/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Simon Hausmann * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- #include "html/html_inlineimpl.h" #include "html/html_imageimpl.h" #include "html/html_documentimpl.h" #include "misc/htmlhashes.h" #include "khtmlview.h" #include "khtml_part.h" #include "css/csshelper.h" #include "css/cssproperties.h" #include "css/cssvalues.h" #include "css/cssstyleselector.h" #include "xml/dom2_eventsimpl.h" #include "rendering/render_br.h" #include "rendering/render_image.h" #include using namespace khtml; using namespace DOM; HTMLAnchorElementImpl::HTMLAnchorElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : HTMLElementImpl(doc) { m_hasTarget = false; } HTMLAnchorElementImpl::~HTMLAnchorElementImpl() { } NodeImpl::Id HTMLAnchorElementImpl::id() const { return ID_A; } void HTMLAnchorElementImpl::defaultEventHandler(EventImpl *evt) { // React on clicks and on keypresses. // Don't make this KEYUP_EVENT again, it makes khtml follow links it shouldn't, // when pressing Enter in the combo. if ( ( evt->id() == EventImpl::KHTML_CLICK_EVENT || ( evt->id() == EventImpl::KHTML_KEYDOWN_EVENT && m_focused)) && m_hasAnchor) { MouseEventImpl *e = 0; if ( evt->id() == EventImpl::KHTML_CLICK_EVENT ) e = static_cast( evt ); KeyEventImpl *k = 0; if (evt->id() == EventImpl::KHTML_KEYDOWN_EVENT) k = static_cast( evt ); QString utarget; QString url; if ( e && e->button() == 2 ) { HTMLElementImpl::defaultEventHandler(evt); return; } if ( k ) { if (k->virtKeyVal() != KeyEventImpl::DOM_VK_ENTER) { HTMLElementImpl::defaultEventHandler(evt); return; } if (k->qKeyEvent) k->qKeyEvent->accept(); } url = khtml::parseURL(getAttribute(ATTR_HREF)).string(); utarget = getAttribute(ATTR_TARGET).string(); if ( e && e->button() == 1 ) utarget = "_blank"; if ( evt->target()->id() == ID_IMG ) { HTMLImageElementImpl* img = static_cast( evt->target() ); if ( img && img->isServerMap() ) { khtml::RenderImage *r = static_cast(img->renderer()); if(r && e) { int absx, absy; r->absolutePosition(absx, absy); int x(e->clientX() - absx), y(e->clientY() - absy); url += QString("?%1,%2").arg( x ).arg( y ); } else { evt->setDefaultHandled(); HTMLElementImpl::defaultEventHandler(evt); return; } } } if ( !evt->defaultPrevented() ) { int state = 0; int button = 0; if ( e ) { if ( e->ctrlKey() ) state |= Qt::ControlButton; if ( e->shiftKey() ) state |= Qt::ShiftButton; if ( e->altKey() ) state |= Qt::AltButton; if ( e->metaKey() ) state |= Qt::MetaButton; if ( e->button() == 0 ) button = Qt::LeftButton; else if ( e->button() == 1 ) button = Qt::MidButton; else if ( e->button() == 2 ) button = Qt::RightButton; } else if ( k ) { if ( k->checkModifier(Qt::ShiftButton) ) state |= Qt::ShiftButton; if ( k->checkModifier(Qt::AltButton) ) state |= Qt::AltButton; if ( k->checkModifier(Qt::ControlButton) ) state |= Qt::ControlButton; } if (getDocument() && getDocument()->view()) { getDocument()->view()->resetCursor(); getDocument()->view()->part()-> urlSelected( url, button, state, utarget ); } } evt->setDefaultHandled(); } HTMLElementImpl::defaultEventHandler(evt); } void HTMLAnchorElementImpl::parseAttribute(AttributeImpl *attr) { switch(attr->id()) { case ATTR_HREF: m_hasAnchor = attr->val() != 0; break; case ATTR_TARGET: m_hasTarget = attr->val() != 0; break; case ATTR_NAME: case ATTR_TITLE: case ATTR_REL: break; default: HTMLElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTMLBRElementImpl::HTMLBRElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : HTMLElementImpl(doc) { } HTMLBRElementImpl::~HTMLBRElementImpl() { } NodeImpl::Id HTMLBRElementImpl::id() const { return ID_BR; } void HTMLBRElementImpl::parseAttribute(AttributeImpl *attr) { switch(attr->id()) { case ATTR_CLEAR: { DOMString str = attr->value(); // If the string is empty, then remove the clear property. //
are just treated like
by Gecko, // Mac IE, etc. -dwh if (str.isEmpty()) removeCSSProperty(CSS_PROP_CLEAR); else { if (strcasecmp (str,"all")==0) str = "both"; addCSSProperty(CSS_PROP_CLEAR, str); } break; } default: HTMLElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr); } } RenderObject *HTMLBRElementImpl::createRenderer(RenderArena *arena, RenderStyle *style) { return new (arena) RenderBR(this); } void HTMLBRElementImpl::attach() { createRendererIfNeeded(); NodeImpl::attach(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- HTMLFontElementImpl::HTMLFontElementImpl(DocumentPtr *doc) : HTMLElementImpl(doc) { } HTMLFontElementImpl::~HTMLFontElementImpl() { } NodeImpl::Id HTMLFontElementImpl::id() const { return ID_FONT; } // Allows leading spaces. // Allows trailing nonnumeric characters. // Returns 10 for any size greater than 9. static bool parseFontSizeNumber(const DOMString &s, int &size) { unsigned pos = 0; // Skip leading spaces. while (pos < s.length() && s[pos].isSpace()) ++pos; // Skip a plus or minus. bool sawPlus = false; bool sawMinus = false; if (pos < s.length() && s[pos] == '+') { ++pos; sawPlus = true; } else if (pos < s.length() && s[pos] == '-') { ++pos; sawMinus = true; } // Parse a single digit. if (pos >= s.length() || !s[pos].isNumber()) return false; int num = s[pos++].digitValue(); // Check for an additional digit. if (pos < s.length() && s[pos].isNumber()) num = 10; if (sawPlus) { size = num + 3; return true; } // Don't return 0 (which means 3) or a negative number (which means the same as 1). if (sawMinus) { size = num == 1 ? 2 : 1; return true; } size = num; return true; } void HTMLFontElementImpl::parseAttribute(AttributeImpl *attr) { switch(attr->id()) { case ATTR_SIZE: { int num; if (parseFontSizeNumber(attr->value(), num)) { int size; switch (num) { case 2: size = CSS_VAL_SMALL; break; case 0: // treat 0 the same as 3, because people expect it to be between -1 and +1 case 3: size = CSS_VAL_MEDIUM; break; case 4: size = CSS_VAL_LARGE; break; case 5: size = CSS_VAL_X_LARGE; break; case 6: size = CSS_VAL_XX_LARGE; break; default: if (num > 6) size = CSS_VAL__KHTML_XXX_LARGE; else size = CSS_VAL_X_SMALL; } addCSSProperty(CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE, size); } break; } case ATTR_COLOR: addHTMLColor(CSS_PROP_COLOR, attr->value()); break; case ATTR_FACE: addCSSProperty(CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY, attr->value()); break; default: HTMLElementImpl::parseAttribute(attr); } }