table_layout.cpp   [plain text]

 * This file is part of the HTML rendering engine for KDE.
 * Copyright (C) 2002 Lars Knoll (
 *           (C) 2002 Dirk Mueller (
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * $Id: table_layout.cpp 11434 2005-12-04 21:01:20Z thatcher $
#include "table_layout.h"
#include "render_table.h"

#include <kglobal.h>

using namespace khtml;

// #define DEBUG_LAYOUT

  The text below is from the CSS 2.1 specs.

  Fixed table layout

  With this (fast) algorithm, the horizontal layout of the table does
  not depend on the contents of the cells; it only depends on the
  table's width, the width of the columns, and borders or cell

  The table's width may be specified explicitly with the 'width'
  property. A value of 'auto' (for both 'display: table' and 'display:
  inline-table') means use the automatic table layout algorithm.

  In the fixed table layout algorithm, the width of each column is
  determined as follows:

    1. A column element with a value other than 'auto' for the 'width'
    property sets the width for that column.

    2. Otherwise, a cell in the first row with a value other than
    'auto' for the 'width' property sets the width for that column. If
    the cell spans more than one column, the width is divided over the

    3. Any remaining columns equally divide the remaining horizontal
    table space (minus borders or cell spacing).

  The width of the table is then the greater of the value of the
  'width' property for the table element and the sum of the column
  widths (plus cell spacing or borders). If the table is wider than
  the columns, the extra space should be distributed over the columns.

  In this manner, the user agent can begin to lay out the table once
  the entire first row has been received. Cells in subsequent rows do
  not affect column widths. Any cell that has content that overflows
  uses the 'overflow' property to determine whether to clip the
  overflow content.


  This is not quite true when comparing to IE. IE always honours
  table-layout:fixed and treats a variable table width as 100%. Makes
  a lot of sense, and is implemented here the same way.


FixedTableLayout::FixedTableLayout( RenderTable *table )
    : TableLayout ( table )


int FixedTableLayout::calcWidthArray(int tableWidth)
    int usedWidth = 0;

    // iterate over all <col> elements
    RenderObject *child = table->firstChild();
    int cCol = 0;
    int nEffCols = table->numEffCols();
    width.resize( nEffCols );
    width.fill( Length( Variable ) );

    qDebug("FixedTableLayout::calcWidthArray( %d )", tableWidth );
    qDebug("    col elements:");

    Length grpWidth;
    while ( child ) {
	if ( child->isTableCol() ) {
	    RenderTableCol *col = static_cast<RenderTableCol *>(child);
	    int span = col->span();
	    if ( col->firstChild() ) {
		grpWidth = col->style()->width();
	    } else {
		Length w = col->style()->width();
		if ( w.isVariable() )
		    w = grpWidth;
		int effWidth = 0;
		if ( w.type == Fixed && w.value > 0 )
                    effWidth = w.value;
		qDebug("    col element: effCol=%d, span=%d: %d w=%d type=%d",
		       cCol, span, effWidth,  w.value, w.type);
		int usedSpan = 0;
		int i = 0;
		while ( usedSpan < span ) {
		    if( cCol + i >= nEffCols ) {
			table->appendColumn( span - usedSpan );
			width.resize( nEffCols );
			width[nEffCols-1] = Length();
		    int eSpan = table->spanOfEffCol( cCol+i );
		    if ( (w.type == Fixed || w.type == Percent) && w.value > 0 ) {
			width[cCol+i] = Length( w.value * eSpan, w.type );
			usedWidth += effWidth * eSpan;
			qDebug("    setting effCol %d (span=%d) to width %d(type=%d)",
			       cCol+i, eSpan, width[cCol+i].value, width[cCol+i].type );
		    usedSpan += eSpan;
		cCol += i;
	} else {

