AccessibilityRenderObject.cpp   [plain text]

* Copyright (C) 2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1.  Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2.  Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
*     notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
*     documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* 3.  Neither the name of Apple Computer, Inc. ("Apple") nor the names of
*     its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
*     from this software without specific prior written permission.

#include "config.h"
#include "AccessibilityRenderObject.h"

#include "AXObjectCache.h"
#include "AccessibilityImageMapLink.h"
#include "AccessibilityListBox.h"
#include "AccessibilitySVGRoot.h"
#include "AccessibilitySpinButton.h"
#include "AccessibilityTable.h"
#include "CachedImage.h"
#include "Chrome.h"
#include "EventNames.h"
#include "FloatRect.h"
#include "Frame.h"
#include "FrameLoader.h"
#include "FrameSelection.h"
#include "HTMLAreaElement.h"
#include "HTMLFormElement.h"
#include "HTMLFrameElementBase.h"
#include "HTMLImageElement.h"
#include "HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "HTMLLabelElement.h"
#include "HTMLMapElement.h"
#include "HTMLNames.h"
#include "HTMLOptGroupElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "HTMLOptionsCollection.h"
#include "HTMLSelectElement.h"
#include "HTMLTextAreaElement.h"
#include "HitTestRequest.h"
#include "HitTestResult.h"
#include "Image.h"
#include "LocalizedStrings.h"
#include "MathMLNames.h"
#include "NodeList.h"
#include "NodeTraversal.h"
#include "Page.h"
#include "ProgressTracker.h"
#include "RenderButton.h"
#include "RenderFieldset.h"
#include "RenderFileUploadControl.h"
#include "RenderHTMLCanvas.h"
#include "RenderImage.h"
#include "RenderInline.h"
#include "RenderLayer.h"
#include "RenderListBox.h"
#include "RenderListMarker.h"
#include "RenderMathMLBlock.h"
#include "RenderMathMLFraction.h"
#include "RenderMathMLOperator.h"
#include "RenderMenuList.h"
#include "RenderSVGShape.h"
#include "RenderText.h"
#include "RenderTextControl.h"
#include "RenderTextControlSingleLine.h"
#include "RenderTextFragment.h"
#include "RenderTheme.h"
#include "RenderView.h"
#include "RenderWidget.h"
#include "RenderedPosition.h"
#include "SVGDocument.h"
#include "SVGImage.h"
#include "SVGImageChromeClient.h"
#include "SVGNames.h"
#include "SVGSVGElement.h"
#include "Text.h"
#include "TextControlInnerElements.h"
#include "VisibleUnits.h"
#include "htmlediting.h"
#include <wtf/StdLibExtras.h>
#include <wtf/text/StringBuilder.h>
#include <wtf/unicode/CharacterNames.h>

using namespace std;

namespace WebCore {

using namespace HTMLNames;

AccessibilityRenderObject::AccessibilityRenderObject(RenderObject* renderer)
    : AccessibilityNodeObject(renderer->node())
    , m_renderer(renderer)
#ifndef NDEBUG


void AccessibilityRenderObject::init()

PassRefPtr<AccessibilityRenderObject> AccessibilityRenderObject::create(RenderObject* renderer)
    return adoptRef(new AccessibilityRenderObject(renderer));

void AccessibilityRenderObject::detach()
#ifndef NDEBUG
    if (m_renderer)
    m_renderer = 0;

RenderBoxModelObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::renderBoxModelObject() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isBoxModelObject())
        return 0;
    return toRenderBoxModelObject(m_renderer);

void AccessibilityRenderObject::setRenderer(RenderObject* renderer)
    m_renderer = renderer;

static inline bool isInlineWithContinuation(RenderObject* object)
    if (!object->isBoxModelObject())
        return false;

    RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = toRenderBoxModelObject(object);
    if (!renderer->isRenderInline())
        return false;

    return toRenderInline(renderer)->continuation();

static inline RenderObject* firstChildInContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    RenderObject* r = toRenderInline(renderer)->continuation();

    while (r) {
        if (r->isRenderBlock())
            return r;
        if (RenderObject* child = r->firstChild())
            return child;
        r = toRenderInline(r)->continuation(); 

    return 0;

static inline RenderObject* firstChildConsideringContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    RenderObject* firstChild = renderer->firstChild();

    if (!firstChild && isInlineWithContinuation(renderer))
        firstChild = firstChildInContinuation(renderer);

    return firstChild;

static inline RenderObject* lastChildConsideringContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    RenderObject* lastChild = renderer->lastChild();
    RenderObject* prev;
    RenderObject* cur = renderer;

    if (!cur->isRenderInline() && !cur->isRenderBlock())
        return renderer;

    while (cur) {
        prev = cur;

        if (RenderObject* lc = cur->lastChild())
            lastChild = lc;

        if (cur->isRenderInline()) {
            cur = toRenderInline(cur)->inlineElementContinuation();
            ASSERT_UNUSED(prev, cur || !toRenderInline(prev)->continuation());
        } else
            cur = toRenderBlock(cur)->inlineElementContinuation();

    return lastChild;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::firstChild() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    RenderObject* firstChild = firstChildConsideringContinuation(m_renderer);

    // If an object can't have children, then it is using this method to help
    // calculate some internal property (like its description).
    // In this case, it should check the Node level for children in case they're
    // not rendered (like a <meter> element).
    if (!firstChild && !canHaveChildren())
        return AccessibilityNodeObject::firstChild();

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(firstChild);

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::lastChild() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    RenderObject* lastChild = lastChildConsideringContinuation(m_renderer);

    if (!lastChild && !canHaveChildren())
        return AccessibilityNodeObject::lastChild();

    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(lastChild);

static inline RenderInline* startOfContinuations(RenderObject* r)
    if (r->isInlineElementContinuation()) {
        // MathML elements make anonymous RenderObjects, then set their node to the parent's node.
        // This makes it so that the renderer() != renderer()->node()->renderer()
        // (which is what isInlineElementContinuation() uses as a determinant).
        if (r->node()->isElementNode() && toElement(r->node())->isMathMLElement())
            return 0;
        return toRenderInline(r->node()->renderer());

    // Blocks with a previous continuation always have a next continuation
    if (r->isRenderBlock() && toRenderBlock(r)->inlineElementContinuation())
        return toRenderInline(toRenderBlock(r)->inlineElementContinuation()->node()->renderer());

    return 0;

static inline RenderObject* endOfContinuations(RenderObject* renderer)
    RenderObject* prev = renderer;
    RenderObject* cur = renderer;

    if (!cur->isRenderInline() && !cur->isRenderBlock())
        return renderer;

    while (cur) {
        prev = cur;
        if (cur->isRenderInline()) {
            cur = toRenderInline(cur)->inlineElementContinuation();
            ASSERT(cur || !toRenderInline(prev)->continuation());
        } else 
            cur = toRenderBlock(cur)->inlineElementContinuation();

    return prev;

static inline RenderObject* childBeforeConsideringContinuations(RenderInline* r, RenderObject* child)
    RenderBoxModelObject* curContainer = r;
    RenderObject* cur = 0;
    RenderObject* prev = 0;

    while (curContainer) {
        if (curContainer->isRenderInline()) {
            cur = curContainer->firstChild();
            while (cur) {
                if (cur == child)
                    return prev;
                prev = cur;
                cur = cur->nextSibling();

            curContainer = toRenderInline(curContainer)->continuation();
        } else if (curContainer->isRenderBlock()) {
            if (curContainer == child)
                return prev;

            prev = curContainer;
            curContainer = toRenderBlock(curContainer)->inlineElementContinuation();


    return 0;

static inline bool firstChildIsInlineContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    return renderer->firstChild() && renderer->firstChild()->isInlineElementContinuation();

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::previousSibling() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    RenderObject* previousSibling = 0;

    // Case 1: The node is a block and is an inline's continuation. In that case, the inline's
    // last child is our previous sibling (or further back in the continuation chain)
    RenderInline* startOfConts;
    if (m_renderer->isRenderBlock() && (startOfConts = startOfContinuations(m_renderer)))
        previousSibling = childBeforeConsideringContinuations(startOfConts, m_renderer);

    // Case 2: Anonymous block parent of the end of a continuation - skip all the way to before
    // the parent of the start, since everything in between will be linked up via the continuation.
    else if (m_renderer->isAnonymousBlock() && firstChildIsInlineContinuation(m_renderer)) {
        RenderObject* firstParent = startOfContinuations(m_renderer->firstChild())->parent();
        while (firstChildIsInlineContinuation(firstParent))
            firstParent = startOfContinuations(firstParent->firstChild())->parent();
        previousSibling = firstParent->previousSibling();

    // Case 3: The node has an actual previous sibling
    else if (RenderObject* ps = m_renderer->previousSibling())
        previousSibling = ps;

    // Case 4: This node has no previous siblings, but its parent is an inline,
    // and is another node's inline continutation. Follow the continuation chain.
    else if (m_renderer->parent()->isRenderInline() && (startOfConts = startOfContinuations(m_renderer->parent())))
        previousSibling = childBeforeConsideringContinuations(startOfConts, m_renderer->parent()->firstChild());

    if (!previousSibling)
        return 0;
    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(previousSibling);

static inline bool lastChildHasContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    return renderer->lastChild() && isInlineWithContinuation(renderer->lastChild());

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::nextSibling() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    RenderObject* nextSibling = 0;

    // Case 1: node is a block and has an inline continuation. Next sibling is the inline continuation's
    // first child.
    RenderInline* inlineContinuation;
    if (m_renderer->isRenderBlock() && (inlineContinuation = toRenderBlock(m_renderer)->inlineElementContinuation()))
        nextSibling = firstChildConsideringContinuation(inlineContinuation);

    // Case 2: Anonymous block parent of the start of a continuation - skip all the way to
    // after the parent of the end, since everything in between will be linked up via the continuation.
    else if (m_renderer->isAnonymousBlock() && lastChildHasContinuation(m_renderer)) {
        RenderObject* lastParent = endOfContinuations(m_renderer->lastChild())->parent();
        while (lastChildHasContinuation(lastParent))
            lastParent = endOfContinuations(lastParent->lastChild())->parent();
        nextSibling = lastParent->nextSibling();

    // Case 3: node has an actual next sibling
    else if (RenderObject* ns = m_renderer->nextSibling())
        nextSibling = ns;

    // Case 4: node is an inline with a continuation. Next sibling is the next sibling of the end 
    // of the continuation chain.
    else if (isInlineWithContinuation(m_renderer))
        nextSibling = endOfContinuations(m_renderer)->nextSibling();

    // Case 5: node has no next sibling, and its parent is an inline with a continuation.
    else if (isInlineWithContinuation(m_renderer->parent())) {
        RenderObject* continuation = toRenderInline(m_renderer->parent())->continuation();
        // Case 5a: continuation is a block - in this case the block itself is the next sibling.
        if (continuation->isRenderBlock())
            nextSibling = continuation;
        // Case 5b: continuation is an inline - in this case the inline's first child is the next sibling
            nextSibling = firstChildConsideringContinuation(continuation);

    if (!nextSibling)
        return 0;
    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(nextSibling);

static RenderBoxModelObject* nextContinuation(RenderObject* renderer)
    if (renderer->isRenderInline() && !renderer->isReplaced())
        return toRenderInline(renderer)->continuation();
    if (renderer->isRenderBlock())
        return toRenderBlock(renderer)->inlineElementContinuation();
    return 0;
RenderObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::renderParentObject() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent();

    // Case 1: node is a block and is an inline's continuation. Parent
    // is the start of the continuation chain.
    RenderObject* startOfConts = 0;
    RenderObject* firstChild = 0;
    if (m_renderer->isRenderBlock() && (startOfConts = startOfContinuations(m_renderer)))
        parent = startOfConts;

