20_phrases.cf   [plain text]

# SpamAssassin rules file: phrase tests
# Please don't modify this file as your changes will be overwritten with
# the next update. Use @@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@/local.cf instead.
# See 'perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf' for details.
# Note: body tests are run with long lines, so be sure to limit the
# size of searches; use /.{0,30}/ instead of /.*/ to avoid huge
# search times.
# Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

require_version @@VERSION@@


body MULTI_REMOVAL_1WORD	/remov\S{0,64}remov/i
describe MULTI_REMOVAL_1WORD	List removal information

# bug 1022: MGM_POSTCARD #2 original
body REMOVE_POSTAL		/(?:Send(?:ing)? a (?:postal mail|postcard) to (?:Unsubscribe|Customer ?Service|remove)|unsubscribe by (?:postal mail|postcard))/i
describe REMOVE_POSTAL		Send real mail to be unsubscribed

# CLICK rules
# note HTML_LINK_CLICK* rules in HTML parser section

describe CLICK_BELOW_CAPS	Asks you to click below (in capital letters)

body CLICK_TO_REMOVE_1		/click here to be (?:permanently )?(?:removed|deleted)/i
describe CLICK_TO_REMOVE_1	Click to be removed

body SENT_IN_COMPLIANCE		/(?:e.?mail|message) .{0,10}sen[dt] (?:to you )?in (?:\w{1,10} )?compliance (?:of|with)/i
describe SENT_IN_COMPLIANCE	Claims compliance with spam regulations
body BILL_1618			/\bs\W{0,4}1618\b/i
describe BILL_1618		Possible mention of bill 1618 (anti-spam bill)
describe NO_QS_ASKED		Doesn't ask any questions
body FULL_REFUND		/full refund|refunds? your money in full/i
describe FULL_REFUND		Offers a full refund

body COMPLETELY_FREE		/\b(?:100%|completely|totally|absolutely) (?-i:F)ree/i
describe COMPLETELY_FREE	No such thing as a free lunch (2)

body NO_COST                    /\bno (?:cost|charge)\b/i
describe NO_COST                No such thing as a free lunch (3)
describe GUARANTEED_100_PERCENT	One hundred percent guaranteed
body DEAR_FRIEND		/^\s*Dear Friend\b/i
describe DEAR_FRIEND		Dear Friend? That's not very dear!
body DEAR_SOMETHING		/\bDear (?:IT\W|Internet|candidate|sirs?|madam|investor|travell?er|car shopper|web)\b/i
describe DEAR_SOMETHING		Contains 'Dear (something)'
describe BILLION_DOLLARS	Talks about lots of money
body OPTING_OUT			/\bopt-out\b/
describe OPTING_OUT		Talks about opting out (lowercase version)
body OPTING_OUT_CAPS		/(?-i:O)pt.?(?-i:O)ut/i
describe OPTING_OUT_CAPS	Talks about opting out (capitalized version)

body MILLION_EMAIL		/million (?:\w+ )?(?:e-?mail )?addresses/i
describe MILLION_EMAIL		Get a million email addresses

body EXCUSE_1			/\b(?:You (?:were sent|have received|are receiving)|You're receiving).{0,15}(?:message|e-?mail)s? because/i
describe EXCUSE_1		Gives a lame excuse about why spam was sent
body EXCUSE_3			/to (?:be removed|be deleted|no longer receive th(?:is|ese) messages?) (?:from|send|reply|[e-]*mail)/i
describe EXCUSE_3		Claims you can be removed from the list
body EXCUSE_4			/To Be Removed,? Please/i
describe EXCUSE_4		Claims you can be removed from the list

# strange pattern because otherwise it matches the std. majordomo line
# pls note the comment above. DO NOT just put "to" in the first group!
body EXCUSE_6			/\b(?:wish to|click to) remove yourself/i
describe EXCUSE_6		Claims you can be removed from the list

body EXCUSE_7			/you (?:wish|want|would like|desire) to be removed/i
describe EXCUSE_7		Claims you can be removed from the list

body EXCUSE_10			/if you (?:(?:want|wish|care|prefer) not to |do ?n[o']t (?:want|wish|care) to )(?:be contacted again|receive (?:any ?)?(?:more|future|further)\b.{1,10}\b(?:e?-?mail|message|offer|solicitation)s?|be included)/i
describe EXCUSE_10		"if you do not wish to receive any more"

