CMSEncoder.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * CMSEncoder.h - encode, sign, and/or encrypt messages in the Cryptographic
 *				  Message Syntax (CMS), per RFC 3852.
 * A CMS message can be signed, encrypted, or both. A message can be signed by
 * an arbitrary number of signers; in this module, signers are expressed as
 * SecIdentityRefs. A message can be encrypted for an arbitrary number of
 * recipients; recipients are expressed here as SecCertificateRefs.
 * In CMS terminology, this module performs encryption using the EnvelopedData
 * ContentType and signing using the SignedData ContentType.
 * If the message is both signed and encrypted, it uses "nested ContentInfos"
 * in CMS terminology; in this implementation, signed & encrypted messages
 * are implemented as an EnvelopedData containing a SignedData.

#ifndef _CMS_ENCODER_H_
#define _CMS_ENCODER_H_

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsEncoder.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsDecoder.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsMessage.h>
#include <AvailabilityMacros.h>
#include <stdint.h>



 * Opaque reference to a CMS encoder object.
 * This is a CF object, with standard CF semantics; dispose of it
 * with CFRelease().
typedef struct CF_BRIDGED_TYPE(id) _CMSEncoder *CMSEncoderRef;

CFTypeID CMSEncoderGetTypeID(void)

 * Create a CMSEncoder. Result must eventually be freed via CFRelease().
OSStatus CMSEncoderCreate(CMSEncoderRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED cmsEncoderOut)	/* RETURNED */

extern const CFStringRef kCMSEncoderDigestAlgorithmSHA1;
extern const CFStringRef kCMSEncoderDigestAlgorithmSHA256;

OSStatus CMSEncoderSetSignerAlgorithm(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFStringRef		digestAlgorithm)

 * Specify signers of the CMS message; implies that the message will be signed.
 * -- Caller can pass in one signer, as a SecIdentityRef, or an array of
 *    signers, as a CFArray of SecIdentityRefs.
 * -- Can be called multiple times.
 * -- If the message is not to be signed, don't call this.
 * -- If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 *    CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderAddSigners(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFTypeRef			signerOrArray)

 * Obtain an array of signers as specified in CMSEncoderSetSigners().
 * Returns a NULL signers array if CMSEncoderSetSigners() has not been called.
 * Caller must CFRelease the result.
OSStatus CMSEncoderCopySigners(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFArrayRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED signersOut)		/* RETURNED */

 * Specify recipients of the message. Implies that the message will
 * be encrypted.
 * -- Caller can pass in one recipient, as a SecCertificateRef, or an
 *    array of recipients, as a CFArray of SecCertificateRefs.
 * -- Can be called multiple times.
 * -- If the message is not to be encrypted, don't call this.
 * -- If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 *    CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderAddRecipients(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFTypeRef			recipientOrArray)

 * Obtain an array of recipients as specified in CMSEncoderSetRecipients().
 * Returns a NULL recipients array if CMSEncoderSetRecipients() has not been
 * called.
 * Caller must CFRelease the result.
OSStatus CMSEncoderCopyRecipients(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFArrayRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED recipientsOut)	/* RETURNED */

 * A signed message optionally includes the data to be signed. If the message
 * is *not* to include the data to be signed, call this function with a value
 * of TRUE for detachedContent. The default, if this function is not called,
 * is detachedContent=FALSE, i.e., the message contains the data to be signed.
 * -- Encrypted messages can not use detached content. (This restriction
 *    also applies to messages that are both signed and encrypted.)
 * -- If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 *    CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetHasDetachedContent(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    Boolean			detachedContent)

 * Obtain a Boolean indicating whether the current message will have detached
 * content.
 * Returns the value specified in CMSEncoderHasDetachedContent() if that
 * function has been called; else returns the default FALSE.
OSStatus CMSEncoderGetHasDetachedContent(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    Boolean			*detachedContentOut)	/* RETURNED */

 * Optionally specify an eContentType OID for the inner EncapsulatedData for
 * a signed message. The default eContentTypeOID, used if this function is not
 * called, is id-data (which is the normal eContentType for applications such
 * as SMIME).
 * The eContentTypeOID parameter may be specified as a CF string, e.g.:
 * CFSTR("1.2.840.113549.1.7.1")
 * If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetEncapsulatedContentTypeOID(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFTypeRef			eContentTypeOID)

