/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ //#define DEBUG_LAYOUT //#define BIDI_DEBUG #include "rendering/render_canvas.h" #include "rendering/render_text.h" #include "rendering/break_lines.h" #include "xml/dom_nodeimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h" #include "render_arena.h" #include "misc/loader.h" #include #include #include using namespace khtml; using namespace DOM; #ifndef NDEBUG static bool inTextRunDetach; #endif void TextRun::detach(RenderArena* renderArena) { #ifndef NDEBUG inTextRunDetach = true; #endif delete this; #ifndef NDEBUG inTextRunDetach = false; #endif // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory. renderArena->free(*(size_t *)this, this); } void* TextRun::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena* renderArena) throw() { return renderArena->allocate(sz); } void TextRun::operator delete(void* ptr, size_t sz) { assert(inTextRunDetach); // Stash size where detach can find it. *(size_t *)ptr = sz; } void TextRun::paintSelection(const Font *f, RenderText *text, QPainter *p, RenderStyle* style, int tx, int ty, int startPos, int endPos) { if(startPos > m_len) return; if(startPos < 0) startPos = 0; p->save(); #if APPLE_CHANGES // Macintosh-style text highlighting is to draw with a particular background color, not invert. QColor textColor = style->color(); QColor c = p->selectedTextBackgroundColor(); if (textColor == c) c = QColor(0xff - c.red(), 0xff - c.green(), 0xff - c.blue()); RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = object()->style()->getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::SELECTION); if (pseudoStyle && pseudoStyle->backgroundColor().isValid()) c = pseudoStyle->backgroundColor(); p->setPen(c); // Don't draw text at all! #else QColor c = style->color(); p->setPen(QColor(0xff-c.red(),0xff-c.green(),0xff-c.blue())); #endif ty += m_baseline; //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "textRun::painting(" << s.string() << ") at(" << x+_tx << "/" << y+_ty << ")" << endl; f->drawHighlightForText(p, m_x + tx, m_y + ty, text->str->s, text->str->l, m_start, m_len, m_toAdd, m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR, startPos, endPos, c); p->restore(); } #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES void TextRun::paintDecoration( QPainter *pt, int _tx, int _ty, int deco) { _tx += m_x; _ty += m_y; // Get the text decoration colors. QColor underline, overline, linethrough; object()->getTextDecorationColors(deco, underline, overline, linethrough, true); // Use a special function for underlines to get the positioning exactly right. if (deco & UNDERLINE) { pt->setPen(underline); pt->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, m_baseline, m_width); } if (deco & OVERLINE) { pt->setPen(overline); pt->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, 0, m_width); } if (deco & LINE_THROUGH) { pt->setPen(linethrough); pt->drawLineForText(_tx, _ty, 2*m_baseline/3, m_width); } } #else void TextRun::paintDecoration( QPainter *pt, int _tx, int _ty, int decoration) { _tx += m_x; _ty += m_y; int width = m_width - 1; QColor underline, overline, linethrough; object()->getTextDecorationColors(decoration, underline, overline, linethrough, true); int underlineOffset = ( pt->fontMetrics().height() + m_baseline ) / 2; if(underlineOffset <= m_baseline) underlineOffset = m_baseline+1; if(deco & UNDERLINE){ pt->setPen(underline); pt->drawLine(_tx, _ty + underlineOffset, _tx + width, _ty + underlineOffset ); } if (deco & OVERLINE) { pt->setPen(overline); pt->drawLine(_tx, _ty, _tx + width, _ty ); } if(deco & LINE_THROUGH) { pt->setPen(linethrough); pt->drawLine(_tx, _ty + 2*m_baseline/3, _tx + width, _ty + 2*m_baseline/3 ); } // NO! Do NOT add BLINK! It is the most annouing feature of Netscape, and IE has a reason not to // support it. Lars } #endif #define LOCAL_WIDTH_BUF_SIZE 1024 FindSelectionResult TextRun::checkSelectionPoint(int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, const Font *f, RenderText *text, int & offset, short lineHeight) { // kdDebug(6040) << "TextRun::checkSelectionPoint " << this << " _x=" << _x << " _y=" << _y // << " _tx+m_x=" << _tx+m_x << " _ty+m_y=" << _ty+m_y << endl; offset = 0; if ( _y < _ty + m_y ) return SelectionPointBefore; // above -> before if ( _y > _ty + m_y + m_height ) { // below -> after // Set the offset to the max offset = m_len; return SelectionPointAfter; } if ( _x > _tx + m_x + m_width ) { // to the right return m_reversed ? SelectionPointBeforeInLine : SelectionPointAfterInLine; } // The Y matches, check if we're on the left if ( _x < _tx + m_x ) { return m_reversed ? SelectionPointAfterInLine : SelectionPointBeforeInLine; } #if APPLE_CHANGES int pos = f->checkSelectionPoint (text->str->s, text->str->l, m_start, m_len, m_toAdd, _x - (_tx + m_x), m_reversed); #else int delta = _x - (_tx + m_x); //kdDebug(6040) << "TextRun::checkSelectionPoint delta=" << delta << endl; int pos = 0; if ( m_reversed ) { delta -= m_width; while(pos < m_len) { int w = f->width( text->str->s, text->str->l, m_start + pos); int w2 = w/2; w -= w2; delta += w2; if(delta >= 0) break; pos++; delta += w; } } else { while(pos < m_len) { int w = f->width( text->str->s, text->str->l, m_start + pos); int w2 = w/2; w -= w2; delta -= w2; if(delta <= 0) break; pos++; delta -= w; } } #endif // kdDebug( 6040 ) << " Text --> inside at position " << pos << endl; offset = pos; return SelectionPointInside; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TextRunArray::TextRunArray() { setAutoDelete(false); } int TextRunArray::compareItems( Item d1, Item d2 ) { assert(d1); assert(d2); return static_cast(d1)->m_y - static_cast(d2)->m_y; } // remove this once QVector::bsearch is fixed int TextRunArray::findFirstMatching(Item d) const { int len = count(); if ( !len ) return -1; if ( !d ) return -1; int n1 = 0; int n2 = len - 1; int mid = 0; bool found = FALSE; while ( n1 <= n2 ) { int res; mid = (n1 + n2)/2; if ( (*this)[mid] == 0 ) // null item greater res = -1; else res = ((QGVector*)this)->compareItems( d, (*this)[mid] ); if ( res < 0 ) n2 = mid - 1; else if ( res > 0 ) n1 = mid + 1; else { // found it found = TRUE; break; } } /* if ( !found ) return -1; */ // search to first one equal or bigger while ( found && (mid > 0) && !