SecProtocolOptions.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef SecProtocolOptions_h
#define SecProtocolOptions_h

#include <Security/SecProtocolObject.h>
#include <Security/SecProtocolTypes.h>
#include <Security/SecProtocolMetadata.h>
#include <Security/SecTrust.h>
#include <Security/SecCertificate.h>
#include <Security/SecIdentity.h>

#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <os/object.h>

 * The following diagram shows how clients interact with sec_protocol_options
 * and sec_protocol_metadata when configuring and using network security protocols.
 *                    +--------+
 *                    | Client |
 *                    +-+---/ \+
 *                      |    |
 *        +-------------+    +-------------+
 *        | (1) set             (2) get    |
 *        | options             metadata   |
 * +-----\ /---------------+  +------------+----------+
 * | sec_protocol_options  |  | sec_protocol_metadata |
 * +-----------------------+  +-----------------------+
 * Clients configure security protocols with `sec_protocol_options` instances.
 * And they inspect protocol instances using `sec_protocol_metadata` instances.

 * A `sec_protocol_options` instance is a container of options for security protocol instances,
 * such as TLS. Protocol options are used to configure security protocols in the network stack.
 * For example, clients may set the maximum and minimum allowed TLS versions through protocol
 * options.
#endif // !SEC_OBJECT_IMPL



 * @function sec_protocol_options_are_equal
 * @abstract
 *      Compare two `sec_protocol_options_t` instances.
 * @param optionsA
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param optionsB
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @return True if equal, and false otherwise.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_are_equal(sec_protocol_options_t optionsA, sec_protocol_options_t optionsB);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity
 * @abstract
 *      Set the local identity to be used for this protocol instance.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param identity
 *      A `sec_identity_t` instance carrying the private key and certificate.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_local_identity(sec_protocol_options_t options, sec_identity_t identity);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite
 * @abstract
 *      Append a TLS ciphersuite to the set of enabled ciphersuites.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param ciphersuite
 *      A `tls_ciphersuite_t` value.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite(sec_protocol_options_t options, tls_ciphersuite_t ciphersuite);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_add_tls_ciphersuite
 * @abstract
 *      Add a TLS ciphersuite to the set of enabled ciphersuites.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param ciphersuite
 *      A SSLCipherSuite value.
API_DEPRECATED("Use sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite", macos(10.14, 10.15), ios(12.0, 13.0), watchos(5.0, 6.0), tvos(12.0, 13.0), macCatalyst(13.0, 13.0))
sec_protocol_options_add_tls_ciphersuite(sec_protocol_options_t options, SSLCipherSuite ciphersuite);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite_group
 * @abstract
 *      Append a TLS ciphersuite group to the set of enabled ciphersuites.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param group
 *      A SSLCipherSuiteGroup value.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite_group(sec_protocol_options_t options, tls_ciphersuite_group_t group);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_add_tls_ciphersuite_group
 * @abstract
 *      Add a TLS ciphersuite group to the set of enabled ciphersuites.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param group
 *      A SSLCipherSuiteGroup value.
API_DEPRECATED("Use sec_protocol_options_append_tls_ciphersuite_group", macos(10.14, 10.15), ios(12.0, 13.0), watchos(5.0, 6.0), tvos(12.0, 13.0), macCatalyst(13.0, 13.0))
sec_protocol_options_add_tls_ciphersuite_group(sec_protocol_options_t options, SSLCiphersuiteGroup group);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_min_version
 * @abstract
 *      Set the minimum support TLS version.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param version
 *      A SSLProtocol enum value.
                                macos(10.14, 10.15), ios(12.0, 13.0), watchos(5.0, 6.0), tvos(12.0, 13.0), macCatalyst(13.0, 13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_min_version(sec_protocol_options_t options, SSLProtocol version);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Set the minimum support TLS version.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param version
 *      A tls_protocol_version_t enum value.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_min_tls_protocol_version(sec_protocol_options_t options, tls_protocol_version_t version);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_get_default_min_tls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Get the system default minimum TLS protocol version.
 * @return The default minimum TLS version.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))

 * @function sec_protocol_options_get_default_min_dtls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Get the system default minimum DTLS protocol version.
 * @return The default minimum DTLS version.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_max_version
 * @abstract
 *      Set the maximum support TLS version.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param version
 *      A SSLProtocol enum value.
                                macos(10.14, 10.15), ios(12.0, 13.0), watchos(5.0, 6.0), tvos(12.0, 13.0), macCatalyst(13.0, 13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_max_version(sec_protocol_options_t options, SSLProtocol version);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_max_tls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Set the maximum support TLS version.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param version
 *      A tls_protocol_version_t enum value.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_max_tls_protocol_version(sec_protocol_options_t options, tls_protocol_version_t version);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_get_default_max_tls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Get the system default maximum TLS protocol version.
 * @return The default maximum TLS version.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))

