hashmaps.

        This is in preparation for implementing font-feature-settings.

        No new tests because there is no behavior change.

        * platform/graphics/FontCache.cpp:
        (WebCore::FontPlatformDataCacheKey::hashTableDeletedSize): Deleted.
        * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.h:

    2015-08-06  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        Font feature settings comparisons are order-dependent and case-dependent

        Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

        We should make our settings vector order-independent and case-independent.

        Test: css3/font-feature-settings-parsing.html

        * css/CSSParser.cpp:
        * css/StyleBuilderConverter.h:
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.cpp:
        * platform/graphics/FontFeatureSettings.h:
        (WebCore::FontFeatureSettings::append): Deleted.

    2015-08-11  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

        [font-features] Map OpenType feature tags to TrueType feature selectors

        Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

        Allow uses of font-feature-settings even on TrueType fonts.

        Test: css3/font-feature-settings-preinstalled-fonts.html

        * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:

2015-12-05  Dana Burkart  <>

        Merge r190564. rdar://problem/23769693

    2015-10-05  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Unprefix -webkit-font-feature-settings

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            * css/
            * css/
            * css/StyleBuilderCustom.h:
            (WebCore::StyleBuilderCustom::applyInitialWebkitFontFeatureSettings): Deleted.
            (WebCore::StyleBuilderCustom::applyInheritWebkitFontFeatureSettings): Deleted.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192953.

    2015-11-30  David Hyatt  <>

            Implement the picture element.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Added fast/picture tests.

            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add HTMLPictureElement.* to the project.

            * html/HTMLImageElement.cpp:
            Remove the CURRENT_SRC ifdef.

            New helper function that checks the <source> elements of a <picture> parent
            for the best match.

            Pull out the process of image selection into its own function so that this can
            be called from many places (to ensure that dynamic changes are reflected as elements
            get changed, added or removed).

            Call selectImageSource when attributes change.

            If inserted into a picture element, make sure to update the source.

            * html/HTMLImageElement.h:
            Remove the CURRENT_SRC ifdef.

            * html/HTMLImageElement.idl:
            Remove the CURRENT_SRC ifdef.

            * html/HTMLPictureElement.cpp: Added.
            * html/HTMLPictureElement.h: Added.
            The new picture element. Has a sourcesChanged() function that is invoked whenever anything
            about the <source> elements changes.

            * html/HTMLSourceElement.cpp:
            Make sure to call sourcesChanged when new sources come and go or when attributes on
            source elements change.

            * html/HTMLSourceElement.h:
            Added parseAttribute function so we can see when attributes change that force us to
            do a dynamic update.

            * html/
            Add the picture element.

            * html/parser/HTMLSrcsetParser.h:
            Some helpers for picture parsing.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191252.

    2015-10-17  David Hyatt  <>

            Implement the CSS4 'revert' keyword.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Added new tests in fast/css and fast/css/variables.

            * CMakeLists.txt:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add CSSRevertValue to the project and makefiles.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            Make sure to handle "revert" in the keyword parsing path (along with inherit/initial/unset).

            At the parser level, "revert" is just like inherit/initial/unset and gets its own special
            singleton value, CSSRevertValue.

            * css/CSSRevertValue.cpp: Added.
            * css/CSSRevertValue.h: Added.
            This value is identical to the inherit/initial/unset values, i.e., its own special value
            that can be used to indicate a revert when doing style resolution.

            * css/CSSValue.cpp:
            * css/CSSValue.h:
            Add the RevertClass to CSSValue and make sure it is handled in all the appropriate methods.

            * css/
            Add the "revert" keyword to the list of allowed CSS keywords.

            * css/CSSValuePool.cpp:
            * css/CSSValuePool.h:
            Add support for a CSSRevertValue singleton, just like inherit/unset/initial.

            * css/FontLoader.cpp:
            Add "unset" and "revert" as special keywords to be ignored. This code seems to be turned off,
            but patching it anyway.

            * css/SelectorChecker.h:
            Add a MatchDefault value of 0 to the LinkMatchMask. This enables it to be used as an index
            to the correct value in Property (in the style resolution code).

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            Delete any lingering old CascadedProperty rollbacks for UA/user rules.

            Pass along the MatchResult as an additional parameter, since we need it to lazily compute
            the cascade rollbacks if the "revert" keyword is encountered.

            This method will lazily create and return a new CascadedProperties pointer that is cached
            in the StyleResolver's state. This will contain only UA rules (for user reverts) and UA/user
            rules (for author reverts). These will only be computed at most once for a given element
            when doing a reversion, and they will be computed lazily, i.e., only if a revert is

            Pass along the LinkMatchMask and the MatchResult to applyProperty. This way we know specifically
            which link type we were computing if we have to revert (so that we roll back and look at the
            same index in the reverted version). The MatchResult is passed along because it is needed
            to build the CascadedProperties rollbacks.

            The basic idea is that if a revert is encountered, the level that the rule came from is
            checked. If it is UA level, just treat as "unset." If it is author or user level, get
            the correct CascadedProperties rollback and repeat the applyProperty using the property
            found in the rollback. If the property is not present in the cascade rollback, then the
            revert becomes an unset.

            Helpers used by applyProperty to check on custom properties, since they can revert too
            just like a regular property can.

            Passing along the CascadeLevel (UA, User, Author) so that it can be stored in the Property.
            This way when we do property application, we always know where the rule came from so
            that the reversion can be handled properly.

            When style properties are added, also figure out the CascadeLevel and pass it along to be
            stored in the Property. We use the MatchResult's ranges to know where a property comes from.

            Pass along the MatchResult so we know how to build the rollback.

            * css/StyleResolver.h:
            Move CascadedProperties into the header. Add CascadeLevel to Property. Add the level and
            rollbacks to the resolver's state.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191201.

    2015-10-16  David Hyatt  <>

            ASSERT in imported/blink/fast/block/float/overhanging-float-crashes-when-sibling-becomes-formatting-context.html

            Reviewed by Myles Maxfield.

            Covered by existing tests.

            * css/CSSValue.cpp:
            Make sure the "unset" value has an equals implementation.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191178.

    2015-10-16  David Hyatt  <>

            Implement the "all" CSS property.

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            Added new tests in fast/css.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            Don't support "all" from computed style for now.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            Make sure to bail after checking inherit/unset/initial for all, since you can't actually
            accept longhand values in the shorthand declarations.

            "all" for animations is a special value and should not be confused with the property. It
            animates everything and does not omit unicode-bidi/direction the way the "all" property does.

            * css/
            Add the "all" property to the list and use a special keyword in the Longhands value, "all",
            that will look for. This way we don't have to dump every single CSS property
            into the Longhands expression, since that would be nuts.

            * css/StyleProperties.cpp:
            Look for a common value across all properties supported by "all". That way you can get
            back inherit/initial/unset from it.

            * css/
            Make the perl script look for "all" in the longhand list, and if it sees it, put every
            single CSS property into the list for the all shorthand.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191151.

    2015-10-15  David Hyatt  <>

            Add support for the CSS 'unset' keyword.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Added new test in fast/css, and existing variables tests also use unset in several tests.

            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add CSSUnsetValue.cpp to the project.

            * bindings/objc/
            Make sure UNSET is handled in the switch.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            Add cases to create a CSSUnsetValue properly.

            * css/CSSToStyleMap.cpp:
            The background and animation functions need to check for unset and be able to map it properly to initial. This is done
            with a new treatAsInitial method on CSSValue that can take the property ID and check for both initial
            or unset on a non-inherited property.

            * css/CSSUnsetValue.cpp: Added.
            * css/CSSUnsetValue.h: Added.
            This new value looks exactly like CSSInheritedValue and CSSInitialValue.

            * css/CSSValue.cpp:
            * css/CSSValue.h:
            Add isUnsetValue and the UnsetClass. Add support for treatAsInheritedValue and treatAsInitialValue to have
            a way to query for initial/inherit or the matching unset type.

            * css/
            Add the unset keyword.

            * css/CSSValuePool.cpp:
            * css/CSSValuePool.h:
            Have a singleton model for unset just like we do for inherit/initial.

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            Handle unset correctly. It maps to inherit for inherited properties and initial for non-inherited ones.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191825.

    2015-10-30  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            CSSParserVariable leaks seen on leaks bots

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            * css/CSSParserValues.cpp:
            Cleanup variable CSSParserValues.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191128.

    2015-10-14  David Hyatt  <>

            Implement CSS Variables.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Added new tests in fast/css/custom-properties and fast/css/variables.

            * CMakeLists.txt:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add CSSVariableValue.cpp and CSSVariableDependentValue.cpp to builds.

            * css/CSSCalculationValue.cpp:
            Handle the new CSS_PARSER_WHITESPACE value.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            Patched to make sure style is updated so that dynamic changes to custom properties are reflected
            immediately when querying values.

            The custom properties table is a reference and not a pointer now.

            * css/CSSCustomPropertyValue.h:
            The CSSCustomPropertyValue represents a custom property/value pair in the back end. It holds on
            to both the property name and a CSSValueList that has the original parser terms. This class also
            doubles as the invalid-at-compute-time value for custom properties when they contain cycles, etc.

            * css/CSSFunctionValue.cpp:
             * css/CSSFunctionValue.h:
            Hands back a CSSParserValue for a function with variables replaced with their real values (or fallback).

            * css/
            Many changes to support the var() syntax and to handle error conditions and cases.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            Null check the value here. Shouldn't happen, but being paranoid.

            This function converts a CSSValueList back into a CSSParserValueList and then passes
            it off to the parser. If the result parses, successfully, then the parsed CSSValue is handed back.

            Detect when a property value contains variables and simply make a CSSVariableDependentValue to hold
            a copy of the parser value list (as a CSSValueList). We defer parsing the list until compute-time
            when we know the values of the variables to use.

            Add support for inherit, initial and variable references in custom properties.

            Add support for detection of the "var" token.

            Fix the parsing of custom properties to allow "--" and to allow them to start with digits, e.g., "--0".

            * css/CSSParser.h:
            Add parseVariableDependentValue function for handling variable substitution and subsequent parsing
            of the resolved parser value list.

            * css/CSSParserValues.cpp:
            Get rid of the toString() function (no longer needed) and replace it with containsVariables(). This
            check is used to figure out if a parser value list has variables and thus needs to defer parsing
            until later.

            Add support for the creation of values for variables, CSSVariableValues.

            (WebCore::CSSParserValueList::toString): Deleted.
            No longer needed.

            * css/CSSParserValues.h:
            Add CSSParserVariable as a new kind of parser value. This represents a var() that is encountered
            during parsing. It is similar to a function except it has to hold both the reference (custom property name)
            and fallback arguments.

            * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.cpp:
            Add support for CSS_PARSER_WHITESPACE as a way of preserving whitespace as a parsed item (variables can
            be only whitespace, and this has to be retained).

            Conversion from a CSSPrimitiveValue back into a parser value is handled by this function.

            * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h:
            Add ability to get parser operator info. Add the buildParserValue declaration.

            * css/CSSValue.cpp:
            * css/CSSValue.h:
            Add support for variable values and variable dependent values.

            * css/CSSValueList.cpp:
            Improve serialization to not output extra spaces when a comma operator is a value.

            Whether or not a CSSVariableValue can be found somewhere within the list (or its descendants).

            Called to check variables for cycles.

            Functions that handle converting the value list to a parser value list while making
            variable substitutions along the way.

            * css/CSSValueList.h:
            Add the new buildParserXXX functions.

            * css/CSSVariableDependentValue.cpp: Added.
            * css/CSSVariableDependentValue.h: Added.
            This value represents a list of terms that have not had variables substituted yet. The list
            is held by the value so that it can be converted back into a parser value list once the
            variable values are known.

            * css/CSSVariableValue.cpp: Added.
            * css/CSSVariableValue.h: Added.
            This value represents a var() itself. It knows how to do the substitution of the variable
            value and to apply fallback if that value is not present.

            * css/StyleProperties.cpp:
            * css/StyleProperties.h:
            Patched to factor property fetching into an internal method so that variables can work with shorthands
            in the CSS OM.

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            Resolve variable values at compute time. If they fail to resolve, use inherit or initial as the
            value (depending on whether the property inherits by default).

            Helper function that calls parseVariableDependentValue and gets the resolved result.

            After custom properties have been collected, we check for cycles and perform variable substitutions.
            This way we get all the variables replaced before we inherit down the style tree.

            * css/StyleResolver.h:
            Add resolvedVariableValue declaration.

            * css/
            Make sure custom properties are inherited by default.

            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp:
            This function handles updating variables with cycles to be invalid in the RenderStyle. It then also
            handles the replacement of variables found in custom properties with resolved values. All custom
            properties are either invalid or are real non-variable-dependent value lists after this function

            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
            Add checkVariablesInCustomProperties declaration.

            * rendering/style/StyleCustomPropertyData.h:
            Miscellaneous cleanup, and the addition of whether or not the properties still contain variable
            dependent values that need to be resolved.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190231.

    2015-09-24  David Hyatt  <>

            Keep the already-parsed list of terms in custom property values so that we don't have to re-parse them
            later when doing variable resolution.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            Add a helper for getting the raw text. More closely parallels how non-custom properties work with the

            Change propertyValue to use customPropertyText.

            Don't copy CSS custom properties into the style declaration. This is just used for things like editing, so
            we didn't need to be putting the custom properties into this set.

            Patched to go straight to the serialized string value.

            (WebCore::ComputedStyleExtractor::customPropertyValue): Deleted.
            Replaced by customPropertyText.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h:
            Rename customPropertyValue to customPropertyText and make it just return a String.

            * css/CSSCustomPropertyValue.h:
            (WebCore::CSSCustomPropertyValue::value): Deleted.
            Changed to hold both a CSSParserValueList, which it adopts from the CSSParser, and a string value that
            is constructed lazily only if the value is serialized. Now the problematic serialization code will only
            run if someone uses the CSS OM to trigger a serialization (this should be a rare occurrence, so perf
            improves with this change).

            * css/
            Change parsing of custom properties to be identical to regular properties. This refactoring allows
            us to simply invoke the parser from style declarations as well and makes everything behave more
            similarly to normal property parsing.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            (WebCore::CSSParser::addCustomPropertyDeclaration): Deleted.
            * css/CSSParser.h:
            We now have a method for parsing custom properties that can be invoked from style declarations. The
            parser list is now adopted by the CSSCustomPropertyValue.

            * css/CSSParserValues.cpp:
            Build the string serialization code right into CSSParserValueList.

            * css/CSSParserValues.h:
            Add a toString() method for serialization.

            * css/StyleProperties.cpp:
            Changed to use the new CSSParser functions. This makes the code behave almost identically to regular
            property parsing.

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
            * rendering/style/StyleCustomPropertyData.h:
            Change the mapping on RenderStyle to store the custom CSS values. This way we can get to the original
            parser lists for each variable when it comes time to do variable resolution.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190209.

    2015-09-24  David Hyatt  <>

            Add support for CSS Custom Properties (in preparation for implementing CSS Variables).

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Added new tests in fast/css/custom-properties.

            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            Add new header files to the project (CSSCustomPropertyValue and StyleCustomPropertyData).

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            If a custom property value is queried (i.e., it starts with "--"), then we use our
            customPropertyValue lookup to go to the RenderStyle and fetch the appropriate custom property
            value from the StyleCustomPropertyData.

            Patched to include custom properties in the returned array. They appear at the end of the array
            after the built-in properties.

            Patched to check custom properties.

            Make sure the custom properties get copied into the StyleDeclaration.

            Patched to call customPropertyValue for custom properties.

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.h:
            Add customPropertyValue() to ComputedStyleExtractor.

            * css/CSSCustomPropertyValue.h: Added.
            Custom properties are parsed as a property with an ID of CSSPropertyCustom and a CSSCustomPropertyValue
            that holds both the name and the value of the property. Ultimately we might want to just ditch property IDs in
            favor of AtomicStrings for all properties, and then the need to special case custom properties would go
            away. For now, though, this is the way we work custom properties into the existing system.

            * css/
            Add a production for recognizing custom properties and storing them using a property ID of CSSPropertyCustom
            and a CSSCustomPropertyValue that has the name/value pair.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            Patched to track seen custom properties and to handle them correctly.

            Pass in a seenCustomProperties table to ensure we bail when encountering the same custom property twice.

            Called from the grammar production to create the CSSCustomPropertyValue.

            Recognize the -- custom property during lexing.

            Patched to return a CUSTOM_PROPERTY token when a custom property is identified.

             * css/CSSParser.h:
            Add a helper function for asking if a property name is custom.

            * css/CSSValue.cpp:
            * css/CSSValue.h:
            Patched to add support for CSSCustomPropertyValue.

            * css/PropertySetCSSStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            Add code for handling custom properties in the CSS OM.

            * css/StyleProperties.cpp:
            * css/StyleProperties.h:
            Patched to support handling custom properties in the CSS OM. We have to create equivalent methods that operate
            on AtomicString propertyNames instead of on property IDs.

