SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfo.h   [plain text]

// This file was automatically generated by protocompiler
// Compiled from C2Metric.proto

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <ProtocolBuffer/PBCodable.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
#define SECC2MPCLOUDKITOPERATIONINFO_FUNCTION extern "C" __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))
#define SECC2MPCLOUDKITOPERATIONINFO_FUNCTION extern __attribute__((visibility("hidden")))

@interface SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfo : PBCodable <NSCopying>
    uint32_t _operationGroupIndex;
    NSString *_operationId;
    NSString *_operationType;
    BOOL _operationTriggered;
    struct {
        int operationGroupIndex:1;
        int operationTriggered:1;
    } _has;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasOperationId;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *operationId;

@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL hasOperationType;
@property (nonatomic, retain) NSString *operationType;

@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasOperationTriggered;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL operationTriggered;

@property (nonatomic) BOOL hasOperationGroupIndex;
/** Index of associated Metric.CloudKitInfo.operation_group */
@property (nonatomic) uint32_t operationGroupIndex;

// Performs a shallow copy into other
- (void)copyTo:(SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfo *)other;

// Performs a deep merge from other into self
// If set in other, singular values in self are replaced in self
// Singular composite values are recursively merged
// Repeated values from other are appended to repeated values in self
- (void)mergeFrom:(SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfo *)other;

SECC2MPCLOUDKITOPERATIONINFO_FUNCTION BOOL SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfoReadFrom(__unsafe_unretained SECC2MPCloudKitOperationInfo *self, __unsafe_unretained PBDataReader *reader);