body EXCUSE_12			/this (?:e?-?mail|message) (?:(?:has )?reached|was sent to) you in error/i
describe EXCUSE_12		Nobody's perfect

body EXCUSE_19			/because (?:you're|you (?:are )?)(?:registered|.{0,20}\bopt.{0,3}in)/i
describe EXCUSE_19		Claims you opted-in or registered
body EXCUSE_23			/you have provided permission/i
describe EXCUSE_23		Claims you have provided permission
body EXCUSE_24			/you(?:'ve|'re| have| are)? receiv(?:e|ed|ing) this (?:advertisement|offer|special|recurring|paid).{0,16}\b(?:by either|because)/i
describe EXCUSE_24		Claims you wanted this ad

body EXCUSE_REMOVE		/to be removed from.{0,20}(?:mailings|offers)/i
describe EXCUSE_REMOVE		Talks about how to be removed from mailings

body TARGETED                   /\btargeted (?:traffic|e-?mail|internet|leads?)\b/i
describe TARGETED               Targeted Traffic / Email Addresses

body STRONG_BUY			/strong buy/i
describe STRONG_BUY		Tells you about a strong buy

body WE_HONOR_ALL		/\b(?:honou?r|respect)(?: all)? remov(?:e|al) requests?\b/i
describe WE_HONOR_ALL		Claims to honor removal requests

describe STOCK_PICK		Offers a picked stock
body STOCK_ALERT		/stock alert/i
describe STOCK_ALERT		Offers a alert about a stock
body MICRO_CAP_WARNING		/Investing in micro-cap securities is highly speculative/i
describe MICRO_CAP_WARNING	SEC-mandated penny-stock warning
body NOT_ADVISOR		/not a registered investment advisor/i
describe NOT_ADVISOR		Not registered investment advisor

body SOME_BREAKTHROUGH		/\b(?:science|medical|major|scientific|fundamental|technology|revolutionary)\s+breakthrough/i
describe SOME_BREAKTHROUGH	Describes some sort of breakthrough

body SELECTED_YOU		/\b(?:you (?:have been|were) selected|\bwe (?:have )?selected you)/i
describe SELECTED_YOU		They have selected you for something

# (contrib: skod)
body MAIL_IN_ORDER_FORM		/\b(?:Mail-in|secure|ez|credit.card|fax this) Order Form\b/i
describe MAIL_IN_ORDER_FORM	Contains mail-in order form

# (contrib: skod)
body UNIVERSITY_DIPLOMAS	/\b(?:college|university)\s+diplomas/i
describe UNIVERSITY_DIPLOMAS	University Diplomas

body PREST_NON_ACCREDITED	/prestigi?ous\b.{0,20}\bnon-accredited\b.{0,20}\buniversities/i
describe PREST_NON_ACCREDITED	'Prestigious Non-Accredited Universities'

body CANNOT_BE_SPAM		/cannot be considered spam/i
describe CANNOT_BE_SPAM		Claims "cannot be considered spam"

# Jul 3 2002 jm: modified PENIS_ENLARGE patterns: removed "add", replaced with
# "inches", because that seems to be another typical word in the pattern.
# Feb 11 2003 jm: removed "PP" from pattern, since "pp. 234-237" is std usage
# in academic circles.  I don't think the hit-rate will be affected. ;)
# Feb 18 2004 rap: Changed rule name PENIS_ENLARGE to BODY_ENHANCEMENT. Some found the
# old rule name offensive.
body BODY_ENHANCEMENT		/\b(?:enlarge|increase|grow|lengthen|larger\b|bigger\b|longer\b|thicker\b|\binches\b).{0,50}\b(?:penis|male organ|pee[ -]?pee|dick|sc?hlong|wh?anger|breast)/i
describe BODY_ENHANCEMENT		Information on growing body parts

body BODY_ENHANCEMENT2		/\b(?:penis|male organ|pee[ -]?pee|dick|sc?hlong|wh?anger|breast).{0,50}\b(?:enlarge|increase|grow|lengthen|larger\b|bigger\b|longer\b|thicker\b|\binches\b)/i
describe BODY_ENHANCEMENT2		Information on getting larger body parts

body     IMPOTENCE              /\b(?:impotence (?:problem|cure|solution)|Premature Ejaculation|erectile dysfunction)/i
describe IMPOTENCE              Impotence cure

