render_line.cpp   [plain text]

* This file is part of the html renderer for KDE.
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <kglobal.h>

#include "rendering/render_flow.h"
#include "rendering/render_text.h"
#include "rendering/render_table.h"
#include "xml/dom_nodeimpl.h"
#include "xml/dom_docimpl.h"
#include "html/html_formimpl.h"
#include "render_inline.h"
#include "render_block.h"
#include "render_arena.h"
#include "render_line.h"

#include "khtmlview.h"
#include "htmltags.h"

using namespace DOM;

#ifndef NDEBUG
static bool inInlineBoxDetach;

namespace khtml {
class EllipsisBox : public InlineBox
    EllipsisBox(RenderObject* obj, const DOM::AtomicString& ellipsisStr, InlineFlowBox* p,
                int w, int y, int h, int b, bool firstLine, InlineBox* markupBox)
    :InlineBox(obj), m_str(ellipsisStr) {
        m_parent = p;
        m_width = w;
        m_y = y;
        m_height = h;
        m_baseline = b;
        m_firstLine = firstLine;
        m_constructed = true;
        m_markupBox = markupBox;
    void paint(RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty);
    bool nodeAtPoint(RenderObject::NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty,
                     HitTestAction hitTestAction, bool inBox);

    DOM::AtomicString m_str;
    InlineBox* m_markupBox;

void InlineBox::remove()
    if (parent())

void InlineBox::detach(RenderArena* renderArena)
#ifndef NDEBUG
    inInlineBoxDetach = true;
    delete this;
#ifndef NDEBUG
    inInlineBoxDetach = false;

    // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory.
    renderArena->free(*(size_t *)this, this);

void* InlineBox::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena* renderArena) throw()
    return renderArena->allocate(sz);

void InlineBox::operator delete(void* ptr, size_t sz)

    // Stash size where detach can find it.
    *(size_t *)ptr = sz;

long InlineBox::caretMinOffset() const 
    return 0; 

long InlineBox::caretMaxOffset() const 
    return 1; 

unsigned long InlineBox::caretMaxRenderedOffset() const 
    return 1; 

void InlineBox::dirtyLineBoxes()
    for (InlineFlowBox* curr = parent(); curr && !curr->isDirty(); curr = curr->parent())

void InlineBox::deleteLine(RenderArena* arena)

void InlineBox::extractLine()
    m_extracted = true;

void InlineBox::attachLine()
    m_extracted = false;

void InlineBox::adjustPosition(int dx, int dy)
    m_x += dx;
    m_y += dy;
    if (m_object->isReplaced() || m_object->isBR())
        m_object->setPos(m_object->xPos() + dx, m_object->yPos() + dy);

RootInlineBox* InlineBox::root()
    if (m_parent)
        return m_parent->root(); 
    return static_cast<RootInlineBox*>(this);

bool InlineBox::nextOnLineExists() const
    if (!parent())
        return false;
    if (nextOnLine())
        return true;
    return parent()->nextOnLineExists();

bool InlineBox::prevOnLineExists() const
    if (!parent())
        return false;
    if (prevOnLine())
        return true;
    return parent()->prevOnLineExists();

InlineBox* InlineBox::firstLeafChild()
    return this;

InlineBox* InlineBox::lastLeafChild()
    return this;

InlineBox* InlineBox::closestLeafChildForXPos(int _x, int _tx)
    if (!isInlineFlowBox())
        return this;
    InlineFlowBox *flowBox = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(this);
    if (!flowBox->firstChild())
        return this;

