policydb.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "cs.h"
#include "policydb.h"
#include "policyengine.h"
#include <Security/CodeSigning.h>
#include <security_utilities/cfutilities.h>
#include <security_utilities/cfmunge.h>
#include <security_utilities/blob.h>
#include <security_utilities/logging.h>
#include <security_utilities/simpleprefs.h>
#include <security_utilities/logging.h>
#include "csdatabase.h"

#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <notify.h>

namespace Security {
namespace CodeSigning {

using namespace SQLite;

// Determine the database path
static const char *dbPath()
	if (const char *s = getenv("SYSPOLICYDATABASE"))
		return s;
	return defaultDatabase;

// Help mapping API-ish CFString keys to more convenient internal enumerations
typedef struct {
	const CFStringRef &cstring;
	uint enumeration;
} StringMap;

static uint mapEnum(CFDictionaryRef context, CFStringRef attr, const StringMap *map, uint value = 0)
	if (context)
		if (CFTypeRef value = CFDictionaryGetValue(context, attr))
			for (const StringMap *mp = map; mp->cstring; ++mp)
				if (CFEqual(mp->cstring, value))
					return mp->enumeration;
	return value;

static const StringMap mapType[] = {
	{ kSecAssessmentOperationTypeExecute, kAuthorityExecute },
	{ kSecAssessmentOperationTypeInstall, kAuthorityInstall },
	{ kSecAssessmentOperationTypeOpenDocument, kAuthorityOpenDoc },
	{ NULL }

AuthorityType typeFor(CFDictionaryRef context, AuthorityType type /* = kAuthorityInvalid */)
	return mapEnum(context, kSecAssessmentContextKeyOperation, mapType, type);

CFStringRef typeNameFor(AuthorityType type)
	for (const StringMap *mp = mapType; mp->cstring; ++mp)
		if (type == mp->enumeration)
			return mp->cstring;
	return CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("type %d"), type);

// Open the database
PolicyDatabase::PolicyDatabase(const char *path, int flags)
	: SQLite::Database(path ? path : dbPath(), flags),
	// sqlite3 doesn't do foreign key support by default, have to turn this on per connection
	SQLite::Statement foreign(*this, "PRAGMA foreign_keys = true");
	// Try upgrade processing if we may be open for write.
	// Ignore any errors (we may have been downgraded to read-only)
	// and try again later.
	if (openFlags() & SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE)
		try {
			installExplicitSet(gkeAuthFile, gkeSigsFile);
		} catch(...) {

{ /* virtual */ }

// Quick-check the cache for a match.
// Return true on a cache hit, false on failure to confirm a hit for any reason.
bool PolicyDatabase::checkCache(CFURLRef path, AuthorityType type, SecAssessmentFlags flags, CFMutableDictionaryRef result)
	// we currently don't use the cache for anything but execution rules
	if (type != kAuthorityExecute)
		return false;
	CFRef<SecStaticCodeRef> code;
	MacOSError::check(SecStaticCodeCreateWithPath(path, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &code.aref()));
	if (SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSBasicValidateOnly, NULL) != errSecSuccess)
		return false;	// quick pass - any error is a cache miss
	CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> info;
	MacOSError::check(SecCodeCopySigningInformation(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, &info.aref()));
	CFDataRef cdHash = CFDataRef(CFDictionaryGetValue(info, kSecCodeInfoUnique));
	// check the cache table for a fast match
	SQLite::Statement cached(*this, "SELECT object.allow, authority.label, authority FROM object, authority"
		" WHERE object.authority = authority.id AND object.type = :type AND object.hash = :hash AND authority.disabled = 0"
		" AND JULIANDAY('now') < object.expires;");
	cached.bind(":hash") = cdHash;
	if (cached.nextRow()) {
		bool allow = int(cached[0]);
		const char *label = cached[1];
		SQLite::int64 auth = cached[2];

		// If its allowed, lets do a full validation unless if
		// we are overriding the assessement, since that force
		// the verdict to 'pass' at the end

		if (allow && !overrideAssessment(flags))
		    MacOSError::check(SecStaticCodeCheckValidity(code, kSecCSDefaultFlags, NULL));

		cfadd(result, "{%O=%B}", kSecAssessmentAssessmentVerdict, allow);
		PolicyEngine::addAuthority(flags, result, label, auth, kCFBooleanTrue);
		return true;
	return false;