((QGVector*)this)->compareItems(d, (*this)[mid-1]) ) mid--; return mid; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderText::RenderText(DOM::NodeImpl* node, DOMStringImpl *_str) : RenderObject(node) { // init RenderObject attributes setRenderText(); // our object inherits from RenderText m_minWidth = -1; m_maxWidth = -1; #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES m_monospaceCharacterWidth = 0; m_allAsciiChecked = false; m_allAscii = false; #endif str = _str; if (str) { str = str->replace('\\', backslashAsCurrencySymbol()); str->ref(); } KHTMLAssert(!str || !str->l || str->s); m_selectionState = SelectionNone; #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT QConstString cstr(str->s, str->l); kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderText ctr( "<< cstr.string().length() << " ) '" << cstr.string() << "'" << endl; #endif } void RenderText::setStyle(RenderStyle *_style) { if ( style() != _style ) { // ### fontvariant being implemented as text-transform: upper. sucks! bool changedText = (!style() && (_style->fontVariant() != FVNORMAL || _style->textTransform() != TTNONE)) || ((style() && style()->textTransform() != _style->textTransform()) || (style() && style()->fontVariant() != _style->fontVariant())); RenderObject::setStyle( _style ); m_lineHeight = RenderObject::lineHeight(false); if (changedText && element() && element()->string()) setText(element()->string(), changedText); #if APPLE_CHANGES // set also call cacheWidths(), so no need to recache if that has already been done. else cacheWidths(); #endif } } RenderText::~RenderText() { if(str) str->deref(); } void RenderText::detach(RenderArena* renderArena) { deleteRuns(renderArena); RenderObject::detach(renderArena); } void RenderText::deleteRuns(RenderArena *arena) { // this is a slight variant of QArray::clear(). // We don't delete the array itself here because its // likely to be used in the same size later again, saves // us resize() calls unsigned int len = m_lines.size(); if (len) { if (!arena) arena = renderArena(); for(unsigned int i=0; i < len; i++) { TextRun* s = m_lines.at(i); if (s) s->detach(arena); m_lines.remove(i); } } KHTMLAssert(m_lines.count() == 0); } TextRun * RenderText::findTextRun( int offset, int &pos ) { // The text runs point to parts of the rendertext's str string // (they don't include '\n') // Find the text run that includes the character at @p offset // and return pos, which is the position of the char in the run. if ( m_lines.isEmpty() ) return 0L; TextRun* s = m_lines[0]; uint si = 1; int off = s->m_len; while(offset > off && si < m_lines.count()) { s = m_lines[si++]; off = s->m_start + s->m_len; } // we are now in the correct text run pos = (offset > off ? s->m_len : s->m_len - (off - offset) ); return s; } bool RenderText::nodeAtPoint(NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, bool inside) { assert(parent()); TextRun *s = m_lines.count() ? m_lines[0] : 0; int si = 0; while(s) { if((_y >=_ty + s->m_y) && (_y < _ty + s->m_y + s->height()) && (_x >= _tx + s->m_x) && (_x <_tx + s->m_x + s->m_width) ) { inside = true; break; } s = si < (int) m_lines.count()-1 ? m_lines[++si] : 0; } setMouseInside(inside); if (inside && element()) { if (info.innerNode() && info.innerNode()->renderer() && !info.innerNode()->renderer()->isInline()) { // Within the same layer, inlines are ALWAYS fully above blocks. Change inner node. info.setInnerNode(element()); // Clear everything else. info.setInnerNonSharedNode(0); info.setURLElement(0); } if (!info.innerNode()) info.setInnerNode(element()); if(!info.innerNonSharedNode()) info.setInnerNonSharedNode(element()); } return inside; } FindSelectionResult RenderText::checkSelectionPointIgnoringContinuations(int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, DOM::NodeImpl*& node, int &offset) { // kdDebug(6040) << "RenderText::checkSelectionPoint " << this << " _x=" << _x << " _y=" << _y // << " _tx=" << _tx << " _ty=" << _ty << endl; TextRun *lastPointAfterInline=0; for(unsigned int si = 0; si < m_lines.count(); si++) { TextRun* s = m_lines[si]; int result; const Font *f = htmlFont( si==0 ); result = s->checkSelectionPoint(_x, _y, _tx, _ty, f, this, offset, m_lineHeight); // kdDebug(6040) << "RenderText::checkSelectionPoint " << this << " line " << si << " result=" << result << " offset=" << offset << endl; if ( result == SelectionPointInside ) // x,y is inside the textrun { offset += s->m_start; // add the offset from the previous lines //kdDebug(6040) << "RenderText::checkSelectionPoint inside -> " << offset << endl; node = element(); return SelectionPointInside; } else if ( result == SelectionPointBefore ) { // x,y is before the textrun -> stop here if ( si > 0 && lastPointAfterInline ) { offset = lastPointAfterInline->m_start + lastPointAfterInline->m_len; //kdDebug(6040) << "RenderText::checkSelectionPoint before -> " << offset << endl; node = element(); return SelectionPointInside; } else { offset = 0; //kdDebug(6040) << "RenderText::checkSelectionPoint " << this << "before us -> returning Before" << endl; node = element(); return SelectionPointBefore; } } else if ( result == SelectionPointAfterInLine ) { lastPointAfterInline = s; } } // set offset to max offset = str->l; //qDebug("setting node to %p", element()); node = element(); return SelectionPointAfter; } void RenderText::cursorPos(int offset, int &_x, int &_y, int &height) { if (!m_lines.count()) { _x = _y = height = -1; return; } int pos; TextRun * s = findTextRun( offset, pos ); _y = s->m_y; height = s->m_height; const QFontMetrics &fm = metrics( s->m_firstLine ); QString tekst(str->s + s->m_start, s->m_len); _x = s->m_x + (fm.boundingRect(tekst, pos)).right(); if(pos) _x += fm.rightBearing( *(str->s + s->m_start + pos - 1 ) ); int absx, absy; RenderObject *cb = containingBlock(); if (cb && cb != this && cb->absolutePosition(absx,absy)) { _x += absx; _y += absy; } else { // we don't know our absolute position, and there is not point returning // just a relative one _x = _y = -1; } } bool RenderText::absolutePosition(int &xPos, int &yPos, bool) { return RenderObject::absolutePosition(xPos, yPos, false); } void RenderText::posOfChar(int chr, int &x, int &y) { if (!parent()) { x = -1; y = -1; return; } parent()->absolutePosition( x, y, false ); //if( chr > (int) str->l ) //chr = str->l; int pos; TextRun * s = findTextRun( chr, pos ); if ( s ) { // s is the line containing the character x += s->m_x; // this is the x of the beginning of the line, but it's good enough for now y += s->m_y; } } int RenderText::rightmostPosition() const { if (style()->whiteSpace() != NORMAL) return maxWidth(); return 0; } void RenderText::paintObject(QPainter *p, int /*x*/, int y, int /*w*/, int h, int tx, int ty, PaintAction paintAction) { int ow = style()->outlineWidth(); RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = style()->getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::FIRST_LINE); int d = style()->textDecorationsInEffect(); TextRun f(0, y-ty); int si = m_lines.findFirstMatching(&f); // something matching found, find the first one to print bool isPrinting = (p->device()->devType() == QInternal::Printer); if(si >= 0) { // Move up until out of area to be printed while(si > 0 && m_lines[si-1]->checkVerticalPoint(y, ty, h)) si--; // Now calculate startPos and endPos, for printing selection. // We print selection while endPos > 0 int endPos, startPos; if (!isPrinting && (selectionState() != SelectionNone)) { if (selectionState() == SelectionInside) { //kdDebug(6040) << this << " SelectionInside -> 0 to end" << endl; startPos = 0; endPos = str->l; } else { selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos); if(selectionState() == SelectionStart) endPos = str->l; else if(selectionState() == SelectionEnd) startPos = 0; } //kdDebug(6040) << this << " Selection from " << startPos << " to " << endPos << endl; } TextRun* s; int minx = 1000000; int maxx = -1000000; int outlinebox_y = m_lines[si]->m_y; QPtrList linerects; linerects.setAutoDelete(true); linerects.append(new QRect()); bool renderOutline = style()->outlineWidth()!=0; const Font *font = &style()->htmlFont(); #if APPLE_CHANGES // Do one pass for the selection, then another for the rest. bool haveSelection = startPos != endPos && !isPrinting && selectionState() != SelectionNone; if (!haveSelection && paintAction == PaintActionSelection) { // When only painting the selection, don't bother to paint if there is none. return; } int startLine = si; for (int pass = 0; pass < (haveSelection ? 2 : 1); pass++) { si = startLine; bool drawSelectionBackground = haveSelection && pass == 0 && paintAction != PaintActionSelection; bool drawText = !haveSelection || pass == 1; #endif // run until we find one that is outside the range, then we // know we can stop do { s = m_lines[si]; if (isPrinting) { // FIXME: Need to understand what this section is doing. int lh = lineHeight( false ) + paddingBottom() + borderBottom(); if (ty+s->m_y < y) { // This has been printed already we suppose. continue; } if (ty+lh+s->m_y > y+h) { RenderCanvas* canvasObj = canvas(); if (ty+s->m_y < canvasObj->truncatedAt()) #if APPLE_CHANGES canvasObj->setBestTruncatedAt(ty+s->m_y, this); #else canvasObj->setTruncatedAt(ty+s->m_y); #endif // Let's stop here. break; } } RenderStyle* _style = pseudoStyle && s->m_firstLine ? pseudoStyle : style(); if(_style->font() != p->font()) { p->setFont(_style->font()); font = &_style->htmlFont(); } #if APPLE_CHANGES if (drawText) { #endif if(_style->color() != p->pen().color()) p->setPen(_style->color()); #if APPLE_CHANGES // Set a text shadow if we have one. // FIXME: Support multiple shadow effects. Need more from the CG API before // we can do this. bool setShadow = false; if (_style->textShadow()) { p->setShadow(_style->textShadow()->x, _style->textShadow()->y, _style->textShadow()->blur, _style->textShadow()->color); setShadow = true; } #endif if (s->m_len > 0) { bool paintSelectedTextOnly = (paintAction == PaintActionSelection); bool paintSelectedTextSeparately = false; // Whether or not we have to do multiple paints. Only // necessary when a custom ::selection foreground color is applied. QColor selectionColor = p->pen().color(); ShadowData* selectionTextShadow = 0; if (haveSelection) { RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = style()->getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::SELECTION); if (pseudoStyle) { if (pseudoStyle->color() != selectionColor || pseudoStyle->textShadow()) { if (!paintSelectedTextOnly) paintSelectedTextSeparately = true; if (pseudoStyle->color() != selectionColor) selectionColor = pseudoStyle->color(); if (pseudoStyle->textShadow()) selectionTextShadow = pseudoStyle->textShadow(); } } } if (!paintSelectedTextOnly && !paintSelectedTextSeparately) { font->drawText(p, s->m_x + tx, s->m_y + ty + s->m_baseline, str->s, str->l, s->m_start, s->m_len, s->m_toAdd, s->m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR); } else { int offset = s->m_start; int sPos = QMAX( startPos - offset, 0 ); int ePos = QMIN( endPos - offset, s->m_len ); if (paintSelectedTextSeparately) { if (sPos >= ePos) font->drawText(p, s->m_x + tx, s->m_y + ty + s->m_baseline, str->s, str->l, s->m_start, s->m_len, s->m_toAdd, s->m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR); else { if (sPos-1 >= 0) font->drawText(p, s->m_x + tx, s->m_y + ty + s->m_baseline, str->s, str->l, s->m_start, s->m_len, s->m_toAdd, s->m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR, 0, sPos); if (ePos < s->m_start+s->m_len) font->drawText(p, s->m_x + tx, s->m_y + ty + s->m_baseline, str->s, str->l, s->m_start, s->m_len, s->m_toAdd, s->m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR, ePos, -1); } } if ( sPos < ePos ) { if (selectionColor != p->pen().color()) p->setPen(selectionColor); #if APPLE_CHANGES if (selectionTextShadow) p->setShadow(selectionTextShadow->x, selectionTextShadow->y, selectionTextShadow->blur, selectionTextShadow->color); #endif font->drawText(p, s->m_x + tx, s->m_y + ty + s->m_baseline, str->s, str->l, s->m_start, s->m_len, s->m_toAdd, s->m_reversed ? QPainter::RTL : QPainter::LTR, sPos, ePos); #if APPLE_CHANGES if (selectionTextShadow) p->clearShadow(); #endif } } } if (d != TDNONE && paintAction == PaintActionForeground && style()->htmlHacks()) { p->setPen(_style->color()); s->paintDecoration(p, tx, ty, d); } #if APPLE_CHANGES if (setShadow) p->clearShadow(); } // drawText #endif #if APPLE_CHANGES if (drawSelectionBackground) #endif if (!isPrinting && (selectionState() != SelectionNone)) { int offset = s->m_start; int sPos = QMAX( startPos - offset, 0 ); int ePos = QMIN( endPos - offset, s->m_len ); //kdDebug(6040) << this << " paintSelection with startPos=" << sPos << " endPos=" << ePos << endl; if ( sPos < ePos ) s->paintSelection(font, this, p, _style, tx, ty, sPos, ePos); } #if APPLE_CHANGES if (drawText) #endif if(renderOutline) { if(outlinebox_y == s->m_y) { if(minx > s->m_x) minx = s->m_x; int newmaxx = s->m_x+s->m_width; //if (parent()->isInline() && si==0) newmaxx-=paddingLeft(); if (parent()->isInline() && si==int(m_lines.count())-1) newmaxx-=paddingRight(); if(maxx < newmaxx) maxx = newmaxx; } else { QRect *curLine = new QRect(minx, outlinebox_y, maxx-minx, m_lineHeight); linerects.append(curLine); outlinebox_y = s->m_y; minx = s->m_x; maxx = s->m_x+s->m_width; //if (parent()->isInline() && si==0) maxx-=paddingLeft(); if (parent()->isInline() && si==int(m_lines.count())-1) maxx-=paddingRight(); } } #ifdef BIDI_DEBUG { int h = lineHeight( false ) + paddingTop() + paddingBottom() + borderTop() + borderBottom(); QColor c2 = QColor("#0000ff"); drawBorder(p, tx, ty, tx+1, ty + h, RenderObject::BSLeft, c2, c2, SOLID, 1, 1); drawBorder(p, tx + s->m_width, ty, tx + s->m_width + 1, ty + h, RenderObject::BSRight, c2, c2, SOLID, 1, 1); } #endif } while (++si < (int)m_lines.count() && m_lines[si]->checkVerticalPoint(y-ow, ty, h)); #if APPLE_CHANGES } // end of for loop #endif if(renderOutline) { linerects.append(new QRect(minx, outlinebox_y, maxx-minx, m_lineHeight)); linerects.append(new QRect()); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < linerects.count() - 1; i++) paintTextOutline(p, tx, ty, *linerects.at(i-1), *linerects.at(i), *linerects.at(i+1)); } } } void RenderText::paint(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int tx, int ty, PaintAction paintAction) { if (paintAction != PaintActionForeground && paintAction != PaintActionSelection) return; if (style()->visibility() != VISIBLE) return; int s = m_lines.count() - 1; if ( s < 0 ) return; if (ty + m_lines[0]->yPos() > y + h) return; if (ty + m_lines[s]->yPos() + m_lines[s]->height() < y ) return; paintObject(p, x, y, w, h, tx, ty, paintAction); } #ifdef APPLE_CHANGES bool RenderText::allAscii() const { if (m_allAsciiChecked) return m_allAscii; m_allAsciiChecked = true; unsigned int i; for (i = 0; i < str->l; i++){ if (str->s[i].unicode() >= 0x7f){ m_allAscii = false; return m_allAscii; } } m_allAscii = true; return m_allAscii; } bool RenderText::shouldUseMonospaceCache(const Font *f) const { return (f && f->isFixedPitch() && allAscii()); } // We cache the width of the ' ' character for
 text.  We could go futher
// and cache a widths array for all styles, at the expense of increasing the size of the
// RenderText.
void RenderText::cacheWidths()
    const Font *f = htmlFont( false );
    if (shouldUseMonospaceCache(f)){	
        float fw;
        QChar c(' ');
        f->floatCharacterWidths( &c, 1, 0, 1, 0, &fw);
        m_monospaceCharacterWidth = (int)fw;
        m_monospaceCharacterWidth = 0;