body WORK_AT_HOME		/\b(?:WORK|(?:MAKE|EARN).{1,10}(?:MONEY|\$+|BUCKS|CASH)).{1,10}(?:AT|FROM) (?:YOUR )?HOME/i
describe WORK_AT_HOME		Information on how to work at home (1)

body MORTGAGE_BEST		/\b(?:low(?:est|er)?|free|second|rate|best|refinanc(?:e|ing)|online|instant) mortgage/i
describe MORTGAGE_BEST		Information on mortgages

body MORTGAGE_PITCH		/mortgage (?:rates?|quotes?|approv(?:al|ed)|payment|interest|loans?|app(?:\b|lication))/i
describe MORTGAGE_PITCH		Looks like mortgage pitch

body MORTGAGE_RATES		/Mortgage rates/i
describe MORTGAGE_RATES		Information on mortgage rates

body ORDER_REPORT               /order report .\s?\d from/i
describe ORDER_REPORT           Order a report from someone
# this works best as rawbody
# do not add "subscribe", "unsubscribe", or "help"
rawbody MAILTO_SUBJ_REMOVE		/mailto:.{0,64}\@.{0,64}\?subject=(?:\"|3D)*(?:remove?|delete|please.?(?:delete|remove|unsubscribe)|abuse|off\b|stop|take.?me.?off)/i
describe MAILTO_SUBJ_REMOVE	mailto URI includes removal text

body AOL_USERS_LINK		/AOL\s+Users\s+Click/is
describe AOL_USERS_LINK		Includes a link for AOL users to click

body NA_DOLLARS			/\b(?:\d{1,3})?Million\b.{0,40}\b(?:Canadian Dollar?s?|US\$|U\.? ?S\.? Dollar)/i
describe NA_DOLLARS		Talks about a million North American dollars

body US_DOLLARS_3               /(?:\$|usd).?\d{1,3}[,.]\d{3}[,.]\d{3}(?:[,.]\d\d)?/i
describe US_DOLLARS_3           Mentions millions of $ ($NN,NNN,NNN.NN)

body MILLION_USD              	/Million\b.{0,40}\b(?:United States? Dollars?|USD)/i
describe MILLION_USD 		Talks about millions of dollars

rawbody FRONTPAGE		/FrontPage.Editor/
describe FRONTPAGE		Frontpage used to create the message

body JODY			/\b(?:My wife|Mi esposa), Jody/
describe JODY			Contains "My wife, Jody" testimonial

body YOUR_INCOME		/\byour income\b/i
describe YOUR_INCOME		Doing something with my income

body RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE	/Replying to this email will not unsubscribe you./i
describe RESISTANCE_IS_FUTILE	Resistance to this spam is futile

body SUBJ_2_CREDIT              /subject to credit approval/i
describe SUBJ_2_CREDIT          Contains 'subject to credit approval'

body URG_BIZ			/urgent.{0,16}(?:assistance|business|buy|confidential|notice|proposal|reply|request|response)/i
describe URG_BIZ		Contains urgent matter

body EARN_PER_WEEK              /\b(?:earn|make).{1,20}\d\d\d+.{1,30}(?:per week|per month|weekly|monthly)/i
describe EARN_PER_WEEK          Contains 'earn $something per week'

body     ALL_NATURAL            /\b(?:100%|completely|totally|all) natural/i
describe ALL_NATURAL            Spam is 100% natural?!

body     MONEY_BACK             /money back guarantee/i
describe MONEY_BACK             Money back guarantee

body     NO_CATCH               /there is no catch/i
describe NO_CATCH               There is no catch

body     NO_OBLIGATION          /no obligation/i
describe NO_OBLIGATION          There is no obligation

body     NO_DISAPPOINTMENT      /You won'?t be diss?app?ointed/i
describe NO_DISAPPOINTMENT      You won't be "disappointed"

body     SERIOUS_ONLY           /Serious [IE]nquiries Only/i
describe SERIOUS_ONLY           Serious Enquiries Only

body     RISK_FREE              /\b(?:risk[ -]free|no[ -]risk)/i
describe RISK_FREE              Risk free.  Suuurreeee....

# "seen on TV", "seen on ABC/NBC/etc", "seen on XYZ TV", or "seen on:"
body AS_SEEN_ON			/seen on\b\s*(?:T\.?V\.?|ABC|NBC|CBS|CNN|Oprah|USA Today|48 Hours|New York Times|\w+\s+T\.?V\.?|:)/i

describe AS_SEEN_ON		As seen on national TV!

