Daemonize.pm   [plain text]

# -*- perl -*-
#  Net::Server::Daemonize - bdpf - Daemonization utilities.
#  $Id: Daemonize.pm,v 1.1 2004/04/19 17:50:29 dasenbro Exp $
#  Copyright (C) 2001, Jeremy Howard
#                      j+daemonize@howard.fm
#                      Paul T Seamons
#                      paul@seamons.com
#                      http://seamons.com/
#  This package may be distributed under the terms of either the
#  GNU General Public License 
#    or the
#  Perl Artistic License
#  All rights reserved.
#  Please read the perldoc Net::Server

package Net::Server::Daemonize;

use strict;
use vars qw( @ISA @EXPORT_OK $VERSION );
use Exporter ();

$VERSION = "0.04";

@ISA = qw(Exporter);

@EXPORT_OK = qw(check_pid_file
                get_uid get_gid
                set_uid set_gid


### check for existance of pid_file
### if the file exists, check for a running process
sub check_pid_file ($) {
  my $pid_file = shift;

  ### no pid_file = return success
  return 1 unless -e $pid_file;

  ### get the currently listed pid
  if( ! open(_PID,$pid_file) ){
    die "Couldn't open existant pid_file \"$pid_file\" [$!]\n";
  my $current_pid = <_PID>;
  close _PID;

  my $exists = undef;

  ### try a proc file system
  if( -d '/proc' && opendir(_DH,'/proc') ){
    while ( defined(my $pid = readdir(_DH)) ){
      if( $pid eq $current_pid ){
        $exists = 1;
  ### try ps
  #}elsif( -x '/bin/ps' ){ # not as portable
  # the ps command itself really isn't portable
  # this follows BSD syntax ps (BSD's and linux)
  # this will fail on Unix98 syntax ps (Solaris, etc)
  }elsif( `ps h o pid p $$` =~ /^\s*$$\s*$/ ){ # can I play ps on myself ?
    $exists = `ps h o pid p $current_pid`;

  ### running process exists, ouch
  if( $exists ){
    if( $current_pid == $$ ){
      warn "Pid_file created by this same process. Doing nothing.\n";
      return 1;
      die "Pid_file already exists for running process ($current_pid)... aborting\n";

  ### remove the pid_file

    warn "Pid_file \"$pid_file\" already exists.  Overwriting!\n";
    unlink $pid_file || die "Couldn't remove pid_file \"$pid_file\" [$!]\n";
    return 1;


### actually create the pid_file, calls check_pid_file
### before proceeding
sub create_pid_file ($) {
  my $pid_file = shift;

  ### see if the pid_file is already there
  check_pid_file( $pid_file );
  if( ! open(PID, ">$pid_file") ){
    die "Couldn't open pid file \"$pid_file\" [$!].\n";

  ### save out the pid and exit
  print PID "$$\n";
  close PID;

  die "Pid_file \"$pid_file\" not created.\n" unless -e $pid_file;
  return 1;

### Allow for safe removal of the pid_file.
### Make sure this process owns it.
sub unlink_pid_file ($) {
  my $pid_file = shift;

  ### no pid_file = return success
  return 1 unless -e $pid_file;

  ### get the currently listed pid
  if( ! open(_PID,$pid_file) ){
    die "Couldn't open existant pid_file \"$pid_file\" [$!]\n";
  my $current_pid = <_PID>;
  close _PID;

  if( $current_pid == $$ ){
    unlink($pid_file) || die "Couldn't unlink pid_file \"$pid_file\" [$!]\n";
    return 1;

    die "Process $$ doesn't own pid_file \"$pid_file\". Can't remove it.\n";



sub is_root_user () {
  my $id = get_uid('root');
  return ( ! defined($id) || $< == $id || $> == $id );

### get the uid for the passed user
sub get_uid ($) {
  my $user = shift;
  my $uid  = undef;

  if( $user =~ /^\d+$/ ){
    $uid = $user;
    $uid = getpwnam($user);
  die "No such user \"$user\"\n" unless defined $uid;

  return $uid;

### get all of the gids that this group is (space delimited)
sub get_gid {
  my @gid  = ();

  foreach my $group ( split( /[, ]+/, join(" ",@_) ) ){
    if( $group =~ /^\d+$/ ){
      push @gid, $group;
      my $id = getgrnam($group);
      die "No such group \"$group\"\n" unless defined $id;
      push @gid, $id;

  die "No group found in arguments.\n" unless @gid;

  return join(" ",$gid[0],@gid);

### change the process to run as this uid
sub set_uid {
  my $uid = get_uid( shift() );
  $< = $> = $uid;
  if( $< != $uid ){
    die "Couldn't become uid \"$uid\"\n";
  my $result = POSIX::setuid( $uid );
  if( ! defined($result) ){
    die "Couldn't POSIX::setuid to \"$uid\" [$!]\n";
  return 1;

### change the process to run as this gid(s)
### multiple groups must be space or comma delimited
sub set_gid {
  my $gids = get_gid( @_ );
  my $gid  = (split(/\s+/,$gids))[0];
  $) = $gids;
  $( = $gid;
  my $result = (split(/\s+/,$())[0];
  if( $result != $gid ){
    die "Couldn't become gid \"$gid\" ($result)\n";
  POSIX::setgid( $gid ) || die "Couldn't POSIX::setgid to \"$gid\" [$!]\n";
  return 1;

