spamd.raw   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T
# The code in this file is copyright 2001 by Craig Hughes   #
# It is licensed for use with the SpamAssassin distribution #
# under the terms of the Perl Artistic License, the text of #
# which is included as the file named "License"             #

my $PREFIX = '@@PREFIX@@';  # substituted at 'make' time
my $DEF_RULES_DIR = '@@DEF_RULES_DIR@@';  # substituted at 'make' time
my $LOCAL_RULES_DIR = '@@LOCAL_RULES_DIR@@';  # substituted at 'make' time
use lib '@@INSTALLSITELIB@@'; # substituted at 'make' time

BEGIN {			# added by jm for use inside the distro
  if ( -e '../blib/lib/Mail/' ) {
    unshift(@INC, '../blib/lib');
  else {
    unshift(@INC, '../lib');

use strict;
use Config;

use IO::Socket;
use IO::Handle;
use IO::Pipe;

use Mail::SpamAssassin;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::NetSet;

use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Sys::Syslog qw(:DEFAULT setlogsock);
use POSIX qw(:sys_wait_h);
use POSIX qw(setsid);
use Errno;

use Cwd ();
use File::Spec 0.8;
use File::Path;

# Load Time::HiRes if it's available
  eval { require Time::HiRes };
  Time::HiRes->import( qw(time) ) unless $@;

sub spawn;  # forward declaration
sub logmsg; # forward declaration

my %resphash = (
  EX_OK          => 0,  # no problems
  EX_USAGE       => 64, # command line usage error
  EX_DATAERR     => 65, # data format error
  EX_NOINPUT     => 66, # cannot open input
  EX_NOUSER      => 67, # addressee unknown
  EX_NOHOST      => 68, # host name unknown
  EX_UNAVAILABLE => 69, # service unavailable
  EX_SOFTWARE    => 70, # internal software error
  EX_OSERR       => 71, # system error (e.g., can't fork)
  EX_OSFILE      => 72, # critical OS file missing
  EX_CANTCREAT   => 73, # can't create (user) output file
  EX_IOERR       => 74, # input/output error
  EX_TEMPFAIL    => 75, # temp failure; user is invited to retry
  EX_PROTOCOL    => 76, # remote error in protocol
  EX_NOPERM      => 77, # permission denied
  EX_CONFIG      => 78, # configuration error

# defaults
my %opt = (
  'user-config' => 1,
  'ident-timeout' => 5.0,

# Untaint all command-line options and ENV vars, since spamd is launched
# as a daemon from a known-safe environment. Also store away some of the
# vars we need for a SIGHUP later on.
# See also <>
# and      <>.

# Testing for taintedness only works before detainting %ENV

# First untaint the environment -- need to do this before Cwd::cwd(), else
# it will croak.

# The zeroth argument will be replaced in daemonize().
my $ORIG_ARG0 = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_var($0);
# Getopt::Long clears all arguments it processed (untaint both @ARGVs here!)
my @ORIG_ARGV = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_var(\@ARGV);
# daemonize() switches to the root later on and we need to come back here
# somehow -- untaint the dir to be on the safe side.
my $ORIG_CWD  = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_var(Cwd::cwd());

# Parse the command line
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
  'socketpath=s'                => \$opt{'socketpath'},
  'auto-whitelist|whitelist|a'  => \$opt{'auto-whitelist'},
  'create-prefs!'               => \$opt{'create-prefs'},
    'c'                         => \$opt{'create-prefs'},
  'daemonize!'                  => \$opt{'daemonize'},
    'd'                         => \$opt{'daemonize'},
  'help|h'                      => \$opt{'help'},
  'listen-ip|ip-address|i=s'    => \$opt{'listen-ip'},
  'max-children|m=i'            => \$opt{'max-children'},
  'port|p=i'                    => \$opt{'port'},
  'sql-config!'                 => \$opt{'sql-config'},
    'q'                         => \$opt{'sql-config'},
  'setuid-with-sql'             => \$opt{'setuid-with-sql'},
    'Q'                         => \$opt{'setuid-with-sql'},
  'virtual-config|V=s'          => \$opt{'virtual-config'},
  'virtual-config-dir=s'        => \$opt{'virtual-config-dir'},
  'pidfile|r=s'                 => \$opt{'pidfile'},
  'syslog|s=s'                  => \$opt{'syslog'},
  'syslog-socket=s'             => \$opt{'syslog-socket'},
  'username|u=s'                => \$opt{'username'},
  'vpopmail!'                   => \$opt{'vpopmail'},
    'v'                         => \$opt{'vpopmail'},
  'configpath|C=s'              => \$opt{'configpath'},
  'siteconfigpath=s'            => \$opt{'siteconfigpath'},
  'user-config'                 => \$opt{'user-config'},
    'nouser-config|x'           => sub{ $opt{'user-config'} = 0 },
  'allowed-ips|A=s'             => \@{$opt{'allowed-ip'}},
  'debug!'                      => \$opt{'debug'},
    'D'                         => \$opt{'debug'},
  'local!'                      => \$opt{'local'},
    'L'                         => \$opt{'local'},
  'paranoid!'                   => \$opt{'paranoid'},
    'P'                         => \$opt{'paranoid'},
  'helper-home-dir|H:s'         => \$opt{'home_dir_for_helpers'},
  'auth-ident'                  => \$opt{'auth-ident'},
  'ident-timeout=f'             => \$opt{'ident-timeout'},
  'ssl'                         => \$opt{'ssl'},
  'server-key=s'                => \$opt{'server-key'},
  'server-cert=s'               => \$opt{'server-cert'},

  # will be stripped in future release
  'add-from!'          => sub { warn "The --add-from option has been removed\n" },
  'F=i'                => sub { warn "The -F option has been removed\n" },
  'S'                  => sub { warn "The -S option has been removed\n" },
  'stop-at-threshold!' => sub { warn "The --stop-at-threshold option has been removed\n" },

) or pod2usage(-exitval => $resphash{'EX_USAGE'}, -verbose => 0);

$opt{'help'} and pod2usage(-exitval => $resphash{'EX_USAGE'}, -verbose => 0, -message => 'For more details, use "man spamd"');

# bug 2228: make the values of (almost) all parameters which accept file paths
# absolute, so they are still valid after daemonize()
foreach my $opt (qw(
  )) {
  $opt{$opt} = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_file_path (
                 File::Spec->rel2abs($opt{$opt}) # rel2abs taints the new value!
               ) if($opt{$opt});

# sanity checking on parameters: if --socketpath is used, it means that we're using
# UNIX domain sockets, none of the IP params are allowed. The code would probably
# work ok if we didn't check it, but it's better if we detect the error and report
# it lest the admin find surprises.