	RenderObject *next = child->firstChild();
	if ( !next )
	    next = child->nextSibling();
	if ( !next && child->parent()->isTableCol() ) {
	    next = child->parent()->nextSibling();
	    grpWidth = Length();
	child = next;

    qDebug("    first row:");
    // iterate over the first row in case some are unspecified.
    RenderTableSection *section = table->head;
    if ( !section )
	section = table->firstBody;
    if ( !section )
	section = table->foot;
    if ( section ) {
	cCol = 0;
        // FIXME: Technically the first row could be in an arbitrary section (e.g., an nth section
        // if the previous n-1 sections have no rows), so this check isn't good enough.
        // get the first cell in the first row
        RenderObject* firstRow = section->firstChild();
        child = firstRow ? firstRow->firstChild() : 0;
	while ( child ) {
	    if ( child->isTableCell() ) {
		RenderTableCell *cell = static_cast<RenderTableCell *>(child);
		Length w = cell->style()->width();
		int span = cell->colSpan();
		int effWidth = 0;
		if ( (w.type == Fixed || w.type == Percent) && w.value > 0 )
                    effWidth = w.value;
		qDebug("    table cell: effCol=%d, span=%d: %d",  cCol, span, effWidth);
		int usedSpan = 0;
		int i = 0;
		while ( usedSpan < span ) {
		    Q_ASSERT( cCol + i < nEffCols );
		    int eSpan = table->spanOfEffCol( cCol+i );
		    // only set if no col element has already set it.
		    if ( width[cCol+i].type == Variable && w.type != Variable ) {
			width[cCol+i] = Length( w.value*eSpan, w.type );
			usedWidth += effWidth*eSpan;
			qDebug("    setting effCol %d (span=%d) to width %d(type=%d)",
			       cCol+i, eSpan, width[cCol+i].value, width[cCol+i].type );
		    else {
			qDebug("    width of col %d already defined (span=%d)", cCol, table->spanOfEffCol( cCol ) );
		    usedSpan += eSpan;
		cCol += i;
	    } else {
		Q_ASSERT( false );
	    child = child->nextSibling();

    return usedWidth;


void FixedTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth()
    // FIXME: This entire calculation is incorrect for both minwidth and maxwidth.
    // we might want to wait until we have all of the first row before
    // layouting for the first time.

    // only need to calculate the minimum width as the sum of the
    // cols/cells with a fixed width.
    // The maximum width is kMax( minWidth, tableWidth ).
    int bs = table->bordersPaddingAndSpacing();
    int tableWidth = table->style()->width().type == Fixed ? table->style()->width().value - bs : 0;
    int mw = calcWidthArray( tableWidth ) + bs;

    table->m_minWidth = kMax( mw, tableWidth );
    table->m_maxWidth = table->m_minWidth;

void FixedTableLayout::layout()
    int tableWidth = table->width() - table->bordersPaddingAndSpacing();
    int available = tableWidth;
    int nEffCols = table->numEffCols();
    int totalPercent = 0;
    qDebug("FixedTableLayout::layout: tableWidth=%d, numEffCols=%d",  tableWidth, nEffCols);

    QMemArray<int> calcWidth;
    calcWidth.resize( nEffCols );
    calcWidth.fill( -1 );

    // assign  percent width
    if ( available > 0 ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ )
            if ( width[i].type == Percent )
                totalPercent += width[i].value;

        // calculate how much to distribute to percent cells.
        int base = tableWidth * totalPercent / 100;
        if ( base > available )
            base = available;
            totalPercent = 100;

        qDebug("FixedTableLayout::layout: assigning percent width, base=%d, totalPercent=%d", base, totalPercent);
        for ( int i = 0; available > 0 && i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
            if ( width[i].type == Percent ) {
                int w = base * width[i].value / totalPercent;
                available -= w;
                calcWidth[i] = w;
    // next assign fixed width
    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	if ( width[i].type == Fixed ) {
	    calcWidth[i] = width[i].value;
	    available -= width[i].value;

    // assign variable width
    if ( available > 0 ) {
	int totalVariable = 0;
	for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ )
	    if ( width[i].type == Variable )

        for ( int i = 0; available > 0 && i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
            if ( width[i].type == Variable ) {
                int w = available / totalVariable;
                available -= w;
                calcWidth[i] = w;

    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ )
	if ( calcWidth[i] <= 0 )
	    calcWidth[i] = 0; // IE gives min 1 px...

