SecDbItem.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 @header SecDbItem
 The functions provided in SecDbItem provide an interface to
 database items (certificates, keys, identities, and passwords).


#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccsha1.h> // For CCSHA1_OUTPUT_SIZE
#include <sqlite3.h>
#include "utilities/SecCFError.h"
#include "utilities/SecCFWrappers.h"
#include "utilities/SecDb.h"
#include "keychain/securityd/SecKeybagSupport.h"
#include <Security/SecAccessControl.h>
#include <Security/SecBasePriv.h>

// MARK SecDbAttrKind, SecDbFlag

typedef enum {
    kSecDbBlobAttr,  // CFString or CFData, preserves caller provided type.
} SecDbAttrKind;

enum {
    kSecDbPrimaryKeyFlag    = (1 <<  0),    // attr is part of primary key
    kSecDbInFlag            = (1 <<  1),    // attr exists in db
    kSecDbIndexFlag         = (1 <<  2),    // attr should have a db index
    kSecDbSHA1ValueInFlag   = (1 <<  3),    // col in db is sha1 of attr value
    kSecDbReturnAttrFlag    = (1 <<  4),
    kSecDbReturnDataFlag    = (1 <<  5),
    kSecDbReturnRefFlag     = (1 <<  6),
    kSecDbInCryptoDataFlag  = (1 <<  7),
    kSecDbInHashFlag        = (1 <<  8),
    kSecDbInBackupFlag      = (1 <<  9),
    kSecDbDefault0Flag      = (1 << 10),    // default attr value is 0
    kSecDbDefaultEmptyFlag  = (1 << 11),    // default attr value is ""
    kSecDbNotNullFlag       = (1 << 12),    // attr value can't be null
    kSecDbInAuthenticatedDataFlag = (1 << 13), // attr is in authenticated data
    kSecDbSyncPrimaryKeyV0  = (1 << 14),
    kSecDbSyncPrimaryKeyV2  = (1 << 15),
    kSecDbSyncFlag          = (1 << 16),
    kSecDbSyncSOSCannotSyncFlag= (1 << 17),

#define SecVersionDbFlag(v) ((v & 0xFF) << 8)

#define SecDbFlagGetVersion(flags) ((flags >> 8) & 0xFF)

#define SECDB_ATTR(var, name, kind, flags, copyValue, setValue) const SecDbAttr var = { CFSTR(name), kSecDb ## kind ## Attr, flags, copyValue, setValue }

typedef struct SecDbItem *SecDbItemRef;
typedef struct SecDbAttr SecDbAttr;

typedef CFTypeRef (*SecDbItemCopyAttrValue)(SecDbItemRef item, const SecDbAttr *attr, CFErrorRef *error);
typedef bool (*SecDbItemSetAttrValue)(SecDbItemRef item, const SecDbAttr *desc, CFTypeRef value, CFErrorRef *error);

struct SecDbAttr {
    CFStringRef name;
    SecDbAttrKind kind;
    CFOptionFlags flags;
    SecDbItemCopyAttrValue copyValue;
    SecDbItemSetAttrValue setValue;

typedef struct SecDbClass {
    CFStringRef name;
    bool itemclass; // true if keychain items are stored in this class, false otherwise
    const SecDbAttr *attrs[];
} SecDbClass;

typedef struct SecDbSchema {
    int majorVersion;
    int minorVersion;
    const SecDbClass *classes[];
} SecDbSchema;

#define SecDbForEachAttr(class, attr) for (const SecDbAttr * const* _pattr = (class)->attrs, *attr = *_pattr; attr; attr = *(++_pattr))

#define SecDbForEachAttrWithMask(class, attr, flag_mask) SecDbForEachAttr(class, attr) if ((attr->flags & (flag_mask)) == (flag_mask))

CFTypeRef SecDbAttrCopyDefaultValue(const SecDbAttr *attr, CFErrorRef *error);