// Purge the object cache of all expired entries.
// These are meant to run within the caller's transaction.
void PolicyDatabase::purgeAuthority()
	SQLite::Statement cleaner(*this,
		"DELETE FROM authority WHERE expires <= JULIANDAY('now');");

void PolicyDatabase::purgeObjects()
	SQLite::Statement cleaner(*this,
		"DELETE FROM object WHERE expires <= JULIANDAY('now');");

void PolicyDatabase::purgeObjects(double priority)
	SQLite::Statement cleaner(*this,
		"DELETE FROM object WHERE expires <= JULIANDAY('now') OR (SELECT priority FROM authority WHERE id = object.authority) <= :priority;");
	cleaner.bind(":priority") = priority;

// Database migration
std::string PolicyDatabase::featureLevel(const char *name)
	SQLite::Statement feature(*this, "SELECT value FROM feature WHERE name=:name");
	feature.bind(":name") = name;
	if (feature.nextRow()) {
		if (const char *value = feature[0])
			return value;
			return "default";	// old engineering versions may have NULL values; tolerate this
	return "";		// new feature (no level)

void PolicyDatabase::addFeature(const char *name, const char *value, const char *remarks)
	SQLite::Statement feature(*this, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO feature (name,value,remarks) VALUES(:name, :value, :remarks)");
	feature.bind(":name") = name;
	feature.bind(":value") = value;
	feature.bind(":remarks") = remarks;

void PolicyDatabase::simpleFeature(const char *feature, void (^perform)())
	SQLite::Transaction update(*this);
	if (!hasFeature(feature)) {
		addFeature(feature, "upgraded", "upgraded");

void PolicyDatabase::simpleFeature(const char *feature, const char *sql)
	simpleFeature(feature, ^{
		SQLite::Statement perform(*this, sql);
void PolicyDatabase::simpleFeatureNoTransaction(const char *feature, void (^perform)())
	if (!hasFeature(feature)) {
		addFeature(feature, "upgraded", "upgraded");

void PolicyDatabase::upgradeDatabase()
		"CREATE TABLE bookmarkhints ("
			"  bookmark BLOB,"
			"  authority INTEGER NOT NULL"
			"     REFERENCES authority(id) ON DELETE CASCADE"

	simpleFeature("codesignedpackages", ^{
		SQLite::Statement update(*this,
			"UPDATE authority"
			" SET requirement = 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and "
				"(certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.])'"
			" WHERE type = 2 and label = 'Developer ID' and flags & :flag");
		update.bind(":flag") = kAuthorityFlagDefault;
		"ALTER TABLE authority ADD COLUMN filter_unsigned TEXT NULL"
	simpleFeature("strict_apple_installer", ^{
		SQLite::Statement update(*this,
			"UPDATE authority"
			" SET requirement = 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[subject.CN] = \"Apple Software Update Certification Authority\"'"
			" WHERE flags & :flag AND label = 'Apple Installer'");
		update.bind(":flag") = kAuthorityFlagDefault;
		SQLite::Statement add(*this,
			"INSERT INTO authority (type, label, flags, requirement)"
			" VALUES (2, 'Mac App Store', :flags, 'anchor apple generic and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists')");
		add.bind(":flags") = kAuthorityFlagDefault;
	simpleFeature("document rules", ^{
		SQLite::Statement addApple(*this,
			"INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, flags, label, requirement) VALUES (3, 1, 2, 'Apple System', 'anchor apple')");
		SQLite::Statement addDevID(*this,
			"INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, flags, label, requirement)	VALUES (3, 1, 2, 'Developer ID', 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists')");
    simpleFeature("root_only", ^{
        UnixError::check(::chmod(dbPath(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR));

	simpleFeature("notarized_apps", ^{

		// Insert a set of notarization requirements for notarized applications and installers, with a priority that will be higher than developer id priorities
		// so they are guaranteed to match first.
		SQLite::Statement addNotarizedExecutables(*this,
			"INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, flags, priority, label, requirement) VALUES (1, 1, 2, 5.0, 'Notarized Developer ID', 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and notarized')");

