KCJoiningAcceptSession.m   [plain text]

//  KCJoiningAcceptSession.m
//  Security

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <KeychainCircle/KCJoiningSession.h>

#import <KeychainCircle/KCError.h>
#import <KeychainCircle/KCDer.h>
#import <KeychainCircle/KCJoiningMessages.h>

#import <KeychainCircle/NSError+KCCreationHelpers.h>
#import "KCInitialMessageData.h"

#include <corecrypto/ccder.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccrng.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccsha2.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccdh_gp.h>
#include <utilities/debugging.h>
#include <notify.h>

#import "keychain/ot/OTControl.h"
#import "keychain/ot/OTJoiningConfiguration.h"
#import "KeychainCircle/KCJoiningAcceptSession+Internal.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTApplicantToSponsorRound2M1.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTSponsorToApplicantRound2M2.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTSponsorToApplicantRound1M2.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTGlobalEnums.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTSupportSOSMessage.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTSupportOctagonMessage.h"
#import "keychain/ot/proto/generated_source/OTPairingMessage.h"

typedef enum {
} KCJoiningAcceptSessionState;

@interface KCJoiningAcceptSession ()
@property (readonly) uint64_t dsid;
@property (weak) id<KCJoiningAcceptSecretDelegate> secretDelegate;
@property (weak) id<KCJoiningAcceptCircleDelegate> circleDelegate;
@property (readonly) KCSRPServerContext* context;
@property (readonly) KCAESGCMDuplexSession* session;
@property (readonly) KCJoiningAcceptSessionState state;
@property (readwrite) NSData* startMessage;
@property (readwrite) NSString *piggy_uuid;
@property (readwrite) PiggyBackProtocolVersion piggy_version;
@property (readwrite) NSData* octagon;
@property (nonatomic, strong) OTJoiningConfiguration* joiningConfiguration;
@property (nonatomic, strong) OTControl* otControl;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableDictionary *defaults;

@implementation KCJoiningAcceptSession

+ (nullable instancetype) sessionWithInitialMessage: (NSData*) message
                                     secretDelegate: (NSObject<KCJoiningAcceptSecretDelegate>*) secretDelegate
                                     circleDelegate: (NSObject<KCJoiningAcceptCircleDelegate>*) circleDelegate
                                               dsid: (uint64_t) dsid
                                              error: (NSError**) error {

    int cc_error = 0;
    struct ccrng_state * rng = ccrng(&cc_error);

    if (rng == nil) {
        CoreCryptoError(cc_error, error, @"RNG fetch failed");
        return nil;

    return [[KCJoiningAcceptSession alloc] initWithSecretDelegate: secretDelegate
                                                   circleDelegate: circleDelegate
                                                             dsid: dsid
                                                              rng: rng
                                                            error: error];

- (bool) setupSession: (NSError**) error {
    NSData* key = [self->_context getKey];

    if (key == nil) {
        KCJoiningErrorCreate(kInternalError, error, @"No session key available");
        return nil;

    self->_session = [KCAESGCMDuplexSession sessionAsReceiver:key context:self.dsid];
    self.session.pairingUUID = self.joiningConfiguration.pairingUUID;
    self.session.piggybackingVersion = self.piggy_version;

    return self.session != nil;

- (nullable instancetype) initWithSecretDelegate: (NSObject<KCJoiningAcceptSecretDelegate>*) secretDelegate
                                  circleDelegate: (NSObject<KCJoiningAcceptCircleDelegate>*) circleDelegate
                                            dsid: (uint64_t) dsid
                                             rng: (struct ccrng_state *)rng
                                           error: (NSError**) error {
    if ((self = [super init])) {

        secnotice("accepting", "initWithSecretDelegate");