    // Case 2: node's parent is an inline which is some node's continuation; parent is 
    // the earliest node in the continuation chain.
    else if (parent && parent->isRenderInline() && (startOfConts = startOfContinuations(parent)))
        parent = startOfConts;
    // Case 3: The first sibling is the beginning of a continuation chain. Find the origin of that continuation.
    else if (parent && (firstChild = parent->firstChild()) && firstChild->node()) {
        // Get the node's renderer and follow that continuation chain until the first child is found
        RenderObject* nodeRenderFirstChild = firstChild->node()->renderer();
        while (nodeRenderFirstChild != firstChild) {
            for (RenderObject* contsTest = nodeRenderFirstChild; contsTest; contsTest = nextContinuation(contsTest)) {
                if (contsTest == firstChild) {
                    parent = nodeRenderFirstChild->parent();
            if (firstChild == parent->firstChild())
            firstChild = parent->firstChild();
            if (!firstChild->node())
            nodeRenderFirstChild = firstChild->node()->renderer();
    return parent;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::parentObjectIfExists() const
    // WebArea's parent should be the scroll view containing it.
    if (isWebArea() || isSeamlessWebArea())
        return axObjectCache()->get(m_renderer->frame()->view());

    return axObjectCache()->get(renderParentObject());
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::parentObject() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuBarRole)
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(m_renderer->parent());

    // menuButton and its corresponding menu are DOM siblings, but Accessibility needs them to be parent/child
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuRole) {
        AccessibilityObject* parent = menuButtonForMenu();
        if (parent)
            return parent;
    RenderObject* parentObj = renderParentObject();
    if (parentObj)
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(parentObj);
    // WebArea's parent should be the scroll view containing it.
    if (isWebArea() || isSeamlessWebArea())
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(m_renderer->frame()->view());
    return 0;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isAttachment() const
    RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = renderBoxModelObject();
    if (!renderer)
        return false;
    // Widgets are the replaced elements that we represent to AX as attachments
    bool isWidget = renderer->isWidget();

    return isWidget && ariaRoleAttribute() == UnknownRole;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isFileUploadButton() const
    if (m_renderer && m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
        HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node());
        return input->isFileUpload();
    return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isReadOnly() const
    if (isWebArea()) {
        Document* document = m_renderer->document();
        if (!document)
            return true;
        HTMLElement* body = document->body();
        if (body && body->rendererIsEditable())
            return false;

        return !document->rendererIsEditable();

    return AccessibilityNodeObject::isReadOnly();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isOffScreen() const
    IntRect contentRect = pixelSnappedIntRect(m_renderer->absoluteClippedOverflowRect());
    FrameView* view = m_renderer->frame()->view();
    IntRect viewRect = view->visibleContentRect();
    return viewRect.isEmpty();

Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::anchorElement() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
    RenderObject* currRenderer;
    // Search up the render tree for a RenderObject with a DOM node.  Defer to an earlier continuation, though.
    for (currRenderer = m_renderer; currRenderer && !currRenderer->node(); currRenderer = currRenderer->parent()) {
        if (currRenderer->isAnonymousBlock()) {
            RenderObject* continuation = toRenderBlock(currRenderer)->continuation();
            if (continuation)
                return cache->getOrCreate(continuation)->anchorElement();
    // bail if none found
    if (!currRenderer)
        return 0;
    // search up the DOM tree for an anchor element
    // NOTE: this assumes that any non-image with an anchor is an HTMLAnchorElement
    Node* node = currRenderer->node();
    for ( ; node; node = node->parentNode()) {
        if (node->hasTagName(aTag) || (node->renderer() && cache->getOrCreate(node->renderer())->isAnchor()))
            return toElement(node);
    return 0;

String AccessibilityRenderObject::helpText() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return String();
    const AtomicString& ariaHelp = getAttribute(aria_helpAttr);
    if (!ariaHelp.isEmpty())
        return ariaHelp;
    String describedBy = ariaDescribedByAttribute();
    if (!describedBy.isEmpty())
        return describedBy;
    String description = accessibilityDescription();
    for (RenderObject* curr = m_renderer; curr; curr = curr->parent()) {
        if (curr->node() && curr->node()->isHTMLElement()) {
            const AtomicString& summary = toElement(curr->node())->getAttribute(summaryAttr);
            if (!summary.isEmpty())
                return summary;
            // The title attribute should be used as help text unless it is already being used as descriptive text.
            const AtomicString& title = toElement(curr->node())->getAttribute(titleAttr);
            if (!title.isEmpty() && description != title)
                return title;
        // Only take help text from an ancestor element if its a group or an unknown role. If help was 
        // added to those kinds of elements, it is likely it was meant for a child element.
        AccessibilityObject* axObj = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(curr);
        if (axObj) {
            AccessibilityRole role = axObj->roleValue();
            if (role != GroupRole && role != UnknownRole)
    return String();

String AccessibilityRenderObject::textUnderElement() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return String();

    if (m_renderer->isFileUploadControl())
        return toRenderFileUploadControl(m_renderer)->buttonValue();
    // Math operators create RenderText nodes on the fly that are not tied into the DOM in a reasonable way,
    // so rangeOfContents does not work for them (nor does regular text selection).
    if (m_renderer->isText() && isMathElement()) {
        for (RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent(); parent; parent = parent->parent()) {
            if (parent->isRenderMathMLBlock() && toRenderMathMLBlock(parent)->isRenderMathMLOperator())
                return toRenderText(m_renderer)->text();

    // On GTK, always use a text iterator in order to get embedded object characters.
    // TODO: Add support for embedded object characters to the other codepaths that try
    // to build the accessible text recursively, so this special case isn't needed.
    if (Node* node = this->node()) {
        if (Frame* frame = node->document()->frame()) {
            // catch stale WebCoreAXObject (see <rdar://problem/3960196>)
            if (frame->document() != node->document())
                return String();

            return plainText(rangeOfContents(node).get(), textIteratorBehaviorForTextRange());

    if (m_renderer->isText()) {
        // If possible, use a text iterator to get the text, so that whitespace
        // is handled consistently.
        if (Node* node = this->node()) {
            if (Frame* frame = node->document()->frame()) {
                // catch stale WebCoreAXObject (see <rdar://problem/3960196>)
                if (frame->document() != node->document())
                    return String();

                return plainText(rangeOfContents(node).get(), textIteratorBehaviorForTextRange());
        // Sometimes text fragments don't have Nodes associated with them (like when
        // CSS content is used to insert text or when a RenderCounter is used.)
        RenderText* renderTextObject = toRenderText(m_renderer);
        if (renderTextObject->isTextFragment())
            return String(static_cast<RenderTextFragment*>(m_renderer)->contentString());
            return String(renderTextObject->text());
    return AccessibilityNodeObject::textUnderElement();

Node* AccessibilityRenderObject::node() const
    return m_renderer ? m_renderer->node() : 0; 
String AccessibilityRenderObject::stringValue() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return String();

    if (isPasswordField())
        return passwordFieldValue();

    RenderBoxModelObject* cssBox = renderBoxModelObject();

    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == StaticTextRole) {
        String staticText = text();
        if (!staticText.length())
            staticText = textUnderElement();
        return staticText;
    if (m_renderer->isText())
        return textUnderElement();
    if (cssBox && cssBox->isMenuList()) {
        // RenderMenuList will go straight to the text() of its selected item.
        // This has to be overridden in the case where the selected item has an ARIA label.
        HTMLSelectElement* selectElement = toHTMLSelectElement(m_renderer->node());
        int selectedIndex = selectElement->selectedIndex();
        const Vector<HTMLElement*> listItems = selectElement->listItems();
        if (selectedIndex >= 0 && static_cast<size_t>(selectedIndex) < listItems.size()) {
            const AtomicString& overriddenDescription = listItems[selectedIndex]->fastGetAttribute(aria_labelAttr);
            if (!overriddenDescription.isNull())
                return overriddenDescription;
        return toRenderMenuList(m_renderer)->text();
    if (m_renderer->isListMarker())
        return toRenderListMarker(m_renderer)->text();
    if (isWebArea()) {
        // FIXME: Why would a renderer exist when the Document isn't attached to a frame?
        if (m_renderer->frame())
            return String();

    if (isTextControl())
        return text();
    if (m_renderer->isFileUploadControl())
        return toRenderFileUploadControl(m_renderer)->fileTextValue();
    // FIXME: We might need to implement a value here for more types
    // FIXME: It would be better not to advertise a value at all for the types for which we don't implement one;
    // this would require subclassing or making accessibilityAttributeNames do something other than return a
    // single static array.
    return String();

HTMLLabelElement* AccessibilityRenderObject::labelElementContainer() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    // the control element should not be considered part of the label
    if (isControl())
        return 0;
    // find if this has a parent that is a label
    for (Node* parentNode = m_renderer->node(); parentNode; parentNode = parentNode->parentNode()) {
        if (parentNode->hasTagName(labelTag))
            return static_cast<HTMLLabelElement*>(parentNode);
    return 0;

// The boundingBox for elements within the remote SVG element needs to be offset by its position
// within the parent page, otherwise they are in relative coordinates only.
void AccessibilityRenderObject::offsetBoundingBoxForRemoteSVGElement(LayoutRect& rect) const
    for (AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObject(); parent; parent = parent->parentObject()) {
        if (parent->isAccessibilitySVGRoot()) {
LayoutRect AccessibilityRenderObject::boundingBoxRect() const
    RenderObject* obj = m_renderer;
    if (!obj)
        return LayoutRect();
    if (obj->node()) // If we are a continuation, we want to make sure to use the primary renderer.
        obj = obj->node()->renderer();
    // absoluteFocusRingQuads will query the hierarchy below this element, which for large webpages can be very slow.
    // For a web area, which will have the most elements of any element, absoluteQuads should be used.
    // We should also use absoluteQuads for SVG elements, otherwise transforms won't be applied.
    Vector<FloatQuad> quads;
    bool isSVGRoot = false;
    if (obj->isSVGRoot())
        isSVGRoot = true;
    if (obj->isText())
        toRenderText(obj)->absoluteQuads(quads, 0, RenderText::ClipToEllipsis);
    else if (isWebArea() || isSeamlessWebArea() || isSVGRoot)
    LayoutRect result = boundingBoxForQuads(obj, quads);

    Document* document = this->document();
    if (document && document->isSVGDocument())
    // The size of the web area should be the content size, not the clipped size.
    if ((isWebArea() || isSeamlessWebArea()) && obj->frame()->view())
    return result;
LayoutRect AccessibilityRenderObject::checkboxOrRadioRect() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return LayoutRect();
    HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(toElement(m_renderer->node()));
    if (!label || !label->renderer())
        return boundingBoxRect();
    LayoutRect labelRect = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label)->elementRect();
    return labelRect;

LayoutRect AccessibilityRenderObject::elementRect() const
    // a checkbox or radio button should encompass its label
    if (isCheckboxOrRadio())
        return checkboxOrRadioRect();
    return boundingBoxRect();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::supportsPath() const
    if (m_renderer && m_renderer->isSVGShape())
        return true;
    return false;

Path AccessibilityRenderObject::elementPath() const
    if (m_renderer && m_renderer->isSVGShape() && toRenderSVGShape(m_renderer)->hasPath()) {
        Path path = toRenderSVGShape(m_renderer)->path();
        // The SVG path is in terms of the parent's bounding box. The path needs to be offset to frame coordinates.
        for (RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent(); parent; parent = parent->parent()) {
            if (parent->isSVGRoot()) {
                LayoutPoint parentOffset = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(parent)->elementRect().location();
                path.transform(AffineTransform().translate(parentOffset.x(), parentOffset.y()));
        return path;
    return Path();

IntPoint AccessibilityRenderObject::clickPoint()
    // Headings are usually much wider than their textual content. If the mid point is used, often it can be wrong.
    if (isHeading() && children().size() == 1)
        return children()[0]->clickPoint();

