main.c   [plain text]

/* Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */

#include "securityd_service.h"
#include "securityd_service_client.h"
#include <libaks.h>

#include <sandbox.h>
#include <xpc/xpc.h>
#include <xpc/private.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/codesign.h>
#include <os/log.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <security_utilities/simulatecrash_assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>
#include <bsm/libbsm.h>
#include <copyfile.h>
#include <AssertMacros.h>
#include <Security/Security.h>
#include <Security/SecTask.h>
#include <Security/SecTaskPriv.h>
#include <Security/SecKeychainPriv.h>
#include <Security/SecInternalReleasePriv.h>
#include <MobileKeyBag/MobileKeyBag.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccsha2.h>
#include <corecrypto/cchmac.h>

#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <Kernel/IOKit/crypto/AppleFDEKeyStoreDefs.h>

#define LOG(...)    os_log_debug(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, ##__VA_ARGS__);

static bool check_signature(xpc_connection_t connection);

static pid_t get_caller_pid(audit_token_t * token)
    pid_t pid = 0;
    if (token) {
        audit_token_to_au32(*token, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &pid, NULL, NULL);
    return pid;

// exported from libaks.a
kern_return_t aks_register_for_notifications(mach_port_t server_port, uintptr_t message_id);
kern_return_t aks_stash_escrow(keybag_handle_t handle, bool create, const void * secret, int secret_len, const void * in_data, int in_data_len, void ** out_data, int * out_data_len);

const char * kb_home_path = "Library/Keychains";
const char * kb_user_bag = "user.kb";
const char * kb_stash_bag = "stash.kb";

#define HEXBUF_LEN 2048

typedef struct {
    uid_t uid;
    gid_t gid;
    char * name;
    char * home;
} service_user_record_t;

typedef enum {
} kb_bag_type_t;

static io_connect_t
    io_registry_entry_t service;
    io_connect_t conn;
    kern_return_t kr;

    service = IOServiceGetMatchingService(kIOMasterPortDefault, IOServiceMatching(kAppleFDEKeyStoreServiceName));
    if (service == IO_OBJECT_NULL)
        return IO_OBJECT_NULL;

    kr = IOServiceOpen(service, mach_task_self(), 0, &conn);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)
        return IO_OBJECT_NULL;

    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStoreUserClientOpen, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
        return IO_OBJECT_NULL;

    return conn;

static void
closeiodev(io_connect_t conn)
    kern_return_t kr;
    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStoreUserClientClose, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
    if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS)

static dispatch_queue_t
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken = 0;
    static dispatch_queue_t connection_queue = NULL;

    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        connection_queue = dispatch_queue_create("kb-service-queue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);

    return connection_queue;

static service_user_record_t * get_user_record(uid_t uid)
    service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
    long bufsize = 0;
    if ((bufsize = sysconf(_SC_GETPW_R_SIZE_MAX)) == -1) {
        bufsize = 4096;
    char *buf = calloc(1, (size_t)bufsize);
    struct passwd pwbuf, *pw = NULL;
    int rc;
    if (((rc = getpwuid_r(uid, &pwbuf, buf, bufsize, &pw)) == 0) && pw != NULL) {
        ur = calloc(1u, sizeof(service_user_record_t));
        require(ur, done);
        ur->uid = pw->pw_uid;
        ur->gid = pw->pw_gid;
        ur->home = strdup(pw->pw_dir);
        ur->name = strdup(pw->pw_name);
    } else {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed (%d) to lookup user record for uid: %d", rc, uid);

    return ur;

static void free_user_record(service_user_record_t * ur)
    if (ur != NULL) {
        if (ur->home) {
        if (ur->name) {

static const char * get_host_uuid()
    static uuid_string_t hostuuid = {};
    static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        struct timespec timeout = {30, 0};
        uuid_t uuid = {};
        if (gethostuuid(uuid, &timeout) == 0) {
            uuid_unparse(uuid, hostuuid);
        } else {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to get host uuid");
            onceToken = 0;

    return hostuuid;

static uint64_t
compute_kcv(uint8_t * key, size_t key_len)
    uint8_t hmac[CCSHA256_OUTPUT_SIZE] = { 0 };
    uint8_t kcv_data[] = {0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01};
    cchmac(ccsha256_di(), key_len, key, sizeof(kcv_data), kcv_data, hmac);
    return (uint64_t)(*(uint64_t *)hmac);

static char *
_kb_copy_bag_filename(service_user_record_t * ur, kb_bag_type_t type)
    char * bag_file = NULL;
    const char * name = NULL;

    require(ur, done);
    switch(type) {
        case kb_bag_type_user:
            name = kb_user_bag;
        case kb_bag_type_stash:
            name = kb_stash_bag;
            goto done;

    bag_file = calloc(1u, PATH_MAX);
    require(bag_file, done);

    snprintf(bag_file, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s/%s/%s", ur->home, kb_home_path, get_host_uuid(), name);

    return bag_file;

