CKDKVSProxy.m   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2012-2014,2016 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

//  CKDKVSProxy.m
//  ckd-xpc

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

#import <utilities/debugging.h>
#import <os/activity.h>

#import "CKDKVSProxy.h"
#import "CKDKVSStore.h"
#import "CKDAKSLockMonitor.h"
#import "CKDSecuritydAccount.h"
#import "NSURL+SOSPlistStore.h"

#include <Security/SecureObjectSync/SOSARCDefines.h>
#include <utilities/SecCFWrappers.h>
#include <utilities/SecPLWrappers.h>

#include "SOSCloudKeychainConstants.h"

#include <utilities/SecAKSWrappers.h>
#include <utilities/SecADWrapper.h>
#include <utilities/SecNSAdditions.h>
#import "XPCNotificationDispatcher.h"

CFStringRef const CKDAggdIncreaseThrottlingKey = CFSTR("");
CFStringRef const CKDAggdDecreaseThrottlingKey = CFSTR("");

@interface NSSet (CKDLogging)
- (NSString*) logKeys;
- (NSString*) logIDs;

@implementation NSSet (CKDLogging)
- (NSString*) logKeys {
    return [self sortedElementsJoinedByString:@" "];

- (NSString*) logIDs {
    return [self sortedElementsTruncated:8 JoinedByString:@" "];

 The total space available in your app’s iCloud key-value storage is 1 MB.
 The maximum number of keys you can specify is 1024, and the size limit for
 each value associated with a key is 1 MB. So, for example, if you store a
 single large value of 1 MB for a single key, that consumes your total
 available storage. If you store 1 KB of data for each key, you can use
 1,000 key-value pairs.

static NSString *kKeyKeyParameterKeys = @"KeyParameterKeys";
static NSString *kKeyCircleKeys = @"CircleKeys";
static NSString *kKeyMessageKeys = @"MessageKeys";

static NSString *kKeyAlwaysKeys = @"AlwaysKeys";
static NSString *kKeyFirstUnlockKeys = @"FirstUnlockKeys";
static NSString *kKeyUnlockedKeys = @"UnlockedKeys";
static NSString *kKeyPendingKeys = @"PendingKeys";
static NSString *kKeyUnsentChangedKeys = @"unsentChangedKeys";
static NSString *kKeyUnlockNotificationRequested = @"unlockNotificationRequested";
static NSString *kKeySyncWithPeersPending = @"SyncWithPeersPending";

static NSString *kKeyPendingSyncPeerIDs = @"SyncPeerIDs";
static NSString *kKeyPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = @"SyncBackupPeerIDs";

static NSString *kKeyEnsurePeerRegistration = @"EnsurePeerRegistration";
static NSString *kKeyDSID = @"DSID";
static NSString *kMonitorState = @"MonitorState";
static NSString *kKeyAccountUUID = @"MonitorState";

static NSString *kMonitorPenaltyBoxKey = @"Penalty";
static NSString *kMonitorMessageKey = @"Message";
static NSString *kMonitorConsecutiveWrites = @"ConsecutiveWrites";
static NSString *kMonitorLastWriteTimestamp = @"LastWriteTimestamp";
static NSString *kMonitorMessageQueue = @"MessageQueue";
static NSString *kMonitorPenaltyTimer = @"PenaltyTimer";
static NSString *kMonitorDidWriteDuringPenalty = @"DidWriteDuringPenalty";

static NSString *kMonitorTimeTable = @"TimeTable";
static NSString *kMonitorFirstMinute = @"AFirstMinute";
static NSString *kMonitorSecondMinute = @"BSecondMinute";
static NSString *kMonitorThirdMinute = @"CThirdMinute";
static NSString *kMonitorFourthMinute = @"DFourthMinute";
static NSString *kMonitorFifthMinute = @"EFifthMinute";
static NSString *kMonitorWroteInTimeSlice = @"TimeSlice";
const CFStringRef kSOSKVSKeyParametersKey = CFSTR(">KeyParameters");
const CFStringRef kSOSKVSInitialSyncKey = CFSTR("^InitialSync");
const CFStringRef kSOSKVSAccountChangedKey = CFSTR("^AccountChanged");
const CFStringRef kSOSKVSRequiredKey = CFSTR("^Required");
const CFStringRef kSOSKVSOfficialDSIDKey = CFSTR("^OfficialDSID");

#define kSecServerKeychainChangedNotification ""

@interface UbiqitousKVSProxy ()
@property (nonatomic) NSDictionary* persistentData;
- (void) doSyncWithAllPeers;
- (void) persistState;

