INSTALL   [plain text]


A makefile was supplied with this which should have built the program. If it
fails please let us know, and here are some hints for building on different
platforms. You will need to set --enable-milter when running configure for
the automatic build to work.

Tested OK on Linux/x86 with gcc3.2.
	cc -O3 -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loops clamav-milter.c -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o

Compiles OK on Linux/x86 with tcc 0.9.16, but fails to link errors with 'atexit'
	tcc -g -b -lmilter -lpthread clamav-milter.c...

Fails to compile on Linux/x86 with icc6.0 (complains about stdio.h...)
	icc -O3 -tpp7 -xiMKW -ipo -parallel -i_dynamic -w2 clamav-milter.c...
Fails to build on Linux/x86 with icc7.1 with -ipo (fails on libclamav.a - keeps saying run ranlib). Otherwise it builds and runs OK.
	icc -O2 -tpp7 -xiMKW -parallel -i_dynamic -w2 -march=pentium4 -mcpu=pentium4 clamav-milter.c...

Tested with Electric Fence 2.2.2, and the bounds checking C compiler from

Compiles OK on Linux/ppc (YDL2.3) with gcc2.95.4. Needs -lsmutil to link.
	cc -O3 -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loop -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o -lsmutil
I haven't tested it further on this platform yet.
YDL3.0 should compile out of the box

Linux/sparc (Gentoo 2004.2) comes with a sendmail that doesn't support MILTER,
so *before* running "configure --enable-milter", download from, then:
	cd .../sendmail-source-directory
	sh Build
	make install
	cd libmilter
	make install

Sendmail on MacOS/X (10.1) is provided without a development package so this
can't be run "out of the box"

Solaris 8 doesn't have milter support so clamav-milter won't work unless you
rebuild sendmail from source.

FreeBSD4.7 use /usr/local/bin/gcc30. GCC3.0 is an optional extra on
FreeBSD. It comes with getopt.h which is handy. To link you need
	gcc30 -O3 -DCONFDIR=\"/usr/local/etc\" -I. -I.. -I../clamd -I../libclamav -pedantic -Wuninitialized -Wall -pipe -mcpu=pentium -march=pentium -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -finline-functions -funroll-loops clamav-milter.c -pthread -lmilter ../libclamav/.libs/libclamav.a ../clamd/cfgfile.o ../clamd/others.o -lgnugetopt

FreeBSD4.8: compiles out of the box with either gcc2.95 or gcc3

NetBSD2.0: compiles out of the box

OpenBSD3.4: the supplied sendmail does not come with Milter support.
Do this *before* running configure (thanks for Per-Olov Sjöhol
<> for these instructions).

	echo WANT_LIBMILTER=1 > /etc/mk.conf
	cd /usr/src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail
	make depend
	make install
	kill -HUP `sed q /var/run/`

Then do this to make the milter headers available to clamav...
(the libmilter.a file is already in the right place after the sendmail
recompiles above)

	cd /usr/include
	ln -s ../src/gnu/usr.sbin/sendmail/include/libmilter libmilter

Solaris 9 and FreeBSD5 have milter support in the supplied sendmail, but
doesn't include libmilter so you can't develop milter applications on it.
Go to, download the latest sendmail, cd to libmilter and
"make install" there.

Needs -lresolv on Solaris

If, when building clamav-milter, you see the error
	"undefined reference to smfi_opensocket",
it means that your sendmail installation is broken. More specifically it means
that your installed version of libmilter does not agree with your installed
version of Sendmail. Naturally they must be the same. Check to see if you have
more than one mfapi.h on your system; if you installed sendmail from source,
did you remember to install libmilter at the same time? You can ensure that
your Sendmail is correctly installed if you follow these instructions:
	cd .../sendmail-source-directory
	sh Build
	make install
	cd libmilter
	make install


Install into /usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter.

Ensure that your sendmail supports milters by running
	/usr/lib/sendmail -d0 < /dev/null | fgrep MILTER
	/usr/sbin/sendmail -d0 < /dev/null | fgrep MILTER

You should see something like:
It doesn't matter exactly what you see, as long as the word MILTER is printed.

