var localizedStrings = new Object; localizedStrings[" (%d)"] = " (%d)"; localizedStrings[" (repeated %d times)"] = " (repeated %d times)"; localizedStrings["%.0fB"] = "%.0fB"; localizedStrings["%.0fms"] = "%.0fms"; localizedStrings["%.1f days"] = "%.1f days"; localizedStrings["%.1fhrs"] = "%.1fhrs"; localizedStrings["%.1fmin"] = "%.1fmin"; localizedStrings["%.2f%%"] = "%.2f%%"; localizedStrings["%.2fKB"] = "%.2fKB"; localizedStrings["%.2fs"] = "%.2fs"; localizedStrings["%.3fMB"] = "%.3fMB"; localizedStrings["%.3fms"] = "%.3fms"; localizedStrings["%d error"] = "%d error"; localizedStrings["%d error, %d warning"] = "%1$d error, %2$d warning"; localizedStrings["%d error, %d warnings"] = "%1$d error, %2$d warnings"; localizedStrings["%d errors"] = "%d errors"; localizedStrings["%d errors, %d warning"] = "%1$d errors, %2$d warning"; localizedStrings["%d errors, %d warnings"] = "%1$d errors, %2$d warnings"; localizedStrings["%d matches"] = "%d matches"; localizedStrings["%d warning"] = "%d warning"; localizedStrings["%d warnings"] = "%d warnings"; localizedStrings["%d × %d"] = "%1$d × %2$d"; localizedStrings["%s (from cache)"] = "%s (from cache)"; localizedStrings["%s download"] = "%s download"; localizedStrings["%s latency"] = "%s latency"; localizedStrings["%s latency, %s download (%s total)"] = "%1$s latency, %2$s download (%3$s total)"; localizedStrings["(anonymous function)"] = "(anonymous function)"; localizedStrings["(program)"] = "(program)"; localizedStrings["(program): %s"] = "(program): %s"; localizedStrings["(text)"] = "(text)"; localizedStrings["(whitespace)"] = "(whitespace)"; localizedStrings["1 match"] = "1 match"; localizedStrings["Always enable"] = "Always enable"; localizedStrings["An error occurred trying to\nread the “%s” table."] = "An error occurred trying to\nread the “%s” table."; localizedStrings["An unexpected error %s occurred."] = "An unexpected error %s occurred."; localizedStrings["Average"] = "Average"; localizedStrings["Breakpoints"] = "Breakpoints"; localizedStrings["Call Stack"] = "Call Stack"; localizedStrings["Calls"] = "Calls"; localizedStrings["Clear console log."] = "Clear console log."; localizedStrings["Closure"] = "Closure"; localizedStrings["Computed Style"] = "Computed Style"; localizedStrings["DATABASES"] = "DATABASES"; localizedStrings["DOM"] = "DOM"; localizedStrings["Database no longer has expected version."] = "Database no longer has expected version."; localizedStrings["Databases"] = "Databases"; localizedStrings["Debugging disabled. Click to enable."] = "Debugging disabled. Click to enable."; localizedStrings["Debugging enabled. Click to disable."] = "Debugging enabled. Click to disable."; localizedStrings["Debugging scripts requires you to start the debugger."] = "Debugging scripts requires you to start the debugger."; localizedStrings["Delete"] = "Delete"; localizedStrings["Dimensions"] = "Dimensions"; localizedStrings["Dock to main window."] = "Dock to main window."; localizedStrings["Documents"] = "Documents"; localizedStrings["Don't pause on exceptions."] = "Don’t pause on exceptions."; localizedStrings["Elements"] = "Elements"; localizedStrings["Enable Debugging"] = "Enable Debugging"; localizedStrings["Enable Profiling"] = "Enable Profiling"; localizedStrings["Enable resource tracking"] = "Enable resource tracking"; localizedStrings["Enabling debugging will make scripts run slower."] = "Enabling debugging will make scripts run slower."; localizedStrings["Enabling profiling will make scripts run slower."] = "Enabling profiling will make scripts run slower."; localizedStrings["Enabling resource tracking will reload the page and make page loading slower."] = "Enabling resource tracking will reload the page and make page loading slower."; localizedStrings["Event Document"] = "Event Document"; localizedStrings["Event Target"] = "Event Target"; localizedStrings["Exclude selected function."] = "Exclude selected function."; localizedStrings["File size"] = "File size"; localizedStrings["Focus selected function."] = "Focus on selected function."; localizedStrings["Fonts"] = "Fonts"; localizedStrings["Function"] = "Function"; localizedStrings["GRAPHS"] = "GRAPHS"; localizedStrings["Global"] = "Global"; localizedStrings["Heavy (Bottom Up)"] = "Heavy (Bottom Up)"; localizedStrings["Hide console."] = "Hide console."; localizedStrings["Images"] = "Images"; localizedStrings["Inline Style Attribute"] = "Inline Style Attribute"; localizedStrings["Key"] = "Key"; localizedStrings["LOCAL STORAGE"] = "LOCAL STORAGE"; localizedStrings["Local"] = "Local"; localizedStrings["MIME type"] = "MIME type"; localizedStrings["Metrics"] = "Metrics"; localizedStrings["No Breakpoints"] = "No Breakpoints"; localizedStrings["No Properties"] = "No Properties"; localizedStrings["No Variables"] = "No Variables"; localizedStrings["Not Found"] = "Not Found"; localizedStrings["Not Paused"] = "Not Paused"; localizedStrings["Only enable for this session"] = "Only enable for this session"; localizedStrings["Other"] = "Other"; localizedStrings["Pause on exceptions."] = "Pause