# This phrase appears in many pyramid scheme mails in which
# "My Wife Jody" testimonials are absent
body     COPY_ACCURATELY        /copy.{1,10}name.{1,10}address.{1,10}ACCURATELY\b/i
describe COPY_ACCURATELY        Common pyramid scheme phrase (1)

## Contrib: Marc Perkel
body OFFSHORE_SCAM		/\boffshore\b.{0,20}(?:credit card|companies|account|financ|websites?)/i
describe OFFSHORE_SCAM		Off Shore Scams

body WHY_PAY_MORE		/\bwhy pay more\b/i
describe WHY_PAY_MORE		Why Pay More?

body CONGRATULATIONS		/\bcongratulations! you/i
describe CONGRATULATIONS	Congratulations - you've been scammed?

# do not add "new" since there's non-spam about "new cell phone numbers"
# separated into two rules since one seems to have a lot of
# sourceforge list advertisement false positives
body CELL_PHONE_FREE          	/\b(?-i:F)ree\b.{0,24}(?:cell(?:ular)?|mobile).{0,4}phones?/i
describe CELL_PHONE_FREE 	Talks about free mobile phones

body CELL_PHONE_IMPROVE		/\b(?:(?:boost|antenna|reception).{0,16}(?:cell|mobile|phone|cord.?less)|(?:cell|mobile|phone|cord.?less).{0,16}(?:boost|antenna|reception))/i
describe CELL_PHONE_IMPROVE	Talks about cell-phone signal improvement

# similar to OFFER, but fewer FPs
body RECEIVE_OFFER		/receive special offer/i
describe RECEIVE_OFFER		Receive a special offer

body FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT		/free.{0,12}(?:(?:instant|express|online|no.?obligation).{0,4})+.{0,32}\bquote/i
describe FREE_QUOTE_INSTANT	Free express or no-obligation quote

body FREE_MEMBERSHIP	        /\bfree membership/i
describe FREE_MEMBERSHIP	Free Membership

body CREDIT_CARD	        /\bcredit card.{1,10}(?:offer|debt|decision)/i
describe CREDIT_CARD		Credit Card Offers

body NO_CREDIT_CHECK	        /\bno credit check\b/i
describe NO_CREDIT_CHECK	Without a credit check

body BANKRUPTCY		        /\b(?:avoid|past) bankruptcy\b/i
describe BANKRUPTCY		Avoiding bankruptcy

body ACCEPT_CREDIT_CARDS	/\b(?:accept\b|are accepting).{1,15}credit cards?\b/i
describe ACCEPT_CREDIT_CARDS	Accepting credit cards

body BAD_CREDIT		        /\b(?:bad|poor|no\b|eliminate|repair|(?:re)?establish|damag).{0,10} (?:credit|debt)\b/i
describe BAD_CREDIT		Eliminate Bad Credit

body NONSECURED_CREDIT	        /\bunsecured.{0,10}(?:master ?card|visa|credit|loans|debt)\b/i
describe NONSECURED_CREDIT	Non-secured Credit/Debt

body CONSOLIDATE_DEBT		/(?:consolidate .{0,9} (?:debt|credit|bills)|debt[ -]?(?:consolidation|elimination))/i
describe CONSOLIDATE_DEBT	Consolidate debt, credit, or bills

body REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME	/\brefinance your(?: current)? (?:home|house)\b/i
describe REFINANCE_YOUR_HOME	Home refinancing

body REFINANCE_NOW              /time to refinance|refinanc\w{1,3}\b.{0,16}\bnow\b/i
describe REFINANCE_NOW          Home refinancing

body NO_PURCHASE	        /\bno purchase\b/i
describe NO_PURCHASE		No Purchase Necessary

body NO_MEDICAL		        /\bno medical exam/i
describe NO_MEDICAL		No Medical Exams

body NO_FORMS		        /\bno .{0,9}forms\b/i
describe NO_FORMS		No Claim Forms

body INITIAL_INVEST	        /\binitial investment\b/i
describe INITIAL_INVEST		Requires Initial Investment

body BUY_DIRECT		        /\bbuy direct\b/i
describe BUY_DIRECT		Buy Direct

body DO_IT_TODAY		/\b(?:join|register|order|apply) .{0,10}(?-i:T)oday\b/i
describe DO_IT_TODAY		Do it Today

body WHY_WAIT		        /\b(?:why wait|what are you waiting for)\b/i
describe WHY_WAIT		What are you waiting for

body YOU_CAN_SEARCH		/you can search for anyone/i
describe YOU_CAN_SEARCH		You can search for anyone

body SEDUCTION		        /\b(?:seduc|attract).{0,8} (?:ebook|opposite sex|women)\b/i
describe SEDUCTION		Score with babes!