// MARK: SecDbItem

enum SecDbItemState {
    kSecDbItemDirty,          // We have no edata (or if we do it's invalid), attributes are the truth
    kSecDbItemEncrypted,      // Attributes haven't been decrypted yet from edata
    kSecDbItemClean,          // Attributes and _edata are in sync.
    kSecDbItemDecrypting,     // Temporary state while we are decrypting so set knows not to blow away the edata.
    kSecDbItemEncrypting,     // Temporary state while we are encrypting so set knows to move to clean.
    kSecDbItemAlwaysEncrypted, // As kSecDbItemEncrypted, but decryption is never attempted
    kSecDbItemSecretEncrypted, // Metadata is clean, but the secret data remains encrypted

struct SecDbItem {
    CFRuntimeBase _base;
    const SecDbClass *class;
    keyclass_t keyclass;
    keybag_handle_t keybag;
    enum SecDbItemState _edataState;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef attributes;
    CFDataRef credHandle;
    CFTypeRef cryptoOp;
    CFArrayRef callerAccessGroups;

// TODO: Make this a callback to client
bool SecDbItemDecrypt(SecDbItemRef item, bool decryptSecretData, CFDataRef edata, CFErrorRef *error);

CFTypeID SecDbItemGetTypeID(void);

static inline size_t SecDbClassAttrCount(const SecDbClass *dbClass) {
    size_t n_attrs = 0;
    SecDbForEachAttr(dbClass, attr) { n_attrs++; }
    return n_attrs;

const SecDbAttr *SecDbClassAttrWithKind(const SecDbClass *class, SecDbAttrKind kind, CFErrorRef *error);

SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCreateWithAttributes(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const SecDbClass *class, CFDictionaryRef attributes, keybag_handle_t keybag, CFErrorRef *error);

const SecDbClass *SecDbItemGetClass(SecDbItemRef item);
keybag_handle_t SecDbItemGetKeybag(SecDbItemRef item);
bool SecDbItemSetKeybag(SecDbItemRef item, keybag_handle_t keybag, CFErrorRef *error);
void SecDbItemSetCredHandle(SecDbItemRef item, CFTypeRef cred_handle);
void SecDbItemSetCallerAccessGroups(SecDbItemRef item, CFArrayRef caller_access_groups);

CFTypeRef SecDbItemGetCachedValueWithName(SecDbItemRef item, CFStringRef name);
CFTypeRef SecDbItemGetValue(SecDbItemRef item, const SecDbAttr *desc, CFErrorRef *error);
CFTypeRef SecDbItemGetValueKind(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbAttrKind desc, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemSetValue(SecDbItemRef item, const SecDbAttr *desc, CFTypeRef value, CFErrorRef *error);
bool SecDbItemSetValues(SecDbItemRef item, CFDictionaryRef values, CFErrorRef *error);
bool SecDbItemSetValueWithName(SecDbItemRef item, CFStringRef name, CFTypeRef value, CFErrorRef *error);

// Copies a given attribute from source to target. If source does not have that atttribute,
// doesn't modify target.
bool SecItemPreserveAttribute(SecDbItemRef target, SecDbItemRef source, const SecDbAttr* attr);

sqlite3_int64 SecDbItemGetRowId(SecDbItemRef item, CFErrorRef *error);
bool SecDbItemSetRowId(SecDbItemRef item, sqlite3_int64 rowid, CFErrorRef *error);
bool SecDbItemClearRowId(SecDbItemRef item, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemIsSyncableOrCorrupted(SecDbItemRef item);
bool SecDbItemIsSyncable(SecDbItemRef item);

bool SecDbItemSetSyncable(SecDbItemRef item, bool sync, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemIsTombstone(SecDbItemRef item);

CFMutableDictionaryRef SecDbItemCopyPListWithMask(SecDbItemRef item, CFOptionFlags mask, CFErrorRef *error);

 * Note that "mask" requires a single option, but flagsToSkip can have any number combined.
CFMutableDictionaryRef SecDbItemCopyPListWithFlagAndSkip(SecDbItemRef item,
                                                         CFOptionFlags mask,
                                                         CFOptionFlags flagsToSkip,
                                                         CFErrorRef *error);

CFDataRef SecDbItemGetPrimaryKey(SecDbItemRef item, CFErrorRef *error);
CFDataRef SecDbItemGetSHA1(SecDbItemRef item, CFErrorRef *error);