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            The resolver has to hold a HashMap from AtomicStrings to Properties. It matches identically to how built-in
            properties work except that an extensible table (HashMap) is used to hold the property data.

            * css/
            Patched to include the special CSSPropertyCustom value of 1 (just after the CSSPropertyInvalid id value but before the first
            built-in property value).

            * inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:
            Patch inspector to not lowercase CSS custom property names, since they are case-sensitive.

            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
            * rendering/style/StyleCustomPropertyData.h: Added.
            * rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.cpp:
            * rendering/style/StyleRareInheritedData.h:
            The front end storage in the RenderStyle for custom properties. For now, custom properties are always inherited, so the
            data is in StyleRareInheritedData.

2015-12-05  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r191452.

    2015-10-22  Wenson Hsieh  <>

            Implement touch-action: manipulation; for iOS

            Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

            Implements the manipulation value for the CSS property touch-action. Adds support for
            parsing the touch-action property and two of its values: auto and manipulation.

            Tests: css3/touch-action/touch-action-computed-style.html

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            * css/CSSPrimitiveValueMappings.h:
            (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::operator TouchAction):
            * css/
            * css/
            * dom/Element.cpp:
            (WebCore::Element::allowsDoubleTapGesture): Here, we determine whether an element that resulted from
                hit-testing a touch should allow double-tap gestures. To do this, we walk up the element's parents,
                stopping when we detect an element that disallows double tap gestures by having a touch-action other
                than auto or by hitting the root node.
            * dom/Element.h:
            * dom/Node.h:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h:
            * rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.cpp:
            * rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.h:

2015-12-05  David Kilzer  <>

        Merge r192129. rdar://problem/23221177

    2015-11-07  Michael Catanzaro  <>

        Unreviewed, fix GTK build after r191981

        * html/HTMLFormControlElement.cpp:

2015-12-05  David Kilzer  <>

        Merge r191981. rdar://problem/23221177

    2015-10-30  Jon Honeycutt  <>

        Implement support for the autocomplete attribute

        The autocomplete attribute is defined by

        Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

        Test: fast/forms/autocomplete-tokens.html

        * html/HTMLFormControlElement.cpp:
        Return true if this is a contact token.
        Adds all of the autofill field tokens to a map, and returns the
        category for a given token.
        Return the maximum number of tokens an autofill category supports.
        Implement the processing model defined in
        with respect to the IDL-exposed autofill value.
        Set the autocomplete attribute to the given string.

        * html/HTMLFormControlElement.h:
        Declare setAutocomplete() and autocomplete().

        * html/HTMLInputElement.idl:
        Remove the Reflect attribute. We now have custom processing for getting
        this attribute.

        * html/HTMLSelectElement.idl:
        Declare the autocomplete attribute.

        * html/HTMLTextAreaElement.idl:

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191155. rdar://problem/23772889

    2015-10-15  David Hyatt  <>

            Patch parseKeywordValue to accept "unset" so that it goes down the faster parsing path.

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            No new tests as correctness doesn't change (just speed).

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190667. rdar://problem/23769564

    2015-10-06  Simon Fraser  <>

            will-change should trigger stacking context based purely on properties

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            Previously, our will-change implementation didn't trigger stacking context
            on an inline if the will-change property didn't apply to inlines (like 'transform').
            However, this doesn't agree with the CSS-WG consensus (

            Change behavior to have stacking context creation behavior for will-change be
            identical for inlines and blocks.

            Test: fast/css/will-change/will-change-creates-stacking-context-inline.html

            * rendering/RenderInline.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderInline.h:
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp:
            (WebCore::propertyCreatesStackingContextOnBoxesOnly): Deleted.
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.h:
            (WebCore::WillChangeData::canCreateStackingContextOnInline): Deleted.

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188604. rdar://problem/23769564

    2015-08-18  Simon Fraser  <>

            will-change: backface-visibility should not cause stacking context

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            Take CSSPropertyWebkitBackfaceVisibility out of the list of properties that causes
            will-change to create stacking context, since no value of the property creates

            Move willChangeCreatesStackingContext() and shouldWillChangeCreateStackingContext()
            into RenderInline since it's only called from there.

            * rendering/RenderElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderElement::shouldWillChangeCreateStackingContext): Deleted.
            * rendering/RenderElement.h:
            (WebCore::RenderElement::willChangeCreatesStackingContext): Deleted.
            * rendering/RenderInline.h:
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp:
            (WebCore::propertyCreatesStackingContext): Deleted.

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188130. rdar://problem/23769683

    2015-08-07  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Allow FontCustomPlatformData to consult with FontDescription

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            In order to implement font-feature-settings, web fonts need to be
            able to consult with the set of active font features. Rather than
            add yet another argument to all the functions in this flow, this
            patch passes around a reference to the FontDescription itself instead
            of copies of constituent members of it.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change.

            * css/CSSFontFaceSource.cpp:
            * loader/cache/CachedFont.cpp:
            * loader/cache/CachedFont.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedSVGFont.cpp:
            * loader/cache/CachedSVGFont.h:
            * platform/graphics/cairo/FontCustomPlatformData.h:
            * platform/graphics/freetype/FontCustomPlatformDataFreeType.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/freetype/FontPlatformData.h:
            * platform/graphics/freetype/FontPlatformDataFreeType.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/freetype/SimpleFontDataFreeType.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.h:
            * platform/graphics/win/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/win/FontCustomPlatformData.h:

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187709. rdar://problem/23769683

    2015-07-31  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Fix the build


            * platform/graphics/mac/

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188168. rdar://problem/23769683

    2015-08-07  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Post-review comments on r188146

            Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change.

            * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/ios/
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
            * rendering/

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188146. rdar://problem/23769683

    2015-08-07  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Implement font-feature-settings

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Fonts with features are simply modeled as new font objects. Font
            feature information is contained within FontDescription, and our
            caches are correctly sensitive to this information. Therefore,
            we just need to make our font lookup code honor the request to
            use certain features.

            This patch creates a file, FontCacheCoreText.cpp, which will be the
            new home of all shared OS X / iOS FontCache code. Over time, I will
            be moving more and more source into this file, until there is
            nothing left of and For now, the
            only function in this file is the code which applies font features.

            Test: css3/font-feature-settings-preinstalled-fonts.html

            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj: Add FontCacheCoreText.cpp.
            * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/FontCacheCoreText.cpp: Added.
            (WebCore::appendTrueTypeFeature): What the name says.
            (WebCore::appendOpenTypeFeature): Ditto.
            (WebCore::applyFontFeatureSettings): Ditto.
            * platform/graphics/ios/
            (WebCore::FontCache::getSystemFontFallbackForCharacters): Call
            (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): Ditto.
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (WebCore::fontWithFamily): Ditto.
            (WebCore::FontCache::systemFallbackForCharacters): Ditto.
            (WebCore::FontCache::createFontPlatformData): Ditto.
            * platform/graphics/mac/FontCustomPlatformData.cpp:
            (WebCore::FontCustomPlatformData::fontPlatformData): Ditto.
            * rendering/

2015-12-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187982. rdar://problem/23769683

    2015-08-05  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [OS X] Migrate to CTFontCreateForCharactersWithLanguage from [NSFont findFontLike:forString:withRange:inLanguage]

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            [NSFont findFontLike:forString:withRange:inLanguage] doesn't properly handle its last argument. In
            addition, we want to be moving away from NSFont in the first place and on to Core Text. This new
            CoreText function correctly handles its language argument, which is required for language-specific
            font fallback.

            This patch rolls r187707 back in which was rolled out in r187802 due to test flakiness. This patch
            fixes the flakiness.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change.

            * platform/graphics/FontCache.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            * platform/spi/cocoa/CoreTextSPI.h:
            * platform/spi/mac/NSFontSPI.h:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r192592. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-11-18  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Client Blocked Resource Requests causes Crash under InspectorPageAgent::cachedResource

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Test: inspector/network/client-blocked-load.html

            * inspector/InspectorPageAgent.cpp:
            Gracefully handle null request.

            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.cpp:
            ASSERT if someone tried to pass a null URL.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r192585. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-11-18  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Timeline Recording across page navigations behaves poorly

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InspectorPageAgent.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorPageAgent::frameStartedLoading): Deleted.
            Don't reset the execution stopwatch on page navigation.
            If a timeline is actively being recorded on the frontend
            then all new timestamps suddenly downshifted towards zero
            introduces bad data.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188222. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-10  Devin Rousso  <>

            Web Inspector: Invalid selectors can be applied to the stylesheet

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            * inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:
            Now checks to see that the supplied selector is valid before trying to commit it to the rule.
            (WebCore::checkStyleRuleSelector): Deleted.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r186891. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-16  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: update $$() to return an Array

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Test: inspector/console/command-line-api.html

            * inspector/CommandLineAPIModuleSource.js:
            Update $$(...) to return an array.
            Also InjectedScriptHost.type was renamed to subtype
            a while ago.

2015-12-02  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191967. rdar://problem/23221163

    2015-11-03  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Handle or Remove ParseHTML Timeline Event Records

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Remove ParseHTML nesting recordings. We were not using them
            and for most pages their self-time is very small in comparison
            to other events. We may consider adding it back later for
            UI purposes but for now the frontend doesn't use the records
            so lets remove it.

            * html/parser/HTMLDocumentParser.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLDocumentParser::pumpTokenizer): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorInstrumentation::willWriteHTMLImpl): Deleted.
            (WebCore::InspectorInstrumentation::didWriteHTMLImpl): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h:
            (WebCore::InspectorInstrumentation::willWriteHTML): Deleted.
            (WebCore::InspectorInstrumentation::didWriteHTML): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorTimelineAgent::willWriteHTML): Deleted.
            (WebCore::InspectorTimelineAgent::didWriteHTML): Deleted.
            (WebCore::toProtocol): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.h:
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.cpp:
            (WebCore::TimelineRecordFactory::createParseHTMLData): Deleted.
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.h:

2015-12-02  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191732. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-29  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Clean up and audit TimelineRecordFactory records

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Cleanup included removing unused methods and payload data that the
            frontend wasn't likely to use. Also added ASCIILiteral and removed
            unnecessary includes.

            * inspector/InspectorNetworkAgent.cpp:
            * inspector/InspectorPageAgent.cpp:
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.cpp:
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.h:
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.cpp:
            (WebCore::TimelineRecordFactory::createBackgroundRecord): Deleted.
            (WebCore::TimelineRecordFactory::createLayoutData): Deleted.
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.h:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r191651. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-10-27  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Remove Timeline MarkDOMContent and MarkLoad, data is already available

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            The timestamp only event data is already available from `Page.domContentEventFired`
            and `Page.loadEventFired` events. We can drop the Timeline specific events in
            favor of these which have existed for a very long time (before iOS 7).

            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorInstrumentation::domContentLoadedEventFiredImpl): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorTimelineAgent::didMarkDOMContentEvent): Deleted.
            (WebCore::InspectorTimelineAgent::didMarkLoadEvent): Deleted.
            (WebCore::toProtocol): Deleted.
            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.h:
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.cpp:
            (WebCore::TimelineRecordFactory::createMarkData): Deleted.
            * inspector/TimelineRecordFactory.h:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r189104. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-28  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Separate creating a style sheet from adding a new rule in the protocol

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Tests: inspector/css/createStyleSheet.html

            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.h:
            Allow for multiple inspector style sheets per document.

            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorCSSAgent::createInspectorStyleSheetForDocument): Added.
            (WebCore::InspectorCSSAgent::viaInspectorStyleSheet): Deleted.
            Extract and generalize creating a via-inspector stylesheet here.

            Lookup stylesheet to add a rule to via the provided stylesheet id.

            Update to account for a list of stylesheets per document instead of one.

            * inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r189002. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-26  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Implement tracking of active stylesheets in the frontend

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Tests: inspector/css/stylesheet-events-basic.html

            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h:
            New hooks for when a document is detached or a document's style sheets are updated.

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            Inform the inspector so the CSSAgent can remove document related data.

            * dom/DocumentStyleSheetCollection.h:
            * dom/DocumentStyleSheetCollection.cpp:
            Inform the inspector so the CSSAgent can push stylesheet related events.

            (WebCore::DocumentStyleSheetCollection::activeStyleSheetsForInspector): Added.
            CSSStyleSheets for the inspector include non-disabled author stylesheets
            even if they are empty.

            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.h:
            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
            Handling for the new list of known document to CSSStyleSheets map.

            When the CSS domain is enabled, tell the frontend about known stylesheets.

            Diff the old list of known stylesheets to the new list of stylesheets
            for an individual document. Then send appropriate added/removed events.

            Collect stylesheets recursively. A stylesheet may link to other stylesheets
            through @import statements.

            Use the new methods, this command should go away as it will no longer be useful.

            Create an InspectorStyleSheet from a CSSStyleSheet and add to the appropriate lists.
            Likewise, unbinding will remove from the appropriate lists.

            When creating the inspector stylesheet, which is a <style> element,
            it will push a StyleSheetAdded event. In the process of binding this
            new stylesheet use the m_creatingViaInspectorStyleSheet to add it to
            out list of Inspector Stylesheets.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188631. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-18  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Links for rules in <style> are incorrect, do not account for <style> offset in the document

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Test: inspector/css/getAllStyleSheets.html

            * css/CSSStyleSheet.h:
            * css/CSSStyleSheet.cpp:
            Include the starting position when created by the Parser.
            Default to the minimum position, which should never be
            possible for an inline <style> because the "<style>" characters
            themselves require at least some offset.

            * dom/InlineStyleSheetOwner.cpp:
            Provide the start position offset for this stylesheet if it was inline.

            * inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:
            Include new protocol values for the style sheet.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187496. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-28  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Show Pseudo Elements in DOM Tree

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Tests: inspector/css/pseudo-element-matches-for-pseudo-element-node.html

            Much of this patch was modelled after the Blink implementation of
            pseudo element inspection.

            * dom/PseudoElement.h:
            * dom/PseudoElement.cpp:
            Since InspectorDOMAgent may hold a reference to this PseudoElement we
            can't report it as destroyed in the destructor, as that wouldn't be
            reached if the inspector holds a reference. Move this to when the
            psuedo element is disconnected, which is immediately before destruction.

            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.h:
            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
            When computing styles for a pseudo element, compute styles from the
            host element for just the pseudo element's pseudo type. Likewise
            only include matched results, not inherited or others.

            Add the pseudo type to the checker context to try and detect exactly
            which selector in a list of selectors matched the pseudo element.

            * inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.h:
            * inspector/InspectorDOMAgent.cpp:
            When unbinding an element, also unbind any pseudo element children
            it may have had and bound.

            Improve grammar in error message. Don't allow editing pseudo elements.

            If a node is a pseudo element include its pseudoType.
            If a node has pseudo element children include them.

            When pseudo elements are dynamically created or destroyed
            push pseudo element nodes to the frontend if needed.

            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h:
            Plumbing for pseudo element created/destroyed events.

            * style/StyleResolveTree.cpp:
            This is the only place a pseudo element is created, inform the inspector.

            * inspector/InspectorOverlay.cpp:
            Update the element data for the node highlight label to include the
            host element's selector and the pseudo element selector.

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r188227. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-08-10  Devin Rousso  <>

            Web Inspector: [iOS] Allow inspector to retrieve a list of system fonts

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            Implement systemFontFamilies for iOS.

            * platform/graphics/ios/

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187249. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-23  Devin Rousso  <>

            Web Inspector: Add a function to CSSCompletions to get a list of supported system fonts

            Reviewed by Joseph Pecoraro.

            Test: inspector/css/get-system-fonts.html

            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.cpp:
            Gets the list of system fonts (implemented in each platform) and returns that list.
            * inspector/InspectorCSSAgent.h:
            * platform/graphics/FontCache.h:
            * platform/graphics/freetype/FontCacheFreeType.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/ios/
            * platform/graphics/mac/
            * platform/graphics/win/FontCacheWin.cpp:

2015-12-04  Timothy Hatcher  <>

        Merge r187211. rdar://problem/23581597

    2015-07-22  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Timeline should immediately start moving play head when starting a new recording

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Test: inspector/timeline/recording-start-stop-timestamps.html

            * inspector/InspectorTimelineAgent.cpp:
            Include the current timestamp when starting / stopping a recording.

2015-12-02  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192971. rdar://problem/23726466

    2015-12-02  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Abrupt transition between Fullscreen -> PiP

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Follow-up to r192922: When moving from inline -> PiP, don't forget to hide the fullscreen
            window once the PiP transition completes.

            * platform/ios/

2015-12-02  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192922. rdar://problem/23726466

    2015-12-01  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Abrupt transition between Fullscreen -> PiP

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Rather than abruptly hiding the fullscreen window, explicitly exit fullscreen mode upon entering PiP.

            * platform/ios/

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192259. rdar://problem/23189749

    2015-11-10  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Tatechuyoko text is not vertically centered in its vertical advance

            Reviewed by David Hyatt.

            During paint time, the run origin of tatechuyoko needs to be adjusted to compensate for the
            rotation of the writing mode. The calculation which performed this adjustment was incorrect.

