score-ranges-from-freqs   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# (rough) graphic demo of this algorithm:
# 0.0  = -limit [......] 0 ........ limit
# 0.25 = -limit ..[..... 0 .]...... limit
# 0.5  = -limit ....[... 0 ...].... limit
# 0.75 = -limit ......[. 0 .....].. limit
# 1.0  = -limit ........ 0 [......] limit
my $sliding_window_limits = 4.8; # limits = [-$range, +$range]
my $sliding_window_size =   5.5; # scores have this range within limits

# 0.0  = -limit [......] 0 ........ limit
# 0.25 = -limit ....[... 0 ]....... limit
# 0.5  = -limit ......[. 0 .]...... limit (note: tighter)
# 0.75 = -limit .......[ 0 ...].... limit
# 1.0  = -limit ........ 0 [......] limit
my $shrinking_window_lower_base =   0.00; 
my $shrinking_window_lower_range =  1.00; # *ratio, added to above
my $shrinking_window_size_base =    1.00;
my $shrinking_window_size_range =   1.00; # *ratio, added to above

my $use_sliding_window = 0;

my $argcffile = shift @ARGV;
my $scoreset = shift @ARGV;
$scoreset = 0 if ( !defined $scoreset );

if (defined ($argcffile) && $argcffile eq '-test') {
  # use this to debug the ranking -> score-range mapping:
  for $rat (0.0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0) {
    my ($lo, $hi); if ($use_sliding_window) {
      ($lo, $hi) = sliding_window_ratio_to_range($rat);
    } else {
      ($lo, $hi) = shrinking_window_ratio_to_range($rat);
    warn "test: $rat => [ $lo $hi ]\n";
  } exit;

my %freq_spam = ();
my %freq_nonspam = ();

my $num_spam;
my $num_nonspam;
my $num_total;

my %mutable_tests = ();
my %ranking = ();
my %soratio = ();
my %is_nice = ();

if (!defined $argcffile) { $argcffile = "../rules"; }
system ("./parse-rules-for-masses -d \"$argcffile\" -s $scoreset") and die;
if (-e "tmp/") {
  # Note, the spaces need to stay in front of the require to work around a RPM 4.1 problem
  require "./tmp/";
else {
  die "parse-rules-for-masses had no error but no tmp/!?!";

while (<>) {
  /^\s*([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+([\d\.]+)\s+\S+\s+(.+)\s*$/ or next;

  my $overall = $1+0;
  my $spam = $2+0;
  my $nonspam = $3+0;
  my $soratio = $4+0;
  my $ranking = $5+0;
  my $test = $6;

  if ($test eq '(all messages)') {
    $num_spam = $spam;
    $num_nonspam = $nonspam;
    $num_total = $spam+$nonspam;
  next if ($test eq '(all messages as %)');

  if (!defined ($rules{$test})) {
    warn "rule $test no longer exists; ignoring\n";

  $freq{$test} = $overall;
  $freq_spam{$test} = $spam;
  $freq_nonspam{$test} = $nonspam;

  my $tflags = $rules{$test}->{tflags}; $tflags ||= '';

  # "userconf" rules, or "net" rules in set 0/2, or "learn" rules
  # in set 1/3, are nonmutable.
  if ($tflags =~ /\buserconf\b/ ||
      ( ($scoreset % 2) == 0 && $tflags =~ /\bnet\b/ ) ||
      ( ($scoreset % 2) == 1 && $tflags =~ /\blearn\b/ ))
    $mutable_tests{$test} = 0;
  } else {
    $mutable_tests{$test} = 1;

  # rules read from the non-mutable section
  if (!$rules{$test}->{mutable}) {
    $mutable_tests{$test} = 0;

  if ($tflags =~ m/\bnice\b/i) {
    $is_nice{$test} = 1;
  } else {
    $is_nice{$test} = 0;

  # less than 0.01% of messages were hit: force these rules to 0.0
  if ($overall < 0.01) {
    $mutable_tests{$test} = 0;
    $soratio{$test} = 0.5;
    $ranking{$test} = 0.0;
    $rules{$test}->{score} = 0; # tvd - disable these rules automagically

  } else {
    $soratio{$test} = $soratio;
    $ranking{$test} = $ranking;

if ( ! mkdir "tmp", 0755 ) {
  warn "Couldn't create tmp directory!: $!\n";

open (OUT, ">tmp/");
foreach my $test (sort { $ranking{$b} <=> $ranking{$a} } keys %freq) {
  if (!defined ($rules{$test})) {
    warn "no rule $test";
    print OUT ("0 0 0 $test\n");

  my $overall = $freq{$test};
  my $spam = $freq_spam{$test};
  my $nonspam = $freq_nonspam{$test};
  my $soratio = $soratio{$test};
  my $ranking = $ranking{$test};
  my $mutable = $mutable_tests{$test};

  # non-mutable, or score of 0 -- lock down to current score.
  if (!$mutable || $rules{$test}->{score} == 0) {
    printf OUT ("%3.3f %3.3f 0 $test\n",

  my ($lo, $hi);
  if ($is_nice{$test}) {
    $hi = 0;
    $lo = $ranking{$test} * -4.5;
  else {
    $lo = 0;
    $hi = $ranking{$test} * 4.5;

  printf OUT ("%3.1f %3.1f $mutable $test\n", $lo, $hi);
close OUT;

sub sliding_window_ratio_to_range {
  my $ratio = shift;
  my $lo = -$sliding_window_limits + ($sliding_window_size * $ratio);
  my $hi = +$sliding_window_limits - ($sliding_window_size * (1-$ratio));
  if ($lo > $hi) { # ???
    ($lo,$hi) = ($hi,$lo);
  ($lo, $hi);

sub shrinking_window_ratio_to_range {
  my $ratio = shift;
  my $is_nice = 0;
  my $adjusted = ($ratio -.5) * 2;      # adj [0,1] to [-1,1]
  if ($adjusted < 0) { $is_nice = 1; $adjusted = -$adjusted; }

#$adjusted /= 1.5 if ( $ratio < 0.95 && $ratio > 0.15 ); # tvd

  my $lower = $shrinking_window_lower_base 
                        + ($shrinking_window_lower_range * $adjusted);
  my $range = $shrinking_window_size_base 
                        + ($shrinking_window_size_range * $adjusted);
  my $lo = $lower;
  my $hi = $lower + $range;
  if ($is_nice) {
    my $tmp = $hi; $hi = -$lo; $lo = -$tmp;
  if ($lo > $hi) { # ???
    ($lo,$hi) = ($hi,$lo);

  ($lo, $hi);