FrameView.h   [plain text]

   Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
             (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
             (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis (
             (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
             (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
   Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#ifndef FrameView_h
#define FrameView_h

#include "AdjustViewSizeOrNot.h"
#include "Color.h"
#include "PaintPhase.h"
#include "ScrollView.h"
#include <wtf/Forward.h>
#include <wtf/OwnPtr.h>
#include <wtf/text/WTFString.h>

namespace WebCore {

class Color;
class Event;
class FloatSize;
class Frame;
class FrameActionScheduler;
class IntRect;
class KURL;
class Node;
class Page;
class RenderBox;
class RenderEmbeddedObject;
class RenderLayer;
class RenderObject;
class RenderScrollbarPart;

typedef unsigned long long DOMTimeStamp;

class FrameView : public ScrollView {
    friend class RenderView;

    static PassRefPtr<FrameView> create(Frame*);
    static PassRefPtr<FrameView> create(Frame*, const IntSize& initialSize);

    virtual ~FrameView();

    virtual HostWindow* hostWindow() const;
    virtual void invalidateRect(const IntRect&);
    virtual void setFrameRect(const IntRect&);
    void scheduleAnimation();

    Frame* frame() const { return m_frame.get(); }
    void clearFrame();

    int marginWidth() const { return m_margins.width(); } // -1 means default
    int marginHeight() const { return m_margins.height(); } // -1 means default
    void setMarginWidth(int);
    void setMarginHeight(int);

    virtual void setCanHaveScrollbars(bool);
    void updateCanHaveScrollbars();

    virtual PassRefPtr<Scrollbar> createScrollbar(ScrollbarOrientation);

    virtual bool avoidScrollbarCreation() const;
    virtual void didAddHorizontalScrollbar(Scrollbar*);
    virtual void willRemoveHorizontalScrollbar(Scrollbar*);

    virtual void setContentsSize(const IntSize&);

    void layout(bool allowSubtree = true);
    bool didFirstLayout() const;
    void layoutTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*);
    void scheduleRelayout();
    void scheduleRelayoutOfSubtree(RenderObject*);
    void unscheduleRelayout();
    bool layoutPending() const;
    bool isInLayout() const { return m_inLayout; }

    RenderObject* layoutRoot(bool onlyDuringLayout = false) const;
    int layoutCount() const { return m_layoutCount; }

    bool needsLayout() const;
    void setNeedsLayout();

    bool needsFullRepaint() const { return m_doFullRepaint; }

    void serviceScriptedAnimations(DOMTimeStamp);

    void updateCompositingLayers();
    bool syncCompositingStateForThisFrame();

    // Called when changes to the GraphicsLayer hierarchy have to be synchronized with
    // content rendered via the normal painting path.
    void setNeedsOneShotDrawingSynchronization();

    bool hasCompositedContent() const;
    bool hasCompositedContentIncludingDescendants() const;
    bool hasCompositingAncestor() const;
    void enterCompositingMode();
    bool isEnclosedInCompositingLayer() const;

    // Only used with accelerated compositing, but outside the #ifdef to make linkage easier.
    // Returns true if the sync was completed.
    bool syncCompositingStateIncludingSubframes();

    // Returns true when a paint with the PaintBehaviorFlattenCompositingLayers flag set gives
    // a faithful representation of the content.
    bool isSoftwareRenderable() const;

    void didMoveOnscreen();
    void willMoveOffscreen();

    void resetScrollbars();
    void resetScrollbarsAndClearContentsSize();
    void detachCustomScrollbars();
    virtual void recalculateScrollbarOverlayStyle();

    void clear();

    bool isTransparent() const;
    void setTransparent(bool isTransparent);