 * Obtain the eContentType OID specified in CMSEncoderSetEncapsulatedContentType().
 * If CMSEncoderSetEncapsulatedContentType() has not been called this returns a
 * NULL pointer.
 * The returned OID's data is in the same format as the data provided to
 * CMSEncoderSetEncapsulatedContentType;, i.e., it's the encoded content of
 * the OID, not including the tag and length bytes.
OSStatus CMSEncoderCopyEncapsulatedContentType(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFDataRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED eContentTypeOut)		/* RETURNED */

 * Signed CMS messages can contain arbitrary sets of certificates beyond those
 * indicating the identity of the signer(s). This function provides a means of
 * adding these other certs. For normal signed messages it is not necessary to
 * call this; the signer cert(s) and the intermediate certs needed to verify the
 * signer(s) will be included in the message implicitly.
 * -- Caller can pass in one cert, as a SecCertificateRef, or an array of certs,
 *    as a CFArray of SecCertificateRefs.
 * -- If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 *    CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
 * -- There is a "special case" use of CMS messages which involves neither
 *    signing nor encryption, but does include certificates. This is commonly
 *    used to transport "bags" of certificates. When constructing such a
 *    message, all an application needs to do is to create a CMSEncoderRef,
 *    call CMSEncoderAddSupportingCerts() one or more times, and then call
 *    CMSEncoderCopyEncodedContent() to get the resulting cert bag. No 'content'
 *    need be specified. (This is in fact the primary intended use for
 *    this function.)
OSStatus CMSEncoderAddSupportingCerts(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFTypeRef			certOrArray)

 * Obtain the SecCertificates provided in CMSEncoderAddSupportingCerts().
 * If CMSEncoderAddSupportingCerts() has not been called this will return a
 * NULL value for *certs.
 * Caller must CFRelease the result.
OSStatus CMSEncoderCopySupportingCerts(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFArrayRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED certsOut)			/* RETURNED */

 * Standard signed attributes, optionally specified in
 * CMSEncoderAddSignedAttributes().
typedef CF_OPTIONS(uint32_t, CMSSignedAttributes) {
    kCMSAttrNone						= 0x0000,
     * S/MIME Capabilities - identifies supported signature, encryption, and
     * digest algorithms.
    kCMSAttrSmimeCapabilities			= 0x0001,
     * Indicates that a cert is the preferred cert for S/MIME encryption.
    kCMSAttrSmimeEncryptionKeyPrefs		= 0x0002,
     * Same as kCMSSmimeEncryptionKeyPrefs, using an attribute OID preferred
     * by Microsoft.
    kCMSAttrSmimeMSEncryptionKeyPrefs	= 0x0004,
     * Include the signing time.
    kCMSAttrSigningTime					= 0x0008,
     * Include the Apple Codesigning Hash Agility.
    kCMSAttrAppleCodesigningHashAgility = 0x0010

 * Optionally specify signed attributes. Only meaningful when creating a
 * signed message. If this is called, it must be called before
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderAddSignedAttributes(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CMSSignedAttributes	signedAttributes)

 * Specification of what certificates to include in a signed message.
typedef CF_ENUM(uint32_t, CMSCertificateChainMode) {
    kCMSCertificateNone = 0,		/* don't include any certificates */
    kCMSCertificateSignerOnly,		/* only include signer certificate(s) */
    kCMSCertificateChain,			/* signer certificate chain up to but not
                                     *   including root certiticate */
    kCMSCertificateChainWithRoot	/* signer certificate chain including root */

 * Optionally specify which certificates, if any, to include in a
 * signed CMS message. The default, if this is not called, is
 * kCMSCertificateChain, in which case the signer cert plus all CA
 * certs needed to verify the signer cert, except for the root
 * cert, are included.
 * If this is called, it must be called before
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent().
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetCertificateChainMode(
    CMSEncoderRef			cmsEncoder,
    CMSCertificateChainMode	chainMode)

 * Obtain indication of which signer certs are to be included
 * in a signed CMS message.
OSStatus CMSEncoderGetCertificateChainMode(
    CMSEncoderRef			cmsEncoder,
    CMSCertificateChainMode	*chainModeOut)