inline int RenderText::widthFromCache(const Font *f, int start, int len) const
    if (m_monospaceCharacterWidth != 0){
        int i, w = 0;
        for (i = start; i < start+len; i++){
            int dir = str->s[i].direction();
            if (dir != QChar::DirNSM && dir != QChar::DirBN)
                w += m_monospaceCharacterWidth;
        return w;
    return f->width(str->s, str->l, start, len);
#ifdef XXX
inline int RenderText::widthFromCache(const Font *f, int start, int len) const
    if (m_monospaceCharacterWidth != 0){
        return len * m_monospaceCharacterWidth;

    return f->width(str->s, str->l, start, len);


void RenderText::trimmedMinMaxWidth(short& beginMinW, bool& beginWS, 
                                    short& endMinW, bool& endWS,
                                    bool& hasBreakableChar, bool& hasBreak,
                                    short& beginMaxW, short& endMaxW,
                                    short& minW, short& maxW, bool& stripFrontSpaces)
    bool isPre = style()->whiteSpace() == PRE;
    if (isPre)
        stripFrontSpaces = false;
    int len = str->l;
    if (len == 0 || (stripFrontSpaces && str->containsOnlyWhitespace())) {
        maxW = 0;
        hasBreak = false;
    minW = m_minWidth;
    maxW = m_maxWidth;
    beginWS = stripFrontSpaces ? false : m_hasBeginWS;
    endWS = m_hasEndWS;
    beginMinW = m_beginMinWidth;
    endMinW = m_endMinWidth;
    hasBreakableChar = m_hasBreakableChar;
    hasBreak = m_hasBreak;