    // spread extra space over columns
    if ( available > 0 ) {
        int total = nEffCols;
        // still have some width to spread
        int i = nEffCols;
        while (  i-- ) {
            int w = available / total;
            available -= w;
            calcWidth[i] += w;
    int pos = 0;
    int hspacing = table->hBorderSpacing();
    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	qDebug("col %d: %d (width %d)", i, pos, calcWidth[i] );
	table->columnPos[i] = pos;
	pos += calcWidth[i] + hspacing;
    table->columnPos[table->columnPos.size()-1] = pos;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

AutoTableLayout::AutoTableLayout( RenderTable* table )
    : TableLayout( table )
    percentagesDirty = true;
    effWidthDirty = true;
    total_percent = 0;
    hasPercent = false;


/* recalculates the full structure needed to do layouting and minmax calculations.
   This is usually calculated on the fly, but needs to be done fully when table cells change
void AutoTableLayout::recalcColumn( int effCol )
    Layout &l = layoutStruct[effCol];

    RenderObject *child = table->firstChild();
    // first we iterate over all rows.

    RenderTableCell *fixedContributor = 0;
    RenderTableCell *maxContributor = 0;

    while (child) {
	if (child->isTableSection()) {
	    RenderTableSection *section = static_cast<RenderTableSection *>(child);
	    int numRows = section->numRows();
	    RenderTableCell *last = 0;
	    for ( int i = 0; i < numRows; i++ ) {
		RenderTableSection::CellStruct current = section->cellAt(i, effCol);
                RenderTableCell *cell = current.cell;
                if (current.inColSpan)
		if (cell && cell->colSpan() == 1) {
                    // A cell originates in this column.  Ensure we have
                    // a min/max width of at least 1px for this column now.
                    l.minWidth = QMAX(l.minWidth, 1);
                    l.maxWidth = QMAX(l.maxWidth, 1);
		    if (!cell->minMaxKnown())
		    if (cell->minWidth() > l.minWidth)
			l.minWidth = cell->minWidth();
		    if (cell->maxWidth() > l.maxWidth) {
			l.maxWidth = cell->maxWidth();
			maxContributor = cell;

		    Length w = cell->style()->width();
		    if (w.value > 32760)
			w.value = 32760;
		    if (w.value < 0)
			w.value = 0;
		    switch(w.type) {
		    case Fixed:
			// ignore width=0
			if ( w.value > 0 && (int)l.width.type != Percent ) {
                            int wval = w.value + (cell->paddingLeft()+cell->paddingRight());
			    if ( l.width.type == Fixed ) {
                                // Nav/IE weirdness
				if ((wval > l.width.value) ||
				    ((l.width.value == wval) && (maxContributor == cell))) {
				    l.width.value = wval;
				    fixedContributor = cell;
			    } else {
                                l.width.type = Fixed;
				l.width.value = wval;
				fixedContributor = cell;
		    case Percent:
                        hasPercent = true;
                        if (w.value > 0 && (l.width.type != Percent || w.value > l.width.value ))
                            l.width = w;
		    case Relative:
			if (w.type == Variable || (w.type == Relative && w.value > l.width.value ))
				l.width = w;
		} else {
                    if (cell && (!effCol || section->cellAt( i, effCol-1 ).cell != cell)) {
                        // This spanning cell originates in this column.  Ensure we have
                        // a min/max width of at least 1px for this column now.
                        l.minWidth = QMAX(l.minWidth, 1);
                        l.maxWidth = QMAX(l.maxWidth, 1);
			insertSpanCell( cell );
		    last = cell;
	child = child->nextSibling();

    // Nav/IE weirdness
    if ( l.width.type == Fixed ) {
	if ( table->style()->htmlHacks()
	     && (l.maxWidth > l.width.value) && (fixedContributor != maxContributor)) {
	    l.width = Length();
	    fixedContributor = 0;

    l.maxWidth = kMax(l.maxWidth, l.minWidth);
    qDebug("col %d, final min=%d, max=%d, width=%d(%d)", effCol, l.minWidth, l.maxWidth, l.width.value,  l.width.type );

    // ### we need to add col elements aswell

void AutoTableLayout::fullRecalc()
    percentagesDirty = true;
    hasPercent = false;
    effWidthDirty = true;

    int nEffCols = table->numEffCols();
    layoutStruct.resize( nEffCols );
    layoutStruct.fill( Layout() );
    spanCells.fill( 0 );