static bool
_kb_verify_create_path(service_user_record_t * ur)
    bool created = false;
    struct stat st_info = {};
    char new_path[PATH_MAX] = {};
    char kb_path[PATH_MAX] = {};
    snprintf(kb_path, sizeof(kb_path), "%s/%s/%s", ur->home, kb_home_path, get_host_uuid());
    if (lstat(kb_path, &st_info) == 0) {
        if (S_ISDIR(st_info.st_mode)) {
            created = true;
        } else {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "invalid directory at '%{public}s' moving aside", kb_path);
            snprintf(new_path, sizeof(new_path), "%s-invalid", kb_path);
            if (rename(kb_path, new_path) != 0) {
                os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to rename file: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", kb_path, errno);
                goto done;
    if (!created) {
        errno_t err = mkpath_np(kb_path, 0700);
        require_action(err == 0 || err == EEXIST, done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "could not create path: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", kb_path, err));
        created = true;

    if (!created) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "_kb_verify_create_path failed %{public}s", kb_path);
    return created;

static void
_set_thread_credentials(service_user_record_t * ur)
    int rc = pthread_setugid_np(ur->uid, ur->gid);
    if (rc) { os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to set thread credential: %{darwin.errno}d", errno); }

    rc = initgroups(ur->name, ur->gid);
    if (rc) { os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to initgroups: %i", rc); }

static void
    int rc = pthread_setugid_np(KAUTH_UID_NONE, KAUTH_GID_NONE);
    if (rc) { os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to reset thread credential: %{darwin.errno}d", errno); }

static bool
_kb_bag_exists(service_user_record_t * ur, const char * bag_file)
    bool exists = false;
    struct stat st_info = {};
    char new_file[PATH_MAX] = {};

    require(ur, done);

    if (lstat(bag_file, &st_info) == 0) {
        if (S_ISREG(st_info.st_mode)) {
            exists = true;
        } else {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "invalid file at '%{public}s' moving aside", bag_file);
            snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s-invalid", bag_file);
            if (rename(bag_file, new_file) != 0) {
                os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to rename file: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", bag_file, errno);

    return exists;

static bool
_kb_save_bag_to_disk(service_user_record_t * ur, const char * bag_file, void * data, size_t length, uint64_t * kcv)
    bool result = false;
    char tmp_bag[PATH_MAX];
    int fd = -1;

    require(bag_file, done);

    require(_kb_verify_create_path(ur), done);

    require_action(snprintf(tmp_bag, sizeof(tmp_bag), "%s.tmp", bag_file) < sizeof(tmp_bag), done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "path too large"));

    fd = open(tmp_bag, O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY | O_NOFOLLOW, 0600);
    require_action(fd != -1, done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "could not create file: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", tmp_bag, errno));
    require_action(write(fd, data, length) == length, done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to write keybag to disk %s %{darwin.errno}d", tmp_bag, errno));

    /* try atomic swap (will fail if destination doesn't exist); if that fails, try regular rename */
    if (renamex_np(tmp_bag, bag_file, RENAME_SWAP) != 0) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Warning: atomic swap failed, error= %{darwin.errno}d", errno);
        require_noerr_action(rename(tmp_bag, bag_file), done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "could not save keybag file, error= %{darwin.errno}d", errno));
    } else {
    *kcv = compute_kcv(data, length);
    result = true;

    if (fd != -1) { close(fd); }
    return result;

static bool
_kb_load_bag_from_disk(service_user_record_t * ur, const char * bag_file, uint8_t ** data, size_t * length, uint64_t * kcv)
    bool result = false;
    int fd = -1;
    uint8_t * buf = NULL;
    size_t buf_size = 0;
    struct stat st_info = {};

    require(bag_file, done);

    require(_kb_verify_create_path(ur), done);
    require_action_quiet(lstat(bag_file, &st_info) == 0, done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to stat file: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", bag_file, errno));
    require_action(S_ISREG(st_info.st_mode), done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to load, not a file: %{public}s", bag_file));
    buf_size = (size_t)st_info.st_size;

    fd = open(bag_file, O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW);
    require_action(fd != -1, done, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "could not open file: %{public}s %{darwin.errno}d", bag_file, errno));

    buf = (uint8_t *)calloc(1u, buf_size);
    require(buf != NULL, done);
    require(read(fd, buf, buf_size) == buf_size, done);

    *kcv = compute_kcv(buf, buf_size);
    *data = buf;
    *length = buf_size;
    buf = NULL;
    result = true;

    if (fd != -1) { close(fd); }
    if (buf) { free(buf); }
    return result;

static void
_kb_invalidate_bag(service_user_record_t *ur, const char * bag_file, uint64_t * kcv)
    uint8_t *buf = NULL;
    size_t buf_size = 0;

    require(ur, out);

    if (_kb_load_bag_from_disk(ur, bag_file, &buf, &buf_size, kcv)) {
        require_action(buf && buf_size <= INT_MAX, out, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to read: %{public}s", bag_file));
        require_noerr_action(aks_invalidate_bag(buf, (int)buf_size), out, os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to invalidate file: %{public}s", bag_file));
    } else {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to read file: %{public}s", bag_file);


