package Net::DNS::RR::NSAP; # # $Id:,v 1.1 2004/04/09 17:04:48 dasenbro Exp $ # use strict; use vars qw(@ISA $VERSION); use Net::DNS; @ISA = qw(Net::DNS::RR); $VERSION = (qw$Revision: 1.1 $)[1]; sub new { my ($class, $self, $data, $offset) = @_; if ($self->{"rdlength"} > 0) { my $afi = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $self->{"afi"} = sprintf("%02x", $afi); ++$offset; if ($self->{"afi"} eq "47") { my @idi = unpack("\@$offset C2", $$data); $offset += 2; my $dfi = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $offset += 1; my @aa = unpack("\@$offset C3", $$data); $offset += 3; my @rsvd = unpack("\@$offset C2", $$data); $offset += 2; my @rd = unpack("\@$offset C2", $$data); $offset += 2; my @area = unpack("\@$offset C2", $$data); $offset += 2; my @id = unpack("\@$offset C6", $$data); $offset += 6; my $sel = unpack("\@$offset C", $$data); $offset += 1; $self->{"idi"} = sprintf("%02x" x 2, @idi); $self->{"dfi"} = sprintf("%02x" x 1, $dfi); $self->{"aa"} = sprintf("%02x" x 3, @aa); $self->{"rsvd"} = sprintf("%02x" x 2, @rsvd); $self->{"rd"} = sprintf("%02x" x 2, @rd); $self->{"area"} = sprintf("%02x" x 2, @area); $self->{"id"} = sprintf("%02x" x 6, @id); $self->{"sel"} = sprintf("%02x" x 1, $sel); } else { # What to do for unsupported versions? } } return bless $self, $class; } sub new_from_string { my ($class, $self, $string) = @_; if ($string) { $string =~ s/\.//g; # remove all dots. $string =~ s/^0x//; # remove leading 0x if ($string =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}$/) { @{ $self }{ qw(afi idi dfi aa rsvd rd area id sel) } = unpack("A2A4A2A6A4A4A4A12A2", $string); } } return bless $self, $class; } sub idp { my $self = shift; return join('', $self->{"afi"}, $self->{"idi"}); } sub dsp { my $self = shift; return join('', $self->{"dfi"}, $self->{"aa"}, $self->rsvd, $self->{"rd"}, $self->{"area"}, $self->{"id"}, $self->{"sel"}); } sub rsvd { my $self = shift; return exists $self->{"rsvd"} ? $self->{"rsvd"} : "0000"; } sub rdatastr { my $self = shift; my $rdatastr; if (exists $self->{"afi"}) { if ($self->{"afi"} eq "47") { $rdatastr = join('', $self->idp, $self->dsp); } else { $rdatastr = "; AFI $self->{'afi'} not supported"; } } else { $rdatastr = ''; } return $rdatastr; } sub rr_rdata { my $self = shift; my $rdata = ""; if (exists $self->{"afi"}) { $rdata .= pack("C", hex($self->{"afi"})); if ($self->{"afi"} eq "47") { $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"idi"}, 2); $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"dfi"}, 1); $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"aa"}, 3); $rdata .= str2bcd(0, 2); # rsvd $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"rd"}, 2); $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"area"}, 2); $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"id"}, 6); $rdata .= str2bcd($self->{"sel"}, 1); } # Checks for other versions would go here. } return $rdata; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Usage: str2bcd(STRING, NUM_BYTES) # # Takes a string representing a hex number of arbitrary length and # returns an equivalent BCD string of NUM_BYTES length (with # NUM_BYTES * 2 digits), adding leading zeros if necessary. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This can't be the best way.... sub str2bcd { my ($string, $bytes) = @_; my $retval = ""; my $digits = $bytes * 2; $string = sprintf("%${digits}s", $string); $string =~ tr/ /0/; my $i; for ($i = 0; $i < $bytes; ++$i) { my $bcd = substr($string, $i*2, 2); $retval .= pack("C", hex $bcd); } return $retval; } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME Net::DNS::RR::NSAP - DNS NSAP resource record =head1 SYNOPSIS C; =head1 DESCRIPTION Class for DNS Network Service Access Point (NSAP) resource records. =head1 METHODS =head2 idp print "idp = ", $rr->idp, "\n"; Returns the RR's initial domain part (the AFI and IDI fields). =head2 dsp print "dsp = ", $rr->dsp, "\n"; Returns the RR's domain specific part (the DFI, AA, Rsvd, RD, Area, ID, and SEL fields). =head2 afi print "afi = ", $rr->afi, "\n"; Returns the RR's authority and format identifier. C currently supports only AFI 47 (GOSIP Version 2). =head2 idi print "idi = ", $rr->idi, "\n"; Returns the RR's initial domain identifier. =head2 dfi print "dfi = ", $rr->dfi, "\n"; Returns the RR's DSP format identifier. =head2 aa print "aa = ", $rr->aa, "\n"; Returns the RR's administrative authority. =head2 rsvd print "rsvd = ", $rr->rsvd, "\n"; Returns the RR's reserved field. =head2 rd print "rd = ", $rr->rd, "\n"; Returns the RR's routing domain identifier. =head2 area print "area = ", $rr->area, "\n"; Returns the RR's area identifier. =head2 id print "id = ", $rr->id, "\n"; Returns the RR's system identifier. =head2 sel print "sel = ", $rr->sel, "\n"; Returns the RR's NSAP selector. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 1997-2002 Michael Fuhr. Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Chris Reinhardt. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L, L, L, L, L, RFC 1706. =cut