    // use the default position unless this is an editable web area, in which case we use the selection bounds.
    if (!isWebArea() || isReadOnly())
        return AccessibilityObject::clickPoint();
    VisibleSelection visSelection = selection();
    VisiblePositionRange range = VisiblePositionRange(visSelection.visibleStart(), visSelection.visibleEnd());
    IntRect bounds = boundsForVisiblePositionRange(range);
    return IntPoint(bounds.x() + (bounds.width() / 2), bounds.y() - (bounds.height() / 2));
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::internalLinkElement() const
    Element* element = anchorElement();
    if (!element)
        return 0;
    // Right now, we do not support ARIA links as internal link elements
    if (!element->hasTagName(aTag))
        return 0;
    HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(element);
    KURL linkURL = anchor->href();
    String fragmentIdentifier = linkURL.fragmentIdentifier();
    if (fragmentIdentifier.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    // check if URL is the same as current URL
    KURL documentURL = m_renderer->document()->url();
    if (!equalIgnoringFragmentIdentifier(documentURL, linkURL))
        return 0;
    Node* linkedNode = m_renderer->document()->findAnchor(fragmentIdentifier);
    if (!linkedNode)
        return 0;
    // The element we find may not be accessible, so find the first accessible object.
    return firstAccessibleObjectFromNode(linkedNode);

ESpeak AccessibilityRenderObject::speakProperty() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return AccessibilityObject::speakProperty();
    return m_renderer->style()->speak();
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addRadioButtonGroupMembers(AccessibilityChildrenVector& linkedUIElements) const
    if (!m_renderer || roleValue() != RadioButtonRole)
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node || !node->hasTagName(inputTag))
    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
    // if there's a form, then this is easy
    if (input->form()) {
        Vector<RefPtr<Node> > formElements;
        input->form()->getNamedElements(input->name(), formElements);
        unsigned len = formElements.size();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            Node* associateElement = formElements[i].get();
            if (AccessibilityObject* object = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(associateElement))
    } else {
        RefPtr<NodeList> list = node->document()->getElementsByTagName("input");
        unsigned len = list->length();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
            if (list->item(i)->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
                HTMLInputElement* associateElement = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(list->item(i));
                if (associateElement->isRadioButton() && associateElement->name() == input->name()) {
                    if (AccessibilityObject* object = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(associateElement))
// linked ui elements could be all the related radio buttons in a group
// or an internal anchor connection
void AccessibilityRenderObject::linkedUIElements(AccessibilityChildrenVector& linkedUIElements) const

    if (isAnchor()) {
        AccessibilityObject* linkedAXElement = internalLinkElement();
        if (linkedAXElement)

    if (roleValue() == RadioButtonRole)

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasTextAlternative() const
    // ARIA: section 2A, bullet #3 says if aria-labeledby or aria-label appears, it should
    // override the "label" element association.
    if (!ariaLabeledByAttribute().isEmpty() || !getAttribute(aria_labelAttr).isEmpty())
        return true;
    return false;   
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaHasPopup() const
    return elementAttributeValue(aria_haspopupAttr);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::supportsARIAFlowTo() const
    return !getAttribute(aria_flowtoAttr).isEmpty();
void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaFlowToElements(AccessibilityChildrenVector& flowTo) const
    Vector<Element*> elements;
    elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_flowtoAttr);
    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
    unsigned count = elements.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
        Element* element = elements[k];
        AccessibilityObject* flowToElement = cache->getOrCreate(element);
        if (flowToElement)
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::supportsARIADropping() const 
    const AtomicString& dropEffect = getAttribute(aria_dropeffectAttr);
    return !dropEffect.isEmpty();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::supportsARIADragging() const
    const AtomicString& grabbed = getAttribute(aria_grabbedAttr);
    return equalIgnoringCase(grabbed, "true") || equalIgnoringCase(grabbed, "false");   

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isARIAGrabbed()
    return elementAttributeValue(aria_grabbedAttr);

void AccessibilityRenderObject::determineARIADropEffects(Vector<String>& effects)
    const AtomicString& dropEffects = getAttribute(aria_dropeffectAttr);
    if (dropEffects.isEmpty()) {
    String dropEffectsString = dropEffects.string();
    dropEffectsString.replace('\n', ' ');
    dropEffectsString.split(' ', effects);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::exposesTitleUIElement() const
    if (!isControl())
        return false;

    // If this control is ignored (because it's invisible), 
    // then the label needs to be exposed so it can be visible to accessibility.
    if (accessibilityIsIgnored())
        return true;
    // Checkboxes and radio buttons use the text of their title ui element as their own AXTitle.
    // This code controls whether the title ui element should appear in the AX tree (usually, no).
    // It should appear if the control already has a label (which will be used as the AXTitle instead).
    if (isCheckboxOrRadio())
        return hasTextAlternative();

    // When controls have their own descriptions, the title element should be ignored.
    if (hasTextAlternative())
        return false;
    return true;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::titleUIElement() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    // if isFieldset is true, the renderer is guaranteed to be a RenderFieldset
    if (isFieldset())
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(toRenderFieldset(m_renderer)->findLegend(RenderFieldset::IncludeFloatingOrOutOfFlow));
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
        return 0;
    HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(toElement(node));
    if (label && label->renderer())
        return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label);

    return 0;   
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isAllowedChildOfTree() const
    // Determine if this is in a tree. If so, we apply special behavior to make it work like an AXOutline.
    AccessibilityObject* axObj = parentObject();
    bool isInTree = false;
    while (axObj) {
        if (axObj->isTree()) {
            isInTree = true;
        axObj = axObj->parentObject();
    // If the object is in a tree, only tree items should be exposed (and the children of tree items).
    if (isInTree) {
        AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
        if (role != TreeItemRole && role != StaticTextRole)
            return false;
    return true;
AccessibilityObjectInclusion AccessibilityRenderObject::defaultObjectInclusion() const
    // The following cases can apply to any element that's a subclass of AccessibilityRenderObject.
    if (!m_renderer)
        return IgnoreObject;

    if (m_renderer->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) {
        // aria-hidden is meant to override visibility as the determinant in AX hierarchy inclusion.
        if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_hiddenAttr), "false"))
            return DefaultBehavior;
        return IgnoreObject;

    return AccessibilityObject::defaultObjectInclusion();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::computeAccessibilityIsIgnored() const
#ifndef NDEBUG

    // Check first if any of the common reasons cause this element to be ignored.
    // Then process other use cases that need to be applied to all the various roles
    // that AccessibilityRenderObjects take on.
    AccessibilityObjectInclusion decision = defaultObjectInclusion();
    if (decision == IncludeObject)
        return false;
    if (decision == IgnoreObject)
        return true;
    // If this element is within a parent that cannot have children, it should not be exposed.
    if (isDescendantOfBarrenParent())
        return true;    
    if (roleValue() == IgnoredRole)
        return true;
    if (roleValue() == PresentationalRole || inheritsPresentationalRole())
        return true;
    // An ARIA tree can only have tree items and static text as children.
    if (!isAllowedChildOfTree())
        return true;

    // Allow the platform to decide if the attachment is ignored or not.
    if (isAttachment())
        return accessibilityIgnoreAttachment();
    // ignore popup menu items because AppKit does
    for (RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent(); parent; parent = parent->parent()) {
        if (parent->isBoxModelObject() && toRenderBoxModelObject(parent)->isMenuList())
            return true;

    // find out if this element is inside of a label element.
    // if so, it may be ignored because it's the label for a checkbox or radio button
    AccessibilityObject* controlObject = correspondingControlForLabelElement();
    if (controlObject && !controlObject->exposesTitleUIElement() && controlObject->isCheckboxOrRadio())
        return true;
    // NOTE: BRs always have text boxes now, so the text box check here can be removed
    if (m_renderer->isText()) {
        // static text beneath MenuItems and MenuButtons are just reported along with the menu item, so it's ignored on an individual level
        AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObjectUnignored();
        if (parent && (parent->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuItemRole || parent->ariaRoleAttribute() == MenuButtonRole))
            return true;
        RenderText* renderText = toRenderText(m_renderer);
        if (m_renderer->isBR() || !renderText->firstTextBox())
            return true;

        // static text beneath TextControls is reported along with the text control text so it's ignored.
        for (AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObject(); parent; parent = parent->parentObject()) { 
            if (parent->roleValue() == TextFieldRole)
                return true;

        // text elements that are just empty whitespace should not be returned
        return renderText->text()->containsOnlyWhitespace();
    if (isHeading())
        return false;
    if (isLink())
        return false;
    // all controls are accessible
    if (isControl())
        return false;
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() != UnknownRole)
        return false;

    // don't ignore labels, because they serve as TitleUIElements
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (node && node->hasTagName(labelTag))
        return false;
    // Anything that is content editable should not be ignored.
    // However, one cannot just call node->rendererIsEditable() since that will ask if its parents
    // are also editable. Only the top level content editable region should be exposed.
    if (hasContentEditableAttributeSet())
        return false;
    // List items play an important role in defining the structure of lists. They should not be ignored.
    if (roleValue() == ListItemRole)
        return false;
    // if this element has aria attributes on it, it should not be ignored.
    if (supportsARIAAttributes())
        return false;

    // First check if this is a special case within the math tree that needs to be ignored.
    if (isIgnoredElementWithinMathTree())
        return true;
    // Otherwise all other math elements are in the tree.
    if (isMathElement())
        return false;
    // <span> tags are inline tags and not meant to convey information if they have no other aria
    // information on them. If we don't ignore them, they may emit signals expected to come from
    // their parent. In addition, because included spans are GroupRole objects, and GroupRole
    // objects are often containers with meaningful information, the inclusion of a span can have
    // the side effect of causing the immediate parent accessible to be ignored. This is especially
    // problematic for platforms which have distinct roles for textual block elements.
    if (node && node->hasTagName(spanTag))
        return true;
    if (m_renderer->isBlockFlow() && m_renderer->childrenInline() && !canSetFocusAttribute())
        return !toRenderBlock(m_renderer)->firstLineBox() && !mouseButtonListener();
    // ignore images seemingly used as spacers
    if (isImage()) {
        // If the image can take focus, it should not be ignored, lest the user not be able to interact with something important.
        if (canSetFocusAttribute())
            return false;
        if (node && node->isElementNode()) {
            Element* elt = toElement(node);
            const AtomicString& alt = elt->getAttribute(altAttr);
            // don't ignore an image that has an alt tag
            if (!alt.string().containsOnlyWhitespace())
                return false;
            // informal standard is to ignore images with zero-length alt strings
            if (!alt.isNull())
                return true;
            // If an image has a title attribute on it, accessibility should be lenient and allow it to appear in the hierarchy (according to WAI-ARIA).
            if (!getAttribute(titleAttr).isEmpty())
                return false;
        if (isNativeImage()) {
            // check for one-dimensional image
            RenderImage* image = toRenderImage(m_renderer);
            if (image->height() <= 1 || image->width() <= 1)
                return true;
            // check whether rendered image was stretched from one-dimensional file image
            if (image->cachedImage()) {
                LayoutSize imageSize = image->cachedImage()->imageSizeForRenderer(m_renderer, image->view()->zoomFactor());
                return imageSize.height() <= 1 || imageSize.width() <= 1;
        return false;

    if (isCanvas()) {
        if (canvasHasFallbackContent())
            return false;

        if (m_renderer->isBox()) {
            RenderBox* canvasBox = toRenderBox(m_renderer);
            if (canvasBox->height() <= 1 || canvasBox->width() <= 1)
                return true;
        // Otherwise fall through; use presence of help text, title, or description to decide.