    if (stripFrontSpaces && str->s[0].unicode() == ' ') {
        const Font *f = htmlFont( false );
        QChar space[1]; space[0] = ' ';
        int spaceWidth = f->width(space, 1, 0);
        maxW -= spaceWidth;
    stripFrontSpaces = !isPre && m_hasEndWS;
    if (style()->whiteSpace() == NOWRAP)
        minW = maxW;
    else if (minW > maxW)
        minW = maxW;
    // Compute our max widths by scanning the string for newlines.
    if (hasBreak) {
        const Font *f = htmlFont( false );
        bool firstLine = true;
        beginMaxW = endMaxW = maxW;
        for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            int linelen = 0;
            while( i+linelen < len && str->s[i+linelen] != '\n')
            if (linelen)
                endMaxW = f->width(str->s, str->l, i, linelen);
                endMaxW = widthFromCache(f, i, linelen);
                if (firstLine) {
                    firstLine = false;
                    beginMaxW = endMaxW;
                i += linelen;
                if (i == len-1)
                    endMaxW = 0;
            else if (firstLine) {
                beginMaxW = 0;
                firstLine = false;

void RenderText::calcMinMaxWidth()
    KHTMLAssert( !minMaxKnown() );

    // ### calc Min and Max width...
    m_minWidth = m_beginMinWidth = m_endMinWidth = 0;
    m_maxWidth = 0;

    if (isBR())
    int currMinWidth = 0;
    int currMaxWidth = 0;
    m_hasBreakableChar = m_hasBreak = m_hasBeginWS = m_hasEndWS = false;
    // ### not 100% correct for first-line
    const Font *f = htmlFont( false );
    int wordSpacing = style()->wordSpacing();
    int len = str->l;
    bool ignoringSpaces = false;
    bool isSpace = false;
    bool isPre = style()->whiteSpace() == PRE;
    bool firstWord = true;
    for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
        bool isNewline = false;
        // XXXdwh Wrong in the first stage.  Will stop mutating newlines
        // in a second stage.
        if (str->s[i] == '\n') {
            if (isPre) {
                m_hasBreak = true;
                isNewline = true;
                str->s[i] = ' ';
        bool previousCharacterIsSpace = isSpace;
        isSpace = str->s[i].unicode() == ' ';
        if ((isSpace || isNewline) && i == 0)
            m_hasBeginWS = true;
        if ((isSpace || isNewline) && i == len-1)
            m_hasEndWS = true;
        if (!ignoringSpaces && !isPre && previousCharacterIsSpace && isSpace)
            ignoringSpaces = true;
        if (ignoringSpaces && !isSpace)
            ignoringSpaces = false;
        if (ignoringSpaces)
        int wordlen = 0;
        while( i+wordlen < len && !(isBreakable( str->s, i+wordlen, str->l )) )
        if (wordlen)
            int w = f->width(str->s, str->l, i, wordlen);
            int w = widthFromCache(f, i, wordlen);
            currMinWidth += w;
            currMaxWidth += w;
            // Add in wordspacing to our maxwidth, but not if this is the last word.
            if (wordSpacing && !containsOnlyWhitespace(i+wordlen, len-(i+wordlen)))
                currMaxWidth += wordSpacing;

