SecIdentity.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002-2011,2012-2013,2016-2021 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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     @header SecIdentity
    The functions provided in SecIdentity.h implement a convenient way to
    match private keys with certificates.


#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFArray.h>

#include <Security/SecBase.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>

#include <Security/cssmtype.h>



     @function SecIdentityGetTypeID
     @abstract Returns the type identifier of SecIdentity instances.
     @result The CFTypeID of SecIdentity instances.
CFTypeID SecIdentityGetTypeID(void)

    @function SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate
    @abstract Creates a new identity reference for the given certificate, assuming the associated private key is in one of the specified keychains.
    @param keychainOrArray A reference to an array of keychains to search, a single keychain, or NULL to search the user's default keychain search list.
    @param certificateRef A certificate reference.
    @param identityRef On return, an identity reference. You are responsible for releasing this reference by calling the CFRelease function.
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityCreateWithCertificate(
               CFTypeRef __nullable keychainOrArray,
               SecCertificateRef certificateRef,
            SecIdentityRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED identityRef)

    @function SecIdentityCopyCertificate
    @abstract Returns a reference to a certificate for the given identity
    @param identityRef An identity reference.
    @param certificateRef On return, a pointer to the found certificate
    reference. You are responsible for releasing this reference by calling
    the CFRelease function.
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityCopyCertificate(
            SecIdentityRef identityRef,
            SecCertificateRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED certificateRef)

     @function SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey
    @abstract Returns the private key associated with an identity.
    @param identityRef An identity reference.
    @param privateKeyRef On return, a pointer to the private key for the given
    identity. On iOS, the private key must be of class type kSecAppleKeyItemClass.
    You are responsible for releasing this reference by calling the CFRelease function.
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
OSStatus SecIdentityCopyPrivateKey(
            SecIdentityRef identityRef,
            SecKeyRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED privateKeyRef)

    @function SecIdentityCopyPreference
    @abstract Returns the preferred identity for the specified name and key usage, optionally limiting the result to an identity issued by a certificate whose subject is one of the distinguished names in validIssuers. If a preferred identity does not exist, NULL is returned.
    @param name A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS hostname, or other name which uniquely identifies the service requiring an identity.
    @param keyUsage A CSSM_KEYUSE key usage value, as defined in cssmtype.h. Pass 0 to ignore this parameter.
    @param validIssuers (optional) An array of CFDataRef instances whose contents are the subject names of allowable issuers, as returned by a call to SSLCopyDistinguishedNames (SecureTransport.h). Pass NULL if any issuer is allowed.
    @param identity On return, a reference to the preferred identity, or NULL if none was found. You are responsible for releasing this reference by calling the CFRelease function.
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
    @discussion This API is deprecated in 10.7. Please use the SecIdentityCopyPreferred API instead.
OSStatus SecIdentityCopyPreference(CFStringRef name, CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage, CFArrayRef __nullable validIssuers, SecIdentityRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED identity)

    @function SecIdentityCopyPreferred
    @abstract Returns the preferred identity for the specified name and key usage, optionally limiting the result to an identity issued by a certificate whose subject is one of the distinguished names in validIssuers. If a preferred identity does not exist, NULL is returned.
    @param name A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS hostname, or other name which uniquely identifies the service requiring an identity.
    @param keyUsage A CFArrayRef value, containing items defined in SecItem.h  Pass NULL to ignore this parameter. (kSecAttrCanEncrypt, kSecAttrCanDecrypt, kSecAttrCanDerive, kSecAttrCanSign, kSecAttrCanVerify, kSecAttrCanWrap, kSecAttrCanUnwrap)
    @param validIssuers (optional) An array of CFDataRef instances whose contents are the subject names of allowable issuers, as returned by a call to SSLCopyDistinguishedNames (SecureTransport.h). Pass NULL if any issuer is allowed.
    @result An identity or NULL, if the preferred identity has not been set. Your code should then typically perform a search for possible identities using the SecItem APIs.
    @discussion If a preferred identity has not been set for the supplied name, the returned identity reference will be NULL. Your code should then perform a search for possible identities, using the SecItemCopyMatching API. Note: in versions of macOS prior to 11.3, identity preferences are shared between processes running as the same user. Starting in 11.3, URI names are considered per-application preferences. An identity preference for a URI name may not be found if the calling application is different from the one which set the preference with SecIdentitySetPreferred.
SecIdentityRef SecIdentityCopyPreferred(CFStringRef name, CFArrayRef __nullable keyUsage, CFArrayRef __nullable validIssuers)

