=head1 NAME Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check =head1 SYNOPSIS loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check =head1 DESCRIPTION This plugin provides the primary message check functionality. =cut package Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Check; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Util; use Mail::SpamAssassin::Constants qw(:sa); use strict; use warnings; use vars qw(@ISA @TEMPORARY_METHODS); @ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin); # methods defined by the compiled ruleset; deleted in finish_tests() @TEMPORARY_METHODS = (); # constructor sub new { my $class = shift; my $mailsaobject = shift; $class = ref($class) || $class; my $self = $class->SUPER::new($mailsaobject); bless ($self, $class); return $self; } ########################################################################### sub check_main { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $pms = $args->{permsgstatus}; # bug 4353: # Do this before the RBL tests are kicked off. The metadata parsing # will figure out the (un)trusted relays and such, which are used in the # rbl calls. $pms->extract_message_metadata(); # Here, we launch all the DNS RBL queries and let them run while we # inspect the message $self->run_rbl_eval_tests($pms); my $needs_dnsbl_harvest_p = 1; # harvest needs to be run my $decoded = $pms->get_decoded_stripped_body_text_array(); my $bodytext = $pms->get_decoded_body_text_array(); my $fulltext = $pms->{msg}->get_pristine(); my @uris = $pms->get_uri_list(); foreach my $priority (sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$pms->{conf}->{priorities}}) { # no need to run if there are no priorities at this level. This can # happen in Conf.pm when we switch a rules from one priority to another next unless ($pms->{conf}->{priorities}->{$priority} > 0); # if shortcircuiting is hit, we skip all other priorities... last if $self->{main}->call_plugins("have_shortcircuited", { permsgstatus => $pms }); dbg("check: running tests for priority: $priority"); # only harvest the dnsbl queries once priority HARVEST_DNSBL_PRIORITY # has been reached and then only run once if ($priority >= HARVEST_DNSBL_PRIORITY && $needs_dnsbl_harvest_p && !$self->{main}->call_plugins("have_shortcircuited", { permsgstatus => $pms })) { # harvest the DNS results $pms->harvest_dnsbl_queries(); $needs_dnsbl_harvest_p = 0; # finish the DNS results $pms->rbl_finish(); $self->{main}->call_plugins("check_post_dnsbl", { permsgstatus => $pms }); $pms->{resolver}->finish_socket() if $pms->{resolver}; } # allow other, plugin-defined rule types to be called here $self->{main}->call_plugins ("check_rules_at_priority", { permsgstatus => $pms, priority => $priority, checkobj => $self }); # do head tests $self->do_head_tests($pms, $priority); $self->do_head_eval_tests($pms, $priority); $self->do_body_tests($pms, $priority, $decoded); $self->do_uri_tests($pms, $priority, @uris); $self->do_body_eval_tests($pms, $priority, $decoded); $self->do_rawbody_tests($pms, $priority, $bodytext); $self->do_rawbody_eval_tests($pms, $priority, $bodytext); $self->do_full_tests($pms, $priority, \$fulltext); $self->do_full_eval_tests($pms, $priority, \$fulltext); $self->do_meta_tests($pms, $priority); # we may need to call this more often than once through the loop, but # it needs to be done at least once, either at the beginning or the end. $self->{main}->call_plugins ("check_tick", { permsgstatus => $pms }); } # sanity check, it is possible that no rules >= HARVEST_DNSBL_PRIORITY ran so the harvest # may not have run yet. Check, and if so, go ahead and harvest here. if ($needs_dnsbl_harvest_p) { if (!$self->{main}->call_plugins("have_shortcircuited", { permsgstatus => $pms })) { # harvest the DNS results $pms->harvest_dnsbl_queries(); } # finish the DNS results $pms->rbl_finish(); $self->{main}->call_plugins ("check_post_dnsbl", { permsgstatus => $pms }); $pms->{resolver}->finish_socket() if $pms->{resolver}; } # finished running rules delete $pms->{current_rule_name}; undef $decoded; undef $bodytext; undef $fulltext; # auto-learning $pms->learn(); $self->{main}->call_plugins ("check_post_learn", { permsgstatus => $pms }); return 1; } sub finish_tests { my ($self, $params) = @_; foreach my $method (@TEMPORARY_METHODS) { undef &{$method}; } @TEMPORARY_METHODS = (); # clear for next time } ########################################################################### sub run_rbl_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms) = @_; my ($rulename, $pat, @args); # XXX - possible speed up, moving this check out of the subroutine into Check->new() if ($self->{main}->{local_tests_only}) { dbg("rules: local tests only, ignoring RBL eval"); return 0; } while (my ($rulename, $test) = each %{$pms->{conf}->{rbl_evals}}) { my $score = $pms->{conf}->{scores}->{$rulename}; next unless $score; $pms->{test_log_msgs} = (); # clear test state my ($function, @args) = @{$test}; my $result; eval { $result = $pms->$function($rulename, @args); }; if ($@) { warn "rules: failed to run $rulename RBL test, skipping:\n" . "\t($@)\n"; $pms->{rule_errors}++; next; } } } ########################################################################### sub run_generic_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, %opts) = @_; return if $self->{main}->call_plugins("have_shortcircuited", { permsgstatus => $pms }); my $ruletype = $opts{type}; dbg("rules: running ".$ruletype." tests; score so far=".$pms->{score}); $pms->{test_log_msgs} = (); # clear test state my $conf = $pms->{conf}; my $doing_user_rules = $conf->{user_rules_to_compile}->{$opts{consttype}}; # clean up priority value so it can be used in a subroutine name my $clean_priority; ($clean_priority = $priority) =~ s/-/neg/; my $package_name = __PACKAGE__; my $methodname = $package_name."::_".$ruletype."_tests_".$clean_priority; if (defined &{$methodname} && !$doing_user_rules) { no strict "refs"; run_compiled_method: $methodname->($pms, @{$opts{args}}); use strict "refs"; return; } # build up the eval string... $self->{evalstr} = $self->start_rules_plugin_code($ruletype, $priority); $self->{evalstr2} = ''; # use %nopts for named parameter-passing; it's more friendly to future-proof # subclassing, since new parameters can be added without breaking third-party # subclassed implementations of this plugin. my %nopts = ( ruletype => $ruletype, doing_user_rules => $doing_user_rules, priority => $priority, clean_priority => $clean_priority ); if (defined $opts{pre_loop_body}) { $opts{pre_loop_body}->($self, $pms, $conf, %nopts); } while (my($rulename, $test) = each %{$opts{testhash}->{$priority}}) { $opts{loop_body}->($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $test, %nopts); } if (defined $opts{post_loop_body}) { $opts{post_loop_body}->($self, $pms, $conf, %nopts); } # clear out a previous version of this fn undef &{$methodname}; $self->free_ruleset_source($pms, $ruletype, $priority); my $evalstr = $self->{evalstr}; # generate the loop that goes through each line... $evalstr = <<"EOT"; { package $package_name; $self->{evalstr2} sub $methodname { my \$self = shift; $evalstr; } 1; } EOT delete $self->{evalstr}; delete $self->{evalstr2}; # free up some RAM before we eval() ## dbg ("rules: eval code to compile: $evalstr"); eval $evalstr; if ($@) { warn("rules: failed to compile $ruletype tests, skipping:\n\t($@)\n"); $pms->{rule_errors}++; } else { dbg("rules: compiled ".$ruletype." tests"); goto run_compiled_method; } } sub add_evalstr { my ($self, $str) = @_; $self->{evalstr} .= $str; } sub add_evalstr2 { my ($self, $str) = @_; $self->{evalstr2} .= $str; } sub add_temporary_method { my ($self, $methodname, $methodbody) = @_; $self->add_evalstr2 (' sub '.$methodname.' { '.$methodbody.' } '); push (@TEMPORARY_METHODS, $methodname); } ########################################################################### sub do_meta_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority) = @_; my (%rule_deps, %meta, $rulename); $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_META_TESTS, type => 'meta', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{meta_tests}, args => [ ], loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $rule, %opts) = @_; my $token; # Lex the rule into tokens using a rather simple RE method ... my $lexer = ARITH_EXPRESSION_LEXER; my @tokens = ($rule =~ m/$lexer/g); # Set the rule blank to start $meta{$rulename} = ""; # List dependencies that are meta tests in the same priority band $rule_deps{$rulename} = [ ]; # Go through each token in the meta rule foreach $token (@tokens) { # Numbers can't be rule names if ($token =~ /^(?:\W+|[+-]?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/) { $meta{$rulename} .= "$token "; } else { # the " || 0" formulation is to avoid "use of uninitialized value" # warnings; this is better than adding a 0 to a hash for every # rule referred to in a meta... $meta{$rulename} .