body INVALUABLE_MARKETING	/invaluable marketing information/i
describe INVALUABLE_MARKETING	Invaluable marketing information

body GUARANTEED_STUFF	        /\bguarantee.{0,15}(?:income|money|monthly)\b/i
describe GUARANTEED_STUFF	Guaranteed Stuff

body EARNINGS		        /\b(?:potential (?:earnings|income)|income potential)\b/i
describe EARNINGS		Potential Earnings

body THE_BEST_RATE	        /\bthe best rate/i
describe THE_BEST_RATE		The best Rates

body AMAZING_STUFF	        /\bamazing (?:product|rates)/i
describe AMAZING_STUFF		Amazing Stuff

# seems like we vastly reduce FPs on this one with a small change or two
body DIET_1		/\b(?:(?:without|no) (?:exercis(?:e|ing)|dieting)|weight.?loss|(?:extra|lose|lost|losing).{0,10}(?:pounds|weight|inches|lbs)|burn.{1,10}fat)\b/i
describe DIET_1		Lose Weight Spam

body DIET_2		/\blo+se.{1,10}\d+.{1,3}(?:lb|pound|kg|kilo)/i
describe DIET_2		Describes weight loss

body DIET_3		/(?:Body Fat Loss|Loss of body fat|lose.{1,10}body fat)/i
describe DIET_3		Describes body fat loss

body REVERSE_AGING 		/\breverses? aging\b/i
describe REVERSE_AGING		Reverses Aging

body HAIR_LOSS			/\b(?=[gnrt])(?:thinn?ing|restore|grow|new) hair|\bhair loss/i
describe HAIR_LOSS		Cures Baldness

body WRINKLES		        /\bwrinkle reduction\b/i
describe WRINKLES		Removes Wrinkles

body WHILE_YOU_SLEEP	        /\bwhile you sleep\b/i
describe WHILE_YOU_SLEEP	While you Sleep

body RICH		        /\b(?:make you rich|get rich quick)\b/i
describe RICH			If only it were that easy

body YOU_WON                    /\byou(?:\'ve| have)? won[^\'\w]/i
describe YOU_WON                Who really wins?

body HIDDEN_CHARGES	        /\bhidden charges\b/i
describe HIDDEN_CHARGES		Talks about Hidden Charges

body FIN_FREE		        /\bfinancial(?:ly)? free/i
describe FIN_FREE 		Freedom of a financial nature

body FORWARD_LOOKING	        /\bcontains forward-looking statements\b/i
describe FORWARD_LOOKING	Stock Disclaimer Statement

body SATIS_GUAR	        	/\bsatisfaction .{0,9}g(?:ua|au)ranteed\b/i
describe SATIS_GUAR		Mail guarantees satisfaction

# Avoid an FP noted by NISHIJIMA Takanori: 'Japanese string sequence:
# "Su" "Ku" "Na"  "I" "Ko" "Su" "To" "De" "Yo" "Ri" ...
# (This string means, "More ...(ex. "productive" or "effective")
# with less cost", and is a popular phrase but have no relations
# with human growth hormone, of course. :-)
# Encoded byte sequence: "$9" "$/" "$J" "$$" "%3" "%9" "%H" "$G" "$h" "$j"'
# note FP:                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^
body __HG_HORMONE		/\b(?:human growth hormone|(?-i:HGH)|H.G.H)\b/i
meta HG_HORMONE			(!__ISO_2022_JP_DELIM && __HG_HORMONE)
describe HG_HORMONE		Talks about hormones for human growth

body EXTRA_CASH		        /\bextra cash\b/i
describe EXTRA_CASH		Offers Extra Cash

body GET_PAID		        /\bget (?-i:P)aid\b/i
describe GET_PAID		Get Paid

body BEEN_TURNED_DOWN	        /\bbeen turned down\b/i
describe BEEN_TURNED_DOWN	Have you been turned down?