    InlineBox *box = flowBox->closestChildForXPos(_x, _tx);
    if (!box)
        return this;
    return box->closestLeafChildForXPos(_x, _tx);

bool InlineBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth)
    // Non-replaced elements can always accommodate an ellipsis.
    if (!m_object || !m_object->isReplaced())
        return true;
    QRect boxRect(m_x, 0, m_width, 10);
    QRect ellipsisRect(ltr ? blockEdge - ellipsisWidth : blockEdge, 0, ellipsisWidth, 10);
    return !(boxRect.intersects(ellipsisRect));

int InlineBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth, bool&)
    // Use -1 to mean "we didn't set the position."
    return -1;

int InlineFlowBox::marginLeft()
    if (!includeLeftEdge())
        return 0;
    RenderStyle* cstyle = object()->style();
    Length margin = cstyle->marginLeft();
    if (margin.type != Variable)
        return (margin.type == Fixed ? margin.value : object()->marginLeft());
    return 0;

int InlineFlowBox::marginRight()
    if (!includeRightEdge())
        return 0;
    RenderStyle* cstyle = object()->style();
    Length margin = cstyle->marginRight();
    if (margin.type != Variable)
        return (margin.type == Fixed ? margin.value : object()->marginRight());
    return 0;

int InlineFlowBox::marginBorderPaddingLeft()
    return marginLeft() + borderLeft() + paddingLeft();

int InlineFlowBox::marginBorderPaddingRight()
    return marginRight() + borderRight() + paddingRight();

int InlineFlowBox::getFlowSpacingWidth()
    int totWidth = marginBorderPaddingLeft() + marginBorderPaddingRight();
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
            totWidth += static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->getFlowSpacingWidth();
    return totWidth;

void InlineFlowBox::removeChild(InlineBox* child)
    if (!m_dirty)


    if (child == m_firstChild)
        m_firstChild = child->nextOnLine();
    if (child == m_lastChild)
        m_lastChild = child->prevOnLine();
    if (child->nextOnLine())
    if (child->prevOnLine())

void InlineFlowBox::deleteLine(RenderArena* arena)
    InlineBox* child = m_firstChild;
    InlineBox* next = 0;
    while (child) {
        next = child->nextOnLine();
        child = next;

void InlineFlowBox::extractLine()
    if (!m_extracted)
    for (InlineBox* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->nextOnLine())

void InlineFlowBox::attachLine()
    if (m_extracted)
    for (InlineBox* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->nextOnLine())

void InlineFlowBox::adjustPosition(int dx, int dy)
    InlineRunBox::adjustPosition(dx, dy);
    for (InlineBox* child = m_firstChild; child; child = child->nextOnLine())
        child->adjustPosition(dx, dy);

bool InlineFlowBox::onEndChain(RenderObject* endObject)
    if (!endObject)
        return false;
    if (endObject == object())
        return true;

    RenderObject* curr = endObject;
    RenderObject* parent = curr->parent();
    while (parent && !parent->isRenderBlock()) {
        if (parent->lastChild() != curr)
            return false;
        curr = parent;
        parent = curr->parent();

    return true;

void InlineFlowBox::determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(bool lastLine, RenderObject* endObject)
    // All boxes start off open.  They will not apply any margins/border/padding on
    // any side.
    bool includeLeftEdge = false;
    bool includeRightEdge = false;

    RenderFlow* flow = static_cast<RenderFlow*>(object());
    if (!flow->firstChild())
        includeLeftEdge = includeRightEdge = true; // Empty inlines never split across lines.
    else if (parent()) { // The root inline box never has borders/margins/padding.
        bool ltr = flow->style()->direction() == LTR;
        // Check to see if all initial lines are unconstructed.  If so, then
        // we know the inline began on this line.
        if (!flow->firstLineBox()->isConstructed()) {
            if (ltr && flow->firstLineBox() == this)
                includeLeftEdge = true;
            else if (!ltr && flow->lastLineBox() == this)
                includeRightEdge = true;
        // In order to determine if the inline ends on this line, we check three things:
        // (1) If we are the last line and we don't have a continuation(), then we can
        // close up.
        // (2) If the last line box for the flow has an object following it on the line (ltr,
        // reverse for rtl), then the inline has closed.
        // (3) The line may end on the inline.  If we are the last child (climbing up
        // the end object's chain), then we just closed as well.
        if (!flow->lastLineBox()->isConstructed()) {
            if (ltr) {
                if (!nextLineBox() &&
                    ((lastLine && !object()->continuation()) || nextOnLineExists()
                     || onEndChain(endObject)))
                    includeRightEdge = true;
            else {
                if ((!prevLineBox() || !prevLineBox()->isConstructed()) &&
                    ((lastLine && !object()->continuation()) ||
                     prevOnLineExists() || onEndChain(endObject)))
                    includeLeftEdge = true;

    setEdges(includeLeftEdge, includeRightEdge);