        NSString* name = [NSString stringWithFormat: @"%llu", dsid];

        self->_context = [[KCSRPServerContext alloc] initWithUser: name
                                                         password: [secretDelegate secret]
                                                       digestInfo: ccsha256_di()
                                                            group: ccsrp_gp_rfc5054_3072()
                                                     randomSource: rng];
        self.secretDelegate = secretDelegate;
        self.circleDelegate = circleDelegate;
        self->_state = kExpectingA;
        self->_dsid = dsid;
        self->_piggy_uuid = nil;
        self->_defaults = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

        self->_otControl = [OTControl controlObject:true error:error];
        self->_piggy_version = KCJoiningOctagonPiggybackingEnabled()? kPiggyV2 : kPiggyV1;
        self->_joiningConfiguration = [[OTJoiningConfiguration alloc]initWithProtocolType:@"OctagonPiggybacking"
                                                                              pairingUUID:[[NSUUID UUID] UUIDString]
        self->_piggy_version = kPiggyV1;
    return self;

- (NSString*) stateString {
    switch (self.state) {
        case kExpectingA: return @"→A";
        case kExpectingM: return @"→M";
        case kExpectingPeerInfo: return @"→PeerInfo";
        case kAcceptDone: return @"done";
        default: return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", self.state];

- (NSString *)description {
    return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"<KCJoiningAcceptSession: %lld %@ %@ uuid: %@>", self.dsid, [self stateString], self.context, self.piggy_uuid];

- (NSData*) copyChallengeMessage: (NSError**) error {
    NSData* challenge = [self.context copyChallengeFor: self.startMessage error: error];
    if (challenge == nil) return nil;

    NSData* srpMessage = [NSData dataWithEncodedSequenceData:self.context.salt data:challenge error:error];

    if (![self setupSession:error]) return nil;

    return srpMessage;

- (BOOL)shouldAcceptOctagonRequests {
    dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
    __block BOOL result = NO;

    OTOperationConfiguration* configuration = [[OTOperationConfiguration alloc] init];
    configuration.discretionaryNetwork = TRUE;

    [self.otControl fetchTrustStatus:self.joiningConfiguration.containerName context:self.joiningConfiguration.self.contextID
                               reply:^(CliqueStatus status,
                                       NSString* peerID,
                                       NSNumber * _Nullable numberOfPeersInOctagon,
                                       BOOL isExcluded, NSError* _Nullable error)
         secerror("octagon haveSelfEgo: status %d: %@ %@ %d: %@", (int)status,
                  peerID, numberOfPeersInOctagon, isExcluded, error);

         if (status == CliqueStatusIn) {
             result = YES;

    if(dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC * 30)) != 0) {
        secerror("octagon: timed out fetching trust status");
        return NO;
    return result;

- (NSData*) processInitialMessage: (NSData*) initialMessage error: (NSError**) error {
    __block uint64_t version = 0;
    NSString *uuid = nil;
    NSData *octagon = nil;
    NSError* localError = nil;

    self.startMessage = extractStartFromInitialMessage(initialMessage, &version, &uuid, &octagon, error);
    if (self.startMessage == NULL) {
        return nil;
    if(version == kPiggyV2 && KCJoiningOctagonPiggybackingEnabled()){
        /* before we go ahead with octagon, let see if we are an octagon peer */

        if (![self shouldAcceptOctagonRequests]) {
            secerror("octagon refusing octagon acceptor since we don't have a selfEgo");
            version = kPiggyV1;
        } else {
            self.octagon = octagon;
        localError = nil;
    self.piggy_uuid = uuid;
    self.piggy_version = (PiggyBackProtocolVersion)version;

    NSData* srpMessage = [self copyChallengeMessage: error];
    if (srpMessage == nil) {
        return nil;

    self->_state = kExpectingM;
    NSString* piggyVersionMessage = [[NSString alloc]initWithData:self.octagon encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
    __block NSError *captureError = nil;

    if(version == kPiggyV2 && KCJoiningOctagonPiggybackingEnabled() && piggyVersionMessage && [piggyVersionMessage isEqualToString:@"o"]) {
        __block NSData* next = nil;
        dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);