on exceptions."; localizedStrings["Pause script execution."] = "Pause script execution."; localizedStrings["Paused"] = "Paused"; localizedStrings["Pausing"] = "Pausing"; localizedStrings["Profile %d"] = "Profile %d"; localizedStrings["Profiles"] = "Profiles"; localizedStrings["Profiling disabled. Click to enable."] = "Profiling disabled. Click to enable."; localizedStrings["Profiling enabled. Click to disable."] = "Profiling enabled. Click to disable."; localizedStrings["Properties"] = "Properties"; localizedStrings["Prototype"] = "Prototype"; localizedStrings["Query"] = "Query"; localizedStrings["RESOURCES"] = "RESOURCES"; localizedStrings["Refresh"] = "Refresh"; localizedStrings["Request Headers"] = "Request Headers"; localizedStrings["Resource interpreted as %s but transferred with MIME type %s."] = "Resource interpreted as %1$s but transferred with MIME type %2$s."; localizedStrings["Resource tracking disabled. Click to enable."] = "Resource tracking disabled. Click to enable."; localizedStrings["Resource tracking enabled. Click to disable."] = "Resource tracking enabled. Click to disable."; localizedStrings["Resources"] = "Resources"; localizedStrings["Response Headers"] = "Response Headers"; localizedStrings["Restore all functions."] = "Restore all functions."; localizedStrings["Run %d"] = "Run %d"; localizedStrings["SESSION STORAGE"] = "SESSION STORAGE"; localizedStrings["Scope Variables"] = "Scope Variables"; localizedStrings["Scripts"] = "Scripts"; localizedStrings["Search %s"] = "Search %s"; localizedStrings["Select an element in the page to inspect it."] = "Select an element in the page to inspect it."; localizedStrings["Self"] = "Self"; localizedStrings["Show absolute total and self times."] = "Show absolute total and self times."; localizedStrings["Show console."] = "Show console."; localizedStrings["Show inherited"] = "Show inherited"; localizedStrings["Show the next script resource."] = "Show the next script resource."; localizedStrings["Show the previous script resource."] = "Show the previous script resource."; localizedStrings["Show total and self times as percentages."] = "Show total and self times as percentages."; localizedStrings["Size"] = "Size"; localizedStrings["Sort by Duration"] = "Sort by Duration"; localizedStrings["Sort by End Time"] = "Sort by End Time"; localizedStrings["Sort by Latency"] = "Sort by Latency"; localizedStrings["Sort by Response Time"] = "Sort by Response Time"; localizedStrings["Sort by Size"] = "Sort by Size"; localizedStrings["Sort by Start Time"] = "Sort by Start Time"; localizedStrings["Source"] = "Source"; localizedStrings["Start profiling."] = "Start profiling."; localizedStrings["Step into next function call."] = "Step into next function call."; localizedStrings["Step out of current function."] = "Step out of current function."; localizedStrings["Step over next function call."] = "Step over next function call."; localizedStrings["Stepping"] = "Stepping"; localizedStrings["Stop profiling."] = "Stop profiling."; localizedStrings["Styles"] = "Styles"; localizedStrings["Stylesheets"] = "Stylesheets"; localizedStrings["The “%s”\ntable is empty."] = "The “%s”\ntable is empty."; localizedStrings["Time"] = "Time"; localizedStrings["Total"] = "Total"; localizedStrings["Tree (Top Down)"] = "Tree (Top Down)"; localizedStrings["Undock into separate window."] = "Undock into separate window."; localizedStrings["Use large resource rows."] = "Use large resource rows."; localizedStrings["Use small resource rows."] = "Use small resource rows."; localizedStrings["Value"] = "Value"; localizedStrings["With Block"] = "With Block"; localizedStrings["XHR"] = "XHR"; localizedStrings["You could save bandwidth by having your web server compress this transfer with gzip or zlib."] = "You could save bandwidth by having your web server compress this transfer with gzip or zlib."; localizedStrings["You need to enable debugging before you can use the Scripts panel."] = "You need to enable debugging before you can use the Scripts panel."; localizedStrings["You need to enable profiling before you can use the Profiles panel."] = "You need to enable profiling before you can use the Profiles panel."; localizedStrings["You need to enable resource tracking to use this panel."] = "You need to enable resource tracking to use this panel."; localizedStrings["border"] = "border"; localizedStrings["content"] = "content"; localizedStrings["document"] = "document"; localizedStrings["element’s “%s” attribute"] = "element’s “%s” attribute"; localizedStrings["font"] = "font"; localizedStrings["image"] = "image"; localizedStrings["inline stylesheet"] = "inline stylesheet"; localizedStrings["line %d"] = "line %d"; localizedStrings["margin"] = "margin"; localizedStrings["other"] = "other"; localizedStrings["padding"] = "padding"; localizedStrings["position"] = "position"; localizedStrings["script"] = "script"; localizedStrings["stylesheet"] = "stylesheet"; localizedStrings["user agent stylesheet"] = "user agent stylesheet"; localizedStrings["user stylesheet"] = "user stylesheet";