SecCmsDecoder.h   [plain text]

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    @header SecCmsDecoder.h

    @availability 10.4 and later
    @abstract Interfaces of the CMS implementation.
    @discussion The functions here implement functions for encoding
                and decoding Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) objects
                as described in rfc3369.


#include <Security/SecCmsBase.h>


/*! @functiongroup Streaming interface */

     @abstract Set up decoding of a BER-encoded CMS message.
     @param arena An ArenaPool object to use for the resulting message, or NULL if new ArenaPool
     should be created.
     @param cb callback function for delivery of inner content inner
     content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
     @param cb_arg first argument passed to cb when it is called.
     @param pwfn callback function for getting token password for
     enveloped data content with a password recipient.
     @param pwfn_arg first argument passed to pwfn when it is called.
     @param decrypt_key_cb callback function for getting bulk key
     for encryptedData content.
     @param decrypt_key_cb_arg first argument passed to decrypt_key_cb
     when it is called.
     @param outDecoder On success will contain a pointer to a newly created SecCmsDecoder.
     @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
     @discussion Create a SecCmsDecoder().  If this function returns noErr, the caller must dispose of the returned outDecoder by calling SecCmsDecoderDestroy() or SecCmsDecoderFinish().
     @availability 10.4 through 10.7
extern OSStatus
SecCmsDecoderCreate(SecArenaPoolRef arena,
                    SecCmsContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
                    PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
                    SecCmsGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void
                    SecCmsDecoderRef *outDecoder)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4)) API_UNAVAILABLE(iosmac);
#else // !TARGET_OS_OSX
    @abstract Set up decoding of a BER-encoded CMS message.
    @param cb callback function for delivery of inner content inner
	content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
    @param cb_arg first argument passed to cb when it is called.
    @param pwfn callback function for getting token password for
	enveloped data content with a password recipient.
    @param pwfn_arg first argument passed to pwfn when it is called.
    @param decrypt_key_cb callback function for getting bulk key
	for encryptedData content.
    @param decrypt_key_cb_arg first argument passed to decrypt_key_cb
	when it is called.
    @param outDecoder On success will contain a pointer to a newly created SecCmsDecoder.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion Create a SecCmsDecoder().  If this function returns errSecSuccess, the caller must dispose of the returned outDecoder by calling SecCmsDecoderDestroy() or SecCmsDecoderFinish().
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsDecoderCreate(SecCmsContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
                   PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
                   SecCmsGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void
                   SecCmsDecoderRef *outDecoder)
    API_AVAILABLE(ios(2.0), tvos(2.0), watchos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(iosmac);
#endif // !TARGET_OS_OSX

    @abstract Feed BER-encoded data to decoder.
    @param decoder Pointer to a SecCmsDecoderContext created with SecCmsDecoderCreate().
    @param buf Pointer to bytes to be decoded.
    @param len number of bytes to decode.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion If a call to this function fails the caller should call SecCmsDecoderDestroy().
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsDecoderUpdate(SecCmsDecoderRef decoder, const void *buf, CFIndex len);

    @abstract Abort a (presumably failed) decoding process.
    @param decoder Pointer to a SecCmsDecoderContext created with SecCmsDecoderCreate().
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern void
SecCmsDecoderDestroy(SecCmsDecoderRef decoder);

    @abstract Mark the end of inner content and finish decoding.
    @param decoder Pointer to a SecCmsDecoderContext created with SecCmsDecoderCreate().
    @param outMessage On success a pointer to a SecCmsMessage containing the decoded message.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion decoder is no longer valid after this function is called.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsDecoderFinish(SecCmsDecoderRef decoder, SecCmsMessageRef *outMessage);

/*! @functiongroup One shot interface */
    @abstract Decode a CMS message from BER encoded data.
    @discussion This function basically does the same as calling
    SecCmsDecoderStart(), SecCmsDecoderUpdate() and SecCmsDecoderFinish().
    @param encodedMessage Pointer to a CSSM_DATA containing the BER encoded cms
    message to decode.
    @param cb callback function for delivery of inner content inner
    content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
    @param cb_arg first argument passed to cb when it is called.
    @param pwfn callback function for getting token password for enveloped
    data content with a password recipient.
    @param pwfn_arg first argument passed to pwfn when it is called.
    @param decrypt_key_cb callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData content.
    @param decrypt_key_cb_arg first argument passed to decrypt_key_cb when it is called.
    @param outMessage On success a pointer to a SecCmsMessage containing the decoded message.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion decoder is no longer valid after this function is called.
    @availability 10.4 through 10.7
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
extern OSStatus
SecCmsMessageDecode(const CSSM_DATA *encodedMessage,
                    SecCmsContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
                    PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
                    SecCmsGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
                    SecCmsMessageRef *outMessage)
    API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.4)) API_UNAVAILABLE(iosmac);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#else // !TARGET_OS_OSX
    @abstract Decode a CMS message from BER encoded data.
    @discussion This function basically does the same as calling
                SecCmsDecoderStart(), SecCmsDecoderUpdate() and SecCmsDecoderFinish().
    @param encodedMessage Pointer to a SecAsn1Item containing the BER encoded cms
           message to decode.
    @param cb callback function for delivery of inner content inner
           content will be stored in the message if cb is NULL.
    @param cb_arg first argument passed to cb when it is called.
    @param pwfn callback function for getting token password for enveloped
           data content with a password recipient.
    @param pwfn_arg first argument passed to pwfn when it is called.
    @param decrypt_key_cb callback function for getting bulk key for encryptedData content.
    @param decrypt_key_cb_arg first argument passed to decrypt_key_cb when it is called.
    @param outMessage On success a pointer to a SecCmsMessage containing the decoded message.
    @result A result code. See "SecCmsBase.h" for possible results.
    @discussion decoder is no longer valid after this function is called.
    @availability 10.4 and later
extern OSStatus
SecCmsMessageDecode(const SecAsn1Item *encodedMessage,
                    SecCmsContentCallback cb, void *cb_arg,
                    PK11PasswordFunc pwfn, void *pwfn_arg,
                    SecCmsGetDecryptKeyCallback decrypt_key_cb, void *decrypt_key_cb_arg,
                    SecCmsMessageRef *outMessage)
    API_AVAILABLE(ios(2.0), tvos(2.0), watchos(1.0)) API_UNAVAILABLE(iosmac);
#endif // !TARGET_OS_OSX