if ( defined $opt{'socketpath'}
     and (( @{$opt{'allowed-ip'}} > 0 )
        or defined $opt{'ssl'}
        or defined $opt{'auth-ident'}
        or defined $opt{'port'} ))
  pod2usage(-exitval => $resphash{'EX_USAGE'}, -verbose => 0, -message =>
    "ERROR: --socketpath mutually exclusive with --allowed-ip/--ssl/--port params");

# These can be changed on command line with -A flag
# but only if we're not using UNIX domain sockets
my $allowed_nets = Mail::SpamAssassin::NetSet->new();
if ( not defined $opt{'socketpath'} )
  if(@{$opt{'allowed-ip'}}) {
    set_allowed_ip(split /,/, join(',', @{$opt{'allowed-ip'}}));
  else {

# ident-based spamc user authentication
if ($opt{'auth-ident'}) {
  eval { require Net::Ident };
  die "fatal: ident-based authentication requested, but Net::Ident is unavailable\n" if ($@);

  $opt{'ident-timeout'} = undef if $opt{'ident-timeout'} <= 0.0;
  import Net::Ident qw(ident_lookup);

# Check for server certs
$opt{'server-key'}  ||= "$LOCAL_RULES_DIR/certs/server-key.pem";
$opt{'server-cert'} ||= "$LOCAL_RULES_DIR/certs/server-cert.pem";
if ($opt{'ssl'}) {
  eval { require IO::Socket::SSL };
  die "fatal: SSL encryption requested, but IO::Socket::SSL is unavailable\n" if ($@);

  if (!-e $opt{'server-key'}) {
    die "The server key file $opt{'server-key'} does not exist\n";
  if (!-e $opt{'server-cert'}) {
    die "The server certificate file $opt{'server-cert'} does not exist\n";

# This can be changed on the command line with the -s flag; special cases:
# * A log facility of 'stderr' will log to STDERR
# * " "   "        "  'null' disables all logging
my $log_facility = $opt{'syslog'}        || 'mail';
my $log_socket   = $opt{'syslog-socket'} || 'unix';
$log_facility = 'stderr' if $log_socket eq   'none';
$log_facility = 'null'   if $log_facility eq 'stderr' # don't duplicate log
                            and $opt{'debug'};        # messages in debug mode

my $dontcopy = 1;
if ($opt{'create-prefs'}) { $dontcopy = 0; }

my $extrapid = 5000;
undef($opt{'max-children'}) unless defined($opt{'max-children'}) && $opt{'max-children'} > 0;
$extrapid = $opt{'max-children'} if defined($opt{'max-children'});

# Untaint the pidfile path before we use it
if (defined $opt{'pidfile'}) {
  $opt{'pidfile'} = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_file_path($opt{'pidfile'});

my $orighome;
if (defined $ENV{'HOME'}) {
  if ( defined $opt{'username'} ) {  # spamd is going to run as another user, so reset $HOME
    if ( my $nh = (getpwnam($opt{'username'}))[7] ) {
      $ENV{'HOME'} = $nh;
    else {
      die "Can't determine home directory for user '".$opt{'username'}."'!\n";

  $orighome = $ENV{'HOME'};   # keep a copy for use by Razor, Pyzor etc.
  delete $ENV{'HOME'};        # we do not want to use this when running spamd

my $spamtest = Mail::SpamAssassin->new({
  dont_copy_prefs      => $dontcopy,
  rules_filename       => ($opt{'configpath'} || 0),
  site_rules_filename  => ($opt{'siteconfigpath'} || 0),
  local_tests_only     => ($opt{'local'} || 0),
  debug                => ($opt{'debug'} || 0),
  paranoid             => ($opt{'paranoid'} || 0),
  home_dir_for_helpers => (defined $opt{'home_dir_for_helpers'} ? $opt{'home_dir_for_helpers'} : $orighome),
  PREFIX               => $PREFIX,

# Do whitelist later in tmp dir. Side effect: this will be done as -u user.

if ($log_facility ne 'stderr') {
  eval {
    syslog('debug', "spamd starting");  # required to actually open the socket

  # Solaris sometimes doesn't support UNIX-domain syslog sockets apparently;
  # same is true for perl 5.6.0 build on an early version of Red Hat 7!
  if ($@) {
    eval {
      syslog('debug', "spamd starting");
    $log_socket = 'inet' unless $@;

  # fall back to stderr if all else fails
  if ($@) {
    warn "failed to setlogsock(${log_socket}) on this platform; reporting logs to stderr\n";
    $log_facility = 'stderr';

my($port, $addr, $proto);
my($listeninfo);             # just for reporting

if ( defined $opt{'socketpath'} )
  $listeninfo = "UNIX domain socket " . $opt{'socketpath'};
  $port = $opt{'port'} || 783;
  $addr = (gethostbyname($opt{'listen-ip'} || ''))[0];
  $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');

  ($port) = $port =~ /^(\d+)$/ or die "invalid port\n";

  $listeninfo = "port $port/tcp";

# Be a well-behaved daemon
my $server;
if ( $opt{'socketpath'} ) {
  my $path = $opt{'socketpath'};

  # see if the socket is in use: if we connect to the current socket, it
  # means that spamd is already running, so we have to bail on our own.
  # Yes, there is a window here: best we can do for now. There is almost
  # certainly a better way, but we don't know it. Yet.

  if ( -e $path )
    if ( new IO::Socket::UNIX(Peer => $path, Type => SOCK_STREAM) )
        # we connected successfully: must alreadybe running

        undef $opt{'socketpath'};  # so exit handlers won't unlink it!

        die "spamd already running on $path, exiting\n";
        unlink $path;

  $server = new IO::Socket::UNIX(Local => $path,
                                 Type => SOCK_STREAM,
                                 Listen => SOMAXCONN
  ) || die "Could not create UNIX socket on $path: $! $@\n";

  chmod 0666, $path;          # make sure everybody can talk to it
elsif ($opt{'ssl'}) {
  $server = new IO::Socket::SSL(LocalAddr => $addr,
                                LocalPort => $port,
                                Proto => $proto,
                                Type => SOCK_STREAM,
                                ReuseAddr => 1,
                                Listen => SOMAXCONN,
                                SSL_verify_mode => 0x00,
                                SSL_key_file => $opt{'server-key'},
                                SSL_cert_file => $opt{'server-cert'}
  ) || die "Could not create SSL socket: $! $@\n";
else {
  $server = new IO::Socket::INET(LocalAddr => $addr,
                                 LocalPort => $port,
                                 Proto => $proto,
                                 Type => SOCK_STREAM,
                                 ReuseAddr => 1,
                                 Listen => SOMAXCONN
  ) || die "Could not create INET socket: $! $@\n";

$opt{'daemonize'} and daemonize();

if(defined($opt{'pidfile'})) {
  open PIDF,">$opt{'pidfile'}" or warn "Can't write to PID file: $!";
  print PIDF "$$\n";
  close PIDF;