= "(\$h->{'$token'} || 0) "; if (!exists $conf->{scores}->{$token}) { dbg("rules: meta test $rulename has undefined dependency '$token'"); } elsif ($conf->{scores}->{$token} == 0) { # bug 5040: net rules in a non-net scoreset # there are some cases where this is expected; don't warn # in those cases. unless ((($conf->get_score_set()) & 1) == 0 && ($conf->{tflags}->{$token}||'') =~ /\bnet\b/) { info("rules: meta test $rulename has dependency '$token' with a zero score"); } } # If the token is another meta rule, add it as a dependency push (@{ $rule_deps{$rulename} }, $token) if (exists $conf->{meta_tests}->{$opts{priority}}->{$token}); } } }, pre_loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, %opts) = @_; $self->add_evalstr (' my $r; my $h = $self->{tests_already_hit}; '); }, post_loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, %opts) = @_; # Sort by length of dependencies list. It's more likely we'll get # the dependencies worked out this way. my @metas = sort { @{ $rule_deps{$a} } <=> @{ $rule_deps{$b} } } keys %{$conf->{meta_tests}->{$opts{priority}}}; my $count; my $tflags = $conf->{tflags}; # Now go ahead and setup the eval string do { $count = $#metas; my %metas = map { $_ => 1 } @metas; # keep a small cache for fast lookups # Go through each meta rule we haven't done yet for (my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#metas ; $i++) { # If we depend on meta rules that haven't run yet, skip it next if (grep( $metas{$_}, @{ $rule_deps{ $metas[$i] } })); # If we depend on network tests, call ensure_rules_are_complete() # to block until they are my $alldeps = join ' ', grep { ($tflags->{$_}||'') =~ /\bnet\b/ } split (' ', $conf->{meta_dependencies}->{ $metas[$i] } ); if ($alldeps ne '') { $self->add_evalstr (' $self->ensure_rules_are_complete(q{'.$metas[$i].'}, qw{'.$alldeps.'}); '); } # Add this meta rule to the eval line $self->add_evalstr (' $r = '.$meta{$metas[$i]}.'; if ($r) { $self->got_hit(q#'.$metas[$i].'#, "", ruletype => "meta", value => $r); } '); splice @metas, $i--, 1; # remove this rule from our list } } while ($#metas != $count && $#metas > -1); # run until we can't go anymore # If there are any rules left, we can't solve the dependencies so complain my %metas = map { $_ => 1 } @metas; # keep a small cache for fast lookups foreach $rulename (@metas) { $pms->{rule_errors}++; # flag to --lint that there was an error ... my $msg = "rules: excluding meta test $rulename, unsolved meta dependencies: " . join(", ", grep($metas{$_}, @{ $rule_deps{$rulename} })); if ($self->{main}->{lint_rules}) { warn $msg."\n"; } else { info($msg); } } } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_head_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority) = @_; # hash to hold the rules, "header\tdefault value" => rulename my %ordered = (); my %testcode = (); $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_TESTS, type => 'head', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{head_tests}, args => [ ], loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $rule, %opts) = @_; my $def = ''; my ($hdrname, $testtype, $pat) = $rule =~ /^\s*(\S+)\s*(\=|\!)\~\s*(\S.*?\S)\s*$/; if (!defined $pat) { warn "rules: invalid rule: $rulename\n"; $pms->{rule_errors}++; next; } if ($pat =~ s/\s+\[if-unset:\s+(.+)\]\s*$//) { $def = $1; } $hdrname =~ s/#/[HASH]/g; # avoid probs with eval below $def =~ s/#/[HASH]/g; push(@{$ordered{"$hdrname\t$def"}}, $rulename); next if ($opts{doing_user_rules} && !$self->is_user_rule_sub($rulename.'_head_test')); # caller can set this member of the Mail::SpamAssassin object to # override this; useful for profiling rule runtimes, although I think # the HitFreqsRuleTiming.pm plugin is probably better nowadays anyway if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_temporary_method ($rulename.'_head_test', '{ my($self,$text) = @_; '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' while ($text '.$testtype.'~ '.$pat.'g) { $self->got_hit(q#'.$rulename.'#, "", ruletype => "header"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "header", "last") . ' } }'); } else { # store for use below $testcode{$rulename} = $testtype.'~ '.$pat; } }, pre_loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, %opts) = @_; $self->add_evalstr (' my $hval; '); }, post_loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, %opts) = @_; # setup the function to run the rules while(my($k,$v) = each %ordered) { my($hdrname, $def) = split(/\t/, $k, 2); $self->add_evalstr (' $hval = $self->get(q#'.$hdrname.'#, q#'.$def.'#); '); foreach my $rulename (@{$v}) { if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q#'.$rulename.'#}) { '.$rulename.'_head_test($self, $hval); '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "header").' } '); } else { my $testcode = $testcode{$rulename}; my $posline = ''; my $ifwhile = 'if'; my $hitdone = ''; my $matchg = ''; if (($conf->{tflags}->{$rulename}||'') =~ /\bmultiple\b/) { $posline = 'pos $hval = 0;'; $ifwhile = 'while'; $hitdone = 'last'; $matchg = 'g'; } $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q#'.