		SQLite::Statement addNotarizedInstallers(*this,
			"INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, flags, priority, label, requirement) VALUES (2, 1, 2, 5.0, 'Notarized Developer ID', 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.]) and notarized')");

		// Bump the priority on apple system, apple installer, and mac app store entries so they are evaluated before Developer ID variants.
		// This is important because notarized variants meet the requirement of the Developer ID variant and would could match that too.
		SQLite::Statement bumpAppleSystemPriority(*this,
			  "UPDATE authority SET priority = 20.0 WHERE label = 'Apple System'");

		SQLite::Statement bumpAppleInstallerPriority(*this,
			  "UPDATE authority SET priority = 20.0 WHERE label = 'Apple Installer'");

		SQLite::Statement bumpMacAppStorePriority(*this,
			  "UPDATE authority SET priority = 10.0 WHERE label = 'Mac App Store'");
		SQLite::Transaction devIdRequirementUpgrades(*this);
		simpleFeatureNoTransaction("legacy_devid", ^{
			auto migrateReq = [](auto db, int type, string req) {
				const string legacy =
				" and (certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] absent or "
				"certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] < timestamp \"20190408000000Z\")";
				const string unnotarized =
				" and (certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] exists and "
				"certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] >= timestamp \"20190408000000Z\")";
				SQLite::Statement update(*db, "UPDATE OR IGNORE authority "
										 "SET requirement = :newreq "
										 "WHERE requirement = :oldreq "
										 "      AND type = :type "
										 "      AND label = 'Developer ID'");
				update.bind(":oldreq") = req;
				update.bind(":type") = type;
				update.bind(":newreq") = req + legacy;
				SQLite::Statement insert(*db, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO authority "
										 "(type, requirement, allow, priority, label) "
										 "VALUES "
										 "(:type, :req, 0, 4.0, "
										 "'Unnotarized Developer ID')");
				insert.bind(":type") = type;
				insert.bind(":req") = req + unnotarized;
			migrateReq(this, 1, "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists");
			migrateReq(this, 2, "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.])");
			migrateReq(this, 3, "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists");
		simpleFeatureNoTransaction("legacy_devid_v2", ^{
			auto migrateReq = [](auto db, int type, string oldreq, string newreq) {
				const string legacy =
				" and legacy";

				SQLite::Statement update(*db, "UPDATE OR IGNORE authority "
										 "SET requirement = :newreq "
										 "WHERE requirement = :oldreq "
										 "      AND type = :type "
										 "      AND label = 'Developer ID'");
				update.bind(":oldreq") = oldreq;
				update.bind(":type") = type;
				update.bind(":newreq") = newreq;

			// App handling has moved to the sunfish path.  The legacy keyword won't work well for apps because we don't collect nested code hashes to whitelist them.
			migrateReq(this, 2,
					   "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.]) and (certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] absent or certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] < timestamp \"20190408000000Z\")",
					   "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.]) and legacy");
			migrateReq(this, 3,
					   "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] absent or certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] < timestamp \"20190408000000Z\")",
					   "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and legacy");
		simpleFeatureNoTransaction("unnotarized_without_timestamp", ^{
			auto migrateReq = [](auto db, int type, string req) {
				const string to_remove =
				" and (certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] exists and "
				"certificate leaf[timestamp.1.2.840.113635.] >= timestamp \"20190408000000Z\")";
				SQLite::Statement update(*db, "UPDATE OR IGNORE authority "
										 "SET requirement = :newreq "
										 "WHERE requirement = :oldreq "
										 "      AND type = :type "
										 "      AND label = 'Unnotarized Developer ID'");
				update.bind(":oldreq") = req + to_remove;
				update.bind(":type") = type;
				update.bind(":newreq") = req;
			migrateReq(this, kAuthorityInstall, "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and (certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] or certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.])");
			migrateReq(this, kAuthorityOpenDoc, "anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists");
	simpleFeature("notarized_documents", ^{
		SQLite::Statement addNotarizedDocs(*this,
										   "INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, flags, priority, label, requirement) "
										   "  VALUES (3, 1, 2, 5.0, 'Notarized Developer ID', "
										   "          'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and notarized')");