@implementation UbiqitousKVSProxy

+ (instancetype)withAccount:(NSObject<CKDAccount>*) account
                      store:(NSObject<CKDStore>*) store
                lockMonitor:(NSObject<CKDLockMonitor>*) lockMonitor
                persistence:(NSURL*) localPersistence
    return [[self alloc] initWithAccount:account

- (instancetype)initWithAccount:(NSObject<CKDAccount>*) account
                          store:(NSObject<CKDStore>*) store
                    lockMonitor:(NSObject<CKDLockMonitor>*) lockMonitor
                    persistence:(NSURL*) localPersistence
    if (self = [super init])
        secnotice("event", "%@ start", self);

        // rdar://problem/26247270
        if (geteuid() == 0) {
            secerror("Cannot run CloudKeychainProxy as root");
            return NULL;
        _ensurePeerRegistration = NO;

        _pendingSyncPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet set];
        _pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet set];
        _shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs = nil;
        _shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = nil;

        _persistenceURL = localPersistence;

        _account = account;
        _store = store;
        _lockMonitor = lockMonitor;

        _calloutQueue = dispatch_queue_create("CKDCallout", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
        _ckdkvsproxy_queue = dispatch_queue_create("CKDKVSProxy", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);

        _freshnessCompletions = [NSMutableArray<FreshnessResponseBlock> array];

        _monitor = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

        [[XPCNotificationDispatcher dispatcher] addListener: self];

        int notificationToken;
        notify_register_dispatch(kSecServerKeychainChangedNotification, &notificationToken, _ckdkvsproxy_queue,
                                 ^ (int token __unused)
                                     secinfo("backoff", "keychain changed, wiping backoff monitor state");
                                     self->_monitor = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

        [self setPersistentData: [self.persistenceURL readPlist]];

        _dsid =  @"";
        _accountUUID = @"";

        [[self store] connectToProxy: self];
        [[self lockMonitor] connectTo:self];

        secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "%@ done", self);
    return self;

- (NSString *)description
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s>",
            [[self lockMonitor] locked] ? "L" : "U",
            [[self lockMonitor] unlockedSinceBoot] ? "B" : "-",
            _seenKVSStoreChange ? "K" : "-",
            [self hasPendingNonShadowSyncIDs] ? "s" : "-",
            _ensurePeerRegistration ? "e" : "-",
            [_pendingKeys count] ? "p" : "-",
            _inCallout ? "C" : "-",
            [self hasPendingShadowSyncIDs] ? "S" : "-",
            _shadowEnsurePeerRegistration ? "E" : "-",
            [_shadowPendingKeys count] ? "P" : "-"];

// MARK: XPC Function commands
- (void) clearStore {
    [ removeAllObjects];

- (void)synchronizeStore {
    [ pushWrites];

- (id) objectForKey: (NSString*) key {
    return [ objectForKey: key];
- (NSDictionary<NSString *, id>*) copyAsDictionary {
    return [ copyAsDictionary];

- (void)_queue_processAllItems

    NSDictionary *allItems = [ copyAsDictionary];
    if (allItems)
        secnotice("event", "%@ sending: %@", self, [[allItems allKeys] componentsJoinedByString: @" "]);
        [self processKeyChangedEvent:allItems];
        secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "%@ No items in KVS", self);

- (void)dealloc
    secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "%@", self);
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
    [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self

// MARK: Persistence

- (NSDictionary*) persistentData
    return @{ kKeyAlwaysKeys:[_alwaysKeys allObjects],
              kKeyFirstUnlockKeys:[_firstUnlockKeys allObjects],
              kKeyUnlockedKeys:[_unlockedKeys allObjects],
              kKeyPendingKeys:[_pendingKeys allObjects],
              kKeyPendingSyncPeerIDs:[_pendingSyncPeerIDs allObjects],
              kKeyPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs:[_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs allObjects],
              kKeyEnsurePeerRegistration:[NSNumber numberWithBool:_ensurePeerRegistration],

- (void) setPersistentData: (NSDictionary*) interests
    _alwaysKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyAlwaysKeys]];
    _firstUnlockKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyFirstUnlockKeys]];
    _unlockedKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyUnlockedKeys]];

    _pendingKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyPendingKeys]];

    _pendingSyncPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyPendingSyncPeerIDs]];
    _pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet setWithArray: interests[kKeyPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs]];

    _monitor = interests[kMonitorState];
    if(_monitor == nil)
        _monitor = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

    _ensurePeerRegistration = [interests[kKeyEnsurePeerRegistration] boolValue];

    _dsid = interests[kKeyDSID];
    _accountUUID = interests[kKeyAccountUUID];

    // If we had a sync pending, we kick it off and migrate to sync with these peers
    if ([interests[kKeySyncWithPeersPending] boolValue]) {
        [self doSyncWithAllPeers];