static void
_kb_rename_bag_on_disk(service_user_record_t * ur, const char * bag_file, uint64_t * kcv)
    char new_file[PATH_MAX] = {};
    if (bag_file) {
        snprintf(new_file, sizeof(new_file), "%s-invalid", bag_file);
        rename(bag_file, new_file);
        _kb_invalidate_bag(ur, new_file, kcv);

static void
_kb_delete_bag_on_disk(service_user_record_t * ur, const char * bag_file, uint64_t * kcv)
    if (bag_file) {
        _kb_invalidate_bag(ur, bag_file, kcv);

static int service_kb_load(service_context_t *context);
static int service_kb_load_uid(uid_t s_uid, uint64_t * kcv);

static int
_service_kb_set_system(keybag_handle_t handle, keybag_handle_t special_handle)
    //Use reserved root handle for root sessions, since 0 clashes with device_keybag_handle in AKS
    return  aks_set_system(handle, (special_handle == 0) ? AKS_MACOS_ROOT_HANDLE : special_handle);

static int
_service_kb_get_system(keybag_handle_t special_handle, keybag_handle_t * handle_out)
    //Use reserved root handle for root sessions, since 0 clashes with device_keybag_handle in AKS
    return aks_get_system((special_handle == 0) ? AKS_MACOS_ROOT_HANDLE : special_handle, handle_out);

static int
_kb_get_session_handle(service_context_t * context, keybag_handle_t * handle_out)
    int rc = KB_BagNotLoaded;
    require_noerr_quiet(_service_kb_get_system(context->s_uid, handle_out), done);

    rc = KB_Success;

    if (rc == KB_BagNotLoaded) {
        if (service_kb_load(context) == KB_Success) {
            if (_service_kb_get_system(context->s_uid, handle_out) == kAKSReturnSuccess) {
                rc = KB_Success;
    return rc;

static void update_keybag_handle(keybag_handle_t handle)
    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uid_t uid = (handle == (-AKS_MACOS_ROOT_HANDLE)) ? 0 : abs(handle);
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
        char * bag_file = NULL;
        uint64_t kcv = 0;

        require_noerr(aks_save_bag(handle, (void**)&buf, (int*)&buf_size), done);
        require(ur = get_user_record(uid), done);
        require(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user), done);
        require(_kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, buf, buf_size, &kcv), done);

        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "successfully updated handle %d, save keybag kcv: 0x%0llx", handle, kcv);

        if (buf) free(buf);
        if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
        if (bag_file) free(bag_file);

static int
_kb_get_options_for_uid(uid_t uid, CFMutableDictionaryRef *options_out)
    int result = KB_GeneralError;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef options = NULL;
    CFNumberRef cf_uid = NULL;

    require(options_out, out);

    require(options = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks), out);
    require(cf_uid = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &uid), out);
    CFDictionaryAddValue(options, kKeyBagDeviceHandle, cf_uid);

    *options_out = options;
    options = NULL;

    result = KB_Success;
    if (options) { CFRelease(options); }
    if (cf_uid) { CFRelease(cf_uid); }

    return result;

static int
_kb_set_properties(service_context_t * context, const void * secret, int secret_len)
    int result = KB_GeneralError;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef options = NULL;
    CFDataRef passcode = NULL;

    require_noerr(_kb_get_options_for_uid(context->s_uid, &options), done);

    /* set user uuid, if not already set */
    passcode = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, secret, secret_len, kCFAllocatorNull);
    if (MKBKeyBagSetUserUUID(options, passcode)) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "set user uuid failed");

    if (MKBKeyBagBindKEK(options, passcode)) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "KEK bind failed");
    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "Not bindinig KEK, update SDK");

    result = KB_Success;
    if (options) { CFRelease(options); }
    if (passcode) { CFRelease(passcode); }
    return result;

static int
service_kb_create(service_context_t * context, const void * secret, int secret_len)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        keybag_handle_t private_handle = bad_keybag_handle, session_handle = bad_keybag_handle;
        service_user_record_t * ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid);
        char * bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user);

        require(bag_file, done);

        // check for the existance of the bagfile
        require_action(!_kb_bag_exists(ur, bag_file), done, rc = KB_BagExists);

        require_noerr(rc = aks_create_bag(secret, secret_len, kAppleKeyStoreDeviceBag, &private_handle), done);
        require_noerr(rc = aks_save_bag(private_handle, (void**)&buf, (int*)&buf_size), done);
        require_action(_kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, buf, buf_size, &context->kcv), done, rc = KB_BagError);
        require_noerr(rc = _service_kb_set_system(private_handle, context->s_uid), done);
        require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

        if (secret && rc == KB_Success) {
            aks_unlock_bag(session_handle, secret, secret_len);

        if (rc == KB_Success) {
            _kb_set_properties(context, secret, secret_len);

        if (private_handle != bad_keybag_handle) {
        if (buf) free(buf);
        if (bag_file) { free(bag_file); }
        if (ur) free_user_record(ur);

    return rc;

