cssparser.h   [plain text]

 * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
 * Copyright (C) 2004 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _CSS_cssparser_h_
#define _CSS_cssparser_h_

#include <qstring.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <dom/dom_string.h>
#include "xml/dom_atomicstring.h"

namespace DOM {
    class StyleListImpl;
    class CSSStyleSheetImpl;
    class CSSRuleImpl;
    class CSSStyleRuleImpl;
    class DocumentImpl;
    class NodeImpl;
    class CSSValueImpl;
    class CSSValueListImpl;
    class CSSPrimitiveValueImpl;
    class CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl;
    class CSSProperty;
    class CSSRuleListImpl;

    struct ParseString {
	unsigned short *string;
	int length;
        void lower();

    struct Value;
    class ValueList;
    struct Function;
    struct Value {
	int id;
	union {
	    double fValue;
	    int iValue;
	    ParseString string;
	    Function *function;
	enum {
	    Operator = 0x100000,
	    Function = 0x100001,
	    Q_EMS     = 0x100002

	int unit;

    static inline QString qString( const ParseString &ps ) {
	return QString( (QChar *)ps.string, ps.length );
    static inline DOMString domString( const ParseString &ps ) {
	return DOMString( (QChar *)ps.string, ps.length );
    static inline AtomicString atomicString( const ParseString &ps ) {
	return AtomicString( ps.string, ps.length );
    class ValueList {
	void addValue( const Value &val );
	Value *current() { return currentValue < numValues ? values + currentValue : 0; }
	Value *next() { ++currentValue; return current(); }
	Value *values;
	int numValues;
	int maxValues;
	int currentValue;

    struct Function {
        ParseString name;
        ValueList *args;

        ~Function() { delete args; }
    class CSSParser
	CSSParser( bool strictParsing = true );

	void parseSheet( DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet, const DOM::DOMString &string );
	DOM::CSSRuleImpl *parseRule( DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet, const DOM::DOMString &string );
	bool parseValue( DOM::CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl *decls, int id, const DOM::DOMString &string,
			 bool _important );
        static QRgb CSSParser::parseColor( const DOM::DOMString &string );
	bool parseColor( DOM::CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl *declaration, const DOM::DOMString &string );
	bool parseDeclaration( DOM::CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl *decls, const DOM::DOMString &string );

	static CSSParser *current() { return currentParser; }

	DOM::DocumentImpl *document() const;

	void addProperty( int propId, CSSValueImpl *value, bool important );
	bool hasProperties() const { return numParsedProperties > 0; }
	CSSMutableStyleDeclarationImpl *createStyleDeclaration( CSSStyleRuleImpl *rule );
	void clearProperties();

	bool parseValue( int propId, bool important );
	bool parseShortHand( const int *properties, int numProperties, bool important );
	bool parse4Values( const int *properties, bool important );
	bool parseContent( int propId, bool important );

        CSSValueImpl* parseBackgroundColor();
        CSSValueImpl* parseBackgroundImage();
        CSSValueImpl* parseBackgroundPositionXY(bool& xFound, bool& yFound);
        void parseBackgroundPosition(CSSValueImpl*& value1, CSSValueImpl*& value2);
        bool parseBackgroundProperty(int propId, int& propId1, int& propId2, CSSValueImpl*& retValue1, CSSValueImpl*& retValue2);
        bool parseBackgroundShorthand(bool important);

        void addBackgroundValue(CSSValueImpl*& lval, CSSValueImpl* rval);
	bool parseDashboardRegions( int propId, bool important );
	bool parseShape( int propId, bool important );
	bool parseFont(bool important);
	CSSValueListImpl *parseFontFamily();
        CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *parseColor();
	CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *parseColorFromValue(Value* val);

        static bool parseColor(const QString &name, QRgb& rgb);

        // CSS3 Parsing Routines (for properties specific to CSS3)
        bool parseShadow(int propId, bool important);
	int yyparse( void );
	bool strict;
	bool important;
	int id;
	DOM::StyleListImpl *styleElement;
	DOM::CSSRuleImpl *rule;
	ValueList *valueList;
	CSSProperty **parsedProperties;
	int numParsedProperties;
	int maxParsedProperties;
	bool inParseShortHand;

        Q_UINT16 defaultNamespace;
	static CSSParser *currentParser;

	// tokenizer methods and data
	int lex( void *yylval );
	int token() { return yyTok; }
	unsigned short *text( int *length);
	int lex();
        void setupParser(const char *prefix, const DOMString &string, const char *suffix);
	unsigned short *data;
	unsigned short *yytext;
	unsigned short *yy_c_buf_p;
	unsigned short yy_hold_char;
	int yy_last_accepting_state;
	unsigned short *yy_last_accepting_cpos;
	int yyleng;
	int yyTok;
	int yy_start;

}; // namespace