	simpleFeature("notarization_priority_fix", ^{
		auto migrateReq = [](auto db, string label, float priority) {
			SQLite::Statement update(*db,
									 "UPDATE OR IGNORE authority "
									 "SET priority = :newpriority "
									 "WHERE label = :label");
			update.bind(":newpriority") = priority;
			update.bind(":label") = label;
		migrateReq(this, "Developer ID", 4.0);
		migrateReq(this, "Unnotarized Developer ID", 0.0);

// Install Gatekeeper override (GKE) data.
// The arguments are paths to the authority and signature files.
void PolicyDatabase::installExplicitSet(const char *authfile, const char *sigfile)
	// only try this every gkeCheckInterval seconds
	time_t now = time(NULL);
	if (mLastExplicitCheck + gkeCheckInterval > now)
	mLastExplicitCheck = now;

	try {
		if (CFRef<CFDataRef> authData = cfLoadFile(authfile)) {
			CFDictionary auth(CFRef<CFDictionaryRef>(makeCFDictionaryFrom(authData)), errSecCSDbCorrupt);
			CFDictionaryRef content = auth.get<CFDictionaryRef>(CFSTR("authority"));
			std::string authUUID = cfString(auth.get<CFStringRef>(CFSTR("uuid")));
			if (authUUID.empty()) {
				secinfo("gkupgrade", "no uuid in auth file; ignoring gke.auth");
			std::string dbUUID;
			SQLite::Statement uuidQuery(*this, "SELECT value FROM feature WHERE name='gke'");
			if (uuidQuery.nextRow())
				dbUUID = (const char *)uuidQuery[0];
			if (dbUUID == authUUID) {
				secinfo("gkupgrade", "gke.auth already present, ignoring");
			Syslog::notice("loading GKE %s (replacing %s)", authUUID.c_str(), dbUUID.empty() ? "nothing" : dbUUID.c_str());

			// first, load code signatures. This is pretty much idempotent
			if (sigfile)
				if (FILE *sigs = fopen(sigfile, "r")) {
					unsigned count = 0;
				    SignatureDatabaseWriter db;
					while (const BlobCore *blob = BlobCore::readBlob(sigs)) {
						db.storeCode(blob, "<remote>");
					secinfo("gkupgrade", "%d detached signature(s) loaded from override data", count);
			// start transaction (atomic from here on out)
			SQLite::Transaction loadAuth(*this, SQLite::Transaction::exclusive, "GKE_Upgrade");
			// purge prior authority data
			SQLite::Statement purge(*this, "DELETE FROM authority WHERE flags & :flag");
			purge.bind(":flag") = kAuthorityFlagWhitelist;
			// load new data
			CFIndex count = CFDictionaryGetCount(content);
			vector<CFStringRef> keys_vector(count, NULL);
			vector<CFDictionaryRef> values_vector(count, NULL);
			CFDictionaryGetKeysAndValues(content, (const void **)keys_vector.data(), (const void **)values_vector.data());
			SQLite::Statement insert(*this, "INSERT INTO authority (type, allow, requirement, label, filter_unsigned, flags, remarks)"
				" VALUES (:type, 1, :requirement, 'GKE', :filter, :flags, :path)");
			for (CFIndex n = 0; n < count; n++) {
				CFDictionary info(values_vector[n], errSecCSDbCorrupt);
				uint32_t flags = kAuthorityFlagWhitelist;
				if (CFNumberRef versionRef = info.get<CFNumberRef>("version")) {
					int version = cfNumber<int>(versionRef);
					if (version >= 2) {
						flags |= kAuthorityFlagWhitelistV2;
						if (version >= 3) {
							flags |= kAuthorityFlagWhitelistSHA256;
				insert.bind(":type") = cfString(info.get<CFStringRef>(CFSTR("type")));
				insert.bind(":path") = cfString(info.get<CFStringRef>(CFSTR("path")));
				insert.bind(":requirement") = "cdhash H\"" + cfString(info.get<CFStringRef>(CFSTR("cdhash"))) + "\"";
				insert.bind(":filter") = cfString(info.get<CFStringRef>(CFSTR("screen")));
			// we just changed the authority configuration at priority zero
			// update version and commit
			addFeature("gke", authUUID.c_str(), "gke loaded");
            /* now that we have moved to a bundle for gke files, delete any old style files we find
               This is really just a best effort cleanup, so we don't care about errors. */
            if (access(gkeAuthFile_old, F_OK) == 0)
                if (unlink(gkeAuthFile_old) == 0)
                    Syslog::notice("Deleted old style gke file (%s)", gkeAuthFile_old);
            if (access(gkeSigsFile_old, F_OK) == 0)
                if (unlink(gkeSigsFile_old) == 0)
                    Syslog::notice("Deleted old style gke file (%s)", gkeSigsFile_old);
	} catch (...) {
		secinfo("gkupgrade", "exception during GKE upgrade");