    // Recur into our children.
    for (InlineBox* currChild = firstChild(); currChild; currChild = currChild->nextOnLine()) {
        if (currChild->isInlineFlowBox()) {
            InlineFlowBox* currFlow = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(currChild);
            currFlow->determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(lastLine, endObject);

int InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesHorizontally(int x)
    // Set our x position.

    int startX = x;
    x += borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->object()->isText()) {
            InlineTextBox* text = static_cast<InlineTextBox*>(curr);
            x += text->width();
        else {
            if (curr->object()->isPositioned()) {
                if (curr->object()->parent()->style()->direction() == LTR)
                else {
                    // Our offset that we cache needs to be from the edge of the right border box and
                    // not the left border box.  We have to subtract |x| from the width of the block
                    // (which can be obtained by walking up to the root line box).
                    InlineBox* root = this;
                    while (!root->isRootInlineBox())
                        root = root->parent();
                continue; // The positioned object has no effect on the width.
            if (curr->object()->isInlineFlow()) {
                InlineFlowBox* flow = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr);
                if (curr->object()->isCompact()) {
                    int ignoredX = x;
                else {
                    x += flow->marginLeft();
                    x = flow->placeBoxesHorizontally(x);
                    x += flow->marginRight();
            else if (!curr->object()->isCompact()) {
                x += curr->object()->marginLeft();
                x += curr->width() + curr->object()->marginRight();

    x += borderRight() + paddingRight();
    return x;

void InlineFlowBox::verticallyAlignBoxes(int& heightOfBlock)
    int maxPositionTop = 0;
    int maxPositionBottom = 0;
    int maxAscent = 0;
    int maxDescent = 0;

    // Figure out if we're in strict mode.  Note that we can't simply use !style()->htmlHacks(),
    // because that would match almost strict mode as well.
    RenderObject* curr = object();
    while (curr && !curr->element())
        curr = curr->container();
    bool strictMode = (curr && curr->element()->getDocument()->inStrictMode());
    computeLogicalBoxHeights(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, strictMode);

    if (maxAscent + maxDescent < kMax(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))
        adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);

    int maxHeight = maxAscent + maxDescent;
    int topPosition = heightOfBlock;
    int bottomPosition = heightOfBlock;
    placeBoxesVertically(heightOfBlock, maxHeight, maxAscent, strictMode, topPosition, bottomPosition);

    setOverflowPositions(topPosition, bottomPosition);

    // Shrink boxes with no text children in quirks and almost strict mode.
    if (!strictMode)
        shrinkBoxesWithNoTextChildren(topPosition, bottomPosition);
    heightOfBlock += maxHeight;

void InlineFlowBox::adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(int& maxAscent, int& maxDescent,
                                              int maxPositionTop, int maxPositionBottom)
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        // The computed lineheight needs to be extended for the
        // positioned elements
        if (curr->object()->isPositioned())
            continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
        if (curr->yPos() == PositionTop || curr->yPos() == PositionBottom) {
            if (curr->yPos() == PositionTop) {
                if (maxAscent + maxDescent < curr->height())
                    maxDescent = curr->height() - maxAscent;
            else {
                if (maxAscent + maxDescent < curr->height())
                    maxAscent = curr->height() - maxDescent;

            if (maxAscent + maxDescent >= kMax(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom))

        if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
            static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->adjustMaxAscentAndDescent(maxAscent, maxDescent, maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom);