- (void)persistState
    NSDictionary* dataToSave = self.persistentData;

    secdebug("persistence", "Writing registeredKeys: %@", [dataToSave compactDescription]);
    if (![self.persistenceURL writePlist:dataToSave]) {
        secerror("Failed to write persistence data to %@", self.persistenceURL);

- (void)perfCounters:(void(^)(NSDictionary *counters))callback
    /* Collect and merge perf counters from other layers here too */
    [ perfCounters:callback];

// MARK: Object setting

- (void)setStoreObjectsFromDictionary:(NSDictionary *)values
    if (values == nil) {
        secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "%@ NULL? values: %@", self, values);

    NSMutableDictionary<NSString*, NSObject*> *mutableValues = [values mutableCopy];
    NSString* newDSID = asNSString([mutableValues extractObjectForKey:(__bridge NSString*) kSOSKVSOfficialDSIDKey]);
    if (newDSID) {
        _dsid = newDSID;

    NSString* requiredDSID = asNSString([mutableValues extractObjectForKey:(__bridge NSString*) kSOSKVSRequiredKey]);
    if (requiredDSID) {
        if (_dsid == nil || [_dsid isEqualToString: @""]) {
            secdebug("dsid", "CloudKeychainProxy setting dsid to :%@ from securityd", requiredDSID);
            _dsid = requiredDSID;
        } else if (![_dsid isEqual: requiredDSID]) {
            secerror("Account DSIDs do not match, cloud keychain proxy: %@, securityd: %@", _dsid, requiredDSID);
            secerror("Not going to write these: %@ into KVS!", values);
        } else {
            secnoticeq("dsid", "DSIDs match, writing");

    secnoticeq("keytrace", "%@ sending: %@", self, [[mutableValues allKeys] componentsJoinedByString: @" "]);
    [mutableValues enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock: ^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop)
         if (obj == NULL || obj == [NSNull null]) {
             [ removeObjectForKey:key];
         } else {
             if ([key hasPrefix:@"ak|"]) {  // TODO: somewhat of a hack
                 id oldObj = [ objectForKey:key];
                 if ([oldObj isEqual: obj]) {
                     // Fix KVS repeated message undelivery by sending a NULL first (deafness)
                     secnoticeq("keytrace", "forcing resend of key write: %@", key);
                     [ removeObjectForKey:key];
             [[self store] addOneToOutGoing];
             [ setObject:obj forKey:key];
    [ pushWrites];

- (void)setObjectsFromDictionary:(NSDictionary<NSString*, NSObject*> *)values
    [self setStoreObjectsFromDictionary:values];

- (void)waitForSynchronization:(void (^)(NSDictionary<NSString*, NSObject*> *results, NSError *err))handler
    secnoticeq("fresh", "%s Requesting WFS", kWAIT2MINID);

    [_freshnessCompletions addObject: ^(bool success, NSError *error){
        secnoticeq("fresh", "%s WFS Done", kWAIT2MINID);
        handler(nil, error);

    if ([self.freshnessCompletions count] == 1) {
        // We can't talk to synchronize on the _ckdkvsproxy_queue or we deadlock,
        // bounce to a global concurrent queue
        dispatch_after(_nextFreshnessTime, dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
            NSError *error = nil;
            bool success = [ pullUpdates:&error];

            dispatch_async(self->_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
                [self waitForSyncDone: success error: error];

- (void) waitForSyncDone: (bool) success error: (NSError*) error{
    if (success) {
        const uint64_t delayBeforeCallingAgainInSeconds = 5ull * NSEC_PER_SEC;
        _nextFreshnessTime  = dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, delayBeforeCallingAgainInSeconds);

    secnoticeq("fresh", "%s Completing WFS", kWAIT2MINID);
    [_freshnessCompletions enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(FreshnessResponseBlock _Nonnull block,
                                                        NSUInteger idx,
                                                        BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
        block(success, error);
    [_freshnessCompletions removeAllObjects];


// MARK: ----- KVS key lists -----

- (NSMutableSet *)copyAllKeyInterests
    NSMutableSet *allKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithSet: _alwaysKeys];
    [allKeys unionSet: _firstUnlockKeys];
    [allKeys unionSet: _unlockedKeys];
    return allKeys;

    if (keyparms == nil)

    NSArray *alwaysArray = [keyparms valueForKey: kKeyAlwaysKeys];
    NSArray *firstUnlockedKeysArray = [keyparms valueForKey: kKeyFirstUnlockKeys];
    NSArray *whenUnlockedKeysArray = [keyparms valueForKey: kKeyUnlockedKeys];
        [_alwaysKeys unionSet: [NSMutableSet setWithArray: alwaysArray]];
        [_firstUnlockKeys unionSet: [NSMutableSet setWithArray: firstUnlockedKeysArray]];
        [_unlockedKeys unionSet: [NSMutableSet setWithArray: whenUnlockedKeysArray]];