        //fetch epoch
        [self.otControl rpcEpochWithConfiguration:self.joiningConfiguration reply:^(uint64_t epoch, NSError * _Nullable epochError) {
                secerror("error retrieving next message! :%@", epochError);
                captureError = epochError;
                OTPairingMessage* responseMessage = [[OTPairingMessage alloc] init];
                responseMessage.supportsSOS = [[OTSupportSOSMessage alloc] init];
                responseMessage.supportsOctagon = [[OTSupportOctagonMessage alloc] init];

                responseMessage.epoch = [[OTSponsorToApplicantRound1M2 alloc] init];
                responseMessage.epoch.epoch = epoch;
                responseMessage.supportsSOS.supported = OctagonPlatformSupportsSOS() ? OTSupportType_supported : OTSupportType_not_supported;
                responseMessage.supportsOctagon.supported = OTSupportType_supported;
                next = responseMessage.data;

        if(dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC * 30)) != 0) {
            secerror("octagon: timed out fetching epoch");
            return nil;
        if(error && captureError){
            *error = captureError;
        return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kChallenge
                                            error:error] der];
    return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kChallenge
                                        error:error] der];

- (NSData*) processResponse: (KCJoiningMessage*) message error:(NSError**) error {
    if ([message type] != kResponse) {
        KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Expected response!");
        return nil;

    id<KCJoiningAcceptSecretDelegate> secretDelegate = self.secretDelegate;

    // We handle failure, don't capture the error.
    NSData* confirmation = [self.context copyConfirmationFor:message.firstData error:NULL];
    if (!confirmation) {
        // Find out what kind of error we should send.
        NSData* errorData = nil;

        KCRetryOrNot status = [secretDelegate verificationFailed: error];
        secerror("processResponse: handle error: %d", (int)status);

        switch (status) {
            case kKCRetryError:
                // We fill in an error if they didn't, but if they did this wont bother.
                KCJoiningErrorCreate(kInternalError, error, @"Delegate returned error without filling in error: %@", secretDelegate);
                return nil;
            case kKCRetryWithSameChallenge:
                errorData = [NSData data];
            case kKCRetryWithNewChallenge:
                if ([self.context resetWithPassword:[secretDelegate secret] error:error]) {
                    errorData = [self copyChallengeMessage: error];
        if (errorData == nil) return nil;

        return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kError
                                            error:error] der];

    NSData* encoded = [NSData dataWithEncodedString:[secretDelegate accountCode] error:error];
    if (encoded == nil)
        return nil;

    NSData* encrypted = [self.session encrypt:encoded error:error];
    if (encrypted == nil) return nil;

    self->_state = kExpectingPeerInfo;

    return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kVerification
                                        error:error] der];

- (NSData*) processSOSApplication: (NSData*) message error:(NSError**) error
    NSData* decryptedPayload = [self.session decryptAndVerify:message error:error];
    if (decryptedPayload == nil) return nil;

    id<KCJoiningAcceptCircleDelegate> circleDelegate = self.circleDelegate;

    CFErrorRef cfError = NULL;
    SOSPeerInfoRef ref = SOSPeerInfoCreateFromData(NULL, &cfError, (__bridge CFDataRef) decryptedPayload);
    if (ref == NULL) {
        if (error) *error = (__bridge_transfer NSError*) cfError;
        cfError = NULL;
        return nil;

    NSData* joinData = [circleDelegate circleJoinDataFor:ref error:error];
    if(ref) {
        ref = NULL;

    if (joinData == nil) return nil;