# support non-root use (after we bind to the port)
my $setuid_to_user = 0;
if ($opt{'username'}) {
  my ($uuid,$ugid) = (getpwnam($opt{'username'}))[2,3];
  if (!defined $uuid || $uuid == 0) {
    die "fatal: cannot run as nonexistent user or root with -u option\n";

  $uuid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $uuid = $1;	# de-taint
  $ugid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $ugid = $1;	# de-taint

  # make sure we can unlink it later
  if (defined $opt{'pidfile'}) {
    chown $uuid, -1, $opt{'pidfile'}
      || die "fatal: could not chown '$opt{'pidfile'}' to uid $uuid\n";

  # ditto with the socket file
  if (defined $opt{'socketpath'}) {
    chown $uuid, -1, $opt{'socketpath'}
      || die "fatal: could not chown '$opt{'socketpath'}' to uid $uuid\n";
  # Change GID
  $) = "$ugid $ugid"; # effective gid
  $( = $ugid; # real gid

  # Change UID
  $> = $uuid;   # effective uid
  $< = $uuid;   # real uid. we now cannot setuid anymore
  if ($> != $uuid and $> != ($uuid-2**32)) {
    die "fatal: setuid to uid $uuid failed\n";

} elsif ($> == 0) {
  if ( !$opt{'vpopmail'} ) {
    $setuid_to_user = 1;

$opt{'auto-whitelist'} and eval
  require Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList;

  # create a factory for the persistent address list
  my $addrlistfactory = Mail::SpamAssassin::DBBasedAddrList->new();
  $spamtest->set_persistent_address_list_factory ($addrlistfactory);

# restart handling.  do this here before compile_now() as that may
# take a while.
my $got_sighup;
$SIG{HUP} = \&restart_handler;


# Note: we now use a set of fds to track children, as using SIGCHLD
# is unreliable on many versions of perl (sadly).  Thanks to
# anomie /at/ users sourceforge net for the patch!
# We now use SIGCHLD == SIG_DFL for most of the time, and only set
# it to SIG_IGN (so we can use the patch) during the fork/accept
# while loop in the parent.
$SIG{INT}  = \&kill_handler;
$SIG{TERM} = \&kill_handler;

# now allow waiting processes to connect, if they're watching the log.
# The test suite does this!

if ($opt{'debug'}) {
  warn "server started on $listeninfo (running version ". Mail::SpamAssassin::Version().")\n";
  warn "server pid: $$\n";

logmsg("server started on $listeninfo (running version ". Mail::SpamAssassin::Version(). ")");

my $current_user;
my $client;

# qmail vpopmail support
my $assign = "/var/qmail/users/assign";    # where to find domain to user mappings
my (%qmailu, $qu_load);

my $readvec = "";
my %pipes = ();
vec($readvec, $server->fileno, 1) = 1;

# now set SIGCHLD so we don't leave zombies when we fork from the parent process

while (1) {
    if (defined $client) { $client->close; }	# paranoia vs fd leaks
    cleanupchildren();			# some platforms leave zombies otherwise

    my $n = select(my $rd=$readvec, undef, undef, undef);

    if ($got_sighup) {
      defined($opt{'pidfile'}) and unlink($opt{'pidfile'});
      # leave Client fds active, and do not kill children; they can still
      # service clients until they exit.  But restart the listener anyway.
      chdir($ORIG_CWD) || die "spamd restart failed: chdir failed: ${ORIG_CWD}: $!\n";
      exec ($ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV);
      # should not get past that...
      die "spamd restart failed: exec failed: " . join (' ', $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV) . ": $!\n";

    next if ($n == -1 && $! == &Errno::EINTR);
    die "select failed: $!" if ($n <= 0);

    if ($opt{'max-children'}) {
      while (my ($kid, $pipe) = each %pipes) {
        # Since the pipe is never written, it will only become readable when
        # the other end closes it (on exit) so we could read the EOF. Thus, if
        # the pipe is readable the kid has exited.
	# This kludge is necessary due to bugs in perl's signal handling and
	# reentrancy which mean we can't just catch SIGCHLD in the normal way.
        next unless vec($rd, $pipe->fileno(), 1);
        vec($readvec, $pipe->fileno(), 1) = 0;
        delete ($pipes{$kid});
        Mail::SpamAssassin::dbg("cleaned up kid $kid, pool=$extrapid");

        # We reaped a kid, so listen for connects again
        vec($readvec, $server->fileno, 1) = 1;

    if (vec($rd, $server->fileno, 1)) {
      if ($opt{'max-children'} && $extrapid <= 0) {
        # Since we can't accept any connects until we reap a kid, don't bother
        # selecting on Server until we do so. We have to do this test here
        # instead of in &spawn because we need the select loop to watch for
        # kids.
        vec($readvec, $server->fileno, 1) = 0;
        logmsg "hit max-children limit (".$opt{'max-children'}."): waiting for some to exit";

    $client = $server->accept;

    if (!$client) {
      # this can happen when interrupted by SIGCHLD on Solaris,
      # perl 5.8.0, and some other platforms with -m.
      if ($! == &Errno::EINTR) {
      } elsif ($! == 0 && $opt{'ssl'}) {
        logmsg("SSL failure: " . &IO::Socket::SSL::errstr());
      } else {
	die "accept failed: $!";

    my $start = time;

    if ( $opt{'socketpath'} )
      logmsg("got connection over " . $opt{'socketpath'});
    } else {
      my($port, $ip) = sockaddr_in($client->peername);
      my $name = gethostbyaddr($ip, AF_INET);

      $ip = inet_ntoa($ip);
      $name ||= $ip;
      if (ip_is_allowed($ip)) {
        logmsg("connection from $name [$ip] at port $port");
      } else {
        logmsg("unauthorized connection from $name [$ip] at port $port");

    spawn sub {

	local ($_) = $client->getline;

	if (!defined $_) {
	    protocol_error ("(closed before headers)");
	    return 1;


        # It may be a SKIP message, meaning that the client (spamc)
        # thinks it is too big to check.  So we don't do any real work
        # in that case.

        if (/SKIP SPAMC\/(.*)/)
	    logmsg "skipped large message in ".
		sprintf("%3d", time - $start) ." seconds.";
	    return 0;


	# It might be a CHECK message, meaning that we should just check
	# if it's spam or not, then return the appropriate response.
        # If we get the PROCESS command, the client is going to send a
        # message that we need to filter.

	    check ($1, $2, $start);

        # If it was none of the above, then we don't know what it was.

	    protocol_error ($_);

sub check {
    my ($method, $version, $start) = @_;
    local ($_);
    my $expected_length;

    # Protocol version 1.0 and greater may have "User:" and
    # "Content-length:" headers.  But they're not required.

    if($version > 1.0)
	    my $line = $client->getline;
	    if(!defined $line)
		protocol_error ("(EOF during headers)");
		return 1;
            $line =~ s/\r\n$//;
            last unless $line;

            my($header, $value) = split(/: /, $line, 2);
            if (!defined $value)
                protocol_error("(header not in 'Name: value' format)");
                return 1;