    if (isWebArea() || isSeamlessWebArea() || m_renderer->isListMarker())
        return false;
    // Using the help text, title or accessibility description (so we
    // check if there's some kind of accessible name for the element)
    // to decide an element's visibility is not as definitive as
    // previous checks, so this should remain as one of the last.
    // These checks are simplified in the interest of execution speed;
    // for example, any element having an alt attribute will make it
    // not ignored, rather than just images.
    if (!getAttribute(aria_helpAttr).isEmpty() || !getAttribute(aria_describedbyAttr).isEmpty() || !getAttribute(altAttr).isEmpty() || !getAttribute(titleAttr).isEmpty())
        return false;

    // Don't ignore generic focusable elements like <div tabindex=0>
    // unless they're completely empty, with no children.
    if (isGenericFocusableElement() && node->firstChild())
        return false;

    if (!ariaAccessibilityDescription().isEmpty())
        return false;

    if (!getAttribute(MathMLNames::alttextAttr).isEmpty())
        return false;

    // Other non-ignored host language elements
    if (node && node->hasTagName(dfnTag))
        return false;
    // By default, objects should be ignored so that the AX hierarchy is not 
    // filled with unnecessary items.
    return true;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isLoaded() const
    return !m_renderer->document()->parser();

double AccessibilityRenderObject::estimatedLoadingProgress() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    if (isLoaded())
        return 1.0;
    Page* page = m_renderer->document()->page();
    if (!page)
        return 0;
    return page->progress()->estimatedProgress();
int AccessibilityRenderObject::layoutCount() const
    if (!m_renderer->isRenderView())
        return 0;
    return toRenderView(m_renderer)->frameView()->layoutCount();

String AccessibilityRenderObject::text() const
    if (isPasswordField())
        return passwordFieldValue();

    return AccessibilityNodeObject::text();
int AccessibilityRenderObject::textLength() const
    if (isPasswordField())
        return passwordFieldValue().length();
        return -1; // need to return something distinct from 0

    return text().length();

PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaSelectedTextRange() const
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return PlainTextRange();
    VisibleSelection visibleSelection = selection();
    RefPtr<Range> currentSelectionRange = visibleSelection.toNormalizedRange();
    if (!currentSelectionRange || !currentSelectionRange->intersectsNode(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION))
        return PlainTextRange();
    int start = indexForVisiblePosition(visibleSelection.start());
    int end = indexForVisiblePosition(visibleSelection.end());
    return PlainTextRange(start, end - start);

String AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedText() const
    if (isPasswordField())
        return String(); // need to return something distinct from empty string
    if (isNativeTextControl()) {
        HTMLTextFormControlElement* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->textFormControlElement();
        return textControl->selectedText();
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() == UnknownRole)
        return String();
    return doAXStringForRange(ariaSelectedTextRange());

const AtomicString& AccessibilityRenderObject::accessKey() const
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return nullAtom;
    if (!node->isElementNode())
        return nullAtom;
    return toElement(node)->getAttribute(accesskeyAttr);

VisibleSelection AccessibilityRenderObject::selection() const
    return m_renderer->frame()->selection()->selection();

PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedTextRange() const
    if (isPasswordField())
        return PlainTextRange();
    AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
    if (isNativeTextControl() && ariaRole == UnknownRole) {
        HTMLTextFormControlElement* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->textFormControlElement();
        return PlainTextRange(textControl->selectionStart(), textControl->selectionEnd() - textControl->selectionStart());
    if (ariaRole == UnknownRole)
        return PlainTextRange();
    return ariaSelectedTextRange();

void AccessibilityRenderObject::setSelectedTextRange(const PlainTextRange& range)
    if (isNativeTextControl()) {
        HTMLTextFormControlElement* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->textFormControlElement();
        textControl->setSelectionRange(range.start, range.start + range.length);

    Document* document = m_renderer->document();
    if (!document)
    Frame* frame = document->frame();
    if (!frame)
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    frame->selection()->setSelection(VisibleSelection(Position(node, range.start, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor),
        Position(node, range.start + range.length, Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), DOWNSTREAM));

KURL AccessibilityRenderObject::url() const
    if (isAnchor() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(aTag)) {
        if (HTMLAnchorElement* anchor = static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(anchorElement()))
            return anchor->href();
    if (isWebArea())
        return m_renderer->document()->url();
    if (isImage() && m_renderer->node() && m_renderer->node()->hasTagName(imgTag))
        return static_cast<HTMLImageElement*>(m_renderer->node())->src();
    if (isInputImage())
        return static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(m_renderer->node())->src();
    return KURL();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isUnvisited() const
    // FIXME: Is it a privacy violation to expose unvisited information to accessibility APIs?
    return m_renderer->style()->isLink() && m_renderer->style()->insideLink() == InsideUnvisitedLink;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isVisited() const
    // FIXME: Is it a privacy violation to expose visited information to accessibility APIs?
    return m_renderer->style()->isLink() && m_renderer->style()->insideLink() == InsideVisitedLink;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::setElementAttributeValue(const QualifiedName& attributeName, bool value)
    if (!m_renderer)
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
    Element* element = toElement(node);
    element->setAttribute(attributeName, (value) ? "true" : "false");        
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::elementAttributeValue(const QualifiedName& attributeName) const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    return equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(attributeName), "true");
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isSelected() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return false;
    const AtomicString& ariaSelected = getAttribute(aria_selectedAttr);
    if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaSelected, "true"))
        return true;    
    if (isTabItem() && isTabItemSelected())
        return true;

    return false;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isTabItemSelected() const
    if (!isTabItem() || !m_renderer)
        return false;
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
        return false;
    // The ARIA spec says a tab item can also be selected if it is aria-labeled by a tabpanel
    // that has keyboard focus inside of it, or if a tabpanel in its aria-controls list has KB
    // focus inside of it.
    AccessibilityObject* focusedElement = focusedUIElement();
    if (!focusedElement)
        return false;
    Vector<Element*> elements;
    elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_controlsAttr);
    unsigned count = elements.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
        Element* element = elements[k];
        AccessibilityObject* tabPanel = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(element);

        // A tab item should only control tab panels.
        if (!tabPanel || tabPanel->roleValue() != TabPanelRole)
        AccessibilityObject* checkFocusElement = focusedElement;
        // Check if the focused element is a descendant of the element controlled by the tab item.
        while (checkFocusElement) {
            if (tabPanel == checkFocusElement)
                return true;
            checkFocusElement = checkFocusElement->parentObject();
    return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isFocused() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    Document* document = m_renderer->document();
    if (!document)
        return false;
    Element* focusedElement = document->focusedElement();
    if (!focusedElement)
        return false;
    // A web area is represented by the Document node in the DOM tree, which isn't focusable.
    // Check instead if the frame's selection controller is focused
    if (focusedElement == m_renderer->node()
        || (roleValue() == WebAreaRole && document->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive()))
        return true;
    return false;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::setFocused(bool on)
    if (!canSetFocusAttribute())
    Document* document = this->document();
    Node* node = this->node();

    if (!on || !node || !node->isElementNode()) {

    // If this node is already the currently focused node, then calling focus() won't do anything.
    // That is a problem when focus is removed from the webpage to chrome, and then returns.
    // In these cases, we need to do what keyboard and mouse focus do, which is reset focus first.
    if (document->focusedElement() == node)


void AccessibilityRenderObject::setSelectedRows(AccessibilityChildrenVector& selectedRows)
    // Setting selected only makes sense in trees and tables (and tree-tables).
    AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
    if (role != TreeRole && role != TreeGridRole && role != TableRole)
    bool isMulti = isMultiSelectable();
    unsigned count = selectedRows.size();
    if (count > 1 && !isMulti)
        count = 1;
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k)
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setValue(const String& string)
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->node() || !m_renderer->node()->isElementNode())
    Element* element = toElement(m_renderer->node());

    if (!m_renderer->isBoxModelObject())
    RenderBoxModelObject* renderer = toRenderBoxModelObject(m_renderer);

    // FIXME: Do we want to do anything here for ARIA textboxes?
    if (renderer->isTextField()) {
        // FIXME: This is not safe!  Other elements could have a TextField renderer.
    } else if (renderer->isTextArea()) {
        // FIXME: This is not safe!  Other elements could have a TextArea renderer.

void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaOwnsElements(AccessibilityChildrenVector& axObjects) const
    Vector<Element*> elements;
    elementsFromAttribute(elements, aria_ownsAttr);
    unsigned count = elements.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
        RenderObject* render = elements[k]->renderer();
        AccessibilityObject* obj = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(render);
        if (obj)

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::supportsARIAOwns() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    const AtomicString& ariaOwns = getAttribute(aria_ownsAttr);

    return !ariaOwns.isEmpty();
RenderView* AccessibilityRenderObject::topRenderer() const
    Document* topDoc = topDocument();
    if (!topDoc)
        return 0;
    return topDoc->renderView();

Document* AccessibilityRenderObject::document() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    return m_renderer->document();

Document* AccessibilityRenderObject::topDocument() const
    if (!document())
        return 0;
    return document()->topDocument();
FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::topDocumentFrameView() const
    RenderView* renderView = topRenderer();
    if (!renderView || !renderView->view())
        return 0;
    return renderView->view()->frameView();

Widget* AccessibilityRenderObject::widget() const
    if (!m_renderer->isBoxModelObject() || !toRenderBoxModelObject(m_renderer)->isWidget())
        return 0;
    return toRenderWidget(m_renderer)->widget();

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityParentForImageMap(HTMLMapElement* map) const
    // find an image that is using this map
    if (!map)
        return 0;

    HTMLImageElement* imageElement = map->imageElement();
    if (!imageElement)
        return 0;
    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(imageElement);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::getDocumentLinks(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
    Document* document = m_renderer->document();
    RefPtr<HTMLCollection> links = document->links();
    for (unsigned i = 0; Node* curr = links->item(i); i++) {
        RenderObject* obj = curr->renderer();
        if (obj) {
            RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> axobj = document->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(obj);
            if (!axobj->accessibilityIsIgnored() && axobj->isLink())
        } else {
            Node* parent = curr->parentNode();
            if (parent && curr->hasTagName(areaTag) && parent->hasTagName(mapTag)) {
                AccessibilityImageMapLink* areaObject = static_cast<AccessibilityImageMapLink*>(axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(ImageMapLinkRole));


FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::documentFrameView() const 
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->document()) 
        return 0; 

    // this is the RenderObject's Document's Frame's FrameView 
    return m_renderer->document()->view();

Widget* AccessibilityRenderObject::widgetForAttachmentView() const
    if (!isAttachment())
        return 0;
    return toRenderWidget(m_renderer)->widget();

FrameView* AccessibilityRenderObject::frameViewIfRenderView() const
    if (!m_renderer->isRenderView())
        return 0;
    // this is the RenderObject's Document's renderer's FrameView
    return m_renderer->view()->frameView();

// This function is like a cross-platform version of - (WebCoreTextMarkerRange*)textMarkerRange. It returns
// a Range that we can convert to a WebCoreTextMarkerRange in the Obj-C file
VisiblePositionRange AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionRange() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return VisiblePositionRange();
    // construct VisiblePositions for start and end
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePositionRange();

    VisiblePosition startPos = firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node);
    VisiblePosition endPos = lastPositionInOrAfterNode(node);

    // the VisiblePositions are equal for nodes like buttons, so adjust for that
    // FIXME: Really?  [button, 0] and [button, 1] are distinct (before and after the button)
    // I expect this code is only hit for things like empty divs?  In which case I don't think
    // the behavior is correct here -- eseidel
    if (startPos == endPos) {
        endPos =;
        if (endPos.isNull())
            endPos = startPos;

    return VisiblePositionRange(startPos, endPos);