- (void)removeKeys: (NSArray*)keys forAccount: (NSString*) accountUUID
    secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "removeKeys: keys: %@", keys);
    // We only reset when we know the ID and they send the ID and it changes.
    bool newAccount = accountUUID != nil && self.accountUUID != nil && ![accountUUID isEqualToString: self.accountUUID];
        secnotice(XPROXYSCOPE, "not removing keys, account UUID is for a new account");
    [keys enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(NSString*  _Nonnull key, NSUInteger idx, BOOL * _Nonnull stop) {
        secnotice(XPROXYSCOPE, "removing from KVS store: %@", key);
        [ removeObjectForKey:key];

- (void)registerKeys: (NSDictionary*)keys forAccount: (NSString*) accountUUID
    secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "registerKeys: keys: %@", keys);

    // We only reset when we know the ID and they send the ID and it changes.
    bool newAccount = accountUUID != nil && self.accountUUID != nil && ![accountUUID isEqualToString: self.accountUUID];

    if (accountUUID) {
        self.accountUUID = accountUUID;

    // If we're a new account we don't exclude the old keys
    NSMutableSet *allOldKeys = newAccount ? [NSMutableSet set] : [self copyAllKeyInterests];

    NSDictionary *keyparms = [keys valueForKey: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: kMessageKeyParameter]];
    NSDictionary *circles = [keys valueForKey: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: kMessageCircle]];
    NSDictionary *messages = [keys valueForKey: [NSString stringWithUTF8String: kMessageMessage]];
    _alwaysKeys = [NSMutableSet set];
    _firstUnlockKeys = [NSMutableSet set];
    _unlockedKeys = [NSMutableSet set];

    [self registerAtTimeKeys: keyparms];
    [self registerAtTimeKeys: circles];
    [self registerAtTimeKeys: messages];

    NSMutableSet *allNewKeys = [self copyAllKeyInterests];
    // Make sure keys we no longer care about are not pending
    [_pendingKeys intersectSet:allNewKeys];
    if (_shadowPendingKeys) {
        [_shadowPendingKeys intersectSet:allNewKeys];

    // All new keys only is new keys (remove old keys)
    [allNewKeys minusSet:allOldKeys];

    // Mark new keys pending, they're new!
    NSMutableSet *newKeysForCurrentLockState = [self pendKeysAndGetNewlyPended:allNewKeys];

    [self persistState]; // Before we might call out, save our state so we recover if we crash
    [self intersectWithCurrentLockState: newKeysForCurrentLockState];
    // TODO: Don't processPendingKeysForCurrentLockState if none of the new keys have values.
    if ([newKeysForCurrentLockState count] != 0) {
        [self processPendingKeysForCurrentLockState];

// MARK: ----- Event Handling -----

- (void)_queue_handleNotification:(const char *) name

    if (strcmp(name, kNotifyTokenForceUpdate)==0) {
        // DEBUG -- Possibly remove in future
        [self _queue_processAllItems];
    } else if (strcmp(name, kCloudKeychainStorechangeChangeNotification)==0) {
        // DEBUG -- Possibly remove in future
        [self _queue_kvsStoreChange];

- (void)_queue_storeKeysChanged: (NSSet<NSString*>*) changedKeys initial: (bool) initial

    // Mark that our store is talking to us, so we don't have to make up for missing anything previous.
    _seenKVSStoreChange = YES;

    // Unmark them as pending as they have just changed and we'll process them.
    [_pendingKeys minusSet:changedKeys];

    // Only send values that we're currently interested in.
    NSSet *keysOfInterestThatChanged = [self pendKeysAndGetPendingForCurrentLockState:changedKeys];
    NSMutableDictionary *changedValues = [self copyValues:keysOfInterestThatChanged];
    if (initial)
        changedValues[(__bridge NSString*)kSOSKVSInitialSyncKey] =  @"true";

    secnotice("event", "%@ keysChangedInCloud: %@ keysOfInterest: %@ initial: %@",
              [[changedKeys allObjects] componentsJoinedByString: @" "],
              [[changedValues allKeys] componentsJoinedByString: @" "],
              initial ? @"YES" : @"NO");

    if ([changedValues count])
        [self processKeyChangedEvent:changedValues];

- (void)_queue_storeAccountChanged

    secnotice("event", "%@", self);