/* Load s_uid's keybag, unless already loaded */
static int
_service_kb_load_uid(uid_t s_uid, uint64_t * kcv)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        keybag_handle_t private_handle = bad_keybag_handle, session_handle = bad_keybag_handle;
        service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
        char * bag_file = NULL;
        int _stage = 0;

        rc = _service_kb_get_system(s_uid, &session_handle);
        if (rc == kAKSReturnNotFound) {
            require_action(ur = get_user_record(s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError; _stage = 1);
            require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user), done, rc = KB_GeneralError; _stage = 2);
            require_action_quiet(_kb_load_bag_from_disk(ur, bag_file, &buf, &buf_size, kcv), done, rc = KB_BagNotFound; _stage = 3);
            rc = aks_load_bag(buf, (int)buf_size, &private_handle);
            switch (rc) {
                case kAKSReturnBadDeviceKey:
                case kAKSReturnBadSignature:
                case kAKSReturnDecodeError:
                case kAKSReturnPolicyInvalid:
                    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "bag load failed 0x%x for uid (%i), discarding", rc, s_uid);
                    _kb_rename_bag_on_disk(ur, bag_file, kcv);
                    rc = KB_BagNotFound;
                case kAKSReturnSuccess:
                    /* nothing to do */
                    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "bag load failed 0x%x for uid (%i)", rc, s_uid);
            require_noerr_action(rc, done, _stage = 4);
            require_noerr_action(rc = _service_kb_set_system(private_handle, s_uid), done, _stage = 5);
        require(rc == KB_Success, done);

        if (private_handle != bad_keybag_handle) {
        // this function should never fail unless bootstrapping the user for the first time, or rare conditions from aks_load_bag
        if (rc != KB_Success) {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%d: error %d loading keybag for uid (%i) at path: %{public}s", _stage, rc, s_uid, bag_file);
        if (buf) free(buf);
        if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
        if (bag_file) free(bag_file);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_load_uid(uid_t s_uid, uint64_t * kcv)
    return _service_kb_load_uid(s_uid, kcv);

static int
service_kb_load(service_context_t * context)
    return _service_kb_load_uid(context->s_uid, &context->kcv);

static int
service_kb_unload(service_context_t *context)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        keybag_handle_t session_handle = bad_keybag_handle;

        rc = _service_kb_get_system(context->s_uid, &session_handle);
        if (rc == kAKSReturnNotFound) {
            // No session bag, nothing to do
            rc = KB_Success;
        } else if (rc != kAKSReturnSuccess) {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "error locating session keybag for uid (%i) in session (%i)", context->s_uid, context->s_id);
            rc = KB_BagError;

        rc = aks_unload_bag(session_handle);
        if (rc != kAKSReturnSuccess) {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "error unloading keybag for uid (%i) in session (%i)", context->s_uid, context->s_id);
            rc = KB_BagError;
        } else {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "successfully unloaded keybag (%ld) for uid (%i) in session (%i)", (long)session_handle, context->s_uid, context->s_id);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_save(service_context_t * context)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
        char * bag_file = NULL;

        require_noerr(rc = aks_save_bag(session_handle, (void**)&buf, (int*)&buf_size), done);
        require_action(ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
        require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
        require_action(_kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, buf, buf_size, &context->kcv), done, rc = KB_BagError);

        rc = KB_Success;

        if (buf) free(buf);
        if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
        if (bag_file) free(bag_file);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_unlock(service_context_t * context, const void * secret, int secret_len)
    int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    CFDataRef passcode = NULL;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef options = NULL;

    require_noerr(_kb_get_options_for_uid(context->s_uid, &options), done);

    /* technically, session_handle is not needed. Call this to handle lazy keybag loading */
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    require(passcode = CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy(NULL, secret, secret_len, kCFAllocatorNull), done);

    rc = MKBUnlockDevice(passcode, options);
    os_log_info(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "MKBUnlockDevice result: (%ld), caller pid: %d", (long)rc, get_caller_pid(&context->procToken));

    if (options) { CFRelease(options); }
    if (passcode) { CFRelease(passcode); }
    return rc;

static int
service_kb_lock(service_context_t * context)
    // this call has been disabled
    return -1;

static int
service_kb_change_secret(service_context_t * context, const void * secret, int secret_len, const void * new_secret, int new_secret_len)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
        char * bag_file = NULL;

        require_noerr(rc = aks_change_secret(session_handle, secret, secret_len, new_secret, new_secret_len, generation_noop, NULL), done);
        require_noerr(rc = aks_save_bag(session_handle, (void**)&buf, (int*)&buf_size), done);
        require_action(ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
        require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
        require_action(_kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, buf, buf_size, &context->kcv), done, rc = KB_BagError);

        rc = KB_Success;

        if (buf) free(buf);
        if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
        if (bag_file) free(bag_file);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_reset(service_context_t * context, const void * secret, int secret_len)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
    char * bag_file = NULL;

    require_action(ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_user), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);

    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        uint8_t * buf = NULL;
        size_t buf_size = 0;
        keybag_handle_t private_handle = bad_keybag_handle, session_handle = bad_keybag_handle;