// Check the override-enable master flag
#define SP_ENABLE_KEY CFSTR("enabled")
#define SP_ENABLED CFSTR("yes")
#define SP_DISABLED CFSTR("no")

bool overrideAssessment(SecAssessmentFlags flags /* = 0 */)
	static bool enabled = true;
	static dispatch_once_t once;
	static int token = -1;
	static int have_token = 0;
	static dispatch_queue_t queue;
	int check;

	if (flags & kSecAssessmentFlagEnforce)	// explicitly disregard disables (force on)
		return false;

	if (have_token && notify_check(token, &check) == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK && !check)
		return !enabled;

	dispatch_once(&once, ^{
		if (notify_register_check(kNotifySecAssessmentMasterSwitch, &token) == NOTIFY_STATUS_OK)
			have_token = 1;
		queue = dispatch_queue_create("com.apple.SecAssessment.assessment", NULL);

	dispatch_sync(queue, ^{
		/* upgrade configuration from emir, ignore all error since we might not be able to write to */
		if (::access(visibleSecurityFlagFile, F_OK) == 0) {
			try {
			} catch (...) {
			enabled = true;

		try {
			Dictionary * prefsDict = Dictionary::CreateDictionary(prefsFile);
			if (prefsDict == NULL)
			CFStringRef value = prefsDict->getStringValue(SP_ENABLE_KEY);
			if (value && CFStringCompare(value, SP_DISABLED, 0) == 0)
				enabled = false;
				enabled = true;
			delete prefsDict;
		} catch(...) {

	return !enabled;

void setAssessment(bool masterSwitch)
	MutableDictionary *prefsDict = MutableDictionary::CreateMutableDictionary(prefsFile);
	if (prefsDict == NULL)
		prefsDict = new MutableDictionary();
	prefsDict->setValue(SP_ENABLE_KEY, masterSwitch ? SP_ENABLED : SP_DISABLED);
	delete prefsDict;

	/* make sure permissions is right */
	::chmod(prefsFile, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);


	/* reset the automatic rearm timer */

// Reset or query the automatic rearm timer
void resetRearmTimer(const char *event)
	CFRef<CFDateRef> now = CFDateCreate(NULL, CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent());
	CFTemp<CFDictionaryRef> info("{event=%s, timestamp=%O}", event, now.get());
	CFRef<CFDataRef> infoData = makeCFData(info.get());
	UnixPlusPlus::AutoFileDesc fd(rearmTimerFile, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
	fd.write(CFDataGetBytePtr(infoData), CFDataGetLength(infoData));

bool queryRearmTimer(CFTimeInterval &delta)
	if (CFRef<CFDataRef> infoData = cfLoadFile(rearmTimerFile)) {
		if (CFRef<CFDictionaryRef> info = makeCFDictionaryFrom(infoData)) {
			CFDateRef timestamp = (CFDateRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(info, CFSTR("timestamp"));
			if (timestamp && CFGetTypeID(timestamp) == CFDateGetTypeID()) {
				delta = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - CFDateGetAbsoluteTime(timestamp);
				return true;
	return false;

} // end namespace CodeSigning
} // end namespace Security