VisiblePositionRange AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionRangeForLine(unsigned lineCount) const
    if (!lineCount || !m_renderer)
        return VisiblePositionRange();
    // iterate over the lines
    // FIXME: this is wrong when lineNumber is lineCount+1,  because nextLinePosition takes you to the
    // last offset of the last line
    VisiblePosition visiblePos = m_renderer->document()->renderer()->positionForPoint(IntPoint());
    VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos;
    while (--lineCount) {
        savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
        visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
        if (visiblePos.isNull() || visiblePos == savedVisiblePos)
            return VisiblePositionRange();
    // make a caret selection for the marker position, then extend it to the line
    // NOTE: ignores results of sel.modify because it returns false when
    // starting at an empty line.  The resulting selection in that case
    // will be a caret at visiblePos.
    FrameSelection selection;
    selection.modify(FrameSelection::AlterationExtend, DirectionRight, LineBoundary);
    return VisiblePositionRange(selection.selection().visibleStart(), selection.selection().visibleEnd());
VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForIndex(int index) const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();
    if (isNativeTextControl())
        return toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->visiblePositionForIndex(index);

    if (!allowsTextRanges() && !m_renderer->isText())
        return VisiblePosition();
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return VisiblePosition();
    if (index <= 0)
        return VisiblePosition(firstPositionInOrBeforeNode(node), DOWNSTREAM);
    RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(m_renderer->document());
    range->selectNodeContents(node, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    CharacterIterator it(range.get());
    it.advance(index - 1);
    return VisiblePosition(Position(it.range()->endContainer(), it.range()->endOffset(), Position::PositionIsOffsetInAnchor), UPSTREAM);
int AccessibilityRenderObject::indexForVisiblePosition(const VisiblePosition& pos) const
    if (isNativeTextControl()) {
        HTMLTextFormControlElement* textControl = toRenderTextControl(m_renderer)->textFormControlElement();
        return textControl->indexForVisiblePosition(pos);

    if (!isTextControl())
        return 0;
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node)
        return 0;
    Position indexPosition = pos.deepEquivalent();
    if (indexPosition.isNull() || highestEditableRoot(indexPosition, HasEditableAXRole) != node)
        return 0;
    RefPtr<Range> range = Range::create(m_renderer->document());
    range->setStart(node, 0, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);
    range->setEnd(indexPosition, IGNORE_EXCEPTION);

    // We need to consider replaced elements for GTK, as they will be
    // presented with the 'object replacement character' (0xFFFC).
    return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get(), true);
    return TextIterator::rangeLength(range.get());

Element* AccessibilityRenderObject::rootEditableElementForPosition(const Position& position) const
    // Find the root editable or pseudo-editable (i.e. having an editable ARIA role) element.
    Element* result = 0;
    Element* rootEditableElement = position.rootEditableElement();

    for (Element* e = position.element(); e && e != rootEditableElement; e = e->parentElement()) {
        if (nodeIsTextControl(e))
            result = e;
        if (e->hasTagName(bodyTag))

    if (result)
        return result;

    return rootEditableElement;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::nodeIsTextControl(const Node* node) const
    if (!node)
        return false;

    const AccessibilityObject* axObjectForNode = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(const_cast<Node*>(node));
    if (!axObjectForNode)
        return false;

    return axObjectForNode->isTextControl();

IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::boundsForVisiblePositionRange(const VisiblePositionRange& visiblePositionRange) const
    if (visiblePositionRange.isNull())
        return IntRect();
    // Create a mutable VisiblePositionRange.
    VisiblePositionRange range(visiblePositionRange);
    LayoutRect rect1 = range.start.absoluteCaretBounds();
    LayoutRect rect2 = range.end.absoluteCaretBounds();
    // readjust for position at the edge of a line.  This is to exclude line rect that doesn't need to be accounted in the range bounds
    if (rect2.y() != rect1.y()) {
        VisiblePosition endOfFirstLine = endOfLine(range.start);
        if (range.start == endOfFirstLine) {
            rect1 = range.start.absoluteCaretBounds();
        if (range.end == endOfFirstLine) {
            rect2 = range.end.absoluteCaretBounds();
    LayoutRect ourrect = rect1;
    // if the rectangle spans lines and contains multiple text chars, use the range's bounding box intead
    if (rect1.maxY() != rect2.maxY()) {
        RefPtr<Range> dataRange = makeRange(range.start, range.end);
        LayoutRect boundingBox = dataRange->boundingBox();
        String rangeString = plainText(dataRange.get());
        if (rangeString.length() > 1 && !boundingBox.isEmpty())
            ourrect = boundingBox;
    return m_renderer->document()->view()->contentsToScreen(pixelSnappedIntRect(ourrect));
    return pixelSnappedIntRect(ourrect);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setSelectedVisiblePositionRange(const VisiblePositionRange& range) const
    if (range.start.isNull() || range.end.isNull())
    // make selection and tell the document to use it. if it's zero length, then move to that position
    if (range.start == range.end)
        m_renderer->frame()->selection()->moveTo(range.start, UserTriggered);
    else {
        VisibleSelection newSelection = VisibleSelection(range.start, range.end);

VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForPoint(const IntPoint& point) const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return VisiblePosition();

    // convert absolute point to view coordinates
    RenderView* renderView = topRenderer();
    if (!renderView)
        return VisiblePosition();

    FrameView* frameView = renderView->frameView();
    if (!frameView)
        return VisiblePosition();

    Node* innerNode = 0;
    // locate the node containing the point
    LayoutPoint pointResult;
    while (1) {
        LayoutPoint ourpoint;
        ourpoint = frameView->screenToContents(point);
        ourpoint = point;
        HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly |
        HitTestResult result(ourpoint);
        renderView->hitTest(request, result);
        innerNode = result.innerNode();
        if (!innerNode)
            return VisiblePosition();
        RenderObject* renderer = innerNode->renderer();
        if (!renderer)
            return VisiblePosition();
        pointResult = result.localPoint();

        // done if hit something other than a widget
        if (!renderer->isWidget())

        // descend into widget (FRAME, IFRAME, OBJECT...)
        Widget* widget = toRenderWidget(renderer)->widget();
        if (!widget || !widget->isFrameView())
        Frame* frame = toFrameView(widget)->frame();
        if (!frame)
        renderView = frame->document()->renderView();
        frameView = toFrameView(widget);
    return innerNode->renderer()->positionForPoint(pointResult);

// NOTE: Consider providing this utility method as AX API
VisiblePosition AccessibilityRenderObject::visiblePositionForIndex(unsigned indexValue, bool lastIndexOK) const
    if (!isTextControl())
        return VisiblePosition();
    // lastIndexOK specifies whether the position after the last character is acceptable
    if (indexValue >= text().length()) {
        if (!lastIndexOK || indexValue > text().length())
            return VisiblePosition();
    VisiblePosition position = visiblePositionForIndex(indexValue);
    return position;

// NOTE: Consider providing this utility method as AX API
int AccessibilityRenderObject::index(const VisiblePosition& position) const
    if (position.isNull() || !isTextControl())
        return -1;

    if (renderObjectContainsPosition(m_renderer, position.deepEquivalent()))
        return indexForVisiblePosition(position);
    return -1;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::lineBreaks(Vector<int>& lineBreaks) const
    if (!isTextControl())

    VisiblePosition visiblePos = visiblePositionForIndex(0);
    VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
    visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
    while (!visiblePos.isNull() && visiblePos != savedVisiblePos) {
        savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
        visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);

// Given a line number, the range of characters of the text associated with this accessibility
// object that contains the line number.
PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXRangeForLine(unsigned lineNumber) const
    if (!isTextControl())
        return PlainTextRange();
    // iterate to the specified line
    VisiblePosition visiblePos = visiblePositionForIndex(0);
    VisiblePosition savedVisiblePos;
    for (unsigned lineCount = lineNumber; lineCount; lineCount -= 1) {
        savedVisiblePos = visiblePos;
        visiblePos = nextLinePosition(visiblePos, 0);
        if (visiblePos.isNull() || visiblePos == savedVisiblePos)
            return PlainTextRange();

    // Get the end of the line based on the starting position.
    VisiblePosition endPosition = endOfLine(visiblePos);

    int index1 = indexForVisiblePosition(visiblePos);
    int index2 = indexForVisiblePosition(endPosition);
    // add one to the end index for a line break not caused by soft line wrap (to match AppKit)
    if (endPosition.affinity() == DOWNSTREAM &&
        index2 += 1;
    // return nil rather than an zero-length range (to match AppKit)
    if (index1 == index2)
        return PlainTextRange();
    return PlainTextRange(index1, index2 - index1);

// The composed character range in the text associated with this accessibility object that
// is specified by the given index value. This parameterized attribute returns the complete
// range of characters (including surrogate pairs of multi-byte glyphs) at the given index.
PlainTextRange AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXRangeForIndex(unsigned index) const
    if (!isTextControl())
        return PlainTextRange();
    String elementText = text();
    if (!elementText.length() || index > elementText.length() - 1)
        return PlainTextRange();
    return PlainTextRange(index, 1);

// A substring of the text associated with this accessibility object that is
// specified by the given character range.
String AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXStringForRange(const PlainTextRange& range) const
    if (!range.length)
        return String();
    if (!isTextControl())
        return String();
    String elementText = isPasswordField() ? passwordFieldValue() : text();
    if (range.start + range.length > elementText.length())
        return String();
    return elementText.substring(range.start, range.length);

// The bounding rectangle of the text associated with this accessibility object that is
// specified by the given range. This is the bounding rectangle a sighted user would see
// on the display screen, in pixels.
IntRect AccessibilityRenderObject::doAXBoundsForRange(const PlainTextRange& range) const
    if (allowsTextRanges())
        return boundsForVisiblePositionRange(visiblePositionRangeForRange(range));
    return IntRect();

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityImageMapHitTest(HTMLAreaElement* area, const IntPoint& point) const
    if (!area)
        return 0;

    AccessibilityObject* parent = 0;
    for (Element* mapParent = area->parentElement(); mapParent; mapParent = mapParent->parentElement()) {
        if (mapParent->hasTagName(mapTag)) {
            parent = accessibilityParentForImageMap(static_cast<HTMLMapElement*>(mapParent));
    if (!parent)
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = parent->children();
    unsigned count = children.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
        if (children[k]->elementRect().contains(point))
            return children[k].get();
    return 0;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::remoteSVGElementHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const
    AccessibilityObject* remote = remoteSVGRootElement();
    if (!remote)
        return 0;
    IntSize offset = point - roundedIntPoint(boundingBoxRect().location());
    return remote->accessibilityHitTest(IntPoint(offset));

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::elementAccessibilityHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const
    if (isSVGImage())
        return remoteSVGElementHitTest(point);
    return AccessibilityObject::elementAccessibilityHitTest(point);
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::accessibilityHitTest(const IntPoint& point) const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->hasLayer())
        return 0;
    RenderLayer* layer = toRenderBox(m_renderer)->layer();
    HitTestRequest request(HitTestRequest::ReadOnly | HitTestRequest::Active | HitTestRequest::AccessibilityHitTest);
    HitTestResult hitTestResult = HitTestResult(point);
    layer->hitTest(request, hitTestResult);
    if (!hitTestResult.innerNode())
        return 0;
    Node* node = hitTestResult.innerNode()->deprecatedShadowAncestorNode();

    if (node->hasTagName(areaTag)) 
        return accessibilityImageMapHitTest(static_cast<HTMLAreaElement*>(node), point);
    if (node->hasTagName(optionTag))
        node = static_cast<HTMLOptionElement*>(node)->ownerSelectElement();
    RenderObject* obj = node->renderer();
    if (!obj)
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject* result = obj->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(obj);