    RenderObject *child = table->firstChild();
    Length grpWidth;
    int cCol = 0;
    while ( child ) {
	if ( child->isTableCol() ) {
	    RenderTableCol *col = static_cast<RenderTableCol *>(child);
	    int span = col->span();
	    if ( col->firstChild() ) {
		grpWidth = col->style()->width();
	    } else {
		Length w = col->style()->width();
		if ( w.isVariable() )
		    w = grpWidth;
		if ( (w.type == Fixed && w.value == 0) ||
		     (w.type == Percent && w.value == 0) )
		    w = Length();
		int cEffCol = table->colToEffCol( cCol );
		qDebug("    col element %d (eff=%d): Length=%d(%d), span=%d, effColSpan=%d",  cCol, cEffCol, w.value, w.type, span, table->spanOfEffCol(cEffCol ) );
		if ( (int)w.type != Variable && span == 1 && cEffCol < nEffCols ) {
		    if ( table->spanOfEffCol( cEffCol ) == 1 ) {
			layoutStruct[cEffCol].width = w;
                        if (w.isFixed() && layoutStruct[cEffCol].maxWidth < w.value)
                            layoutStruct[cEffCol].maxWidth = w.value;
		cCol += span;
	} else {

	RenderObject *next = child->firstChild();
	if ( !next )
	    next = child->nextSibling();
	if ( !next && child->parent()->isTableCol() ) {
	    next = child->parent()->nextSibling();
	    grpWidth = Length();
	child = next;

    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ )
	recalcColumn( i );

static bool shouldScaleColumns(RenderTable* table)
    // A special case.  If this table is not fixed width and contained inside
    // a cell, then don't bloat the maxwidth by examining percentage growth.
    bool scale = true;
    while (table) {
        Length tw = table->style()->width();
        if ((tw.isVariable() || tw.isPercent()) && !table->isPositioned()) {
            RenderBlock* cb = table->containingBlock();
            while (cb && !cb->isCanvas() && !cb->isTableCell() &&
                cb->style()->width().isVariable() && !cb->isPositioned())
                cb = cb->containingBlock();

            table = 0;
            if (cb && cb->isTableCell() &&
                (cb->style()->width().isVariable() || cb->style()->width().isPercent())) {
                if (tw.isPercent())
                    scale = false;
                else {
                    RenderTableCell* cell = static_cast<RenderTableCell*>(cb);
                    if (cell->colSpan() > 1 || cell->table()->style()->width().isVariable())
                        scale = false;
                        table = cell->table();
            table = 0;
    return scale;

void AutoTableLayout::calcMinMaxWidth()

    int spanMaxWidth = calcEffectiveWidth();
    int minWidth = 0;
    int maxWidth = 0;
    int maxPercent = 0;
    int maxNonPercent = 0;

    int remainingPercent = 100;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < layoutStruct.size(); i++ ) {
	minWidth += layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
	maxWidth += layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;
	if ( layoutStruct[i].effWidth.type == Percent ) {
            int percent = kMin(layoutStruct[i].effWidth.value, remainingPercent);
            int pw = ( layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth * 100) / kMax(percent, 1);
            remainingPercent -= percent;
            maxPercent = kMax( pw,  maxPercent );
	} else {
	    maxNonPercent += layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;

    if (shouldScaleColumns(table)) {
        maxNonPercent = (maxNonPercent * 100 + 50) / kMax(remainingPercent, 1);
        maxWidth = kMax( maxNonPercent,  maxWidth );
        maxWidth = kMax( maxWidth, maxPercent );

    maxWidth = kMax( maxWidth, spanMaxWidth );
    int bs = table->bordersPaddingAndSpacing();
    minWidth += bs;
    maxWidth += bs;

    Length tw = table->style()->width();
    if ( tw.isFixed() && tw.value > 0 ) {
	minWidth = kMax( minWidth, int( tw.value ) );
	maxWidth = minWidth;

    table->m_maxWidth = maxWidth;
    table->m_minWidth = minWidth;
    qDebug("    minWidth=%d, maxWidth=%d", table->m_minWidth, table->m_maxWidth );

