inspector.css   [plain text]

 * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Apple Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 
 * 2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 
 * 3.  Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
 *     its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
 *     from this software without specific prior written permission. 

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body.attached #sidebar {
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#statusbar button:focus {
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#statusbar button.action:active {
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body.attached #attachToggle {
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body.attached #attachToggle:active {
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#status .icon.console {
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#status {
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#status .title {
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#status .title.only {
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#status .info {
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#list > ol + li {
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#list > li + li {
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#list > li.expanded {
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#list > ol {
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#list > ol.expanded {
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#list > ol > li {
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#list > ol > li:-webkit-drag {
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#sidebar li:-webkit-drag .count {
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#list .icon {
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#list .icon.database {
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#list .icon.plain {
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#list .icon.font {
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#list .icon.font .preview {
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#list .icon .preview {
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#list .icon .progress {
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#list .title {
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#list .title.only {
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#sidebar li .count {
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#sidebar li .count.warnings {
    background-color: orange;

#sidebar li .count.errors {
    background-color: red;

#list .info {
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    right: 5px;
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#list li.selected {
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#sidebar.blurred li.selected {
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body.inactive #sidebar li.selected {
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#main {
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    overflow: hidden;
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body.attached #main {
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#panels {
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.panel {
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.panel.selected {
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.content {
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.content.selected {
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.panel.font {
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.panel.font .preview {
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.panel.image {
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.panel.image > .image {
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.panel.image > .info {
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.panel.image img {
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.panel.image .title {
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.panel.image .infoList {
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.panel.image .infoList dt {
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.panel.image .infoList dd {
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.panel.image .infoList dd::after {
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    content: "\A";
} {

.content.other {
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.content.source iframe {
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.sidebar {
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.crumbs > div {
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.crumbs .crumb {
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.crumbs .crumb.collapsed > * {
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.crumbs .crumb.collapsed::before {
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.crumbs .crumb.compact .extra {
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.crumbs .crumb.dimmed {
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.crumbs .crumb.start {
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.crumbs .crumb.end {
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.crumbs .crumb.selected {
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    color: black;

.crumbs .crumb.selected:hover {
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.crumbs .crumb.selected.end, .crumbs .crumb.selected.end:hover {
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.crumbs .crumb:hover {
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.crumbs .crumb.dimmed:hover {
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.crumbs .crumb.end:hover {
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.outline-disclosure li.selected .selection {
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