    // Allow the element to perform any hit-testing it might need to do to reach non-render children.
    result = result->elementAccessibilityHitTest(point);
    if (result && result->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
        // If this element is the label of a control, a hit test should return the control.
        AccessibilityObject* controlObject = result->correspondingControlForLabelElement();
        if (controlObject && !controlObject->exposesTitleUIElement())
            return controlObject;

        result = result->parentObjectUnignored();

    return result;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::shouldNotifyActiveDescendant() const
    // We want to notify that the combo box has changed its active descendant,
    // but we do not want to change the focus, because focus should remain with the combo box.
    if (isComboBox())
        return true;
    return shouldFocusActiveDescendant();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::shouldFocusActiveDescendant() const
    switch (ariaRoleAttribute()) {
    case GroupRole:
    case ListBoxRole:
    case MenuRole:
    case MenuBarRole:
    case RadioGroupRole:
    case RowRole:
    case PopUpButtonRole:
    case ProgressIndicatorRole:
    case ToolbarRole:
    case OutlineRole:
    case TreeRole:
    case GridRole:
    /* FIXME: replace these with actual roles when they are added to AccessibilityRole
        return true;
        return false;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::activeDescendant() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;
    if (m_renderer->node() && !m_renderer->node()->isElementNode())
        return 0;
    Element* element = toElement(m_renderer->node());
    const AtomicString& activeDescendantAttrStr = element->getAttribute(aria_activedescendantAttr);
    if (activeDescendantAttrStr.isNull() || activeDescendantAttrStr.isEmpty())
        return 0;
    Element* target = element->treeScope()->getElementById(activeDescendantAttrStr);
    if (!target)
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject* obj = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(target);
    if (obj && obj->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
    // an activedescendant is only useful if it has a renderer, because that's what's needed to post the notification
        return obj;
    return 0;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::handleAriaExpandedChanged()
    // Find if a parent of this object should handle aria-expanded changes.
    AccessibilityObject* containerParent = this->parentObject();
    while (containerParent) {
        bool foundParent = false;
        switch (containerParent->roleValue()) {
        case TreeRole:
        case TreeGridRole:
        case GridRole:
        case TableRole:
        case BrowserRole:
            foundParent = true;
        if (foundParent)
        containerParent = containerParent->parentObject();
    // Post that the row count changed.
    if (containerParent)
        axObjectCache()->postNotification(containerParent, document(), AXObjectCache::AXRowCountChanged, true);

    // Post that the specific row either collapsed or expanded.
    if (roleValue() == RowRole || roleValue() == TreeItemRole)
        axObjectCache()->postNotification(this, document(), isExpanded() ? AXObjectCache::AXRowExpanded : AXObjectCache::AXRowCollapsed, true);

void AccessibilityRenderObject::handleActiveDescendantChanged()
    Element* element = toElement(renderer()->node());
    if (!element)
    Document* doc = renderer()->document();
    if (!doc->frame()->selection()->isFocusedAndActive() || doc->focusedElement() != element)
    AccessibilityRenderObject* activedescendant = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(activeDescendant());
    if (activedescendant && shouldNotifyActiveDescendant())
        doc->axObjectCache()->postNotification(m_renderer, AXObjectCache::AXActiveDescendantChanged, true);

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::correspondingControlForLabelElement() const
    HTMLLabelElement* labelElement = labelElementContainer();
    if (!labelElement)
        return 0;
    HTMLElement* correspondingControl = labelElement->control();
    if (!correspondingControl)
        return 0;

    // Make sure the corresponding control isn't a descendant of this label that's in the middle of being destroyed.
    if (correspondingControl->renderer() && !correspondingControl->renderer()->parent())
        return 0;
    return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(correspondingControl);     

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::correspondingLabelForControlElement() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return 0;

    // ARIA: section 2A, bullet #3 says if aria-labeledby or aria-label appears, it should
    // override the "label" element association.
    if (hasTextAlternative())
        return 0;

    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (node && node->isHTMLElement()) {
        HTMLLabelElement* label = labelForElement(toElement(node));
        if (label)
            return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(label);

    return 0;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::renderObjectIsObservable(RenderObject* renderer) const
    // AX clients will listen for AXValueChange on a text control.
    if (renderer->isTextControl())
        return true;
    // AX clients will listen for AXSelectedChildrenChanged on listboxes.
    Node* node = renderer->node();
    if (nodeHasRole(node, "listbox") || (renderer->isBoxModelObject() && toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer)->isListBox()))
        return true;

    // Textboxes should send out notifications.
    if (nodeHasRole(node, "textbox"))
        return true;
    return false;
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::observableObject() const
    // Find the object going up the parent chain that is used in accessibility to monitor certain notifications.
    for (RenderObject* renderer = m_renderer; renderer && renderer->node(); renderer = renderer->parent()) {
        if (renderObjectIsObservable(renderer))
            return axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(renderer);
    return 0;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isDescendantOfElementType(const QualifiedName& tagName) const
    for (RenderObject* parent = m_renderer->parent(); parent; parent = parent->parent()) {
        if (parent->node() && parent->node()->hasTagName(tagName))
            return true;
    return false;

AccessibilityRole AccessibilityRenderObject::determineAccessibilityRole()
    if (!m_renderer)
        return UnknownRole;

    m_ariaRole = determineAriaRoleAttribute();
    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    AccessibilityRole ariaRole = ariaRoleAttribute();
    if (ariaRole != UnknownRole)
        return ariaRole;

    RenderBoxModelObject* cssBox = renderBoxModelObject();

    if (node && node->isLink()) {
        if (cssBox && cssBox->isImage())
            return ImageMapRole;
        return WebCoreLinkRole;
    if ((cssBox && cssBox->isListItem()) || (node && node->hasTagName(liTag)))
        return ListItemRole;
    if (m_renderer->isListMarker())
        return ListMarkerRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(buttonTag))
        return buttonRoleType();
    if (node && node->hasTagName(legendTag))
        return LegendRole;
    if (m_renderer->isText())
        return StaticTextRole;
    if (cssBox && cssBox->isImage()) {
        if (node && node->hasTagName(inputTag))
            return ariaHasPopup() ? PopUpButtonRole : ButtonRole;
        if (isSVGImage())
            return SVGRootRole;
        return ImageRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(canvasTag))
        return CanvasRole;

    if (cssBox && cssBox->isRenderView()) {
        // If the iframe is seamless, it should not be announced as a web area to AT clients.
        if (document() && document()->shouldDisplaySeamlesslyWithParent())
            return SeamlessWebAreaRole;
        return WebAreaRole;
    if (cssBox && cssBox->isTextField())
        return TextFieldRole;
    if (cssBox && cssBox->isTextArea())
        return TextAreaRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(inputTag)) {
        HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
        if (input->isCheckbox())
            return CheckBoxRole;
        if (input->isRadioButton())
            return RadioButtonRole;
        if (input->isTextButton())
            return buttonRoleType();

        const AtomicString& type = input->getAttribute(typeAttr);
        if (equalIgnoringCase(type, "color"))
            return ColorWellRole;

    if (isFileUploadButton())
        return ButtonRole;
    if (cssBox && cssBox->isMenuList())
        return PopUpButtonRole;
    if (headingLevel())
        return HeadingRole;
    if (m_renderer->isSVGImage())
        return ImageRole;
    if (m_renderer->isSVGRoot())
        return SVGRootRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(SVGNames::gTag))
        return GroupRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mathTag))
        return DocumentMathRole;
    // It's not clear which role a platform should choose for a math element.
    // Declaring a math element role should give flexibility to platforms to choose.
    if (isMathElement())
        return MathElementRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(ddTag))
        return DescriptionListDetailRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(dtTag))
        return DescriptionListTermRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(dlTag))
        return DescriptionListRole;

    if (node && (node->hasTagName(rpTag) || node->hasTagName(rtTag)))
        return AnnotationRole;

    // Gtk ATs expect all tables, data and layout, to be exposed as tables.
    if (node && (node->hasTagName(tdTag) || node->hasTagName(thTag)))
        return CellRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(trTag))
        return RowRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(tableTag))
        return TableRole;

    // Table sections should be ignored.
    if (m_renderer->isTableSection())
        return IgnoredRole;

    if (m_renderer->isHR())
        return HorizontalRuleRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(pTag))
        return ParagraphRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(labelTag))
        return LabelRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(dfnTag))
        return DefinitionRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(divTag))
        return DivRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(formTag))
        return FormRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(articleTag))
        return DocumentArticleRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(mainTag))
        return LandmarkMainRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(navTag))
        return LandmarkNavigationRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(asideTag))
        return LandmarkComplementaryRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(sectionTag))
        return DocumentRegionRole;

    if (node && node->hasTagName(addressTag))
        return LandmarkContentInfoRole;

    // The HTML element should not be exposed as an element. That's what the RenderView element does.
    if (node && node->hasTagName(htmlTag))
        return IgnoredRole;

    // There should only be one banner/contentInfo per page. If header/footer are being used within an article or section
    // then it should not be exposed as whole page's banner/contentInfo
    if (node && node->hasTagName(headerTag) && !isDescendantOfElementType(articleTag) && !isDescendantOfElementType(sectionTag))
        return LandmarkBannerRole;
    if (node && node->hasTagName(footerTag) && !isDescendantOfElementType(articleTag) && !isDescendantOfElementType(sectionTag))
        return FooterRole;

    if (m_renderer->isBlockFlow())
        return GroupRole;
    // If the element does not have role, but it has ARIA attributes, accessibility should fallback to exposing it as a group.
    if (supportsARIAAttributes())
        return GroupRole;
    return UnknownRole;

AccessibilityOrientation AccessibilityRenderObject::orientation() const
    const AtomicString& ariaOrientation = getAttribute(aria_orientationAttr);
    if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaOrientation, "horizontal"))
        return AccessibilityOrientationHorizontal;
    if (equalIgnoringCase(ariaOrientation, "vertical"))
        return AccessibilityOrientationVertical;
    return AccessibilityObject::orientation();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::inheritsPresentationalRole() const
    // ARIA states if an item can get focus, it should not be presentational.
    if (canSetFocusAttribute())
        return false;
    // ARIA spec says that when a parent object is presentational, and it has required child elements,
    // those child elements are also presentational. For example, <li> becomes presentational from <ul>.
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(HashSet<QualifiedName>, listItemParents, ());

    HashSet<QualifiedName>* possibleParentTagNames = 0;
    switch (roleValue()) {
    case ListItemRole:
    case ListMarkerRole:
        if (listItemParents.isEmpty()) {
        possibleParentTagNames = &listItemParents;
    // Not all elements need to check for this, only ones that are required children.
    if (!possibleParentTagNames)
        return false;
    for (AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObject(); parent; parent = parent->parentObject()) { 
        if (!parent->isAccessibilityRenderObject())
        Node* elementNode = static_cast<AccessibilityRenderObject*>(parent)->node();
        if (!elementNode || !elementNode->isElementNode())
        // If native tag of the parent element matches an acceptable name, then return
        // based on its presentational status.
        if (possibleParentTagNames->contains(toElement(elementNode)->tagQName()))
            return parent->roleValue() == PresentationalRole;
    return false;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isPresentationalChildOfAriaRole() const
    // Walk the parent chain looking for a parent that has presentational children
    AccessibilityObject* parent;
    for (parent = parentObject(); parent && !parent->ariaRoleHasPresentationalChildren(); parent = parent->parentObject())
    { }
    return parent;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaRoleHasPresentationalChildren() const
    switch (m_ariaRole) {
    case ButtonRole:
    case SliderRole:
    case ImageRole:
    case ProgressIndicatorRole:
    case SpinButtonRole:
    // case SeparatorRole:
        return true;
        return false;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetExpandedAttribute() const
    // An object can be expanded if it aria-expanded is true or false.
    const AtomicString& ariaExpanded = getAttribute(aria_expandedAttr);
    return equalIgnoringCase(ariaExpanded, "true") || equalIgnoringCase(ariaExpanded, "false");