    NSDictionary *changedValues = nil;
        changedValues = @{ (__bridge NSString*)kSOSKVSAccountChangedKey: _dsid };
        changedValues = @{ (__bridge NSString*)kSOSKVSAccountChangedKey: @"true" };

    [self processKeyChangedEvent:changedValues];

- (void) doAfterFlush: (dispatch_block_t) block
    //Flush any pending communication to Securityd.
        dispatch_async(_calloutQueue, block);
        _shadowFlushBlock = block;

- (void) calloutWith: (void(^)(NSSet *pending, NSSet* pendingSyncIDs, NSSet* pendingBackupSyncIDs, bool ensurePeerRegistration, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^done)(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError* error))) callout
    // In CKDKVSProxy's serial queue

    // dispatch_get_global_queue - well-known global concurrent queue
    // dispatch_get_main_queue   - default queue that is bound to the main thread
    dispatch_async(_calloutQueue, ^{
        __block NSSet *myPending;
        __block NSSet *mySyncPeerIDs;
        __block NSSet *mySyncBackupPeerIDs;
        __block bool myEnsurePeerRegistration;
        __block bool wasLocked;
        dispatch_sync(self->_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
            myPending = [self->_pendingKeys copy];
            mySyncPeerIDs = [self->_pendingSyncPeerIDs copy];
            mySyncBackupPeerIDs = [self->_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs copy];

            myEnsurePeerRegistration = self->_ensurePeerRegistration;
            wasLocked = [self.lockMonitor locked];

            self->_inCallout = YES;

            self->_shadowPendingKeys = [NSMutableSet set];
            self->_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet set];
            self->_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = [NSMutableSet set];

        callout(myPending, mySyncPeerIDs, mySyncBackupPeerIDs, myEnsurePeerRegistration, self->_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError* failure) {
            secdebug("event", "%@ %s%s before callout handled: %s%s", self,
                     ![mySyncPeerIDs isEmpty] || ![mySyncBackupPeerIDs isEmpty] ? "S" : "s",
                     myEnsurePeerRegistration ? "E" : "e",
                     ![handledKeys isEmpty] ? "S" : "s",
                     handledEnsurePeerRegistration ? "E" : "e");
            // In CKDKVSProxy's serial queue
            self->_inCallout = NO;

            // Update ensurePeerRegistration
            self->_ensurePeerRegistration = ((self->_ensurePeerRegistration && !handledEnsurePeerRegistration) || self->_shadowEnsurePeerRegistration);
            self->_shadowEnsurePeerRegistration = NO;
            if(self->_ensurePeerRegistration && ![self.lockMonitor locked])
                [self doEnsurePeerRegistration];

            bool hadShadowPeerIDs = ![self->_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs isEmpty] || ![self->_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs isEmpty];

            // Update SyncWithPeers stuff.
            if (handledSyncs) {
                [self->_pendingSyncPeerIDs minusSet: handledSyncs];
                [self->_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs minusSet: handledSyncs];

                if (![handledSyncs isEmpty]) {
                    secnotice("sync-ids", "handled syncIDs: %@", [handledSyncs logIDs]);
                    secnotice("sync-ids", "remaining peerIDs: %@", [self->_pendingSyncPeerIDs logIDs]);
                    secnotice("sync-ids", "remaining backupIDs: %@", [self->_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs logIDs]);

                    if (hadShadowPeerIDs) {
                        secnotice("sync-ids", "signaled peerIDs: %@", [self->_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs logIDs]);
                        secnotice("sync-ids", "signaled backupIDs: %@", [self->_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs logIDs]);

                self->_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs = nil;
                self->_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs = nil;

            // Update pendingKeys and handle them
            [self->_pendingKeys removeObject: [NSNull null]]; // Don't let NULL hang around

            [self->_pendingKeys minusSet: handledKeys];
            bool hadShadowPendingKeys = [self->_shadowPendingKeys count];
            // Move away shadownPendingKeys first, because pendKeysAndGetPendingForCurrentLockState
            // will look at them. See rdar://problem/20733166.
            NSSet *oldShadowPendingKeys = self->_shadowPendingKeys;
            self->_shadowPendingKeys = nil;

            NSSet *filteredKeys = [self pendKeysAndGetPendingForCurrentLockState:oldShadowPendingKeys];

            secnoticeq("keytrace", "%@ account handled: %@ pending: %@", self,
                       [[handledKeys allObjects] componentsJoinedByString: @" "],
                       [[filteredKeys allObjects] componentsJoinedByString: @" "]);

            // Write state to disk
            [self persistState];

            // Handle shadow pended stuff

            // We only kick off another sync if we got new stuff during handling
            if (hadShadowPeerIDs && ![self.lockMonitor locked])
                [self newPeersToSyncWith];

