UnixNFSSafe.pm   [plain text]

# Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

package Mail::SpamAssassin::Locker::UnixNFSSafe;

use strict;
use bytes;

use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Locker;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Util;
use File::Spec;
use Time::Local;
use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);

use vars qw{

@ISA = qw(Mail::SpamAssassin::Locker);


sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);

# NFS-safe locking (I hope!):
# Attempt to create a file lock, using NFS-safe locking techniques.
# Locking code adapted from code by Alexis Rosen <alexis@panix.com>
# by Kelsey Cummings <kgc@sonic.net>, with mods by jm and quinlan
# A good implementation of Alexis' code, for reference, is here:
# http://mail-index.netbsd.org/netbsd-bugs/1996/04/17/0002.html

use constant LOCK_MAX_AGE => 600;	# seconds 

sub safe_lock {
  my ($self, $path, $max_retries) = @_;
  my $is_locked = 0;
  my @stat;

  $max_retries ||= 30;

  my $lock_file = "$path.lock";
  my $hname = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::fq_hostname();
  my $lock_tmp = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_file_path

  # keep this for unlocking
  $self->{lock_tmp} = $lock_tmp;

  my $umask = umask 077;
  if (!open(LTMP, ">$lock_tmp")) {
      umask $umask; # just in case
      die "lock: $$ cannot create tmp lockfile $lock_tmp for $lock_file: $!\n";
  umask $umask;
  autoflush LTMP 1;
  dbg("lock: $$ created $lock_tmp");

  for (my $retries = 0; $retries < $max_retries; $retries++) {
    if ($retries > 0) { $self->jittery_one_second_sleep(); }
    print LTMP "$hname.$$\n";
    dbg("lock: $$ trying to get lock on $path with $retries retries");
    if (link($lock_tmp, $lock_file)) {
      dbg("lock: $$ link to $lock_file: link ok");
      $is_locked = 1;
    # link _may_ return false even if the link _is_ created
    @stat = lstat($lock_tmp);
    if ($stat[3] > 1) {
      dbg("lock: $$ link to $lock_file: stat ok");
      $is_locked = 1;
    # check age of lockfile ctime
    my $now = ($#stat < 11 ? undef : $stat[10]);
    @stat = lstat($lock_file);
    my $lock_age = ($#stat < 11 ? undef : $stat[10]);
    if (!defined($lock_age) || ($now - $lock_age) > LOCK_MAX_AGE) {
      # we got a stale lock, break it
      dbg("lock: $$ breaking stale $lock_file: age=" .
	  (defined $lock_age ? $lock_age : "undef") . " now=$now");
      unlink ($lock_file) || warn "lock: $$ unlink of lock file $lock_file failed: $!\n";

  unlink ($lock_tmp) || warn "lock: $$ unlink of temp lock $lock_tmp failed: $!\n";

  # record this for safe unlocking
  if ($is_locked) {
    @stat = lstat($lock_file);
    my $lock_ctime = ($#stat < 11 ? undef : $stat[10]);

    $self->{lock_ctimes} ||= { };
    $self->{lock_ctimes}->{$path} = $lock_ctime;

  return $is_locked;


sub safe_unlock {
  my ($self, $path) = @_;

  my $lock_file = "$path.lock";
  my $lock_tmp = $self->{lock_tmp};
  if (!$lock_tmp) {
    dbg("unlock: $$ $path.lock never locked");

  # 1. Build a temp file and stat that to get an idea of what the server
  # thinks the current time is (our_tmp.st_ctime).  note: do not use time()
  # directly because the server's clock may be out of sync with the client's.

  my @stat_ourtmp;
  sysopen(LTMP, $lock_tmp, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_EXCL, 0700);
  autoflush LTMP 1;
  print LTMP "\n";

  if (!(@stat_ourtmp = stat(LTMP)) || (scalar(@stat_ourtmp) < 11)) {
    warn "unlock: $$ failed to create lock tmpfile $lock_tmp";
    close LTMP; unlink $lock_tmp;
  my $ourtmp_ctime = $stat_ourtmp[10]; # paranoia
  if (!defined $ourtmp_ctime) {
    die "stat failed on $lock_tmp";

  close LTMP; unlink $lock_tmp;

  # 2. If the ctime hasn't been modified, unlink the file and return. If the
  # lock has expired, sleep the usual random interval before returning. If we # didn't sleep, there could be a race if the caller immediately tries to
  # relock the file.

  my $lock_ctime = $self->{lock_ctimes}->{$path};
  if (!defined $lock_ctime) {
    warn "unlock: $$ no ctime recorded for $lock_file";

  my @stat_lock = lstat ($lock_file);
  my $now_ctime = $stat_lock[10];

  if (defined $now_ctime && $now_ctime == $lock_ctime) 
    # things are good: the ctimes match so it was our lock
    unlink ($lock_file) || warn "unlock: $$ unlink failed: $lock_file\n";
    dbg("unlock: $$ unlink $lock_file");

    if ($ourtmp_ctime >= $lock_ctime + LOCK_MAX_AGE) {
      # the lock has expired, so sleep a bit; use some randomness
      # to avoid race conditions.
      dbg("unlock: $$ lock expired on $lock_file expired safely; sleeping");
      my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {

  # 4. Either ctime has been modified, or the entire lock file is missing.
  # If the lock should still be ours, based on the ctime of the temp
  # file, warn it was stolen. If not, then our lock is expired and
  # someone else has grabbed the file, so warn it was lost.
  if ($ourtmp_ctime < $lock_ctime + LOCK_MAX_AGE) {
    warn "unlock: $$ lock on $lock_file was stolen";
  } else {
    warn "unlock: $$ lock on $lock_file was lost due to expiry";


sub refresh_lock {
  my($self, $path) = @_;

  return unless $path;

  # this could arguably read the lock and make sure the same process
  # owns it, but this shouldn't, in theory, be an issue.
  # TODO: in NFS, it definitely may be one :(

  my $lock_file = "$path.lock";
  utime time, time, $lock_file;

  # update the lock_ctimes entry
  my @stat = lstat($lock_file);
  my $lock_ctime = ($#stat < 11 ? undef : $stat[10]);
  $self->{lock_ctimes}->{$path} = $lock_ctime;

  dbg("refresh: $$ refresh $path.lock");


sub dbg { Mail::SpamAssassin::dbg (@_); }