$rulename.'#}) { '.$posline.' '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' '.$ifwhile.' ($hval '.$testcode.$matchg.') { $self->got_hit(q#'.$rulename.'#, "", ruletype => "header"); '.$self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "header", $hitdone).' } '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "header").' } '); } } } } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_body_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $textary) = @_; my $loopid = 0; $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_BODY_TESTS, type => 'body', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{body_tests}, args => [ @$textary ], loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $pat, %opts) = @_; my $sub; if (($conf->{tflags}->{$rulename}||'') =~ /\bmultiple\b/) { # support multiple matches $loopid++; $sub = ' body_'.$loopid.': foreach my $l (@_) { pos $l = 0; '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' while ($l =~ '.$pat.'g) { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "BODY: ", ruletype => "body"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, 'body', "last body_".$loopid) . ' } } '; } else { # omitting the "pos" call, "body_loopid" label, use of while() # instead of if() etc., shaves off 8 perl OPs. $sub = ' foreach my $l (@_) { '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' if ($l =~ '.$pat.') { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "BODY: ", ruletype => "body"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "body", "last") .' } } '; } if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$rulename.'_body_test($self,@_); '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "body").' } '); } else { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$sub.' '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "body").' } '); } next if ($opts{doing_user_rules} && !$self->is_user_rule_sub($rulename.'_body_test')); if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_temporary_method ($rulename.'_body_test', '{ my $self = shift; '.$sub.' }'); } } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_uri_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, @uris) = @_; my $loopid = 0; $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_URI_TESTS, type => 'uri', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{uri_tests}, args => [ @uris ], loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $pat, %opts) = @_; my $sub; if (($conf->{tflags}->{$rulename}||'') =~ /\bmultiple\b/) { $loopid++; $sub = ' uri_'.$loopid.': foreach my $l (@_) { pos $l = 0; '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' while ($l =~ '.$pat.'g) { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "URI: ", ruletype => "uri"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "uri", "last uri_".$loopid) . ' } } '; } else { $sub = ' foreach my $l (@_) { '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' if ($l =~ '.$pat.') { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "URI: ", ruletype => "uri"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "uri", "last") .' } } '; } if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$rulename.'_uri_test($self, @_); '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "uri").' } '); } else { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$sub.' '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "uri").' } '); } next if ($opts{doing_user_rules} && !$self->is_user_rule_sub($rulename.'_uri_test')); if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_temporary_method ($rulename.'_uri_test', '{ my $self = shift; '.$sub.' }'); } } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_rawbody_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $textary) = @_; my $loopid = 0; $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RAWBODY_TESTS, type => 'rawbody', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{rawbody_tests}, args => [ @$textary ], loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $pat, %opts) = @_; my $sub; if (($pms->{conf}->{tflags}->{$rulename}||'') =~ /\bmultiple\b/) { # support multiple matches $loopid++; $sub = ' rawbody_'.$loopid.': foreach my $l (@_) { pos $l = 0; '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' while ($l =~ '.$pat.'g) { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "RAW: ", ruletype => "rawbody"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "rawbody", "last rawbody_".$loopid) . ' } } '; } else { $sub = ' foreach my $l (@_) { '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' if ($l =~ '.