### backward compatibility sub
sub set_user {
  my ($user, @group) = @_;
  set_gid( @group ) || return undef;
  set_uid( $user )  || return undef;
  return 1;


### routine to protect process during fork
sub safe_fork () {
  ### block signal for fork
  my $sigset = POSIX::SigSet->new(SIGINT);
  POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, $sigset)
    or die "Can't block SIGINT for fork: [$!]\n";
  ### fork off a child
  my $pid = fork;
  unless( defined $pid ){
    die "Couldn't fork: [$!]\n";

  ### make SIGINT kill us as it did before

  ### put back to normal
  POSIX::sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, $sigset)
    or die "Can't unblock SIGINT for fork: [$!]\n";

  return $pid;


### routine to completely dissociate from
### terminal process.
sub daemonize ($$$) {
  my ($user, $group, $pid_file) = @_;

  check_pid_file( $pid_file );

  my $uid = get_uid( $user );
  my $gid = get_gid( $group ); # returns list of groups
  $gid = (split(/\ /,$gid))[0];

  my $pid = safe_fork();

  ### parent process should do the pid file and exit
  if( $pid ){

    $pid && exit(0);

  ### child process will continue on

    create_pid_file( $pid_file );
    ### make sure we can remove the file later

    ### become another user and group
    set_user($uid, $gid);

    ### close all input/output and separate
    ### from the parent process group
    open STDIN,  '</dev/null' or die "Can't open STDIN from /dev/null: [$!]\n";
    open STDOUT, '>/dev/null' or die "Can't open STDOUT to /dev/null: [$!]\n";
    open STDERR, '>&STDOUT'   or die "Can't open STDERR to STDOUT: [$!]\n";

    ### Change to root dir to avoid locking a mounted file system
    ### does this mean to be chroot ?
    chdir '/'                 or die "Can't chdir to \"/\": [$!]";

    ### Turn process into session leader, and ensure no controlling terminal

    ### install a signal handler to make sure
    ### SIGINT's remove our pid_file
    $SIG{INT}  = sub { HUNTSMAN( $pid_file ); };
    return 1;


### SIGINT routine that will remove the pid_file
sub HUNTSMAN {                      
  my ($path) = @_;
  unlink ($path);

  require "Unix/Syslog.pm";
  Unix::Syslog::syslog(Unix::Syslog::LOG_ERR(), "Exiting on INT signal.");




=head1 NAME

Net::Server::Daemonize - bdpf Safe fork and daemonization utilities


  use Net::Server::Daemonize qw(daemonize);

    'nobody',                 # User
    'nobody',                 # Group 
    '/var/state/mydaemon.pid' # Path to PID file


This module is intended to let you simply and safely daemonize
your server on systems supporting the POSIX module. This means
that your Perl script runs in the background, and it's process ID
is stored in a file so you can easily stop it later.


=over 4

=item daemonize

Main routine.  Arguments are user (or userid), group (or group id
or space delimited list of groups), and pid_file (path to file).
This routine will check on the pid file, safely fork, create the 
pid file (storing the pid in the file), become another user and
group, close STDIN, STDOUT and STDERR, separate from the process
group (become session leader), and install $SIG{INT} to remove
the pid file.  In otherwords - daemonize.  All errors result in
a die.

=item safe_fork

Block SIGINT during fork.  No arguments.  Returns pid of forked
child.  All errors result in a die.

=item set_user

Become another user and group.  Arguments are user (or userid)
and group (or group id or space delimited list of groups).

=item set_uid

Become another user.  Argument is user (or userid).  All errors die.

=item set_gid

Become another group.  Arguments are groups (or group ids or space
delimited list of groups or group ids).  All errors die.

=item get_uid

Find the uid.  Argument is user (userid returns userid).  Returns
userid.  All errors die.

=item get_gid

Find the gids.  Arguments are groups or space delimited list of groups.
All errors die.

=item is_root_user

Determine if the process is running as root.  Returns 1 or undef.

=item check_pid_file

Arguments are pid_file (full path to pid_file).  Checks for existance of
pid_file.  If file exists, open it and determine if the process
that created it is still running.  This is done first by checking for
a /proc file system and second using a "ps" command (BSD syntax).  (If
neither of these options exist it assumed that the process has ended)
If the process is still running, it aborts.  Otherwise, returns true.
All errors die.

=item create_pid_file.

Arguments are pid_file (full path to pid_file).  Calls check_pid_file.
If it is successful (no pid_file exists), creates a pid file and stores
$$ in the file.

=item unlink_pid_file

Does just that.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Net::Daemon>, The Perl Cookbook Recipe 17.15.

=head1 AUTHORS

Jeremy Howard <j+daemonize@howard.fm>

Program flow, concepts and initial work.

Paul Seamons <perl@seamons.com>

Code rework and componentization.
Ongoing maintainer.

=head1 LICENSE

  Copyright (C) 2001, Jeremy Howard

                      Paul T Seamons
  This package may be distributed under the terms of either the
  GNU General Public License 
    or the
  Perl Artistic License

  All rights reserved.