    Color baseBackgroundColor() const;
    void setBaseBackgroundColor(const Color&);
    void updateBackgroundRecursively(const Color&, bool);

    bool shouldUpdateWhileOffscreen() const;
    void setShouldUpdateWhileOffscreen(bool);
    bool shouldUpdate(bool = false) const;

    void adjustViewSize();
    virtual IntRect windowClipRect(bool clipToContents = true) const;
    IntRect windowClipRectForLayer(const RenderLayer*, bool clipToLayerContents) const;

    virtual IntRect windowResizerRect() const;

    void setScrollPosition(const IntPoint&);
    void scrollPositionChangedViaPlatformWidget();
    virtual void repaintFixedElementsAfterScrolling();
    virtual bool shouldRubberBandInDirection(ScrollDirection) const;

    String mediaType() const;
    void setMediaType(const String&);
    void adjustMediaTypeForPrinting(bool printing);

    void setUseSlowRepaints();
    void setIsOverlapped(bool);
    bool isOverlapped() const { return m_isOverlapped; }
    bool isOverlappedIncludingAncestors() const;
    void setContentIsOpaque(bool);

    void addSlowRepaintObject();
    void removeSlowRepaintObject();

    void addFixedObject();
    void removeFixedObject();

    // Functions for querying the current scrolled position, negating the effects of overhang
    // and adjusting for page scale.
    int scrollXForFixedPosition() const;
    int scrollYForFixedPosition() const;
    IntSize scrollOffsetForFixedPosition() const;

    void beginDeferredRepaints();
    void endDeferredRepaints();
    void checkStopDelayingDeferredRepaints();
    void resetDeferredRepaintDelay();

    void updateDashboardRegions();
    void updateControlTints();

    void restoreScrollbar();

    void scheduleEvent(PassRefPtr<Event>, PassRefPtr<Node>);
    void pauseScheduledEvents();
    void resumeScheduledEvents();
    void postLayoutTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*);

    bool wasScrolledByUser() const;
    void setWasScrolledByUser(bool);

    void addWidgetToUpdate(RenderEmbeddedObject*);
    void removeWidgetToUpdate(RenderEmbeddedObject*);

    virtual void paintContents(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& damageRect);
    void setPaintBehavior(PaintBehavior);
    PaintBehavior paintBehavior() const;
    bool isPainting() const;
    bool hasEverPainted() const { return m_lastPaintTime; }
    void setNodeToDraw(Node*);

    virtual void paintOverhangAreas(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& horizontalOverhangArea, const IntRect& verticalOverhangArea, const IntRect& dirtyRect);
    virtual void paintScrollCorner(GraphicsContext*, const IntRect& cornerRect);

    Color documentBackgroundColor() const;

    static double currentPaintTimeStamp() { return sCurrentPaintTimeStamp; } // returns 0 if not painting
    void updateLayoutAndStyleIfNeededRecursive();
    void flushDeferredRepaints();

    void setIsVisuallyNonEmpty() { m_isVisuallyNonEmpty = true; }

    void forceLayout(bool allowSubtree = false);
    void forceLayoutForPagination(const FloatSize& pageSize, float maximumShrinkFactor, AdjustViewSizeOrNot);

    // FIXME: This method is retained because of embedded WebViews in AppKit.  When a WebView is embedded inside
    // some enclosing view with auto-pagination, no call happens to resize the view.  The new pagination model
    // needs the view to resize as a result of the breaks, but that means that the enclosing view has to potentially
    // resize around that view.  Auto-pagination uses the bounds of the actual view that's being printed to determine
    // the edges of the print operation, so the resize is necessary if the enclosing view's bounds depend on the
    // web document's bounds.
    // This is already a problem if the view needs to be a different size because of printer fonts or because of print stylesheets.
    // Mail/Dictionary work around this problem by using the _layoutForPrinting SPI
    // to at least get print stylesheets and printer fonts into play, but since WebKit doesn't know about the page offset or
    // page size, it can't actually paginate correctly during _layoutForPrinting.
    // We can eventually move Mail to a newer SPI that would let them opt in to the layout-time pagination model,
    // but that doesn't solve the general problem of how other AppKit views could opt in to the better model.
    void adjustPageHeightDeprecated(float* newBottom, float oldTop, float oldBottom, float bottomLimit);

    bool scrollToFragment(const KURL&);
    bool scrollToAnchor(const String&);
    void maintainScrollPositionAtAnchor(Node*);