If you see no output you MUST upgrade your sendmail.


2.1 LINUX (RedHat, Fedora, YellowDog etc)

Installations for RedHat Linux and it's derivatives such as YellowDog:
	Ensure that you have the sendmail-devel RPM installed
	Add to /etc/mail/ before the MAILER statement:
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
	define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `clamav')

	Note that the INPUT_MAIL_FILTER line must come before the

	Don't worry that the file /var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock doesn't exist,
		clamav-milter will create it for you. However you will need
		to create the directory /var/run/clamav (usually owned
		by user clamav, mode 700).

	Check entry in /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf of the form:
	LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock

	If you already have a filter (such as spamassassin-milter from add it thus:
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass.sock, F=, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')
	define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `spamassassin,clamav')dnl

	mkdir /var/run/clamav
	chown clamav /var/run/clamav	(if you use User clamav in clamd.conf)
	chmod 700 /var/run/clamav

	Where /var/run/spamass.sock is the location of the spamass-milt
	socket file (on some systems it is in /var/run/sendmail/spamass.sock).

2.2 LINUX (Debian)

Installations for Debian Linux:
	As above for RedHat, except that you need the libmilter-dev package:
		apt-get install libmilter-dev
	To use TCPwrappers you need to:
		apt-get install libwrap0-dev

2.3 FreeBSD

Installations for FreeBSD5 (may be true for other BSDs)
	Add to /etc/mail/
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
	define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `clamav')

	Check entry in /usr/local/etc/clamd.conf of the form:
	LocalSocket /var/run/clamav/clamd.sock

	If you already have a filter (such as spamassassin-milter from add it thus:
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`spamassassin', `S=local:/var/run/spamass.sock, F=, T=C:15m;S:4m;R:4m;E:10m')
	define(`confINPUT_MAIL_FILTERS', `spamassassin,clamav')dnl

	mkdir /var/run/clamav
	chown clamav /var/run/clamav	(if you use User clamav in clamd.conf)
	chmod 700 /var/run/clamav

	Where /var/run/spamass.sock is the location of the spamass-milt
	socket file (on some systems it is in /var/run/sendmail/spamass.sock).

FreeBSD5.3 sendmail comes without libmilter support. You can upgrade by
	cd /usr/ports/mail/sendmail
	make install

This may overwrite your existing sendmail configuration, so ensure
that you back up first.

You should have received a script to install into /etc/rc.d as /etc/rc.d/clamav
with this software. Add to /etc/rc.conf:
	clamav_milter_flags="--max-children=2 --dont-wait --timeout=0 -P local:/var/run/clamav/clamav.sock --pidfile=/var/run/clamav/ --quarantine-dir=/var/run/clamav/quarantine"

2.4 Solaris 10

Solaris 10 should install out of the box. Edit /etc/mail/cf/cf/ adding
the line:
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock, F=, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
	cp /etc/mail/cf/cf/ /etc/mail/
	/usr/local/sbin/clamav-milter  local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock
	mkdir /var/run/clamav
	chown clamav /var/run/clamav	(if you use User clamav in clamd.conf)
	chmod 700 /var/run/clamav

You should have received a script to install into /etc/init.d as
/etc/init.d/clamav-milter. Then:
	chmod 755 /etc/init.d/clamav-milter
	cd /etc
	ln init.d/clamav-milter rc2.d/S90clamav-milter
	ln init.d/clamav-milter rc0.d/K90clamav-milter
	/etc/init.d/clamav-milter start
	/etc/init.d/sendmail restart

2.6 General Installation Issues

You may find INPUT_MAIL_FILTERS is not needed on your machine, however it
is recommended by the Sendmail documentation and I recommend going along
with that.

If you see an unsafe socket error from sendmail, it means that the permissions
of the /var/run/clamav directory are too open. Check you have correctly run
chown and chmod, it may also mean that clamav-milter hasn't started, run
ps and check your logs.