            It is incorrect for two reasons:
            1. It used the existing text origin, which had the font's ascent incorporated in it, but did
            not compensate by either inspecting the overflow bounds' ascent nor the font's ascent proper.
            2. It did not distinguish between the overflow bounds' ascent vs. descent. Instead, it added
            them together and treated both values together.

            No new tests yet. I need to make a font to test this.

            * rendering/InlineTextBox.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderCombineText::adjustTextOrigin): Deleted.
            * rendering/RenderCombineText.h:

2015-12-02  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192368. rdar://problem/23189763

    2015-11-12  Csaba Osztrogonác  <>

            Fix build failure due to missing NeverDestroyed.h include after r192169

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192169. rdar://problem/23189763

    2015-11-09  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Some style changes cause tatechuyoko to be drawn off center

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Layouts should be idempotent. In particular, during layout, an element should not
            rely on a previous call to styleDidChange() with a sufficiently high StyleDifference.
            RenderCombineText was assuming that, if a layout occurs, a previous call to
            styleDidChange() would have reset the renderedText. However, an ancestor element might
            cause the RenderCombineText to re-combine when it is already combined. Therefore, the
            recombination should fully uncombine before recombining.

            Test: fast/text/text-combine-style-change-extra-layout.html

            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderCombineText::combineText): Fully uncombine before recombining.

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190383. rdar://problem/23432383

    2015-09-30  Katlyn Graff  <>

            Add support for the imageSmoothingQuality property for CanvasRenderingContext2D.

            Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.

            As documented here:
            Exposes the smooothing quality of algorithms used for scaling images. Valid input
            values are low, medium, and high: associated algorithms are expected to vary for
            differing hardware. setImageSmoothingQuality provides a handle into CGInterpolationQuality.

            Test: fast/canvas/canvas-imageSmoothingQuality.html

            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp:
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h:
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl:

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188194. rdar://problem/23432383

    2015-08-08  Dean Jackson  <>

            Remove the webkit prefix from CanvasRenderingContext2D imageSmoothingEnabled

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            Rename webkitImageSmoothingEnabled to imageSmoothingEnabled.

            Updated existing tests, and made sure that the prefixed version is
            identical to the standard version.

            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp:
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::imageSmoothingEnabled): Renamed from webkitImageSmoothingEnabled.
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setImageSmoothingEnabled): Renamed from setWebkitImageSmoothingEnabled.
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::webkitImageSmoothingEnabled): Deleted.
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::setWebkitImageSmoothingEnabled): Deleted.
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h: Rename the methods.
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.idl: Add the non-prefixed form, and mark is as the
            implementation of the prefixed form.

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189427. rdar://problem/23432383

    2015-09-04  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Rename members of CanvasRenderingContext2D::State

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            CanvasRenderingContext2D::State is a struct, so its members should not start with m_.

            No new tests because there is no behavior change.

            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp:
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h:

2015-12-01  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187544. rdar://problem/23395970

    2015-07-29  Chris Dumez  <>

            Avoid unnecessarily constructing PlatformMediaSessionManager on Document destruction

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Only call PlatformMediaSessionManager::stopAllMediaPlaybackForProcess() in
            destructors if an PlatformMediaSessionManager instance already exists, to
            avoid constructing one unecessarily at that point.

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192709.

    2015-11-20  Simon Fraser  <>

            Fix the Windows build.

            * platform/graphics/cg/IOSurfacePool.h:

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192701.

    2015-11-20  Simon Fraser  <>

            Allow more buffer formats in the IOSurface pool

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Previously IOSurface::create was only looking in the pool for RGBA-format surfaces. Change that to
            always look in the pool, and to cache all format types. We include format in the criteria used
            to pick a surface from the pool.

            * platform/graphics/cg/IOSurfacePool.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/IOSurfacePool.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192689.

    2015-11-19  Simon Fraser  <>

            Back-buffer to front-buffer copy fails for some buffer formats

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Fix some fo the bitsPerComponent/bitsPerPixel options in IOSurface::ensurePlatformContext()
            for RGB10 buffers. Fix IOSurface::format() to return the new formats.

            Implement IOSurface::copyToSurface(), which does a synchronous copy between

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190894.

    2015-10-12  Simon Fraser  <>

            Add a CGContextStateSaver and use it

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Add a stack-based graphics state save/restore class for CGContext,
            like the one we have for GraphicsContext, and use it in GraphicsContextCG.

            * platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.h:

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190587.

    2015-10-05  Beth Dakin  <>

            WebCore::IOSurface should ask the IOSurface for the pixel format instead of 
            caching it
            -and corresponding-

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Also there is no reason to make YUV be iOS only, so this patch removes those 
            PLATFORM checks.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            * platform/spi/cocoa/IOSurfaceSPI.h:

2015-12-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190576.

    2015-10-05  Beth Dakin  <>

            Errant space!!
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-11-19  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192284.

    2015-11-10  Simon Fraser  <>

            Use different pixel formats for displays that support them

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Add new IOSurface format enum values, and set up the appropriate IOSurfaceCreate()
            property dictionaries for them.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            * platform/spi/cocoa/IOSurfaceSPI.h:

2015-11-19  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r192138.

    2015-11-07  Simon Fraser  <>

            Use ColorSpaceSRGB for image buffers everywhere

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            ColorSpaceSRGB and ColorSpaceDeviceRGB are equivalent now, so convert
            code that creates image buffers tagged with ColorSpaceDeviceRGB to use ColorSpaceSRGB.

            * platform/graphics/GraphicsContext.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.h:
            * platform/graphics/cg/BitmapImageCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/ColorCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cg/GraphicsContextCG.cpp:
            (WebCore::sRGBColorSpaceRef): Deleted.
            * platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferCG.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/
            * platform/graphics/filters/FEFlood.h:
            * platform/graphics/filters/FETile.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/filters/FilterEffect.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/filters/SourceGraphic.h:
            * rendering/FilterEffectRenderer.cpp:
            * rendering/
            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceClipper.cpp:
            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceFilter.cpp:
            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceGradient.cpp:
            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourceMasker.cpp:
            * rendering/svg/RenderSVGResourcePattern.cpp:
            * svg/graphics/SVGImage.cpp:
            * svg/graphics/filters/SVGFEImage.cpp:

2015-11-19  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190574.

    2015-10-05  Beth Dakin  <>

            Compress snapshots on iOS
            -and corresponding-

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Though the default is still RGBA, it is now possible to create an IOSurface
            that uses the YUV422 pixel format.
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/IOSurface.h:
            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

            In order to have a YUV IOSurface, we actually have to create an RGBA surface
            first and then convert it to YUV, so this class method will handle that.

            Necessary SPI.
            * platform/spi/cocoa/IOSurfaceSPI.h:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r192419. rdar://problem/22846841

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r192479. rdar://problem/22846841

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r192501. rdar://problem/22846841

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192269. rdar://problem/23189742

    2015-11-09  David Hyatt  <>

            tate-chu-yoko should shrink to fit when it exceeds the available width.

            Reviewed by Myles Maxfield.

            Covered by existing tests

            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

            When testing for text-combine, find the font variant that is the best fit, i.e.,
            that exceeds the available width by the smallest amount. Scale that best fit down
            repeatedly until it fits within the available space. We set a pixel size of 6 as
            the threshold at which we give up.

            Also make sure to reset glyphOverflow on each measurement, as this was creating
            a potential bug both with variant checking and then with scaling, since glyphOverflow
            isn't reset when width() is invoked.

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192120. rdar://problem/23189774

    2015-11-06  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            REGRESSION(r182286): Tatechuyoko following ruby is drawn too far to the right

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            Ever since r182286, expansion opportunities in justified ruby were moved to their neighboring
            elements (thereby forbidding trailing nor leading expansions inside ruby). However, when the
            neighboring element is tatechuyoko, we will erroneously honor the expansion opportunity inside
            the tatechuyoko, thereby moving it horizontally.

            Tatechuyoko should never have expansion opportunities inside it.

            Test: fast/text/ruby-justify-tatechuyoko.html

            * rendering/RenderBlockLineLayout.cpp:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r192042. rdar://problem/23189765

    2015-11-03  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Ruby base ending in tatechuyoko forces a line break before the tatechuyoko

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Asking the width of a 0-length tatechuyoko should return 0.

            Test: fast/text/ruby-tatechuyoko.html

            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190595. rdar://problem/23432378

    2015-10-05  Dean Jackson  <>

            EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension exposed with WEBKIT_ prefix

            Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

            We can now remove the WEBKIT_ prefix from this extension.

            Test: fast/canvas/webgl/unprefixed-anisotropic-extension.html

            * html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp: Support the prefixed and unprefixed form.
            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.cpp:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190446. rdar://problem/23432369

    2015-10-01  Dean Jackson  <>

            Expose WEBGL_debug_renderer_info

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Enable the extension that allows content to query
            for the GPUs vendor and details.

            Now that we're enabling this, there was no need for
            the internal setting that identified privileged situations.
            However, since this meant that WEBGL_debug_shaders was
            also exposed, I explicitly disable it since it is
            not yet conformant.

            Test: fast/canvas/webgl/webgl-debug-renderer-info.html
            as well as the general conformance suite.

            * html/canvas/WebGL2RenderingContext.cpp: No need to guard around allowPrivilegedExtensions().
            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContext.cpp: Ditto.
            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.cpp:
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::allowPrivilegedExtensions): Deleted.
            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.h:
            * page/ Remove privilegedWebGLExtensions.
            * platform/graphics/opengl/Extensions3DOpenGL.cpp: Forbid the translated shader
            extension while it is still buggy.

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188647. rdar://problem/23432373

    2015-08-18  Dean Jackson  <>

            Support CSS filters without webkit prefix

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            Add support for the un-prefixed form of the CSS filter property.
            This was straightforward for the general case on HTML content.
            It was a bit more tricky on SVG content, where there already
            was an existing "filter" property/attribute. The parsing
            code is now shared between SVG and HTML, as is the
            computed style output.

            Covered by updating the existing tests, and
            adding one new test: css3/filters/unprefixed.html

            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp: Rename CSSPropertyWebkitFilter to CSSPropertyFilter.

            * css/CSSFilterImageValue.cpp:
            (WebCore::CSSFilterImageValue::customCSSText): Use "filter(" as the prefix.

            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            (WebCore::CSSParser::parseValue): Rename CSSPropertyWebkitFilter to CSSPropertyFilter.
            (WebCore::CSSParser::isGeneratedImageValue): Add support for "filter()".
            (WebCore::CSSParser::parseGeneratedImage): Ditto.

            * css/ Add filter. Make -webkit-filter an alias.

            * css/SVGCSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            (WebCore::ComputedStyleExtractor::svgPropertyValue): Deleted.

            * page/animation/CSSPropertyAnimation.cpp: Rename CSSPropertyWebkitFilter to CSSPropertyFilter.
            * page/animation/KeyframeAnimation.cpp: Ditto.

            * platform/graphics/GraphicsLayer.cpp: Rename AnimatedPropertyWebkitFilter to AnimatedPropertyFilter.
            * platform/graphics/GraphicsLayerClient.h: Ditto.
            * platform/graphics/ca/GraphicsLayerCA.cpp: Ditto.

            * rendering/RenderLayer.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderLayer::updateOrRemoveFilterClients): SVG manages its own filter resources,
            so we shouldn't add a layer that has an SVG root to the filter clients.

            * rendering/RenderLayerBacking.cpp: Renaming.
            * rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp: Ditto.

            * rendering/style/SVGRenderStyle.h: Remove the SVG filter style.
            (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::isolatesBlending): No need to check for hasFilter().
            (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::initialFilterResource): Deleted.
            (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::setFilterResource): Deleted.
            (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::filterResource): Deleted.
            (WebCore::SVGRenderStyle::hasFilter): Deleted.

            * rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.cpp: Remove the filter resource.
            (WebCore::StyleResourceData::StyleResourceData): Deleted.
            (WebCore::StyleResourceData::operator==): Deleted.
            * rendering/style/SVGRenderStyleDefs.h:

            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp: Renaming.

            * rendering/svg/SVGRenderSupport.cpp:
            (WebCore::SVGRenderSupport::isolatesBlending): Since SVGRenderStyle no longer checks
            hasFilter() in its isolatesBlending(), we need to do it here.

            * rendering/svg/SVGRenderingContext.cpp:

            * rendering/svg/SVGRenderTreeAsText.cpp:
            (WebCore::writeResources): Dump from the CSS style value.
            * rendering/svg/SVGResources.cpp: Ditto.
            * rendering/svg/SVGResources.h:
            * rendering/svg/SVGResourcesCache.cpp:

            * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperLayer.cpp: Renaming.
            * platform/graphics/texmap/TextureMapperAnimation.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/texmap/coordinated/CoordinatedGraphicsLayer.cpp:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188530. rdar://problem/23432371

    2015-08-17  Simon Fraser  <>

            will-change should sometimes trigger compositing

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Implement the compositing side-effects of will-change, if any of the
            following properties are specified:
                filter (as -webkit-filter)
                backdrop-filter (as -webkit-backdrop-filter)
                transform (on transformable elements only)

            Tests: compositing/layer-creation/will-change-change.html

            * inspector/InspectorLayerTreeAgent.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorLayerTreeAgent::reasonsForCompositingLayer): Tell the inspector
            about will-change.
            * rendering/RenderElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderElement::adjustStyleDifference): Need to trigger a recomposite if
            will-change includes a compositing trigger property. This gets called before and
            after setting the style, so this checks both states.
            * rendering/RenderElement.h:
            (WebCore::RenderElement::willChangeCreatesStackingContext): Helper function that
            RenderInline uses to determine if it needs to create a RenderLayer, since RenderInline
            doesn't get automatic layer RenderLayers as a side effect of having non-auto z-index
            in the style.
            * rendering/RenderInline.h: Need to trigger a RenderLayer if will-change includes
            a property that applies to inlines.
            * rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::requiresCompositingLayer): Call requiresCompositingForWillChange().
            (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::requiresOwnBackingStore): Call requiresCompositingForWillChange().
            (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::reasonsForCompositing): Include requiresCompositingForWillChange().
            (WebCore::RenderLayerCompositor::requiresCompositingForWillChange): If will-change contains a
            property that would trigger compositing on this element, return true.
            * rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.h:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderStyle::changeRequiresLayout): Set ContextSensitivePropertyWillChange in
            changedContextSensitiveProperties if will-change changes.
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h: Rename for clarity.
            * rendering/style/RenderStyleConstants.h: Add ContextSensitivePropertyWillChange.
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp:
            (WebCore::propertyCreatesStackingContext): Subset of properties that create stacking
            context on any element.
            (WebCore::propertyCreatesStackingContextOnBoxesOnly): Additional properties that
            create stacking context on boxes.
            (WebCore::propertyTriggersCompositing): Properties that trigger compositing on
            any element.
            (WebCore::propertyTriggersCompositingOnBoxesOnly): Additional properties that
            trigger compositing on boxes.
            (WebCore::WillChangeData::addFeature): As features are added, manage a set of
            flags to know if they trigger stacking context or compositing, on inlines and boxes.
            (WebCore::WillChangeData::createsStackingContext): Deleted.
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.h:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188514. rdar://problem/23432371

    2015-08-15  Simon Fraser  <>

            Have will-change create stacking context when necessary

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            If will-change includes a property whose non-initial value can create
            stacking context, create stacking context for that element.

            Test: fast/css/will-change/will-change-creates-stacking-context.html

            * css/StyleResolver.cpp:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h: Add willChangeCreatesStackingContext(),
            which on most cases is a fast, inlined 'return false'. Otherwise ask
            the WillChangeData.
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp:
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.h:

2015-11-13  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188512. rdar://problem/23432371

    2015-08-14  Simon Fraser  <>

            Implement parsing for CSS will-change

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Syntax is
                will-change: auto | <animateable-feature>#
                <animateable-feature> = scroll-position | contents | <custom-ident>

            To support this, add WillChangeData which stores a vector of "feature"
            and CSS property squished into 16 bits. This is stored in rareNonInheritedData.
            If null or an empty list, the property value is 'auto'. The list preserves
            unknown properties.

            Test: fast/css/will-change-parsing.html

            * CMakeLists.txt:
            * WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj:
            * WebCore.vcxproj/WebCore.vcxproj.filters:
            * WebCore.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj:
            * css/CSSComputedStyleDeclaration.cpp:
            * css/CSSParser.cpp:
            (WebCore::isValidGridPositionCustomIdent): Renamed from isValidCustomIdent(),
            since it's grid-specific.
            (WebCore::valueIsCSSKeyword): Returns true for the "CSS-wide" keywords like
            "initial", "inherit" and "default".
            (WebCore::isValidCustomIdent): Deleted.
            * css/CSSParser.h:
            * css/CSSPrimitiveValue.h:
            (WebCore::CSSPrimitiveValue::isPropertyID): New utility function.
            * css/
            * css/
            * css/StyleBuilderCustom.h:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.cpp:
            * rendering/style/RenderStyle.h:
            * rendering/style/StyleAllInOne.cpp:
            * rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.cpp:
            * rendering/style/StyleRareNonInheritedData.h:
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.cpp: Added.
            * rendering/style/WillChangeData.h: Added.

