SecRevocationDb.h   [plain text]

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 @header SecRevocationDb
 The functions in SecRevocationDb.h provide an interface to look up
 revocation information, and refresh that information periodically.


#include <CoreFoundation/CFData.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDate.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include <dispatch/dispatch.h>
#include <Security/SecBase.h>


/* issuer group data format */
typedef CF_ENUM(uint32_t, SecValidInfoFormat) {
    kSecValidInfoFormatUnknown      = 0,
    kSecValidInfoFormatSerial       = 1,
    kSecValidInfoFormatSHA256       = 2,
    kSecValidInfoFormatNto1         = 3

    @typedef SecValidInfoRef
    @abstract Object used to return valid info lookup results.
typedef struct __SecValidInfo *SecValidInfoRef;

struct __SecValidInfo {
    SecValidInfoFormat  format;     // format of per-issuer validity data
    CFDataRef           certHash;   // SHA-256 hash of cert to which the following info applies
    CFDataRef           issuerHash; // SHA-256 hash of issuing CA certificate
    CFDataRef           anchorHash; // SHA-256 hash of anchor certificate (optional)
    bool                isOnList;   // true if this cert was found on allow list or block list
    bool                valid;      // true if this is an allow list, false if a block list
    bool                complete;   // true if list is complete (i.e. status is definitive)
    bool                checkOCSP;  // true if complete is false and OCSP check is required
    bool                knownOnly;  // true if all intermediates under issuer must be found in database
    bool                requireCT;  // true if this cert must have CT proof
    bool                noCACheck;  // true if an entry does not require an OCSP check to accept

	@function SecValidInfoRelease
	@abstract Releases a SecValidInfo reference previously obtained from a call to SecRevocationDbCopyMatching.
	@param validInfo The SecValidInfo reference to be released.
void SecValidInfoRelease(SecValidInfoRef validInfo);

	@function SecValidInfoSetAnchor
	@abstract Updates a SecValidInfo reference with info about the anchor certificate in a chain.
	@param validInfo The SecValidInfo reference to be updated.
	@param anchor The certificate which anchors the chain for the certificate in this SecValidInfo reference.
	@discussion A SecValidInfo reference contains information about a single certificate and its issuer. In some cases, it may be necessary to additionally examine the anchor of the certificate chain to determine validity.
void SecValidInfoSetAnchor(SecValidInfoRef validInfo, SecCertificateRef anchor);

	@function SecRevocationDbCheckNextUpdate
	@abstract Periodic hook to poll for updates.
void SecRevocationDbCheckNextUpdate(void);

	@function SecRevocationDbCopyMatching
	@abstract Returns a SecValidInfo reference if matching revocation (or allow list) info was found.
	@param certificate The certificate whose validity status is being requested.
	@param issuer The issuing CA certificate. If the cert is self-signed, the same reference should be passed in both certificate and issuer parameters. Omitting either cert parameter is an error and NULL will be returned.
	@result A SecValidInfoRef if there was matching revocation info. Caller must release this reference when finished by calling SecValidInfoRelease. NULL is returned if no matching info was found in the database.
SecValidInfoRef SecRevocationDbCopyMatching(SecCertificateRef certificate,
                                            SecCertificateRef issuer);

	@function SecRevocationDbGetVersion
	@abstract Returns a CFIndex containing the version number of the database.
	@result On success, the returned version will be a value greater than or equal to zero. A version of 0 indicates an empty database which has yet to be populated. If the version cannot be obtained, -1 is returned.
CFIndex SecRevocationDbGetVersion(void);

	@function SecRevocationDbGetSchemaVersion
	@abstract Returns a CFIndex containing the schema version number of the database.
	@result On success, the returned version will be a value greater than or equal to zero. A version of 0 indicates an empty database which has yet to be populated. If the version cannot be obtained, -1 is returned.
CFIndex SecRevocationDbGetSchemaVersion(void);

 @function SecValidUpdateVerifyAndIngest
 @abstract Callback for receiving update data.
 @param updateData The decompressed update data.
void SecValidUpdateVerifyAndIngest(CFDataRef updateData);

 @function readValidFile
 @abstract Reads data into a CFDataRef using mmap.
 @param fileName The file to read.
 @param bytes The data read from the file.
 @result An integer indicating failure (non-zero) or success.
 @discussion This function mmaps the file and then makes a no-copy CFData for use of that mmapped file.  This data MUST be munmapped when the caller has finished with the data.
int readValidFile(const char *fileName, CFDataRef  *bytes);

 @function SecRevocationDbComputeAndSetNextUpdateTime
 @abstract Callback to push forward next update.
void SecRevocationDbComputeAndSetNextUpdateTime(void);

 @function SecRevocationDbInitialize
 @abstract Initializes revocation database if it doesn't exist or needs to be replaced. This should only be called once at process startup, before any database connections are established.
void SecRevocationDbInitialize(void);