package Net::DNS::RR::OPT; # # $Id:,v 1.1 2004/04/09 17:04:48 dasenbro Exp $ # use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION %extendedrcodesbyname %extendedrcodesbyval $EDNSVERSION); use Socket; use Net::DNS; use Carp; @ISA = qw(Net::DNS::RR); $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.1 $)[1]; $EDNSVERSION = 0; %extendedrcodesbyname = ( "ONLY_RDATA" => 0, # No name specified see 4.6 of 2671 "UNDEF1" => 1, "UNDEF2" => 2, "UNDEF3" => 3, "UNDEF4" => 4, "UNDEF5" => 5, "UNDEF6" => 6, "UNDEF7" => 7, "UNDEF8" => 8, "UNDEF9" => 9, "UNDEF10" => 10, "UNDEF11" => 11, "UNDEF12" => 12, "UNDEF13" => 13, "UNDEF14" => 14, "UNDEF15" => 15, "BADVERS" => 16, # RFC 2671 ); %extendedrcodesbyval = reverse %extendedrcodesbyname; sub new { my ($class, $self, $data, $offset) = @_; $self->{"name"} = "" ; # should allway be "root" if ($self->{"rdlength"} > 0) { $self->{"optioncode"} = unpack("n", substr($$data, $offset, 2)); $self->{"optionlength"} = unpack("n", substr($$data, $offset+2, 2)); $self->{"optiondata"} = unpack("n", substr($$data, $offset+4, $self->{"optionlength"})); } $self->{"_rcode_flags"} = pack("N",$self->{"ttl"}); $self->{"extendedrcode"} = unpack("C", substr($self->{"_rcode_flags"}, 0, 1)); $self->{"ednsversion"} = unpack("C", substr($self->{"_rcode_flags"}, 1, 1)); $self->{"ednsflags"} = unpack("n", substr($self->{"_rcode_flags"}, 2, 2)); return bless $self, $class; } sub new_from_string { my ($class, $self ) = @_; # There is no such thing as an OPT RR in a ZONE file. # Not implemented! croak "You should not try to create a OPT RR from a string\nNot implemented"; return bless $self, $class; } sub new_from_hash { my ($class, $self ) = @_; $self->{"name"} = "" ; # should allway be "root" # Setting the MTU smaller then 512 does not make sense # should we test for a maximum here? if ($self->{"class"} eq "IN" || $self->{"class"} < 512) { $self->{"class"} = 512; # Default value... } $self->{"extendedrcode"} = 0 unless exists $self->{"extendedrcode"}; $self->{"ednsflags"} = 0 unless exists $self->{"ednsflags"}; $self->{"ednsversion"} = $Net::DNS::RR::OPT::EDNSVERSION unless exists $self->{"ednsversion"}; $self->{"ttl"}= unpack ("N", pack("C", $self->{"extendedrcode"}) . pack("C", $self->{"ednsversion"}) . pack("n", $self->{"ednsflags"}) ); if (exists $self->{"optioncode"}) { $self->{"optiondata"} = "" if ! exists $self->{"optiondata"}; $self->{"optionlength"} = length $self->{"optiondata"} } return bless $self, $class; } sub string { my $self = shift; return "; EDNS Version " . $self->{"ednsversion"} . "\t UDP Packetsize: " . $self->{"class"} . "\n; EDNS-RCODE:\t" . $self->{"extendedrcode"} . " (" . $extendedrcodesbyval{ $self->{"extendedrcode"} }. ")" . "\n; EDNS-FLAGS:\t" . sprintf("0x%04x", $self->{"ednsflags"}) . "\n"; } sub rdatastr { return '; Parsing of OPT rdata is not yet implemented'; } sub rr_rdata { my $self = shift; my $rdata; if (exists $self->{"optioncode"}) { $rdata = pack("n", $self->{"optioncode"}); $rdata .= pack("n", $self->{"optionlength"}); $rdata .= $self->{"optiondata"} } else { $rdata = ""; } return $rdata; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DNS::RR::OPT - DNS OPT =head1 SYNOPSIS C; =head1 DESCRIPTION Class for EDNS pseudo resource record OPT. =head1 METHODS This object should only be used inside the Net::DNS classes itself. =head2 new Since "OPT" is a pseudo record and should not be stored in masterfiles; Therefore we have not implemented a method to create this RR from string. One may create the object from a hash. See RFC 2671 for details for the meaning of the hash keys. $rr= new Net::DNS::RR { name => "", # Ignored and set to "" type => "OPT", class => 1024, # sets UDP payload size extendedrcode => 0x00, # sets the extended RCODE 1 octets ednsflags => 0x0000, # sets the ednsflags (2octets) optioncode => 0x0 # 2 octets optiondata => 0x0 # optionlength octets } The ednsversion is set to 0 for now. The ttl value is determined from the extendedrcode, the ednsversion and the ednsflag. The rdata is constructed from the optioncode and optiondata see section 4.4 of RFC 2671 If optioncode is left undefined then we do not expect any RDATA. The defaults are no rdata. =head1 TODO - This class is tailored to use with dnssec. - Do some range checking on the input. - This class probably needs subclasses once OPTION codes start to be defined. - look at use of extended labels =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2001, 2002 RIPE NCC. Author Olaf M. Kolkman All Rights Reserved Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that the name of the author not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS; IN NO EVENT SHALL AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Based on, and contains, code by Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, RFC 2435 Section 3 =cut