/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this * file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ import Foundation class Client: TrustedPeersHelperProtocol { let endpoint: NSXPCListenerEndpoint? let containerMap: ContainerMap init(endpoint: NSXPCListenerEndpoint?, containerMap: ContainerMap) { self.endpoint = endpoint self.containerMap = containerMap } func ping(reply: @escaping (() -> Void)) { reply() } func logComplete(function: String, container: ContainerName, error: Error?) { if let error = error { os_log("%@ errored for %@: %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, function, container.description, error as CVarArg) } else { os_log("%@ finished for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, function, container.description) } } internal func getContainer(withContainer container: String, context: String) throws -> Container { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) return try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) } func dump(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping ([AnyHashable: Any]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Dumping for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.dump { result, error in self.logComplete(function: "Dumping", container: container.name, error: error) reply(result, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Dumping failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func dumpEgoPeer(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (String?, TPPeerPermanentInfo?, TPPeerStableInfo?, TPPeerDynamicInfo?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Dumping peer for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.dumpEgoPeer { peerID, perm, stable, dyn, error in self.logComplete(function: "Dumping peer", container: container.name, error: error) reply(peerID, perm, stable, dyn, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Dumping peer failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func trustStatus(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (TrustedPeersHelperEgoPeerStatus, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.trustStatus(reply: reply) } catch { os_log("Trust status failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(TrustedPeersHelperEgoPeerStatus(egoPeerID: nil, status: TPPeerStatus.unknown, viablePeerCountsByModelID: [:], peerCountsByMachineID: [:], isExcluded: false, isLocked: false), CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchTrustState(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (TrustedPeersHelperPeerState?, [TrustedPeersHelperPeer]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Fetch Trust State for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchTrustState(reply: reply) } catch { os_log("Fetch Trust State failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func reset(withContainer container: String, context: String, resetReason: CuttlefishResetReason, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Resetting for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.reset(resetReason: resetReason) { error in self.logComplete(function: "Resetting", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Resetting failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func localReset(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Performing local reset for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.localReset { error in self.logComplete(function: "Local reset", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Local reset failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func setAllowedMachineIDsWithContainer(_ container: String, context: String, allowedMachineIDs: Set, reply: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Setting allowed machineIDs for %@ to %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description, allowedMachineIDs) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.setAllowedMachineIDs(allowedMachineIDs) { differences, error in self.logComplete(function: "Setting allowed machineIDs", container: container.name, error: error) reply(differences, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Setting allowed machineIDs failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(false, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func addAllowedMachineIDs(withContainer container: String, context: String, machineIDs: [String], reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Adding allowed machineIDs for %@: %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description, machineIDs) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.addAllow(machineIDs) { error in self.logComplete(function: "Adding allowed machineIDs", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Adding allowed machineID failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func removeAllowedMachineIDs(withContainer container: String, context: String, machineIDs: [String], reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Removing allowed machineIDs for %@: %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description, machineIDs) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.removeAllow(machineIDs) { error in self.logComplete(function: "Removing allowed machineIDs", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Removing allowed machineID failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchAllowedMachineIDs(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Set?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Fetching allowed machineIDs for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchAllowedMachineIDs() { mids, error in self.logComplete(function: "Fetched allowed machineIDs", container: container.name, error: error) reply(mids, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Fetching allowed machineIDs failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchEgoEpoch(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (UInt64, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("retrieving epoch for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.getEgoEpoch { epoch, error in reply(epoch, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Epoch retrieval failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(0, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func prepare(withContainer container: String, context: String, epoch: UInt64, machineID: String, bottleSalt: String, bottleID: String, modelID: String, deviceName: String?, serialNumber: String, osVersion: String, policyVersion: NSNumber?, policySecrets: [String: Data]?, signingPrivKeyPersistentRef: Data?, encPrivKeyPersistentRef: Data?, reply: @escaping (String?, Data?, Data?, Data?, Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Preparing new identity for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.prepare(epoch: epoch, machineID: machineID, bottleSalt: bottleSalt, bottleID: bottleID, modelID: modelID, deviceName: deviceName, serialNumber: serialNumber, osVersion: osVersion, policyVersion: policyVersion?.uint64Value, policySecrets: policySecrets, signingPrivateKeyPersistentRef: signingPrivKeyPersistentRef, encryptionPrivateKeyPersistentRef: encPrivKeyPersistentRef) { peerID, permanentInfo, permanentInfoSig, stableInfo, stableInfoSig, error in self.logComplete(function: "Prepare", container: container.name, error: error) reply(peerID, permanentInfo, permanentInfoSig, stableInfo, stableInfoSig, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Prepare failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func establish(withContainer container: String, context: String, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], preapprovedKeys: [Data]?, reply: @escaping (String?, [CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Establishing %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.establish(ckksKeys: ckksKeys, tlkShares: tlkShares, preapprovedKeys: preapprovedKeys) { peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, error in self.logComplete(function: "Establishing", container: container.name, error: error) reply(peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Establishing failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func vouch(withContainer container: String, context: String, peerID: String, permanentInfo: Data, permanentInfoSig: Data, stableInfo: Data, stableInfoSig: Data, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], reply: @escaping (Data?, Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Vouching %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.vouch(peerID: peerID, permanentInfo: permanentInfo, permanentInfoSig: permanentInfoSig, stableInfo: stableInfo, stableInfoSig: stableInfoSig, ckksKeys: ckksKeys) { voucher, voucherSig, error in self.logComplete(function: "Vouching", container: container.name, error: error) reply(voucher, voucherSig, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Vouching failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func preflightVouchWithBottle(withContainer container: String, context: String, bottleID: String, reply: @escaping (String?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Preflight Vouch With Bottle %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.preflightVouchWithBottle(bottleID: bottleID) { peerID, error in self.logComplete(function: "Preflight Vouch With Bottle", container: container.name, error: error) reply(peerID, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Preflighting Vouch With Bottle failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func vouchWithBottle(withContainer container: String, context: String, bottleID: String, entropy: Data, bottleSalt: String, tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], reply: @escaping (Data?, Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Vouching With Bottle %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.vouchWithBottle(bottleID: bottleID, entropy: entropy, bottleSalt: bottleSalt, tlkShares: tlkShares) { voucher, voucherSig, error in self.logComplete(function: "Vouching With Bottle", container: container.name, error: error) reply(voucher, voucherSig, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Vouching with Bottle failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func vouchWithRecoveryKey(withContainer container: String, context: String, recoveryKey: String, salt: String, tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], reply: @escaping (Data?, Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Vouching With Recovery Key %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.vouchWithRecoveryKey(recoveryKey: recoveryKey, salt: salt, tlkShares: tlkShares) { voucher, voucherSig, error in self.logComplete(function: "Vouching With Recovery Key", container: container.name, error: error) reply(voucher, voucherSig, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Vouching with Recovery Key failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func join(withContainer container: String, context: String, voucherData: Data, voucherSig: Data, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], preapprovedKeys: [Data], reply: @escaping (String?, [CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Joining %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.join(voucherData: voucherData, voucherSig: voucherSig, ckksKeys: ckksKeys, tlkShares: tlkShares, preapprovedKeys: preapprovedKeys) { peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, error in reply(peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func preflightPreapprovedJoin(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Bool, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Attempting to preflight a preapproved join for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.preflightPreapprovedJoin { success, error in reply(success, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(false, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func attemptPreapprovedJoin(withContainer container: String, context: String, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], preapprovedKeys: [Data], reply: @escaping (String?, [CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Attempting a preapproved join for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.preapprovedJoin(ckksKeys: ckksKeys, tlkShares: tlkShares, preapprovedKeys: preapprovedKeys) { peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, error in reply(peerID, keyHierarchyRecords, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func update(withContainer container: String, context: String, deviceName: String?, serialNumber: String?, osVersion: String?, policyVersion: NSNumber?, policySecrets: [String: Data]?, reply: @escaping (TrustedPeersHelperPeerState?