2015-10-29  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r191706. rdar://problem/23319282

    2015-10-28  Andy Estes  <>

            [Content Filtering] Crash when allowing a 0-byte resource to load

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Test: contentfiltering/allow-empty-document.html

            * loader/ContentFilter.cpp:
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::deliverResourceData): resourceBuffer will be null if the resource contained no data.

2015-10-27  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191636. rdar://problem/23077744

    2015-10-27  Alex Christensen  <>

            Cancel navigation policy checks like we do content policy checks.

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            This was verified manually and I'll write a layout test for it soon.

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            Add a bool to keep track of whether we are waiting for navigation policy checks, like we do with content policy checks.
            Without this check, sometimes callbacks are made to DocumentLoaders that do not exist any more because they do not get
            cancelled by cancelPolicyCheckIfNeeded when detaching from the frame.

2015-10-23  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191487. rdar://problem/22811325

    2015-10-22  Sam Weinig  <>

            Navigations on the same host (but with different schemes and ports) should not trigger universal links

            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

            Add new helper which efficiently compares the hosts of two URLs.

            * platform/URL.cpp:
            * platform/URL.h:

2015-10-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191357. rdar://problem/23103005

    2015-10-20  Chris Fleizach  <>

            AX: CrashTracer: at WebCore::AccessibilityTable::tableElement const + 116

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            The crash point for this bug says that the parentElement of the firstBody is garbage when it's accessed.
            Unfortunately, I could not reproduce this in-situ or with a test.
            So my speculative solution is to recalculate those body elements to ensure that they're valid before we access.

            * accessibility/AccessibilityTable.cpp:

2015-10-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191223. rdar://problem/22900764

    2015-10-16  Alex Christensen  <>

            Disabled content blockers should not block any loads

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            This fix was tested manually by reloading without content blockers
            on websites with iframes and content blockers that block the contents of the iframes.

            * page/UserContentController.cpp:
            Check the DocumentLoader of the main frame when checking if content extensions are disabled,
            because that is the DocumentLoader that has the flag from reloading without content blockers.

2015-10-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191063. rdar://problem/22900764

    2015-10-14  Alex Christensen  <>

            Add SPI for reloading without content blockers

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            * loader/FrameLoader.h:
            * page/Page.h:
            (WebCore::Page::userContentExtensionsEnabled): Deleted.
            (WebCore::Page::setUserContentExtensionsEnabled): Deleted.
            * replay/UserInputBridge.cpp:
            * replay/UserInputBridge.h:
            Pass a bool from the reloadWithoutContentBlockers call to the DocumentLoader,
            which stores the state of whether the content blockers are enabled or not.
            Remove the state from the Page and copying the state from the Page to the DocumentLoader
            because that caused issues with the content blockers being re-enabled at the wrong time.

2015-10-20  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190510. rdar://problem/22900764

    2015-10-02  Alex Christensen  <>

            Reloading without content blockers doesn't apply to resource loads after the main frame finishes

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Test: http/tests/contentextensions/disable-blocker.html

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            Store and use the state of whether content blockers are enabled or not on the DocumentLoader
            so that it stays constant for a document's entire life.  This state comes from the Page when
            making the DocumentLoader in WebKit2.
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            * loader/ResourceLoader.cpp:
            * loader/cache/CachedResourceLoader.cpp:
            * page/DOMWindow.cpp:
            * page/UserContentController.cpp:
            * page/UserContentController.h:

2015-10-16  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190752. rdar://problem/23110932

    2015-10-08  Andreas Kling  <>

            Generated frame tree names should be kept reasonably long.

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            Some clumsy advertising script is going around assigning JavaScript source code
            to the "name" attribute of iframes. This is causing WebKit to generate way too huge
            names for anonymous descendants of such iframes.

            Previously, the generated name of an anonymous subframe would be its slash-separated
            path from the root frame, with the "name" attribute of each ancestor between the
            slashes, or "<!--frame${index in parent}-->" for anonymous ancestors.

            These ad scripts are often over 100kB in size, with multiple subframes, so we'd end
            up with frame names looking like this:

            "<!--framePath //<MONSTER BLOB OF JAVASCRIPT FROM HELL>/<!--frame0--><!--frame0-->-->"

            While this is worth fixing for the memory usage alone, we've been making it way
            worse by also using these paths when recording the back/forward history parts of
            WebKit session state.

            This patch makes generated paths always use index-in-parent as the "directory name"
            for ancestors of anonymous subframes. The above example path will now instead be:

            "<!--framePath //<!--frame0-->/<!--frame0-->/<!--frame0-->-->"

            Test: fast/frames/long-names-in-nested-subframes.html

            * page/FrameTree.cpp:
            * page/FrameTree.h:

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190604. rdar://problem/22993012

    2015-10-05  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] REGRESSION(r190434): Media continues to play when locking screen

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            In, both -applicationWillEnterForeground: and
            -applicationDidBecomeActive: called
            PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground(), leading to the
            PlatformMediaSession's m_interruptionCount becoming increasingly unbalanced.

            Rename PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground() to
            applicationDidEnterForeground() to more correctly reflect when this notification will be
            called. Add a new method, MediaSessionManagerIOS::applicationWillEnterForeground(bool),
            whose paramater is whether the screen was locked. This allows the beginInterruption() and
            endInterruption() methods to be correctly balanced.

            Drive-by fix: remove the unimplemented declarations for application{will,did}Enter{Fore,Back}ground()
            from PlatformMediaSession.h.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground): Deleted.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper applicationWillEnterForeground:]):
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper applicationDidBecomeActive:]):
            * testing/Internals.cpp:
            (WebCore::Internals::applicationWillEnterForeground): Deleted.
            * testing/Internals.h:
            * testing/Internals.idl:

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190447. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-01  Jaehun Lim  <>

            Unreviewed, fix build warning after r190434

            Fix error: variable ‘interruption’ set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]

            * testing/Internals.cpp:

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190434. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-01  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] AirPlay should not stop when the screen locks

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Tested by media/video-interruption-with-resume-allowing-play.html

            * Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h: overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction ->

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::suspendPlayback): Fix a typo in the logging.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::mayResumePlayback): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::shouldOverrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Renamed from
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Deleted.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::interruptionName): New, log the name of the interruption.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::beginInterruption): Log the interruption type. Don't
              increment the interruption counter if we are going to ignore it. Incorporate logic
              from doInterruption.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::doInterruption): Deleted.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::shouldDoInterruption): Deleted.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::forceInterruption): Deleted.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h: Add SuspendedUnderLock interruption type.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground): Deleted.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:

            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::applicationDidEnterBackground): Call beginInterruption
              when appropriate.

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r188486. rdar://problem/22707497

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r188531. rdar://problem/22707497

2015-10-15  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191077. rdar://problem/22993325

    2015-10-14  Alex Christensen  <>

            [Content Extensions] Make blocked async XHR call onerror

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            Test: http/tests/contentextensions/async-xhr-onerror.html

            * xml/XMLHttpRequest.cpp:
            * xml/XMLHttpRequest.h:
            Make a timer that calls networkError in 0 time if a content blocker blocks the asynchronous load.
            It is necessary to call setPendingActivity and dropProtection (which calls unsetPendingActivity)
            to keep a reference to the XMLHttpRequest alive.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r191008. rdar://problem/23110743

    2015-10-13  Dean Jackson  <>

            Device motion and orientation should only be visible from the main frame's security origin

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            There are reports that gyroscope and accelerometer information can
            be used to detect keyboard entry. One initial step to reduce the
            risk is to forbid device motion and orientation events from
            being fired in frames that are a different security origin from the main page.

            Manual test: deviceorientation-main-frame-only.html

            * page/DOMWindow.cpp:
            (WebCore::DOMWindow::isSameSecurityOriginAsMainFrame): New helper function.
            (WebCore::DOMWindow::addEventListener): Check if we are the main frame, or the
            same security origin as the main frame. If not, don't add the event

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190570. rdar://problem/23075838

    2015-10-05  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Mark the line dirty when RenderQuote's text changes.

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            When quotation mark changes ( " -> ' or empty string), we
            need to mark the line dirty to ensure its content gets laid out properly.

            Test: fast/inline/quotation-text-changes-dynamically.html

            * rendering/RenderQuote.cpp:
            (WebCore::fragmentChild): Deleted.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190382. rdar://problem/22934241

    2015-09-30  Dean Jackson  <>

            GraphicsContext3D::mappedSymbolName should initialize count variable

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            While debugging another WebGL issue, I noticed that some
            OpenGL renderers can get into a state where they
            drop resources (e.g. a GPU reset). If we don't detect that
            in time, we might try to ask for the currently attached
            resources and our in-parameter will not be set. In this
            case, initialize it to zero so that we don't do silly things.

            * platform/graphics/opengl/GraphicsContext3DOpenGLCommon.cpp:
            (WebCore::GraphicsContext3D::mappedSymbolName): Initialize count to 0.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190339. rdar://problem/23075839

    2015-09-29  Jon Honeycutt  <>

            Avoid reparsing an XSLT stylesheet after the first failure.

            Reviewed by Dave Hyatt.

            Patch by Jiewen Tan,

            Test: svg/custom/invalid-xslt-crash.svg

            * xml/XSLStyleSheet.h:
            Add a new member variable m_compilationFailed that tracks whether
            compilation has failed. Default value is false.

            * xml/XSLStyleSheetLibxslt.cpp:
            Return early if the compilation has failed before. After compiling the
            style sheet, if we failed, set m_compilationFailed to true.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190097. rdar://problem/23075843

    2015-09-21  Ryosuke Niwa  <>

            Fix release builds with security assertion after r190007.

            * dom/DocumentOrderedMap.cpp:
            * dom/DocumentOrderedMap.h:

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190007. rdar://problem/23075843

    2015-09-18  Ryosuke Niwa  <>

            REGRESSION(r150187): updateIdForTreeScope may not be called inside shadow trees

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Since the tree scope is set to that of Document's inside removeBetween when a node is removed from a shadow tree,
            oldScope != &treeScope() was already true inside Element::removedFrom. This can introduce an inconsistency in
            DocumentOrderedMap which could result in a crash. Fixed the bug by checking it against document(), which is the
            behavior we had prior to r150187.

            Also added a consistency check in DocumentOrderedMap to catch bugs like this.

            No new tests. New assertions fail in existing tests without this fix.

            * dom/DocumentOrderedMap.cpp:
            * dom/DocumentOrderedMap.h:
            * dom/Element.cpp:

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188531. rdar://problem/22707497

    2015-08-17  Andy Estes  <>

            REGRESSION (r188486): Crash in SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse() when TemporaryChange goes out of scope

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            Covered by existing tests run under ASan or Guard Malloc.

            * loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse): Ensure that callingDidReceiveResponse is destroyed while the
            SubresourceLoader is still alive by declaring it after protect.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188486. rdar://problem/22707497

    2015-08-13  Andy Estes  <>

            [Cocoa] Downloads do not start if policy decision is made asynchronously

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            It's only possible to convert a NSURLConnection to a download while the connection delegate's
            -connection:didReceiveResponse: is being called. However, WebKit clients can decide content policy
            asynchronously. If a client chooses to download a response asynchronously, we can no longer convert the
            connection to a download, so we should start a new download instead.

            New API test: _WKDownload.AsynchronousDownloadPolicy

            * dom/Document.cpp: Updated to include SubresourceLoader.h.
            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::mainResourceLoader): Updated to return a SubresourceLoader.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::continueAfterContentPolicy): Cast mainResourceLoader() to a ResourceLoader since
            didFail() is private in SubresourceLoader.
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            * loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::SubresourceLoader): Initialized m_callingDidReceiveResponse to false.
            (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse): Used TemporaryChange<> to set m_callingDidReceiveResponse to true.
            * loader/SubresourceLoader.h:
            * loader/appcache/ApplicationCacheHost.cpp: Updated to include SubresourceLoader.h.
            * loader/mac/DocumentLoaderMac.cpp: Ditto.

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188416. rdar://problem/22803749

    2015-08-13  Jer Noble  <>

            Don't short circuit seeking

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            When two seekWithTolerance() requests come in before the first is acted upon in seekTask(),
            the second will result in a "no seek required" conditional, because the new "currentTime" is
            assumed to be the destination time of the first seek.

            When cancelling a pending seek, first replace the "now" value with the "now" value from the
            replaced seek, thus preserving the original currentTime across all replacement seeks.

            Drive-by fix: some added logging causes occasional crashes, due to the underlying object being
            accessed having been deleted.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/

2015-10-14  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188390. rdar://problem/22803749

    2015-08-13  Eric Carlson  <>

            Don't short circuit seeking

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Test: media/video-seek-to-current-time.html

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::prepareForLoad): Call clearSeeking.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::fastSeek): Add logging.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::seekWithTolerance): Add logging. Set m_pendingSeekType.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::seekTask):  Call clearSeeking. Don't short circuit a
              if the current or pending seek is a fast seek. Set m_seeking to true immediately
              before calling media engine as it may have been cleared before the seek task
              queue ran.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::clearSeeking): New.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:
            * html/HTMLMediaElementEnums.h:

            * platform/GenericTaskQueue.h:
            (WebCore::GenericTaskQueue::enqueueTask): Clear m_pendingTasks.

            * platform/graphics/avfoundation/MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundation.cpp:
            (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundation::seekWithTolerance): Don't return early
              when asked to seek to the current time.
            (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundation::invalidateCachedDuration): Remove some
              extremely noisy logging.

            * platform/graphics/avfoundation/objc/
            (WebCore::MediaPlayerPrivateAVFoundationObjC::seekToTime): Add logging.

2015-10-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r190434.

2015-10-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r190447.

2015-10-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r190604.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190604. rdar://problem/22993012

    2015-10-05  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] REGRESSION(r190434): Media continues to play when locking screen

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            In, both -applicationWillEnterForeground: and
            -applicationDidBecomeActive: called
            PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground(), leading to the
            PlatformMediaSession's m_interruptionCount becoming increasingly unbalanced.

            Rename PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground() to
            applicationDidEnterForeground() to more correctly reflect when this notification will be
            called. Add a new method, MediaSessionManagerIOS::applicationWillEnterForeground(bool),
            whose paramater is whether the screen was locked. This allows the beginInterruption() and
            endInterruption() methods to be correctly balanced.

            Drive-by fix: remove the unimplemented declarations for application{will,did}Enter{Fore,Back}ground()
            from PlatformMediaSession.h.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground): Deleted.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper applicationWillEnterForeground:]):
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper applicationDidBecomeActive:]):
            * testing/Internals.cpp:
            (WebCore::Internals::applicationWillEnterForeground): Deleted.
            * testing/Internals.h:
            * testing/Internals.idl:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190602. rdar://problem/22995810

    2015-10-05  Alex Christensen  <>

            Invalid CSS Selector for Content Blockers invalidates others

            Reviewed by Benjamin Poulain.

            Test: http/tests/contentextensions/invalid-selector.html

            * contentextensions/ContentExtensionParser.cpp:
            Add a check to see if a selector is valid before adding it.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190447. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-01  Jaehun Lim  <>

            Unreviewed, fix build warning after r190434

            Fix error: variable ‘interruption’ set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]

            * testing/Internals.cpp:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190434. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-01  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] AirPlay should not stop when the screen locks

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Tested by media/video-interruption-with-resume-allowing-play.html

            * Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h: overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction ->

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::suspendPlayback): Fix a typo in the logging.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::mayResumePlayback): Ditto.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::shouldOverrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Renamed from
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Deleted.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::interruptionName): New, log the name of the interruption.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::beginInterruption): Log the interruption type. Don't
              increment the interruption counter if we are going to ignore it. Incorporate logic
              from doInterruption.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::doInterruption): Deleted.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::shouldDoInterruption): Deleted.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::forceInterruption): Deleted.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h: Add SuspendedUnderLock interruption type.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground): Deleted.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:

            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::applicationDidEnterBackground): Call beginInterruption
              when appropriate.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189979. rdar://problem/23033080

    2015-09-18  Chris Dumez  <>

            WebContent crash in WebCore::MemoryPressureHandler::releaseCriticalMemory() with GuardMalloc when preparing to suspend

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            in MemoryPressureHandler::releaseCriticalMemory(), iterate over a copy of
            Document::allDocuments() instead of iterating over allDocuments() directly.
            Also make sure the Documents are ref'd inside the copy.

            This is needed because clearing the StyleResolver of a Document may cause
            Documents to be unref'd and removed from the allDocument() HashSet.

            No new tests, already covered by existing tests.

            * platform/MemoryPressureHandler.cpp:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189834. rdar://problem/22807373

    2015-09-15  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Paused Debugger prevents page reload

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            When navigating the page while paused, suppress any pausing until the page
            has completed navigation. If not paused and navigating, you can still pause
            in pagehide and unload handlers or other late page events.

            Could not write a reliable test for this at the moment.
            InspectorTest.reloadPage has multiple issues with the output,
            so I'll investigate making reload tests more reliable later.