  This method takes care of colspans.
  effWidth is the same as width for cells without colspans. If we have colspans, they get modified.
int AutoTableLayout::calcEffectiveWidth()
    int tMaxWidth = 0;

    unsigned int nEffCols = layoutStruct.size();
    int hspacing = table->hBorderSpacing();
    qDebug("AutoTableLayout::calcEffectiveWidth for %d cols", nEffCols );
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	layoutStruct[i].effWidth = layoutStruct[i].width;
	layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth = layoutStruct[i].minWidth;
	layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth = layoutStruct[i].maxWidth;

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < spanCells.size(); i++ ) {
	RenderTableCell *cell = spanCells[i];
	if (!cell)
	int span = cell->colSpan();

	Length w = cell->style()->width();
	if ( !(w.type == Relative) && w.value == 0 )
	    w = Length(); // make it Variable

	int col = table->colToEffCol( cell->col() );
	unsigned int lastCol = col;
	int cMinWidth = cell->minWidth() + hspacing;
	int cMaxWidth = cell->maxWidth() + hspacing;
	int totalPercent = 0;
	int minWidth = 0;
	int maxWidth = 0;
	bool allColsArePercent = true;
	bool allColsAreFixed = true;
	bool haveVariable = false;
	int fixedWidth = 0;
	int cSpan = span;
	while ( lastCol < nEffCols && span > 0 ) {
	    switch( layoutStruct[lastCol].width.type ) {
	    case Percent:
		totalPercent += layoutStruct[lastCol].width.value;
		allColsAreFixed = false;
	    case Fixed:
                if (layoutStruct[lastCol].width.value > 0) {
                    fixedWidth += layoutStruct[lastCol].width.value;
                    allColsArePercent = false;
                    // IE resets effWidth to Variable here, but this breaks the konqueror about page and seems to be some bad
                    // legacy behaviour anyway. mozilla doesn't do this so I decided we don't neither.
                // fall through
	    case Variable:
		haveVariable = true;
		// fall through
                // If the column is a percentage width, do not let the spanning cell overwrite the
                // width value.  This caused a mis-rendering on
                // Sample snippet:
                // <table border=2 width=100%><
                //   <tr><td>1</td><td colspan=2>2-3</tr>
                //   <tr><td>1</td><td colspan=2 width=100%>2-3</td></tr>
                // </table>
                if (layoutStruct[lastCol].effWidth.type != Percent) {
                    layoutStruct[lastCol].effWidth = Length();
                    allColsArePercent = false;
                    totalPercent += layoutStruct[lastCol].effWidth.value;
		allColsAreFixed = false;
	    span -= table->spanOfEffCol( lastCol );
	    minWidth += layoutStruct[lastCol].effMinWidth;
	    maxWidth += layoutStruct[lastCol].effMaxWidth;
	    cMinWidth -= hspacing;
	    cMaxWidth -= hspacing;
	qDebug("    colspan cell %p at effCol %d, span %d, type %d, value %d cmin=%d min=%d fixedwidth=%d", cell, col, cSpan, w.type, w.value, cMinWidth, minWidth, fixedWidth );

	// adjust table max width if needed
	if ( w.type == Percent ) {
	    if ( totalPercent > w.value || allColsArePercent ) {
		// can't satify this condition, treat as variable
		w = Length();
	    } else {
		int spanMax = QMAX( maxWidth, cMaxWidth );
		qDebug("    adjusting tMaxWidth (%d): spanMax=%d, value=%d, totalPercent=%d", tMaxWidth, spanMax, w.value, totalPercent );
		tMaxWidth = QMAX( tMaxWidth, spanMax * 100 / w.value );

