SecExperimentPriv.h   [plain text]

//  SecExperimentPriv.h
//  Security

#ifndef SecExperiment_h
#define SecExperiment_h

#include <Security/SecProtocolObject.h>



extern const char *kSecExperimentTLSMobileAssetConfig;
extern const char *kSecExperimentDefaultsDomain;

 * @block sec_experiment_run_block_t
 * @abstract A block to execute an experiment with a loggable identifier
 *     and configuration. `identifier` will be uniquely associated with
 *     `experiment_config` and should be used when measuring data.
 * @param identifier
 *     Identifier for the experiment.
 * @param experiment_config
 *     Configuration of this experiment.
 * @return True if the experiment ran successfully, and false otherwise.
typedef bool (^sec_experiment_run_block_t)(const char *identifier, xpc_object_t experiment_config);

 * @function sec_experiment_run
 * @abstract
 *      Asynchronously run an experiment.
 * @param experiment_name
 *      Name of the experiment to run.
 * @param queue
 *      Queue on which to run the experiment.
 * @param run_block
 *      A `sec_experiment_run_block_t` block upon which to execute the given experiment.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_experiment_run(const char *experiment_name, dispatch_queue_t queue, sec_experiment_run_block_t run_block);

 * @function sec_experiment_create
 * @abstract
 *      Create an ARC-able `sec_experiment_t` instance
 * @param experiment_name
 *      Name of the experiment.
 * @return a `sec_experiment_t` instance.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
SEC_RETURNS_RETAINED _Nullable sec_experiment_t
sec_experiment_create(const char *experiment_name);

 * @function sec_experiment_set_sampling_disabled
 * @abstract
 *      Set a flag to disable experiment sampling.
 *      This function should only be used for testing purposes.
 * @param experiment
 *      A `sec_experiment_t` instance.
 * @param sampling_disabled
 *      A flag indicating if sampling should be disabled.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
sec_experiment_set_sampling_disabled(sec_experiment_t experiment, bool sampling_disabled);

 * @function sec_experiment_copy_configuration
 * @abstract
 *      Returns the configuration dictionary associated with the given experiment.
 * @param experiment
 *      A valid `sec_experiment_t` instance.
 * @return  xpc_object_t containing asset bundle, if client is not part of the experiment return NULL
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
SEC_RETURNS_RETAINED _Nullable xpc_object_t
sec_experiment_copy_configuration(sec_experiment_t experiment);

 * @function sec_experiment_get_identifier
 * @abstract
 *      Returns a loggable identifier for the given experiment.
 * @param experiment
 *      A valid `sec_experiment_t` instance.
 * @return A NULL-terminated, loggable experiment identifier.
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.15), ios(13.0), watchos(6.0), tvos(13.0))
const char * _Nullable
sec_experiment_get_identifier(sec_experiment_t experiment);


#endif // SecExperiment_h