            /* We don't want to call processKeyChangedEvent if we failed to
             handle pending keys and the device didn't unlock nor receive
             any kvs changes while we were in our callout.
             Doing so will lead to securityd and CloudKeychainProxy
             talking to each other forever in a tight loop if securityd
             repeatedly returns an error processing the same message.
             Instead we leave any old pending keys until the next event. */
            if (hadShadowPendingKeys || (![self.lockMonitor locked] && wasLocked)){
                [self processKeyChangedEvent:[self copyValues:filteredKeys]];
                if(self->_shadowFlushBlock != NULL)
                    secerror("Flush block is not null and sending new keys");

            if(self->_shadowFlushBlock != NULL){
                dispatch_async(self->_calloutQueue, self->_shadowFlushBlock);
                self->_shadowFlushBlock = NULL;

            if (failure) {
                [self.lockMonitor recheck];

- (void) sendKeysCallout: (NSSet *(^)(NSSet* pending, NSError** error)) handleKeys {
    [self calloutWith: ^(NSSet *pending, NSSet* pendingSyncIDs, NSSet* pendingBackupSyncIDs, bool ensurePeerRegistration, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^done)(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError* error)) {
        NSError* error = NULL;

        secnotice("CloudKeychainProxy", "send keys: %@", pending);
        NSSet * handled = handleKeys(pending, &error);

        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            if (!handled) {
                secerror("%@ ensurePeerRegistration failed: %@", self, error);

            done(handled, nil, NO, error);

- (void) doEnsurePeerRegistration
    NSObject<CKDAccount>* accountDelegate = [self account];
    [self calloutWith:^(NSSet *pending, NSSet* pendingSyncIDs, NSSet* pendingBackupSyncIDs, bool ensurePeerRegistration, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^done)(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError* error)) {
        NSError* error = nil;
        bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration = [accountDelegate ensurePeerRegistration:&error];
        secnotice("EnsurePeerRegistration", "%@ ensurePeerRegistration called, %@ (%@)", self, handledEnsurePeerRegistration ? @"success" : @"failure", error);
        if (!handledEnsurePeerRegistration) {
            [self.lockMonitor recheck];
            handledEnsurePeerRegistration = ![self.lockMonitor locked]; // If we're unlocked we handled it, if we're locked we didn't.
                                                              // This means we get to fail once per unlock and then cut that spinning out.
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            done(nil, nil, handledEnsurePeerRegistration, error);

- (void) doSyncWithPendingPeers
    NSObject<CKDAccount>* accountDelegate = [self account];
    [self calloutWith:^(NSSet *pending, NSSet* pendingSyncIDs, NSSet* pendingBackupSyncIDs, bool ensurePeerRegistration, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^done)(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError* error)) {
        NSError* error = NULL;
        secnotice("syncwith", "%@ syncwith peers: %@", self, [[pendingSyncIDs allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@" "]);
        secnotice("syncwith", "%@ syncwith backups: %@", self, [[pendingBackupSyncIDs allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@" "]);
        NSSet<NSString*>* handled = [accountDelegate syncWithPeers:pendingSyncIDs backups:pendingBackupSyncIDs error:&error];
        secnotice("syncwith", "%@ syncwith handled: %@", self, [[handled allObjects] componentsJoinedByString:@" "]);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            if (!handled) {
                // We might be confused about lock state
                [self.lockMonitor recheck];

            done(nil, handled, false, error);

- (void) doSyncWithAllPeers
    NSObject<CKDAccount>* accountDelegate = [self account];
    [self calloutWith:^(NSSet *pending, NSSet* pendingSyncIDs, NSSet* pendingBackupSyncIDs, bool ensurePeerRegistration, dispatch_queue_t queue, void(^done)(NSSet *handledKeys, NSSet *handledSyncs, bool handledEnsurePeerRegistration, NSError*error)) {
        NSError* error = NULL;
        bool handled = [accountDelegate syncWithAllPeers:&error];
        if (!handled) {
            secerror("Failed to syncWithAllPeers: %@", error);
        dispatch_async(queue, ^{
            done(nil, nil, false, error);

- (void)newPeersToSyncWith
    secnotice("event", "%@ syncWithPeersPending: %d inCallout: %d isLocked: %d", self, [self hasPendingSyncIDs], _inCallout, [self.lockMonitor locked]);
        [self doEnsurePeerRegistration];
    if ([self hasPendingSyncIDs] && !_inCallout && ![self.lockMonitor locked]){
        [self doSyncWithPendingPeers];

- (bool)hasPendingNonShadowSyncIDs {
    return ![_pendingSyncPeerIDs isEmpty] || ![_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs isEmpty];