	    # We'll run handle user unless we've been told not
	    # to process per-user config files.  Otherwise
	    # we'll check and see if we need to try SQL
	    # lookups.  If $opt{'user-config'} is true, we need to try
	    # their config file and then do the SQL lookup.
	    # If $opt{'user-config'} IS NOT true, we skip the conf file and
	    # only need to do the SQL lookup if $opt{'sql-config'} IS
	    # true.  (I got that wrong the first time.)

	    if ($header eq 'User')
                if ($value !~ /^([\x20-\xFF]*)$/)
		    protocol_error ("(User header contains control chars)");
                    return 1;

		$current_user = $1;
		auth_ident($current_user) if $opt{'auth-ident'};

		if (!$opt{'user-config'})
		  if ($opt{'sql-config'}) {
		  } elsif ($opt{'virtual-config'} || $opt{'virtual-config-dir'}) {
		  } elsif ($opt{'setuid-with-sql'}) {
		    $setuid_to_user = 1; #to benefit from any paranoia.
		} else {
		  if ($opt{'sql-config'}) {
	    elsif ($header eq 'Content-length')
                if ($value !~ /^(\d*)$/)
		    protocol_error ("(Content-Length contains non-numeric bytes)");
                    return 1;
		$expected_length = $1;

    if ( $setuid_to_user && $> == 0 )
        if ($spamtest->{paranoid}) {
            logmsg "PARANOID: still running as root, closing connection.";
        logmsg "Still running as root: user not specified with -u, ".
	     "not found, or set to root.  Fall back to nobody.";
        my ($uid,$gid) = (getpwnam('nobody'))[2,3];
        $uid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $uid = $1;	# de-taint
        $gid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $gid = $1;	# de-taint

	$) = "$gid $gid"; # eGID
        $> = $uid; # eUID
        if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) {
            logmsg "fatal: setuid to nobody failed";

    if ($opt{'sql-config'} && !defined($current_user)) {

    my $resp = "EX_OK";

    # Now read in message
    my @msglines;
    my $actual_length = 0;
    my $msgid;
    while ($_ = $client->getline()) {
        if (($actual_length == 0) .. /^$/) {             # still in header
            if (/^Message-Id:\s+(.*?)\s*$/i) {
                $msgid = $1;
                while($msgid =~ s/\([^\(\)]*\)//) {};    # remove comments and
                $msgid =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;                # leading and trailing spaces
                $msgid =~ s/\s.*$//;                     # keep only the first token
        push(@msglines, $_);
        $actual_length += length;
        last if (defined($expected_length) && ($actual_length == $expected_length));

    $msgid        ||= "(unknown)";
    $current_user ||= "(unknown)";
      ($method eq 'PROCESS' ? "processing" : "checking") .
      " message $msgid for $current_user:$>."

    my $mail = Mail::SpamAssassin::NoMailAudit->new (
      data => \@msglines

    # Check length if we're supposed to
    if($expected_length && ($actual_length != $expected_length)) {
        protocol_error ("(Content-Length mismatch: Expected $expected_length bytes, got $actual_length bytes)");
        return 1;

    # Now use copy-on-writed (hopefully) SA object
    my $status = $spamtest->check($mail);

    my $msg_score = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_hits);
    my $msg_threshold = sprintf("%.1f",$status->get_required_hits);

    my $response_spam_status = "";
    my $was_it_spam;
    if ($status->is_spam) {
	$response_spam_status = $method eq "REPORT_IFSPAM" ? "Yes" : "True";
	$was_it_spam = 'identified spam';
    } else {
	$response_spam_status = $method eq "REPORT_IFSPAM" ? "No" : "False";
	$was_it_spam = 'clean message';

    my $spamhdr = "Spam: $response_spam_status ; $msg_score / $msg_threshold";

    if ($method eq 'PROCESS') {
        $status->rewrite_mail; #if $status->is_spam;

        # Build the message to send back and measure it
        my $msg_resp = join '',$mail->header,"\n",@{$mail->body};
        my $msg_resp_length = length($msg_resp);
        if($version >= 1.3) # Spamc protocol 1.3 means multi hdrs are OK
	    print $client "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n",
	   		"Content-length: $msg_resp_length\r\n",
			"\r\n", $msg_resp;
        elsif($version >= 1.2) # Spamc protocol 1.2 means it accepts content-length
	    print $client "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n",
	   		"Content-length: $msg_resp_length\r\n",
			"\r\n", $msg_resp;
        else # Earlier than 1.2 didn't accept content-length
	    print $client "SPAMD/1.0 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n", $msg_resp;
    else		# $method eq 'CHECK' et al
      print $client "SPAMD/1.1 $resphash{$resp} $resp\r\n"; 

      if($method eq "CHECK") {
        print $client "$spamhdr\r\n\r\n";
      else {
        my $msg_resp = '';

        if($method eq "REPORT" or
		  ($method eq "REPORT_IFSPAM" and $status->is_spam))
          $msg_resp = $status->get_report;
        elsif($method eq "REPORT_IFSPAM") {
	  # message is ham, $msg_resp remains empty
	elsif($method eq "SYMBOLS") {
          $msg_resp = $status->get_names_of_tests_hit;
	  $msg_resp .= "\r\n" if ($version < 1.3);
        else {
          die "unknown method $method";

        if($version >= 1.3) # Spamc protocol > 1.2 means multi hdrs are OK
	    printf $client "Content-length: %d\r\n%s\r\n\r\n%s",
			length($msg_resp), $spamhdr, $msg_resp;
	else {
	    printf $client "%s\r\n\r\n%s",
			$spamhdr, $msg_resp;

    logmsg "$was_it_spam ($msg_score/$msg_threshold) for $current_user:$> in ".
	sprintf("%.1f", time - $start) ." seconds, $actual_length bytes.";

    $status->finish();	# added by jm to allow GC'ing

sub protocol_error {
    local $_ = shift;

    my $resp = "EX_PROTOCOL";
    print $client "SPAMD/1.0 $resphash{$resp} Bad header line: $_\r\n";
    logmsg "bad protocol: header error: $_";

sub spawn {
    my $coderef = shift;

    unless (@_ == 0 && $coderef && ref($coderef) eq 'CODE') {
	warn "usage: spawn CODEREF";

    my $pid;
    my $pipe;

    if ($opt{'max-children'}) {
      if (!defined($pipe)) {
        logmsg "pipe failed: $!";


    if (!defined($pid = fork)) {
      logmsg "cannot fork: $!";
    } elsif ($pid) {
      if ($opt{'max-children'}) {
        $pipes{$pid} = $pipe;
        vec($readvec, $pipe->fileno(), 1) = 1;
      return; # I'm the parent
    # else I'm the child -- go spawn

    if ($opt{'max-children'}) {
      %pipes = ();  # No point in keeping the other kid pipes, close them all