        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "resetting keybag for uid (%i) in session (%i)", context->s_uid, context->s_id);
        _kb_rename_bag_on_disk(ur, bag_file, &context->kcv);

        require_noerr(rc = aks_create_bag(secret, secret_len, kAppleKeyStoreDeviceBag, &private_handle), done);
        require_noerr(rc = aks_save_bag(private_handle, (void**)&buf, (int*)&buf_size), done);
        require_action(_kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, buf, buf_size, &context->kcv), done, rc = KB_BagError);
        require_noerr(rc = _service_kb_set_system(private_handle, context->s_uid), done);
        require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

        if (secret && rc == KB_Success) {
            aks_unlock_bag(session_handle, secret, secret_len);

        if (rc == KB_Success) {
            _kb_set_properties(context, secret, secret_len);

        if (private_handle != bad_keybag_handle) {
        if (buf) free(buf);

    if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
    if (bag_file) free(bag_file);
    return rc;

static int
service_kb_is_locked(service_context_t * context, xpc_object_t reply)
    int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    keybag_state_t state;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    require_noerr(rc = aks_get_lock_state(session_handle, &state), done);

    xpc_dictionary_set_bool(reply, SERVICE_XPC_LOCKED, state & keybag_state_locked);
    xpc_dictionary_set_bool(reply, SERVICE_XPC_NO_PIN, state & keybag_state_no_pin);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_wrap_key(service_context_t *context, xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    size_t sz;
    const void *key;
    int key_size;
    keyclass_t key_class;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    void *wrapped_key = NULL;
    int wrapped_key_size;
    keyclass_t wrapped_key_class;

    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    key = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_KEY, &sz);
    require_action(key != NULL, done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    require_action(sz <= APPLE_KEYSTORE_MAX_KEY_LEN, done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    key_size = (int)sz;
    key_class = (keyclass_t)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(event, SERVICE_XPC_KEYCLASS);

    wrapped_key = calloc(1, wrapped_key_size);

    rc = aks_wrap_key(key, key_size, key_class, session_handle, wrapped_key, &wrapped_key_size, &wrapped_key_class);
    if (rc == KB_Success) {
        xpc_dictionary_set_data(reply, SERVICE_XPC_WRAPPED_KEY, wrapped_key, wrapped_key_size);
        xpc_dictionary_set_int64(reply, SERVICE_XPC_KEYCLASS, wrapped_key_class);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_unwrap_key(service_context_t *context, xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    size_t sz;
    const void *wrapped_key;
    int wrapped_key_size;
    keyclass_t wrapped_key_class;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    void *key = NULL;
    int key_size;

    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);

    wrapped_key = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_WRAPPED_KEY, &sz);
    require_action(wrapped_key != NULL, done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    require_action(sz <= APPLE_KEYSTORE_MAX_ASYM_WRAPPED_KEY_LEN, done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    wrapped_key_size = (int)sz;
    wrapped_key_class = (keyclass_t)xpc_dictionary_get_int64(event, SERVICE_XPC_KEYCLASS);

    key = calloc(1, key_size);

    rc = aks_unwrap_key(wrapped_key, wrapped_key_size, wrapped_key_class, session_handle, key, &key_size);
    if (rc == KB_Success) {
        xpc_dictionary_set_data(reply, SERVICE_XPC_KEY, key, key_size);

    return rc;

static int
service_kb_stash_create(service_context_t * context, const void * key, unsigned key_size)
    int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    char * bag_file = NULL;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
    void * stashbag = NULL;
    int stashbag_size = 0;
    __block bool saved = false;

    require(key, done);
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);
    require_action(ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    require_noerr(rc = aks_stash_escrow(session_handle, true, key, key_size, NULL, 0, (void**)&stashbag, &stashbag_size), done);
    require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_stash), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);

    // sync writing the bag to disk
    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        saved = _kb_save_bag_to_disk(ur, bag_file, stashbag, stashbag_size, &context->kcv);
    require_action(saved, done, rc = KB_BagError);
    rc = KB_Success;

    if (stashbag) { free(stashbag); }
    if (bag_file) { free(bag_file); }
    if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
    return rc;

static int
service_kb_stash_load(service_context_t * context, const void * key, unsigned key_size, bool nondestructive)
    __block int rc = KB_GeneralError;
    char * bag_file = NULL;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    service_user_record_t * ur = NULL;
    __block uint8_t * stashbag = NULL;
    __block size_t stashbag_size = 0;

    require(key, done);
    require_noerr(rc = _kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);
    require_action(ur = get_user_record(context->s_uid), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
    require_action(bag_file = _kb_copy_bag_filename(ur, kb_bag_type_stash), done, rc = KB_GeneralError);

    // sync loading the bag from disk
    dispatch_sync(_kb_service_get_dispatch_queue(), ^{
        if (!_kb_load_bag_from_disk(ur, bag_file, &stashbag, &stashbag_size, &context->kcv)) {
            rc = KB_BagError;
    require_noerr(rc, done);

    require_noerr(rc = aks_stash_escrow(session_handle, false, key, key_size, stashbag, (int)stashbag_size, NULL, NULL), done);
    rc = KB_Success;

    if (stashbag) { free(stashbag); }
    if ((bag_file) && (!nondestructive)) {
        _kb_delete_bag_on_disk(ur, bag_file, &context->kcv);
    if (ur) free_user_record(ur);
    return rc;