- (bool)hasPendingShadowSyncIDs {
    return (_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs && ![_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs isEmpty]) ||
    (_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs && ![_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs isEmpty]);

- (bool)hasPendingSyncIDs
    bool pendingIDs = [self hasPendingNonShadowSyncIDs];

    if (_inCallout) {
        pendingIDs |= [self hasPendingShadowSyncIDs];

    return pendingIDs;

- (void)requestSyncWithPeerIDs: (NSArray<NSString*>*) peerIDs backupPeerIDs: (NSArray<NSString*>*) backupPeerIDs
    if ([peerIDs count] == 0 && [backupPeerIDs count] == 0)
        return; // Nothing to do;

    NSSet<NSString*>* peerIDsSet = [NSSet setWithArray: peerIDs];
    NSSet<NSString*>* backupPeerIDsSet = [NSSet setWithArray: backupPeerIDs];

    [_pendingSyncPeerIDs unionSet: peerIDsSet];
    [_pendingSyncBackupPeerIDs unionSet: backupPeerIDsSet];

    if (_inCallout) {
        [_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs unionSet: peerIDsSet];
        [_shadowPendingSyncBackupPeerIDs unionSet: backupPeerIDsSet];

    [self persistState];

        [self doEnsurePeerRegistration];
    if ([self hasPendingSyncIDs] && !_inCallout && ![self.lockMonitor locked]){
        [self doSyncWithPendingPeers];

- (BOOL)hasSyncPendingFor: (NSString*) peerID {
    return [_pendingSyncPeerIDs containsObject: peerID] ||
    (_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs && [_shadowPendingSyncPeerIDs containsObject: peerID]);

- (BOOL)hasPendingKey: (NSString*) keyName {
    return [self.pendingKeys containsObject: keyName]
        || (_shadowPendingKeys && [self.shadowPendingKeys containsObject: keyName]);

- (void)requestEnsurePeerRegistration
#if !defined(NDEBUG)
    NSString *desc = [self description];
    if (_inCallout) {
        _shadowEnsurePeerRegistration = YES;
    } else {
        _ensurePeerRegistration = YES;
        if (![self.lockMonitor locked]){
            [self doEnsurePeerRegistration];
        [self persistState];
    secdebug("event", "%@ %@", desc, self);

- (void)_queue_locked

    secnotice("event", "%@ Locked", self);

- (void)_queue_unlocked

    secnotice("event", "%@ Unlocked", self);
    if (_ensurePeerRegistration) {
        [self doEnsurePeerRegistration];
    // First send changed keys to securityd so it can proccess updates
    [self processPendingKeysForCurrentLockState];
    // Then, tickle securityd to perform a sync if needed.
    if ([self hasPendingSyncIDs]) {
        [self doSyncWithPendingPeers];

- (void) _queue_kvsStoreChange {

    os_activity_initiate("kvsStoreChange", OS_ACTIVITY_FLAG_DEFAULT, ^{
        if (!self->_seenKVSStoreChange) {
            secnotice("event", "%@ received darwin notification before first NSNotification", self);
            // TODO This might not be needed if we always get the NSNotification
            // deleived even if we were launched due to a kvsStoreChange
            // Send all keys for current lock state to securityd so it can proccess them
            [self pendKeysAndGetNewlyPended: [self copyAllKeyInterests]];
            [self processPendingKeysForCurrentLockState];
        } else {
            secdebug("event", "%@ ignored, waiting for NSNotification", self);

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark XPCNotificationListener

- (void)handleNotification:(const char *) name
    // sync because we cannot ensure the lifetime of name
    dispatch_sync(_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
        [self _queue_handleNotification:name];

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark Calls from -[CKDKVSStore kvsStoreChanged:]

- (void)storeKeysChanged: (NSSet<NSString*>*) changedKeys initial: (bool) initial
    // sync, caller must wait to ensure correct state
    dispatch_sync(_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
        [self _queue_storeKeysChanged:changedKeys initial:initial];

- (void)storeAccountChanged
    // sync, caller must wait to ensure correct state
    dispatch_sync(_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
        [self _queue_storeAccountChanged];

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark CKDLockListener

- (void) locked
    // sync, otherwise tests fail
    dispatch_sync(_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
        [self _queue_locked];

- (void) unlocked
    // sync, otherwise tests fail
    dispatch_sync(_ckdkvsproxy_queue, ^{
        [self _queue_unlocked];

// MARK: ----- Key Filtering -----

- (NSSet*) keysForCurrentLockState
    secdebug("filtering", "%@ Filtering: unlockedSinceBoot: %d\n unlocked: %d\n, keysOfInterest: <%@>", self, (int) [self.lockMonitor unlockedSinceBoot], (int) ![self.lockMonitor locked], [self.persistentData compactDescription]);