    # redirect default output to STDERR (/dev/null), so that noise from
    # Razor etc. will not be output as headers and
    # thereby cause protocol failures.
    select STDERR;

    # reset SIGCHLD to SIG_DFL, so that we can use system(), open ("foo|"),
    # etc. etc. and get their exit statuses correctly.  This is the child
    # process now, so this won't affect SIGCHLD in the parent, which still
    # needs SIG_IGN to avoid leaving zombies.

    exit &$coderef();

sub auth_ident
    my $username = shift;
    my $ident_username = ident_lookup($client, $opt{'ident-timeout'});
    my $dn = $ident_username || 'NONE'; # display name
    warn "ident_username = $dn, spamc_username = $username\n" if $opt{'debug'};
    if ($username ne $ident_username) {
	logmsg "fatal: ident username ($dn) does not match " .
	    "spamc username ($username)";
	exit 1;

sub handle_user
    my $username = shift;

    # If vpopmail config enabled then look up userinfo for vpopmail uid
    # as defined by $opt{'username'} or as passed via $username
    my $userid = '';
    if ($opt{'vpopmail'} && $opt{'username'}) {
	$userid = $opt{'username'};
    } elsif ( $opt{'vpopmail'} ) {
        $userid = "vpopmail";
    } else {
	$userid = $username;
    my ($name,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$etc) =

    if ( !$spamtest->{'paranoid'} && !defined($uid) ) {
	#if we are given a username, but can't look it up,
	#Maybe NIS is down? lets break out here to allow
	#them to get 'defaults' when we are not running paranoid.
	logmsg "handle_user: unable to find user '$userid'!";
	return 0;

    # not sure if this is required, the doco says it isn't
    $uid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $uid = $1;	# de-taint
    $gid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $gid = $1;	# de-taint

    if ($setuid_to_user) {
	$) = "$gid $gid"; # change eGID
	$> = $uid; # change eUID
        if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) {
            logmsg "fatal: setuid to $username failed";
	    die;		# make it fatal to avoid security breaches
	} else {
	   logmsg "info: setuid to $username succeeded";

    # If vpopmail config enabled then set $dir to virtual homedir
    if ($opt{'vpopmail'}) {
	$dir = `$dir/bin/vuserinfo -d $username`;
	chomp ($dir);
    my $cf_file = $dir."/.spamassassin/user_prefs";

    # If vpopmail config enabled then pass virtual homedir onto create_default_cf_needed
    if ($opt{'vpopmail'}) {
	if ($opt{'username'}) {
	    create_default_cf_if_needed ($cf_file, $username, $dir);
	    $spamtest->read_scoreonly_config ($cf_file);
	    $spamtest->signal_user_changed ({ username => $username,
					    user_dir => "$dir" });
	} else {
	    my $sysnam = get_user_from_address ($username);
	    $spamtest->read_scoreonly_config ($cf_file);
	    $spamtest->signal_user_changed ({ username => $sysnam,
					    user_dir => "$dir" })

    } else {
	create_default_cf_if_needed ($cf_file, $username);
	$spamtest->read_scoreonly_config ($cf_file);
	$spamtest->signal_user_changed ({ username => $username,
					    user_dir => $dir });

    return 1;

# Handle user configs without the necessity of having individual users or a
# SQL database.
sub handle_virtual_user
    my $username = shift;

    # the virtual-config contains the path to a directory which will
    # contain per-user preferences.
    my $dir=$opt{'virtual-config-dir'};
    my $userdir;
    my $prefsfile;

    if (defined $dir) {
        my $safename = $username;
	$safename =~ s/[^-A-Za-z0-9\+_\.\,\@\=]/_/gs;
	my $localpart = '';
	my $domain = '';
	if ($safename =~ /^(.*)\@(.*)$/) { $localpart = $1; $domain = $2; }

	$dir =~ s/\%u/${safename}/g;
	$dir =~ s/\%l/${localpart}/g;
	$dir =~ s/\%d/${domain}/g;

	$userdir = $dir;
	$prefsfile = $dir.'/user_prefs';
	# Log that the default configuration is being used for a user.
	logmsg("Using default config for $username: $prefsfile");

    } else {
        my $safename = $username; $safename =~ s/[^-A-Za-z0-9\+_\.\,\@\=]/_/gs;
	$userdir = $dir.'/'.$safename;
	$prefsfile = $dir.'/'.$safename.'.prefs';

	# If the user file is not there, look for a default.prefs
	if(! -f $prefsfile) {
	    # And if that isn't there, log that it's misconfigured.
	    if(! -f $prefsfile) {
		logmsg("Couldn't find a virtual directory or defaults "
			. "for $username in $dir: $prefsfile");
	    } else {
		# Log that the default configuration is being used for a user.
		logmsg("Using default config for $username: $prefsfile");

    if (-f $prefsfile) {
	# Found a config, load it.

    # assume that $userdir will be a writable directory we can
    # use for AWL, Bayes dbs etc.
    $spamtest->signal_user_changed ({ username => $username,
					user_dir => $userdir });

sub handle_user_sql
    my $username = shift;
    $spamtest->load_scoreonly_sql ($username);
    return 1;

sub handle_user_setuid_with_sql
    my $username = shift;
    my ($name,$pwd,$uid,$gid,$quota,$comment,$gcos,$dir,$etc) = getpwnam($username);

    if ( !$spamtest->{'paranoid'} && !defined($uid) ) {
       #if we are given a username, but can't look it up,
       #Maybe NIS is down? lets break out here to allow
       #them to get 'defaults' when we are not running paranoid.
       logmsg "handle_user() -> unable to find user [$username]!\n";
       return 0;

    $uid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $uid = $1;	# de-taint
    $gid =~ /^(\d+)$/ and $gid = $1;	# de-taint

    if ($setuid_to_user) {
       $) = "$gid $gid"; # change eGID
       $> = $uid; # change eUID
       if ( !defined($uid) || ($> != $uid and $> != ($uid-2**32))) {
           logmsg "fatal: setuid to $username failed";
          die;         # make it fatal to avoid security breaches
          logmsg "info: setuid to $username succeeded, reading scores from SQL.";

    my $spam_conf_dir = $dir . '/.spamassassin';  #needed for AWL, Bayes, etc.
    if ( ! -d $spam_conf_dir )
       if ( mkdir $spam_conf_dir, 0700 )
          logmsg "info: created $spam_conf_dir for $username.";
          logmsg "info: failed to create $spam_conf_dir for $username.";
    $spamtest->load_scoreonly_sql ($username);

    $spamtest->signal_user_changed ({ username => $username });
    return 1;

sub create_default_cf_if_needed {
    my ($cf_file, $username, $userdir) = @_;