void InlineFlowBox::computeLogicalBoxHeights(int& maxPositionTop, int& maxPositionBottom,
                                             int& maxAscent, int& maxDescent, bool strictMode)
    if (isRootInlineBox()) {
        // Examine our root box.
        setHeight(object()->lineHeight(m_firstLine, true));
        bool isTableCell = object()->isTableCell();
        if (isTableCell) {
            RenderTableCell* tableCell = static_cast<RenderTableCell*>(object());
            setBaseline(tableCell->RenderBlock::baselinePosition(m_firstLine, true));
            setBaseline(object()->baselinePosition(m_firstLine, true));
        if (hasTextChildren() || strictMode) {
            int ascent = baseline();
            int descent = height() - ascent;
            if (maxAscent < ascent)
                maxAscent = ascent;
            if (maxDescent < descent)
                maxDescent = descent;
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->object()->isPositioned())
            continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
        if (curr->yPos() == PositionTop) {
            if (maxPositionTop < curr->height())
                maxPositionTop = curr->height();
        else if (curr->yPos() == PositionBottom) {
            if (maxPositionBottom < curr->height())
                maxPositionBottom = curr->height();
        else if (curr->hasTextChildren() || strictMode) {
            int ascent = curr->baseline() - curr->yPos();
            int descent = curr->height() - ascent;
            if (maxAscent < ascent)
                maxAscent = ascent;
            if (maxDescent < descent)
                maxDescent = descent;

        if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
            static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->computeLogicalBoxHeights(maxPositionTop, maxPositionBottom, maxAscent, maxDescent, strictMode);

void InlineFlowBox::placeBoxesVertically(int y, int maxHeight, int maxAscent, bool strictMode,
                                         int& topPosition, int& bottomPosition)
    if (isRootInlineBox())
        setYPos(y + maxAscent - baseline());// Place our root box.
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->object()->isPositioned())
            continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
        // Adjust boxes to use their real box y/height and not the logical height (as dictated by
        // line-height).
        if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
            static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->placeBoxesVertically(y, maxHeight, maxAscent, strictMode,
                                                                    topPosition, bottomPosition);

        bool childAffectsTopBottomPos = true;
        if (curr->yPos() == PositionTop)
        else if (curr->yPos() == PositionBottom)
            curr->setYPos(y + maxHeight - curr->height());
        else {
            if (!curr->hasTextChildren() && !strictMode)
                childAffectsTopBottomPos = false;
            curr->setYPos(curr->yPos() + y + maxAscent - curr->baseline());
        int newY = curr->yPos();
        int newHeight = curr->height();
        int newBaseline = curr->baseline();
        if (curr->isInlineTextBox() || curr->isInlineFlowBox()) {
            const QFontMetrics &fm = curr->object()->fontMetrics( m_firstLine );
            newBaseline = fm.ascent();
            newY += curr->baseline() - newBaseline;
            newHeight = newBaseline+fm.descent();
            if (curr->isInlineFlowBox()) {
                newHeight += curr->object()->borderTop() + curr->object()->paddingTop() +
                            curr->object()->borderBottom() + curr->object()->paddingBottom();
                newY -= curr->object()->borderTop() + curr->object()->paddingTop();
                newBaseline += curr->object()->borderTop() + curr->object()->paddingTop();
        else {
            newY += curr->object()->marginTop();
            newHeight = curr->height() - (curr->object()->marginTop() + curr->object()->marginBottom());


        if (childAffectsTopBottomPos) {
            if (newY < topPosition)
                topPosition = newY;
            if (newY + newHeight > bottomPosition)
                bottomPosition = newY + newHeight;

    if (isRootInlineBox()) {
        const QFontMetrics &fm = object()->fontMetrics( m_firstLine );
        setYPos(yPos() + baseline() - fm.ascent());
        if (hasTextChildren() || strictMode) {
            if (yPos() < topPosition)
                topPosition = yPos();
            if (yPos() + height() > bottomPosition)
                bottomPosition = yPos() + height();

void InlineFlowBox::shrinkBoxesWithNoTextChildren(int topPos, int bottomPos)
    // First shrink our kids.
    for (InlineBox* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextOnLine()) {
        if (curr->object()->isPositioned())
            continue; // Positioned placeholders don't affect calculations.
        if (curr->isInlineFlowBox())
            static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(curr)->shrinkBoxesWithNoTextChildren(topPos, bottomPos);

