[plain text]

;;; Copyright (c) 2017 Apple Inc.  All Rights reserved.
;;; WARNING: The sandbox rules in this file currently constitute
;;; Apple System Private Interface and are subject to change at any time and
;;; without notice.
(version 1)

(allow (with report) default)
(allow (with report) file-map-executable process-info* nvram*)
(allow (with report) dynamic-code-generation)

(deny mach-priv-host-port)

(import "")
(import "")

(allow file-read-metadata)
;; We inspect all the binaries
(allow file-read*
       (subpath "/"))
(allow file-write* 
       (subpath "/private/var/db/mds"))
(allow file-ioctl (literal "/dev/auditsessions"))

(allow process-info* (target self))
(allow process-info-codesignature)
(allow process-info-pidinfo)

(when (string=? (param "LEGACY_TOKENS_ENABLED") "YES")
    (allow process-exec (with no-sandbox) (subpath "/Library/Security/tokend"))
    (allow process-fork)
    (allow signal (target children))
    (allow file-write* (subpath "/private/var/db/TokenCache")))

(allow user-preference-read 
       (preference-domain "")
       (preference-domain "")
       (preference-domain "kCFPreferencesAnyApplication")
       (preference-domain "securityd"))

(allow system-audit)
(allow mach-lookup
       (global-name "")
       (global-name "")
       (global-name "")
       (global-name "")
       (global-name "")
       (global-name "")
       (global-name ""))

(allow ipc-posix-shm 
    (ipc-posix-name "")
    (ipc-posix-name "apple.cfprefs.daemonv1"))

(allow iokit-open (iokit-user-client-class "RootDomainUserClient"))

(allow network-outbound
     (path "/private/var/run/systemkeychaincheck.socket"))

(with-filter (system-attribute apple-internal)
     (allow nvram-get
            (nvram-variable "AMFITrustedKeys")))