    # Parse user scores, creating default .cf if needed:
    if( ! -r $cf_file && ! $spamtest->{'dont_copy_prefs'})
	logmsg "Creating default_prefs [$cf_file]";

	# If vpopmail config enabled then pass virtual homedir onto
	# create_default_prefs via $userdir
	$spamtest->create_default_prefs ($cf_file,$username,$userdir);

	if ( ! -r $cf_file ) {
	    logmsg "Couldn't create readable default_prefs for [$cf_file]";

sub get_user_from_address {
   my ($user, $domain) = split(/@/, $_[0]);
   my $dom = lc($domain);

   if ( $qmailu{$dom} ne "" ) {
      warn "returning result from cache.\n" if ($opt{'debug'});
      my $nam = getpwuid($qmailu{$dom});
      return $nam;
   } else {
      warn "cache miss\n" if ($opt{'debug'});
      if ( $qmailu{$dom} ne "" ) {
         my $nam = getpwuid($qmailu{$dom});
         return $nam;
      } else {
         return 0;

sub fill_qmailu_cache {
   # rather than parsing the qmail users/assign file every time a message
   # arrives, we run this once when spamd is loaded and check the files
   # modified time each query to know when to reload it.
   my ($READ, $WRITE) = (stat($_[0]))[8,9];
   if ( $WRITE > $qu_load ) {       
      undef %qmailu;
      $qu_load = time;       
      open(ASSIGN, $_[0]) || die "couldn't open $_[0]: $!\n";
         warn "loading $_[0] into cache...." if ($opt{'debug'});
         while(<ASSIGN>) {
            my @data = split(/:/, $_);
            $qmailu{$data[1]} = $data[2];
         warn "done.\n" if ($opt{'debug'});
   } else {
      warn "$_[0] already cached.\n" if ($opt{'debug'});

sub logmsg
  # install a new handler for SIGPIPE -- this signal has been
  # found to occur with syslog-ng after syslog-ng restarts.
  my $orig_sigpipe_handler = $SIG{'PIPE'};
  $SIG{'PIPE'} = sub { $main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED++; };

  my $msg = join(" ", @_);
  chomp($msg);             # remove possible trailing newlines

  warn "logmsg: $msg\n" if $opt{'debug'};

  # log to STDERR:
  # bug 605:
  # more efficient for daemontools if --syslog=stderr is used
  if ($log_facility eq 'stderr') {
    print STDERR "$msg\n";
  # log to syslog (if logging isn't disabled completely via 'null')
  elsif ($log_facility ne 'null') {
    openlog('spamd', 'cons,pid', $log_facility);

    eval { syslog('info', "%s", $msg); };

    if ($@) {
      warn "syslog() failed, try using --syslog-socket switch ($@)\n";

    if ($main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED) {
      # SIGPIPE recieved when writing to syslog -- close and reopen
      # the log handle, then try again.

      openlog('spamd', 'cons,pid', $log_facility);
      syslog('info', "%s", $msg);

      # now report what happend
      $msg = "SIGPIPE received - reopening log socket";
      warn "logmsg: $msg\n" if $opt{'debug'};
      syslog('warning', "%s", $msg);

      # if we've received multiple sigpipes, logging is probably
      # still broken.
      if ($main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED > 1) {
        warn "logging failure: multiple SIGPIPEs received\n";

      $main::SIGPIPE_RECEIVED = 0;

  $SIG{'PIPE'} = $orig_sigpipe_handler if defined($orig_sigpipe_handler);

sub kill_handler
    my ($sig) = @_;
    logmsg "server killed by SIG$sig, shutting down";
    defined($opt{'pidfile'}) and unlink($opt{'pidfile'});

    # the UNIX domain socket
    defined($opt{'socketpath'}) and unlink($opt{'socketpath'});
    exit 0;

sub restart_handler {
    my ($sig) = @_;
    logmsg "server hit by SIG$sig, restarting";

    unless ($server->eof) {
      $server->shutdown (2);

      # the UNIX domain socket
      defined($opt{'socketpath'}) and unlink($opt{'socketpath'});

      warn "server socket closed\n" if $opt{'debug'};
    $got_sighup = 1;

use POSIX 'setsid';
sub daemonize
    # Pretty command line in ps
    $0 = join(' ', $ORIG_ARG0, @ORIG_ARGV) unless($opt{'debug'});

    # Be a nice daemon and chdir() to the root so we don't block any unmount attempts
    chdir '/' or die "Can't chdir to /: $!\n";

    # Redirect all warnings to logmsg()
    $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { logmsg($_[0]); };

    # Redirect in and out to the bit bucket
    open STDIN,  "</dev/null" or die "Can't read from /dev/null: $!\n";
    open STDOUT, ">/dev/null" or die "Can't write to /dev/null: $!\n";

    # Here we go...
    defined(my $pid=fork) or die "Can't fork: $!\n";
    exit if $pid;
    setsid or die "Can't start new session: $!\n";

    # Now we can redirect the errors, too.
    open STDERR,'>&STDOUT' or die "Can't duplicate stdout: $!\n";


sub set_allowed_ip {
    foreach (@_) {
	$allowed_nets->add_cidr ($_) or die "Aborting.\n";

sub ip_is_allowed {
    $allowed_nets->contains_ip (@_);

sub preload_modules_with_tmp_homedir {
  # set $ENV{HOME} in /tmp while we compile and preload everything.
  # File::Spec->tmpdir uses TMPDIR, TMP, TEMP, C:/temp, /tmp etc.
  my $tmpdir = File::Spec->tmpdir();
  if (!$tmpdir) {
    die "cannot find writable tmp dir! set TMP or TMPDIR in env";

  # If TMPDIR isn't set, File::Spec->tmpdir() will set it to undefined.
  # that then breaks other things ...
  delete $ENV{'TMPDIR'} if ( !defined $ENV{'TMPDIR'} );

  my $tmphome = File::Spec->catdir ($tmpdir, "spamd-$$-init");
  $tmphome = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_file_path ($tmphome);

  my $tmpsadir = File::Spec->catdir ($tmphome, ".spamassassin");

  Mail::SpamAssassin::dbg("Preloading modules with HOME=$tmphome");

  mkdir($tmphome, 0700)  or die "fatal: Can't create $tmphome: $!";
  mkdir($tmpsadir, 0700) or die "fatal: Can't create $tmpsadir: $!";
  $ENV{HOME} = $tmphome;

  $spamtest->compile_now(0);	# ensure all modules etc. are loaded
  $/ = "\n";			# argh, Razor resets this!  Bad Razor!