            * inspector/InspectorController.h:
            * inspector/InspectorController.cpp:
            (WebCore::InspectorController::resume): Deleted.
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            We now use existing InspectorInstrumentation functions instead of a method
            on InspectorController during load. In dropping the method InspectorController
            can drop a member variable no longer used.

            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.h:
            Add a new instrumentation hook.

            * inspector/InspectorInstrumentation.cpp:
            When starting or completing main frame navigations, let the PageDebuggerAgent do some work.

            * inspector/PageDebuggerAgent.h:
            * inspector/PageDebuggerAgent.cpp:
            Suppress pausing if navigating while paused. Otherwise behave as normal.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r189421. rdar://problem/22823243

    2015-09-04  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Crash when font completes downloading after calling 2D canvas setText() multiple times

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            The CSSFontSelector has a list of clients, and when fonts complete downloading, these
            clients get a call back. CanvasRenderingContext2D::State is one such of these clients. However,
            the CSSFontSelector may be destroyed and recreated at any time. We were getting into a case
            where multiple CSSFontSelectors were thinking that the same CanvasRenderingContext2D::State were
            their client. When the CanvasRenderingContext2D::State was destroyed, it only unregistered
            itself from one of the CSSFontSelectors, which means the CSSFontSelector left over has a dangling
            pointer to it.

            The solution is to implement a new helper class, FontProxy, to hold the
            CanvasRenderingContext2D::State's font, and maintain the invariant that this object is always
            registered to exactly one CSSFontSelector, and this CSSFontSelector is the one which is associated
            with the FontProxy's FontCascade object. This patch maintains this invariant, as well as protecting
            all access to the State's FontCascade object so no one can reach in and change it without going
            through functions which maintain the invariant.

            Test: fast/canvas/font-selector-crash.html

            * css/CSSFontSelector.cpp:
            * css/CSSFontSelector.h:
            * dom/Document.cpp:
            * dom/Document.h:
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.cpp:
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::State::~State): Deleted.
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::State::fontsNeedUpdate): Deleted.
            (WebCore::CanvasRenderingContext2D::accessFont): Deleted.
            * html/canvas/CanvasRenderingContext2D.h:
            * platform/graphics/FontSelector.h:

2015-10-08  Andy Estes  <>

        Merge r188486, r188517, r188531, r188844, r188845, r188851, r188852, r188880, r188881, r188988, r189193, r189289, and r190133.

    2015-08-26  Andy Estes  <>

            [Content Filtering] Determine navigation and content policy before continuing to filter a load

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            Prior to this change, ContentFilter would hide from DocumentLoader all CachedRawResourceClient callbacks until
            a decision was made, then replay the missed callbacks. This approach interacted poorly with some features of
            the loader, notably appcache and downloads. In the case of appcache, DocumentLoader might not have a chance to
            check for substitute data until the original load has finished, wasting bandwidth, and might receive duplicate
            or out-of-order callbacks. In the case of downloads, it would often be too late to convert the existing
            connection to a download, leading to restarted downloads or outright failures.

            Bandaids were put in place for these issues in r188150, r188486, and r188851 to fix crashes or serious
            regressions in behavior, but these weren't complete fixes. They did not solve any of the duplicate data loading
            problems, and they did not make downloads work reliably in all cases.

            This patch rolls out the bandaids (but keeps their tests) and replaces them with a more robust fix. Instead of
            hiding callbacks from DocumentLoader, ContentFilter now delivers willSendRequest(), redirectReceived(), and
            responseReceived() to DocumentLoader immediately, and cancels filtering if DocumentLoader decides to ignore the
            load, download it, or load substitute data. ContentFilter continues to buffer incoming data to prevent partial
            rendering of blocked content.

            The existing tests for r188150 and r188851 were kept, the test for r188486 was rewritten to be specific to
            content filtering, and new tests were added to cover the case where ContentFilter is still undecided after a
            load finishes.

            Tests: contentfiltering/allow-never.html

            * bindings/js/JSMockContentFilterSettingsCustom.cpp:
            (WebCore::JSMockContentFilterSettings::decisionPoint): Taught to handle DecisionPoint::Never, and rewrote to
            not need a set of const uint8_ts that mirror the DecisionPoint enum.
            (WebCore::JSMockContentFilterSettings::setDecisionPoint): Ditto.
            (WebCore::toJSValue): Rewrote to not need a set of const uint8_ts that mirror the Decision enum.
            (WebCore::toDecision): Ditto.
            * loader/ContentFilter.cpp:
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::createIfEnabled): Renamed from createIfNeeded, and changed to take a DocumentLoader&
            instead of a DecisionFunction.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::responseReceived): If m_state != Blocked after filtering, call DocumentLoader::responseReceived().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::dataReceived): If m_state == Allowed after filtering, deliver buffered data to DocumentLoader.
            If no filtering was necessary, call DocumentLoader::dataReceived() directly.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::redirectReceived): If m_state != Blocked after filtering, call DocumentLoader::redirectReceived().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::notifyFinished): If an error occured, call DocumentLoader::notifyFinished() immediately and return.
            If m_state != Blocked after filtering, deliver buffered data to DocumentLoader and call DocumentLoader::notifyFinished().
            If no filtering was necessary and m_state != Blocked, call DocumentLoader::notifyFinished() directly.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::didDecide): Called DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidDecide() instead of m_decisionFunction().
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::deliverResourceData): Added a helper function to deliver buffered data to DocumentLoader.
            (WebCore::ContentFilter::createIfNeeded): Renamed to createIfEnabled().
            * loader/ContentFilter.h:
            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Stopped asserting that redirectResponse is null and made it part of
            the if condition instead, since willSendRequest() will now be called on redirects when there is an active ContentFilter.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::startLoadingMainResource): Called becomeMainResourceClient() instead of becomeMainResourceClientIfFilterAllows().
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::becomeMainResourceClient): Renamed from becomeMainResourceClientIfFilterAllows().
            Only called ContentFilter::startFilteringMainResource() if the filter state is Initialized, since ContentFilter
            might have already made a decision in willSendRequest().
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::contentFilterDidDecide): Stopped deleting m_contentFilter, since it will continue to deliver callbacks
            even after making a decision. Fixed a bug where we were creating two copies of ContentFilter's replacement data.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::syntheticRedirectReceived): Deleted.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::becomeMainResourceClientIfFilterAllows): Renamed to becomeMainResourceClient().
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            * loader/EmptyClients.h:
            * loader/FrameLoaderClient.h:
            * loader/ResourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::ResourceLoader::willSendRequestInternal): Removed part of r188851.
            * loader/SubresourceLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::SubresourceLoader::didReceiveResponse): Removed part of r188486.
            * loader/SubresourceLoader.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedRawResource.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedRawResource::didAddClient): Removed part of r188150.
            * loader/cache/CachedRawResourceClient.h:
            (WebCore::CachedRawResourceClient::syntheticRedirectReceived): Removed part of r188150.
            * testing/MockContentFilterSettings.h: Defined DecisionPoint::Never.
            * testing/MockContentFilterSettings.idl: Defined DECISION_POINT_NEVER.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r190447.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r190434.

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190480. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

            Merge r190447.

        2015-10-01  Jaehun Lim  <>

                Unreviewed, fix build warning after r190434

                Fix error: variable ‘interruption’ set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]

                * testing/Internals.cpp:

2015-10-08  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r190478. rdar://problem/22865007

    2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

            Merge r190434.

        2015-10-01  Eric Carlson  <>

                [iOS] AirPlay should not stop when the screen locks

                Reviewed by Jer Noble.

                Tested by media/video-interruption-with-resume-allowing-play.html

                * Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.h: overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction ->

                * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::suspendPlayback): Fix a typo in the logging.
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::mayResumePlayback): Ditto.
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::shouldOverrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Renamed from
                (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::overrideBackgroundPlaybackRestriction): Deleted.
                * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:

                * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
                (WebCore::interruptionName): New, log the name of the interruption.
                (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::beginInterruption): Log the interruption type. Don't
                  increment the interruption counter if we are going to ignore it. Incorporate logic
                  from doInterruption.
                (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::doInterruption): Deleted.
                (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::shouldDoInterruption): Deleted.
                (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::forceInterruption): Deleted.

                * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h: Add SuspendedUnderLock interruption type.
                * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
                (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground): Deleted.
                * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:

                * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
                * platform/audio/ios/
                (WebCore::MediaSessionManageriOS::applicationDidEnterBackground): Call beginInterruption
                  when appropriate.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190380.

    2015-09-30  Dean Jackson  <>

            Crash in gleLookupHashObject when context is lost

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            When we received notification that the GPU has reset,
            we were nulling out and deleting our OpenGL contexts
            and then trying to do it all over again. The fix was
            to flip the order of operations.

            While there I added some logging, and changed the
            way we check GPU status to make sure we do a check
            after the first draw call.

            Unfortunately we can't test automatically because it
            involves resetting the GPU which can possibly cause
            concurrent tests to fail.

            * platform/graphics/mac/
            (WebCore::GraphicsContext3D::checkGPUStatusIfNecessary): Move forceContextLost()
            to be the first thing we do after we've realised we need to

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190375.

    2015-09-30  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Crash when using an SVG font with > 390 glyphs

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            The "Charset Index" in OTF are indices into a collection of strings. There are
            390 predefined strings in this collection. We were currently assigning each
            glyph to one of these strings. However, if there are more glyphs than strings,
            we will be using invalid indices.

            The values of the strings themselves are not necessary for SVG fonts. Therefore,
            the solution is to create a single dummy string, and have all glyphs target it.

            Tests: svg/custom/many-glyphs.svg

            * css/CSSFontFaceSource.cpp:
            * svg/SVGToOTFFontConversion.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r190327.

    2015-09-29  Jer Noble  <>

            REGRESSION: WebAudio user-gesture restriction is no longer lifted by touchstart event

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Use processingUserGestureForMedia() rather than processingUserGesture(),
            as the former includes touchstart and the latter does not.

            * Modules/webaudio/AudioContext.cpp:
            * html/MediaElementSession.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189560.

    2015-09-09  Benjamin Poulain  <>

            CSS general sibling selectors does not work without CSS JIT

            Reviewed by Andreas Kling.

            When traversing with the indirect adjacent combinator, SelectorChecker
            was not setting the style invalidation flag on the right element.

            Tests: fast/css/indirect-adjacent-style-invalidation-1.html

            * css/SelectorChecker.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189322.

    2015-09-03  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Playback does not pause when deselecting route and locking screen.

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            When deselecting a route, the route change notification can be delayed for some amount
            of time. If the screen is locked before the notification is fired, the PlatformMediaSessionManager
            can refuse to pause the video when entering the background due to a wireless playback route
            still being active.

            When the media element transitions from having an active route to not having one (or vice versa),
            re-run the interruption check. In order to correctly determine, when that occurs, whether
            we are in an 'application background' state, cache that value to an ivar when handling

            Because we only want to run this step during an actual transition between playing to a route ->
            playing locally, cache the value of isPlayingToWirelessPlayback to another ivar, and only
            inform the PlatformMediaSessionManager when that value actually changes.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::isPlayingToWirelessPlaybackTargetChanged): Set or clear m_isPlayingToWirelessPlaybackTarget.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::isPlayingToWirelessPlaybackTarget): Simple getter.
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterBackground): Set m_isApplicationInBackground.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground): Ditto.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationWillEnterForeground): Clear m_isApplicationInBackground.
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSessionManager::sessionIsPlayingToWirelessPlaybackTargetChanged): Run interruption
                if application is in background.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188768.

    2015-08-21  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: REGRESSION(173684): Edit as HTML not working

            Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

            Tests: inspector/dom/getOuterHTML.html

            * inspector/DOMPatchSupport.cpp:
            Revert the optimization change made in r173684. The optimization changes
            had a few issues. It changed the logic to potentially drop out of the
            loop before all new items were processed and using a node reference
            to track an index did not account for the modifications insertBefore
            may have made to that node's index in the list.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188690.

    2015-08-20  Chris Dumez  <>

            [Cocoa] Treat Epoch as invalid value for "Last-Modified" header

            Reviewed by Antti Koivisto.

            Ignore "Last-Modified" header when computing heuristic freshness if it
            is Epoch. CFNetwork currently converts a malformed date for Last-Modified
            into Epoch so there is no way for us to distinguish Epoch from invalid
            input. Without this, we would end up with cached resources that have a
            giant lifetime (> 4 years) due to a malformed HTTP header.

            Some Websites (e.g. also wrongly return Epoch as
            Last-Modified value and we would end up caching it overly aggressively.
            Now that we consider Epoch as an invalid value for Last-Modified, it will
            also work around this content bug.

            Test: http/tests/cache/disk-cache/disk-cache-last-modified.html

            * platform/network/ResourceResponseBase.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188634.

    2015-08-18  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] Punctuation near Hindi text is garbled when styled with the system font

            Reviewed by Brian Burg.

            Fonts cache whether or not they are the system font. This caching took place at the end of Font::platformInit().
            However, in the middle of Font::platformInit(), we look up a glyph, which calls GlyphPage::fill() which consults
            with this cache. However, at this point, the cache has not been constructed yet. The solution is just to
            construct the cache earlier (at the beginning of the function).

            Consulting with the cache before it is populated causes it to erroneously say that no fonts are system fonts.
            Then, we use Core Graphics to ask for glyphs instead of Core Text. Core Graphics, however, is incapable of
            handling the system font, and returns us garbled results. In particular, when the system language is set to
            Japanese, the system font does not support punctuation, and Core Text tells us so. However, Core Graphics
            erroneously tells us that the system font does support punctuation.

            Then, if text is near the punctuation which causes us to take the complex text codepath (such as Hindi text),
            we tell Core Text to explicitly lay out the punctuation using the system font (which does not support
            punctuation). Core Text then replies that the provided font doesn't support the punctuation, and that we should
            use LastResort with some other glyphs instead. WebKit then disregards the font CoreText told us to use (because
            we are oh-so-sure that the font in question supports punctuation) and uses the LastResort glyph IDs with our
            font, which causes arbitrary glyphs to be shown.

            Test: fast/text/hindi-system-font-punctuation.html

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188622.

    2015-08-18  Dean Jackson  <>

            Add null check in ImageBufferData::getData

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            We're getting a number of crash reports that suggest the allocation
            of the result buffer has failed, but have been unable to reproduce.
            This patch adds a null check to the allocation, and logs a message
            to the system console. This might avoid the crashes, and hopefully
            we'll see the message.

            No new tests, since we're unable to reproduce this crash.

            * platform/graphics/cg/ImageBufferDataCG.cpp:
            (WebCore::ImageBufferData::getData): Add a null-check and early

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188405.

    2015-08-13  Wenson Hsieh  <>

            A focused node should not be assisted when handling touch events synchronously

            Reviewed by Enrica Casucci.

            Makes interaction with touch handlers no longer assist the currently focused element in the
            general case. Added plumbing to reassist a currently focused node when dispatching touch events,
            so that an input that programmatically focuses itself and prevents default on a touch event will
            be properly assisted when it has been programmatically focused (either through Javascript or the
            autofocus attribute) prior to receiving the touch event. This patch also removes the now
            unnecessary special-casing of the Gmail settings app that currently makes the keyboard deploy
            upon autofocus.

            * dom/Element.cpp:
            (WebCore::Element::focus): Notifies the chrome client that the element has refocused before
                returning early.
            * page/ChromeClient.h: Refocusing an element does nothing by default.
            * platform/RuntimeApplicationChecksIOS.h: Removed special casing for Gmail Add Account.
            * platform/ See above.
            (WebCore::applicationIsGmailAddAccountOnIOS): See above.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188182.

    2015-08-07  James Craig  <>

            REGRESSION(r184722) AX: WebKit video playback toolbar removed from DOM; no longer accessible to VoiceOver

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Updated Apple Video controls to add an invisible but focusable button that allows VoiceOver
            users (and when unblocked, keyboard users) to re-display the video controls.

            Test: media/video-controls-show-on-kb-or-ax-event.html

            * English.lproj/mediaControlsLocalizedStrings.js:
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.css:
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187994.

    2015-08-05  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            [Frame flattening] Return early when child RenderView is not available.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            No change in functionality.

            * rendering/RenderFrameBase.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187921.

    2015-08-04  Chris Dumez  <>

            Subframes with no current HistoryItem should not prevent page-caching

            Reviewed by Andreas Kling.

            Subframes with no current HistoryItem should not prevent page-caching.
            We need one for the main frame as this is the key in the PageCache.
            However, there is no reason to require one for subframes.

            This is a common reason for page-caching failures nowadays.

            Frames do no have a current HistoryItem until something has been loaded in them.

            Test: http/tests/navigation/page-cache-iframe-no-current-historyItem.html

            * history/PageCache.cpp:

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187210.

    2015-07-22  Wenson Hsieh  <>

            Coordinates-based snap offsets don't update correctly when container is scrolled

            Reviewed by Brent Fulgham.

            Fixes the way we append the snap offsets of child elements with coordinates. We
            now consider the scroll offset of the parent scroll snapping container, so snap
            offset recomputations don't fail on scroll snapping containers.