    // See if we have text children. If not, then we need to shrink ourselves to fit on the line.
    if (!hasTextChildren()) {
        if (yPos() < topPos)
        if (yPos() + height() > bottomPos)
            setHeight(bottomPos - yPos());
        if (baseline() > height())

void InlineFlowBox::paintBackgroundAndBorder(RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty, int xOffsetOnLine)
    // Move x/y to our coordinates.
    _tx += m_x;
    _ty += m_y;
    int w = width();
    int h = height();

    int my = kMax(_ty, i.r.y());
    int mh;
    if (_ty < i.r.y())
        mh= kMax(0, h - (i.r.y() - _ty));
        mh = kMin(i.r.height(), h);

    QPainter* p = i.p;
    // You can use p::first-line to specify a background. If so, the root line boxes for
    // a line may actually have to paint a background.
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = object()->style(m_firstLine);
    if ((!parent() && m_firstLine && styleToUse != object()->style()) || 
        (parent() && object()->shouldPaintBackgroundOrBorder())) {
        CachedImage* bg = styleToUse->backgroundImage();
        bool hasBackgroundImage = bg && (bg->pixmap_size() == bg->valid_rect().size()) &&
                                  !bg->isTransparent() && !bg->isErrorImage();
        if (!hasBackgroundImage || (!prevLineBox() && !nextLineBox()) || !parent())
            object()->paintBackgroundExtended(p, styleToUse->backgroundColor(),
                                              bg, my, mh, _tx, _ty, w, h,
                                              borderLeft(), borderRight());
        else {
            // We have a background image that spans multiple lines.
            // We need to adjust _tx and _ty by the width of all previous lines.
            // Think of background painting on inlines as though you had one long line, a single continuous
            // strip.  Even though that strip has been broken up across multiple lines, you still paint it
            // as though you had one single line.  This means each line has to pick up the background where
            // the previous line left off.
            int startX = _tx - xOffsetOnLine;
            int totalWidth = xOffsetOnLine;
            for (InlineRunBox* curr = this; curr; curr = curr->nextLineBox())
                totalWidth += curr->width();
            QRect clipRect(_tx, _ty, width(), height());
            clipRect = p->xForm(clipRect);
            object()->paintBackgroundExtended(p, object()->style()->backgroundColor(),
                                              object()->style()->backgroundImage(), my, mh, startX, _ty,
                                              totalWidth, h,
                                              borderLeft(), borderRight());

        // :first-line cannot be used to put borders on a line. Always paint borders with our
        // non-first-line style.
        if (parent() && object()->style()->hasBorder())
            object()->paintBorder(p, _tx, _ty, w, h, object()->style(), includeLeftEdge(), includeRightEdge());

static bool shouldDrawDecoration(RenderObject* obj)
    bool shouldDraw = false;
    for (RenderObject* curr = obj->firstChild();
         curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) {
        if (curr->isInlineFlow()) {
            shouldDraw = true;
        else if (curr->isText() && !curr->isBR() && (curr->style()->whiteSpace() == PRE ||
                 !curr->element() || !curr->element()->containsOnlyWhitespace())) {
            shouldDraw = true;
    return shouldDraw;

