cryptohi.h   [plain text]

 * crypto.h - public data structures and prototypes for the crypto library
 * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public
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 * implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is the Netscape security libraries.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Netscape
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 * Copyright (C) 1994-2000 Netscape Communications Corporation.  All
 * Rights Reserved.
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 * GPL.

#ifndef _CRYPTOHI_H_
#define _CRYPTOHI_H_

#include <security_asn1/seccomon.h>
#include <Security/SecCmsBase.h>


** Signature creation operations

** Sign a single block of data using private key encryption and given
** signature/hash algorithm.
**	"result" the final signature data (memory is allocated)
**	"buf" the input data to sign
**	"len" the amount of data to sign
**	"pk" the private key to encrypt with
**	"algid" the signature/hash algorithm to sign with 
**		(must be compatible with the key type).
extern SECStatus SEC_SignData(SecAsn1Item *result, unsigned char *buf, int len,
			     SecPrivateKeyRef pk, SECOidTag digAlgTag, SECOidTag sigAlgTag);

** Sign a pre-digested block of data using private key encryption, encoding
**  The given signature/hash algorithm.
**	"result" the final signature data (memory is allocated)
**	"digest" the digest to sign
**	"pk" the private key to encrypt with
**	"algtag" The algorithm tag to encode (need for RSA only)
extern SECStatus SGN_Digest(SecPrivateKeyRef privKey,
                SECOidTag digAlgTag, SECOidTag sigAlgTag, SecAsn1Item *result, SecAsn1Item *digest);

** Signature verification operations

** Verify the signature on a block of data for which we already have
** the digest. The signature data is an RSA private key encrypted
** block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
** 	"dig" the digest
** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
**	"algid" specifies the signing algorithm to use.  This must match
**	    the key type.
extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyDigest(SecAsn1Item *dig, SecPublicKeyRef key,
				  SecAsn1Item *sig, SECOidTag digAlgTag, SECOidTag sigAlgTag, void *wincx);

** Verify the signature on a block of data. The signature data is an RSA
** private key encrypted block of data formatted according to PKCS#1.
** 	"buf" the input data
** 	"len" the length of the input data
** 	"key" the public key to check the signature with
** 	"sig" the encrypted signature data
**	"algid" specifies the signing algorithm to use.  This must match
**	    the key type.
extern SECStatus VFY_VerifyData(unsigned char *buf, int len,
				SecPublicKeyRef key, SecAsn1Item *sig,
				SECOidTag digAlgTag, SECOidTag sigAlgTag, void *wincx);

extern SECStatus WRAP_PubWrapSymKey(SecPublicKeyRef publickey,
				    SecSymmetricKeyRef bulkkey,
				    SecAsn1Item * encKey);

extern SecSymmetricKeyRef WRAP_PubUnwrapSymKey(SecPrivateKeyRef privkey, const SecAsn1Item *encKey, SECOidTag bulkalgtag);


#endif /* _CRYPTOHI_H_ */