body ONE_TIME			/\bone\W+time (?:charge|investment|offer|promotion)/i
describe ONE_TIME		One Time Rip Off

body COMPETE		        /\bcompete for your business\b/i
describe COMPETE		Compete for your business

body MEET_SINGLES	        /\bmeet .{0,12}singles|thousands of personal/i
describe MEET_SINGLES		Meet Singles

body JOIN_MILLIONS	        /\bjoin (?:millions|thousands)\b/i
describe JOIN_MILLIONS		Join Millions of Americans

body BE_BOSS		        /\byour own boss\b/i
describe BE_BOSS		Be your own boss

body ML_MARKETING	        /\b(?:MLM|multi.level.marketing)\b/i
describe ML_MARKETING		Multi Level Marketing mentioned

body ITS_LEGAL                  /\b(?:perfectly|absolutely|100%|totally) legal\b/i
describe ITS_LEGAL              Claims to be Legal

body CONFIDENTIAL_ORDER		/confidential.{0,9} order/i
describe CONFIDENTIAL_ORDER	Confidentiality on all orders

body SAVE_THOUSANDS             /\bsave (?:thousands|millions)\b/i
describe SAVE_THOUSANDS         Save big money

body MARKETING_PARTNERS		/\b(?:marketing|network) partner|\bpartner (?:web)?site/i
describe MARKETING_PARTNERS	Claims you registered with a partner

body FREE_PREVIEW		/\bfree preview\b/i
describe FREE_PREVIEW		Free Preview

# http://www.hughes-family.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=678
body DOMAIN_4U2                 /[\@\.]\S{0,20}(?:[^0-9][42](?:yo)?u|for-*you)(?:[.-]\S{1,20})?\.(?:net|com|org|info)\b/
describe DOMAIN_4U2             Domain name containing a "4u" variant

body FREE_ACCESS                /(?-i:F)ree access/i
describe FREE_ACCESS            Contains 'free access' with capitals

body FREE_SAMPLE                /(?-i:F)ree sample/i
describe FREE_SAMPLE            Contains 'free sample' with capitals

body LOW_PRICE                  /\blow.{0,4} (?-i:P)rice/i
describe LOW_PRICE              Lowest Price

body UNCLAIMED_MONEY            /\bunclaimed (?:funds|money|prizes?|rewards?)\b/i
describe UNCLAIMED_MONEY        People just leave money laying around

body OBSCURED_EMAIL		/\w+\^\S+\(\w{2,4}\b/
describe OBSCURED_EMAIL		Message seems to contain rot13ed address

body OUR_AFFILIATE_PARTNERS     /our affiliate partners/i
describe OUR_AFFILIATE_PARTNERS Mentions their affiliate partners

body BANG_EXERCISE    		/\bexercis(?:e|er|es)!/i
describe BANG_EXERCISE    	Talks about exercise with an exclamation!
body BANG_MORE       		/\b(?-i:M)ore!/i
describe BANG_MORE       	Talks about more with an exclamation!
body BANG_OPRAH      		/\boprah!/i
describe BANG_OPRAH      	Talks about Oprah with an exclamation!
body BANG_QUOTE               	/\b(?-i:Q)uotes?\!/i
describe BANG_QUOTE            	Talks about quotes with an exclamation!

body ACT_NOW_CAPS               /A(?i:ct) N(?i:ow)/
describe ACT_NOW_CAPS		Talks about 'acting now' with capitals
body START_NOW_CAPS             /S(?i:tart now)/
describe START_NOW_CAPS 	Talks about 'starting now' with capitals
body MORE_SEX               /increased?.{0,9}(?:sex|stamina)/i
describe MORE_SEX 		Talks about a bigger drive for sex

body BANG_GUAR	         	/\bguaranteed?\!/i
describe BANG_GUAR		Something is emphatically guaranteed

# Feb 18 2003 jm: try another combo.  I'm not sure __NIGERIAN_HONESTY is req'd.
body __NIGERIAN_CODE_CONDUCT	/\bcode of conduct\b/i
body __NIGERIAN_CIV_SERVICE	/\bcivil service\b/i
body __NIGERIAN_TOP_SECRET	/\btop secret\b/i
body __NIGERIAN_STRICT_CONF	/\b(?:strictest confidence|utmost secrecy)\b/i
body __NIGERIAN_HONESTY		/\btransparent honesty\b/i
body __NIGERIAN_DISBURSE	/\bdisburs/i
describe NIGERIAN_BODY_GOVT_3	Message body has many indications of Nigerian scam

body SEE_FOR_YOURSELF		/See (?:for|it|it for) yourself\b/i
describe SEE_FOR_YOURSELF       See for yourself