    // Methods to convert points and rects between the coordinate space of the renderer, and this view.
    virtual IntRect convertFromRenderer(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&) const;
    virtual IntRect convertToRenderer(const RenderObject*, const IntRect&) const;
    virtual IntPoint convertFromRenderer(const RenderObject*, const IntPoint&) const;
    virtual IntPoint convertToRenderer(const RenderObject*, const IntPoint&) const;

    bool isFrameViewScrollCorner(RenderScrollbarPart* scrollCorner) const { return m_scrollCorner == scrollCorner; }

    void calculateScrollbarModesForLayout(ScrollbarMode& hMode, ScrollbarMode& vMode);

    // Normal delay
    static void setRepaintThrottlingDeferredRepaintDelay(double p);
    // Negative value would mean that first few repaints happen without a delay
    static void setRepaintThrottlingnInitialDeferredRepaintDelayDuringLoading(double p);
    // The delay grows on each repaint to this maximum value
    static void setRepaintThrottlingMaxDeferredRepaintDelayDuringLoading(double p);
    // On each repaint the delay increses by this amount
    static void setRepaintThrottlingDeferredRepaintDelayIncrementDuringLoading(double p);

    virtual IntPoint currentMousePosition() const;

    // FIXME: Remove this method once plugin loading is decoupled from layout.
    void flushAnyPendingPostLayoutTasks();

    virtual bool shouldSuspendScrollAnimations() const;
    virtual void scrollbarStyleChanged(int newStyle, bool forceUpdate);

    void setAnimatorsAreActive();

    void clearOwningRendererForCustomScrollbars(RenderBox*);

    typedef HashSet<ScrollableArea*> ScrollableAreaSet;
    void addScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
    void removeScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*);
    bool containsScrollableArea(ScrollableArea*) const;
    const ScrollableAreaSet* scrollableAreas() const { return m_scrollableAreas.get(); }

    virtual void addChild(PassRefPtr<Widget>) OVERRIDE;
    virtual void removeChild(Widget*) OVERRIDE;

    virtual bool scrollContentsFastPath(const IntSize& scrollDelta, const IntRect& rectToScroll, const IntRect& clipRect);
    virtual void scrollContentsSlowPath(const IntRect& updateRect);

    virtual bool isVerticalDocument() const;
    virtual bool isFlippedDocument() const;


    void reset();
    void init();

    virtual bool isFrameView() const;

    friend class RenderWidget;
    bool useSlowRepaints() const;
    bool useSlowRepaintsIfNotOverlapped() const;
    void updateCanBlitOnScrollRecursively();

    bool hasFixedObjects() const { return m_fixedObjectCount > 0; }

    void applyOverflowToViewport(RenderObject*, ScrollbarMode& hMode, ScrollbarMode& vMode);

    void updateOverflowStatus(bool horizontalOverflow, bool verticalOverflow);

    void performPostLayoutTasks();

    virtual void repaintContentRectangle(const IntRect&, bool immediate);
    virtual void contentsResized();
    virtual void visibleContentsResized();

    // Override ScrollView methods to do point conversion via renderers, in order to
    // take transforms into account.
    virtual IntRect convertToContainingView(const IntRect&) const;
    virtual IntRect convertFromContainingView(const IntRect&) const;
    virtual IntPoint convertToContainingView(const IntPoint&) const;
    virtual IntPoint convertFromContainingView(const IntPoint&) const;