// Get the keychain master key from the AppleFDEKeyStore.
// Note that this is a one-time call - the master key is
// removed from the keystore after it is returned.
// Requires the entitlement:
OSStatus service_stash_get_key(service_context_t * context, xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    getStashKey_InStruct_t inStruct;
    getStashKey_OutStruct_t outStruct;
    size_t outSize = sizeof(outStruct);
    kern_return_t kr = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT;

    io_connect_t conn = openiodev();
    require(conn, done);
    inStruct.type = kAppleFDEKeyStoreStash_master;

    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStore_getStashKey,
                             NULL, 0,
                             &inStruct, sizeof(inStruct),
                             NULL, NULL,
                             &outStruct, &outSize);

    if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        xpc_dictionary_set_data(reply, SERVICE_XPC_KEY, outStruct.outBuf.key.key, outStruct.outBuf.key.keysize);
        service_kb_stash_load(context, outStruct.outBuf.key.key, outStruct.outBuf.key.keysize, false);
    } else {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to get stash key: %d", (int)kr);

    if (conn)

    return kr;

// Stash the keychain master key in the AppleFDEKeyStore and
// flag it as the keychain master key to be added to the
// reboot NVRAM blob.
// This requires two calls to the AKS: the first to store the
// key and get its uuid.  The second uses the uuid to flag the
// key for blob inclusion.
OSStatus service_stash_set_key(service_context_t * context, xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    kern_return_t kr = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    io_connect_t conn = IO_OBJECT_NULL;
    size_t keydata_len = 0;
    size_t len;

    keybag_state_t state;
    keybag_handle_t session_handle;
    require_noerr(_kb_get_session_handle(context, &session_handle), done);
    require_noerr(aks_get_lock_state(session_handle, &state), done);
    require_action(!(state & keybag_lock_locked), done, kr = CSSMERR_CSP_OS_ACCESS_DENIED; LOG("stash failed keybag locked"));

    conn = openiodev();
    require(conn, done);

    // Store the key in the keystore and get its uuid
    setKeyGetUUID_InStruct_t inStruct1;
    uuid_OutStruct_t outStruct1;

    const uint8_t *keydata = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_KEY, &keydata_len);
    require(keydata, done);
    require(keydata_len <= MAX_KEY_SIZE, done);

    _Static_assert(sizeof(inStruct1.inKey.key.key) == MAX_KEY_SIZE, "unexpected aks raw key size");
    memcpy(&inStruct1.inKey.key.key, keydata, keydata_len);
    inStruct1.inKey.key.keysize = (cryptosize_t) keydata_len;
    len = sizeof(outStruct1);
    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStore_setKeyGetUUID,
                             NULL, 0,
                             &inStruct1, sizeof(inStruct1),
                             NULL, NULL,
                             &outStruct1, &len);
    require(kr == KERN_SUCCESS, done);

    // Now using the uuid stash it as the master key
    setStashKey_InStruct_t inStruct2;
    _Static_assert(sizeof(outStruct1.uuid) == sizeof(inStruct2.uuid), "invalid uuid size(s)");
    memcpy(&inStruct2.uuid, &outStruct1.uuid, sizeof(outStruct1.uuid));
    inStruct2.type  = kAppleFDEKeyStoreStash_master;

    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStore_setStashKey,
                             NULL, 0,
                             &inStruct2, sizeof(inStruct2),
                             NULL, NULL,
                             NULL, NULL);

    if  (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        service_kb_stash_create(context, keydata, (unsigned)keydata_len);
    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "set stashkey %d", (int)kr);

    if (conn)

    return kr;

// Load the master stash key
OSStatus service_stash_load_key(service_context_t * context, xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    kern_return_t kr = KERN_SUCCESS;
    size_t keydata_len = 0;

    const uint8_t *keydata = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_KEY, &keydata_len);
    require(keydata, done);

    kr = service_kb_stash_load(context, keydata, (cryptosize_t) keydata_len, true);

    return kr;

// Signal the AppleFDEKeyStore to take the tagged FDE key
// and keychain master key, stash them in an encrypted
// blob structure and write the blob to NVRAM.  The random
// encryption key is written to the SMC.
OSStatus service_stash_blob(xpc_object_t event, xpc_object_t reply)
    kern_return_t kr = KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT;

    io_connect_t conn = openiodev();
    require(conn, done);

    kr = IOConnectCallMethod(conn, kAppleFDEKeyStore_commitStash,
                             NULL, 0,
                             NULL, 0,
                             NULL, NULL,
                             NULL, NULL);
    if (conn)

    return kr;

bool peer_has_entitlement(xpc_connection_t peer, const char * entitlement)
    bool entitled = false;

    xpc_object_t value = xpc_connection_copy_entitlement_value(peer, entitlement);
    if (value && (xpc_get_type(value) == XPC_TYPE_BOOL)) {
        entitled = xpc_bool_get_value(value);

    if (value) xpc_release(value);
    return entitled;

