syntax = "proto2"; option objc_class_naming = "extended"; option objc_class_visibility = "hidden"; message SecEscrowPendingRecord { optional string uuid = 1; // True if CloudServices has informed us that it's successfully cached a certificate for this request optional bool certCached = 2; // CloudServices is responsible for serialization and understanding what it has stored here. // This is a shame, but allows knowledge of what's in a escrow record to live in CloudServices, not securityd. optional bytes serializedPrerecord = 3; // Holds the time, in milliseconds since 1970, that the last SBD trigger was attempted optional uint64 lastCloudServicesTriggerTime = 4; // Holds the time, in milliseconds since 1970, that the last escrow upload was attempted optional uint64 lastEscrowAttemptTime = 5; // If set to true, then this pending record is complete, and can be garbage collected optional bool uploadCompleted = 6; // Number of upload retries optional uint64 uploadRetries = 7; // altDSID for requesting user (will be used for cleanup) optional string altDSID = 8; // Request was generated at the time, ms since 1970 optional uint64 triggerRequestTime = 9; }