    // ScrollableArea interface
    virtual void invalidateScrollbarRect(Scrollbar*, const IntRect&);
    virtual bool isActive() const;
    virtual void getTickmarks(Vector<IntRect>&) const;
    virtual void scrollTo(const IntSize&);
    virtual void didStartRubberBand(const IntSize&) const;
    virtual void didCompleteRubberBand(const IntSize&) const;
    virtual void didStartAnimatedScroll() const;
    virtual void didCompleteAnimatedScroll() const;
    virtual void scrollbarStyleChanged();
    virtual void setVisibleScrollerThumbRect(const IntRect&);
    virtual bool isOnActivePage() const;
    virtual GraphicsLayer* layerForHorizontalScrollbar() const;
    virtual GraphicsLayer* layerForVerticalScrollbar() const;
    virtual GraphicsLayer* layerForScrollCorner() const;

    virtual void notifyPageThatContentAreaWillPaint() const;

    void deferredRepaintTimerFired(Timer<FrameView>*);
    void doDeferredRepaints();
    void updateDeferredRepaintDelay();
    double adjustedDeferredRepaintDelay() const;

    bool updateWidgets();
    void updateWidget(RenderEmbeddedObject*);
    void scrollToAnchor();
    void scrollPositionChanged();

    bool hasCustomScrollbars() const;

    virtual void updateScrollCorner();

    FrameView* parentFrameView() const;

    virtual AXObjectCache* axObjectCache() const;
    void notifyWidgetsInAllFrames(WidgetNotification);
    static double sCurrentPaintTimeStamp; // used for detecting decoded resource thrash in the cache

    IntSize m_size;
    IntSize m_margins;
    typedef HashSet<RenderEmbeddedObject*> RenderEmbeddedObjectSet;
    OwnPtr<RenderEmbeddedObjectSet> m_widgetUpdateSet;
    RefPtr<Frame> m_frame;

    bool m_doFullRepaint;
    bool m_canHaveScrollbars;
    bool m_useSlowRepaints;
    bool m_isOverlapped;
    bool m_contentIsOpaque;
    unsigned m_slowRepaintObjectCount;
    unsigned m_fixedObjectCount;

    int m_borderX;
    int m_borderY;

    Timer<FrameView> m_layoutTimer;
    bool m_delayedLayout;
    RenderObject* m_layoutRoot;
    bool m_layoutSchedulingEnabled;
    bool m_inLayout;
    bool m_hasPendingPostLayoutTasks;
    bool m_inSynchronousPostLayout;
    int m_layoutCount;
    unsigned m_nestedLayoutCount;
    Timer<FrameView> m_postLayoutTasksTimer;
    bool m_firstLayoutCallbackPending;

    bool m_firstLayout;
    bool m_isTransparent;
    Color m_baseBackgroundColor;
    IntSize m_lastLayoutSize;
    float m_lastZoomFactor;

    String m_mediaType;
    String m_mediaTypeWhenNotPrinting;

    OwnPtr<FrameActionScheduler> m_actionScheduler;

    bool m_overflowStatusDirty;
    bool m_horizontalOverflow;
    bool m_verticalOverflow;    
    RenderObject* m_viewportRenderer;

    bool m_wasScrolledByUser;
    bool m_inProgrammaticScroll;
    unsigned m_deferringRepaints;
    unsigned m_repaintCount;
    Vector<IntRect> m_repaintRects;
    Timer<FrameView> m_deferredRepaintTimer;
    double m_deferredRepaintDelay;
    double m_lastPaintTime;

    bool m_shouldUpdateWhileOffscreen;

    unsigned m_deferSetNeedsLayouts;
    bool m_setNeedsLayoutWasDeferred;

    RefPtr<Node> m_nodeToDraw;
    PaintBehavior m_paintBehavior;
    bool m_isPainting;

    bool m_isVisuallyNonEmpty;
    bool m_firstVisuallyNonEmptyLayoutCallbackPending;

    RefPtr<Node> m_maintainScrollPositionAnchor;

    // Renderer to hold our custom scroll corner.
    RenderScrollbarPart* m_scrollCorner;

    OwnPtr<ScrollableAreaSet> m_scrollableAreas;

    static double s_deferredRepaintDelay;
    static double s_initialDeferredRepaintDelayDuringLoading;
    static double s_maxDeferredRepaintDelayDuringLoading;
    static double s_deferredRepaintDelayIncrementDuringLoading;

} // namespace WebCore

#endif // FrameView_h