            if (firstWord) {
                firstWord = false;
                m_beginMinWidth = w;
            m_endMinWidth = w;
            if(currMinWidth > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = currMinWidth;
            currMinWidth = 0;
            i += wordlen-1;
        else {
            // Nowrap can never be broken, so don't bother setting the
            // breakable character boolean.
            if (style()->whiteSpace() != NOWRAP)
                m_hasBreakableChar = true;

            if(currMinWidth > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = currMinWidth;
            currMinWidth = 0;
            if (str->s[i] == '\n')
                if(currMaxWidth > m_maxWidth) m_maxWidth = currMaxWidth;
                currMaxWidth = 0;
                currMaxWidth += f->width( str->s, str->l, i + wordlen );
    if(currMinWidth > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = currMinWidth;
    if(currMaxWidth > m_maxWidth) m_maxWidth = currMaxWidth;

    if (style()->whiteSpace() == NOWRAP)
        m_minWidth = m_maxWidth;

    //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "Text::calcMinMaxWidth(): min = " << m_minWidth << " max = " << m_maxWidth << endl;

bool RenderText::containsOnlyWhitespace(unsigned int from, unsigned int len) const
    unsigned int currPos;
    for (currPos = from; 
         currPos < from+len && (str->s[currPos] == '\n' || str->s[currPos].unicode() == ' '); 
    return currPos >= (from+len);

int RenderText::minXPos() const
    if (!m_lines.count())
	return 0;
    int retval=6666666;
    for (unsigned i=0;i < m_lines.count(); i++)
	retval = QMIN ( retval, m_lines[i]->m_x);
    return retval;

int RenderText::xPos() const
    if (m_lines.count())
	return m_lines[0]->m_x;
	return 0;

int RenderText::yPos() const
    if (m_lines.count())
        return m_lines[0]->m_y;
        return 0;

const QFont &RenderText::font()
    return style()->font();

void RenderText::setText(DOMStringImpl *text, bool force)
    if (!text)
    if( !force && str == text ) return;
    if(str) str->deref();

    str = text;
    if (str) {
        str = str->replace('\\', backslashAsCurrencySymbol());
        if ( style() ) {
            if ( style()->fontVariant() == SMALL_CAPS )
                str = str->upper();
                switch(style()->textTransform()) {
                case CAPITALIZE:   str = str->capitalize();  break;
                case UPPERCASE:   str = str->upper();       break;
                case LOWERCASE:  str = str->lower();       break;
                case NONE:

    // ### what should happen if we change the text of a
    // RenderBR object ?
    KHTMLAssert(!isBR() || (str->l == 1 && (*str->s) == '\n'));
    KHTMLAssert(!str->l || str->s);

    QConstString cstr(str->s, str->l);
    kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderText::setText( " << cstr.string().length() << " ) '" << cstr.string() << "'" << endl;

int RenderText::height() const
    int retval = 0;
    if ( m_lines.count() )
        retval = m_lines[m_lines.count()-1]->m_y + m_lineHeight - m_lines[0]->m_y;
    return retval;

short RenderText::lineHeight( bool firstLine, bool ) const
    if ( firstLine )
 	return RenderObject::lineHeight( firstLine );

    return m_lineHeight;

short RenderText::baselinePosition( bool firstLine, bool ) const
    const QFontMetrics &fm = metrics( firstLine );
    return fm.ascent() +
        ( lineHeight( firstLine ) - fm.height() ) / 2;

InlineBox* RenderText::createInlineBox(bool, bool isRootLineBox)
    // FIXME: Either ditch the array or get this object into it.
    return new (renderArena()) TextRun(this);