The above example shows clamav-milter, clamd and sendmail all on the
same machine, however using TCP they may reside on different machines,
indeed clamav-milter is capable of talking to multiple clamds for redundancy
and load balancing.

I suggest putting SpamAssassin first since you're more likely to get spam
than a virus/worm sent to you.

Add to /etc/sysconfig/clamav-milter
or if clamd is on a different machine
	CLAMAV_FLAGS="--server= local:/var/run/clamav/clmilter.sock"

If you want clamav-milter to listen on TCP for communication with sendmail,
for example if they are on different machines use inet:<port>.
On machine A (running sendmail) you would have in
	INPUT_MAIL_FILTER(`clamav', `S=inet:3311@machineb, F=T, T=S:4m;R:4m')dnl
On machine B (running clamav-milter) you would start up clamav-milter thus:
	clamav-milter inet:3311

You should have received a script to put into /etc/init.d with this software.

You should always start clamd before clamav-milter.

You may also think about the F= entry in, since it tells sendmail
what to do with emails if clamav-milter is not running. Setting F=T will tell
the remote end to resend later (temporary failure), setting F=R will reject
the email (permanent failure) and setting F= will pass the email through as
though clamav-milter were not installed, in this case you should warn your
users that emails are not being scanned. We recommend setting F=T.

You may wish to experiment with the T= entry which governs timeout options. You
MUST set some type of timeout or a malicious client could cause a Denial of
Service attack by keeping your clamav-milter threads alive. The types of
timeout are C (time for clamav-milter to acknowledge to sendmail that it
has accepted a new connection), S (timeout for sending information from sendmail
to clamav-milter), R (timeout for sendmail reading a reply from clamav-milter
when it has been sent some information) and E (timeout for clamav-milter to
handle the end-of-message request, this needs to be high enough to scan the
largest file that you will receive since it is at this stage that the file is
scanned, but short enough to ensure that a DoS can't occur when lots of scans
are requested). The important entries for clamav-milter are C and E (both
default to 5 minutes).

WARNING: When running on internal mode (--external is NOT used), clamav-milter
will need to wait for all connections to stop before it can reload the database
after running freshclam. It is therefore important that NO timeouts in are set too high or worse still turned off, otherwise clamav-milter
can wait a long time, perhaps indefinately, while waiting for the system to
quieten down. The same goes for disabling StreamMaxLength, since receiving a
very large email to be scanned may take a long time. We advise setting
StreamMaxLength to 1M.

Don't forget to rebuild after modifying You will
need to restart sendmail after rebuilding and starting clamd and

As with all software it is wise to ensure that clamav-milter has the least
privileges it needs to run. So don't run it as root and don't store the sockets
in a directory that can be written by everyone. For example ensure that /var/run
is owned and writeable only by root and add entries for 'User' and
'FixStaleSocket' in clamd.conf.

When using UNIX domain sockets via the LocalSocket option of clamd.conf,
we recommend that you use the --quarantine-dir option since that may improve

If you wish to send a warning when a message is blocked, clamav-milter MUST be
able to call sendmail, for example on a Fedora Linux system:

	# ls -lL /usr/lib/sendmail
	-rwxr-sr-x  1 root smmsp 732356 Sep  1 11:16 /usr/lib/sendmail

To test that your clamAV system is now intercepting viruses, visit

If, under heavy strain on Linux, you see the message
	thread_create() failed: 12, abort
appearing in a log file, you will need to increase the number of threads on
your system (/proc/sys/kernel/threads-max), or decrease the value of


See ../ChangeLog


The .po file was created with the command
	xgettext -L c -d clamav-milter -k_ clamav-milter.c

If you're interested in helping to translate this program please drop the
author an e-mail.


Please send bug reports and/or comments to Nigel Horne <> or

Various tips will go here, for example
Running in the foreground, valgrind, LogSyslog, LogVerbose, LogFile etc.


There are several ideas marked as TODO in the source code. If anyone has
any other suggestions please feel free to contact me.