		// all non percent columns in the span get percent vlaues to sum up correctly.
		int percentMissing = w.value - totalPercent;
		int totalWidth = 0;
		for ( unsigned int pos = col; pos < lastCol; pos++ ) {
		    if ( !(layoutStruct[pos].width.type == Percent ) )
			totalWidth += layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth;

		for ( unsigned int pos = col; pos < lastCol && totalWidth > 0; pos++ ) {
		    if ( !(layoutStruct[pos].width.type == Percent ) ) {
			int percent = percentMissing * layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth / totalWidth;
			qDebug("   col %d: setting percent value %d effMaxWidth=%d totalWidth=%d", pos, percent, layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth, totalWidth );
			totalWidth -= layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth;
			percentMissing -= percent;
			if ( percent > 0 )
		            layoutStruct[pos].effWidth = Length( percent, Percent );
			    layoutStruct[pos].effWidth = Length();


	// make sure minWidth and maxWidth of the spanning cell are honoured
	if ( cMinWidth > minWidth ) {
            if ( allColsAreFixed ) {
		qDebug("extending minWidth of cols %d-%d to %dpx currentMin=%d accroding to fixed sum %d", col, lastCol-1, cMinWidth, minWidth, fixedWidth );
		for ( unsigned int pos = col; fixedWidth > 0 && pos < lastCol; pos++ ) {
		    int w = QMAX( layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, cMinWidth * layoutStruct[pos].width.value / fixedWidth );
		    qDebug("   col %d: min=%d, effMin=%d, new=%d", pos, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, w );
		    fixedWidth -= layoutStruct[pos].width.value;
		    cMinWidth -= w;
                    layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth = w;

	    } else {
		qDebug("extending minWidth of cols %d-%d to %dpx currentMin=%d", col, lastCol-1, cMinWidth, minWidth );
		int maxw = maxWidth;
                int minw = minWidth;
                // Give min to variable first, to fixed second, and to others third.
                for ( unsigned int pos = col; maxw >= 0 && pos < lastCol; pos++ ) {
		    if ( layoutStruct[pos].width.type == Fixed && haveVariable && fixedWidth <= cMinWidth ) {
			int w = QMAX( layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, layoutStruct[pos].width.value );
			fixedWidth -= layoutStruct[pos].width.value;
                        minw -= layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth;
                        qDebug("   col %d: min=%d, effMin=%d, new=%d", pos, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, w );
                        maxw -= layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth;
                        cMinWidth -= w;
                        layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth = w;

                for ( unsigned int pos = col; maxw >= 0 && pos < lastCol && minw < cMinWidth; pos++ ) {
		    if ( !(layoutStruct[pos].width.type == Fixed && haveVariable && fixedWidth <= cMinWidth) ) {
                        int w = QMAX( layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, maxw ? (cMinWidth * layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth / maxw) : cMinWidth );
                        w = QMIN(layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth+(cMinWidth-minw), w);
                        qDebug("   col %d: min=%d, effMin=%d, new=%d", pos, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth, w );
                        maxw -= layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth;
                        minw -= layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth;
                        cMinWidth -= w;
                        layoutStruct[pos].effMinWidth = w;
	if ( !(w.type == Percent ) ) {
	    if ( cMaxWidth > maxWidth ) {
		qDebug("extending maxWidth of cols %d-%d to %dpx", col, lastCol-1, cMaxWidth );
		for ( unsigned int pos = col; maxWidth >= 0 && pos < lastCol; pos++ ) {
		    int w = QMAX( layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth, maxWidth ? (cMaxWidth * layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth / maxWidth) : cMaxWidth );
		    qDebug("   col %d: max=%d, effMax=%d, new=%d", pos, layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth, layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth, w );
		    maxWidth -= layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth;
		    cMaxWidth -= w;
		    layoutStruct[pos].effMaxWidth = w;
	} else {
	    for ( unsigned int pos = col; pos < lastCol; pos++ )
		layoutStruct[pos].maxWidth = QMAX(layoutStruct[pos].maxWidth, layoutStruct[pos].minWidth );
    effWidthDirty = false;

//     qDebug("calcEffectiveWidth: tMaxWidth=%d",  tMaxWidth );
    return tMaxWidth;

/* gets all cells that originate in a column and have a cellspan > 1
   Sorts them by increasing cellspan
void AutoTableLayout::insertSpanCell( RenderTableCell *cell )
    if (!cell || cell->colSpan() == 1)