CFDataRef SecDbItemCopyEncryptedDataToBackup(SecDbItemRef item, uint64_t handle, CFErrorRef *error);

SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCreateWithStatement(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const SecDbClass *class, sqlite3_stmt *stmt, keybag_handle_t keybag, CFErrorRef *error, bool (^return_attr)(const SecDbAttr *attr));

SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCreateWithEncryptedData(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const SecDbClass *class,
                                              CFDataRef edata, keybag_handle_t keybag, CFErrorRef *error);

SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCreateWithPrimaryKey(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const SecDbClass *class, CFDataRef primary_key);

#if 0
SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCreateWithRowId(CFAllocatorRef allocator, const SecDbClass *class, sqlite_int64 row_id, keybag_handle_t keybag, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemEnsureDecrypted(SecDbItemRef item, bool decryptSecretData, CFErrorRef *error);

SecDbItemRef SecDbItemCopyWithUpdates(SecDbItemRef item, CFDictionaryRef updates, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemInsertOrReplace(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, CFErrorRef *error, void(^duplicate)(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbItemRef *replace));

// SecDbItemInsertOrReplace returns an error even when it succeeds; use this to determine if it's spurious
bool SecErrorIsSqliteDuplicateItemError(CFErrorRef error);

// Note: this function might modify item, unless always_use_uuid_from_new_item is true
bool SecDbItemInsert(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, bool always_use_uuid_from_new_item, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemDelete(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, CFBooleanRef makeTombstone, bool tombstone_time_from_item, CFErrorRef *error);

bool SecDbItemDoDeleteSilently(SecDbItemRef item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, CFErrorRef *error);

// Low level update, just do the update
bool SecDbItemDoUpdate(SecDbItemRef old_item, SecDbItemRef new_item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, CFErrorRef *error, bool (^use_attr_in_where)(const SecDbAttr *attr));

// High level update, will replace tombstones and create them if needed.
bool SecDbItemUpdate(SecDbItemRef old_item, SecDbItemRef new_item, SecDbConnectionRef dbconn, CFBooleanRef makeTombstone, bool uuid_from_primary_key, CFErrorRef *error);

// MARK: -
// MARK: SQL Construction helpers -- These should become private in the future

void SecDbAppendElement(CFMutableStringRef sql, CFStringRef value, bool *needComma);
void SecDbAppendWhereOrAnd(CFMutableStringRef sql, bool *needWhere);
void SecDbAppendWhereOrAndEquals(CFMutableStringRef sql, CFStringRef col, bool *needWhere);
void SecDbAppendWhereOrAndNotEquals(CFMutableStringRef sql, CFStringRef col, bool *needWhere);
void SecDbAppendWhereOrAndIn(CFMutableStringRef sql, CFStringRef col, bool *needWhere, CFIndex count);
void SecDbAppendWhereOrAndNotIn(CFMutableStringRef sql, CFStringRef col, bool *needWhere, CFIndex count);

// MARK: type converters.
// TODO: these should be static and private to SecDbItem, or part of the schema

CFStringRef copyString(CFTypeRef obj);
CFDataRef copyData(CFTypeRef obj);
CFTypeRef copyBlob(CFTypeRef obj);
CFDataRef copySHA1(CFTypeRef obj);
CFTypeRef copyNumber(CFTypeRef obj);
CFDateRef copyDate(CFTypeRef obj);
CFTypeRef copyUUID(CFTypeRef obj);

// MARK: cFErrorPropagate which handles errSecAuthNeeded
static inline
bool SecErrorPropagate(CFErrorRef possibleError CF_CONSUMED, CFErrorRef *error) {
    if (possibleError && error && *error && CFErrorGetCode(*error) == errSecAuthNeeded)
    return CFErrorPropagate(possibleError, error);

// TODO: Hack
bool SecDbItemInV2(SecDbItemRef item);
bool SecDbItemInV2AlsoInV0(SecDbItemRef item);

// For debug output filtering
bool SecDbItemIsEngineInternalState(SecDbItemRef itemObject);