$pat.') { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "RAW: ", ruletype => "rawbody"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "rawbody", "last") . ' } } '; } if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$rulename.'_rawbody_test($self, @_); '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "rawbody").' } '); } else { $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { '.$sub.' '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "rawbody").' } '); } next if ($opts{doing_user_rules} && !$self->is_user_rule_sub($rulename.'_rawbody_test')); if ($self->{main}->{use_rule_subs}) { $self->add_temporary_method ($rulename.'_rawbody_test', '{ my $self = shift; '.$sub.' }'); } } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_full_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $fullmsgref) = @_; my $loopid = 0; $self->run_generic_tests ($pms, $priority, consttype => $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_FULL_TESTS, type => 'full', testhash => $pms->{conf}->{full_tests}, args => [ $fullmsgref ], pre_loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, %opts) = @_; $self->add_evalstr (' my $fullmsgref = shift; '); }, loop_body => sub { my ($self, $pms, $conf, $rulename, $pat, %opts) = @_; $self->add_evalstr (' if ($scoresptr->{q{'.$rulename.'}}) { pos $$fullmsgref = 0; '.$self->hash_line_for_rule($pms, $rulename).' while ($$fullmsgref =~ '.$pat.'g) { $self->got_hit(q{'.$rulename.'}, "FULL: ", ruletype => "full"); '. $self->hit_rule_plugin_code($pms, $rulename, "full", "last") . ' } '.$self->ran_rule_plugin_code($rulename, "full").' } '); } ); } ########################################################################### sub do_head_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority) = @_; return unless (defined($pms->{conf}->{head_evals}->{$priority})); $self->run_eval_tests ($pms, $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_HEAD_EVALS, $pms->{conf}->{head_evals}->{$priority}, '', $priority); } sub do_body_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $bodystring) = @_; return unless (defined($pms->{conf}->{body_evals}->{$priority})); $self->run_eval_tests ($pms, $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_BODY_EVALS, $pms->{conf}->{body_evals}->{$priority}, 'BODY: ', $priority, $bodystring); } sub do_rawbody_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $bodystring) = @_; return unless (defined($pms->{conf}->{rawbody_evals}->{$priority})); $self->run_eval_tests ($pms, $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_RAWBODY_EVALS, $pms->{conf}->{rawbody_evals}->{$priority}, 'RAW: ', $priority, $bodystring); } sub do_full_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms, $priority, $fullmsgref) = @_; return unless (defined($pms->{conf}->{full_evals}->{$priority})); $self->run_eval_tests($pms, $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::TYPE_FULL_EVALS, $pms->{conf}->{full_evals}->{$priority}, '', $priority, $fullmsgref); } sub run_eval_tests { my ($self, $pms, $testtype, $evalhash, $prepend2desc, $priority, @extraevalargs) = @_; return if $self->{main}->call_plugins("have_shortcircuited", { permsgstatus => $pms }); my $conf = $pms->{conf}; my $doing_user_rules = $conf->{user_rules_to_compile}->{$testtype}; # clean up priority value so it can be used in a subroutine name my $clean_priority; ($clean_priority = $priority) =~ s/-/neg/; my $scoreset = $conf->get_score_set(); my $package_name = __PACKAGE__; my $methodname = '_eval_tests'. '_type'.$testtype . '_pri'.$clean_priority . '_set'.$scoreset; # Some of the rules are scoreset specific, so we need additional # subroutines to handle those if (defined &{"${package_name}::${methodname}"} && !$doing_user_rules) { no strict "refs"; &{"${package_name}::${methodname}"}($pms,@extraevalargs); use strict "refs"; return; } # look these up once in advance to save repeated lookups in loop below my $tflagsref = $conf->{tflags}; my $eval_pluginsref = $conf->{eval_plugins}; my $have_start_rules = $self->{main}->have_plugin("start_rules"); my $have_ran_rule = $self->{main}->have_plugin("ran_rule"); # the buffer for the evaluated code my $evalstr = q{ }; $evalstr .= q{ my $function; }; # conditionally include the dbg in the eval str my $dbgstr = q{ }; if (would_log('dbg')) { $dbgstr = q{ dbg("rules: ran eval rule $rulename ======> got hit ($result)"); }; } while (my ($rulename, $test) = each %{$evalhash}) { if ($tflagsref->{$rulename}) { # If the rule is a net rule, and we are in a non-net scoreset, skip it. if ($tflagsref->{$rulename} =~ /\bnet\b/) { next if (($scoreset & 1) == 0); } # If the rule is a bayes rule, and we are in a non-bayes scoreset, skip it. if ($tflagsref->{$rulename} =~ /\blearn\b/) { next if (($scoreset & 2) == 0); } } my ($function, $argstr) = ($test,''); if ($test =~ s/^([^,]+)(,.