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetValueAttribute() const

    // In the event of a (Boolean)@readonly and (True/False/Undefined)@aria-readonly
    // value mismatch, the host language native attribute value wins.    
    if (isNativeTextControl())
        return !isReadOnly();

    if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_readonlyAttr), "true"))
        return false;
    if (equalIgnoringCase(getAttribute(aria_readonlyAttr), "false"))
        return true;

    if (isProgressIndicator() || isSlider())
        return true;

    if (isTextControl() && !isNativeTextControl())
        return true;

    // Any node could be contenteditable, so isReadOnly should be relied upon
    // for this information for all elements.
    return !isReadOnly();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canSetTextRangeAttributes() const
    return isTextControl();

void AccessibilityRenderObject::textChanged()
    // If this element supports ARIA live regions, or is part of a region with an ARIA editable role,
    // then notify the AT of changes.
    AXObjectCache* cache = axObjectCache();
    for (RenderObject* renderParent = m_renderer; renderParent; renderParent = renderParent->parent()) {
        AccessibilityObject* parent = cache->get(renderParent);
        if (!parent)
        if (parent->supportsARIALiveRegion())
            cache->postNotification(renderParent, AXObjectCache::AXLiveRegionChanged, true);

        if (parent->isARIATextControl() && !parent->isNativeTextControl() && !parent->node()->rendererIsEditable())
            cache->postNotification(renderParent, AXObjectCache::AXValueChanged, true);

void AccessibilityRenderObject::clearChildren()
    m_childrenDirty = false;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::addImageMapChildren()
    RenderBoxModelObject* cssBox = renderBoxModelObject();
    if (!cssBox || !cssBox->isRenderImage())
    HTMLMapElement* map = toRenderImage(cssBox)->imageMap();
    if (!map)

    for (Element* current = ElementTraversal::firstWithin(map); current; current = ElementTraversal::next(current, map)) {
        // add an <area> element for this child if it has a link
        if (current->hasTagName(areaTag) && current->isLink()) {
            AccessibilityImageMapLink* areaObject = static_cast<AccessibilityImageMapLink*>(axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(ImageMapLinkRole));
            if (!areaObject->accessibilityIsIgnored())

void AccessibilityRenderObject::updateChildrenIfNecessary()
    if (needsToUpdateChildren())
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addTextFieldChildren()
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node || !node->hasTagName(inputTag))
    HTMLInputElement* input = static_cast<HTMLInputElement*>(node);
    HTMLElement* spinButtonElement = input->innerSpinButtonElement();
    if (!spinButtonElement || !spinButtonElement->isSpinButtonElement())

    AccessibilitySpinButton* axSpinButton = static_cast<AccessibilitySpinButton*>(axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(SpinButtonRole));
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isSVGImage() const
    return remoteSVGRootElement();
void AccessibilityRenderObject::detachRemoteSVGRoot()
    if (AccessibilitySVGRoot* root = remoteSVGRootElement())

AccessibilitySVGRoot* AccessibilityRenderObject::remoteSVGRootElement() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderImage())
        return 0;
    CachedImage* cachedImage = toRenderImage(m_renderer)->cachedImage();
    if (!cachedImage)
        return 0;
    Image* image = cachedImage->image();
    if (!image || !image->isSVGImage())
        return 0;
    SVGImage* svgImage = static_cast<SVGImage*>(image);
    FrameView* frameView = svgImage->frameView();
    if (!frameView)
        return 0;
    Frame* frame = frameView->frame();
    if (!frame)
        return 0;
    Document* doc = frame->document();
    if (!doc || !doc->isSVGDocument())
        return 0;
    SVGSVGElement* rootElement = toSVGDocument(doc)->rootElement();
    if (!rootElement)
        return 0;
    RenderObject* rendererRoot = rootElement->renderer();
    if (!rendererRoot)
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject* rootSVGObject = frame->document()->axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(rendererRoot);

    // In order to connect the AX hierarchy from the SVG root element from the loaded resource
    // the parent must be set, because there's no other way to get back to who created the image.
    ASSERT(rootSVGObject && rootSVGObject->isAccessibilitySVGRoot());
    if (!rootSVGObject->isAccessibilitySVGRoot())
        return 0;
    return toAccessibilitySVGRoot(rootSVGObject);
    return 0;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addRemoteSVGChildren()
    AccessibilitySVGRoot* root = remoteSVGRootElement();
    if (!root)
    if (root->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
        AccessibilityChildrenVector children = root->children();
        unsigned length = children.size();
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i)
    } else

void AccessibilityRenderObject::addCanvasChildren()
    if (!node() || !node()->hasTagName(canvasTag))

    // If it's a canvas, it won't have rendered children, but it might have accessible fallback content.
    // Clear m_haveChildren because AccessibilityNodeObject::addChildren will expect it to be false.
    m_haveChildren = false;

void AccessibilityRenderObject::addAttachmentChildren()
    if (!isAttachment())

    // FrameView's need to be inserted into the AX hierarchy when encountered.
    Widget* widget = widgetForAttachmentView();
    if (!widget || !widget->isFrameView())
    AccessibilityObject* axWidget = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(widget);
    if (!axWidget->accessibilityIsIgnored())

void AccessibilityRenderObject::updateAttachmentViewParents()
    // Only the unignored parent should set the attachment parent, because that's what is reflected in the AX 
    // hierarchy to the client.
    if (accessibilityIsIgnored())
    size_t length = m_children.size();
    for (size_t k = 0; k < length; k++) {
        if (m_children[k]->isAttachment())

// Hidden children are those that are not rendered or visible, but are specifically marked as aria-hidden=false,
// meaning that they should be exposed to the AX hierarchy.
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addHiddenChildren()
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!node)
    // First do a quick run through to determine if we have any hidden nodes (most often we will not).
    // If we do have hidden nodes, we need to determine where to insert them so they match DOM order as close as possible.
    bool shouldInsertHiddenNodes = false;
    for (Node* child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (!child->renderer() && isNodeAriaVisible(child)) {
            shouldInsertHiddenNodes = true;
    if (!shouldInsertHiddenNodes)
    // Iterate through all of the children, including those that may have already been added, and
    // try to insert hidden nodes in the correct place in the DOM order.
    unsigned insertionIndex = 0;
    for (Node* child = node->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->renderer()) {
            // Find out where the last render sibling is located within m_children.
            AccessibilityObject* childObject = axObjectCache()->get(child->renderer());
            if (childObject && childObject->accessibilityIsIgnored()) {
                AccessibilityChildrenVector children = childObject->children();
                if (children.size())
                    childObject = children.last().get();
                    childObject = 0;

            if (childObject)
                insertionIndex = m_children.find(childObject) + 1;

        if (!isNodeAriaVisible(child))
        unsigned previousSize = m_children.size();
        if (insertionIndex > previousSize)
            insertionIndex = previousSize;
        insertChild(axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(child), insertionIndex);
        insertionIndex += (m_children.size() - previousSize);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::addChildren()
    // If the need to add more children in addition to existing children arises, 
    // childrenChanged should have been called, leaving the object with no children.

    m_haveChildren = true;
    if (!canHaveChildren())
    for (RefPtr<AccessibilityObject> obj = firstChild(); obj; obj = obj->nextSibling())

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::canHaveChildren() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;

    return AccessibilityNodeObject::canHaveChildren();

const AtomicString& AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaLiveRegionStatus() const
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, liveRegionStatusAssertive, ("assertive", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, liveRegionStatusPolite, ("polite", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, liveRegionStatusOff, ("off", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
    const AtomicString& liveRegionStatus = getAttribute(aria_liveAttr);
    // These roles have implicit live region status.
    if (liveRegionStatus.isEmpty()) {
        switch (roleValue()) {
        case ApplicationAlertDialogRole:
        case ApplicationAlertRole:
            return liveRegionStatusAssertive;
        case ApplicationLogRole:
        case ApplicationStatusRole:
            return liveRegionStatusPolite;
        case ApplicationTimerRole:
        case ApplicationMarqueeRole:
            return liveRegionStatusOff;

    return liveRegionStatus;

const AtomicString& AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaLiveRegionRelevant() const
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, defaultLiveRegionRelevant, ("additions text", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
    const AtomicString& relevant = getAttribute(aria_relevantAttr);

    // Default aria-relevant = "additions text".
    if (relevant.isEmpty())
        return defaultLiveRegionRelevant;
    return relevant;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaLiveRegionAtomic() const
    return elementAttributeValue(aria_atomicAttr);    

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaLiveRegionBusy() const
    return elementAttributeValue(aria_busyAttr);    
void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaSelectedRows(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
    // Get all the rows. 
    AccessibilityChildrenVector allRows;
    if (isTree())
    else if (isAccessibilityTable() && toAccessibilityTable(this)->supportsSelectedRows())
        allRows = toAccessibilityTable(this)->rows();

    // Determine which rows are selected.
    bool isMulti = isMultiSelectable();

    // Prefer active descendant over aria-selected.
    AccessibilityObject* activeDesc = activeDescendant();
    if (activeDesc && (activeDesc->isTreeItem() || activeDesc->isTableRow())) {
        if (!isMulti)

    unsigned count = allRows.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < count; ++k) {
        if (allRows[k]->isSelected()) {
            if (!isMulti)
void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaListboxSelectedChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
    bool isMulti = isMultiSelectable();

    AccessibilityChildrenVector childObjects = children();
    unsigned childrenSize = childObjects.size();
    for (unsigned k = 0; k < childrenSize; ++k) {
        // Every child should have aria-role option, and if so, check for selected attribute/state.
        AccessibilityObject* child = childObjects[k].get();
        if (child->isSelected() && child->ariaRoleAttribute() == ListBoxOptionRole) {
            if (!isMulti)

void AccessibilityRenderObject::selectedChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)

    // only listboxes should be asked for their selected children. 
    AccessibilityRole role = roleValue();
    if (role == ListBoxRole) // native list boxes would be AccessibilityListBoxes, so only check for aria list boxes
    else if (role == TreeRole || role == TreeGridRole || role == TableRole)

void AccessibilityRenderObject::ariaListboxVisibleChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)      
    if (!hasChildren())
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    size_t size = children.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (!children[i]->isOffScreen())

void AccessibilityRenderObject::visibleChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
    // only listboxes are asked for their visible children. 
    if (ariaRoleAttribute() != ListBoxRole) { // native list boxes would be AccessibilityListBoxes, so only check for aria list boxes
    return ariaListboxVisibleChildren(result);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::tabChildren(AccessibilityChildrenVector& result)
    ASSERT(roleValue() == TabListRole);
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    size_t size = children.size();
    for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        if (children[i]->isTabItem())
const String& AccessibilityRenderObject::actionVerb() const
    // FIXME: Need to add verbs for select elements.
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, buttonAction, (AXButtonActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, textFieldAction, (AXTextFieldActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, radioButtonAction, (AXRadioButtonActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, checkedCheckBoxAction, (AXCheckedCheckBoxActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, uncheckedCheckBoxAction, (AXUncheckedCheckBoxActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, linkAction, (AXLinkActionVerb()));
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, noAction, ());
    switch (roleValue()) {
    case ButtonRole:
    case ToggleButtonRole:
        return buttonAction;
    case TextFieldRole:
    case TextAreaRole:
        return textFieldAction;
    case RadioButtonRole:
        return radioButtonAction;
    case CheckBoxRole:
        return isChecked() ? checkedCheckBoxAction : uncheckedCheckBoxAction;
    case LinkRole:
    case WebCoreLinkRole:
        return linkAction;
        return noAction;
    DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const String, noAction, ());
    return noAction;
void AccessibilityRenderObject::setAccessibleName(const AtomicString& name)
    // Setting the accessible name can store the value in the DOM
    if (!m_renderer)