//     qDebug("inserting span cell %p with span %d", cell, cell->colSpan() );
    int size = spanCells.size();
    if ( !size || spanCells[size-1] != 0 ) {
	spanCells.resize( size + 10 );
	for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
	    spanCells[size+i] = 0;
	size += 10;

    // add them in sort. This is a slow algorithm, and a binary search or a fast sorting after collection would be better
    unsigned int pos = 0;
    int span = cell->colSpan();
    while ( pos < spanCells.size() && spanCells[pos] && span > spanCells[pos]->colSpan() )
    memmove(,, (size-pos-1)*sizeof( RenderTableCell * ) );
    spanCells[pos] = cell;

void AutoTableLayout::layout()
    // table layout based on the values collected in the layout structure.
    int tableWidth = table->width() - table->bordersPaddingAndSpacing();
    int available = tableWidth;
    int nEffCols = table->numEffCols();

    if ( nEffCols != (int)layoutStruct.size() ) {
	qWarning("WARNING: nEffCols is not equal to layoutstruct!" );
	nEffCols = table->numEffCols();

    if ( effWidthDirty )

    qDebug("    tableWidth=%d,  nEffCols=%d", tableWidth,  nEffCols );
    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	qDebug("    effcol %d is of type %d value %d, minWidth=%d, maxWidth=%d",
	       i, layoutStruct[i].width.type, layoutStruct[i].width.value,
	       layoutStruct[i].minWidth, layoutStruct[i].maxWidth );
	qDebug("        effective: type %d value %d, minWidth=%d, maxWidth=%d",
	       layoutStruct[i].effWidth.type, layoutStruct[i].effWidth.value,
	       layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth, layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth );

    bool havePercent = false;
    bool haveRelative = false;
    int totalRelative = 0;
    int numVariable = 0;
    int numFixed = 0;
    int totalVariable = 0;
    int totalFixed = 0;
    int totalPercent = 0;
    int allocVariable = 0;

    // fill up every cell with its minWidth
    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	int w = layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
	layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = w;
	available -= w;
	Length& width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
        switch( width.type) {
        case Percent:
	    havePercent = true;
	    totalPercent += width.value;
        case Relative:
	    haveRelative = true;
	    totalRelative += width.value;
        case Fixed:
            totalFixed += layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;
            // fall through
        case Variable:
        case Static:
            totalVariable += layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;
            allocVariable += w;

    // allocate width to percent cols
    if ( available > 0 && havePercent ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
            Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
            if ( width.type == Percent ) {
                int w = kMax ( int( layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth ), width.minWidth( tableWidth ) );
                available += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - w;
                layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = w;
        if ( totalPercent > 100 ) {
            // remove overallocated space from the last columns
            int excess = tableWidth*(totalPercent-100)/100;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                if ( layoutStruct[i].effWidth.type == Percent ) {
                    int w = layoutStruct[i].calcWidth;
                    int reduction = kMin( w,  excess );
                    // the lines below might look inconsistent, but that's the way it's handled in mozilla
                    excess -= reduction;
                    int newWidth = kMax( int (layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth), w - reduction );
                    available += w - newWidth;
                    layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = newWidth;
                    //qDebug("col %d: reducing to %d px (reduction=%d)", i, newWidth, reduction );
    qDebug("percent satisfied: available is %d", available);
    // then allocate width to fixed cols
    if ( available > 0 ) {
	for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; ++i ) {
	    Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
	    if ( width.type == Fixed && width.value > layoutStruct[i].calcWidth ) {
		available += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - width.value;
		layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = width.value;
    qDebug("fixed satisfied: available is %d", available);

    // now satisfy relative
    if ( available > 0 ) {
	for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	    Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
	    if ( width.type == Relative && width.value != 0 ) {
		// width=0* gets effMinWidth.
		int w = width.value*tableWidth/totalRelative;
		available += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - w;
		layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = w;