    @function SecIdentitySetPreference
    @abstract Sets the preferred identity for the specified name and key usage.
    @param identity A reference to the identity which will be preferred.
    @param name A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS hostname, or other name which uniquely identifies a service requiring this identity.
    @param keyUsage A CSSM_KEYUSE key usage value, as defined in cssmtype.h. Pass 0 to specify any key usage.
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
     @discussion This API is deprecated in 10.7. Please use the SecIdentitySetPreferred API instead.
OSStatus SecIdentitySetPreference(SecIdentityRef identity, CFStringRef name, CSSM_KEYUSE keyUsage)

    @function SecIdentitySetPreferred
    @abstract Sets the preferred identity for the specified name and key usage.
    @param identity A reference to the identity which will be preferred. If NULL is passed, any existing preference for the specified name is cleared instead.
    @param name A string containing a URI, RFC822 email address, DNS hostname, or other name which uniquely identifies a service requiring this identity.
    @param keyUsage A CFArrayRef value, containing items defined in SecItem.h  Pass NULL to specify any key usage. (kSecAttrCanEncrypt, kSecAttrCanDecrypt, kSecAttrCanDerive, kSecAttrCanSign, kSecAttrCanVerify, kSecAttrCanWrap, kSecAttrCanUnwrap)
    @result A result code. See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
    @discussion Note: in versions of macOS prior to 11.3, identity preferences are shared between processes running as the same user. Starting in 11.3, URI names are considered per-application preferences. An identity preference for a URI name will be scoped to the application which created it, such that a subsequent call to SecIdentityCopyPreferred will only return it for that same application.
OSStatus SecIdentitySetPreferred(SecIdentityRef __nullable identity, CFStringRef name, CFArrayRef __nullable keyUsage)

     @function     SecIdentityCopySystemIdentity
     @abstract     Obtain the system-wide SecIdentityRef associated with
                   a specified domain.
     @param        domain  Identifies the SecIdentityRef to be obtained, typically
                           in the form "".
     @param        idRef     On return, the system SecIdentityRef assicated with
                             the specified domain. Caller must CFRelease this when
                             finished with it.
     @param        actualDomain (optional) The actual domain name of the
                                the returned identity is returned here. This
                                may be different from the requested domain.
    @result        A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
     @discussion   If no system SecIdentityRef exists for the specified
                   domain, a domain-specific alternate may be returned
                   instead, typically (but not exclusively) the
                   kSecIdentityDomainDefault SecIdentityRef.
OSStatus SecIdentityCopySystemIdentity(
   CFStringRef domain,
   SecIdentityRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED idRef,
   CFStringRef * __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED actualDomain) /* optional */

     @function     SecIdentitySetSystemIdentity
     @abstract     Assign the supplied SecIdentityRef to the specified
     @param        domain Identifies the domain to which the specified
                   SecIdentityRef will be assigned.
     @param        idRef (optional) The identity to be assigned to the specified
                   domain. Pass NULL to delete a possible entry for the specified
                   domain; in this case, it is not an error if no identity
                   exists for the specified domain.
    @result        A result code.  See "Security Error Codes" (SecBase.h).
     @discussion   The caller must be running as root.
OSStatus SecIdentitySetSystemIdentity(
   CFStringRef domain,
   SecIdentityRef __nullable idRef)

 * Defined system identity domains.

     @const kSecIdentityDomainDefault The system-wide default identity.
extern const CFStringRef kSecIdentityDomainDefault __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_NA);

     @const kSecIdentityDomainKerberosKDC Kerberos KDC identity.
extern const CFStringRef kSecIdentityDomainKerberosKDC __OSX_AVAILABLE_STARTING(__MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_NA);

#endif // SEC_OS_OSX