HTMLTableCellElement.cpp   [plain text]

 * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
 * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (
 *           (C) 1997 Torben Weis (
 *           (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (
 *           (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (
 *           (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (
 * Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include "config.h"
#include "HTMLTableCellElement.h"

#include "CSSPropertyNames.h"
#include "CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLTableElement.h"
#include "RenderTableCell.h"

namespace WebCore {

using namespace HTMLNames;

HTMLTableCellElement::HTMLTableCellElement(const QualifiedName& tagName, Document *doc)
    : HTMLTablePartElement(tagName, doc)
    , _row(-1)
    , _col(-1)
    , rSpan(1)
    , cSpan(1)
    , rowHeight(0)
    , m_solid(false)


int HTMLTableCellElement::cellIndex() const
    int index = 0;
    for (const Node * node = previousSibling(); node; node = node->previousSibling()) {
        if (node->hasTagName(tdTag) || node->hasTagName(thTag))
    return index;

bool HTMLTableCellElement::mapToEntry(const QualifiedName& attrName, MappedAttributeEntry& result) const
    if (attrName == nowrapAttr) {
        result = eUniversal;
        return false;
    if (attrName == widthAttr ||
        attrName == heightAttr) {
        result = eCell; // Because of the quirky behavior of ignoring 0 values, cells are special.
        return false;

    return HTMLTablePartElement::mapToEntry(attrName, result);

void HTMLTableCellElement::parseMappedAttribute(MappedAttribute *attr)
    if (attr->name() == rowspanAttr) {
        rSpan = !attr->isNull() ? attr->value().toInt() : 1;
        if (rSpan < 1) rSpan = 1;
        if (renderer() && renderer()->isTableCell())
    } else if (attr->name() == colspanAttr) {
        cSpan = !attr->isNull() ? attr->value().toInt() : 1;
        if (cSpan < 1) cSpan = 1;
        if (renderer() && renderer()->isTableCell())
    } else if (attr->name() == nowrapAttr) {
        if (!attr->isNull())
            addCSSProperty(attr, CSS_PROP_WHITE_SPACE, CSS_VAL__WEBKIT_NOWRAP);
    } else if (attr->name() == widthAttr) {
        if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) {
            int widthInt = attr->value().toInt();
            if (widthInt > 0) // width="0" is ignored for compatibility with WinIE.
                addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_WIDTH, attr->value());
    } else if (attr->name() == heightAttr) {
        if (!attr->value().isEmpty()) {
            int heightInt = attr->value().toInt();
            if (heightInt > 0) // height="0" is ignored for compatibility with WinIE.
                addCSSLength(attr, CSS_PROP_HEIGHT, attr->value());
    } else

// used by table cells to share style decls created by the enclosing table.
CSSMutableStyleDeclaration* HTMLTableCellElement::additionalAttributeStyleDecl()
    Node* p = parentNode();
    while (p && !p->hasTagName(tableTag))
        p = p->parentNode();

    if (p) {
        HTMLTableElement* table = static_cast<HTMLTableElement*>(p);
        return table->getSharedCellDecl();

    return 0;

bool HTMLTableCellElement::isURLAttribute(Attribute *attr) const
    return attr->name() == backgroundAttr;

String HTMLTableCellElement::abbr() const
    return getAttribute(abbrAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setAbbr(const String &value)
    setAttribute(abbrAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::align() const
    return getAttribute(alignAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setAlign(const String &value)
    setAttribute(alignAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::axis() const
    return getAttribute(axisAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setAxis(const String &value)
    setAttribute(axisAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::bgColor() const
    return getAttribute(bgcolorAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setBgColor(const String &value)
    setAttribute(bgcolorAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::ch() const
    return getAttribute(charAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setCh(const String &value)
    setAttribute(charAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::chOff() const
    return getAttribute(charoffAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setChOff(const String &value)
    setAttribute(charoffAttr, value);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setColSpan(int n)
    setAttribute(colspanAttr, String::number(n));

String HTMLTableCellElement::headers() const
    return getAttribute(headersAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setHeaders(const String &value)
    setAttribute(headersAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::height() const
    return getAttribute(heightAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setHeight(const String &value)
    setAttribute(heightAttr, value);

bool HTMLTableCellElement::noWrap() const
    return !getAttribute(nowrapAttr).isNull();

void HTMLTableCellElement::setNoWrap(bool b)
    setAttribute(nowrapAttr, b ? "" : 0);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setRowSpan(int n)
    setAttribute(rowspanAttr, String::number(n));

String HTMLTableCellElement::scope() const
    return getAttribute(scopeAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setScope(const String &value)
    setAttribute(scopeAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::vAlign() const
    return getAttribute(valignAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setVAlign(const String &value)
    setAttribute(valignAttr, value);

String HTMLTableCellElement::width() const
    return getAttribute(widthAttr);

void HTMLTableCellElement::setWidth(const String &value)
    setAttribute(widthAttr, value);