*)$//gs) { ($function, $argstr) = ($1,$2); } if (!$function) { warn "rules: error: no function defined for $rulename"; next; } $evalstr .= ' $rulename = q#'.$rulename.'#; $self->{test_log_msgs} = (); '; # only need to set current_rule_name for plugin evals if ($eval_pluginsref->{$function}) { # let plugins get the name of the rule that is currently being run, # and ensure their eval functions exist $evalstr .= ' $self->{current_rule_name} = $rulename; $self->register_plugin_eval_glue(q#'.$function.'#); '; } # this stuff is quite slow, and totally superfluous if # no plugin is loaded for those hooks if ($have_start_rules) { # XXX - should we use helper function here? $evalstr .= ' $self->{main}->call_plugins("start_rules", { permsgstatus => $self, ruletype => "eval", priority => '.$priority.' }); '; } $evalstr .= ' eval { $result = $self->' . $function . ' (@extraevalargs '. $argstr .' ); }; if ($@) { $self->handle_eval_rule_errors($rulename); } '; if ($have_ran_rule) { # XXX - should we use helper function here? $evalstr .= ' $self->{main}->call_plugins("ran_rule", { permsgstatus => $self, ruletype => "eval", rulename => $rulename }); '; } $evalstr .= ' if ($result) { $self->got_hit($rulename, $prepend2desc, ruletype => "eval", value => $result); '.$dbgstr.' } '; } # don't free the eval ruleset here -- we need it in the compiled code! # nothing done in the loop, that means no rules return unless ($evalstr); $evalstr = <<"EOT"; { package $package_name; sub ${methodname} { my (\$self, \@extraevalargs) = \@_; my \$prepend2desc = q#$prepend2desc#; my \$rulename; my \$result; $evalstr } 1; } EOT eval $evalstr; if ($@) { warn "rules: failed to compile eval tests, skipping some: $@\n"; $self->{rule_errors}++; } else { my $method = "${package_name}::${methodname}"; push (@TEMPORARY_METHODS, $methodname); no strict "refs"; &{$method}($pms,@extraevalargs); use strict "refs"; } } ########################################################################### # Helper Functions sub hash_line_for_rule { my ($self, $pms, $rulename) = @_; return "\n".'#line 1 "'. $pms->{conf}->{source_file}->{$rulename}. ', rule '.$rulename.',"'; } sub is_user_rule_sub { my ($self, $subname) = @_; my $package_name = __PACKAGE__; return 0 if (eval 'defined &'.$package_name.'::'.$subname); 1; } sub start_rules_plugin_code { my ($self, $ruletype, $pri) = @_; my $evalstr = ' # start_rules_plugin_code '.$ruletype.' '.$pri.' my $scoresptr = $self->{conf}->{scores}; '; if ($self->{main}->have_plugin("start_rules")) { $evalstr .= ' $self->{main}->call_plugins ("start_rules", { permsgstatus => $self, ruletype => \''.$ruletype.'\', priority => '.$pri.' }); '; } return $evalstr; } sub hit_rule_plugin_code { my ($self, $pms, $rulename, $ruletype, $loop_break_directive) = @_; # note: keep this in 'single quotes' to avoid the $ & performance hit, # unless specifically requested by the caller. Also split the # two chars, just to be paranoid and ensure that a buggy perl interp # doesn't impose that hit anyway (just in case) my $match = '($' . '&' . '|| "negative match")'; my $debug_code = ''; if (exists($pms->{should_log_rule_hits})) { $debug_code = ' dbg("rules: ran '.$ruletype.' rule '.$rulename.' ======> got hit: \"" . '. $match.' . "\""); '; } my $save_hits_code = ''; if ($pms->{save_pattern_hits}) { $save_hits_code = ' $self->{pattern_hits}->{q{'.$rulename.'}} = '.$match.'; '; } # if we're not running "tflags multiple", break out of the matching # loop this way my $multiple_code = ''; if (($pms->{conf}->{tflags}->{$rulename}||'') !~ /\bmultiple\b/) { $multiple_code = $loop_break_directive.';'; } return $debug_code.$save_hits_code.$multiple_code; } sub ran_rule_plugin_code { my ($self, $rulename, $ruletype) = @_; return '' unless $self->{main}->have_plugin("ran_rule"); # The $self here looks odd, but since we are inserting this into eval'd code it # needs to be $self which in that case is actually the PerMsgStatus object return ' $self->{main}->call_plugins ("ran_rule", { permsgstatus => $self, rulename => \''.$rulename.'\', ruletype => \''.$ruletype.'\' }); '; } sub free_ruleset_source { my ($self, $pms, $type, $pri) = @_; # we can't do this, if we may need to recompile them again later return if $pms->{conf}->{allow_user_rules}; # remove now-compiled rulesets if (exists $pms->{conf}->{$type.'_tests'}->{$pri}) { delete $pms->{conf}->{$type.'_tests'}->{$pri}; } } ########################################################################### 1;