 * Feed content bytes into the encoder.
 * Can be called multiple times.
 * No 'setter' routines can be called after this function has been called.
OSStatus CMSEncoderUpdateContent(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    const void			*content,
    size_t				contentLen)

 * Finish encoding the message and obtain the encoded result.
 * Caller must CFRelease the result.
OSStatus CMSEncoderCopyEncodedContent(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFDataRef * __nonnull CF_RETURNS_RETAINED encodedContentOut)	/* RETURNED */

 * High-level, one-shot encoder function.
 * Inputs (all except for content optional, though at least one
 *         of {signers, recipients} must be non-NULL)
 * ------------------------------------------------------------
 * signers          : signer identities. Either a SecIdentityRef, or a
 *                    CFArray of them.
 * recipients       : recipient certificates. Either a SecCertificateRef,
 *                    or a CFArray of them.
 * eContentTypeOID  : contentType OID for inner EncapsulatedData, e.g.:
 *                    CFSTR("1.2.840.113549.1.7.1")
 * detachedContent  : when true, do not include the signed data in the message.
 * signedAttributes : Specifies which standard signed attributes are to be
 *                    included in the message.
 * content          : raw content to be signed and/or encrypted.
 * Output
 * ------
 * encodedContent   : the result of the encoding.
OSStatus CMSEncodeContent(
    CFTypeRef __nullable    signers,
    CFTypeRef __nullable    recipients,
    CFTypeRef __nullable    eContentTypeOID,
    Boolean                 detachedContent,
    CMSSignedAttributes     signedAttributes,
    const void              *content,
    size_t                  contentLen,
    CFDataRef * __nullable CF_RETURNS_RETAINED encodedContentOut)	/* RETURNED */

OSStatus CMSEncoderCopySignerTimestamp(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    size_t				signerIndex,        /* usually 0 */
    CFAbsoluteTime      *timestamp)			/* RETURNED */

OSStatus CMSEncoderCopySignerTimestampWithPolicy(
    CMSEncoderRef           cmsEncoder,
    CFTypeRef __nullable    timeStampPolicy,
    size_t                  signerIndex,        /* usually 0 */
    CFAbsoluteTime          *timestamp)			/* RETURNED */

CmsMessageSetTSAContext(CMSEncoderRef cmsEncoder, CFTypeRef tsaContext);

 * Obtain the SecCmsMessageRef associated with a CMSEncoderRef. Intended
 * to be called after (optionally) setting the encoder's various attributes
 * via CMSEncoderAddSigners(), CMSEncoderAddRecipients(), etc. and before
 * the first call to CMSEncoderUpdateContent(). The returned SecCmsMessageRef
 * will be initialized per the previously specified attributes; the caller
 * can manipulate the SecCmsMessageRef prior to proceeding with
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent() calls.
OSStatus CMSEncoderGetCmsMessage(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    SecCmsMessageRef _Nullable * _Nonnull cmsMessage);		/* RETURNED */

 * Optionally specify a SecCmsEncoderRef to use with a CMSEncoderRef.
 * If this is called, it must be called before the first call to
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent(). The CMSEncoderRef takes ownership of the
 * incoming SecCmsEncoderRef.
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetEncoder(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    SecCmsEncoderRef	encoder);

 * Obtain the SecCmsEncoderRef associated with a CMSEncoderRef.
 * Returns a NULL SecCmsEncoderRef if neither CMSEncoderSetEncoder nor
 * CMSEncoderUpdateContent() has been called.
 * The CMSEncoderRef retains ownership of the SecCmsEncoderRef.
OSStatus CMSEncoderGetEncoder(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    SecCmsEncoderRef	_Nullable * _Nonnull  encoder);			/* RETURNED */

 * Set the signing time for a CMSEncoder.
 * This is only used if the kCMSAttrSigningTime attribute is included.
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetSigningTime(
    CMSEncoderRef		cmsEncoder,
    CFAbsoluteTime		time);

 * Set the hash agility attribute for a CMSEncoder.
 * This is only used if the kCMSAttrAppleCodesigningHashAgility attribute
 * is included.
OSStatus CMSEncoderSetAppleCodesigningHashAgility(
    CMSEncoderRef   cmsEncoder,
    CFDataRef       hashAgilityAttrValue);



#endif	/* _CMS_ENCODER_H_ */