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Updating %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.update(deviceName: deviceName, serialNumber: serialNumber, osVersion: osVersion, policyVersion: policyVersion?.uint64Value, policySecrets: policySecrets) { state, error in reply(state, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func setPreapprovedKeysWithContainer(_ container: String, context: String, preapprovedKeys: [Data], reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Updating %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.set(preapprovedKeys: preapprovedKeys) { error in reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func updateTLKs(withContainer container: String, context: String, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], tlkShares: [CKKSTLKShare], reply: @escaping ([CKRecord]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Updating TLKs for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.updateTLKs(ckksKeys: ckksKeys, tlkShares: tlkShares, reply: reply) } catch { reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func departByDistrustingSelf(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Departing %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.departByDistrustingSelf { error in reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func distrustPeerIDs(withContainer container: String, context: String, peerIDs: Set, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Distrusting %@ in %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, peerIDs, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.distrust(peerIDs: peerIDs) { error in reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchViableBottles(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping ([String]?, [String]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("fetchViableBottles in %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchViableBottles { sortedBottleIDs, partialBottleIDs, error in reply(sortedBottleIDs, partialBottleIDs, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchEscrowContents(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Data?, String?, Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("fetchEscrowContents in %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchEscrowContents { entropy, bottleID, signingPublicKey, error in reply(entropy, bottleID, signingPublicKey, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, nil, nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchPolicy(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (TPPolicy?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Fetching policy for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchPolicy { policy, error in reply(policy, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func fetchPolicyDocuments(withContainer container: String, context: String, keys: [NSNumber: String], reply: @escaping ([NSNumber: [String]]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Fetching policy documents %@ with keys: %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description, keys) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.fetchPolicyDocuments(keys: keys) { entries, error in reply(entries, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func validatePeers(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping ([AnyHashable: Any]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("ValidatePeers for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) let request = ValidatePeersRequest() container.validatePeers(request: request) { result, error in self.logComplete(function: "validatePeers", container: container.name, error: error) reply(result, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("ValidatePeers failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func setRecoveryKeyWithContainer(_ container: String, context: String, recoveryKey: String, salt: String, ckksKeys: [CKKSKeychainBackedKeySet], reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("SetRecoveryKey for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.setRecoveryKey(recoveryKey: recoveryKey, salt: salt, ckksKeys: ckksKeys) { error in self.logComplete(function: "setRecoveryKey", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("SetRecoveryKey failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func reportHealth(withContainer container: String, context: String, stateMachineState: String, trustState: String, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("ReportHealth for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) let request = ReportHealthRequest.with { $0.stateMachineState = stateMachineState } container.reportHealth(request: request) { error in self.logComplete(function: "reportHealth", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("ReportHealth failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func pushHealthInquiry(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("PushHealthInquiry for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.pushHealthInquiry { error in self.logComplete(function: "pushHealthInquiry", container: container.name, error: error) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("PushHealthInquiry failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func getViewsWithContainer(_ container: String, context: String, inViews: [String], reply: @escaping ([String]?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("GetViews (%@) for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, inViews, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.getViews(inViews: inViews) { outViews, error in reply(outViews, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("GetViews failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func requestHealthCheck(withContainer container: String, context: String, requiresEscrowCheck: Bool, reply: @escaping (Bool, Bool, Bool, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("Health Check! requiring escrow check? %d for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, requiresEscrowCheck, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.requestHealthCheck(requiresEscrowCheck: requiresEscrowCheck) { postRepair, postEscrow, postReset, error in reply(postRepair, postEscrow, postReset, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("Health Check! failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(false, false, false, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } func getSupportAppInfo(withContainer container: String, context: String, reply: @escaping (Data?, Error?) -> Void) { do { let containerName = ContainerName(container: container, context: context) os_log("getSupportInfo %d for %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, containerName.description) let container = try self.containerMap.findOrCreate(name: containerName) container.getSupportAppInfo { info, error in reply(info, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } catch { os_log("getSupportInfo failed for (%@, %@): %@", log: tplogDebug, type: .default, container, context, error as CVarArg) reply(nil, CKXPCSuitableError(error)) } } }