 * @function sec_protocol_options_get_default_max_tls_protocol_version
 * @abstract
 *      Get the system default maximum DTLS protocol version.
 * @return The default maximum DTLS version.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))

 * @function sec_protocol_options_get_enable_encrypted_client_hello
 * @abstract
 *      For experimental use only. Find out whether Encrypted Client Hello has been enabled.
 * @return A boolean that indicates whether or not Encrypted Client Hello has been enabled.
SPI_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0))
sec_protocol_options_get_enable_encrypted_client_hello(sec_protocol_options_t options);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_add_tls_application_protocol
 * @abstract
 *      Add an application protocol supported by clients of this protocol instance.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param application_protocol
 *      A NULL-terminated string defining the application protocol.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_add_tls_application_protocol(sec_protocol_options_t options, const char *application_protocol);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_server_name
 * @abstract
 *      Set the server name to be used when verifying the peer's certificate. This will override
 *      the server name obtained from the endpoint.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param server_name
 *      A NULL-terminated string carrying the server name.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_server_name(sec_protocol_options_t options, const char *server_name);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_diffie_hellman_parameters
 * @abstract
 *      Set the supported Diffie-Hellman parameters.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param params
 *      A dispatch_data_t containing legacy Diffie-Hellman parameters.
API_DEPRECATED("DHE ciphersuites are no longer supported", macos(10.14, 10.15), ios(12.0, 13.0), watchos(5.0, 6.0), tvos(12.0, 13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_diffie_hellman_parameters(sec_protocol_options_t options, dispatch_data_t params);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_add_pre_shared_key
 * @abstract
 *      Add a pre-shared key (PSK) and its identity to the options.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param psk
 *      A dispatch_data_t containing a PSK blob.
 * @param psk_identity
 *      A dispatch_data_t containing a PSK identity blob.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_add_pre_shared_key(sec_protocol_options_t options, dispatch_data_t psk, dispatch_data_t psk_identity);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_pre_shared_key_identity_hint
 * @abstract
 *      Set the PSK identity hint to use by servers when negotiating a PSK ciphersuite.
 *      See for more details.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param psk_identity_hint
 *      A dispatch_data_t containing a PSK identity hint.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_pre_shared_key_identity_hint(sec_protocol_options_t options, dispatch_data_t psk_identity_hint);

#ifdef __BLOCKS__

 * @block sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_complete_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when a PSK selection event is complete and a PSK identity is chosen.
 * @param psk_identity
 *      A `dispatch_data_t` instance carrying the chosen PSK identity, or nil if one does not match.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_complete_t)(dispatch_data_t _Nullable psk_identity);

 * @block sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when the client must choose a PSK identity given a hint from its peer.
 * @param metadata
 *      A `sec_protocol_metadata_t` instance.
 * @param psk_identity_hint
 *      A `dispatch_data_t` object carrying the peer's (optional) PSK identity hint.
 * @param complete
 *      A `sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_complete_t` block to be invoked when PSK selection is complete.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_t)(sec_protocol_metadata_t metadata, dispatch_data_t _Nullable psk_identity_hint, sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_complete_t complete);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_pre_shared_key_selection_block
 * @abstract
 *      Set the PSK selection block.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param psk_selection_block
 *      A `sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_t` block.
 * @params psk_selection_queue
 *      A `dispatch_queue_t` on which the PSK selection block should be called.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_pre_shared_key_selection_block(sec_protocol_options_t options, sec_protocol_pre_shared_key_selection_t psk_selection_block, dispatch_queue_t psk_selection_queue);

#endif // __BLOCKS__

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_tickets_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable TLS session ticket support.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param tickets_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable TLS session ticket support.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_tickets_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool tickets_enabled);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_is_fallback_attempt
 * @abstract
 *      Signal if this is a TLS fallback attempt.
 *      A fallback attempt is one following a previously failed TLS connection
 *      due to version or parameter incompatibility, e.g., when speaking to a server
 *      that does not support a client-offered ciphersuite.
 *      Clients MUST NOT enable fallback for fresh connections.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param is_fallback_attempt
 *      Set a flag indicating that this is a TLS fallback attempt.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_is_fallback_attempt(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool is_fallback_attempt);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_resumption_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable TLS session resumption.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param resumption_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable TLS session resumption.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_resumption_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool resumption_enabled);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_false_start_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable TLS False Start.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param false_start_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable TLS False Start.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_false_start_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool false_start_enabled);