void InlineFlowBox::paintDecorations(RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty, bool paintedChildren)
    // Now paint our text decorations. We only do this if we aren't in quirks mode (i.e., in
    // almost-strict mode or strict mode).
    QPainter* p = i.p;
    _tx += m_x;
    _ty += m_y;
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = object()->style(m_firstLine);
    int deco = parent() ? styleToUse->textDecoration() : styleToUse->textDecorationsInEffect();
    if (deco != TDNONE && 
        ((!paintedChildren && ((deco & UNDERLINE) || (deco & OVERLINE))) || (paintedChildren && (deco & LINE_THROUGH))) &&
        shouldDrawDecoration(object())) {
        int x = m_x + borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
        int w = m_width - (borderLeft() + paddingLeft() + borderRight() + paddingRight());
        RootInlineBox* rootLine = root();
        if (rootLine->ellipsisBox()) {
            int ellipsisX = rootLine->ellipsisBox()->xPos();
            int ellipsisWidth = rootLine->ellipsisBox()->width();
            // FIXME: Will need to work with RTL
            if (rootLine == this) {
                if (x + w >= ellipsisX + ellipsisWidth)
                    w -= (x + w - ellipsisX - ellipsisWidth);
            else {
                if (x >= ellipsisX)
                if (x + w >= ellipsisX)
                    w -= (x + w - ellipsisX);
        // Set up the appropriate text-shadow effect for the decoration.
        // FIXME: Support multiple shadow effects.  Need more from the CG API before we can do this.
        bool setShadow = false;
        if (styleToUse->textShadow()) {
            p->setShadow(styleToUse->textShadow()->x, styleToUse->textShadow()->y,
                         styleToUse->textShadow()->blur, styleToUse->textShadow()->color);
            setShadow = true;
        // We must have child boxes and have decorations defined.
        _tx += borderLeft() + paddingLeft();
        QColor underline, overline, linethrough;
        underline = overline = linethrough = styleToUse->color();
        if (!parent())
            object()->getTextDecorationColors(deco, underline, overline, linethrough);

        if (styleToUse->font() != p->font())

        if (deco & UNDERLINE && !paintedChildren) {
            p->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, m_baseline, w);
        if (deco & OVERLINE && !paintedChildren) {
            p->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, 0, w);
        if (deco & LINE_THROUGH && paintedChildren) {
            p->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, 2*m_baseline/3, w);

        if (setShadow)

InlineBox* InlineFlowBox::firstLeafChild()
    InlineBox *box = firstChild();
    while (box) {
        InlineBox* next = 0;
        if (!box->isInlineFlowBox())
        next = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(box)->firstChild();
        if (!next)
        box = next;
    return box;

InlineBox* InlineFlowBox::lastLeafChild()
    InlineBox *box = lastChild();
    while (box) {
        InlineBox* next = 0;
        if (!box->isInlineFlowBox())
        next = static_cast<InlineFlowBox*>(box)->lastChild();
        if (!next)
        box = next;
    return box;

InlineBox* InlineFlowBox::closestChildForXPos(int _x, int _tx)
    if (_x < _tx + firstChild()->m_x)
        // if the x coordinate is to the left of the first child
        return firstChild(); 
    else if (_x >= _tx + lastChild()->m_x + lastChild()->m_width)
        // if the x coordinate is to the right of the last child
        return lastChild(); 
        // look for the closest child;
        // check only the right edges, since the left edge of the first
        // box has already been checked
        for (InlineBox *box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine())
            if (_x < _tx + box->m_x + box->m_width)
                return box;

    return 0;

bool InlineFlowBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth)
    for (InlineBox *box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
        if (!box->canAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth))
            return false;
    return true;

int InlineFlowBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth, bool& foundBox)
    int result = -1;
    for (InlineBox *box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine()) {
        int currResult = box->placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth, foundBox);
        if (currResult != -1 && result == -1)
            result = currResult;
    return result;

void InlineFlowBox::clearTruncation()
    for (InlineBox *box = firstChild(); box; box = box->nextOnLine())

void EllipsisBox::paint(RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty)
    QPainter* p = i.p;
    RenderStyle* _style = m_firstLine ? m_object->style(true) : m_object->style();
    if (_style->font() != p->font())