  # now clean up the stuff we just created, and make us taint-safe
  delete $ENV{HOME};

  # bug 2015, bug 2223: rmpath() is not taint safe, so we've got to implement
  # our own poor man's rmpath. If it fails, we report only the first error.
  my $err;
  foreach my $d (($tmpsadir, $tmphome)) {
    opendir (TMPDIR, $d) or $err ||= "open $d: $!";
    unless ($err) {
      foreach my $f (File::Spec->no_upwards (readdir (TMPDIR))) {
        $f = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::untaint_file_path (
               File::Spec->catfile ($d, $f)
        unlink ($f)             or $err ||= "remove $f: $!";
      closedir (TMPDIR)         or $err ||= "close $d: $!";
    rmdir ($d)                  or $err ||= "remove $d: $!";

  # If the dir still exists, log a warning.
  if (-d $tmphome) {
    $err ||= "do something: $!";
    warn "Failed to remove $tmphome: Could not $err\n";

sub cleanupchildren {
  # may be required on some platforms even though we use SIG{CHLD} = 'IGNORE'.
  # cf. mail from Stefan Seiz <>, Fri, 27 Dec 2002 17:32:54
  # <> noting it on MacOS X Server 10.1.5.

  # causes a warning on recent linux kernels (cf:
  # ), so don't do
  # this if we're on a known-good OS which will *not* leave dead kids.
  if ($^O !~ /linux/) {
    my $kid;
    do {
      $kid = waitpid(-1,&WNOHANG);
    } while ($kid > 0);

  # note: do not do 'return if linux'; for some reason, it doesn't work


=head1 NAME

spamd - daemonized version of spamassassin


spamd [options]


 -a, --auto-whitelist, --whitelist  Use auto-whitelists
 -c, --create-prefs                 Create user preferences files
 -C path, --configpath=path         Path for default config files
 --siteconfigpath=path              Path for site configs (def: /etc/mail/spamassassin)
 -d, --daemonize                    Daemonize
 -h, --help                         Print usage message.
 -i ipaddr, --listen-ip=ipaddr,...  Listen on the IP ipaddr (default:
 -m num, --max-children num         Allow maximum num children
 -p port, --port                    Listen on specified port (default: 783)
 -q, --sql-config                   Enable SQL config (only useful with -x)
 -Q, --setuid-with-sql              Enable SQL config (only useful with -x,
                                    enables use of -a and -H)
 -V, --virtual-config=dir           Enable Virtual configs (needs -x)
 --virtual-config-dir=dir           Enable pattern based Virtual configs (needs -x)
 -r pidfile, --pidfile              Write the process id to pidfile
 -s facility, --syslog=facility     Specify the syslog facility (default: mail)
 --syslog-socket=type               How to connect to syslogd (default: unix)
 -u username, --username=username   Run as username
 -v, --vpopmail                     Enable vpopmail config
 -x, --nouser-config                Disable user config files
 --auth-ident                       Use ident to authenticate spamc user
 --ident-timeout=timeout            Timeout for ident connections
 -A host,..., --allowed-ips=..,..   Limit ip addresses which can connect
 -D, --debug                        Print debugging messages
 -L, --local                        Use local tests only (no DNS)
 -P, --paranoid                     Die upon user errors
 -H dir				    Specify a different HOME directory, path optional
 --ssl                              Run an SSL server
 --server-key keyfile               Specify an SSL keyfile
 --server-cert certfile             Specify an SSL certificate
 --socketpath=path                  Listen on given UNIX domain socket


The purpose of this program is to provide a daemonized version of the
spamassassin executable.  The goal is improving throughput performance for
automated mail checking.

This is intended to be used alongside C<spamc>, a fast, low-overhead C client

See the README file in the C<spamd> directory of the SpamAssassin distribution
for more details.

Note: Although C<spamd> will check per-user config files for every message, any
changes to the system-wide config files will require either restarting spamd
or forcing it to reload itself via B<SIGHUP> for the changes to take effect.

Note: If C<spamd> receives a B<SIGHUP>, it internally reloads itself, which means
that it will change its pid and might not restart at all if its environment
changed  (ie. if it can't change back into its own directory).  If you plan
to use B<SIGHUP>, you should always start C<spamd> with the B<-r> switch to know its
current pid.

=head1 OPTIONS

Options of the long form can be shortened as long as they remain
unambiguous.  (i.e. B<--dae> can be used instead of B<--daemonize>)
Also, boolean options (like B<--auto-whitelist>) can be negated by
adding I<--no> (B<--noauto-whitelist>), however, this is usually unnecessary.

=over 4

=item B<-a>, B<--auto-whitelist>, B<--whitelist>

Use auto-whitelists.  Auto-whitelists track the long-term average score for
each sender and then shift the score of new messages toward that long-term
average.  This can increase or decrease the score for messages, depending on
the long-term behavior of the particular correspondent.  See the README file
for more details.

=item B<-c>, B<--create-prefs>

Create user preferences files if they don't exist (default: don't).

=item B<-C> I<path>, B<--configpath>=I<path>

Use the specified path for locating the distributed configuration files.
Ignore the default directories (usually C</usr/share/spamassassin> or similar).

=item B<--siteconfigpath>=I<path>

Use the specified path for locating site-specific configuration files.  Ignore
the default directories (usually C</etc/mail/spamassassin> or similar).

=item B<-d>, B<--daemonize>

Detach from starting process and run in background (daemonize).

=item B<-h>, B<--help>

Print a brief help message, then exit without further action.

=item B<-i> I<ipaddress>, B<--listen-ip>=I<ipaddress>, B<--ip-address>=I<ipaddress>

Tells spamd to listen on the specified IP address [defaults to].  Use to listen on all interfaces.

=item B<-p> I<port>, B<--port>=I<port>

Optionally specifies the port number for the server to listen on.

=item B<-q>, B<--sql-config>

Turn on SQL lookups even when per-user config files have been disabled
with B<-x>. this is useful for spamd hosts which don't have user's
home directories but do want to load user preferences from an SQL

If your spamc client does not support sending the C<User:> header,
like C<exiscan>, then the SQL username used will always be B<nobody>.

=item B<-Q>, B<--setuid-with-sql>

Turn on SQL lookups even when per-user config files have been disabled
with B<-x> and also setuid to the user.  This is useful for spamd hosts
which want to load user preferences from an SQL database but also wish to
support the use of B<-a> (AWL) and B<-H> (Helper home directories.)

=item B<--virtual-config-dir>=I<pattern>

This option specifies where per-user preferences can be found for virtual
users, for the B<-x> switch.  If this and the B<--virtual-config> switch are
both used, this will take precedence.

The I<pattern> is used as a base pattern for the directory name.  Any
of the following escapes can be used:

=over 4

=item %u -- replaced with the full name of the current user, as sent by spamc.

=item %l -- replaced with the 'local part' of the current username.  In other
words, if the username is an email address, this is the part before the C<@>

=item %d -- replaced with the 'domain' of the current username.  In other
words, if the username is an email address, this is the part after the C<@>


So for example, if C</vhome/users/%u/spamassassin> is specified, and spamc
sends a virtual username of C<>, the directory
C</vhome/users/> will be used.