 * @function nw_protocol_options_set_tls_ocsp_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable OCSP support.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param ocsp_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable OCSP support.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_ocsp_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool ocsp_enabled);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_sct_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable SCT (signed certificate timestamp) support.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param sct_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable SCT support.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_sct_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool sct_enabled);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_tls_renegotiation_enabled
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable TLS (1.2 and prior) session renegotiation. This defaults to `true`.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param renegotiation_enabled
 *      Flag to enable or disable TLS (1.2 and prior) session renegotiation.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_tls_renegotiation_enabled(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool renegotiation_enabled);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_peer_authentication_required
 * @abstract
 *      Enable or disable peer authentication. Clients default to true, whereas servers default to false.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param peer_authentication_required
 *      Flag to enable or disable mandatory peer authentication.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_peer_authentication_required(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool peer_authentication_required);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_peer_authentication_optional
 * @abstract
 *      When this is enabled, the endpoint requests the peer certificate, but if none is provided, the
 *      endpoint still proceeds with the connection. Default false for servers; always false for clients (clients ignore
 *      this option). If peer_authentication_required is set to true via
 *      sec_protocol_options_set_peer_authentication_required(), peer_authentication_optional will be disregarded
 *      and the peer certificate will be required.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param peer_authentication_optional
 *      Flag to enable or disable requested peer authentication.
SPI_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_peer_authentication_optional(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool peer_authentication_optional);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_enable_encrypted_client_hello
 * @abstract
 *      For experimental use only. When this is enabled, the Encrypted Client Hello extension will be sent on the Client
 *      Hello if TLS 1.3 is among the supported TLS versions. Default false for clients; always false for servers (servers
 *      ignore this option).
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param peer_authentication_optional
 *      Flag to enable or disable Encrypted Client Hello.
SPI_AVAILABLE(macos(10.16), ios(14.0), watchos(7.0), tvos(14.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_enable_encrypted_client_hello(sec_protocol_options_t options, bool enable_encrypted_client_hello);

#ifdef __BLOCKS__

 * @block sec_protocol_key_update_complete_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when a key update event is handled.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_key_update_complete_t)(void);

 * @block sec_protocol_key_update_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when the protocol key MUST be updated.
 * @param metadata
 *      A `sec_protocol_metadata_t` instance.
 * @param complete
 *      A `sec_protocol_key_update_complete_t` to be invoked when the key update is complete.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_key_update_t)(sec_protocol_metadata_t metadata, sec_protocol_key_update_complete_t complete);

 * @block sec_protocol_challenge_complete_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when an identity (authentication) challenge is complete.
 *      Note: prior to macOS 10.15, iOS 13.0, watchOS 6.0, and tvOS 13.0, calling this
 *      block with a NULL `identity` argument was prohibited.
 * @param identity
 *      A `sec_identity_t` containing the identity to use for this challenge.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_challenge_complete_t)(sec_identity_t __nullable identity);

 * @block sec_protocol_challenge_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when the protocol instance is issued a challenge (e.g., a TLS certificate request).
 * @param metadata
 *      A `sec_protocol_metadata_t` instance.
 * @param complete
 *      A `sec_protocol_challenge_complete_t` to be invoked when the challenge is complete.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_challenge_t)(sec_protocol_metadata_t metadata, sec_protocol_challenge_complete_t complete);

 * @block sec_protocol_verify_complete_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when verification is complete.
 * @param result
 *      A `bool` indicating if verification succeeded or failed.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_verify_complete_t)(bool result);

 * @block sec_protocol_verify_t
 * @abstract
 *      Block to be invoked when the protocol instance must verify the peer.
 *      NOTE: this may be called one or more times for a given connection.
 * @param metadata
 *      A `sec_protocol_metadata_t` instance.
 * @param trust_ref
 *      A `sec_trust_t` instance.
 * @param complete
 *      A `sec_protocol_verify_finish_t` to be invoked when verification is complete.
typedef void (^sec_protocol_verify_t)(sec_protocol_metadata_t metadata, sec_trust_t trust_ref, sec_protocol_verify_complete_t complete);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_key_update_block
 * @abstract
 *      Set the key update block.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @param key_update_block
 *      A `sec_protocol_key_update_t` block.
 * @params key_update_queue
 *      A `dispatch_queue_t` on which the key update block should be called.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_key_update_block(sec_protocol_options_t options, sec_protocol_key_update_t key_update_block, dispatch_queue_t key_update_queue);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_challenge_block
 * @abstract
 *      Set the challenge block.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @params challenge_block
 *      A `sec_protocol_challenge_t` block.
 * @params challenge_queue
 *      A `dispatch_queue_t` on which the challenge block should be called.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_challenge_block(sec_protocol_options_t options, sec_protocol_challenge_t challenge_block, dispatch_queue_t challenge_queue);

 * @function sec_protocol_options_set_verify_block
 * @abstract
 *      Set the verify block.
 * @param options
 *      A `sec_protocol_options_t` instance.
 * @params verify_block
 *      A `sec_protocol_verify_t` block.
 * @params verify_block_queue
 *      A `dispatch_queue_t` on which the verify block should be called.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.14), ios(12.0), watchos(5.0), tvos(12.0))
sec_protocol_options_set_verify_block(sec_protocol_options_t options, sec_protocol_verify_t verify_block, dispatch_queue_t verify_block_queue);

#endif // __BLOCKS__



#endif // SecProtocolOptions_h