    const Font* font = &_style->htmlFont();
    QColor textColor = _style->color();
    if (textColor != p->pen().color())
    bool setShadow = false;
    if (_style->textShadow()) {
        p->setShadow(_style->textShadow()->x, _style->textShadow()->y,
                     _style->textShadow()->blur, _style->textShadow()->color);
        setShadow = true;
    const DOMString& str = m_str.string();
    font->drawText(p, m_x + _tx, 
                      m_y + _ty + m_baseline,
                      str.length(), 0, str.length(),
                      QPainter::LTR, _style->visuallyOrdered());
    if (setShadow)
    if (m_markupBox) {
        // Paint the markup box
        _tx += m_x + m_width - m_markupBox->xPos();
        _ty += m_y + m_baseline - (m_markupBox->yPos() + m_markupBox->baseline());
        m_markupBox->object()->paint(i, _tx, _ty);

bool EllipsisBox::nodeAtPoint(RenderObject::NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty,
                              HitTestAction hitTestAction, bool inBox)
    if (m_markupBox) {
        _tx += m_x + m_width - m_markupBox->xPos();
        _ty += m_y + m_baseline - (m_markupBox->yPos() + m_markupBox->baseline());
        inBox |= m_markupBox->object()->nodeAtPoint(info, _x, _y, _tx, _ty, hitTestAction, inBox);
    return inBox;

void RootInlineBox::detach(RenderArena* arena)

void RootInlineBox::detachEllipsisBox(RenderArena* arena)
    if (m_ellipsisBox) {
        m_ellipsisBox = 0;

void RootInlineBox::clearTruncation()
    if (m_ellipsisBox) {

bool RootInlineBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int lineBoxEdge, int ellipsisWidth)
    // First sanity-check the unoverflowed width of the whole line to see if there is sufficient room.
    int delta = ltr ? lineBoxEdge - blockEdge : blockEdge - lineBoxEdge;
    if (width() - delta < ellipsisWidth)
        return false;

    // Next iterate over all the line boxes on the line.  If we find a replaced element that intersects
    // then we refuse to accommodate the ellipsis.  Otherwise we're ok.
    return InlineFlowBox::canAccommodateEllipsis(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth);

void RootInlineBox::placeEllipsis(const AtomicString& ellipsisStr,  bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth,
                                  InlineBox* markupBox)
    // Create an ellipsis box.
    m_ellipsisBox = new (m_object->renderArena()) EllipsisBox(m_object, ellipsisStr, this, 
                                                              ellipsisWidth - (markupBox ? markupBox->width() : 0),
                                                              yPos(), height(), baseline(), !prevRootBox(),

    if (ltr && (xPos() + width() + ellipsisWidth) <= blockEdge) {
        m_ellipsisBox->m_x = xPos() + width();

    // Now attempt to find the nearest glyph horizontally and place just to the right (or left in RTL)
    // of that glyph.  Mark all of the objects that intersect the ellipsis box as not painting (as being
    // truncated).
    bool foundBox = false;
    m_ellipsisBox->m_x = placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth, foundBox);

int RootInlineBox::placeEllipsisBox(bool ltr, int blockEdge, int ellipsisWidth, bool& foundBox)
    int result = InlineFlowBox::placeEllipsisBox(ltr, blockEdge, ellipsisWidth, foundBox);
    if (result == -1)
        result = ltr ? blockEdge - ellipsisWidth : blockEdge;
    return result;

void RootInlineBox::paintEllipsisBox(RenderObject::PaintInfo& i, int _tx, int _ty) const
    if (m_ellipsisBox)
        m_ellipsisBox->paint(i, _tx, _ty);

bool RootInlineBox::hitTestEllipsisBox(RenderObject::NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty,
                                       HitTestAction hitTestAction, bool inBox)
    if (m_ellipsisBox)
        inBox |= m_ellipsisBox->nodeAtPoint(info, _x, _y, _tx, _ty, hitTestAction, inBox);
    return inBox;

void RootInlineBox::adjustPosition(int dx, int dy)
    InlineFlowBox::adjustPosition(dx, dy);
    m_topOverflow += dy;
    m_bottomOverflow += dy;
    m_blockHeight += dy;

void RootInlineBox::childRemoved(InlineBox* box)
    if (box->object() == m_lineBreakObj)

    RootInlineBox* prev = prevRootBox();
    if (prev && prev->lineBreakObj() == box->object()) {