            Test: css3/scroll-snap/scroll-snap-coordinate-overflow-resize.html

            * page/scrolling/AxisScrollSnapOffsets.cpp:
            (WebCore::appendChildSnapOffsets): Fixed to consider the scroll offset of the
                parent container.

2015-10-02  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187145.

    2015-07-21  Joseph Pecoraro  <>

            Web Inspector: Node highlights are wrong when the page is zoomed

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            * inspector/InspectorOverlay.cpp:
            Remove scaling that appears to no longer be needed, it was double
            scaling the overlay content and misplacing it in the process.

2015-10-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188298.

    2015-08-11  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Invalid FrameView::m_viewportRenderer after layout is finished.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            We cache the current viewport renderer (FrameView::m_viewportRenderer) right before layout.
            It gets dereferenced later when layout is finished to update the overflow status.
            If the viewport renderer gets destroyed during layout, we end up with a dangling pointer.
            This patch replaces the pointer caching with type caching (none, body, document).

            Unable to construct a test case.

2015-09-16  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189862.

    2015-09-16  Chris Fleizach  <>

            AX: No VoiceOver typing feedback in some search fields

            Reviewed by Mario Sanchez Prada.

            If SearchFieldRole is not marked as a TextControl, it does not end up returning the accessibilityValue,
            which is needed to output the right text to VoiceOver.

            Test: accessibility/ax-value-with-search.html

            * accessibility/AccessibilityObject.cpp:

2015-09-10  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189469.

    2015-09-07  Daniel Bates  <>

            ASSERT_WITH_SECURITY_IMPLICATION in WebCore::DocumentOrderedMap::get(); update form
            association after subtree insertion

            Reviewed by Andy Estes.

            Currently we update the form association of a form control upon insertion into
            the document. Instead we should update the form association of a form control
            after its containing subtree is inserted into the document to avoid an assertion
            failure when the containing subtree has an element whose id is identical to both
            the id of some other element in the document and the name of the form referenced
            by the inserted form control.

            Tests: fast/forms/update-form-owner-in-moved-subtree-assertion-failure-2.html

            * html/FormAssociatedElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::FormAssociatedElement::insertedInto): Moved resetFormOwner() from here
            to {HTMLFormControlElement, HTMLObjectElement}::finishedInsertingSubtree().
            * html/HTMLFormControlElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement::insertedInto): Return InsertionShouldCallFinishedInsertingSubtree
            so that HTMLFormControlElement::finishedInsertingSubtree() is called.
            (WebCore::HTMLFormControlElement::finishedInsertingSubtree): Added; turn around and
            call FormAssociatedElement::resetFormOwner().
            * html/HTMLFormControlElement.h:
            * html/HTMLInputElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::insertedInto): Return InsertionShouldCallFinishedInsertingSubtree so
            that HTMLInputElement::finishedInsertingSubtree() is called and move logic to update radio button
            group from here...
            (WebCore::HTMLInputElement::finishedInsertingSubtree): to here.
            * html/HTMLInputElement.h:
            * html/HTMLObjectElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::insertedInto): Return InsertionShouldCallFinishedInsertingSubtree so
            that HTMLObjectElement::finishedInsertingSubtree() is called.
            (WebCore::HTMLObjectElement::finishedInsertingSubtree): Added; turn around and
            call FormAssociatedElement::resetFormOwner().
            * html/HTMLObjectElement.h:
            * html/HTMLSelectElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLSelectElement::insertedInto): Modified to return the result of
            HTMLFormControlElementWithState::insertedInto(), which may schedule a callback after subtree
            * html/HTMLTextFormControlElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLTextFormControlElement::insertedInto): Ditto.

2015-09-03  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189167.

    2015-08-31  Enrica Casucci  <>

            Incorrect cursor movement for U+26F9, U+1F3CB with variations.

            Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.

            Updating text break iterator rules to correctly handle those two emoji with variations.

            * platform/text/TextBreakIterator.cpp:

2015-08-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r189024.

    2015-08-27  Enrica Casucci  <>

            Add some new emoji with modifiers and new sequence.

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            Adding support for some new emoji with modifiers and
            one new emoji sequence.

            * platform/graphics/FontCascade.cpp:
            * platform/text/CharacterProperties.h:
            * platform/text/TextBreakIterator.cpp:

2015-08-26  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188271.

    2015-08-11  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            feMorphology is not rendered correctly on Retina display

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            The result ImageBuffer of any FilterEffect is already scaled up for 2x
            display. The FEMorphology needs to fix its painting data dimension and
            radius by multiplying them by the filter scale factor.

            Test: fast/hidpi/filters-morphology.html

            * platform/graphics/filters/FEMorphology.cpp:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188659.

    2015-08-19  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Scrollable area container is not properly cleared when page is going into the PageCache

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Must be tested manually going back and forth in history several times.

            * history/CachedFrame.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedFrame::CachedFrame): Clear the cached ScrollableAreas from the FrameView.
            * page/FrameView.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameView::clearScrollableAreas): Added.
            * page/FrameView.h:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188370.

    2015-08-12  Brent Fulgham  <>

            Move RenderBox-specific Scroll Snap code from RenderElement to RenderBox

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            No new tests: No change in functionality.

            * rendering/RenderBox.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderBox::styleWillChange): Remove RenderBox-specific code.
            (WebCore::RenderBox::willBeRemovedFromTree): Ditto.
            * rendering/RenderBox.h:
            * rendering/RenderElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderElement::styleWillChange): Move code from RenderElement to
            handle Scroll Snap Points.
            (WebCore::RenderElement::willBeRemovedFromTree): Added new override to handle
            scroll-snap point logic.

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188340.

    2015-08-12  Brent Fulgham  <>

            REGRESSION(r185606): ASSERT in WebCore::RenderElement::styleWillChange

            Reviewed by Jon Honeycutt.

            Only add (or remove) a RenderElement from the container of RenderBoxes with
            scroll snap coordinates if the element actually is a RenderBox.

            Tested by css3/scroll-snap/improper-snap-points-crash.html.

            * rendering/RenderElement.cpp:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188014.

    2015-08-05  Chris Dumez  <>

            Crash when removing children of a MathMLSelectElement

            Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.

            When MathMLSelectElement::childrenChanged() is called after its
            children have been removed, MathMLSelectElement calls
            updateSelectedChild() which accesses m_selectedChild. However,
            in this case, m_selectedChild is the previously selected child
            and it may be destroyed as this point if it was removed. To avoid
            this problem, MathMLSelectElement now keep a strong ref to the
            currently selected element.

            Test: mathml/maction-removeChild.html

            * mathml/MathMLSelectElement.h:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187758.

    2015-08-03  Anders Carlsson  <>

            Safari is failing to remove SQLite Databases via Remove All Website Data

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            If we end up deleting every single database for an origin, make sure to also delete the origin.

            * Modules/webdatabase/DatabaseTracker.cpp:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187685.

    2015-07-31  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [SVG -> OTF Converter] Crash when converting Arabic fonts

            Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.

            SVGToOTFFontConverter::compareCodepointsLexicographically() wasn't transitive.

            Test: fast/text/arabic-duplicate-glyph-font.html

            * svg/SVGToOTFFontConversion.cpp:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187564.

    2015-07-29  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            Remove the spanner placeholder from m_spannerMap when the placeholder object
            gets transferred to a descendant flow.

            Reviewed by David Hyatt.

            Before r180328, the spanner placeholder was removed from m_spannerMap through
            RenderMultiColumnFlowThread::removeFlowChildInfo() by calling flowThreadRelativeWillBeRemoved()
            when the placeholder renderer got transferred to the descendant flow.
            Now we just remove it from the map when the renderer is being detached.

            Test: fast/multicol/newmulticol/spanner-crash-with-embedded-columns.html

            * rendering/RenderMultiColumnFlowThread.cpp:

2015-08-21  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r186984.

    2015-07-17  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            REGRESSION (r169105): Do not assign a renderer to multiple selection subtrees.

            Reviewed by David Kilzer.

            A renderer should never be assigned to multiple selection subtrees. (Currently RenderObject maintains the last selection state.)
            RenderView::applySubtreeSelection() loops from the start to the end of the selection to find renderers that are inside the selection.
            However, in case of regions (when multiple selection roots are present) traversing the renderer tree by calling RenderObject::nextInPreOrder() could
            end up going across selection roots.
            This patch ensures that we assign renderers to a specific selection only when the current selection root and the renderer's selection root match.

            Test: fast/regions/crash-when-renderer-is-in-multiple-selection-subtrees2.html

            * rendering/RenderView.cpp:

2015-08-13  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188377.

    2015-08-12  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] [CJK-configured device] System font has vertical punctuation

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            GlyphPage::fill() has multiple code paths to accomplish its goal. It uses the shouldUseCoreText() helper
            function to determine which one of the paths should be taken. However, not all of the code paths in
            GlyphPage::fill() are able of handling all situations. Indeed, the CoreText code paths in GlyphPage::fill()
            are only able to handle the situations which shouldUseCoreText() returns true for. This happens in the
            following cases:

            1. If the font is a composite font
            2. If the font is used for text-combine
            3. If the font has vertical glyphs

            In r187693, I added one more case to this list: If the font is the system font. However, I failed to add
            the necessary support to GlyphPage::fill() for this case. Becasue of this, we just happened to fall into
            the case of vertical fonts (just by coincidence), which causes us to use
            CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters() instead of CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters().

            The solution is to adopt the same behavior we were using before r187693. Back then, we were using
            CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(), which always returned horizontal glyphs. We should simply adopt this same
            behavior, except in the Core Text case. Therefore, this patch is just a simple check to see if we are
            using the system font when determining which Core Text function to use.

            Test: fast/text/system-font-punctuation.html

            * platform/graphics/FontDescription.h:
            * platform/graphics/FontPlatformData.h:
            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:
            * rendering/RenderCombineText.cpp:

2015-08-12  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188190.

    2015-08-08  Commit Queue  <>

            Unreviewed, rolling out r179871.

            Breaks product images on
            mac/macbook (Requested by smfr on #webkit).

            Reverted changeset:

            "Render: properly update body's background image"

2015-08-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r188243. rdar://problem/22102378

2015-08-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Rollout r188195. rdar://problem/22102378

2015-08-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188243. rdar://problem/22102378

    2015-08-10  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Post-review fixup after r188195


            Covered by fast/text/crash-obscure-text.html.

            * platform/graphics/cocoa/

2015-08-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188195. rdar://problem/22102378

    2015-08-09  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            Crash in ComplexTextController when laying out obscure text

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(fontDescriptor.get(), kCTFontReferenceURLAttribute) can return nullptr.

            Test: fast/text/crash-obscure-text.html

            * platform/graphics/mac/

2015-08-11  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r188263. rdar://problem/22202935

    2015-08-11  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [iOS] Arabic letter Yeh is drawn in LastResort

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            In order to perform font fallback, we must know which fonts support which characters. We
            perform this check by asking each font to map a sequence of codepoints to glyphs, and
            any glyphs which end up with a 0 value are unsupported by the font.

            One of the mechanisms that we use to do this is to combine the code points into a string,
            and tell Core Text to lay out the string. However, this is fundamentally a different
            operation than the one we are trying to perform. Strings combine adjacent codepoints into
            grapheme clusters, and CoreText operates on these. However, we are trying to gain
            information regarding codepoints, not grapheme clusters.

            Instead of taking this string-based approach, we should try harder to use Core Text
            functions which operate on ordered collections of characters, rather than strings. In
            particular, CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters() and CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters()
            have the behavior we want where any unmapped characters end up with a 0 value glyph.

            Previously, we were only using the result of those functions if they were successfully
            able to map their entire input. However, given the fact that we can degrade gracefully
            in the case of a partial mapping, we shouldn't need to bail completely to the
            string-based approach should a partial mapping occur.

            At some point we should delete the string-based approach entirely. However, this path
            is still explicitly used for composite fonts. Fixing that use case is out of scope
            for this patch.

            Test: fast/text/arabic-glyph-cache-fill-combine.html

            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:

2015-08-09  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188162.

    2015-08-07  Wenson Hsieh  <>

            Temporarily allow programmatic input assistance for adding Gmail account

            Reviewed by Enrica Casucci.

            Temporary fix for keyboard input sliding out and immediately back in upon user interaction
            in the Gmail 2-factor authentication page.

            * platform/RuntimeApplicationChecksIOS.h:
            * platform/
            (WebCore::applicationIsGmailAddAccountOnIOS): Added bundle ID for Gmail settings.

2015-08-07  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188150.

    2015-08-07  Andy Estes  <>

            Crash when following a Google search link to Twitter with Limit Adult Content enabled

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            When a loaded CachedRawResource gets a new client, it synthesizes the callbacks that the new client would have
            received while the resource was loading. Unlike a real network load, it synthesizes these callbacks in a single
            run loop iteration. When DocumentLoader receives a redirect, and finds substitute data in the app cache for the
            redirect URL, it schedules a timer that removes DocumentLoader as a client of the CachedRawResource then
            synthesizes its own set of CachedRawResourceClient callbacks. But since CachedRawResource has already delivered
            client callbacks before the app cache timer fires, DocumentLoader unexpectedly ends up getting two sets of
            client callbacks and badness ensues.

            The fix is to let CachedRawResource detect if a redirect will trigger the client to load substitute data. If so,
            stop delivering client callbacks.

            Layout test to follow.

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::syntheticRedirectReceived): If there is valid substitute data, do not continue.
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:
            * loader/cache/CachedRawResource.cpp: Returned early if syntheticRedirectReceived() said not to continue.
            * loader/cache/CachedRawResourceClient.h:

2015-08-06  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188062.

    2015-08-06  Eric Carlson  <>

            Do not enforce "content-disposition: attachment" sandbox restrictions on a MediaDocument

            Reviewed by Andy Estes.

            Test to follow, see

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            (WebCore::Document::initSecurityContext): Use applyContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox
              instead of setting sandbox flags directly.
            (WebCore::Document::shouldEnforceContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox): Don't special
              case MediaDocument.
            (WebCore::Document::applyContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox): Apply sandbox flags
              according to document type.
            * dom/Document.h:

2015-08-06  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r188051.

    2015-08-06  Eric Carlson  <>

            Do not enforce "content-disposition: attachment" sandbox restrictions on a MediaDocument

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Test to follow, see

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            (WebCore::Document::shouldEnforceContentDispositionAttachmentSandbox): Return
              early if the Document is a MediaDocument.

2015-08-06  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187693.

    2015-07-31  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [Cocoa] Latin quotes are used with the system font on Chinese devices

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            The system font has some fancy logic regarding character selection which requires
            using Core Text for glyph selection.

            No new tests because tests can't change the system language of the device.

            * platform/graphics/mac/GlyphPageMac.cpp:

2015-08-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187962. rdar://problem/21827815

    2015-08-05  Daniel Bates  <>

            REGRESSION (r185111): Clicking phone numbers doesn't prompt to call sometimes

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            Fixes an issue where a non-user-initiated navigation of the main frame to a phone link (tel URL)
            may be ignored. The navigation is ignored if the page was reloaded as a result of a web content
            process crash, its lifetime exceeded the back-forward cache expiration interval, or a person
            quits and opens Safari again, among other scenarios.

            * history/HistoryItem.cpp:
            (WebCore::HistoryItem::setShouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy): Added.
            (WebCore::HistoryItem::shouldOpenExternalURLsPolicy): Added.
            * history/HistoryItem.h:
            * loader/FrameLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::FrameLoader::loadDifferentDocumentItem): Apply the "should open external URLs" policy
            from the history item, if applicable. Also, be more explicit when instantiating a NavigationAction
            so as to help make it straightforward to reduce the number of NavigationAction constructors we have
            in the future.
            * loader/HistoryController.cpp:
            (WebCore::HistoryController::saveDocumentState): Save the "should open external URLs" policy to
            the history item.
            (WebCore::HistoryController::restoreDocumentState): Apply the "should open external URLs" policy
            from the history item to the document loader.
            (WebCore::HistoryController::initializeItem): Update the "should open external URLs" policy of
            the history item to reflect the policy of the document loader associated with the current frame.

2015-08-05  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187864. rdar://problem/22081036

    2015-08-04  Jeremy Jones  <>

            Implement isPictureInPictureInterrupted.

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Implement isPictureInPictureInterrupted so setting the property to true pauses playback.
            This allows PiP to pause when the device is locked while the app is suspended.

            * platform/ios/
            (-[WebAVPlayerController init]):
            (-[WebAVPlayerController isPictureInPictureInterrupted]):
            (-[WebAVPlayerController setPictureInPictureInterrupted:]):

2015-08-04  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187762. rdar://problem/22026864

    2015-08-03  Dean Jackson  <>

            Inline video controls overlap each other while playing video in slideover mode

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Now that the resizing code is in the shared controller, we need to
            make sure to hide the timeline scrubber in iOS when the controls
            get too small. This involved adding the dropped class to the timeline,
            and rules for hiding to the CSS.