    NSMutableSet *currentStateKeys = [NSMutableSet setWithSet: _alwaysKeys];
    if ([self.lockMonitor unlockedSinceBoot])
        [currentStateKeys unionSet: _firstUnlockKeys];
    if (![self.lockMonitor locked])
        [currentStateKeys unionSet: _unlockedKeys];
    return currentStateKeys;

- (NSMutableSet*) pendKeysAndGetNewlyPended: (NSSet*) keysToPend
    NSMutableSet *filteredKeysToPend = [self copyAllKeyInterests];
    [filteredKeysToPend intersectSet: keysToPend];
    NSMutableSet *newlyPendedKeys = [filteredKeysToPend mutableCopy];
    [newlyPendedKeys minusSet: _pendingKeys];
    if (_shadowPendingKeys) {
        [newlyPendedKeys minusSet: _shadowPendingKeys];
    if (_shadowPendingKeys) {
        [_shadowPendingKeys unionSet:filteredKeysToPend];
        [_pendingKeys unionSet:filteredKeysToPend];
    return newlyPendedKeys;

- (void) intersectWithCurrentLockState: (NSMutableSet*) set
    [set intersectSet: [self keysForCurrentLockState]];

- (NSMutableSet*) pendingKeysForCurrentLockState
    NSMutableSet * result = [_pendingKeys mutableCopy];
    [self intersectWithCurrentLockState:result];
    return result;

- (NSMutableSet*) pendKeysAndGetPendingForCurrentLockState: (NSSet*) startingSet
    [self pendKeysAndGetNewlyPended: startingSet];
    return [self pendingKeysForCurrentLockState];

- (NSMutableDictionary *)copyValues:(NSSet*)keysOfInterest
    // Grab values from store.
    NSObject<CKDStore> *store = [self store];
    NSMutableDictionary *changedValues = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:0];
    [keysOfInterest enumerateObjectsUsingBlock:^(id obj, BOOL *stop)
         NSString* key = (NSString*) obj;
         id objval = [store objectForKey:key];
         if (!objval) objval = [NSNull null];
         [changedValues setObject:objval forKey:key];
         secdebug(XPROXYSCOPE, "%@ storeChanged updated value for %@", self, key);
    return changedValues;

 During RegisterKeys, separate keys-of-interest into three disjoint sets:
 - keys that we always want to be notified about; this means we can get the
 value at any time
 - keys that require the device to have been unlocked at least once
 - keys that require the device to be unlocked now
 Typically, the sets of keys will be:
 - Dk: alwaysKeys
 - Ck: firstUnlock
 - Ak: unlocked
 The caller is responsible for making sure that the keys in e.g. alwaysKeys are
 values that can be handled at any time (that is, not when unlocked)
 Each time we get a notification from ubiquity that keys have changed, we need to
 see if anything of interest changed. If we don't care, then done.
 For each key-of-interest that changed, we either notify the client that things
 changed, or add it to a pendingNotifications list. If the notification to the
 client fails, also add it to the pendingNotifications list. This pending list
 should be written to persistent storage and consulted any time we either get an
 item changed notification, or get a stream event signalling a change in lock state.
 We can notify the client either through XPC if a connection is set up, or call a
 routine in securityd to launch it.

- (void)processKeyChangedEvent:(NSDictionary *)changedValues
    NSMutableDictionary* filtered = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];

    secnotice("processKeyChangedEvent", "changedValues:%@", changedValues);
    NSMutableArray* nullKeys = [NSMutableArray array];
    // Remove nulls because we don't want them in securityd.
    [changedValues enumerateKeysAndObjectsUsingBlock:^(id key, id obj, BOOL *stop) {
        if (obj == [NSNull null]){
            [nullKeys addObject:key];
            filtered[key] = obj;
    if ([nullKeys count])
        [_pendingKeys minusSet: [NSSet setWithArray: nullKeys]];
    if([filtered count] != 0 ) {
        [self sendKeysCallout:^NSSet *(NSSet *pending, NSError** error) {
            secnotice("processing keys", "pending:%@", pending);
            NSError *updateError = nil;
            return [[self account] keysChanged: filtered error: &updateError];
    } else {
        secnoticeq("keytrace", "%@ null: %@ pending: %@", self,
                  [nullKeys componentsJoinedByString: @" "],
                  [[_pendingKeys allObjects] componentsJoinedByString: @" "]);

- (void) processPendingKeysForCurrentLockState
    [self processKeyChangedEvent: [self copyValues: [self pendingKeysForCurrentLockState]]];