    Node* domNode = 0;
    // For web areas, set the aria-label on the HTML element.
    if (isWebArea())
        domNode = m_renderer->document()->documentElement();
        domNode = m_renderer->node();

    if (domNode && domNode->isElementNode())
        toElement(domNode)->setAttribute(aria_labelAttr, name);
static bool isLinkable(const AccessibilityRenderObject& object)
    if (!object.renderer())
        return false;

    // See for the elements
    // Mozilla considers linkable.
    return object.isLink() || object.isImage() || object.renderer()->isText();

String AccessibilityRenderObject::stringValueForMSAA() const
    if (isLinkable(*this)) {
        Element* anchor = anchorElement();
        if (anchor && anchor->hasTagName(aTag))
            return static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(anchor)->href();

    return stringValue();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isLinked() const
    if (!isLinkable(*this))
        return false;

    Element* anchor = anchorElement();
    if (!anchor || !anchor->hasTagName(aTag))
        return false;

    return !static_cast<HTMLAnchorElement*>(anchor)->href().isEmpty();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasBoldFont() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style()->fontDescription().weight() >= FontWeightBold;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasItalicFont() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style()->fontDescription().italic() == FontItalicOn;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasPlainText() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    RenderStyle* style = m_renderer->style();
    return style->fontDescription().weight() == FontWeightNormal
        && style->fontDescription().italic() == FontItalicOff
        && style->textDecorationsInEffect() == TextDecorationNone;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasSameFont(RenderObject* renderer) const
    if (!m_renderer || !renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style()->fontDescription().families() == renderer->style()->fontDescription().families();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasSameFontColor(RenderObject* renderer) const
    if (!m_renderer || !renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor) == renderer->style()->visitedDependentColor(CSSPropertyColor);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasSameStyle(RenderObject* renderer) const
    if (!m_renderer || !renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style() == renderer->style();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::hasUnderline() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return false;
    return m_renderer->style()->textDecorationsInEffect() & TextDecorationUnderline;

String AccessibilityRenderObject::nameForMSAA() const
    if (m_renderer && m_renderer->isText())
        return textUnderElement();

    return title();

static bool shouldReturnTagNameAsRoleForMSAA(const Element& element)
    // See "document structure",
    // FIXME: Add the other tag names that should be returned as the role.
    return element.hasTagName(h1Tag) || element.hasTagName(h2Tag) 
        || element.hasTagName(h3Tag) || element.hasTagName(h4Tag)
        || element.hasTagName(h5Tag) || element.hasTagName(h6Tag);

String AccessibilityRenderObject::stringRoleForMSAA() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return String();

    Node* node = m_renderer->node();
    if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
        return String();

    Element* element = toElement(node);
    if (!shouldReturnTagNameAsRoleForMSAA(*element))
        return String();

    return element->tagName();

String AccessibilityRenderObject::positionalDescriptionForMSAA() const
    // See "positional descriptions",
    if (isHeading())
        return "L" + String::number(headingLevel());

    // FIXME: Add positional descriptions for other elements.
    return String();

String AccessibilityRenderObject::descriptionForMSAA() const
    String description = positionalDescriptionForMSAA();
    if (!description.isEmpty())
        return description;

    description = accessibilityDescription();
    if (!description.isEmpty()) {
        // From the Mozilla MSAA implementation:
        // "Signal to screen readers that this description is speakable and is not
        // a formatted positional information description. Don't localize the
        // 'Description: ' part of this string, it will be parsed out by assistive
        // technologies."
        return "Description: " + description;

    return String();

static AccessibilityRole msaaRoleForRenderer(const RenderObject* renderer)
    if (!renderer)
        return UnknownRole;

    if (renderer->isText())
        return EditableTextRole;

    if (renderer->isBoxModelObject() && toRenderBoxModelObject(renderer)->isListItem())
        return ListItemRole;

    return UnknownRole;

AccessibilityRole AccessibilityRenderObject::roleValueForMSAA() const
    if (m_roleForMSAA != UnknownRole)
        return m_roleForMSAA;

    m_roleForMSAA = msaaRoleForRenderer(m_renderer);

    if (m_roleForMSAA == UnknownRole)
        m_roleForMSAA = roleValue();

    return m_roleForMSAA;

String AccessibilityRenderObject::passwordFieldValue() const

    // Look for the RenderText object in the RenderObject tree for this input field.
    RenderObject* renderer = node()->renderer();
    while (renderer && !renderer->isText())
        renderer = renderer->firstChild();

    if (!renderer || !renderer->isText())
        return String();

    // Return the text that is actually being rendered in the input field.
    return static_cast<RenderText*>(renderer)->textWithoutTranscoding();
    // It seems only GTK is interested in this at the moment.
    return String();

ScrollableArea* AccessibilityRenderObject::getScrollableAreaIfScrollable() const
    // If the parent is a scroll view, then this object isn't really scrollable, the parent ScrollView should handle the scrolling.
    if (parentObject() && parentObject()->isAccessibilityScrollView())
        return 0;

    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isBox())
        return 0;

    RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(m_renderer);
    if (!box->canBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea())
        return 0;

    return box->layer();

void AccessibilityRenderObject::scrollTo(const IntPoint& point) const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isBox())

    RenderBox* box = toRenderBox(m_renderer);
    if (!box->canBeScrolledAndHasScrollableArea())

    RenderLayer* layer = box->layer();
    layer->scrollToOffset(toIntSize(point), RenderLayer::ScrollOffsetClamped);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathElement() const
    Node* node = this->node();
    if (!m_renderer || !node)
        return false;
    return node->isElementNode() && toElement(node)->isMathMLElement();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathFraction() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLFraction();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathFenced() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLFenced();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathSubscriptSuperscript() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLSubSup();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathRow() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLRow();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathUnderOver() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLUnderOver();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathSquareRoot() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLSquareRoot();
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathRoot() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    return toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLRoot();

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathOperator() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    // Ensure that this is actually a render MathML operator because
    // MathML will create MathMLBlocks and use the original node as the node
    // of this new block that is not tied to the DOM.
    if (!toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLOperator())
        return false;
    return isMathElement() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::moTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathFenceOperator() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    if (!toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLOperator())
        return false;
    RenderMathMLOperator* mathOperator = toRenderMathMLOperator(toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer));
    return mathOperator->operatorType() == RenderMathMLOperator::Fence;

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathSeparatorOperator() const
    if (!m_renderer || !m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock())
        return false;
    if (!toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->isRenderMathMLOperator())
        return false;
    RenderMathMLOperator* mathOperator = toRenderMathMLOperator(toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer));
    return mathOperator->operatorType() == RenderMathMLOperator::Separator;
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathText() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtextTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathNumber() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mnTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathIdentifier() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::miTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathMultiscript() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mmultiscriptsTag);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathTable() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtableTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathTableRow() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtrTag);

bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isMathTableCell() const
    return node() && node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mtdTag);
bool AccessibilityRenderObject::isIgnoredElementWithinMathTree() const
    if (!m_renderer)
        return true;
    // Ignore items that were created for layout purposes only.
    if (m_renderer->isRenderMathMLBlock() && toRenderMathMLBlock(m_renderer)->ignoreInAccessibilityTree())
        return true;

    // Ignore anonymous renderers inside math blocks.
    if (m_renderer->isAnonymous()) {
        for (AccessibilityObject* parent = parentObject(); parent; parent = parent->parentObject()) {
            if (parent->isMathElement())
                return true;

    // Only math elements that we explicitly recognize should be included
    // We don't want things like <mstyle> to appear in the tree.
    if (isMathElement()) {
        if (isMathFraction() || isMathFenced() || isMathSubscriptSuperscript() || isMathRow()
            || isMathUnderOver() || isMathRoot() || isMathText() || isMathNumber()
            || isMathOperator() || isMathFenceOperator() || isMathSeparatorOperator()
            || isMathIdentifier() || isMathTable() || isMathTableRow() || isMathTableCell() || isMathMultiscript())
            return false;
        return true;

    return false;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathRadicandObject()
    if (!isMathRoot())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() < 1)
        return 0;
    // The radicand is the value being rooted and must be listed first.
    return children[0].get();

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathRootIndexObject()
    if (!isMathRoot())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() != 2)
        return 0;

    // The index in a root is the value which determines if it's a square, cube, etc, root
    // and must be listed second.
    return children[1].get();

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathNumeratorObject()
    if (!isMathFraction())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() != 2)
        return 0;
    return children[0].get();
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathDenominatorObject()
    if (!isMathFraction())
        return 0;

    AccessibilityObject::AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() != 2)
        return 0;
    return children[1].get();
AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathUnderObject()
    if (!isMathUnderOver() || !node())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() < 2)
        return 0;
    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::munderTag) || node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::munderoverTag))
        return children[1].get();
    return 0;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathOverObject()
    if (!isMathUnderOver() || !node())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() < 2)
        return 0;
    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::moverTag))
        return children[1].get();
    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::munderoverTag))
        return children[2].get();

    return 0;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathBaseObject()
    if (!isMathSubscriptSuperscript() && !isMathUnderOver() && !isMathMultiscript())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    // The base object in question is always the first child.
    if (children.size() > 0)
        return children[0].get();

    return 0;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathSubscriptObject()
    if (!isMathSubscriptSuperscript() || !node())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() < 2)
        return 0;

    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msubTag) || node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msubsupTag))
        return children[1].get();
    return 0;

AccessibilityObject* AccessibilityRenderObject::mathSuperscriptObject()
    if (!isMathSubscriptSuperscript() || !node())
        return 0;
    AccessibilityChildrenVector children = this->children();
    if (children.size() < 2)
        return 0;
    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msupTag))
        return children[1].get();
    if (node()->hasTagName(MathMLNames::msubsupTag))
        return children[2].get();
    return 0;
String AccessibilityRenderObject::mathFencedOpenString() const
    if (!isMathFenced())
        return String();
    return getAttribute(MathMLNames::openAttr);

String AccessibilityRenderObject::mathFencedCloseString() const
    if (!isMathFenced())
        return String();
    return getAttribute(MathMLNames::closeAttr);
void AccessibilityRenderObject::mathPrescripts(AccessibilityMathMultiscriptPairs& prescripts)
    if (!isMathMultiscript() || !node())
    bool foundPrescript = false;
    pair<AccessibilityObject*, AccessibilityObject*> prescriptPair;
    for (Node* child = node()->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (foundPrescript) {
            AccessibilityObject* axChild = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(child);
            if (axChild && axChild->isMathElement()) {
                if (!prescriptPair.first)
                    prescriptPair.first = axChild;
                else {
                    prescriptPair.second = axChild;
                    prescriptPair.first = 0;
                    prescriptPair.second = 0;
        } else if (child->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mprescriptsTag))
            foundPrescript = true;
    // Handle the odd number of pre scripts case.
    if (prescriptPair.first)

void AccessibilityRenderObject::mathPostscripts(AccessibilityMathMultiscriptPairs& postscripts)
    if (!isMathMultiscript() || !node())

    // In Multiscripts, the post-script elements start after the first element (which is the base)
    // and continue until a <mprescripts> tag is found
    pair<AccessibilityObject*, AccessibilityObject*> postscriptPair;
    bool foundBaseElement = false;
    for (Node* child = node()->firstChild(); child; child = child->nextSibling()) {
        if (child->hasTagName(MathMLNames::mprescriptsTag))

        AccessibilityObject* axChild = axObjectCache()->getOrCreate(child);
        if (axChild && axChild->isMathElement()) {
            if (!foundBaseElement)
                foundBaseElement = true;
            else if (!postscriptPair.first)
                postscriptPair.first = axChild;
            else {
                postscriptPair.second = axChild;
                postscriptPair.first = 0;
                postscriptPair.second = 0;

    // Handle the odd number of post scripts case.
    if (postscriptPair.first)

int AccessibilityRenderObject::mathLineThickness() const
    if (!isMathFraction())
        return -1;
    return toRenderMathMLFraction(m_renderer)->lineThickness();

} // namespace WebCore