            Meanwhile, when the page scale factor is less than one, we use the CSS zoom property
            and don't need to factor in the page scale factor when calculating
            the size.

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.js:
            (Controller.prototype.updateLayoutForDisplayedWidth): Don't use pageScaleFactor.
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
            (audio::-webkit-media-controls-panel .dropped): Add display none for this rule.

2015-08-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187740. rdar://problem/22098457

    2015-08-03  Brady Eidson  <>

            Crash when signing into twitter calling WebCore::DocumentLoader::responseReceived(WebCore::CachedResource*, WebCore::ResourceResponse const&).
            <rdar://problem/22098457> and

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Only grab identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader() if there's no ResourceLoader.

2015-08-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187466. rdar://problem/21960398

    2015-07-27  Brady Eidson  <>

            Crash in WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest() with ContentFilter and AppCache.
            <rdar://problem/21960398> and

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            No new tests (Not yet proven to be possible to test this).

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Grab the identifier from the CachedResource directly, not from the null ResourceLoader.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy): Null check the ResourceLoader, as it can definitely be gone by this point.

            * loader/cache/CachedResource.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedResource::clearLoader): Save off the identifier for later use.
            * loader/cache/CachedResource.h:
            (WebCore::CachedResource::identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader): Expose the identifier that the ResourceLoader had when it went away.

2015-08-03  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187731. rdar://problem/22052829

    2015-08-01  Chris Fleizach  <>

            AX: On some complex sites, iOS instantly crashes once VoiceOver is turned on

            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

            Sometimes after focusing on a node, it seems like the entire document is destroyed.
            Accessibility the axObjectCache returns nullptr and we crash.

            Despite my best efforts, I couldn't make a layout test that reproduced this. It's possible
            the entire document needs to be destroyed and replaced with something.

            * accessibility/AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp:

2015-08-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187686.

    2015-07-31  Tim Horton  <>

            [iOS] DOMNode preview snapshot rects are wrong for user-select: none links

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            * bindings/objc/
            (-[DOMNode getPreviewSnapshotImage:andRects:]):
            Use the same code as WebKit2 to compute the fallback rect (if TextIndicator fails),
            asking the RenderObject (or RenderImage) for its bounding box instead of using the
            (often wrong) Range bounding rect.

            Make sure to use the fallback rect *any* time TextIndicator fails (before
            we would return no rects at all if TextIndicator::createWithRange returned null,
            and the fallback rect if it returned with an empty image).

            Inverse-page-scale the margin, to match the appearance in WebKit2.

2015-08-01  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187687.

    2015-07-31  Andreas Kling  <>

            Crashes under HTMLMediaElement::updateActiveTextTrackCues() when destroying CachedPage.

            Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

            Don't mess with the media element's text tracks below its ActiveDOMObject::stop()
            implementation, since that may cause DOM mutations.

            I don't have a repro or a test for this, but plenty of crash logs to indicate that
            we're getting ourselves into trouble by modifying the DOM during CachedPage teardown.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:

2015-07-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Roll out r187466.

2015-07-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187694.

    2015-07-31  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] use a media-specific user gesture check

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Change an enum name added in r187688.

            * dom/UserGestureIndicator.cpp:
            (WebCore::isDefinite): DefinitelyProcessingMediaUserGesture -> DefinitelyProcessingPotentialUserGesture
            (WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGestureForMedia): Ditto.
            * dom/UserGestureIndicator.h: Ditto.

2015-07-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187688.

    2015-07-31  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] use a media-specific user gesture check

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            * bindings/js/ScriptController.cpp:
            (WebCore::ScriptController::processingUserGestureForMedia): New.
            * bindings/js/ScriptController.h:

            * dom/UserGestureIndicator.cpp:
            (WebCore::isDefinite): Allow DefinitelyProcessingMediaUserGesture.
            (WebCore::UserGestureIndicator::processingUserGestureForMedia): New.
            * dom/UserGestureIndicator.h:

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::load): Use ScriptController::processingUserGestureForMedia instead of
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::play): Ditto.

2015-07-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187684.

    2015-07-31  Jeremy Jones  <>

            Rename AVPlayerLayerView to _AVPlayerLayerView.

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            Change class name AVPlayerLayerView to match change in AVKit SPI.
            This prevents conflicts with 3rd party apps.

            * platform/ios/
            * platform/spi/cocoa/AVKitSPI.h:

2015-07-31  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187675.

    2015-07-31  Jer Noble  <>

             CRASH at WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext>::postTask + 38

             Rubber-stamped by Joseph Pecoraro.

             Follow-up test crash fix: call superclass's contextDestroyed() which allows the
             m_scriptExecutionContext variable to be cleared.

             * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:

2015-07-31  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187655. rdar://problem/21632211

    2015-07-31  Jer Noble  <>

            CRASH at WebCore::TaskDispatcher<WebCore::ScriptExecutionContext>::postTask + 38

            Reviewed by Eric Carlson.

            CrashLogs indicate a use-after-free of the ScriptExecutionContext (i.e., Document) used by
            the GenericTaskQueue objects owned by HTMLMediaElement. When the ScriptExecutionContext
            notifies its ActiveDOMObjects that it is about to be destroyed, close() the
            GenericTaskQueues so that they can no longer accept new tasks.

            Previously, enqueueing a task on a closed GenericTaskQueue ASSERTed in debug builds, but
            silently succeeded in release builds. Calling enqueueTask() on a  closed GenericTaskQueue is
            now a no-op.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:
            * platform/GenericTaskQueue.h:

2015-07-31  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187630. rdar://problem/18835799

    2015-07-30  Andreas Kling  <>

            [CF] Web process continually eating memory on simple, shared Google Docs spreadsheet.

            Reviewed by Geoffrey Garen.

            Make sure we service the CFRunLoop on worker threads, since ports using CoreFoundation
            will be scheduling garbage collections and heap sweeps using CFRunLoop timers.

            This fix is a stopgap. Long term we need a better design for integrating GC tasks with
            with the web worker run loop.

            * workers/WorkerRunLoop.cpp:
            (WebCore::WorkerRunLoop::runInMode): Instead of sleeping forever, calculate a better
            wakeup deadline by asking the CFRunLoop when its next timer will fire. Then, when a
            timeout occurs, call CFRunLoopRunInMode (with seconds=0) to service pending timers.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187557

    2015-07-29  Brady Eidson  <>

            Crash in WebCore::DocumentLoader::stopLoadingForPolicyChange.
            <rdar://problem/21412186> and

            Reviewed by Chris Dumez.

            No new tests (No known reproducibility)

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::responseReceived): When setting to m_waitingForContentPolicy true, make sure we have a FrameLoader.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::detachFromFrame): Always explicitly call cancelPolicyCheckIfNeeded().
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::cancelPolicyCheckIfNeeded): Cancel the policy check if there is one.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::cancelMainResourceLoad): Use cancelPolicyCheckIfNeeded().
            * loader/DocumentLoader.h:

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187556

    2015-07-29  Brady Eidson  <>

            Crash calling webSocket.close() from onError handler for blocked web socket.
            <rdar://problem/21771620> and

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            Tests: http/tests/security/mixedContent/websocket/insecure-websocket-in-iframe.html

            This was introduced with

            * Modules/websockets/WebSocket.cpp:
            (WebCore::WebSocket::connect): When blocked because of mixedContent, call dispatchOrQueueErrorEvent().
            (WebCore::WebSocket::didReceiveMessageError): Use dispatchOrQueueErrorEvent() instead.
            (WebCore::WebSocket::dispatchOrQueueErrorEvent): Dispatch the error event, but don't dispatch one twice!
            * Modules/websockets/WebSocket.h:

            * Modules/websockets/WebSocketChannel.cpp:
            (WebCore::WebSocketChannel::fail): Null-check m_handshake before creating a console message from it.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187535

    2015-07-28  Simon Fraser  <>

            Animations sometimes fail to start

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            When an accelerated animation or transition was started at the same time as
            a non-accelerated one, and then the node for the former was removed, we could
            never kick off the non-accelerated animation.

            AnimationControllerPrivate has logic to synchronize the two types of animation
            when they start in the same animation update, which involves setting the
            m_waitingForAsyncStartNotification flag, and waiting for a notifyAnimationStarted()
            to come in from the graphics system.

            However, it failed to handle the case where the accelerated animation was removed
            before the callback was received, which left the m_waitingForAsyncStartNotification flag
            set to true, preventing the non-accelerated animation from running.

            Test: animations/remove-syncing-animation.html

            * page/animation/AnimationBase.h:
            (WebCore::AnimationBase::isAccelerated): Make this public.
            * page/animation/AnimationController.cpp:
            (WebCore::AnimationControllerPrivate::clear): Add logging.
            (WebCore::AnimationControllerPrivate::receivedStartTimeResponse): Add logging.
            (WebCore::AnimationControllerPrivate::animationWillBeRemoved): Add logging.
            After removing animations from the maps, check to see if we expect any of the
            remaining animations are waiting for a notifyAnimationStarted(). If not, clear
            the m_waitingForAsyncStartNotification flag.
            (WebCore::AnimationController::notifyAnimationStarted): Log the renderer.
            (WebCore::AnimationControllerPrivate::AnimationControllerPrivate): Remove unneeded
            initializations of HashMaps.
            * page/animation/CompositeAnimation.cpp:
            (WebCore::CompositeAnimation::updateTransitions): Log renderers.
            (WebCore::CompositeAnimation::updateKeyframeAnimations): Ditto.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187525

    2015-07-28  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            [iOS] Crash when encountering characters whose natural font is one we can't look up

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            These characters hit the complex text code path, where CoreText picks fonts
            to use for each character. We then try to map these CoreText fonts back to
            our own Font objects, and we assume (on iOS) that our own font search will
            always return something.

            On OS X, we do not have such an assumption, and we handle the case where it
            does not hold. This method works on iOS as well, so the solution is to just
            perform it on both OSes.

            Test: fast/text/crash-complex-unknown-font.html

            * platform/graphics/mac/

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187522

    2015-07-28  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            [iOS] REGRESSION(r168075): Fullscreen web video doesn't pause on screen lock

            Reviewed by Andreas Kling.

            Media elements should pause when the application is going to EnterBackground
            under lock regardless whether it is in full screen or not.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.h:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::doInterruption): This code was moved from

            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::shouldDoInterruption): Move the condition
            which allows the media session interruption to a separate function.

            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::beginInterruption): Call the functions
            shouldDoInterruption() and doInterruption().

            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::forceInterruption): This function will
            be called from PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground()
            to override the decision which is made by PlatformMediaSession::beginInterruption()
            if the application isSuspendedUnderLock.

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.h:
            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSessionManager.cpp:
            [UIApp isSuspendedUnderLock] is only valid when it is called when the
            UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification is received. We need to force
            interrupting the media sessions if the application isSuspendedUnderLock
            and UIApplicationWillResignActiveNotification was ignored because of PiP.

            * platform/audio/ios/MediaSessionManagerIOS.h:
            * platform/audio/ios/
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper initWithCallback:]):
            (-[WebMediaSessionHelper applicationDidEnterBackground:]): Listen to
            UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification and make a call on the web
            thread to PlatformMediaSessionManager::applicationDidEnterBackground()
            and pass the isSuspendedUnderLock flag which is queried on the UIProcess.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187521

    2015-07-28  Tim Horton  <>

            [iOS] Creating a TextIndicator causes the view to scroll to the current selection

            Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

            * editing/Editor.cpp:
            * editing/Editor.h:
            Add a flag so that setIgnoreCompositionSelectionChange(false) can still
            not force-reveal the current selection.

            This is useful for e.g. TextIndicator, who saves the selection, changes it,
            and then restores it, but doesn't want to scroll to the saved/restored selection.

            * page/TextIndicator.cpp:
            Make use of the above flag.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187516

    2015-07-28  Eric Carlson  <>

            [iOS] Set AirPlay discovery mode to disabled when page is hidden

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            * html/MediaElementSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::MediaElementSession::requiresPlaybackTargetRouteMonitoring): Return false when
              the client is not visible.
            * html/MediaElementSession.h:

            * platform/audio/PlatformMediaSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::PlatformMediaSession::clientDataBufferingTimerFired): Call configureWireLessTargetMonitoring.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187491

    2015-07-28  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Notify fullscreen controller in UIProcess whether external playback is allowed

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            Pass the value of the MediaElementSession's wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled() property up through WebKit2 to

            * platform/ios/
            (WebVideoFullscreenControllerContext::setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled): Pass to the interface on the main thread.
            * platform/ios/WebVideoFullscreenInterface.h:
            * platform/ios/WebVideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit.h:
            * platform/ios/
            (WebVideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit::setWirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled): Sets .allowsExternalPlayback to !disabled.
            (WebVideoFullscreenInterfaceAVKit::wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled): Returns the last value set.
            * platform/ios/
            (WebVideoFullscreenModelVideoElement::setWebVideoFullscreenInterface): Update the value of wirelessVideoPlaybackDisabled
                if the element is present.
            (WebVideoFullscreenModelVideoElement::setVideoElement): Ditto if the interface is present.
            (WebVideoFullscreenModelVideoElement::updateForEventName): Update the value either way.

    2015-07-28  Brady Eidson  <>

            Handle null CFArrayRef returning from _CFHTTPParsedCookiesWithResponseHeaderFields.
            <rdar://problem/21995928> and

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            * platform/network/cf/CookieJarCFNet.cpp:
            (WebCore::filterCookies): ASSERT the input is not null.
            (WebCore::createCookies): Always return a CFArrayRef, even if it's empty.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187489

    2015-07-28  Chris Dumez  <>

            Allow lax MIME type parsing for same-origin CSS in quirks mode.

            Reviewed by Zalan Bujtas.

            The change made in r180020 is too strict for the web, and doesn't match Firefox
            Chrome, or IE's behavior. In particular, it does not respect the same-origin
            carveout that the HTML spec specifies:

            This patch corrects that oversight and aligns our behavior with other popular

            This change was adapted from Blink r196678:

            Tests: http/tests/security/cross-origin-css-in-quirks-1.html

            * css/StyleRuleImport.cpp:
            * css/StyleSheetContents.cpp:
            * css/StyleSheetContents.h:
            * html/HTMLLinkElement.cpp:
            * loader/cache/CachedCSSStyleSheet.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedCSSStyleSheet::checkNotify): Deleted.
            * loader/cache/CachedCSSStyleSheet.h:

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187466

    2015-07-27  Brady Eidson  <>

            Crash in WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest() with ContentFilter and AppCache.
            <rdar://problem/21960398> and

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            No new tests (Not yet proven to be possible to test this).

            * loader/DocumentLoader.cpp:
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::willSendRequest): Grab the identifier from the CachedResource directly, not from the null ResourceLoader.
            (WebCore::DocumentLoader::continueAfterNavigationPolicy): Null check the ResourceLoader, as it can definitely be gone by this point.

            * loader/cache/CachedResource.cpp:
            (WebCore::CachedResource::clearLoader): Save off the identifier for later use.
            * loader/cache/CachedResource.h:
            (WebCore::CachedResource::identifierForLoadWithoutResourceLoader): Expose the identifier that the ResourceLoader had when it went away.

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187448

    2015-07-27  Anders Carlsson  <>

            WKWebsiteDataStore remove methods don't properly delete cookies

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.

            If there are multiple cookies for a single domain, make sure to delete all of them
            and not just the first one we find.

            Fix this by keeping a mapping from domain to a list of cookies.

            * platform/network/mac/

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187379

    2015-07-24  Dan Bernstein  <>

            Tried to fix the iOS 9 build after r187375.

            * platform/network/mac/

2015-07-31  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187375

    2015-07-24  Anders Carlsson  <>

            WKWebsiteDataStore remove methods don't properly delete cookies

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            Rename deleteCookiesForHostname to deleteCookiesForHostnames and
            make it take a vector of hostnames instead.

            Also, fix the Mac implementation to not be O(n2) by putting all cookies
            in a dictionary keyed on the domain.

            Also make sure to call _saveStorage after deleting cookies.

            Finally, get rid of deleteCookiesForHostname from CookieJarCFNet.cpp and
            use the Mac implementation on iOS as well. Just stub out deleteCookiesForHostnames
            on Windows since nobody is calling it.

            * platform/network/PlatformCookieJar.h:
            * platform/network/cf/CookieJarCFNet.cpp:
            (WebCore::deleteCookiesForHostname): Deleted.
            * platform/network/mac/
            (WebCore::deleteCookiesForHostname): Deleted.
            * platform/network/soup/CookieJarSoup.cpp:
            (WebCore::deleteCookiesForHostname): Deleted.
            * platform/spi/cf/CFNetworkSPI.h:

2015-07-30  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187490. rdar://problem/21995928

    2015-07-28  Brady Eidson  <>

            Handle null CFArrayRef returning from _CFHTTPParsedCookiesWithResponseHeaderFields.
            <rdar://problem/21995928> and

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            * platform/network/cf/CookieJarCFNet.cpp:
            (WebCore::filterCookies): ASSERT the input is not null.
            (WebCore::createCookies): Always return a CFArrayRef, even if it's empty.