static char * sel_to_char(uint64_t sel)
    switch (sel) {
            return "set_key";
            return "get_key";
        case SERVICE_STASH_BLOB:
            return "stash_blob";
        case SERVICE_KB_LOAD:
            return "kb_load";
        case SERVICE_KB_SAVE:
            return "kb_save";
        case SERVICE_KB_UNLOCK:
            return "kb_unlock";
        case SERVICE_KB_LOCK:
            return "kb_lock";
            return "kb_change_secret";
        case SERVICE_KB_CREATE:
            return "kb_create";
        case SERVICE_KB_IS_LOCKED:
            return "kb_is_locked";
        case SERVICE_KB_RESET:
            return "kb_reset";
        case SERVICE_KB_UNLOAD:
            return "kb_unload";
        case SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID:
            return "kb_load_uid";
        case SERVICE_KB_WRAP_KEY:
            return "kb_wrap_key";
            return "kb_unwrap_key";
            return "unknown";

static char * err_to_char(int err)
    switch (err) {
        case KB_Success:
            return "success";
        case KB_GeneralError:
            return "general error";
        case KB_BagNotFound:
            return "bag not found";
        case KB_BagError:
            return "bag error";
        case KB_BagNotLoaded:
            return "bag not loaded";
        case KB_BagExists:
            return "bag exists";
        case KB_InvalidSession:
            return "invalid session";
            return "";

static bool log_kcv(uint64_t request)
    if ((request == SERVICE_KB_CREATE)                      ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_LOAD)                        ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_SAVE)                        ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_UNLOCK)                      ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_CHANGE_SECRET)               ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_RESET)                       ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_IS_LOCKED)                   ||
        (request == SERVICE_STASH_GET_KEY)                  ||
        (request == SERVICE_STASH_SET_KEY)                  ||
        (request == SERVICE_STASH_LOAD_KEY)                 ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID)                    ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_WRAP_KEY)                    ||
        (request == SERVICE_KB_UNWRAP_KEY)) {

        return true;
    return false;

void service_peer_event_handler(xpc_connection_t connection, xpc_object_t event)
    xpc_type_t type = xpc_get_type(event);
    uid_t uid;

    if (type == XPC_TYPE_ERROR) {
        if (event == XPC_ERROR_CONNECTION_INVALID) {
    } else {
        assert(type == XPC_TYPE_DICTIONARY);

        int rc = KB_GeneralError;
        uint64_t request = 0;
        const uint8_t * secret = NULL, * new_secret = NULL;
        size_t secret_len = 0, new_secret_len = 0, data_len = 0;
        service_context_t * context = NULL;
        bool free_context = false;
        const void * data;
        const char *entitlement;

        xpc_object_t reply = xpc_dictionary_create_reply(event);

        request = xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, SERVICE_XPC_REQUEST);

        // For SERVICE_KB_{UNLOAD,LOAD} only, allow non-securityd, non-root but
        // entitled callers.
        if (request == SERVICE_KB_UNLOAD || request == SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID) {
            switch (request) {
                case SERVICE_KB_UNLOAD:
                    entitlement = "";
                case SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID:
                    entitlement = "";
            if (!peer_has_entitlement(connection, entitlement) && !peer_has_entitlement(connection, "")) {
        } else {
            if (xpc_connection_get_euid(connection) != 0) {
            if (!check_signature(connection)) {

        data = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_CONTEXT, &data_len);
        require_action(data || request == SERVICE_KB_UNLOAD || request == SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID, done, rc = KB_GeneralError);
        if (data) {
            require(data_len == sizeof(service_context_t), done);
            context = (service_context_t*)data;
        } else {
            audit_token_t audit_token = { 0 };
            xpc_connection_get_audit_token(connection, &audit_token);
            context = calloc(1, sizeof(service_context_t));
            context->s_id = xpc_connection_get_asid(connection);
            context->s_uid = xpc_connection_get_euid(connection);
            context->procToken = audit_token;
            free_context = true;
        context->kcv = 0;

        require_action(context->s_id != AU_DEFAUDITSID, done, rc = KB_InvalidSession);
        require_action(context->s_uid != AU_DEFAUDITID, done, rc = KB_InvalidSession); // we only want to work in actual user sessions.

        switch (request) {
            case SERVICE_KB_CREATE:
                secret = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_SECRET, &secret_len);
                rc = service_kb_create(context, secret, (int)secret_len);
            case SERVICE_KB_LOAD:
                rc = service_kb_load(context);
            case SERVICE_KB_UNLOAD:
                rc = service_kb_unload(context);
            case SERVICE_KB_SAVE:
                rc = service_kb_save(context);
            case SERVICE_KB_UNLOCK:
                secret = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_SECRET, &secret_len);
                rc = service_kb_unlock(context, secret, (int)secret_len);
            case SERVICE_KB_LOCK:
                rc = service_kb_lock(context);
            case SERVICE_KB_CHANGE_SECRET:
                secret = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_SECRET, &secret_len);
                new_secret = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_SECRET_NEW, &new_secret_len);
                rc = service_kb_change_secret(context, secret, (int)secret_len, new_secret, (int)new_secret_len);
            case SERVICE_KB_RESET:
                secret = xpc_dictionary_get_data(event, SERVICE_XPC_SECRET, &secret_len);
                rc = service_kb_reset(context, secret, (int)secret_len);
            case SERVICE_KB_IS_LOCKED:
                rc = service_kb_is_locked(context, reply);
            case SERVICE_STASH_GET_KEY:
                rc = service_stash_get_key(context, event, reply);
            case SERVICE_STASH_SET_KEY:
                rc = service_stash_set_key(context, event, reply);
            case SERVICE_STASH_LOAD_KEY:
                rc = service_stash_load_key(context, event, reply);
            case SERVICE_KB_LOAD_UID:
                uid = (uid_t)xpc_dictionary_get_uint64(event, SERVICE_XPC_UID);
                rc = service_kb_load_uid(uid, &context->kcv);
            case SERVICE_KB_WRAP_KEY:
                rc = service_kb_wrap_key(context, event, reply);
            case SERVICE_KB_UNWRAP_KEY:
                rc = service_kb_unwrap_key(context, event, reply);
            case SERVICE_STASH_BLOB:
                rc = service_stash_blob(event, reply);
                LOG("unknown service type");