    SOSInitialSyncFlags flags = 0;
    switch (self.piggy_version) {
        case kPiggyV0:
        case kPiggyV1:
            secnotice("acceptor", "piggy version is 1");
            flags |= kSOSInitialSyncFlagTLKs | kSOSInitialSyncFlagiCloudIdentity;
        case kPiggyV2:
            secnotice("acceptor", "piggy version is 2");
            flags |= kSOSInitialSyncFlagiCloudIdentity;

    if (flags) {
        //grab iCloud Identities, TLKs
        NSError *localISVError = nil;
        NSData* initialSyncData = [circleDelegate circleGetInitialSyncViews:flags error:&localISVError];
        if(initialSyncData == NULL){
            secnotice("piggy", "PB threw an error: %@", localISVError);

        NSMutableData* growPacket = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithData:joinData];
        [growPacket appendData:initialSyncData];
        joinData = growPacket;


    NSData* encryptedOutgoing = [self.session encrypt:joinData error:error];
    if (encryptedOutgoing == nil) return nil;
    return encryptedOutgoing;

- (OTPairingMessage *)createPairingMessageFromJoiningMessage:(KCJoiningMessage *)message error:(NSError**) error
    NSData *decryptInitialMessage = [self.session decryptAndVerify:message.firstData error:error];
    if(!decryptInitialMessage) {
        secinfo("KeychainCircle", "Failed to decrypt message first data: %@. Trying legacy OTPairingMessage construction.", error ? *error : @"");
        return [[OTPairingMessage alloc] initWithData:message.firstData];
    } else {
        KCInitialMessageData *initialMessage = [[KCInitialMessageData alloc] initWithData:decryptInitialMessage];
        if(!initialMessage) {
            secerror("Failed to parse InitialMessageData from decrypted message data");
            KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Failed to parse InitialMessageData from decrypted message data");
            return nil;

        if(!initialMessage.hasPrepareMessage) {
            secerror("InitialMessageData does not contain prepare message");
            KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Expected prepare message inside InitialMessageData");
            return nil;

        return [[OTPairingMessage alloc] initWithData:initialMessage.prepareMessage];

- (NSData*) createTLKRequestResponse: (NSError**) error {
    NSError* localError = NULL;
    NSData* initialSync = [self.circleDelegate circleGetInitialSyncViews:kSOSInitialSyncFlagTLKsRequestOnly error:&localError];
    if (!initialSync) {
        secnotice("joining", "Failed to get initial sync view: %@", localError);
        if ( error!=NULL && localError != NULL )
            *error = localError;
        return nil;
    NSData* encryptedOutgoing = [self.session encrypt:initialSync error:&localError];
    if (!encryptedOutgoing) {
        secnotice("joining", "TLK request failed to encrypt: %@", localError);
        if ( error!=NULL && localError != NULL )
            *error = localError;
        return nil;
    self->_state = kAcceptDone;

    secnotice("joining", "TLKRequest done.");

    return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kTLKRequest
                                        error:error] der];

- (BOOL)shouldProcessSOSApplication:(KCJoiningMessage*)message pairingMessage:(OTPairingMessage*)pairingMessage
    BOOL shouldProcess = YES;

    if (OctagonPlatformSupportsSOS() == NO) {
        secnotice("joining", "platform does not support SOS");
        shouldProcess = NO;
    } else if (message.secondData == nil) {
        secnotice("joining", "message does not contain SOS data");
        shouldProcess = NO;
    } else if (pairingMessage.hasSupportsSOS && pairingMessage.supportsSOS.supported == OTSupportType_not_supported) {
        secnotice("joining", "requester explicitly does not support SOS");
        shouldProcess = NO;

    return shouldProcess;

- (NSData*) processApplication: (KCJoiningMessage*) message error:(NSError**) error {
    if ([message type] == kTLKRequest) {
        return [self createTLKRequestResponse: error];
    if ([message type] != kPeerInfo) {
        KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Expected peerInfo!");
        return nil;
    if(self.piggy_version == kPiggyV2 && KCJoiningOctagonPiggybackingEnabled()){
        __block NSData* next = nil;
        __block NSError* localError = nil;
        dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);