The set of characters allowed in the virtual username for this path are
restricted to:

	A-Z a-z 0-9 - + _ . , @ =

All others will be replaced by underscores (C<_>).

This path must be a writable directory.  It will be created if it does not
already exist.  If a file called B<user_prefs> exists in this directory, it
will be loaded as the user's preferences.  The auto-whitelist and/or Bayes
databases for that user will be stored in this directory.

Note that this B<requires> that B<-x> is used, and cannot be combined with
SQL-based configuration.

The pattern B<must> expand to an absolute directory when spamd is running
daemonized (B<-d>).

=item B<-V>=I<directory>, B<--virtual-config>=I<directory>

This option specifies where per-user preferences can be found for virtual
users, for the B<-x> switch.

The files are in the format of B<I<username>.prefs>.  A B<default.prefs> file
will be used if an individual user config is not found.

The set of characters allowed in the virtual username for this path are
restricted to:

	A-Z a-z 0-9 - + _ . , @ =

All others will be replaced by underscores (C<_>).

Note that this B<requires> that B<-x> is used, and cannot be combined with
SQL-based configuration.

If a subdirectory is found in that directory, called B<I<username>>, and it is
writable, it will be used to store auto-whitelist and/or Bayes databases for
that user.

=item B<-r> I<pidfile>, B<--pidfile>=I<pidfile>

Write the process ID of the spamd parent to the file specified by I<pidfile>.
The file will be unlinked when the parent exits.  Note that when running
with the B<-u> option, the file must be writable by that user.

=item B<-v>, B<--vpopmail>

Enable vpopmail config.  If specified with with B<-u> set to the vpopmail user,
this allows spamd to lookup/create user_prefs in the vpopmail user's own
maildir.  This option is useful for vpopmail virtual users who do not have an
entry in the system /etc/passwd file.

If specified without B<-u>, then it allows every mail account on a vpopmail
virtual domain setup to have their own user-customizable spamassassin
preferences, assuming they have their own home directory set.

=item B<-s> I<facility>, B<--syslog>=I<facility>

Specify the syslog facility to use (default: mail).  If C<stderr> is specified,
output will be written to stderr.  This is useful if you're running C<spamd>
under the C<daemontools> package.

=item B<--syslog-socket>=I<type>

Specify how spamd should send messages to syslogd.  The options are C<unix>,
C<inet> or C<none>.   The default is to try C<unix> first, falling back to
C<inet> if perl detects errors in its C<unix> support.

Some platforms, or versions of perl, are shipped with dysfunctional versions of
the B<Sys::Syslog> package which do not support some socket types, so you may
need to set this.  If you get error messages regarding B<__PATH_LOG> or similar
from spamd, try changing this setting.

=item B<-u> I<username>, B<--username>=I<username>

Run as the named user.  If this option is not set, the default behaviour
is to setuid() to the user running C<spamc>, if C<spamd> is running
as root.

Note: "--username=root" disables the setuid() functionality and leaves
spamd running as root.

=item B<-x>, B<--nouser-config>, B<--user-config>

Turn off(on) per-user config files.  All users will just get the default
configuration.   The default behaviour is for per-user configuration
to be off.

=item B<--auth-ident>

Verify the username provided by spamc using ident.  This is only
useful if connections are only allowed from trusted hosts (because an
identd that lies is trivial to create) and if spamc REALLY SHOULD be
running as the user it represents.  Connections are terminated
immediately if authentication fails.  In this case, spamc will pass
the mail through unchecked.  Failure to connect to an ident server,
and response timeouts are considered authentication failures.  This
requires that Net::Ident be installed.

=item B<--ident-timeout>=I<timeout>

Wait at most I<timeout> seconds for a response to ident queries.
Authentication that takes long that I<timeout> seconds will fail, and
mail will not be processed.  Setting this to 0.0 or less results in no
timeout, which is STRONGLY discouraged.  The default is 5 seconds.

=item B<-A> I<host,...>, B<--allowed-ips>=I<host,...>

Specify a list of authorized hosts or networks which can connect to this spamd
instance. Single IP addresses can be given, ranges of IP addresses in
address/masklength CIDR format, or ranges of IP addresses by listing 3 or less
octets with a trailing dot.  Hostnames are not supported, only IP addresses.
This option can be specified multiple times, or can take a list of addresses
separated by commas.  Examples:

B<-A> -- only allow connections from C<>.

B<-A,> -- only allow connections from C<> and

B<-A 10.200.300.0/24> -- allow connections from any machine in the range

B<-A 10.> -- allow connections from any machine in the range C<10.*.*.*>.

By default, connections are only accepted from localhost [].

=item B<-D>, B<--debug>

Print debugging messages

=item B<-L>, B<--local>

Perform only local tests on all mail.  In other words, skip DNS and other
network tests.  Works the same as the C<-L> flag to C<spamassassin(1)>.

=item B<-P>, B<--paranoid>

Die on user errors (for the user passed from spamc) instead of falling back to
user I<nobody> and using the default configuration.

=item B<-m> I<number>, B<--max-children>=I<number>

Specify a maximum number of children to spawn. Spamd will wait until another
child finishes before forking again. Meanwhile, incoming connections will be

Please note that there is a OS specific maximum of connections that can be
queued (Try C<perl -MSocket -e'print SOMAXCONN'> to find this maximum). Also,
this option causes spamd to create an extra pipe for each child.

=item B<-H> I<directory>, B<--helper-home-dir>=I<directory>

Specify that external programs such as Razor, DCC, and Pyzor should have
a HOME environment variable set to a specific directory.  The default
is to use the HOME environment variable setting from the shell running
spamd.  By specifying no argument, spamd will use the spamc caller's
home directory instead.

=item B<--ssl>

Accept only SSL connections.  The B<IO::Socket::SSL> perl module must be

=item B<--server-key> I<keyfile>

Specify the SSL key file to use for SSL connections.

=item B<--server-cert> I<certfile>

Specify the SSL certificate file to use for SSL connections.

=item B<--socketpath> I<pathname>

Listen on UNIX domain path I<pathname> instead of a TCP socket.


=head1 BUGS

Perl 5.005_03 seems to have a bug, which spamd triggers, causing messages to
pass through unscanned.  Upgrading to Perl 5.6 seems to fix the problem, so
that's the current workaround.  More information can be found at

The module IO::Socket::INET from Perl 5.005 needs too much time to shut down
the port, so when spamd receives the HUP signal to reload itself, it will die
because it can't open that port. Updating IO::Socket or (better) to Perl 5.6
or later should help.

The C<-m> switch seems to trigger signal-handling bugs in many versions
of Perl.

=head1 SEE ALSO


=head1 AUTHOR

Craig R Hughes E<lt>craig@hughes-family.orgE<gt>


