QuotedPrint.pm.html   [plain text]

       bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#CC3366" vlink="#993366" alink="#FF6666">
<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://www.zeegee.com" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="icons/zeegee.gif" ALT="ZeeGee Software" ALIGN="RIGHT" BORDER="0"></A><A NAME="__TOP__"><H1>MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint</H1>
<P><B>This module is <FONT COLOR="#990000">BETA</FONT> code, which means that the interfaces are fairly stable BUT it has not been out in the community long enough to guarantee much testing. Use with caution! Please report any errors back to <A HREF="mailto:eryq@zeegee.com">eryq@zeegee.com</A> as soon as you can.</B><UL>

<A NAME="NAME"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> NAME</H2></A>

<P>MIME::Decoder::QuotedPrint - encode/decode a &quot;quoted-printable&quot; stream

<A NAME="SYNOPSIS"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> SYNOPSIS</H2></A>

<P>A generic decoder object; see <A HREF="../../MIME/Decoder.pm.html">MIME::Decoder</A> for usage.

<A NAME="DESCRIPTION"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> DESCRIPTION</H2></A>

<P>A MIME::Decoder subclass for the <CODE>&quot;quoted-printable&quot;</CODE> encoding.
The name was chosen to jibe with the pre-existing MIME::QuotedPrint
utility package, which this class actually uses to translate each line.

<P>The <B>decoder</B> does a line-by-line translation from input to output.

<P>The <B>encoder</B> does a line-by-line translation, breaking lines
so that they fall under the standard 76-character limit for this


<P><B>Note:</B> just like MIME::QuotedPrint, we currently use the 
native <CODE>&quot;\n&quot;</CODE> for line breaks, and not <CODE>CRLF</CODE>.  This may
need to change in future versions.

<A NAME="AUTHOR"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> AUTHOR</H2></A>

<P>Eryq (<I><FILE><A HREF="mailto:eryq@zeegee.com">eryq@zeegee.com</A></FILE></I>), ZeeGee Software Inc (<I><FILE><A HREF="http://www.zeegee.com">http://www.zeegee.com</A></FILE></I>).

<P>All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute 
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

<A NAME="VERSION"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> VERSION</H2></A>

<P>$Revision: 1.1 $ $Date: 2004/04/09 17:04:45 $

Generated Wed Jan 17 01:58:05 2001 by cvu_pod2html