        OTPairingMessage *pairingMessage = [self createPairingMessageFromJoiningMessage:message error:error];
        if(!pairingMessage) {
            secerror("octagon, failed to create pairing message from JoiningMessage");
            KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Failed to create pairing message from JoiningMessage");
            return nil;

        if(!pairingMessage.hasPrepare) {
            secerror("octagon, message does not contain prepare message");
            KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Expected prepare message!");
            return nil;
        OTApplicantToSponsorRound2M1 *prepareMessage = pairingMessage.prepare;

        //handle identity, fetch voucher
        [self.otControl rpcVoucherWithConfiguration:self.joiningConfiguration
                                      stableInfoSig:prepareMessage.stableInfoSig reply:^(NSData *voucher,
                                                                                         NSData *voucherSig,
                                                                                         NSError *err) {
                secerror("error producing octagon voucher: %@", err);
                localError = err;
                OTPairingMessage *pairingResponse = [[OTPairingMessage alloc] init];
                pairingResponse.supportsSOS = [[OTSupportSOSMessage alloc] init];
                pairingResponse.supportsOctagon = [[OTSupportOctagonMessage alloc] init];
                pairingResponse.voucher = [[OTSponsorToApplicantRound2M2 alloc] init];
                pairingResponse.voucher.voucher = voucher;
                pairingResponse.voucher.voucherSignature = voucherSig;

                pairingMessage.supportsSOS.supported = OctagonPlatformSupportsSOS() ? OTSupportType_supported : OTSupportType_not_supported;
                pairingMessage.supportsOctagon.supported = OTSupportType_supported;
                next = pairingResponse.data;

        if(dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, NSEC_PER_SEC * 30)) != 0) {
            secerror("octagon: timed out producing octagon voucher");
            return nil;
        if (next == NULL) {
            if(error && localError){
                *error = localError;
            return nil;

        NSData* encryptedOutgoing = nil;
        if ([self shouldProcessSOSApplication:message pairingMessage:pairingMessage]) {
            secnotice("joining", "doing SOS processSOSApplication");
            encryptedOutgoing = [self processSOSApplication: message.secondData error:error];
            if (encryptedOutgoing == nil) {
                secerror("joining: failed to process SOS application: %@", error && *error ? *error : nil);
                KCJoiningErrorCreate(kProcessApplicationFailure, error, @"message failed to process application");
                return nil;

        self->_state = kAcceptDone;

        //note we are stuffing SOS into the payload
        return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kCircleBlob
                                            error:error] der];
    NSData* encryptedOutgoing = [self processSOSApplication: message.firstData error:error];
    self->_state = kAcceptDone;

    secnotice("joining", "posting kSOSCCCircleOctagonKeysChangedNotification");
    return [[KCJoiningMessage messageWithType:kCircleBlob
                                        error:error] der];

- (nullable NSData*) processMessage: (NSData*) incomingMessage error: (NSError**) error {
    NSData* result = nil;

    secnotice("acceptor", "processMessages: %@", [self description]);

    KCJoiningMessage *message = (self.state != kExpectingA) ? [KCJoiningMessage messageWithDER:incomingMessage error:error] : nil;

    switch(self.state) {
        case kExpectingA:
            return [self processInitialMessage:incomingMessage error: error];
        case kExpectingM:
            if (message == nil) return nil;
            return [self processResponse:message error: error];
        case kExpectingPeerInfo:
            if (message == nil) return nil;
            return [self processApplication:message error: error];
        case kAcceptDone:
            KCJoiningErrorCreate(kUnexpectedMessage, error, @"Unexpected message while done");
    return result;

- (bool) isDone {
    return self.state == kAcceptDone;

/* for test*/
- (void)setControlObject:(OTControl *)control
    self.otControl = control;

- (void)setConfiguration:(OTJoiningConfiguration *)config
    self.joiningConfiguration = config;

- (KCAESGCMDuplexSession*)accessSession
    return self.session;