            char log[200] = { 0 };
            int count = snprintf(log, sizeof(log), "selector: %s (%llu), error: %s (%x), sid: %d, suid: %d, pid: %d", sel_to_char(request), request, err_to_char(rc), rc, context ? context->s_id : 0, context ? context->s_uid : 0, context ? get_caller_pid(&context->procToken) : 0);
            if (log_kcv(request) && (count < sizeof(log) - 1) && (count > 0) && (context) && (context->kcv > 0)) {
                count = snprintf(log + count, sizeof(log) - count, ", kcv: 0x%0llx", context->kcv);
            if (count > 0) {
                LOG("%{public}s", log);
                if ((rc != 0) || log_kcv(request)) {
                    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "%{public}s", log);
        xpc_dictionary_set_int64(reply, SERVICE_XPC_RC, rc);
        xpc_connection_send_message(connection, reply);
        if (free_context) {

bool check_signature(xpc_connection_t connection)
    audit_token_t token;
    xpc_connection_get_audit_token(connection, &token);
    SecTaskRef task = SecTaskCreateWithAuditToken(NULL, token);
    if (task == NULL) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed getting SecTaskRef of the client");
        return false;

    uint32_t flags = SecTaskGetCodeSignStatus(task);
    /* check if valid and platform binary, but not platform path */

		if (SecIsInternalRelease()) {
				os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "client is not a platform binary: 0x%08x", flags);
				return false;
		} else {
			os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "client is not a platform binary: 0x%08x", flags);
			return false;

    CFStringRef signingIdentifier = SecTaskCopySigningIdentifier(task, NULL);
    if (signingIdentifier == NULL) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "client has no code signing identifier");
        return false;

    bool res = CFEqual(signingIdentifier, CFSTR(""));

    if (!res) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "client is not securityd");

    return res;
    return true;

static void register_for_notifications()
    __block kern_return_t kr;
    static mach_port_t mp = MACH_PORT_NULL;

    static dispatch_once_t onceToken = 0;
    dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
        kr = mach_port_allocate(mach_task_self(), MACH_PORT_RIGHT_RECEIVE, &mp);
        if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
            dispatch_source_t mach_src = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_MACH_RECV, mp, 0, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0));
            dispatch_source_set_event_handler(mach_src, ^{
                mach_msg_return_t mr;
                uint8_t buf[sizeof(aks_notification_msg_t) + MAX_TRAILER_SIZE] = {};
                aks_notification_msg_t * msg = (aks_notification_msg_t*)buf;
                mr = mach_msg((mach_msg_header_t*)&buf, MACH_RCV_MSG, 0, sizeof(buf), mp, MACH_MSG_TIMEOUT_NONE, MACH_PORT_NULL);
                if (mr == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS && msg->hdr.msgh_id == AKS_NOTIFICATION_MSGID) {
                    // ignored for now
                } else if (mr == MACH_MSG_SUCCESS && msg->hdr.msgh_id == AKS_NOTIFICATION_WRITE_SYSTEM_KEYBAG) {
                    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "request to update handle %d", msg->handle);
                } else {
                    os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "mach_msg error: %x", mr);
        } else {
            os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to create notification port");


    kr = aks_register_for_notifications(mp, AKS_NOTIFICATION_WRITE_SYSTEM_KEYBAG);
    if (kr == KERN_SUCCESS) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "registered for notifications");
    } else {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "failed to register for notifications %d", kr);

int main(int argc, const char * argv[])
    char * errorbuf;
    if (sandbox_init(SECURITYD_SERVICE_NAME, SANDBOX_NAMED, &errorbuf) != 0) {
        os_log(OS_LOG_DEFAULT, "sandbox_init failed %{public}s", errorbuf);
#ifndef DEBUG


    xpc_connection_t listener = xpc_connection_create_mach_service(SECURITYD_SERVICE_NAME, NULL, XPC_CONNECTION_MACH_SERVICE_LISTENER);
    xpc_connection_set_event_handler(listener, ^(xpc_object_t peer) {
        // It is safe to cast 'peer' to xpc_connection_t assuming
        // we have a correct configuration in our launchd.plist.
        xpc_connection_set_event_handler(peer, ^(xpc_object_t event) {
            service_peer_event_handler(peer, event);