2015-07-30  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187278. rdar://problem/19908029

    2015-07-23  Nan Wang  <>

            AX: AccessibilityNodeObject::childrenChanged() generates too many AXLiveRegionChanged notifications

            Reviewed by Chris Fleizach.

            AccessibilityNodeObject::childrenChanged() can be called repeatedly, generating a live region
            change notification each time. Sometimes, so many happen that VoiceOver hangs. We can use a timer
            to make sure that we coalesce these notifications.

            Test: platform/mac/accessibility/aria-multiple-liveregions-notification.html

            * accessibility/AXObjectCache.cpp:
            * accessibility/AXObjectCache.h:
            * accessibility/AccessibilityNodeObject.cpp:

2015-07-30  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187504. rdar://problem/21915355

    2015-07-28  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            Crash happens when calling removeEventListener for an SVG element which has an instance inside a <defs> element of shadow tree

            Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

            When the shadow tree is built for a <use> element, all the SVG elements
            are allowed to be cloned in the shadow tree but later some of the elements
            are disallowed and removed. Make sure, when disallowing an element in the
            shadow tree, to reset the correspondingElement relationship between all
            the disallowed descendant SVG elements and all their original elements.

            Test: svg/custom/remove-event-listener-shadow-disallowed-element.svg

            * svg/SVGUseElement.cpp:

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187352.

    2015-07-24  Devin Rousso  <>

            Web Inspector: Editing non-inspector-stylesheet rule selectors fails after the first change

            Reviewed by Timothy Hatcher.

            Test: inspector/css/modify-rule-selector.html

            * inspector/InspectorStyleSheet.cpp:
            Now checks to see if the stylesheet is not mutated before making the change to the
            rule's selector, and if so mark it as not mutated to allow future edits.

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187393.

    2015-07-25  Tim Horton  <>

            Expose TextIndicator-backed snapshot and rect gathering on DOMNode

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            * bindings/objc/
            (-[DOMNode getPreviewSnapshotImage:andRects:]):
            No need to multiply by device scale here.

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187392.

    2015-07-25  Tim Horton  <>

            Expose TextIndicator-backed snapshot and rect gathering on DOMNode

            * bindings/objc/
            (-[DOMNode getPreviewSnapshotImage:andRects:]):
            * bindings/objc/DOMExtensions.h:
            * bindings/objc/DOMPrivate.h:
            Move this to a private header.

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187391.

    2015-07-25  Tim Horton  <>

            Expose TextIndicator-backed snapshot and rect gathering on DOMNode

            Reviewed by Sam Weinig.

            * bindings/objc/
            (-[DOMNode getPreviewSnapshotImage:andRects:]):
            * bindings/objc/DOMExtensions.h:

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187386.

    2015-07-25  Chris Fleizach  <>

            AX: iOS: Video "start playback" playback controls not accessible

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            The start playback control also needs the right label.

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js:

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187371.

    2015-07-24  Chris Fleizach  <>

            AX: scrollable elements do not allow 3-finger swipe

            Reviewed by Mario Sanchez Prada.

            To allow iOS Accessibility to perform by-page scrolling in overflow areas, we move
            that scrolling code into AccessibilityObject and then iterate all the possible ScrollableAreas,
            rather than just finding the parents that are ScrollViews.

            Test: platform/ios-simulator/accessibility/scroll-in-overflow-div.html

            * accessibility/AccessibilityObject.cpp:
            * accessibility/ios/
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper accessibilityScroll:]):
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper convertPointToScreenSpace:]):
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper _accessibilityScrollPosition]):
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper _accessibilityScrollSize]):
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper _accessibilityScrollVisibleRect]):
            (-[WebAccessibilityObjectWrapper accessibilityElementDidBecomeFocused]):

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187367.

    2015-07-24  Alexey Proskuryakov  <>

            [Cocoa] Clean up server trust handling in ResourceHandle.

            Reviewed by Brady Eidson.

            * platform/network/ProtectionSpaceBase.h: (WebCore::ProtectionSpaceBase::isPasswordBased):
            * platform/network/ProtectionSpaceBase.cpp: (WebCore::ProtectionSpaceBase::isPasswordBased):
            Added. This is somewhat weak, as authentication schemes could change, but I couldn't find
            any better way.

            * platform/network/ResourceHandle.h:
            * platform/network/cf/ResourceHandleCFNet.cpp:
            * platform/network/mac/
            Factored out password handling, and made sure to not try that for server trust.

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187366.

    2015-07-24  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            [iOS]: Inline video controls are blurry on scaled-down pages on non-retina devices.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Blurry inline video controls are the result of transform scaling up the content when the page
            is zoomed out (page scale > 1).
            This patch addresses the blurriness by switching to css zoom when the content is being scaled up.
            While transform scale is a paint time operation, css zoom triggers layout and the content is getting
            painted on a non-scaled graphics context.

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js:
            (ControllerIOS.prototype.set pageScaleFactor):

2015-07-27  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187358.

    2015-07-24  Alexey Proskuryakov  <>

            Remove WEBCORE_EXPORT from Page::allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback()

            Reviewed by Daniel Bates.

            * page/Page.h:

2015-07-26  Babak Shafiei  <>

        Merge r187244.

    2015-07-23  Myles C. Maxfield  <>

            REGRESSION(r182236): Justified Arabic text does not expand

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            When I was writing r182236, I got confused between the levels of the string hierarchy in ComplexTextController.
            I've added a comment in the header which should make it easier to get it right.

            Test: fast/text/international/arabic-justify.html

            * platform/graphics/mac/ComplexTextController.cpp:
            * platform/graphics/mac/ComplexTextController.h:

2015-07-24  Jer Noble  <>

        Merge r187251, r187252, r187262, r187263, r187272, r187289. rdar://problem/20689512

    2015-07-21  Jer Noble  <>

            Notify the UI delegate when a MediaDocument's natural size changes

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Notify the MediaDocument that it's underlying media element has changed its natural size, either when
            the media engine notifies us that the size changed, or when the ready state progresses to HAVE_METADATA.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::setReadyState): Notify the media document.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::mediaPlayerSizeChanged): Ditto.
            * html/MediaDocument.cpp:
            (WebCore::MediaDocument::mediaElementNaturalSizeChanged): Pass to the chrome client.
            * html/MediaDocument.h:
            * page/ChromeClient.h:

    2015-07-23  Jer Noble  <>

            Relax media playback restrictions if the allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback property is set.

            Reviewed by Darin Adler.

            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::prepareForLoad): Moved restriction check into MediaElementSession.
            * html/MediaElementSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::MediaElementSession::playbackPermitted): Check if is a top-level media document and if
                allowsMediaDocumentInilnePlayback is set, and return early.
            (WebCore::MediaElementSession::effectivePreloadForElement): Ditto.
            (WebCore::MediaElementSession::allowsAutomaticMediaDataLoading): Ditto.
            * html/MediaElementSession.h:

    2015-07-21  Jer Noble  <>

            [iOS] Add an explicit API to allow media documents to (temporarily) play inline

            Reviewed by Beth Dakin.

            Add listeners for the new allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback API. When this value becomes
            NO, force any playing MediaDocuments to enter fullscreen mode.

            * dom/Document.cpp:
            (WebCore::Document::registerForAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlaybackChangedCallbacks): Added registration method.
            (WebCore::Document::unregisterForAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlaybackChangedCallbacks): Added deregistration method.
            (WebCore::Document::allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlaybackChanged): Notify all listeners.
            * dom/Document.h:
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.cpp:
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::registerWithDocument): Listen for allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback changes.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::unregisterWithDocument): Stop listening to same.
            (WebCore::HTMLMediaElement::allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlaybackChanged): Enter fullscreen mode if the value
                changes to false during playback.
            * html/HTMLMediaElement.h:
            * html/MediaElementSession.cpp:
            (WebCore::MediaElementSession::requiresFullscreenForVideoPlayback): Early true if the override value is set.
            * page/Page.cpp:
            (WebCore::Page::setAllowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback): Notify all documents of the changed value.
            * page/Page.h:
            (WebCore::Page::allowsMediaDocumentInlinePlayback): Simple getter.

2015-07-24  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187149

    2015-07-21  Benjamin Poulain  <>

            [CSS Selectors Level 4] Add #ifdefs to the new '>>' descendant combinator

            Reviewed by Anders Carlsson.

            Now that '>>>' is dead, the combinator '>>' is at risk.

            This patch #ifdef all that code with the other experimental
            features from Level 4.

            * css/
            * css/CSSParserValues.cpp:
            * css/CSSParserValues.h:
            * css/CSSSelector.cpp:
            * css/CSSSelector.h:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187036. rdar://problem/21901881

    2015-07-20  Jeremy Jones  <>

            Allow video to rotate when app doesnt allow rotation.

            Reviewed by Jer Noble.

            Set an SPI bool on the fullscreen video root view controller to allow it to override app rotation restrictions.
            This allows video to be played in landscape in portrait only apps.

            * platform/ios/

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187274. rdar://problem/21905756

    2015-07-23  Timothy Horton  <>

            [iOS] Frame snapshots don't factor in page scale

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            * page/FrameSnapshotting.cpp:
            Apply page scale when determining the backing store size and setting up the context.

            * page/TextIndicator.cpp:
            Don't assume snapshotFrameRect gave us an image with scale=deviceScale, because it
            will factor in the pageScale too.

            * platform/graphics/ImageBuffer.h:
            Expose resolutionScale.

            * rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:
            This has been true for a long time.

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187271. rdar://problem/21929247

    2015-07-22  Simon Fraser  <>

            Layer z-ordering is incorrect when scrolling on page witih position:fixed

            Reviewed by Dean Jackson.

            Overlap testing for compositing uses the currently laid out position of fixed
            elements, without taking into account the fact that async scrolling can move
            them around, and possibly under other non-composited elements. This manifested
            as position:fixed elements moving over other elements on some pages when
            scrolling, when they should have moved behind.

            Fix by expanding the overlap map entry for position:fixed elements to create
            an rect for the area they cover at all scroll locations, taking min and max
            scroll offsets into account.

            Also add a couple more LOG(Compositing) statements.

            Tests: compositing/layer-creation/fixed-overlap-extent-rtl.html

            * rendering/RenderLayerCompositor.cpp:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187219. rdar://problem/21032083

    2015-07-23  Timothy Horton  <>

            Try to fix the build

            * platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187216. rdar://problem/21032083

    2015-07-22  Tim Horton  <>

            Try to fix the build

            * platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187215. rdar://problem/21032083

    2015-07-22  James Savage  <>

            Use updated CoreAnimation snapshot SPI.

            Reviewed by Tim Horton.
            Patch by James Savage.

            * platform/spi/cocoa/QuartzCoreSPI.h:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187203. rdar://problem/21012688

    2015-07-22  Dean Jackson  <>

            Video controls, though hidden, are still interactive when in PiP

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Explicitly add the PiP class to the controls container so that
            we can hang a pointer-events: none off it.

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.css:
            (video::-webkit-media-controls-panel.picture-in-picture): Add a pointer-events: none.
            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsiOS.js:
            (ControllerIOS.prototype.handlePresentationModeChange): Add/remove a PiP class
            to the controls panel when necessary.

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187189. rdar://problem/21567767

    2015-07-22  Dean Jackson  <>

            Out of bounds in WebGLRenderingContext::simulateVertexAttrib0

            Reviewed by Oliver Hunt.

            Test: fast/canvas/webgl/out-of-bounds-simulated-vertexAttrib0-drawArrays.html

            Add overflow checking for the drawing calls, specifically the way
            they may simulate vertexAttrib0.

            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.cpp:
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateDrawArrays): Call new validation method.
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateDrawElements): Ditto.
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateSimulatedVertexAttrib0): New method that
            validates the parameters used to create the simulated attribute.
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::simulateVertexAttrib0): No need to do overflow
            checking here now that the validation method does it for us.
            (WebCore::WebGLRenderingContextBase::validateVertexAttributes): Deleted.
            * html/canvas/WebGLRenderingContextBase.h: Add new validation method.

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187173. rdar://problem/21637698

    2015-07-22  Beth Dakin  <>

            Animated images should animate in previews
            -and corresponding-

            Reviewed by Dan Bernstein.

            New virtual function to indicate whether or not the image is animated.
            * platform/graphics/BitmapImage.h:
            * platform/graphics/Image.h:

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187170. rdar://problem/21901076

    2015-07-22  Wenson Hsieh  <>

            Search fields render placeholder text improperly.

            Reviewed by Alexey Proskuryakov.

            Due to changes in the way AppKit renders search inputs, we must now explicitly
            set the placeholder text of a search input rendered using the Mac theme to be
            an empty string when rendering the search input box (not including the actual
            placeholder text).

            * rendering/
            (WebCore::RenderThemeMac::setSearchCellState): Force the placeholder text of
                the NSSearchFieldCell for the Mac theme to be an empty string.

2015-07-24  Matthew Hanson  <>

        Merge r187144. rdar://problem/21931728

    2015-07-21  Dean Jackson  <>

            Default media controls use a serif font, which seems wrong

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            The captions menu (and other text) should use a system style,

            * Modules/mediacontrols/mediaControlsApple.css:

2015-07-24  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187133

    2015-07-21  Benjamin Poulain  <>

            StyleSheetContents::wrapperInsertRule() can create rules that overflow RuleData's selector index

            Reviewed by Alex Christensen.

            RuleData identifies selectors by the index in a large array. The index only has 13 bits
            so rules with more than 8192 selectors should be split.

            One of the paths was not splitting the rule: StyleSheetContents::wrapperInsertRule().
            When rules with too many selectors were added, the index would overflow and
            some RuleData would point to selectors in the middle of selector chains. The resulting
            behavior is random based on the selectors and the DOM.

            We cannot easily fix that because the CSS OM API do not expect to create
            several rules in response to calls to the API.
            In this patch, I don't do anything fancy and just let the calls fail
            if we cannot use the rules safely.

            Content Extensions were also running into this problem. Large Selector lists are
            pretty common, and ContentExtensionStyleSheet::addDisplayNoneSelector() was
            overflowing the RuleData, creating broken page.

            Unlike CSSOM, there is no problem with splitting rules coming from Content Extensions.
            Instead of creating new APIs for that case, I rely on the parser to extend the StyleSheetContents.
            That code already knows how to break rules correctly.

            Tests: fast/css/insert-rule-overflow-rule-data.html

            * contentextensions/ContentExtensionStyleSheet.cpp:
            * css/StyleSheetContents.cpp:

2015-07-23  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187130

    2015-07-21  Jon Honeycutt  <>

            [iOS] Keyboard bold/italic/underline keys don't highlight after being
            tapped to style a selection

            Reviewed by Ryosuke Niwa.

            * editing/cocoa/
            Use adjustedSelectionStartForStyleComputation(), which will ensure that
            we're at the start of the selected node, not at the end of the node
            before the selection.

2015-07-23  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r187116

    2015-07-21  Said Abou-Hallawa  <>

            REGRESSION (r172417, r184065): Multiple rendering issues with fixed attached background-image

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            The fixed-attached background-image rendering is special. In general, to
            display it, the destinationSize should be set to visibleContentSize. The
            destinationLocation should be set such that the background-image does
            not move with scrolling. The topContentInset should be subtracted from
            the destinationLocation such that background-image can be rendered blurred
            in the topContentArea. However there are cases in which these rules have to
            be changed.

            -- destinationSize: In the case of fixed layout size, the fixedLayoutSize
            is bigger than the visibleContentSize. In this case, if the background-image
            belongs to the root element, the destinationSize has to be set to fixedLayoutSize.
            Otherwise it has to be set to the borderBoxSize unless the overflow is

            -- destinationLocation: If the background-image belongs to the root element, no
            scroll offset to added to destinationLocation. For non-root element case,
            FrameView::documentScrollOffsetRelativeToViewOrigin() should be used if no page
            scaling is applied. Otherwise FrameView::scrollOffsetForFixedPosition() should be
            used instead.

            Tests: platform/mac-wk2/tiled-drawing/fixed-layout-size-fixed-attachment-cover.html

            * rendering/RenderBoxModelObject.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderBoxModelObject::calculateBackgroundImageGeometry): Ensure
            the geometry for the fixed-attached background-image is calculated correctly.

            * rendering/RenderLayerBacking.cpp:
            (WebCore::RenderLayerBacking::updateGeometry): Ensure the background layer
            gets the correct size for the fixedLayoutSize mode.

2015-07-23  Lucas Forschler  <>

        Merge r186981

    2015-07-17  Zalan Bujtas  <>

            (display: block)input range's thumb disappears when moved.

            Reviewed by Simon Fraser.

            Since the thumb is positioned after the layout for the input (shadow) subtree is finished, the repaint rects
            issued during the layout will not cover the re-positioned thumb.
            We need to issue a repaint soon after the thumb is re-positioned.

            Test: fast/repaint/block-inputrange-repaint.html

            * html/shadow/SliderThumbElement.cpp:

== Rolled over to ChangeLog-2015-07-23 ==