void RenderText::position(InlineBox* box, int from, int len, bool reverse)
    TextRun *s = static_cast(box);
    // ### should not be needed!!!
    if (len == 0 || (str->l && len == 1 && *(str->s+from) == '\n')) {
        // We want the box to be destroyed.  This is a 
, and we don't // need
s to be included. s->detach(renderArena()); return; } reverse = reverse && !style()->visuallyOrdered(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT QChar *ch = str->s+from; QConstString cstr(ch, len); qDebug("setting run text to *%s*, len=%d, w)=%d" , cstr.string().latin1(), len, width );//" << y << ")" << " height=" << lineHeight(false) << " fontHeight=" << metrics(false).height() << " ascent =" << metrics(false).ascent() << endl; #endif s->m_reversed = reverse; s->m_start = from; s->m_len = len; if(m_lines.count() == m_lines.size()) m_lines.resize(m_lines.size()*2+1); m_lines.insert(m_lines.count(), s); } unsigned int RenderText::width(unsigned int from, unsigned int len, bool firstLine) const { if(!str->s || from > str->l ) return 0; if ( from + len > str->l ) len = str->l - from; const Font *f = htmlFont( firstLine ); return width( from, len, f ); } unsigned int RenderText::width(unsigned int from, unsigned int len, const Font *f) const { if(!str->s || from > str->l ) return 0; if ( from + len > str->l ) len = str->l - from; int w; if ( f == &style()->htmlFont() && from == 0 && len == str->l ) w = m_maxWidth; #if APPLE_CHANGES else if (f == &style()->htmlFont()) w = widthFromCache (f, from, len); #endif else w = f->width(str->s, str->l, from, len ); //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderText::width(" << from << ", " << len << ") = " << w << endl; return w; } short RenderText::width() const { int w; int minx = 100000000; int maxx = 0; // slooow for(unsigned int si = 0; si < m_lines.count(); si++) { TextRun* s = m_lines[si]; if(s->m_x < minx) minx = s->m_x; if(s->m_x + s->m_width > maxx) maxx = s->m_x + s->m_width; } w = QMAX(0, maxx-minx); return w; } void RenderText::repaint(bool immediate) { RenderObject *cb = containingBlock(); if(cb != this) cb->repaint(immediate); } bool RenderText::isFixedWidthFont() const { return QFontInfo(style()->font()).fixedPitch(); } short RenderText::verticalPositionHint( bool firstLine ) const { return parent()->verticalPositionHint( firstLine ); } const QFontMetrics &RenderText::metrics(bool firstLine) const { return style(firstLine)->fontMetrics(); } const Font *RenderText::htmlFont(bool firstLine) const { const Font *f = 0; if( firstLine && hasFirstLine() ) { RenderStyle *pseudoStyle = style()->getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::FIRST_LINE); if ( pseudoStyle ) f = &pseudoStyle->htmlFont(); } else { f = &style()->htmlFont(); } return f; } void RenderText::paintTextOutline(QPainter *p, int tx, int ty, const QRect &lastline, const QRect &thisline, const QRect &nextline) { int ow = style()->outlineWidth(); EBorderStyle os = style()->outlineStyle(); QColor oc = style()->outlineColor(); int t = ty + thisline.top(); int l = tx + thisline.left(); int b = ty + thisline.bottom() + 1; int r = tx + thisline.right() + 1; // left edge drawBorder(p, l - ow, t - (lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.left() < lastline.left() || lastline.right() <= thisline.left() ? ow : 0), l, b + (nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.left() <= nextline.left() || nextline.right() <= thisline.left() ? ow : 0), BSLeft, oc, style()->color(), os, (lastline.isEmpty() || thisline.left() < lastline.left() || lastline.right() <= thisline.left() ? ow : -ow), (nextline.isEmpty() || thisline.left() <= nextline.left() || nextline.right() <= thisline.left() ? ow : -ow), true); // right edge drawBorder(p, r, t - (lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.right() < thisline.right() || thisline.right() <= lastline.left() ? ow : 0), r + ow, b + (nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.right() <= thisline.right() || thisline.right() <= nextline.left() ? ow : 0), BSRight, oc, style()->color(), os, (lastline.isEmpty() || lastline.right() < thisline.right() || thisline.right() <= lastline.left() ? ow : -ow), (nextline.isEmpty() || nextline.right() <= thisline.right() || thisline.right() <= nextline.left() ? ow : -ow), true); // upper edge if ( thisline.left() < lastline.left()) drawBorder(p, l - ow, t - ow, QMIN(r+ow, (lastline.isValid()? tx+lastline.left() : 1000000)), t , BSTop, oc, style()->color(), os, ow, (lastline.isValid() && tx+lastline.left()+1color(), os, (lastline.isValid() && l-ow < tx+lastline.right()+1 ? -ow : ow), ow, true); // lower edge if ( thisline.left() < nextline.left()) drawBorder(p, l - ow, b, QMIN(r+ow, nextline.isValid()? tx+nextline.left()+1 : 1000000), b + ow, BSBottom, oc, style()->color(), os, ow, (nextline.isValid() && tx+nextline.left()+1color(), os, (nextline.isValid() && l-ow < tx+nextline.right()+1? -ow : ow), ow, true); } #undef BIDI_DEBUG #undef DEBUG_LAYOUT