    // now satisfy variable
    if ( available > 0 && numVariable ) {
	available += allocVariable; // this gets redistributed
 	//qDebug("redistributing %dpx to %d variable columns. totalVariable=%d",  available,  numVariable,  totalVariable );
	for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	    Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
	    if ( width.type == Variable && totalVariable != 0 ) {
		int w = kMax( int ( layoutStruct[i].calcWidth ),
                              available * layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth / totalVariable );
		available -= w;
		totalVariable -= layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;
		layoutStruct[i].calcWidth = w;
    qDebug("variable satisfied: available is %d",  available );

    // spread over fixed columns
    if (available > 0 && numFixed) {
        // still have some width to spread, distribute to fixed columns
        for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
            Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
            if ( width.isFixed() ) {
                int w = available * layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth / totalFixed;
                available -= w;
                totalFixed -= layoutStruct[i].effMaxWidth;
                layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += w;
    qDebug("after fixed distribution: available=%d",  available );
    // spread over percent colums
    if (available > 0 && hasPercent && totalPercent < 100) {
        // still have some width to spread, distribute weighted to percent columns
        for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
            Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
            if ( width.isPercent() ) {
                int w = available * width.value / totalPercent;
                available -= w;
                totalPercent -= width.value;
                layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += w;
                if (!available || !totalPercent) break;

    qDebug("after percent distribution: available=%d",  available );

    // spread over the rest
    if ( available > 0 ) {
        int total = nEffCols;
        // still have some width to spread
        int i = nEffCols;
        while (  i-- ) {
            int w = available / total;
            available -= w;
            layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += w;

    qDebug("after equal distribution: available=%d",  available );
    // if we have overallocated, reduce every cell according to the difference between desired width and minwidth
    // this seems to produce to the pixel exaxt results with IE. Wonder is some of this also holds for width distributing.
    if ( available < 0 ) {
        // Need to reduce cells with the following prioritization:
        // (1) Variable
        // (2) Relative
        // (3) Fixed
        // (4) Percent
        // This is basically the reverse of how we grew the cells.
        if (available < 0) {
            int mw = 0;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isVariable())
                    mw += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0 && mw > 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isVariable()) {
                    int minMaxDiff = layoutStruct[i].calcWidth-layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
                    int reduce = available * minMaxDiff / mw;
                    layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += reduce;
                    available -= reduce;
                    mw -= minMaxDiff;
                    if ( available >= 0 )

        if (available < 0) {
            int mw = 0;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isRelative())
                    mw += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0 && mw > 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isRelative()) {
                    int minMaxDiff = layoutStruct[i].calcWidth-layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
                    int reduce = available * minMaxDiff / mw;
                    layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += reduce;
                    available -= reduce;
                    mw -= minMaxDiff;
                    if ( available >= 0 )

        if (available < 0) {
            int mw = 0;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isFixed())
                    mw += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0 && mw > 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isFixed()) {
                    int minMaxDiff = layoutStruct[i].calcWidth-layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
                    int reduce = available * minMaxDiff / mw;
                    layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += reduce;
                    available -= reduce;
                    mw -= minMaxDiff;
                    if ( available >= 0 )

        if (available < 0) {
            int mw = 0;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isPercent())
                    mw += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth - layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
            for ( int i = nEffCols-1; i >= 0 && mw > 0; i-- ) {
                Length &width = layoutStruct[i].effWidth;
                if (width.isPercent()) {
                    int minMaxDiff = layoutStruct[i].calcWidth-layoutStruct[i].effMinWidth;
                    int reduce = available * minMaxDiff / mw;
                    layoutStruct[i].calcWidth += reduce;
                    available -= reduce;
                    mw -= minMaxDiff;
                    if ( available >= 0 )

    //qDebug( "    final available=%d", available );

    int pos = 0;
    for ( int i = 0; i < nEffCols; i++ ) {
	qDebug("col %d: %d (width %d)", i, pos, layoutStruct[i].calcWidth );
	table->columnPos[i] = pos;
	pos += layoutStruct[i].calcWidth + table->hBorderSpacing();
    table->columnPos[table->columnPos.size()-1] = pos;


void AutoTableLayout::calcPercentages() const
    total_percent = 0;
    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < layoutStruct.size(); i++ ) {
	if ( layoutStruct[i].width.type == Percent )
	    total_percent += layoutStruct[i].width.value;
    percentagesDirty = false;